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« Avril 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 11 Avril 2023 (151)

1: Understanding Garbage Collection and Object References

Hashnode - python (python)

When you assign a new value to an old variable in Python, the old value still exists in memory, but is no longer referenced by any variable. Let's say you're working on a Python program where you need to assign a string value to a variable. For examp...

2: Building a BMI Calculator with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction A BMI calculator is a device that is used to determine the body mass index of an individual. It takes the weight and height of an individual and uses those two parameters to come up with a clinical conclusion as to whether they are a goo...

3: Vue.js for Beginners 2

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Previously, we talked about some basic concepts in Vue, and in this article, we are going to dig deeper into this JavaScript framework, and discuss event handling, data options, and components. Event handling From our course on JavaScript basics, we ...

4: Creating animations with the Canvas API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

According to the Oxford Dictionary, an animation is defined as the following: The technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the film is shown as a sequence. Translating t...

5: Issue 572 (April 11, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#572 ' APRIL 11, 2023 View in Browser » Python 3.12 Preview: Ever Better Error Messages Python 3.12 will be released in October 2023. In this tutorial, you’ll preview one of its upcoming features: even more precise error messages that’ll help you debug your code more efficiently. REAL PYTHON Python Monorepo: An Example. Part 1: Structure and Tooling Good build systems help te [...]

6: Day 27: Jenkins Declarative Pipeline with Docker

Hashnode - python (python)

It's #day27 of the #90daysofdevops Challenge under the guidance of Shubham Londhe Sir. This is a blog related to how to write Jenkins Pipeline as code in Pipeline Script. Docker Build and Docker Run docker build: You can use sh 'docker build . -t

7: Day13 ----> 90DaysOfDevOps Challenge @TWS

Hashnode - python (python)

Let's Start with the Basics of Python as this is also important for DevOps engineers to build the logic and Programs. Task: Install Python in your respective OS, and check the version. Read about different Data Types in Python. There are mainly...

8: Google Ads API is removing ad group and keyword forecasts

Search engine land (Référencement)

Though set to depreciate in June, Google recommends updating your applications as soon as possible. The post Google Ads API is removing ad group and keyword forecasts appeared first on Search Engine Land.

9: JavaScript Scope

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Scope refers to the availability of variables and functions in certain parts of the code. In JavaScript, a variable has two types of scope: Global Scope Local Scope Global Scope A variable declared at the top of a program or outside a function is...

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10: Google Ads tests new verification badge

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google is continuing to test badges for advertisers that have been verified by Google Ads. Here's what the latest badge looks like. The post Google Ads tests new verification badge appeared first on Search Engine Land.

11: Integrating Apache Kafka with Spring Boot for Business Efficiency

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Delivering correct information to users is very important in this modern world and the growth of the business requires seamless data streaming. Most business deal with emails for better communication with their users when they are not available on th...

12: How To Design An Effective User Onboarding Flow

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

If you want to maximize conversions or collect necessary user information for other purposes, a user onboarding flow is necessary. In this article, you will learn how, with the help of Feathery, to design an effective user onboarding flow for your app.

13: '~ Lists in Python ~' (Arrays but easier :p) Part -1

Hashnode - python (python)

A very fun thing to work with imo. Really makes it easier when grouping things up and you WILL be using this extensively when you're all professionals working as Data Scientists ehehe (and future billionaires) :D ...... But let's start from the begin...

14: Getting Started with Python.

Hashnode - python (python)

If you are thinking of diving into the tech space, particularly the coding aspect, Python is your go-to guy. It's a good way to start your journey. This is because Python is quite simple and easy to use, making it great for beginners. What is Python'...

15: 8 Figma plugins for design system management

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Here's a look at the best Figma plugins and integrations for design system management. These tools can help you design whatever you envision. The post 8 Figma plugins for design system management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

16: Kotlin is `fun` - lambdas with receivers

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

As we already covered, Kotlin provides the ability to extend a class or an interface with new functionality without having to inherit from the class or use design patterns such as Decorator ' Kotlin is fun - extension functions. Kotlin also treats fu...

17: Get WebFlow Collection items with Supabase

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This blog post will walk you through the process of fetching data from Webflow using Supabase. Webflow provides an API that you can use to access data from collections with a sync RPC call. However, to access the API, you need an API key. This post w...

18: All About Array

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is an array' In JavaScript, an array is a data structure that allows you to store and manipulate a collection of values or objects. An array is essentially an ordered list of elements that can be accessed using an index or a key. Arrays start at...

19: Managing React State with Zustand

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction What is Zustand' Features of Zustand Getting started with Zustand Zustand and Redux Conclusion Introduction React state management is a mechanism to manage application state. It provides a simple, efficient way to pass data between compo...

