Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
Cet article est un compte-rendu d'un talk donné à la Duck Conf en 2023. Nos deux speakers d'OCTO Technology, Roberto Duarte – Ops/SRE et Hông Viêt Lê – Tech Lead Ops, nous font un retour d'expérience sur une mission de refonte d'un SI : quelles ont été les décisions prises, leurs conséquences sur une équipe, […] L'article Compte-rendu de la Duck Conf 2023 : La vie d'Op [...]
Hey! there .... this is my new blog on Hashnode where i will be posting stuff related to Tech and Programming as a whole as time goes on. i will be focusing on programming languages such as Flutter and Dart Java C++ C Python web dev and much more.......
Hey! there .... this is my new blog on Hashnode where i will be posting stuff related to Tech and Programming as a whole as time goes on. i will be focusing on programming languages such as Flutter and Dart Java C++ C Python and much more....... I ho...
Overview Rotate your AWS API access keys using this Boto3 script for IAM users that I wrote. Optional arguments include create, update, delete, and list access keys. When applying the create new ' feature, the user is prompted whether or not to over...
In modern software development, managing environment variables is a critical aspect of ensuring security and keeping sensitive information safe. One popular way to manage environment variables in JavaScript applications is by using .env files. These ...
If you've been working with Kafka for a while, you're probably aware of the importance of properly managing your Kafka topics. As the backbone of your data streaming infrastructure, well-organized topics can keep your system running smoothly and efficiently, while ensuring that you're making the most out of the valuable
Stay up to date on new products & technology, adapt to new strategies, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. The post Google Marketing Live registration opens appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Amazon has become the go-to place for lifestyle products that can make your daily routine more convenient and efficient. Here are the top 7 Amazon lifestyle products that are worth trying out.
In this webinar, learn key strategies to acquire and engage the right customers. The post Harness the power of customer data to stay ahead of the competition appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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Optional chaining is a way to access the object's properties or functions even if the value of the object property or function is null or undefined. In case if the value of the either object's property or function's value is undefined or null, then t...
When a video isn't the main content, Google won't show it as a thumbnail. Google's testing showed a "minimal impact" on publishers. The post Google: Video must be main content to appear as thumbnail appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language. It was designed with an emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than would be possible in languages such as C++ or Java. Pyth...
Microsoft estimates that exposure to Roku ads leads to a nearly 18% increase overall in click-through rate on the Audience Network. The post Microsoft’s integration with Roku reveals increased engagement across CTV and search appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction Authentication with api's can sometimes be tricky and may lead to frustration since sometimes you are really not understanding what the docs are trying to tell you.Well, i am just speaking about myself here. Recently, i was working on a...
Looking for what it means.Tags: caring
In JavaScript, semicolons are used to terminate statements. However, JavaScript allows you to omit the semicolon in certain situations. This feature is called automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), which is the topic of this blog. What is Automatic Sem...
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected and globalized, the importance of accurate and reliable currency calculations cannot be overstated. For fintech companies in particular, who rely heavily on financial transactions, handling currency ca...
This graphic features the ancient seven wonders of the world that captivated people for thousands of years. The post Mapped: The Ancient Seven Wonders of the World appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Learn how to keep your users' screens active without draining power using React Native's KeepAwake functions. The post Build <code>keepAwake</code> into your React Native app appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Dans la famille GAFA, c'est au tour d'Amazon de se lancer dans la course à l'IA générative avec Bedrock, un service cloud d'AWS donnant accès à ses propres modèles de langage, à ceux des start-up AI21 et Anthropic, ainsi qu'au modèle de transformation de texte en images de la start-up Stability AI.
React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, used by millions of developers worldwide. One of the most powerful features of React is its ability to use hooks, which are functions that allow you to use state and other React f...
- Les Cnil européennes lancent un groupe de travail sur ChatGPT. L'organisme qui réunit les organismes nationaux de surveillance (...)
