Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
Alors que Lille héberge le Forum international de la cybersécurité (FIC) à partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'au 7 avril, la ville … Cet article Lille : des données bancaires publiées. À quand l'épilogue de la cyberattaque ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Introduction The most challenging aspect of developing any application is often managing its state. The difficulty of state management is the reason why so many state management libraries exist today - and more are still being developed. Thankfully, ...
JavaScript Nuggets filter method is used to remove unwanted things from an array. like map, it returns a new array with elements removed. we pass a function in the filter method which filters according to the task assigned to the function. const card...
The && (AND) operator is generally used to check if both sides of the operator are true. It continues if both sides are true, otherwise, it stops. Let's see in action: if(a > 5 && a
WebProNews Android Apps to Let Users Delete Their Accounts and Data Google is implementing a major change in Android, requiring that developers give users a way delete their accounts and data. Android Apps to Let Users Delete Their Accounts and Data Staff
Problem Let's take a look at the problem Find the Index of the First Occurance in a String. In this problem, you have two strings: a needle and a haystack. The goal is to return the index of the needle in the haystack or -1 if the needle does not exi...
TL;DRLambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are a concise way to create small, one-time-use functions in Python. They are especially useful for SDETs (Software Development Engineers in Test) when writing test cases, as they can simplify...
If you're learning to code in JavaScript, you'll quickly find that loops are a fundamental part of the language. Loops allow you to repeat a block of code multiple times, making your code more efficient and flexible. There are three types of loops in...
Hoisting in JavaScript is a behavior in which a function or a variable can be used before declaration. In Hoisting, though it seems that the declaration has moved up in the program, the actual thing is that the function and variable declarations are ...
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Who are the biggest trading partners of the U.S.' This visual showcases the the trade balances between the U.S. and its trading partners. The post Visualized: The Largest Trading Partners of the U.S. appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
What is DOM' DOM or Document Object Model is a programming interface for HTML documents. It includes all the HTML tags, attributes and text in between tags. It enables scripts to access and modify a document's content, structure, and style. The Wind...
Forms, oh forms. They're often dreaded by front-end developers, and for good reason. Building forms can be a tedious and challenging task. But despite their notoriety, forms are an essential component of web development. They're ubiquitous, appearing...
- Des canicules mieux prédites avec l'IA. Afin d'anticiper les pics de chaleur les plus importants, une équipe de scientifiques pluridisciplinaires (...)
Uninsured deposits in the U.S. total at least $7 trillion. We show the top 30 banks with the highest level of these deposits. The post Ranked: The U.S. Banks With the Most Uninsured Deposits appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Events are things that happen system you are programming, which the system tells you about so your code can react to them. For example, if the user clicks a button on a webpage, you might want to do that action by displaying an information box. In th...
Le sexe virtuel d'aujourd'hui n'est pas si loin de la conception de la vr sex […] Cet article Demolition Man : la scène de VR sex la plus bizarre de l'histoire a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
This is a piece that is a continuation of my second article python-101-a-step-by-step-python-tutorial-guide-for-beginners If you're not so sure or wondering, click the above link so that you can see the article and learn Python programming language t...
Do you have messy and disorganized React project folder structures' Or are you looking for guidance on how to architect a folder structure that's scalable and easy to maintain' Look no further! You've found it! This article is meant to assist you. In...
This article was originally posted on Introduction In today's digital landscape, APIs play an essential role in connecting services, sharing data, and enabling developers to create innovative applications. If you have unique dat...
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WebProNews Apple Halted M2 Production on Low Demand for MacBooks Apple reportedly halted M2 production in January and February as a result of low demand for its usually-popular MacBook line. Apple Halted M2 Production on Low Demand for MacBooks Staff
While the code is executing, such as when trying to access on undefined variable or when a function is not found. These errors can be handled using exception handling
Let's start by understanding what CI/CD means. CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment, which is a process in software development that automates testing, building, and deploying code changes. Continuous Integration...
Before understanding exception handling it is important to understand the types of errors. There are two main types of errors in javascript Syntax Errors Runtime Errors
Tabby is a modern alternative to traditional command-line apps like PowerShell, iTerm, and macOS Terminal, providing users with an entirely customizable terminal. The post How Tabby compares with Visual Studio Code appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Introduction Welcome to my 42nd blog post on the Python journey. On day 42, I learned about the enumerate function in Python that can be used to loop over a sequence. I also wrote a bunch of code to practice the concept of enumerate function. Let's d...