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21: HTTP Status Codes Explained: The Basics You Need to Know about the Numbers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

HTTP status codes are a crucial part of the internet that most users may not be familiar with. Whenever you navigate to a website or send a request to a server, HTTP status codes are used to communicate information about the request to your browser. ...

22: Day 1 of Machine Learning: Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey there, my name is Shishir Tamrakar, and I'm currently pursuing my undergraduate degree in Computer Science at Kathmandu University, Nepal. As someone who's always been intrigued by the advancements in Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning,...

23: Google webspam report says SpamBrain caught five times more spam this year

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google also claims that 99% of visits in Google Search were "spam-free." The post Google webspam report says SpamBrain caught five times more spam this year appeared first on Search Engine Land.

24: Agile estimation: Using the Fibonacci sequence for story points

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how the Fibonacci sequenced is used for story point estimation in agile, common mistakes, and alternative estimation methods. The post Agile estimation: Using the Fibonacci sequence for story points appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

25: Understanding CSS preload and other resource hints

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn the difference between CSS preload and CSS prefetch, how to use CSS preconnect, and more about these important resource hints. The post Understanding CSS preload and other resource hints appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

26: Lessons Learned: Running Presto at Meta Scale

Facebook dev. (PHP)

Presto is a free, open source SQL query engine. We've been using it at Meta for the past ten years, and learned a lot while doing so. Running anything at scale - tools, processes, services - takes problem solving to overcome unexpected challenges. Here are four things we learned while scaling up Presto to Meta scale, and some advice if you're interested in running your own queries at scale!

27: Drive better customer intelligence for a better customer experience by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how to get to the heart of customer experience with data that delivers. The post Drive better customer intelligence for a better customer experience appeared first on Search Engine Land.

28: Data Vis Dispatch, April 11

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

29: State Vs Props

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React.js is a popular JavaScript library used to build user interfaces. One of the key concepts in React is the idea of state and props. These two concepts are essential to understand if you want to build complex applications with React. In this blog...

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30: 10 minute TikTok videos are gone

Search engine land (Référencement)

TikTok has not made any official announcements regarding the change, and it's unclear whether the modification is permanent. The post 10 minute TikTok videos are gone appeared first on Search Engine Land.

31: Ellipsis in Python: The Mysterious Three Dots

Hashnode - python (python)

This article might seem quite interesting, especially to those who don't write codes in Python natively. Python is somehow popular for not forcing you to use semicolons at the end of each line. In fact, you can still use semicolons in Python for sepa...

32: Rookout scrute la mémoire pour affiner l'observabilité

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Fondée il y a cinq ans par Liran Haimovitch (CTO) et Or Weis (précédent CEO), la start-up israélienne Rookout a bénéficié (...)

33: Unlocking the Secrets of ReactJS: Boost Your Web Development Skills with These Hooks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ReactJS has become a popular library for building user interfaces due to its flexibility, scalability, and reusability. However, as projects become more complex, managing state and event handling can become challenging. Fortunately, ReactJS Hooks pro...

34: Optimizing Memory Usage in a pandas DataFrame with infer_objects

Math Data Simplified (data)

pandas DataFrames that contain columns of mixed data types are stored in a more general format (such as object), resulting in inefficient memory usage and slower computation times. df.infer_objects() infers the true data types of columns in a DataFrame, which helps optimize memory usage in your code. In the code above, df.infer_objects() converts the data ... Read more The post Optimizing Memory U [...]

35: Qwant englouti dans une plateforme de services cloud

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Ce 11 avril sonne le glas pour Qwant, le moteur de recherche français né en février 2013. Octave Klaba, président et actionnaire (...)

36: Unlock the Power of Static Sites with Next.js: A Guide to Static Site Generation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Static site generation is a powerful tool to improve the application's speed, security, and overall performance. Next.js is a popular static site generation framework that offers developers an easy way to leverage the power of static sit...

37: What is voice of the customer (VOC)'

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

VOC helps ensure that customer requests are valuable and creates a competitive advantage by offering a better customer experience. The post What is voice of the customer (VOC)' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

38: Creating a custom CSS range slider with JavaScript upgrades

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Customize a range slider with CSS, ensuring a consistent look and feel across browsers, with the option to enhance it with JavaScript. The post Creating a custom CSS range slider with JavaScript upgrades appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

39: LeetCode 104: Maximum Depth of Binary Tree - Python

Hashnode - python (python)

I believe that regularly tackling LeetCode problems is an effective way to grow one's coding skills. Through this blog, my goal is to share my journey and insights with fellow enthusiasts, providing a deeper understanding of the problem-solving proce...

