Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
The partnership will be a multi-quarter implementation, which will begin rolling out later in 2023. The post Pinterest and Amazon team up for multi-year ads partnership appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Turndown is also the same date for standard and 360 properties. The post Google UA historical data will be available until July 1, 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Violations will be issued, at least 7 days, prior to any suspension of your account. The post New update to Google’s Dangerous products or services policy appeared first on Search Engine Land.
JavaScript has several built-in methods for manipulating strings. These methods can be used to perform various tasks such as finding a string within another string, extracting characters from a string, or converting a string to uppercase or lowercase...
There are multiple ways to use javascript to access specific nodes in the DOM. document.getElementById() This method is very specific as IDs are supposed to be unique. It will return only 1 node. the argument should be placed around ' ' or " " ...
I thought a fun way to practise web scraping was to develop a practical tool: a map of hospitals in Ghana with their telephone numbers appended. I got the list of hospitals from: I thought this would be useful as I have had a few p...
Transforming your personal health care can be a daunting task, but it is also one […]
Build your brand and maximize marketing impact with this formula for success. The post Discover the ultimate marketing strategy for increased ROI and lead generation appeared first on Search Engine Land.
In this article, we are going to learn about data types in Python. A data type in programming is a classification that specifies the type of value that a particular variable holds. The data type tells the computer what kind of data is being stored in...
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WebProNews Google Will Bring E2EE to Google Authenticator Sync Google has confirmed it plans to bring end-to-end encryption (E2EE) to Google Authenticator sync, a noticeable omission from the product's launch. Google Will Bring E2EE to Google Authenticator Sync Matt Milano
Here's the good stuff for April.Tags: roundup
Data structures and algorithms are two of the most essential components of computer science. They help to organize and process large amounts of data efficiently. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of data structures and algorithms in m...
Problem Statement: Given an integer array num of length n, you want to create an array ans of length 2n where ans[i] == nums[i] and ans[i + n] == nums[i] for 0
Hey Guys, if you are reading this the chance is you have been using Flutter or have started using it to make cross-platform applications. In this blog, I will be sharing the steps I took as a beginner in my college that later landed me an opportunity...
Hey Guys, if you are reading this the chance is you have been using Flutter or have started using it to make cross-platform applications. In this blog, I will be sharing the steps I took as a beginner in my college that later landed me an opportunity...
Creating discoverable via navigation design, search functionality, and content optimization is essential to any digital product's success. The post Best practices for discoverability in UX appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In this article, we will be discussing three scenarios of using script tags. We will cover the following questions: What are Async and Defer attributes' Difference between async and defer attributes' When should I use defer over async' Examples o...
Static class members are variables or functions that are associated with the class rather than with individual objects of that class. They are defined using the static keyword and can be accessed using the class name instead of an object of the class...
Python is a popular programming language that has a rich ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools. One of the most useful tools for Python developers is Poetry, a package manager and build tool for Python. Poetry makes it easy to manage dependenc...
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- Deutsche Boerse acquiert SimCorp pour 3,9 Md'. Il pourrait s'agir de la transaction la plus importante pour l'opérateur boursier allemand. (...)
Téléphone portable, tablette, télévision, montre connectée' les écrans sont partout et il est bien difficile de protéger les enfants de ces sources de lumière bleue. Pour preuve, le temps passé en moyenne chaque jour par les enfants de moins de deux ans devant les écrans en 2022 était de' 3 heures et 11 minutes ! Des chiffres qui ne font que s'accroître avec l'âge, ce qui in [...]
Selon des chercheurs de l'UGent, la forêt tropicale du bassin du Congo est devenue le 'premier poumon' de la planète. Cela signifie que cette forêt est le site de stockage de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) le plus important au monde. Précédemment, c'est dans la forêt amazonienne, que se trouvait le 'premier poumon'. La photosynthèse est le processus qui permet aux végétaux, grâce à [...]
