Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
As an international student in the United States, I originally had very little plans to stay and work in the States after graduation. Not because I didn't want to, but mostly because I thought navigating all the visa stuff and living far away from my...
Introduction JavaScript is a versatile programming language that employs various techniques to handle asynchronous operations. One of the essential concepts in JavaScript for managing asynchronous code is callback functions. In this blog post, we wil...
Hi everyone, today we will be looking into what promises are, .then(), .catch() methods and why async await is a better option. When we are dealing with simple types in javascript such as strings and numbers, our code executes sequentially. We can ...
There is more art than science to creating a product vision statement. Check out some examples of product vision statements that drive the development of real-world products. The post What is a product vision' Definition, template, and examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Love them or hate them, product roadmaps are an integral part of any PM's job. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to build one and provide a template you can use to build your own roadmaps. The post Guide to building a product roadmap (with template and examples) appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Introduction In the world of JavaScript programming, understanding asynchronous operations and how they interact with the event loop is crucial for building efficient and responsive applications. In this blog post, we will dive deep into the concepts...
Introduction: To begin, I would like to provide some context about my educational background, as I come from a lesser-known BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) program, which is a three-year program often overlooked in comparison to more familiar...
The .. operator in Dart is called the cascade operator. It is used to chain together multiple methods calls on the same object. For example, the following code: class Person { String' name; int' age; Person({, this.age}); void setN...
As a researcher in a company, I often want to try some new method of research. In most cases I find ready-made solutions on the market, but they are usually not cheap. Companies are not always willing to pay for research software right away for the s...
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Comparing two arrays is one of the widely used and most important challenges you might face in programming. There are many ways to do this, but we are going to learn the easiest and fastest ways. 1. Using loops Of course, the first way would be loopi...
Introduction:JavaScript Proxy is a versatile feature introduced in ECMAScript 2015 that revolutionizes object manipulation and customization. By acting as a powerful intermediary, a Proxy enables developers to intercept and control fundamental operat...
Les LLM, Large Language Models, sont à la base des nouvelles solutions d'IAG, IA Générative, telles que ChatGPT. Concernant les IAG, je vous renvoie à deux billets récents que j'ai publié sur mon blog. Les LLM ne sont utilisés que...
React.js y Next.js son dos frameworks populares utilizados en el desarrollo web. Mientras que React.js se enfoca en construir interfaces de usuario interactivas, Next.js extiende las capacidades de React.js para desarrollar aplicaciones web completas...
La nouvelle version 10.0.0 de Qi, un outil open source de gestion de l'état des jeux de plateau, est maintenant disponible. Qi présente plusieurs caractéristiques : Indépendance du jeu : Qi peut représenter les états des jeux de plateau, qu'il s'agisse d'échecs, de makruk, de shogi ou de xiangqi. Représentation flexible : Qi enregistre l'état du jeu, y compris les pièces en jeu, [...]
We trained ChatGPT on our content and turned our website into a chatbot so you can explore, experiment and learn more about search marketing. The post We turned Search Engine Land into a chatbot appeared first on Search Engine Land.
The browser war of the 1990s may not appear significant to those who never saw the events unfold firsthand, but it changed the world drastically. Microsoft and Netscape went head-to-head in trying to capture market share for web browsers with Interne...
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Introduction HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the foundation of every web page. It provides the structure and content for websites. Whether you're a beginner learning HTML or an experienced developer in need of a quick reference, having an HTML ch...
Les ordinateurs quantiques pourraient servir de « voie rapide » pour explorer les différentes versions de nous-mêmes dans le multivers. John Mulaney, … Cet article Ordinateur quantique : votre conscience bientôt téléchargée ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Sorting algorithms play a crucial role in programming. While there are several well-known sorting algorithms available, sorting an array that contains only three distinct elements poses an interesting challenge. The Dutch National Flag problem, named...
Introduction JavaScript, known as JS for short, is one of the most popular programming languages. It is mainly used for creating web applications and almost all websites today are built with JavaScript. JavaScript can also be used for server-side ren...
What we'll cover What are operators Unary vs Binary operators Arithmetic operators and Logical operators Operator precedence and associativity What are operators In JavaScript, the operator is a built-in function. We cannot access the conten...