- L'EDPB lance un groupe de travail sur ChatGPT. La structure qui réunit les organismes nationaux de surveillance de la vie privée (...)
Avec la ChatGPT mania, les regards et les médias se sont focalisés sur le soutien de Microsoft et son intègration de l'agent (...)
JavaScript Variables: A Beginner's Guide Variables are one of the most fundamental concepts in any programming language. They allow you to store and manipulate data in your code. In this article, we will explore what variables are, how to declare and...
For The New York Times, Josh Holder and Marco Hernandez show the areas…Tags: New York Times, Russia, Ukraine, war
' Astro Cookies API The Astro cookies API provides a way to pass data between user browser and the server. You can use it on your SSR sites, as an example, to keep track of whether a user is authenticated. Essentially, the API is just a wrapper for...
WebProNews Google’s Assured Open Source Software Is Now Available for Free Google announced the general availability of its Assured Open Source Software, a service designed to help protect open source supply chains. Google’s Assured Open Source Software Is Now Available for Free Matt Milano
Explore React Native Reanimated core features, changes in v2 and v3, and how to use this library to create smooth transitions and animations. The post Using React Native Reanimated for seamless UI transitions appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Python is an incredibly powerful, popular, and versatile programming language. It's used for everything from web development and data science to machine learning and automation. Despite its many benefits, however, programmers may encounter certain ch...
When it comes to identifying your ideal target customer, the common wisdom of focusing on a niche first often does more harm than good. The post What is an ideal customer profile (ICP)' Template and examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Exploring 2022 average air pollution levels around the world by PM2.5 concentration. The post Mapped: Air Pollution Levels Around the World in 2022 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Le Comité européen de la protection des données veut favoriser la coopération entre les autorités nationales, Le robot conversationnel est accusé de ne pas respecté les règles européennes.
Introduction Welcome to my 48th blog post on the Python journey. On day 48, I learned about two types of variables in Python, viz local and global variables. I also learned about the difference in the accessibility of local and global variables and h...
Avec sa Reviews Update, Google favorise les avis avec une véritable expertise et des preuves d'une expérience avec un produit ou un service.
WebProNews Snapchat May Charge for Dark Mode Snapchat is reportedly looking at an unusual way to drive revenue, with plans to charge users for access to an upcoming dark mode. Snapchat May Charge for Dark Mode Staff
OpenAI lance un programme de Bug Bounty pour ChatGPT. Les utilisateurs qui découvrent des bugs ou des vulnérabilités seront récompensés … Cet article ChatGPT : cette somme folle offerte si vous trouvez un bug a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
On day 18, I did more code refactoring and improved already built functions, such as making sure the user verifies their email after registration, accessing the main view of the app after registration and login, and also displaying errors that may oc...
Reading JSON and YAML in Python Parsing various types of files is an essential skill for a DevOps Engineer. Parsing files is often a key part of automating tasks such as backups, many DevOps tools rely on configuration files in different formats such...
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Le studio Joy Way prépare en ce moment un nouveau jeu VR ressemblant à Doom […] Cet article Fan de Doom VFR ' Découvrez ce nouveau jeu VR de Joy Way ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Acteur historique dans l'industrie du stockage, avec notamment la création de Storwize cédée en 2010 à IBM, Gal Naor (...) Hello everyone and welcome to this tutorial on how to write your first Flutter app. Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google. It allows you to build beautiful, fast, and nativ...
The Fundamental AI Research (FAIR) team at Meta AI is excited to release Animated Drawings, an open source project aimed at helping creators and developers easily create their own drawing-to-animation experiences or products.
Optimize your code's performance by using the BufReader class in Rust and buffering input/output. The post Using <code>BufRead</code> for faster Rust I/O speed appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In JavaScript, Map is a built-in object that provides an easy way to store and manipulate data in key/value pairs. Map vs. Object The main difference between a Map and an Object in JavaScript is the type of their keys, as well as how they store and m...