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40: Json '''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

'''''''''' Podcast '' CoRecursive ''''' JSON '' ' Douglas Crockford''''' Doug''''''''' JSON '''''''''''''''''''''''''' Doug ''' JSON ''''''' JSLint ' JavaScript '''' 'JavaScript: The Good Parts' '''' JavaScript '' ''' JavaScript ''Doug ''''''''''''' ...

41: La legaltech française Doctrine rachetée par le fonds américain Summit Partners

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Une pépite française de plus rachetée par un fonds américain. Doctrine, la legaltech française qui développe un moteur de recherche juridique, cède, pour plus de 100 millions d'euros, une part majoritaire de son capital au fonds d'investissement américain Summit Partners.

42: Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree - Leetcode297

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello, Welcome to my Day 3 of #30Days of Problem Solving and finding solutions to Leetcode's Data Structures and Algorithm questions. Here, I choose a question daily and try to solve it, and finally pen down my process of flow in solving the question...

43: Ces lunettes AR pourraient venir à votre rescousse lors d'un entretien d'embauche (Réalité Virtuelle)

Vous avez toujours du mal à gérer le moment de l'entretien d'embauche ' Un outil pourrait […] Cet article Ces lunettes AR pourraient venir à votre rescousse lors d'un entretien d'embauche a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

44: Day 17 Task: Docker Project for DevOps Engineers.

Hashnode - python (python)

Dockerfile: Docker is a tool that makes it easy to run applications in containers. Containers are like small packages that hold everything an application needs to run. To create these containers, developers use something called a Dockerfile. A Docker...

45: A Beginner's Guide to Programming with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Programming languages are a medium between humans and computers to express computations in an understandable form to both. Programming languages are the most demanded skills today. Learning programming languages significantly improves problem-solving...

46: Get the value from HTML by Express

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In Express, there are three that we can get value from the HTML. That are req.params, req.body, and req.query. However, the values that we got have a little different meaning. req.params the params is used to get the value from url. Here is a examp...

47: Day 45 - if __name__ == "__main__" in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome to my 45th blog post on the Python journey. On day 45, I learned about a very important idiom called as ' ifname == "main" ' in python. This heps us to determine whether the Python scripts is being run directly or being imported ...

48: Maîtriser son projet de data visualisation : les principes fondateurs

Sillicon (dataviz)

Une phase de cadrage est indispensable en démarrage de projet pour définir ses objectifs, ses parties prenantes, son périmètre - fonctionnel et technique - et ses utilisateurs clés.

49: Technologie VR : une solution contre les feux de forêt ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

La société nouvellement créée Intellic Technologies utilise la technologie VR pour réduire autant que possible […] Cet article Technologie VR : une solution contre les feux de forêt ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

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50: A Practical Approach to Conditional Rendering in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is conditional rendering' React components will frequently need to display different information based on the circumstances. Conditional rendering in React refers to the process of delivering elements and components based on specific conditions....

51: Octave Klaba, le fondateur d'OVHcloud, cherche à racheter Qwant

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le fondateur d'OVHcloud souhaite lancer une plateforme de services numériques européennes s'appuyant sur le moteur de recherche et sur la plateforme de PC en ligne Shadow, rachetée en 2021.

52: Comment la réalité augmentée transforme une batterie ordinaire en un jeu interactif (Réalité Virtuelle)

Une nouvelle qui ne manquera pas de ravir les batteurs en herbe ! Désormais, grâce à […] Cet article Comment la réalité augmentée transforme une batterie ordinaire en un jeu interactif a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

53: Bornes publiques de recharge : le FBI alerte sur le juice jacking

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dans un tweet récent, le bureau du FBI de Denver avertit les utilisateurs sur le risque que constitue les bornes publiques de recharge. Dans le (...)

54: Glossary and key concepts for mobile product managers

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Your first job as a mobile PM can be daunting. This glossary is designed to familiarize you with key concepts related to mobile product development. The post Glossary and key concepts for mobile product managers appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

55: How to build an E-E-A-T strategy for local SEO

Search engine land (Référencement)

Develop a holistic strategy that emphasizes the quality of your organization's digital presence with this local SEO guide to E-E-A-T. The post How to build an E-E-A-T strategy for local SEO appeared first on Search Engine Land.

56: How to build a TypeScript app with Vite

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We explore the benefits of building an app with TypeScript and Vite and compare the performance of TypeScript apps built with CRA vs. Vite. The post How to build a TypeScript app with Vite appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

57: Pycraft progress report! 11/04/2023

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello there everyone, It's time for our weekly Pycraft progress report! If you were wondering why there isn't one for the previous week, that is because we were on holiday, and we were planning to combine this week's progress update into next week, h...