Améliorez les performances de votre ordinateur équipé de Windows 11 ou 10 tout en préservant l’interface et les fonctionnalités. À … Cet article Windows : 12 astuces pour accélérer votre ordinateur a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
- L'IA générative boutée des prétoires US. La semaine dernière, un avocat a présenté devant (...)
class UndergroundSystem: def __init__(self): = {} self.pending = {} def checkIn(self, id: int, stationName: str, t: int) -> None: self.pending[id] = [stationName, t] def checkOut(self, id: int, station...
La semaine dernière, Cisco a corrigé plusieurs vulnérabilités affectant divers modèles de commutateurs pour petites (...)
Livre Blanc Comment répondre aux enjeux de l’industrie 4.0 ' Révolutionnez votre automatisation. Un guide complet des dernières avancées en … Cet article Livre Blanc : Comment répondre aux enjeux de l’industrie 4.0 ' Révolutionnez votre automatisation. a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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Outline: Introduction Prerequisites Understanding the project Setting up the Project 3.1 Step 1 - Let's Get the HTML Structure Sorted 3.2 Step 2 - Let's Make It Look Good with Some CSS Magic 3.3 Step 3 - Time to Add Some JavaScript Wizardry 3...
While hard coding is okay for ad-hoc testing in a data science project, it can lead to issues related to maintainability, reusability, and security as the codebase and team grow. In this video, you will learn how to use configuration files and Hydra to avoid hard coding and enhance the flexibility of your code. The post Stop Hard Coding in a Data Science Project – Use Config Files Instead ap [...]
Mieux vaut tard que jamais. Barracuda a annoncé la correction d'une vulnérabilité de type zero day dont les premières (...)
Online instructions for drawing CZT® Hiromi Fukuoka's Zentangle® pattern: Mooleaf. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
Guerilla usability testing is an informal and cost-effective way to get candid feedback from real users. Here's how to use it. The post How to get candid answers with guerilla usability testing appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In project management, the iron triangle refers to the interrelationship between three primary forces in a project: scope, cost, and time. The post The iron triangle in project management: Definition, strategies, and examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Open source communities thrive on diverse perspectives and contributions from their members. However, underrepresented individuals often face unique challenges that make it difficult for them to authentically participate in these communities. In this article, we will explore the importance of creating safe spaces for underrepresented individuals in open source communities. We will also share best [...]
Le 16 mai 2023 s'est tenu un nouvel épisode des Comptoirs OCTO, suite à une réalisation d'OCTO Technology chez Wakam : continuous delivery et continuous discovery pour construire l'assurance de demain. Voici son descriptif : Wakam a comme ambition de réinventer le métier de l'assurance en y introduisant plus de transparence et de sécurisation via […] L'article Compte-rendu du Comptoir [...]
Vous connaissez cette frustration de travailler sur un projet et de ne pas savoir pourquoi une décision technique a été prise ou de subir les… L'article Clarifiez les décisions techniques avec les ADRs est apparu en premier sur Code Heroes.
With Plotly, you can control almost every aspect of your graph layout, from setting the x and y labels to configuring the thickness of the plot lines. But this often results in verbose code. Plotly Express takes away that verbosity. What is Plotly Ex...
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Massive congratulations to SILENCIO for winning Site of the Month April with SILENCIO - DIGITAL PRODUCTS, thanks for all the votes and tweets, check the...
Les sites Salesforce désactivés de manière inappropriée et non maintenus sont vulnérables aux acteurs malveillants qui (...)
La résiliation des contrats dans un environnement électronique constitue une problématique rencontrée régulièrement par tous les artisans de la digitalisation des processus de souscription en ligne. En effet, si souvent la conclusion des contrats est particulièrement détaillée dans les cahiers des charges, leur exécution mais aussi leur résiliation restent négligées, voire omises. C'e [...]
Dans le cadre du Web2day, les experts Marie Crappe et Didier Girard sont revenus sur l'évolution de l'IA générative et ses perspectives.
Contenido Clases Objetos Atributos Métodos La Programación Orientada a Objetos (POO) es un paradigma de programación que se basa en el concepto de "objetos" que interactúan entre sí para resolver problemas. Python, uno de los lenguajes de progr...