Gianmaria Perancin, président de l'USF (association des utilisateurs SAP francophones), a été réélu à son poste (...)
In this blog, Paul McKenney, a long-term Linux kernel subsystem maintainer, shares his insights on how to get a smooth kernel upstream contribution experience.
Après les différentes annonces de non-participation au FIC (Forum international de la cybersécurité) qui devient à partir (...)
What is Python' Python is a Open source, general purpose, high level, and object-oriented programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum Python consists of vast libraries and various frameworks like Django,Tensorflow, Flask, Pandas, Kera...
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Learn how U.S. consumers engage with brands on TikTok and how ads impact buying behavior. The post New report: Get insights into who uses TikTok and what they’re looking for appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Dans quelques semaines, le salon Cinum (Carrefour de l'innovation numérique et des métiers) se tiendra à Lyon les 26 et 27 avril 2023. (...)
Today, we will look at an exciting new project that leverages the power of Supabase and edge functions to build a user management system that includes self-deletion or user invalidation (soft-delete). If you're unfamiliar with Supabase, it's a powerf...
Online instructions for drawing CZT® Ria Matheussen's Zentangle® pattern: Medi. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
In this article, we'll discover the purpose of signals and learn about signal handling in the Rust programming language. The post The guide to signal handling in Rust appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Schneider Electric, leader mondial de la transformation numérique de la gestion de l'énergie et des automatismes, s'est associé à Uptale, spécialiste des formations en réalité virtuelle, pour un projet novateur. L'objectif : donner envie aux jeunes de s'intéresser aux métiers industriels grâce à la réalité virtuelle et la gamification d'expériences interactives pour montrer les gran [...]
Meta remains committed to protecting people's privacy and personal data'a responsibility that we share with all developers in our ecosystem. Our policies already require developers to adhere to specific guidelines and procedures for handling personal data, and as part of our efforts to help ensure people's personal data is handled appropriately, we're asking developers to complete additional data [...]
Lexical this this in javascript behaves in two manner that is either it refers to the calling context or it is lexically scoped Here we have a person class with its age and a grow old function which increases the age by 1. A new instance of the perso...
Second step in the creation of HTML5 game like "Mini Archer" using Phaser and writing in TypeScript. Now there's an endless terrain with infinite randomly generated targets, and a running girl. Full commented source code available.
Découvrez la liste des pays qui ont banni TikTok, ou qui ont restreint leur utilisation sur les appareils gouvernementaux.
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Une erreur sur ChatGPT ' Pas de panique ! Découvrez les solutions aux principaux problèmes rencontrés par cette IA, et … Cet article ChatGPT : comment résoudre les erreurs ' Le guide complet a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Well hello there, folks! Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of JavaScript' Buckle up, because we're about to take a wild ride! Oh boy, do I have a story for you about JavaScript! So, you know how we have this thing called the internet, ri...
Un élu australien menace en justice la start-up OpenAI, coupable selon lui d'avoir terni sa réputation. Son produit ChatGPT a dit à plusieurs utilisateurs que l'homme avait été condamné dans un scandale de corruption... Chose qui ne s'est jamais produite.
Partenaire du Campus Cyber, l'Epita abrite déjà au sein du centre français plusieurs majeures du cycle ingénieurs tournées (...)
Using +: To concatenate multiple strings, you can use the + to add the strings such as below: const st = "Hi, My name is " + "Romil" //this will show the value as "Hi, My name is Romil" Using String Interpolation: This lets us dynamically insert the...
Afin d'améliorer les performances de son SI et de réduire le temps de déploiement des nouveaux applicatifs, Monnaie de Paris se tourne (...)
Introduction Welcome to Group DAO's Flask web app, which integrates Tesseract OCR to extract text from image files. In today's digital age, we are inundated with an immense amount of data in various forms, including images, PDFs, and scanned document...
Declaring Variables: Let vs Cost Let: The main advantage of using let is that you can't redeclare the same variable a second time. This is helpful when writing lengthy code. While we can't redeclare the variable, re can REASSIGN the variable's value....