58: Connect MetaMask wallet using HTML & JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

So, what we are gonna do in this article is write a simple HTML and JS code that can help a user to connect their MetaMask wallet to a web page. Let's get started. The first thing is to create a new folder and name it whatever you want. Then create t...

59: Python vs Java: Is There a Clear Choice in 2023'

Hashnode - python (python)

Python or Java Which is Best' Java is a platform-independent general-purpose object-oriented programming language. Java code may execute on any platform or operating system that includes a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java is popular in creating enter...

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60: Kotlin CRUD Rest API, using Spring boot, Gradle, Hibernate, Postgres, Docker, Docker Compose

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Let's create a CRUD Rest API in Kotlin, using: Spring boot Gradle Hibernate Postgres Docker Docker Compose If you prefer a video version: All the code is available in the GitHub repository (link in the video description):

61: Remplacer les lignes électriques par la transmission radio' ()

Les pylônes électriques au bord des routes seront-ils bientôt en voie de disparition ' Un système testé en ce moment même à grande échelle en Nouvelle-Zélande et en Allemagne pourrait avoir raison de ces infrastructures qui dénaturent quelque peu le paysage. Dans ces deux pays, des entreprises cherchent à remplacer tous les gros pylônes des lignes à haute tension par deux petites ante [...]

62: Custom Response Header in Django

Hashnode - python (python)

So I was wondering how to build a habit of writing blogs daily, and my friend suggested that we could write about the little things we learn every day, so we decided to start a series called Today I Learned where we will write about the little things...

63: [ PART 12 ] Creating a Twitter clone with GraphQL, Typescript, and React ( CommentsCount, retweetsCount )

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi everyone ;). As a reminder, I'm doing this challenge: Tweeter challenge Github repository Db diagram In Part 10, I had some issues with validating some fields conditionally. To fix the issue, I had to set this option to the server file: src/server...

64: How to think about brand exclusions for Performance Max

Search engine land (Référencement)

Thinking of excluding branded queries from your Performance Max campaigns' Here's when brand exclusions make sense and when they don't. The post How to think about brand exclusions for Performance Max appeared first on Search Engine Land.

65: Supervised Machine Learning Series: K-Nearest Neighbors (6th Algorithm)

Hashnode - python (python)

K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a popular machine learning algorithm that is commonly used for classification and regression tasks. KNN is a non-parametric algorithm, which means that it does not assume anything about the distribution of the data. In th...

66: React and ReactDOM

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is React' The react package holds the react source for components, state, props and all the code that is react. When you work with React, it is more than likely that you will build your apps with JSX. The JSX is a tag-based JavaScript syntax lik...

67: Functional Programming in Kotlin: Pure and Total Functions

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Pure Functions One of the key concepts in functional programming is the idea of pure functions. A pure function is a function that has no side effects and always returns the same output given the same input. For example, the follwing it's a pure func...

68: How to set up Django built-in Registration in 2023

Hashnode - python (python)

Setting up user registration allows your potential users can create accounts and store personal info on your web app. Currently, Django offers a number of different ways to set this up. One tried and tested method is the Django built-in authenticatio...

69: TypeScript CRUD Rest API: Building a Robust Application with Nest.js, TypeORM, Postgres, Docker, and Docker Compose

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As the development world evolves, the need for reliable and scalable applications grows. Today, building robust applications requires an understanding of multiple programming languages and technologies. TypeScript is one such language that has gained...

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70: My First JavaScript Practice: Building a Drum Kit

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is my first JavaScript practice and I'll be learning how to build the Drum Kit from Wes Bos JavaScript 30 Playlist. The Drum Kit project is a web-based application that allows users to play different drum sounds using their keyboard. The applica...

71: iOS 16.4.1 et MacOS 13.3.1 réparent des failles et des bugs

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Lorsqu'il s'agit de mises à jour de systèmes d'exploitation, il est conseillé aux utilisateurs de les installer dès que possible. (...)

72: A tale of two recoveries by Internet Marketing Ninjas

Search engine land (Référencement)

A look at two very different paths taken to recover from a Google algorithm update. The post A tale of two recoveries appeared first on Search Engine Land.

73: Bolt s'appuie sur Slack pour supprimer l'usage des courriels en interne

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

« Si vous n'êtes pas sur Slack, vous ne travaillez pas. » Tel est le dicton de l'entreprise de services de mobilité (...)

74: Une fuite de documents classés ébranle le Pentagone

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La circulation des documents classifiés sur Internet pose un risque « très grave pour la sécurité nationale des (...)

75: Fuite de données après un ransomware chez le propriétaire de KFC et Pizza Hut

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Attaqué par ransomware qui a affecté certains de ses systèmes informatiques, le groupe de restauration Yum (Pizza Hut, KFC, (...)