La nuit de mardi dernier a été longue pour les équipes de Free Pro et pour ses clients. En effet, vers 22 heures hier, une fuite sur (...)
The changes to the YouTube Shopping ad and Discovery products ad requirements aim to clarify policies and enforcement procedures. The post Google modifies shopping ads policies to enhance transparency appeared first on Search Engine Land.
La jeune pousse française Zeliq lève 5 millions d'euros en pré-amorçage pour lancer la commercialisation de sa plateforme de gestion de la prospection client, qui automatise au maximum cette tâche difficile par l'IA pour faire gagner du temps aux commerciaux et améliorer leurs taux de conversion.
Pour trouver le meilleur site de sextoys en 2023, il est essentiel de prendre en […] Cet article Quel est le meilleur site de sextoys en 2023 ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Introduction: Hey there, I'm Varsha D R, a second-year computer science student at M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. In this blog, I want to take you on a personal journey of my discovery and growth in the world of open source. What is Open...
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Entre février et avril, le fabricant américain a accusé un repli de 39% de ses ventes d'ordinateurs aux particuliers. Il anticipe une amélioration à la rentrée.
In this article, we'll explore using Stylelint plugins to help us adopt and enforce defensive and logical CSS practices. The post Linting defensive and logical CSS with Stylelint plugins appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Product managers are frequently expected to create flawless, seamless products, but it's crucial to remember that PMs are humans too. The post An honest guide to making mistakes as a product manager appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
L'écosystème de la French Tech a connu des jours meilleurs. Après une année 2021 fleurissante, celle qui a suivi a été (...)
En tension, le métier de consultant ERP demande des compétences techniques poussées. Dans ce contexte, l'école d'ingénierie (...)
Dans l'ombre des annonces autour de l'IA générative, le métavers n'a pas été oublié par Microsoft (...)
To integrate advanced language models with scikit-learn for enhanced text analysis tasks, use Scikit-LLM. Scikit-LLM’s ZeroShotGPTClassifier enables text classification on unseen classes without requiring re-training. Link to Scikit-LLM. The post Scikit-LLM: Supercharge Text Analysis with ChatGPT and scikit-learn Integration appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
Overview Capture a list of available AWS AMIs for a specified region and OS version with my latest boto3 script. This Python script will output a color-coded table listing AMIs that have been released within the last 30 days with the owner alias set ...
I was developing a blog site. And I knew if I used the setState function in useEffect it could cause an error but I did not know how to fix it. I was fetching data in useEffect to display the page with its respective data and I also used dynamic rout...
Factors determining good code Two major characteristics of a good code are:- Readability: Readable code is easy to understand and interpret by humans. It follows consistent coding styles, indentation, and formatting conventions. Meaningful variable a...
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Nous sommes à quelques jours de l'éventuelle révélation du prochain casque AR/VR d'Apple (que l'on […] Cet article Des infos juteuses sur les écrans du casque XR Apple fuitent avant la WWDC a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Dans le cadre de notre dossier «'Ils font du SEO'», Kim ZURETTI (CEO chez SEO DES ALPES) a accepté de … Cet article Ils font du SEO | Kim ZURETTI (CEO, SEO DES ALPES) a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
IIFE's full form goes like Immediately Invoked Function Expression & it means the function is invoked at the same place where it is defined. Syntax of IIFE in Javascript (function (){ //performing operations })() From the above syntax, we can in...
Introduction Debugging is an essential skill for any developer, whether you're just starting out or have years of experience. It is the process of finding and fixing errors or bugs in your code. While debugging can be a challenging task, especially f...
We demonstrate how to create, customize, export, and add Lottie animations (including animated logos) to Vue 3 projects. The post Creating animated logos with Lottie and Vue 3 appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Delegation is the act of assigning tasks or responsibilities to another person. By delegating effectively, you can empower your colleagues. The post The art of delegation: Tips, challenges, and best practices appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Here are some early findings from a 30-query mini-study designed to push the limits of Google's generative AI search experience. The post How Google’s Search Generative Experience compares to ChatGPT, Bard, Bing Chat appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Here are some early findings from a 30-query mini-study designed to push the limits of Google's generative AI search experience. The post Test driving Google’s Search Generative Experience appeared first on Search Engine Land.