Le décollage est amorcé pour le nouveau metaverse de l'industrie aéronautique baptisé Metaflight. Sa particularité, […] Cet article Ce nouveau metaverse aéronautique vous fait découvrir les métiers de l'aérien a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Des chercheurs utilisent des ondes sonores et des hologrammes pour fabriquer de petites formes en 3D : une 'impression' 3D très rapide (mais coûteuse en puissance de calcul). L'idée de développer des organes ou des tissus pour une utilisation médicale peut sembler être de la science-fiction ' et en effet, la chose est incroyablement difficile. Les technologies d'impression 3D ont montré un [...]
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OnCloud est dans la tourmente. Comme l'a indiqué notre confrère LeMagIT, une cyberattaque a touché le 18 mars une partie de l'infrastructure (...)
Une étude menée à l'Université d'Otago, Nouvelle Zélande, révèle que seulement 6 minutes d'exercice intense pourraient suffire à retarder l'apparition de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Ces travaux, publiés dans le Journal of Physiology, confirment qu'il n'y a pas de durée minimum ou d'âge limite pour bénéficier des avantages cognitifs de la pratique d'exercices. [...]
La démence à corps de Lewy (DCL) est la seconde démence neurodégénérative la plus fréquente après la maladie d'Alzheimer. Elle se caractérise par des dépôts anormaux d'une protéine appelée alpha-synucléine, qui se forment à l'intérieur des cellules cérébrales. La pathologie peut être difficile à diagnostiquer, car les patients présentent des symptômes similaires à ceux des m [...]
I believe that regularly tackling LeetCode problems is an effective way to grow one's coding skills. Through this blog, my goal is to share my journey and insights with fellow enthusiasts, providing a deeper understanding of the problem-solving proce...
La société de capital-risque Runa Capital va ouvrir un bureau dans le 9e arrondissement parisien, satisfaite de ses placements dans des start-up françaises comme Pasqal ou OpenReplay et souhaitant pouvoir suivre l'écosystème de plus près.
La technologie solaire thermique est une méthode prometteuse de collecte d'énergie respectueuse de l'environnement qui pourrait contribuer à résoudre la crise énergétique liée aux combustibles fossiles. Cette technologie transforme la lumière du soleil en énergie thermique, mais il est difficile de supprimer la dissipation d'énergie tout en maintenant une absorption élevée. Les collect [...]
Python was first created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s as a hobby project. He wanted to create a programming language that was easy to read, write, and understand. It was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus, a British comedy group, as Gu...
Python was first created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s as a hobby project. He wanted to create a programming language that was easy to read, write, and understand. It was named after Monty Python's Flying Circus, a British comedy group, as Gu...
Hoje veremos como preparar o ambiente de desenvolvimento para a criação de aplicativos com a linguagem de programação Python (PyGObject) e o toolkit gráfico GTK no Linux. Preparar o ambiente de desenvolvimento em distribuições Linux é bem simples, na...
Hi, I'm Subham Maity, a software engineer. I also enjoy teaching others how to code through my tutorials. I'm always eager to learn new things and share my knowledge with the community. ' I recently wrote an article on Understanding package.json in ...
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In this article, we will dive deep into one of the most widely used prioritization techniques, the MoSCoW method. The post The MoSCoW method for prioritization: A guide for agile teams appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Learn how to use slots in Vue.js, including multiple and named slots, scoped slots, and slots in renderless components. The post Understanding slots in Vue.js: Types, benefits, use cases appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In JavaScript, you can also define class methods like in other programming languages. Generally, these methods are bound to a class, not the instances of the class i.e they are called on the class itself, instead of the instances (or objects) of the ...
How do you check if your ML model is trained properly' One approach is to use a simple model for comparison. A simple model establishes a minimum performance benchmark for the given task. A model achieving less or a similar score to the simple model indicates a possible problem with the model. The code above ... Read more The post Evaluate Your ML Model Performance with Simple Model Comparison app [...]
Are you ready to hear about the most intense and rewarding 24 hours of my life' Read on to discover how I went from a state of desperate panic to creating an amazing AR app for a treasure hunt competition! It all started when I volunteered to create...
Databricks, fournisseur d'une plateforme en gestion des big data basée sur le moteur Apache Spark, étoffe son offre. L'éditeur (...)
Meta compte lancer d'ici la fin de l'année des outils basés sur l'IA générative, dédiés notamment aux annonceurs sur ses réseaux sociaux.