76: Les ventes mondiales de PC ont connu une baisse historique de 29% en un an

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les ventes mondiales de PC dégringolent. Le ralentissement post-pandémique du marché n'épargne aucun acteur, Apple étant le plus sévèrement touché, mais les analystes tablent sur un rebond pour 2024, misant sur une amélioration de la situation économique et sur le renouvellement des appareils achetés en masse en 2020 et devenus obsolètes.

77: Alibaba ajoute, à son tour, de l'IA générative à ses services

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'annonce du géant du commerce en ligne coïncide avec la volonté de Pékin d'instaurer de nouvelle règles sur l'intelligence artificielle générative.

78: Furby revient avec ChatGPT : les Pokémon bientôt réalité '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une étudiante américaine est parvenue à fusionner ChatGPT avec une peluche parlante Furby. Le début d'une nouvelle ère basée sur … Cet article Furby revient avec ChatGPT : les Pokémon bientôt réalité ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

79: Compte-rendu du Comptoir Octo x La Duck Conf ' Utiliser une solution d'edge Open Source pour améliorer l'inspection visuelle dans vos usines

Octo (Internet)

Ce comptoir a eu lieu le 09 mars 2023 et a été animé par: Karim et Yannick sont des Machine Learning ingénieurs qui ont travaillé essentiellement sur les problématiques de la donnée dans le milieu industriel. Le sujet de ce comptoir est l'inspection visuelle et plus précisément focalisé sur une solution développée par notre équipe […] L'article <strong>Compte-rendu du Comp [...]

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80: React Components

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A component can be as small as a button, or as large as an entire page. React apps are made out of components. A component is a piece of the UI (user interface) that has its logic and appearance. Components are independent and reusable bits of code....

81: Des aliments riches en lycopène et sélénium pour prévenir le cancer de la prostate ()

L'alimentation riche en matières grasses, la consommation de viande rouge, le tabac et les antécédents familiaux de cancer de la prostate font partie des principaux facteurs de risque. en lire plus

82: Peut-on capter du CO', le transformer en bicarbonate de soude puis l'injecter dans l'océan ' ()

La quantité de CO' ' puissant gaz à effet de serre ' dans l'atmosphère doit diminuer drastiquement au cours des prochaines décennies. Pour y parvenir, plusieurs méthodes existent, dont le captage, qui a le vent en poupe. Selon le dernier rapport du Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat (Giec), les objectifs de réduction de gaz à effet de serre seront difficilement [...]

83: Un nouveau vaccin intranasal contre la coqueluche ()

La coqueluche est une maladie infectieuse respiratoire provoquée par la bactérie Bordetella pertussis. Très contagieuse, elle est connue pour générer des complications mortelles chez le nourrisson. Depuis la fin des années 1990, le vaccin dCaT1 est majoritairement utilisé pour lutter contre la coqueluche, mais l'immunité qu'il confère diminue avec le temps, nécessitant des rappels. En ou [...]

84: Google condamné à une amende de 30 millions d'euros pour abus de position dominante en Corée du Sud

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le régulateur antitrust sud-coréen estime que Google a violé la loi en imposant aux développeurs de jeux mobiles une exclusivité sur le Play Store, de 2016 à 2018.

85: Querying elements in a typesafe manner

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you are like me, you may not like typescript but you do like proper types. With jsdoc, it's easy enough to add proper typing to any bit of vanilla javascript code. However, things are not so great when you use the querySelector and querySelectorAl...

86: Zig, le rival de C s'invite dans le top 50 de l'index de Tiobe

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La dernière livrée du classement mensuel Tiobe des langages de programmation est arrivée. Si le haut du panier ne bouge pas avec le (...)

87: Un nouvel outil pour générer et concevoir des séquences de protéines ()

La conception de nouvelles protéines ayant une structure et une fonction spécifiques est un objectif très important de la bio-ingénierie, mais la taille considérable de l'espace des séquences de protéines complique la recherche de nouvelles protéines. Cependant, dans le cadre d'une récente étude, l'équipe d'Anne-Florence Bitbol de la Faculté des sciences de la vie de l'EPFL a découver [...]

88: How to harness the power of LinkedIn to land your first role as a newbie in tech.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

LinkedIn has emerged as a crucial resource for job seekers in the modern digital age, especially in the tech sector. With more than 774 million users worldwide, LinkedIn offers job searchers a fantastic platform to network with potential employers, e...

89: Baisse des ventes de PC : quelles sont les marques les plus touchées '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Selon le cabinet IDC, le marché des PC a reculé de 29 % au premier trimestre 2023.