Nailing jobs that customers do frequently will improve your product adoption. Customers need to understand what your product does for them. The post What is product adoption and how do you measure it' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Ce 13 avril, Sage France a convoqué les représentants de ses trois principaux revendeurs (Absys Cyborg, Parthena Consultant et Apogea) à (...)
It's my second practice and I will be building an analog clock with moving hands. This is still part of Wes Bos's JavaScript 30 Playlist. Loved this because I was quite lazy today but didn't want to end the day without coding. The Project: The projec...
Le groupe à la pomme veut produire ses ordinateurs au Vietnam et en Thaïlande. Il souhaite réduire sa dépendance aux usines chinoises.
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Hi there, it's Veronika from the communications team, and today I'll try to answer an...
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a type of deep neural network architecture used for generating new data samples that are similar to a given dataset. GANs consist of two neural networks, a generator and a discriminator, which are trained in...
Après avoir testé SEOmatic, un plugin open source pour Craft CMS, nous sommes heureux de vous donner notre avis sur … Cet article Test de SEOmatic : que vaut ce logiciel pour Craft CMS ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
df.merge only includes rows with matching values in both DataFrames. If you want to include all rows from both DataFrames, use how='outer'.My previous tips on pandas. The post Include All Rows When Merging Two DataFrames appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
What factors are impacting the fertilizer market in 2023' Here are four trends driving global fertilizer demand. The post The Fertilizer Market: 4 Things Investors Need to Know in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Le spécialiste du lakehouse a des ambitions dans l'IA générative. Il y a deux semaines, il présentait un LLM (grand modèle (...)
The pixel perfect artisan Niccolò Miranda, digital art director, interactive designer and creative developer, shares how he taps into his creative energy,...
In today's fast-paced world, the user experience of a website has become a crucial factor in determining its success. One of the ways to improve user experience is by using the show more show less technique. This technique enables users to view more ...
Bonne nouvelle pour les fans de Counter-Strike 2 ! Bientôt, le titre aura son arène virtuelle […] Cet article Ce titre esport emblématique aura bientôt son arène virtuelle a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Design thinking is a user-centric, iterative approach to problem-solving that encourages empathy, experimentation, and collaboration. The post Using design thinking steps to build great products appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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UX maturity refers to an organization's investment in and commitment to delivering user-centered solutions at every level of the company. The post Determining your company's UX maturity stage appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
This script can help you leverage GPT's API to use the maximum number of RSA assets and, in turn, boost your paid search campaigns. The post A Google Ads script that uses GPT to write RSAs appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Cryptocurrencies have gained immense popularity in recent years and have become a significant investment option. With the increase in demand for cryptocurrencies, several platforms have emerged that allow users to buy, sell, and trade various cryptoc...
La ville de New York va (ré)intégrer des robots parmi ses équipes de police. Elle va utiliser le spot de Boston Dynamics pour faire de la reconnaissance dans les situations dangereuses ainsi que le K5 de Knightscope pour des patrouilles quotidiennes.
À mesure que l’IA devient plus sophistiquée et se démocratise, les alertes contre les risques potentiels de l'IA fusent. Ces … Cet article ChaosGPT : ce ChatGPT modifié veut détruire l’humanité a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Dans le patch à venir, Ramen VR introduira enfin le mode PvP à « Zenith : The […] Cet article Une bonne et une mauvaise nouvelle pour « Zenith : The Last City » a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
How to read input data from the console' In JavaScript, to input data from the user, you use the prompt() function or the ES6 readLine(). In some online competitive challenges, its possible their JavaScript compiler would require you to use the readL...
Just today, I finished a task I've never done before - deploying a Flask web application on Heroku. As background, I'm an aspiring software developer who was given a task by the recruiter to build a web app and deploy it to Heroku. I was given three ...
Debugging is one of the most critical parts of software development, and Node.js developers must have a comprehensive set of tools and techniques to tackle issues that may arise during the development process. Node.js and Express offer several effect...