SenseGlove nous annonce la sortie prochaine de sa dernière innovation en matière de gants à […] Cet article SenseGlove : Ce que nous réserve sa deuxième génération de gants à retour de force haptique a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Le géant taïwanais de la sous-traitance électronique prédit une croissance à trois chiffres sur le marché des serveurs au deuxième semestre.
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Une autre ère s'annonce pour Riverbed avec l'arrivée d'un nouvel actionnaire. En effet, le spécialiste de l'observabilité (...)
Welcome to the follow-up article on enhancing Pokefetch! In this blog, we will dive into error handling in Angular and implement it in our project. Handling errors is crucial for a smooth user experience, especially with external APIs like PokeAPI. W...
console.dir function console.dir shows the element as an object with its properties. innerHTML & outerHTML innerHTML We can use this to even insert HTML. innerHTML property allows to get contents inside HTML in the form of a string. outerHTML ...
When I started learning Data Analysis a few years ago, the first thing I learned was SQL and Pandas. As a data analyst, it is crucial to have a strong foundation in working with SQL and Pandas. Both are powerful tools that help data analysts efficiently analyze and manipulate stored
This new report is designed to help those who have not associated their Search Console Insights property to their Google Analytics property. The post Google Search Console Insights adds your growing content report appeared first on Search Engine Land.
WebProNews An Immutable All-Snap Ubuntu Desktop Is Coming Next Year Ubuntu plans to release an all-snap immutable version of Ubuntu for the desktop, a move that could be a turning point for the Linux distro. An Immutable All-Snap Ubuntu Desktop Is Coming Next Year Matt Milano
Dans le cyber-monde, le deepfake et la réalité augmentée (AR) sont devenus extrêmement populaires. Cette […] Cet article Que se passe-t-il quand le deepfake est combiné à l’AR ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Expanding your B2B portfolio (when it makes sense) can help you beat your competitors and reach your goals. Here's what to consider. The post Diversifying your B2B paid media portfolio: When does it make sense' appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction: In the realm of web design, aesthetics play a crucial role in attracting and engaging users. One of the fundamental aspects that contribute to the visual appeal of a website is the creative use of colors and backgrounds. With CSS (Casca...
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Experience the full article ' Find installation directory of python and pip using Command Prompt | Python and Command Prompt Series » SyntaxSpace
By developing creative responses to the problems consumers face, Python with Machine Learning improves the user experience. You may create a digital platform that generates money by combining two futuristic technologies; The advantages of Python inc...
Le Portugal devrait bannir Huawei de la liste de fournisseurs possibles pour le déploiement du réseau 5G dans le pays, après une recommandation de l'agence nationale de cybersécurité. Le pays rejoindrait la longue série de pays qui, dans le sillage des États-Unis, ont mis sur la touche l'équipementier chinois.
def hello(): print("hello world") What's a function' A function is simply a reusable block of code that you use to perform repetitive tasks. Why use a function over just plain code' Functions save you the stress of having to rethink how to writ...
When we think of coders, we often picture individuals who excel in technical skills and programming languages. While these skills are certainly essential, soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and creativity are also vital for success in ...
Le ministre des Comptes publics, Gabriel Attal, a annoncé cette semaine un plan de lutte contre la fraude sociale. Parmi les mesures annoncées, (...)
Flutter has emerged as a popular framework for building beautiful and performant mobile applications across multiple platforms. However, developing cross-platform apps often comes with challenges such as platform-specific code, varying UI/UX guidelin...
Volonté ou nécessité, entre salarié et indépendant, le changement de statut ne s'improvise pas'! Quel que soit votre niveau professionnel, l'activité freelance requiert des compétences supplémentaires à celles de votre métier. Cet article Comment devenir UX designer freelance'' Checklist en 4 points est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.
Hello World!
Recently, some new Array methods have been introduced. These are not yet supported by all browsers. Array.with() The Array.with() method in JavaScript is used to change the value of a given index in the array, returning a new array with the element...
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What on earth are decorators''' Decorators are used to extract common commands and pack them into a single reusable function. You might wonder if that isn't what a function supposed to do, but it exactly is. Decorators are a bit different because the...