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90: Le rythme cardiaque influencerait la perception du temps ()

Des scientifiques américains de l'Université Cornell se sont demandé si la perception du temps était liée aux rythmes physiologiques, en se concentrant sur la variabilité du rythme cardiaque. « Le stimulateur cardiaque 'fait tic-tac' régulièrement en moyenne, mais chaque intervalle entre les battements est un tout petit peu plus long ou plus court que le précédent », peut-on [...]

91: MSI victime d'une cyberattaque, une rançon de 4 millions de dollars réclamée

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le spécialiste des cartes mères est la dernière victime d'un nouveau groupe de pirates informatiques, spécialisé dans les attaques par rançongiciel.

92: WordPress : comment afficher plus facilement vos PDF avec le nouveau plugin d'Adobe

Blog du Moderateur ()

Adobe lance un nouveau plugin gratuit qui permet d'intégrer aisément des fichiers PDF à son site web.

93: Amazon : la France impose la livraison à 3 euros pour les livres, ce qui va changer

Blog du Moderateur ()

Pour soutenir le secteur du livre et les libraires traditionnels, le gouvernement a décidé d'un prix minimum pour la livraison de livres sur Internet.

94: A Beginner's Guide to Portals in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. One of the powerful features of React is the use of portals, which allow developers to render content outside of the normal React tree structure. In this article, you'll learn all ab...

95: ChatGPT pour le SEO : 10 questions pour créer des contenus optimisés

Blog du Moderateur ()

Retrouvez nos astuces pour améliorer votre référencement naturel avec ChatGPT.

96: 10 of the Best Marketing Agency Websites in 2023

Codrops (Design / Internet)

In this post, we're looking at 10 of the best marketing agency websites. Whether you need inspiration or a trustworthy WordPress theme to get you started, you'll find it here.

97: DataGrip 2023.1 est disponible : aperçu des améliorations de l'EDI de JetBrains pour les développeurs SQL

sgbd ( (Informatique / base de données)

DataGrip 2023.1 est disponible : aperçu des améliorations De l'EDI de JetBrains pour les développeurs SQLJetBrains annonce la sortie de DataGrip 2023.1. Il s'agit de la première mise à jour majeure de 2023 pour son EDI destiné aux administrateurs de bases de données et développeurs SQL. Cette version est exclusivement axée sur la qualité et apporte les correctifs de bogues demandés par [...]

98: useReducer() hook in react

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The useReducer hook is a built-in hook in React that allows you to manage state in a more complex way than the useState hook. While useState is great for managing simple state changes, useReducer is useful for managing more complex state...

99: Understanding The Pillars Of Object-oriented Programming

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction One important concept that should be available in a software developer's repertoire is a working understanding of object-oriented programming(OOP). OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) is a way of writing code that organizes it into reusabl...

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100: Open call pour candidater au programme d'accélération EIT Health Catapult 2023

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'EIT Health Catapult ouvre la 8e édition de son programme d'accélération de start-up 'uvrant dans la santé et les sciences de la vie.

101: Les hackers peuvent ouvrir votre porte de garage ! Comment se protéger '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La sécurité de votre maison peut être menacée par des hackers capables d’ouvrir votre porte de garage à distance. Il … Cet article Les hackers peuvent ouvrir votre porte de garage ! Comment se protéger ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

102: Walmart investit dans GPT-4 pour transformer son expérience client

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le plus grand distributeur américain sort du bois : dans une interview à nos confrères de VentureBeat, la société (...)

103: E-commerce : le groupe Maïsadour fait le choix d'une plateforme mutualisée

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Depuis 2020, le groupe Maïsadour met à la disposition de ses adhérents et clients agriculteurs un site e-commerce omnicanal, qui leur (...)

104: Obsidian lance des outils SaaS de sécurité et de conformité

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Pour aider les entreprises à gérer les intégrations SaaS de tiers, l'entreprise de cybersécurité Obsidian a doté (...)

105: Cisco étoffe sa gamme 800G sur base Silicon One

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Afin d'aider les grandes entreprises, les fournisseurs de cloud et de services à gérer la demande attendue des services autour de l'IA, de (...)

106: À quel moment basculer vers une architecture edge '

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'edge computing désigne une infrastructure localisée géographiquement à proximité de l'endroit où (...)

107: A colorblind view of the web

Flowing data (dataviz)

If you don’t use a colorblind-safe color palette in your maps and charts,…Tags: Andy Baio, colorblind, Verge

108: StringBuffer Vs StringBuilder

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

From an Interview point of view, StringBuilder and StringBuffer are the most important topics that everyone should learn in Java. A) Key Points of StringBuffer and StringBuilder: What are StringBuffer and StringBuilder: Both are classes in Java us...