Reporting on these seven metrics and providing proper context can increase SEO's perceived value to your stakeholders. The post 7 proven methods to explain the value of SEO appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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Le 12 avril, Google a annoncé le déploiement de sa nouvelle mise à jour dédiée aux avis. Nommée « April 2023 Reviews Update », cette septième mise à jour perd le « Product » dans son intitulé et met cette fois-ci l'accent sur les signaux d'expérience. Annoncée sur le compte Twitter de Google Search Central, cette nouvelle mise à […] L'article "Mise à jour [...]
Ornikar s'associe à l'assureur Wakam pour une offre d'assurance auto dont le tarif variera en fonction des étapes d'apprentissage réalisées par le biais de la plateforme.
Whenever you open a video on YouTube, its algorithm will start to recommend you similar videos. Sometimes it's quite irritating. Last time I was checking the video card comparisons. Soon after YouTube decided I'm a big fan of graphics card comparison...
Have you ever experienced time-consuming difficulty manually publishing your Flutter packages' Do you wish there were a method to speed things up and eliminate human error' You're in luck if so! You may automate your package publishing procedure and ...
When building mobile applications you often have to work on the appearance and layout of your UI elements. Flutter provides a rich collection of layout Widgets that help make this process much simpler. In this article, we will go through the essentia...
First of all, what is Queue' Queue is as the name suggests, like in real life whoever came in first should go first (FIRST IN FIRST OUT). Whatever values we push to the Queue should be popped in the order they have been pushed as visualized below: N...
Sentiments and emotions are hard to quantify, but, ironically, are the most crucial factors when a user makes a purchase decision. Users share their thoughts and opinions across various social platforms day-in-out. To make the most of it, brands need to monitor the chatter and derive useful insights that help understand user emotions, intent, and... The post How AI is Driving Social Se [...]
1.Install Django To install Django, you can follow the below steps: Make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download the latest version of Python from the official website: Open the command pro...
Le cycle de conférences Cybermatinées Sécurité du Monde Informatique se poursuit ce 20 avril avec l'étape toulousaine (...)
It rained a lot more than usual this winter in California. Diana Leonard…Tags: rain, Washington Post, weather
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Are you a beginner looking to learn Python fundamentals for data science' Python is a powerful programming language widely used in the data science community for data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning and more. In thi...
Are you a beginner looking to learn Python fundamentals for data science' Python is a powerful programming language widely used in the data science community for data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, deep learning and more. In thi...
Difference between List, Tuple and Set. List, Tuple and Set are all data structures in Python used to store collections of elements. They differ in their properties and usage. List: A List is an ordered collection of elements enclosed in square brac...
La start-up Cybersyn a annoncé avoir levé 62,9 millions de dollars en série A auprès d'investisseurs tels que Snowflake, Coatue (...)
Vous trouverez ici tous les documents dont nous avons parlé au cours de la journée de formation (atelier de cartographie « originale » - en fait une erreur d'édition de la fabrication du prospectus - il s'agissait de cartographie « expérimentale ») de Kwalé, le 13 avril 2023. Documents de travail Images présentées lors de la séance d'introduction (cartographie expérimentale, car [...]
WebGPU doit permettre aux sites et applications web d'aller puiser dans la puissance de calcul des cartes graphiques pour offrir de nouvelles expériences.
Après Pegasus, QuaDream ' L'affaire du logiciel espion développé par NSO pour surveiller de nombreuses personnalités du (...)
Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre. Alors que la majorité des dossiers de rachat et de fusion sont généralement (...)
All of us want to debug our code faster with less urges to throw our computer and the console is the most powerful tool to understand our code functionality better and to debug our code, and console.log is just the tip of the iceberg of how you can f...
Une offre enrichie pour séduire davantage d’utilisateurs Dans un contexte où la concurrence entre les plateformes de streaming payantes s’intensifie, …
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Hello guys, my name is Emmanuel Nwabuodafi, I am a frontend developer with experience across most frontend frameworks including Vue and React. Today, I will be talking about some Google APIs that you can integrate into your project based on different...