Object-oriented programming revolves around everything being an object which are instances of classes. In Python, everything is an object, with methods. For example, an object of class 'str' has methods like str.upper(), str.lower(). An object of typ...
En 2026, six minibus autonomes devraient transporter gratuitement des passagers dans le centre-ville de Châteauroux sans agent de sécurité à bord. Le projet, baptisé Mach2, est mené par six acteurs français de la mobilité réunis au sein d'un consortium.
SvelteKit Forms SvelteKit forms and endpoints work a little differently to other frameworks, like Astro or Remix, so it is worth taking a detailed look at how to pass form data from the client browser to your app's running server instance. To help h...
Alors que l'agent conversationnel de l'OpenAI a déjà été bloqué en Italie pour des problèmes de protection de la vie … Cet article ChatGPT bientôt interdit en France ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Are you interested in learning Python' Do you want to know how to start with Python' If yes, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will guide you from the basics to advance concepts of Python with a storytelling writing style. So, fast...
Depuis quelques années, de nombreuses initiatives documentent la domination croissante qu'exercent sur nos sociétés une poignée de géants du numérique. Cette hégémonie est-elle un problème'' Discutons-en dans ce premier article d'une série consacrée aux stratégies numériques des organismes sans but lucratif. Commentaires L'article Le numérique est politique et les OSBL auraient rais [...]
Un super article sur comment un dev a divisé par 2 le temps de chargement de Wikipedia, qu'est-ce que le TBT (Total Blocking Time), comment mesurer ce qui prend le plus de temps à charger, et les différentes stratégies pour le réduire. Commentaires L'article Comment un dev a divisé par 2 le temps de chargement de Wikipedia a été posté dans la catégorie Dev. Front de Human Coders News
L'agence de voyages a refusé de verser la rançon réclamée par le groupe de pirates Lockbit. 8000 passeports français sont désormais accessibles sur le darknet.
L'efficacité est une préoccupation récurrente pour les responsables informatiques, mais elle fait l'objet d'une attention accrue en (...)
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La banque JPMorgan Chase développe un service d'IA générative afin de guider ses clients dans leurs choix d'investissement, selon (...)
Increment (++) increment (++) operator '' operand '' +1 '''''''' prefix/postfix ''''''''''''' x++ : x '' 1''''' 1 '''' ++x : x '' 1''''' 1 '''' let a = 5; let b = a++; console.log(a); // Output: 6 console.log(b); // Output: 5 let x = 10; let y =...
Basé à Saint-Jean-De-Moirans, près de Grenoble, le groupe Rossignol est familier de tous les pratiquants de sports d'hiver. Depuis (...)
As I discussed that I will list down the functionalities of the application in my previous blog. You can visit that from here. There will be so many functionalities for this app that's why I have decided to break this application into two parts first...
À l'occasion d'Inbound Marketing France, nous avons interrogé April Dunford, experte reconnue en positionnement de produit.
Do you need a little inspiration boost' Well, then our new batch of desktop wallpapers might be for you. Designed by artists and designers from across the globe, the wallpapers in this post come in versions with and without a calendar for June 2023. Enjoy!
Découvrez Project Q, l’incroyable PlayStation qui révolutionne le monde du jeu vidéo avec sa technologie de Cloud Gaming.Cette nouvelle technologie … Cet article Project Q : une PlayStation portable Cloud Gaming pour défier la Switch a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
In one of my other blog posts, I wrote about reading as a source of learning for a software developer. Now, finally, I've managed to read my first non-beginner book about coding! It was Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code by Martin Fo...
Abondance soutient le Tour de France des agences SEO organisé par Khosi ! 10 agences SEO, 10 villes, 10 jours : c'est le défi que Laura, Victor, Maxime et Virginie se sont lancé. Leur objectif ' Mettre en avant la qualité des agences françaises SEO tout en faisant découvrir le métier de consultant SEO au […] L'article "Digimood à Marseille ' Rencontre au Tour de France des Agen [...]
This is a good example of things are not quite what they seem…Tags: hiring, Washington Post, work
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Découvrez comment l'IA peut grandement améliorer votre productivité dans toutes les applications de la suite Microsoft 365.