109: Random Variables and Expectations: Understanding Variance, Covariance, and Statistical Inference

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Random variables and expectations are fundamental concepts in data analysis. They allow us to describe the variability and uncertainty of data, and to make predictions based on that data. In this article, we will introduce these concepts...

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110: Comment évolue le paysage social media en 2023 : le décryptage de Jean-Noël Buisson

Blog du Moderateur ()

Nouvelles applications, essor des copycats, graal de la génération Z, créateurs en crise, arrivée de l'IA... Décryptage complet du marché des réseaux sociaux !

111: Qu'est-ce qu'un KIT UI design '

Usabilis (ux)

Pour construire une interface utilisateur conviviale, liée aux directives de la marque et qui a une apparence fraîche, fluide et moderne, il existe une solution : le kit UI... Cet article Qu'est-ce qu'un KIT UI design ' est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.

112: Comment supprimer un thème WordPress '

WP Marmite (wordpress)

Trop moche. Trop vieux. Trop peu d'options. Trop peu mis à jour. Bref, trop marre de lui. Trop de raisons différentes peuvent vous pousser à vouloir supprimer un thème WordPress. Ce thème qui vous a tant séduit, un temps. Ce... Comment supprimer un thème WordPress ' est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.

113: My journey through learning Python : Day 6 to 8

Hashnode - python (python)

Day 6: Python Functions & while loop This day was really fun! We had to play with a little robot ' named Reeborg. Besides learning two interesting concepts, I mostly played with logic and algorithm. I found this way of learning extra entertaining! F...

114: Intersection Observer In React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What does Intersection Observer API do' Intersection Observer enables us to detect the visibility of an element. What it internally does is it lets us pass a function as its parameter. This function in turn is a callback function. This callback funct...

115: Improving Performance of Nuxt with Fontaine

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I am always amazed by what you can do to improve the performance of your website by focusing on the things that initially does not look that complex. In the past, I thought that you can only make your app faster by optimizing backend like database op...

116: Using dart to fetch your top tracks from Spotify Web API

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

A while ago I was going through a C# code a wrote which was a code to fetch top tracks from a particular artist (ASAKE) Nigerian artist of course '' Still haven't finished that hopefully I do complete it anytime soon. Then I saw a javascript method u...

117: Le FBI ferme Genesis, plaque tournante des données volées

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Dans une opération récente, le FBI a fermé Genesis, un site Web connu pour être une plaque tournante pour les … Cet article Le FBI ferme Genesis, plaque tournante des données volées a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

118: Goossips SEO : actualités, IA, indexation de nouveaux domaines et localisation du CDN

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : l'actualité supérieure au contenu evergreen, l'utilisation de l'IA pour la création de contenu, l'indexation des nouveaux domaines et la localisation du CDN pour le SEO international. Voici une petite […] L'article "Goossip [...]

119: Project on Building and Deploying a Docker Image for a React-Django Web App on Ubuntu

Hashnode - python (python)

Step 1: Update the packet manager In the first step, we need to update the packet manager using the apt-get command in Ubuntu. This will ensure that we have the latest version of the packet manager before we proceed with the installation of Docker. ...

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120: Solving Continuous Probability Distributions with Python: A Complete Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Continuous probability distributions play an important role in statistical analysis and data science. They are used to model the distribution of continuous random variables and can provide insights into the behavior of real-world phenome...

121: Attendu sur Quest 2, ce jeu VR vous fera revivre les batailles du 17ème siècle (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le nouveau jeu VR Crimen ' Mercenary Tales offrira aux joueurs l'opportunité de revivre les […] Cet article Attendu sur Quest 2, ce jeu VR vous fera revivre les batailles du 17ème siècle a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

122: OpenAI's GPT-4: The Latest Milestone in AI Language Models

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ChatGPT, OpenAI's language model, has been a topic of conversation for quite some time now. And with the recent release of GPT-4 on March 14th, 2023, the excitement surrounding this remarkable AI chatbot has resurfaced. Before diving into the details...

123: How to make Responsive Web designs in CSS: Tips and Tricks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In today's world, where mobile devices have become an integral part of our lives, it's essential to make sure that your website is responsive. A responsive website means that it is designed to adjust to the screen size of the device it is being viewe...

124: Python Language basic information

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991. python is used for: 1) Web development. 2)Software development. 3) Mathematics. 4) System scripting. What can Python do' 1) Python can be used on serve...

125: A Beginner's Guide To Frameworks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Frameworks are an essential part of software development. In simple terms, a framework is a pre-written code that provides a foundation for building software applications. This pre-written code helps developers to jumpstart the development process an...