Une infection virale ou virose désigne une maladie due à la transmission d'un virus, par voie directe ou indirecte, d'un patient contaminé à un autre. On distingue différentes formes d'infections virales comme le VIH ou l'hépatite C et B. D'après différentes recherches, les maladies infectieuses sont généralement plus graves chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Une récente étude a sugg [...]
Do I had practiced some concepts in JS and practiced coding and completed some assignments
Stakeholder analysis is a systematic process of mapping out the key groups who have a vested interest in a product and assessing their needs and expectations. The post What is stakeholder analysis' Template, examples, frameworks appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In this article, we will discuss using GraphQL Voyager, GraphiQL, and Altair to visualize your data and enhance your workflow. The post Exploring the best GraphQL data visualization tools appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Chacune des cellules des êtres vivants, y compris les mammifères, possède l'intégralité du patrimoine génétique. Elles ont toutes la même information génétique, le même ADN. Pourtant, l'usage qu'elles en font n'est pas le même, puisqu'une cellule de c'ur ne ressemble pas du tout à un globule rouge ou à un neurone. D'autres facteurs entrent en jeu, dont l'épigénétique qui s'intére [...]
This update was more widespread than previous updates because it targets more than just product reviews. The post Google’s April 2023 reviews update was more volatile than the previous product reviews update, data providers say appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Le groupe Bosch a annoncé son intention d'acquérir le fabricant américain de puces TSI Semiconductors et d'investir massivement au (...)
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Le groupe Bosch a annoncé son intention d'acquérir le fabricant américain de puces TSI Semiconductors et d'investir massivement au (...)
A surprisingly-common misconception can lead to big rendering issues that are difficult to debug. This deep-dive tutorial examines how React and Gatsby can be used to pre-render content, and how we can work around the constraints to build dynamic, personalized web apps.
introduction Null is bad. Most people wouldn't argue with this unless they haven't programmed on anything other than mainframes. But most programming languages have some kind of null and don't have a great way of getting rid of it so we make due. Tak...
Introduction In this article, we will explore and comprehend the Factory Design pattern. Design patterns are an essential concept for distinguishing yourself as an exceptional software developer rather than an average one. The Factory pattern is an i...
As a front-end developer, there are many wonderful communities that you can join to connect with other developers, learn from them, and share your knowledge and experiences. Here are a few communities I recommend: Codepen: Codepen is a social develop...
Tuples and lists are frequently used data structures in Python, yet their similarity often leads to confusion. These data structures are designed to store collections of elements, such as numbers or strings, that can be accessed via index, modified, ...
Chat GPT is a powerful language model that can generate natural and engaging responses based on text inputs. But how do you use it effectively' The answer is: Chat GPT prompts. Chat GPT prompts are the text inputs given to the Chat GPT model that all...
Décrouvrez en plus sur Microsoft Security Copilot, alimenté par l'IA générative GPT-4 d'OpenAI et le modèle propre à Microsoft en matière de sécurité. Commentaires L'article Qu'est-ce que le stockage sur Linear Tape-Open (LTO) a été posté dans la catégorie Data de Human Coders News
Après avoir publié mon premier article dans Linux Pratique, magazine spécialisé, autour du projet OctoDNS, je me suis lancé dans la conception d'un talk autour de ce sujet. ' Commentaires L'article Mon premier talk à DevoxxFR (2023) a été posté dans la catégorie DevOps de Human Coders News
Cette migration qui s'est étalée sur 3 trimestres nous a permis de bénéficier de nombreuses améliorations : requêtes plus rapides, réduction du temps de développement, autoscaling et réduction de la complexité. Commentaires L'article Notre migration data de PostgreSQL à Snowflake a été posté dans la catégorie Data de Human Coders News
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Dans cet épisode de podcast je reçois Hugo Bentz qui est un entrepreneur à succès et qui prône la liberté comme valeur fondamentale de son entreprise - et pour ses employés. Commentaires L'article Retour d'expéricence d'Hugo Bentz sur le télétravail a été posté dans la catégorie Bonnes pratiques de Human Coders News
La succession de Bernard Charlès à la tête du plus premier éditeur de logiciels français, Dassault Systèmes (...)