Building web software will always include some kind of database access. For this guide, it does not matter, whether the data access is done via SQL or NoSQL, Google Sheets, whatsoever. Since this post is all about the repository pattern. An often enc...
Introduction Welcome to the new article on backend development! Have you ever wondered about the magic happening behind the scenes of a web application' Well, that's where the backend comes into play. It's like the powerhouse that brings together the...
Rencontre avec Alexis Fonteneau, développeur d'applications au sein de Capgemini en mission chez Airbus Helicopters. Il nous explique en quoi consiste son métier, ses missions et son parcours de formation à l'école PMN.
If you are working in any computer science-related field, or studying any course related to computer science, solving complex programming problems is a must-have skill. It is required in most of your day-to-day tasks and activities as a professional....
Today I thought that I should start to make my portfolio and for that, I need some advanced projects to showcase my knowledge about what I know and how I implement my knowledge. For that, I will start with implementing an advanced todo application ba...
As Android developers, we're always looking for ways to improve our workflow. One area that often gets overlooked is the optimization of APK builds. By refining this process, we can reap several benefits, including faster build times, smaller APK siz...
Découvrez 5 formations pour comprendre et utiliser les logiciels de bureautique de Microsoft : Word et Excel.
Material Design is an adaptable system of guidelines, components, and tools that support the best practices of user interface design. Backed by open-source code, Material Design streamlines collaboration between designers and developers, and helps te...
Plaintes cachées, bugs de l’Autopilot et problèmes du Cybertruck : les secrets de Tesla dévoilés par une fuite massive de … Cet article Tesla : plaintes cachées, bugs de l’Autopilot, problèmes du Cybertruck… Que révèle l’énorme fuite de données ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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Dans l'ère numérique actuelle, l'intelligence artificielle est de plus en plus présente, modifiant radicalement la...
Probably, a decade ago it was impossible to play your video or audio inside of your browser without any third-party services such as Flash or Silverlight. You needed to install a plugin and only play your media while using it, so as you can see it wa...
Des chercheurs de l'Université du Kansas ont présenté une nouvelle technique laser + ultrasons, innovante, capable de réduire la plaque d'athérome. Elle vient d'une technique laser assistée par ultrasons capable littéralement de « vaporiser la plaque artérielle ». Au-delà de l'efficacité promise, la technique évite les complications liées à l'utilisation de lasers haute puissance et [...]
Une étude canadienne a confirmé que certains régimes alimentaires étaient associés à un risque plus élevé de cancer de la prostate. L'étude a analysé des profils alimentaires, et non spécifiquement des aliments. « Il n'est pas facile d'isoler le rôle d'un seul nutriment. Par exemple, les aliments riches en vitamine C, comme les agrumes, favorisent l'absorption du fer. [...]
Building a Simple Calculator app. If I want a personal website where I want to showcase my information and projects. This can be developed as a static website where the visitor can see your information. All he can do with that website is visual nothi...
C'est un nouvel espoir dans la lutte contre le cancer chez l'enfant et en particulier dans le traitement de la tumeur cérébrale infantile appelée le 'gliome infiltrant du tronc cérébral' (GITC). Des chercheurs expliquent que la virothérapie, associé à une radiothérapie chez les enfants atteints d'un GITC, a entraîné des modifications de l'activité des lymphocytes, des globules blancs d [...]
Problem Statement:- An underground railway system is keeping track of customer travel times between different stations. They are using this data to calculate the average time it takes to travel from one station to another. Implement the UndergroundSy...
Il s'appelle Charles mais n'a pas l'allure guindée de son homonyme princier britannique. C'est plutôt une baraque, jugez-en : 80 centimètres de côté pour 1,80 m de haut' On est plus proche du réfrigérateur que de la tête couronnée. Ce robot chargeur de voitures d'un nouveau genre devrait débarquer à Strasbourg en octobre prochain dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec Parcus Mobi pour une [...]
Selon l'entreprise, ses lentilles Mojo Lens sont équipées du plus petit écran d'images dynamiques à ce jour. Les Mojo Lens, de leur nom, veulent reproduire l'utilisation qui est faite des lunettes de réalité augmentée, mais de manière plus discrète. Le PDG de l'entreprise, Drew Perkins, pense que, d'ici dix ans, ces lentilles pourraient être largement commercialisées et aider à la réa [...]
