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« Avril 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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30 Avril 2023 (59)

1: Create a simple web scraping script in python

Hashnode - python (python)

What is the project about This project is a simple example of how you can use web scraping in a funny way to learn and practice coding. This simple code is a way to get all the products related to research on the Amazon webpage, for example, you sear...

2: Integrating Single Page React Code into Existing Javascript Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview The existing javascript application is using the following javascript PHP v8 as its backend server code Bootstrap@3.3.7 A single page is all the code in one application, and when the application is rendered in a browse all the interacti...

3: Best Programming Memes of the Week 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: There is no real benefit from this article, but despite that, you chose to read it but there is no better feeling than laughing at a meme that shares your suffering with a Programming language, and if you understand the meme, you unders...

4: Learn ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) Features: Let, Arrow Functions, Classes, and more!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the previous article, we gained an understanding of ECMA and its evolving nature with each version. In this second article of the series, we will delve deeper into ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) and explore its new features. By the end of this article, you...

5: They said that I don't know JS [1]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Obviously, I did not know that I didn't know javascript'weird right' After all, it was my first programming language which I have been coding in for over 6 years, but this does not mean that I am a professional js scripter. I just learned how to use ...

6: Length of Last Word

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we'll explore different approaches to solving this problem, from brute force solution to a more optimized solution. So buckle up, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, we don't discriminate), and let's dive in! Problem Statement: Given a st...

7: fold() in Kotlin is like JavaScript reduce() but slightly different

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

If you've caught a few of my coding streams, you may know that I'm a huge fan of the Kotlin programming language. Kotlin allows you to follow functional patterns found in languages like JavaScript, Ruby and Python but with compile-time type safety. r...

8: How to delete empty folders using Python'

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Have you ever discovered that your computer is running out of disk space even though you believed all junk files had been removed' Empty folders are a common cause of wasted disk space. As you delete files or uninstall programs, empty fo...

9: Introduction to OOP in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

What is OOP' Object-oriented programming (OOP) is one of the popular paradigms used in programming. In this concept, real-world entities are represented as objects. These objects have both attributes (properties) and behaviors (methods). This makes i...

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10: How To Download YouTube Playlist Using Python

Hashnode - python (python)

YouTube is the world's largest video-sharing platform with millions of videos uploaded every day. Many times you come across a playlist of videos on YouTube that you want to watch offline or save for future reference. However, downloading a single vi...

11: Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Use Next Auth in Next.js 13 using Route Handlers.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Why use Next Auth' What are Route Handlers' How to set up Next Auth How to use Route Handlers with Next Auth Conclusion 1-Introduction Next.js is a JavaScript framework that enables developers to create front-end web applications ...

12: Set-Map in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The set is a collection of unique values in javascript. That takes values individually or in the form of an array. The data type of Set is an object. Example :const set1 = new Set(); // set constructionset1.add(1); // adding an element in setset1.add...

13: Linear Search Algorithm

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Linear Search ' Linear Search is a searching algorithm which is used to search element in a data set. It is also known as sequential search. It is a method for finding a specific value in a list or array of elements by sequentially checking e...

14: LeetCode - Find the Prefix Common Array of Two Arrays

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Problem statement You are given two 0-indexed integer permutations A and B of length n. A prefix common array of A and B is an array C such that C[i] is equal to the count of numbers that are present at or before the index i in both A and B. Return t...

15: Nubank annonce que les versions Pro et Cloud de Datomic, sa base de données distribuée, sont désormais disponibles gratuitement sous licence Apache 2.0, mais les sources des binaires restent fermées

sgbd ( (Informatique / base de données)

Nubank annonce que les versions Pro et Cloud de Datomic, sa base de données distribuée, sont désormais disponibles gratuitement sous licence Apache 2.0, mais les sources des binaires demeurent toujours ferméesNubank, l'entreprise américaine qui a racheté Cognitect et qui détient de grandes plateformes bancaires numériques, vient d'annoncer que toutes les versions de Datomic, sa base de do [...]

16: Getting Started with Django

Hashnode - python (python)

Prerequisites Python: Django is built using Python, so having a good understanding of Python is essential before learning Django. This includes understanding basic programming concepts, data structures, functions, and object-oriented programming (OO...

17: Effortlessly Manage Your AWS Infrastructure with Boto3: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) is a highly scalable, secure, and durable cloud storage service that enables you to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the web. It is widely used by individuals and businesses to store and distribute large dat...

18: Creating Asynchronous Loops in JavaScript: A Comparison of Recursive Async for Loop vs. Normal For Loop

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Asynchronous programming is an essential part of modern web development. In JavaScript, we have the async/await syntax to handle asynchronous operations, and we have different loop constructs like for, while, and do...while iterating through data or ...

19: Make Your May Magnificent (2023 Wallpapers Edition)

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

May is almost here, so what better occasion could there be for some fresh and inspiring desktop and mobile wallpapers' Created with love by artists and designers from across the globe, the wallpapers in this post come in versions with and without a calendar. Enjoy!