Selon une information du site ServeTheHome, confirmé par un porte-parole d'Intel France, le fondeur de Santa Clara a cédé son (...)
Performance is one of the most crucial aspects to take into account while developing web applications. If your application is too slow, users will get impatient and might even stop using it. I will outline the measures I took to 10x the speed of an A...
Produire de l'hydrogène à partir de déchets plastiques, c'est possible ! Alors que de nombreux travaux de recherches ont déjà été menés, Hyundai s'intéresse également au sujet. Dans le cadre d'un accord plus large conclu avec Korea Est-West Power, le constructeur souhaite utiliser sa nouvelle structure dédiée au recyclage des plastiques pour produire de l'hydrogène renouvelable. [...]
Des chercheurs de l'Université autonome de Barcelone (UAB) ont développé un nouveau type de nanoparticules inspirées de la structure des amyloïdes, capables de neutraliser le virus SARS-CoV2. Les nanostructures, appelées OligoBinders, sont solubles, biocompatibles et stables dans le plasma et ont une grande capacité à lier les particules virales. Cette liaison bloque l'interaction entre la [...]
Des études récentes ont fourni des preuves solides que les patients souffrant d'insuffisance cardiaque peuvent bénéficier de traitements médicaux qui peuvent réduire le risque d'aggravation des symptômes et prolonger la vie des patients. Mais, malgré de nouvelles directives, l'adoption de ces thérapies a été lente, incomplète et inéquitable. [...]
When I started to play with templates and dynamic content in angular, I get surprised by multiple directives in angular to work with it ng-template, ng-container, and ng-content. Each one is pretty similar initially; each has exceptional use cases an...
When I started to play with templates and dynamic content in angular, I get surprised by multiple directives in angular to work with it ng-template, ng-container, and ng-content. Each one is pretty similar initially; each has exceptional use cases an...
When I started to play with templates and dynamic content in angular, I get surprised by multiple directives in angular to work with it ng-template, ng-container, and ng-content. Each one is pretty similar initially; each has exceptional use cases an...
Découvrez les dernières nouveautés, les smartphones compatibles et la marche à suivre pour installer cette première bêta publique d'Android 14.
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Une vaste étude chinoise portant sur 258 millions de personnes dans 70 villes chinoises a comparé des données d'admissions à l'hôpital sur la période 2015-2017 avec l'évolution en direct de la qualité de l'air dans ces villes. Ces données montrent que, indépendamment des autres polluants, l'ozone était associé à plus de 3 % des hospitalisations liées à des maladies coronariennes, de [...]
Following on from my last blog post on WTF is Edge Computing, let's take a practical look at some of its use cases. We will cover frameworks and tools, where they shine and some drawbacks. Fullstack Frameworks The easiest and best example of where ed...
Introduction Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is one of the most prominent paradigms in programming, used by developers across various industries to build resourceful applications. OOP is a programming model that is centered around the concept of "o...
Welcome to this beginner-friendly guide on how to scrape Zillow data using Python! By following this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of web scraping and will be able to extract property data from Zillow in no time. Don't worry if you're new to this...
Les autorités italiennes viennent de communiquer leurs exigences à OpenAI. L'entreprise devra les appliquer avant le 30 avril.
L’utilisation des ports USB dans les espaces publics tels que les hôtels et les aéroports est devenue courante. … Cet article Port USB dans les hôtels, aéroports : pourquoi le FBI alerte ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Les utilisateurs des applications de rencontre en ligne doivent absolument savoir assurer leur sécurité s'ils ne veulent subir aucune mésaventure. … Cet article Comment utiliser les applications de rencontre en toute sécurité ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Se lancer à l'international en tant que site e-commerce requiert un minimum de préparation. Découvrez les points clés à prendre en compte !