Dans le cadre de notre dossier 'Ils font du SEO', Yannick Bouvard (fondateur de l’outil de gestion de projet SEO … Cet article Ils font du SEO | Yannick Bouvard (MySEO.Coach) a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Sony a annoncé son dernier écran de réalité spatiale qu'il a baptisé ELF-SR2. L'appareil affiche […] Cet article Le nouvel écran 3D de Sony s'agrandit et s'améliore a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
L'ex-CEO Charlie Javice est accusée d'avoir fabriqué une fausse liste de clients pour vendre sa société à la banque JPMorgan pour 175 millions de dollars.
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La WWDC, la conférence annuelle d’Apple pour les développeurs, aura lieu en juin. Dans une […] Cet article Le PDG d’Apple, Tim Cook, vante les mérites de la technologie XR a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Introduction Several technologies can be used to develop cutting-edge websites. Some of the popular technologies are Angular and Express. You are likely still determining the best technologies for your business. Hiring an Express development company ...
We explore several approaches for creating stroked text (or outline text) in CSS and with SVGs and look at many stroked text examples. The post Can you create beautiful stroked text in CSS' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Discover how to create a smooth onboarding experience that will increase user engagement and retention. The post User onboarding: How to create a smooth user experience appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Avec l’évolution des technologies, nos Smart TV deviennent de plus en plus intelligentes. Elles sont connectées à Internet et nous … Cet article Top des meilleurs VPN pour smart TV - avril 2023 a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Combining content-led link building and creative outreach techniques can help you improve your ecommerce site's SEO performance. The post 6 link building techniques for ecommerce appeared first on Search Engine Land.
If you are a developer who wants to concentrate on delivering a killer application rather than worrying about countless security issues, threat model documents can help you do that. With small architectural changes, we can make these threats manageable and prevent them in the future.
La pépite française SiPearl rentre dans la dernière ligne droite. Elle entend mettre son "processeur européen" sur le marché début 2024, et vient de boucler pour ce faire un tour de table de 90 millions d'euros. Dédié au calcul haute performance, son CPU cristallise une partie des ambitions de l'Union européenne en matière de souveraineté dans le secteur numérique.
It's #day23 of the #90daysofdevops Challenge under the guidance of Shubham Londhe Sir.Today we have created a Freestyle Project with Jenkins + Docker using CI-CD pipeline. Today's challenge is particularly exciting as it entails creating a Jenkins F...
If you've written any code, you've probably come across control flow. But what is it' Here's what MDN says about control flow: The control flow is the order in which the computer executes statements in a script. So control flow describes what parts...
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JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is widely used for developing web applications. It was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich while he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation. Since then, JavaScript has become one of the most p...
In the world of web development, Python has become a popular choice for developers due to its simplicity and ease of use. Django is a web framework that was created to make web development easier and more efficient. It is an open-source framework tha...
Hoje veremos como preparar o ambiente de desenvolvimento para a criação de aplicativos com a linguagem de programação Python (PyGObject) e o toolkit gráfico GTK no Microsoft Windows. O desenvolvimento de aplicativos GTK no Microsoft Windows é uma que...
Let's Get Started Why does this occur' Typescript cannot reference the type of the module being imported and also cannot detect what kind of module is being imported, i.e, the file extension. So for Typescript to be able to reference the type and als...
Update (04/01/2023): A kind reddit user by the name of lanemik suggested I give ruff a go. So i decided to add it to the guide. In the previous tutorial we have finished styling our Authentication pages. Before we go any further I would like to intr...
There will come a time in your life as a developer when you find yourself needing to store some information when crafting awesome applications. That moment will happen almost two seconds after you open your first index.js. So it is best that we tackl...
Python is a powerful programming language that has become increasingly popular over the years. It's a great language for beginners and experienced programmers alike. Its vast array of libraries and frameworks makes it an excellent choice for data sci...
Vous êtes fan de manga et de jeux VR ' Il existe une panoplie de grands […] Cet article Top des jeux VR de style manga pour plonger dans un anime a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Dans un monde où la technologie numérique est présente dans notre quotidien, la clé de sécurité Yubikey est devenue un … Cet article Yubikey : la clé de sécurité ultime pour protéger vos données a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
While quality score is not the be-all and end-all of PPC, search marketers can still use it for optimizing campaigns. Here's how. The post Quality score in paid search: Vanity or valuable' appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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Introduction Three.js is a powerful and flexible 3D library that makes it possible to create stunning visualizations on the web. It is built on top of WebGL, a web standard for rendering 3D graphics in real +time, making it easy for developers to cre...