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20: Converting Images to PDF with your own Python Telegram Bot

Hashnode - python (python)

Image-to-PDF conversion can be useful when you need to bundle up several images into a single file. With the help of the Python programming language and the img2pdf library, it's possible to automate this task and even create a Telegram bot that conv...

21: Events in Node JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Every action on a computer is an event. The system produces (or "fires") a signal of some kind when an event occurs, and provides a mechanism by which an action can be automatically taken (that is, some code running) when the event occurs. Events are...

22: Stateful and stateless components in Jetpack compose

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Keep 2 versions of the same composable:Stateless and Stateful What are stateful and stateless composables in Jetpack compose ' A stateless component is a component that doesn't maintain any internal state. It's purely a function of its inputs, meani...

23: Transcribing YouTube Videos with Whisper

Hashnode - python (python)

YouTube has become the defacto platform for sharing videos and getting information, but not everyone has the time or ability to watch a video in its entirety. In these cases, a tool for transcribing these videos can come in handy. Today, we'll take a...

24: How to use multiple Vite & Tailwind CSS configs in Laravel'

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Recently I found myself in a situation where I had hundreds of Vue components and pages for the admin interface & several Laravel Blade pages for the website all inside a single project. Both the admin interface and the website use the Tailwind CSS f...

25: Understanding the Curse of Dimensionality in Machine Learning: Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Techniques

Hashnode - python (python)

The curse of dimensionality is a well-known problem in the field of machine learning and data science. It refers to the difficulties that arise when analyzing and modeling data that has a large number of features, or dimensions. The curse of dimensio...

26: Learn about ScrollView in Flutter: An Introduction

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

This is what I meant by ScrollView' A ScrollView widget is a useful tool in mobile app development. It allows users to scroll through content that is larger than the screen's size, making it easier to read articles, view pictures, and interact with...

27: Microsoft Takes a Page From Linux, Will Add Rust to Windows Kernel

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Takes a Page From Linux, Will Add Rust to Windows Kernel Microsoft is working to add Rust to the Windows kernel, following the steps Linux has been taking since version 6.1 of its kernel. Microsoft Takes a Page From Linux, Will Add Rust to Windows Kernel Matt Milano

29: Step-by-Step Tutorial: How to Send Emails Directly from Your React Website

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Are you looking to make it easy for clients or customers to contact you directly from your website' Adding a message-sending feature can do just that! In this easy-to-follow tutorial, I will show you how to integrate a messaging system into your webs...

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30: Quel est l'intérêt du big data pour les entreprises '

Humancoders ()

Découvrez l'intérêt du big data pour les entreprises et comment il peut améliorer leur prise de décision, leur efficacité opérationnelle et leur compétitivité sur le marché. Commentaires L'article Quel est l'intérêt du big data pour les entreprises ' a été posté dans la catégorie Data de Human Coders News

31: JavaScript Generators: A Comprehensive Overview

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Generators: Generators are functions that can be exited and later re-entered. Their context (variable bindings) will be saved across re-entrances. - MDN. Things to know about Generators: Generators is a special type of functions, that can b...

32: Adapter Pattern

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Adapter pattern is a structural design pattern that allows incompatible interfaces to work together. This pattern is suitable for projects where there is a need to integrate different systems or components that have different interfaces or protoc...

33: How to Make a Gmail Bot with a persona using OpenAI GPT and MindsDB

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction The AI hype refuses to die, more so after the release of Chat GPT and more recently the GPT4. I've been missing the AI action so far, so when MindsDB & Hashnode announced this hackathon and I saw the Twitter Bot implementation using the ...

34: Mastodon Bots series: Part 2: More complex interactions.

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome back to part two of our Mastodon bot tutorial series! In the first part, we went through the basics of creating a Mastodon bot using Python and We created a simple bot that posted a new status update and replied to mentions in re...

35: My Coding Journey: Learning, Building, and Growing '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey everyone, my name is Ritesh Kumar Sharma, and I'm excited to share with you all what I learned and accomplished this past week in my coding journey. From tackling new concepts to building a project, it's been a challenging but reward...

36: Python Hacks: 7 Techniques That Will Transform Your Code

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a powerful and versatile language, and while you may be familiar with some of its most popular features, there are plenty of lesser-known tricks that can make your coding faster, easier, and more efficient. In this post, we'll dive into a f...

37: Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey everybody today i am going to tell you something about javascript's prototypes and inheritance.Many beginners face challenge while learning it so i am here to make things super simple and crystal clear for you... So first of all what are prototyp...

38: Time Series Analysis

Hashnode - python (python)

In this article, I will explain the basics of Time Series Analysis, how it is different from machine learning, and what common algorithms we have for Time Series Forecasting. Before going into the details of Time Series Analysis, I have a small story...

39: Searching Algorithms: A Simple Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Discussed in this article: What is linear search' How to perform linear search What is binary search' How to perform binary search Linear search vs binary search - coming soon! 1.0 - What is linear search' Linear search (also known as sequent...

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40: Big O Notation: A Simple Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Discussed in this article: What is Big O notation' O(1) Constant time complexity O(n) Linear time complexity O(n log n) Linearithmic time complexity O(log n) Logarithmic time complexity O(n^2) Quadratic time complexity - coming soon! O(2^n) Ex...