La start-up Spayr propose une solution permettant aux salariés d'obtenir instantanément une fraction de leur rémunération déjà acquise sur le mois.
Problem Statement:- Given two integer arrays pushed and popped each with distinct values, return true if this could have been the result of a sequence of push and pop operations on an initially empty stack, or false otherwise. Link: https://leetcode....
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Durant le printemps, nos experts OCTO vous proposent un cycle de contenus autour du Cloud. Le sujet vous intéresse ' Pour découvrir le programme et ne rien rater, inscrivez-vous sur notre page Cloud, DevOps & Plateformes. Choisir une solution de Cloud' Voilà bien un problème qui semblait assez enfantin il y a quelques années, et qui […] L'article Les légendes du Cloud : mythes [...]
In today’s digital age, designing for accessibility is more important than ever. With over a billion people living with some form of disability, it’s crucial to ensure that websites and digital products are accessible to everyone. Designing for accessibility is not only the right thing to do, it’s also good for business. By creating a... The post Designing for A [...]
L'engouement pour les IA génératives n'échappe pas à la Chine. Pour preuve, l'annonce faite par Alibaba Cloud (...)
L'un des représentants de la firme de cybersécurité Mandiant, rachetée en septembre dernier par Google Cloud, fait le point sur son action en Ukraine et ses nouvelles ambitions.
Aujourd’hui je vous propose de rencontrer Alban qui va nous parler, bien sûr d’OCTO, mais plus précisément de l’évolution d’OCTO au cours de ces dernières années avec un focus particulier sur le fameux « management à la OCTO ». Hello Alban, tu es aujourd'hui Partner et Coach en Transformation Agile chez OCTO Technology, comment as-tu découvert le […] L'art [...]
La neuvième saison du Championnat du monde de Formule E est en cours, avec des événements prévus un peu partout ce printemps, (...)
Si « la croissance externe est au coeur du projet de Blue », selon les mots de Nicolas Boittin, son PDG fondateur, l'opérateur (...)
La technologie suscitait encore des doutes, mais les tests effectués avec IBM, partenaire de Bouygues Telecom depuis 5 ans dans la mise en oeuvre (...)
Les ventes cumulées de serveurs et de systèmes de stockage dédiés aux environnements cloud ont fini 2022 sur une bonne note. (...)
A l'occasion de la publication de sa 12e étude sur les salaires 2023 en France, le cabinet Hays présente une vue d'ensemble des (...)
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Sommaire 1 -Où en sommes-nous dans la 5G Pro'' En 2023, l'usage du talkie-walkie et plus largement des réseaux privés (...)
L'IA peut cracker votre mot de passe aussi fort que vous ne le pensiez en deux temps trois mouvements ! Le moment … Cet article Une IA peut deviner votre mot de passe en 1 min ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Python is a dynamically typed programming language, which means that the data type of a variable is determined at runtime, rather than at compile-time. Python supports a wide range of data types that can be used to represent different kinds of data. ...
Hello, My name is Roman, Welcome to our Javascript course! In this course, we will start learning javascript from basic to advance. We will raise the level just like when we eat or watch our favourite things we don't imagine how much time we spend th...
Marketing, design, développement, social media... Voici 10 comptes Instagram à suivre pour développer vos compétences dans le domaine du digital.
Vêtue d’une veste noire et d’un tee-shirt blanc, cette IA pourrait changer l'avenir professionnel des femmes journalistes dans ce … Cet article Ce pays musulman remplace les femmes journalistes par l’IA a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
The internet is vast, full of potential 'and dangerous. As the world becomes more dependent on digital activity, hacks and breaches are becoming more common. Even elite cybersecurity firms aren't immune to the risks. In 2022, the popular password manager LastPass reported that cybercriminals had broken into its password vaults and stolen encrypted data, leaving... The post How Multi-Fa [...]
Testing is an essential aspect of software development that ensures the quality and reliability of software products. React, being one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, requires a robust testing strategy to ensure that the application functi...