The best of last week's big and small data visualizations
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CHIPS Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) is a Privacy Sandbox proposal that will allow developers to opt a cookie into 'partitioned' storage, with separate cookie jars per top-level site. A partitioned third-party cookie is tied to ...
In the wild world of web development, every superhero needs a sidekick. Enter Nginx and Gunicorn, the dynamic duo that brings out the best in Flask, Django, and FastAPI app hosting. Like Batman and Robin or Peanut Butter and Jelly, Nginx and Gunicorn...
Now we are going one step further by introducing Terraform in our workflow to help us build reproducable and idempotent Kubernetes Cluster deployments by defining our infrastructure as code. Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code softwar...
Introduction Hey there, fellow JavaScript aficionados in your prime years! In this blog post, we're about to spill the beans on generator functions and trust me, it's going to be a wild ride. We'll break down their quirky syntax, explore their superp...
'' ' || ''' '''''''' defined '''''''''''' ||'''''' truthy ''''''''''' let score = 0; alert(score || 20); // 20 alert(score '' 20); // 0 Optional chaining ('.) optional chaining ''''''''' object ' nested property '''''' property ''''''''' ...
Today I would be writing an article about the webview_flutter package, mainly because there's a new version on pub dev, but little to no documentation to support it, even the Paystack doc that uses this package on its site still refers to the old pac...
Today I would be writing an article about the webview_flutter package, mainly because there's a new version on pub dev, but little to no documentation to support it, even the Paystack doc that uses this package on its site still refers to the old pac...
In this blog, we will walk you through the process of creating a cat adoption app using React. The app will allow users to browse and search for adoptable cats in their area. We will use the Cat API to fetch cat data and display it in our app. ' Web...
Introduction Hello! ' In this tutorial I will show you how to easily convert text to an audio file using Python, Tacotron 2 and WaveGlow. ' Requirements Basic knowledge of Python Creating The Virtual Environment First we need to create the virt...
As info drives an increasing number of decisions around industries, a lot more jobs require specialists with organization analytics skills. While this field requires a mix of bureaucratic and discursive thinking, in addition, it needs knowledge of statistics and computer science. This mix of domains allows business analysts to bridge the gap among management and … Organization Analytics Onl [...]
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L'industrie dieses assurances multirisques est algun secteur significant de la société canadienne. Elle offre votre protection adéquate aux professionnels qui s'exposent au risque de perdre leurs biens professionnels ou y compris leur plan. Toute ouvrage ecological research problem solving methodology industrielle est promote à différents risques et à la majorité des formes d'accidents pouv [...]
Whether if you’re a health club regular who wants to take your workouts to the next level read or perhaps you’re only starting out, it’s important to choose an exercise routine that meets your fitness goals. The ideal combination of cardio, strength training and adaptability exercises allows you to burn calories and build muscle. The … Choosing an Exercise Routine That Mee [...]
When it comes to work flow, everyone is speaking about them, but you may be wondering what are the rules for making great ones' Work flow management is a complex area, and there are various tools and methodologies to pick from. However , one that many institutions neglect is the importance of building workflow rules … The value of Work Management Guidelines Read More »
For date/time operations, Moment.js was once the recommended library, but now it's not being developed, and it's considered a legacy library. This article will help you replace that library with several alternatives, so you can keep doing modern deve...
Firebase is a powerful platform that offers a range of backend services to support the development of web and mobile applications. In this tutorial, we will explore how to integrate Firebase into a Quasar project, leveraging the Firebase boot file pr...
Day 119 of #365DaysOfCode ' Today, I spent my time on the deployment process. Sorted out a few issues and I'm almost done. Now, I'm focusing on setting up rewrite rules to seamlessly connect the frontend to the backend. If you've been following my pr...
In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is of utmost importance. As a developer, it is crucial to prioritize security when writing code and developing applications. In this article, we will explore key practices and essential techniques that deve...
Introduction: A to-do list app is a simple yet powerful tool for managing tasks and staying organized. In this tutorial, we'll build a to-do list app from scratch using pure vanilla JavaScript. By the end of this guide, you'll have a functional to-do...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.