Machine learning is a rapidly growing field of computer science that involves the development of algorithms that enable computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time. Machine learning is used in a wide range of applications, fr...
Plusieurs cybergangs utilisent une extension malveillante, baptisée Rilide, pour les navigateurs basés sur Chromium incluant Google (...)
The mix of technologies and programming languages used to produce a web or mobile application is referred to as a "tech stack" in the field of software development. Choosing the best tech stack for your project might be difficult because there are so...
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Hooks are a new addition to React that allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are a powerful tool that can simplify your code and make it easi...
Github Repository PS: I've got an error that I don't quite understand. Look at the section Do you have an idea' ;) on the delete tweet part ;). Adding a tweet Hi everyone ;). Now let's look at how to insert a tweet. src/resolvers/TweetResolver @Mutat...
Is your email marketing not yielding the results you were hoping for' These three tactics will help you make more sales with your emails. The post 3 ways to drive sales with email appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Depuis lundi soir, Elon Musk a remplacé l'oiseau bleu, le symbole historique du Twitter a été remplacé par le logo … Cet article Pourquoi Elon Musk a-t-il mis le logo de Dogecoin sur Twitter'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Sony confirme son intérêt pour l'intelligence artificielle et le métavers avec l'ouverture de Sony Research. Cette nouvelle filiale dédiée à la R&D a pour mission de développer des technologies de rupture dans ces domaines pour inspirer les artistes, les chercheurs, les ingénieurs et les entrepreneurs.
GraphQL ' GraphQL is a server-side application layer technology developed by Facebook for query execution using existing data. RESTful API calls can be improved via GraphQL. You can fetch and update your data using a declarative method provided by it...
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Parfois, l'intelligence artificielle permet de révolutionner des secteurs que l'on n'imaginait pas. C'est le cas de celui du stationnement pour … Cet article Comment le Big Data se met au service des parkings ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Bruxelles propose de construire cinq à six centres opérationnels de sécurité capables de détecter des comportements malveillants en quelques heures grâce à des supercalculateurs.
STEP 0: Creating an empty Nodejs repository Go to your desired directory and run the below command to setup an empty directory with package.json npm init -y STEP 1: Creating a server To create an express server we have to install express STEP 1.1: I...
Introduction Asynchronous programming is often a tricky topic in web development. Asynchronous operations allow the computer to "move on" and complete other tasks while the asynchronous operation completes. Asynchronous programming is a way to ensure...
Hello everyone, I'm excited to share my first article on hashnode with you all! Today, I want to talk about the practical uses of Python language in the real world. Python is a versatile and powerful language that has become increasingly popular in r...
Acer comptera parmi les marques exposant sur le Cinum Lyon en avril, et sera d'ailleurs aussi présent lors de l'édition bordelaise (...)
La start-up canadienne Layerzero Labs triple sa valorisation grâce à une levée de fonds en série B, qui la porte à 3 milliards de dollars. Elle développe un protocole de communication.
Inspiration for "pixel" page transitions based on Niccolò Miranda's animation.
Le bureau du commissaire à l'information du Royaume-Uni (Information Commissioner's Office ou ICO) a annoncé qu'il avait infligé (...)
Le réseau social est plongé dans le flou des certifications héritées ou payées... On vous explique comment différencier les comptes à la coche bleue !
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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages ''today. It is used to build everything from simple interactive websites to complex enterprise-grade web applications. Mastering JavaScript is essential for developers who want to improve th...
Certains appareils devraient être incompatibles avec la mise à jour, dont l'iPhone X et l'iPad 5.
La plateforme française de cloud souhaite développer une nouvelle offre d'entrepôts de données de santé, commercialisée auprès des établissements de santé.
What is a custom hook' ' Custom hooks in ReactJS are reusable pieces of code that encapsulate logic and state management. As developers, we need to ensure that these hooks work as intended and do not have any unintended side effects. This is where t...
L'Ukraine comme la Russie utilise les cyberattaques pour compléter les forces terrestres. Si les cyberopérations visent globalement les infrastructures critiques … Cet article Photo nue d’une femme d’officier russe : comment s’y est pris ce hacker ukrainien ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
In React, Error Boundaries are a way to catch and handle errors that occur during the rendering process of a component tree. This helps to prevent the entire application from crashing due to a single error. In this article, we'll go over the basics o...