Bonjour,Je vous propose un article traitant de la modélisation des données, d'une part selon notre approche classique E/R, c'est-à-dire en partant d'un MCD, et d'autre part selon l'approche de certains théoriciens du relationnel (relation universelle). Je compare et conclus en faveur du MCD. Maintenant, on peut débattre...L'article est ici : Modélisation Entité-Relation vs Rela [...]
La start-up fondée par Alexis Bidinot, qui veut répliquer le modèle de la Freebox dans l'univers de la sécurité domestique, a réuni un premier tour de table auquel participent Iliad et Xavier Niel.
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Alors que des milliards de pages web sont indexées chaque jour sur Google, une grande partie de ces pages sont du spam. Tous les ans, la firme publie son rapport sur le spam pour afficher les actions prises pour lutter contre ce fléau. Ce qu'il faut retenir : Après avoir partagé la façon dont il […] L'article "Comment Google a lutté contre le spam en 2022" a été publié s [...]
Summary: This article gives you a brief overview of the top JavaScript libraries for working with Web APIs. We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of knowing the latest JavaScript libraries for working with Web APIs and their f...
django-admin startapp and python startapp are both commands used to create a new Django app within a project. However, they are executed differently. django-admin is a command-line tool that allows you to execute various Django-related task...
Summary: In this article, you will learn about the importance of responsive design, the differences between desktop and mobile app design, and how to create a responsive design with React. In the modern era, a responsive UI design is imperative for d...
In the program output, we can represent Python strings in two ways. Python supports both informal and formal string representations. When we run the Python program to print the string, we get an informal representation of it in the output. The __str_...
JavaScript is widely used to create interactive web applications that respond to user events. Event handling is a fundamental concept in JavaScript that allows developers to write code that responds to user actions such as mouse clicks, keyboard inpu...
As an SDET, I have always been passionate about enhancing the software development process. In this article, I will discuss how to implement a continuous testing and integration approach in a software development environment, particularly for FAANG-l...
Here is the UI that we want to build ultimately in this blog. Required Flutter packages Open pubspec.yaml and add these packages under dependencies: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter # add these packages in your flutter project first goo...
What is docker Volume..' Docker-Volume is a feature in the Docker containerization platform that enables data to persist between containers and to be shared among them. When you create a Docker container, any data that is generated or used by the con...
Search continues to account for the largest share of digital ad spending, with revenues up 7.8% year on year. The post U.S. search ad revenue hit a record $84.4 billion in 2022 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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JavaScript arrays are used to store collections of data in a program. An array is a special type of object that contains an ordered list of elements, each identified by an index number. Arrays in JavaScript are dynamic and can grow or shrink in size ...
It's day 72 of my #100daysofcode journey, and I can't believe how much I've accomplished so far. Today was another productive day, as I wrapped up work on the 'create profile' page and began building the chat feature. Creating the user profile page w...
Lodash is a popular JavaScript utility library that provides a wide range of functions to make programming easier and more efficient. The library is designed to work with both Node.js and web browsers and can be installed via npm or used as a standal...
Introduction This article covers everything you need to know about higher-order array functions in Javascript. Why we need them, some built-in functions, and how they make our code less clumsy. They are important in that they help us write maintainab...
#'634 ' April 13, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly The JavaScript Equality Table Game ' Minesweeper will feel like a walk in the park after this reminder of the horrors of JavaScript's ==. If you need to go in depth, Section 7.2.14 of the ECMAScript spec will help, but otherwise' Stick to three equals (===) unless you have a good reason not to. Reinis Ivanovs [...]
To celebrate the launch of our VC+ archive, we're offering a bonus gift with the best visual insights. See what else VC+ members receive in April! The post Bonus Gift: Celebrating the Best of the VC+ Archive appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
The global bond market stands at $133 trillion in value. Here are the major players in bond markets worldwide. The post Ranked: The Largest Bond Markets in the World appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
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Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
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