41: [PART 21] Create a Twitter clone with GraphQL, Typescript, and React ( comments, trending hashtags )

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi everyone ;). As a reminder, I'm doing this Tweeter challenge Github repository ( Backend ) Github repository ( Frontend ) Db diagram Bookmarks For the favorites, I'll let you take a look at the Github Repository since it's exactly the same logic a...

42: Placebo - Magical Tools For Everyone ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Yo, so what is Placebo' Hey you! Virgil here. Placebo is my submission for the Hashnode and MindsDB Hackathon. Placebo is home to tools that can make life easier, especially for developers. Currently, it has Regexfy and SQL Sorcery. Regexify ' Regex...

43: Debouncing and Throttling: Improve Performance of Your JavaScript Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: In this blog, we will learn about two important concepts in JavaScript: debouncing and throttling. We will understand why we need them, their definitions, and how they can be implemented in our code. By the end of this blog, you will ha...

44: How to Use OpenAI's GPT-3 for Question Answering

Hashnode - python (python)

OpenAI's GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art language model that has gained a lot of attention for its impressive performance on a variety of natural language processing tasks. One such task is question answering, where...

45: How to Use OpenAI's GPT-3 for Question Answering

Hashnode - python (python)

OpenAI's GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a state-of-the-art language model that has gained a lot of attention for its impressive performance on a variety of natural language processing tasks. One such task is question answering, where...

46: Automatically Document Your Database in Markdown

Hashnode - python (python)

If you're working with databases, you know how important it is to keep track of the schema and column information for each table. One way to do this is to manually create documentation in a format like Markdown, but that can be time-consuming and err...

47: HomeScopeCA: Web App for Predicting CA House Price using MindsDB AI

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction HomeScopeCA is an open-source web app that uses machine learning to predict house prices in California. The app provides users with a simple interface to enter different parameters related to the home such as location, no of rooms, and t...

48: Mindset of a web developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There is one thing that all good programmers have in common and that is that they have a good mindset. They built their mindset throughout trials and tribulations that they went through while they learned to code and even after that. Of course, not a...

49: How to find prime numbers

Hashnode - python (python)

The problem is that given a number (n), find all the prime numbers within ([1:n]). Algorithms Naive solution With the most naive intuition, we can look at every number (let's call it a candidate). For each candidate, we try to divide it by all nu...

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50: Write a Program to Filter image(Crop) after Detections of the image color

Hashnode - python (python)

# this loops to exit use "ESC"buttons ""please change only image and color CSV file link I send in Comment otherwise you can send mail I send to complete file in mail"" from platform import node from unicodedata import name import cv2 import pandas...

51: Remove Max Number of Edges to Keep Graph Fully Traversable

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- Alice and Bob have an undirected graph of n nodes and three types of edges: Type 1: Can be traversed by Alice only. Type 2: Can be traversed by Bob only. Type 3: Can be traversed by both Alice and Bob. Given an array edges wh...

52: Execution Context in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

How JavaScript code is executed'' Have you ever wondered how JavaScript works behind the scene' Let's understand how JavaScript execution works What is Execution Context' When we run any JavaScript, a special environment is created to handle the tran...

53: Implementing Broadcast Receivers In Android

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

In the world of Android development, Broadcast Receivers are a powerful tool that allows developers to respond to system-wide events. These events can range from something as simple as the device starting up to more complex events like receiving a me...

54: Beginner's Guide to Python: A Comprehensive Overview

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a popular high-level programming language that was created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s. It is an interpreted language, which means that it does not need to be compiled like some other programming languages. Python's syntax is desi...

55: Building a New MindsDB Integration: A Step-by-Step Guide With Examples From the GitHub Handler

Hashnode - python (python)

Open Source AI Revolution and MindsDB "Are you going to the Open Source AI event this Friday'" "I don't know. What is that'" "Check out this tweet from @ClementDelangue." "3,000 people attending'! Joined the waitlist. Open Source AI, count me in!" My...

56: QWERTY: How to build an end-to-end Machine Learning Web App to determine which customers are likely to stop using a bank with the MindsDB Python SDK

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction What if I told you there was a way for business owners to not only know the rate at which customers discontinue their services or products but also ascertain a way to control this rate' Well, that way is called churn and it would form th...

57: React vs. Vue: Which One Should You Choose'

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

React and Vue.js are two of the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks today. Both frameworks are used to build complex user interfaces for web applications, and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. React is known for its flexibility a...

58: Mapping the World's Overseas Territories and Dependencies

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This massive map highlights overseas territories and dependencies around the world and their sovereign states. The post Mapping the World’s Overseas Territories and Dependencies appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

59: The lie of YouTube's privacy-enhanced embed mode (note)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

Do you remember Facebook's hugely popular like button' A quick-to-add JS snippet enabled site owners to implement Facebook functionality, and the social media giant started tracking people across the web. It's been wild times, and luckily, things are different today. People are more privacy aware, (some) browsers started blocking all these trackers, and I stopped using Facebook years ago. But I do [...]

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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