Introduction: Machine learning models have become ubiquitous in today's data-driven world, enabling automation and optimization in diverse fields ranging from healthcare to e-commerce. However, building a machine learning model is not just about runn...
Google is a powerful tool for learning, but it can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you master it.
HP continue sur sa lancée et dévoile 10 nouvelles stations de travail à l'occasion de sa conférence Amplify Partner. Avec (...)
To avoid repetition and structure our code, we can use functions. When you call a function, it executes the code within the body of the function. Again, similar to the variable name, you need to have a meaningful name for your function so that the on...
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Le leader mondial du stockage de données, Western Digital, a récemment été touché par une importante fuite de données. Les … Cet article Western Digital : le géant du stockage victime… d’une fuite de données a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
The 2022 results from the State of the Industry survey, run by the…Tags: Data Visualization Society, industry, work
Decorators In JavaScript, a decorator is a function that can modify the behavior of another function or class. Decorators provide a way to add or modify functionality to an existing function or class without changing its source code. Decorators are t...
TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework popular among developers for its huge number of pre-built classes that make styling web apps a snap. To make the concepts clear, we have been creating tutorials on numerous TailwindCSS topics, including ho...
I've been checking out Deno and found it's a really great choice if you're looking for a JavaScript and TypeScript runtime, it comes with pre-built modules that make it super easy to develop applications without having to start everything from scratc...
1) Removed the debug banner in the main.dart The screenshot above is the code I added in my code at the main.dart file. 2) Make the System top bar transparent Before change @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp(...
Dans son livre blanc, Signitic démontre, grâce à l'eye tracking, l'importance des signatures email, et comment les optimiser.
« Mettre en 'uvre un projet IoT dans une entreprise ou au sein d'une collectivité, s'est se lancer dans un puzzle complexe. (...)
Alors que l'effondrement des ventes frappe de plein fouet l'industrie du PC, un rapport indique que le Mac n'est peut-être pas non plus à (...)
A l'origine, CD Baby était une boutique de CD en ligne. Aujourd'hui, le vendeur s'est transformé en fournisseur de « musique (...)
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Coda a choisi la ville d'Orléans pour ouvrir en septembre prochain une 1ère école formant aux métiers du développement (...)
Le premier Cinum (Carrefour de l'innovation numérique et des métiers), salon semestriel itinérant du numérique, se tiendra (...)
Looking to dip your toes or dive deep into Flutter and App Development' Overwhelmed with resources or Don't know where to start' Then you are at the right place! This is gonna be the 4th blog in a series of blogs I am writing on Flutter in an effort ...
ChatGPT se révèle être d'une grande aide pour s'en sortir sur Excel. Il suffit de poser les bonnes questions.
Avec Gmail, il est possible de créer des listes de diffusion mais également des groupes de contacts avec une adresse commune.
A toggle allows switching between options that have opposite states/values. It can be in the form of toggle buttons, and toggle switches and they can act as on/off buttons or even check elements for visibility. In our everyday lives, we use light bul...
JavaScript is a popular and versatile programming language used to create interactive and dynamic web applications. In 2023, there are several reasons why you should consider learning JavaScript. Firstly, JavaScript has been the dominant language in ...
As an Android developer, choosing the right framework for your project can be a difficult task. With so many options out there ' Java, Kotlin, Flutter, and React Native ' it can be hard to decide which one is best suited for your project. In this art...
Marketing is about more than selling a product or service. Today's consumers crave more from the brands they trust. They want relationships and human qualities. With the average person dealing with thousands of advertisements each day, one of the best ways for your campaign and company to stand out is to reflect your values in... The post How To Design a Marketing Campaign that Reflect [...]
Lors de son événement annuel, Amazon Web Service n'a pas oublié de faire une annonce sur le très médiatique sujet de l'IA générative. La division cloud du géant américain lance un programme donnant accès, pour 10 start-up en phase de démarrage dans le secteur, à des formations, du mentorat, et 300 000$ de crédit AWS.
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' Introduction: As a content creator, there are few things more rewarding than seeing your hard work pay off. Recently, I received some exciting news that filled me with gratitude and joy - my blog on Hashnode, titled ", has ...