126: JSX vs. TSX: Choosing the Right Syntax for Your React App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to write reusable UI components in JavaScript and provides a virtual DOM for efficient rendering. In addition, React uses a syntax extension called JSX to write ...

127: PYTHON - Lets talk about errors!

Hashnode - python (python)

Before starting we need to do a little introduction! Programming isn't all about shine and peace, especially when, unfortunately, that damned red color comes out in our console! This article will be fluid, so you won't get tired of reading it! Make y...

128: Understanding Object-Oriented Programming: A Beginner's Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a popular programming paradigm that has gained widespread adoption due to its ability to write code that is modular, maintainable, and reusable. OOP is based on the concept of objects rather than function or logic...

129: NFTs for Real Estate: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Tokens in Python, JavaScript, and Solidity

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I. Introduction Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are gaining popularity in the real estate industry as a new way of buying and selling properties. In this article, we will explore the concept of NFTs for real estate and how to create tokens using Python, J...

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130: Google Bard adds more search topics to 'Google it' button

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google also now has a release notes document to track updates to Bard. The post Google Bard adds more search topics to “Google it” button appeared first on Search Engine Land.

131: How To Plan As An Engineering Executive (Développement)

Will discusses: (1) Approaching planning as an infinite process rather than a finite one. (2) Discussing the default planning process at most companies. (3) Decomposing planning into three discrete components: financial plan, functional portfolio allocation, and roadmap. (4) Setting the company's annual financial plan. (5) Defining Engineering's functional portfolio allocation. And more.

132: Tabby (Développement)

Self-hosted AI coding assistant.

133: A Problem vs The Problem (Développement)

'Most conversations about problems, and causes, are negotiations ' negotiations about identity, reputation, controlling the narrative, and spheres of influence and control. People look for the "definition" they can live with and process. Deciding how much to constrain the collection of root causes ' from one cause to a whole graph of related causes ' is as much a political decision as a factual or [...]

134: Consistent Hashing Explained (Développement)

'Consistent hashing is a distributed systems technique that operates by assigning the data objects and nodes a position on a virtual ring structure - a hash ring. Consistent hashing minimizes the number of keys to be remapped when the total number of nodes changes.' The author dives deep into this works in the context of system design.

135: Building Webhooks Into Your Application: Guidelines And Best Practices (Développement)

Webhooks are a common way for developers to receive events from your app. But sending webhooks is deceptively complex to do, with lots of edge cases and key design decisions you need to get right. This post walks through how to build a great webhook experience in your app with helpful suggestions and best practices.

136: Chroma (Développement)

OS embedding database.

137: Dropbox Engineering Career Framework (Développement)

'The Engineering Career Framework is your source for how to achieve impact for your role and team and how to grow in your engineering career. For managers, it can help you set expectations with your teams and hold them accountable for their work.'

138: Cohesion In Simple Terms - Software Modularity (Développement)

'Modularity is a must for good software design. It helps with extensibility, readability, maintainability, and more. It certainly isn't easy to make your code modular, but what exactly is modularity, and how do we measure it''

139: How Lyft Uses Load Testing To Ensure Reliable Service During Peak Events (Développement)

'We have come to realize that load testing in production is a powerful tool to prepare systems for unexpected bursty traffic and peak events. We'll explore why Lyft needed a custom performance testing framework that worked in production, how we built a cross-functional solution, and how we've continued to improve this testing platform.'

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140: Buck2 (Développement)

New OS, large-scale build system

141: Writing Tips for Improving Your Pull Requests (Développement)

'I'm going to show you how to purposely write less by using the techniques below.' Tips are: (1) Make it scannable. (2) Speak plainly. (3) Avoid adverbs. (4) Simplify your sentences. (5) Avoid a passive voice. Jeff adds examples to each.

142: Gpt4all (Développement)

Demo, data & code to train an assistant-style LLM.

143: Visualizing the World's Plummeting Fertility Rate

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

In this graphic we explore the world's declining fertility rate over the last 60 years and the disparity in fertility rates between nations The post Visualizing the World's Plummeting Fertility Rate appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

144: How to make a CRUD Application in Python with the Flask Microframework

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview This article will explain how to make a CRUD application in Python by using the Flask microframework. This CRUD application constantly updates a dictionary. Materials or Software Used Computer IDE Python Python Modules: Flask HTML5 P...

145: How to Use SMTP to Send Emails From WordPress

WP Explorer (wordpress)

WordPress has a native way of sending emails. It uses the PHP mail() function to deliver all those newsletters, password resets, or any other type of email you're sending to your audience. While this method should theoretically be sufficient, it's far from perfect. In WordPress, sending emails with SMTP is a much better alternative. And […] The post How to Use SMTP to Send Emails From WordPr [...]

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Richard Carlier

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