Hello developers, artists, and students :) We all have painted/drawn/scribbled on paper. Canvas is similar to a paper. Similarly, , an HTML5 element is nothing different in the way it works. Yes, you can call it a "Developer's Drawing sheet" ...
L'extinction programmée d'ici 2030 du réseau cuivre opéré par Orange va pousser toutes les entreprises qui ont encore recours à l'ADSL à migrer l'ensemble de leurs lignes vers la fibre. Un opérateur télécom spécialisé tire le signal d'alarme.
The revised client libraries and code examples will be made available by Google next week. The post 5 new changes to the Google Ads API appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Berlin assure ne pas agir sous la pression de Washington, qui souhaite empêcher que la Chine puisse acheter ou produire les puces les plus avancées.
React Native Mapbox provides a strong and versatile method for introducing interactive and visually appealing maps into your mobile applications. The post Building custom maps with React Native Mapbox appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Learn how to gather the right information from stakeholders to build successful software, including techniques, tools, examples, and tips to overcome common challenges. The post What is requirements gathering' Template and examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Hier, l'un des datacenters de Global Switch a pris feu à Clichy, au nord-ouest de Paris. Parmi les clients impactés, on note Google, (...)
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, which is a lightweight format for data interchange. It is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. In JavaScript, JSON is a native data format that can be easily parse...
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Introduction I believe you should know what variables are and how it's being used in python and any other programming language. However, if you are getting to know about this for the first time, I have succinctly broken down and explained each termin...
Learn how to create an interactive 3D carousel using WebGL, React Three Fiber, and GSAP with this step-by-step tutorial.
Si vous appréciez tout ce que la réalité virtuelle a à offrir, les adaptateurs pour […] Cet article Cet accessoire vous fera découvrir les jeux VR avec une vue exceptionnelle a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
If you are using if statements to return different values, adding an else clause may introduce unnecessary complexity. Omitting the else clause for the last condition will make the code simpler and easier to read. The post Omit Else Clauses in a Python Function to Improve Code Readability appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
If you are using if statements to return different values, adding an else clause may introduce unnecessary complexity. Omitting the else clause for the last condition will make the code simpler and easier to read. The post Omit Else Clauses in a Python Function to Improve Code Readability appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
Un mod ChatGPT va donner aux PNJ de Tamriel de Skyrim VR, la possibilité de […] Cet article Comment ChatGPT apporte une conversation plus naturelle à Skyrim VR a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UIs. It simplifies and accelerates UI development by providing a declarative way to build UI components, making it easier to create complex layouts and animations. Unlike the traditional...
A lexical environment is a fundamental concept in programming that refers to the set of variables, functions, and objects that are available for use at a particular point in your code. Every time you run a piece of code, a new lexical environment is ...
Hi, I'm Guillermina, a product specialist at Datawrapper. I host Datawrapper's public webinars to help...
En 2023, le marché du cloud public dans le monde va tutoyer les 600 Md$, selon les derniers chiffres de Gartner, soit une progression de près (...)
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Unlock the secret to building products that users love. Learn how understanding how to identify and maximize aha moments can help you drive retention, virality, and conversion. The post What is an aha moment' Meaning, examples, and types appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Des chercheurs en cybersécurité ont récemment découvert des vulnérabilités sur les appareils Apple que la firme à la pomme a … Cet article iPhone et iPad : des failles permettent le vol de cryptos sur les appareils Apple a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Although Selenium can be useful for testing the frontend of your web application, it is not well-suited for unit testing in Node.js. The post Why you should avoid Selenium for unit testing Node.js apps appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
En tant que joueur de Pokemon Go, il est parfois nécessaire de changer sa localisation […] Cet article Comment changer sa localisation dans Pokemon Go ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Selon une enquête menée par NordVPN, les utilisateurs se sentent de plus en plus suivis par leurs appareils électroniques. Ses … Cet article Les utilisateurs se sentent de plus en plus suivis par leurs appareils a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Learn key areas where traditional search engines like Google and AI chatbots like ChatGPT have the upper hand. The post Where traditional search and AI chatbots excel: A closer look appeared first on Search Engine Land.