For loop for(begin; condition; step){ // body of the loop } There are two variations of for loop. The loop and for..of loop. is used to iterate over the object properties. for..of is used for looping over iterables like arrays. While...
Le Cloud Computing est un marché en constante évolution, et cette année de nouvelles tendances émergent. Cette étude approfondie met … Cet article Cloud Computing : cette étude révèle la réalité du marché en 2023 a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Microsoft est bien décidé à ne pas se laisser distancer par Google Bard. Le 31 mars, la société a annoncé que de nombreuses améliorations ont été apportées à Bing Chat : amélioration de la recherche locale, réponses d'images et de vidéos, augmentation du nombre de réponses, et encore plus à venir. Ce qu'il faut retenir […] L'article "Bing Chat : amélioration des résultats l [...]
Understanding the "Do Something" Principle: Taking Action for Success In today's fast-paced world, success often comes to those who take action and make things happen. One powerful principle that can help you achieve your goals is the "Do Something" ...
Introduction As a child, you may not be familiar with web development, but imagine trying to build a sandcastle with slow, clunky tools. It would be frustrating, right' That's exactly how web developers feel when they use slow development tools. Luck...
YAML is a human-friendly data serialization language for all programming languages. YAML is most often used for configuration files, but it's also used for data exchange. YAML is easy to write and read for humans, even for non-programmers. At the sam...
Conditional rendering is a common technique in web development that allows developers to display or hide elements based on specific conditions. In React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, conditional rendering can be easily i...
When I first saw Chat-GPT, I went through the five stages of grief. First I was in shock. Then disbelief. Then anger that the robots were about to put me out of a job as an engineer. I'm now in the fifth stage of grief, acceptance. And I welcome our ...
If you are a Python developer, you might wonder if learning other programming languages is worth your time and effort. After all, Python is one of the most popular and versatile languages in the world, with a rich set of libraries and frameworks for ...
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The only book on Web Development you will ever need. Learn how to build scalable, production-ready web applications like a pro. In 2016, when I was interviewing for my 2nd job - I was struggling with front end interviews. My juniors got ahead of me. ...
Python is a powerful, high-level programming language that is widely used in a variety of applications. It was first created in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, and has since become one of the most popular programming languages...
Hello readers! This article is written by a Chinese author named ''''', who is writing his first English article with the super help of ChatGPT. I hope that this article will provide valuable insights for developers interested in language design.''''...
3D Camera Icons Jon Kantner is usual at these CodePen lists, but the work is fantastic! So it makes sense. This month I had several of Jon's demos shortlisted (like this realistic glass icon or rotating pill), but the CSS shadows and lightning from t...
JavaScript is a powerful and flexible programming language that is used to make web apps, dynamic user interfaces, and complex algorithms. One of the most important features of JavaScript is its ability to manipulate and transform data using function...
First of all, what is the request' In the web world, a request is an instruction or message that a client sends to a server to retrieve information or perform an action. When you open a web page or an application on your computer or smartphone, your ...
Oh boy, let me tell you, I was having a real pain in the ASCII with Python libraries. I mean, every time I tried to install or export a library, my brain felt like it was buffering. It was like watching a YouTube video on a dial-up modem! But then, I...
In this article, we will explore recomposition and how it can be used in Android Jetpack Compose. In Android programming, we currently have two types of ways of programming User Interfaces which are the imperative way and the declarative way of pro...
Authentication is a process where a user must prove their identity in an application to access a specific resource. Basically, a user tries to log in with a username and password using the client. The server then looks at the submitted username and p...
In this article, I will continue to discuss asynchronous code and more specifically how to use async/await. Before going any further, if there is one thing that I want you to take away from this article is this: At the end of the day, async/await all...
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Signing up is free, however if you would like to experience all the positioning provides, you'll want to join for a monthly paid plan. AFF permits you to undergo profiles to be able to find your match according to your preferences. You can even watch stay cams, flick thru express photographs or be a […]
Be Sure to Complete the Series In this Flask web development series, we'll dive deeper into Flask and cover topics that build on the basics introduced in the first article. We'll explore more advanced features of Flask, including database integration...
In JavaScript, functions are first-class citizens, which means they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments to other functions, returned from functions, and stored in data structures. As a result, functions can be used as values in JavaScri...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.