After 7 years, we've decided to close the Meta Developer Circles program to allow product-focused Facebook communities that are more relevant for those developers to grow.
Behind The Scenes Preview To help you understand how this hover effect really works, here's what it looks like behind the scenes: Starting HTML Structure Hover me CSS Styles body{ background: #111; } .btn { bac...
Vous souhaitez utiliser ChatGPT avec GPT-4 pour profiter du meilleur niveau de performances possible de cette IA ' Suivez le … Cet article Comment utiliser ChatGPT avec GPT-4, la dernière version de l’IA ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Les modifications de licences logicielles ne se font pas toujours au détriment des utilisateurs. C'est précisément le cas pour les (...)
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C'est un changement de taille pour les utilisateurs de ChatGPT. Ces derniers peuvent désormais désactiver l'historique des discussions, (...)
Après la publication de sa feuille de route, qui fait la part belle à un encadrement renforcé des grands projets IT de l'Etat, (...)
Ces nouveaux espaces permettent de centraliser, organiser et partager des informations à tout moment avec vos collaborateurs.
Ever since the beginning of the digital era, the area of data has been expanding quickly. Data is becoming one of the essential components of decision-making for enterprises across all industries. Businesses analyze their data archives to learn about...
Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm that is widely used in machine learning algorithms. It is used to find the optimal parameters for a given function or model by minimizing the cost function associated with it. In this blog, we will delve ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS: .What is HTML'.What is HTML used for'.What are the basic concepts of HTML'.Tools needed to start writing HTML code..Creating your first HTML web page..HTML tags and semantics. Have you ever wondered how websites are made' Have you ...
Beginning August 10, 2023, some businesses without checkout-enabled Shops on Facebook and Instagram will no longer be able to tag their products via the Content Publishing API. This will impact both API and native interfaces, and will remove tags to products from previous posts. Customers will still be able to tag products from Shops with checkout on Facebook and Instagram enabled.
Learn best practices for managing your online reputation so you can set your brand up for success both online and in the real world. The post A quick guide to managing your online reputation appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Practical guidelines to prevent rage taps and rage clicks with accessible tap targets for icons, links and buttons — on desktop and on mobile. With useful techniques and guidelines.
Le cabinet de conseil britannique PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) prévoit d'investir 1 milliard de dollars dans l'IA générative d'ici 2026 pour effectuer ou accélérer les tâches les plus chronophages de ses auditeurs. Cela comprend un abonnement global à GPT-4, le recrutement de spécialistes du sujet, et la formation de ses employés.
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Afin de lutter contre le phishing et les escroqueries sur le web, le gouvernement français vient de dévoiler son projet … Cet article Filtre anti-arnaque : comment Macron va protéger les Français du phishing ' Tout savoir a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
In this blog let's discuss about Python, one of the easy programming languages with high-level applications. It is used by programmers and organizations around the world to create innovative and powerful software solutions. What is Python' Python is ...
L'assurtech Qiti vient de compléter sa première levée de fonds de 1,9 million d'euros pour mettre son produit sur le marché : une assurance santé pour les travailleurs nomades, les expatriés et les étudiants qui partent à l'étranger.
PDFs (portable document format), CSVs (comma-separated value files) and spreadsheets are a few of the most popular file formats existing today. Python provides a couple of tools to efficiently manipulate, analyze and work with such formats. CSV file...
Introduction Technology is everywhere and the tech industry is an exciting place to be. Whether you're considering a career change or just starting, there are a few things you should know before diving in too deep. The Importance of Learning One of t...
You may already be familiar with the term "open source" if you have been involved in programming for some time. Open-source software has gained popularity for many reasons, some of which I will attempt to explain below. Introduction To start with, l...
La division dédiée aux semi-conducteurs de Samsung a accusé une perte record de 3,1 milliards d'euros au premier trimestre 2023. Les autres activités du groupe sud-coréen résistent mieux, à commencer par ses smartphones.
Today, one of the most widely used programming languages is JavaScript, which is used to create dynamic online applications. Its built-in array techniques, such fill(), filter(), slice(), and splice(), which makes manipulating arrays simple, is one o...
Alors que la sixième Conférence nationale du handicap (CNH) se tient ce mercredi à l'Elysée, JobinLive et Bpifrance ouvrent (...)
IBM a annoncé hier la disponibilité de sa suite QRadar Security. L'offre vise à simplifier le travail des équipes de (...)
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L'application Phone Link, qui permet d'accéder aux données de votre smartphone sur PC Windows, prend désormais en charge les iPhone.
JavaScript Promises are a way to handle asynchronous code in a more organized and readable way. They're often used for things like API requests and database queries, which can take some time to complete. A Promise represents a value that might not be...
Data Types As we learned in the previous blog, data types are used to classify and categorize different types of data values that can be used in a program. Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are actually classes and va...
Découvrez sans tarder le Voltme Revo 140, un chargeur rapide parfait pour vos appareils électroniques !
For Bloomberg, Zahra Hirji and Denise Lu on the electrification of the national…Tags: Bloomberg, electric vehicle, LEGO, school bus
Rest Operator Rest operator is used to collect or gather items Before using the rest we need to follow some specific rules like Placement is must that means you have to place the rest operator the at the end only, otherwise it won't get the result ...
Arrivé en retard sur le marché, le géant du commerce en ligne n'a pas réussi à imposer sa gamme d'appareils Halo.
Hi there, I'm Daryl, and I'm a Python programmer with over 5 years of experience. I'm passionate about coding and have developed several applications using Python. In this post, I want to give you a glimpse into my world as a Python programmer. My jo...
Le groupe de Xavier Niel, qui est lui-même actionnaire minoritaire de Vodafone, aurait repris les discussions avec l'opérateur télécoms britannique.
Problem Statement:- There are n bulbs that are initially off. You first turn on all the bulbs, then you turn off every second bulb. On the third round, you toggle every third bulb (turning on if it's off or turning off if it's on). For the ith
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Fondée en 2017 et bénéficiant d'un large soutien financier (AMD, Intel Capital, Koch Disruptive Technologies, Nvidia, Softbank, (...)
CIO : Les origines de la Matmut remontent à 1961, année où s'est créée la Mutuelle d'Assurance des Travailleurs (...)
Comme évoqué mi-mars lors de la Journée de la facturation électronique, le gouvernement a confirmé le lancement d'une phase (...)
En dépit d'une croissance divisée par près de deux par rapport à il y a un an, Microsoft affiche un bon bilan pour le compte (...)
TLDR This series of articles focuses on getting the most out of MLOps using ZenML, an open-source framework that unifies the entire machine learning stack. MLOps is critical to operationalizing and scaling ML models, leading to better decision-maki...
In JavaScript, you can dynamically add or remove HTML elements from the DOM (Document Object Model) using various methods. Here are some examples: 1) Adding elements: a) createElement() and appendChild(): To add a new element to the DOM, you can crea...
Retrouvez dans cette sélection : Google I/O, un webinar sur les nouveautés LinkedIn Sales Navigator, IT Night, Microsoft Build, Summit, Web2day et Retail Connect.
Google ajoute rapidement de nouvelles capacités à son chatbot qui vient concurrencer le célèbre ChatGPT, soutenu par Microsoft. Récemment lancé … Cet article L’IA Google Bard peut maintenant générer et déboguer du code a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Vous recherchez des profils de développeurs ' Découvrez des conseils et des outils pour faciliter vos recrutements !
Flutter is a popular mobile application framework that allows developers to create cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android, using a single codebase. One of the essential tools in Flutter that is used when building UI is the StatefulWid...
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Découvrez les conseils de l'agence Sleeq pour capter l'attention du jeune public sur TikTok.
Solidity is a high-level programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is designed to be simple, secure, and easy to learn, making it the go-to choice for developers looking to create decentralized applications (dA...
Corporate America has no shortage of cliche buzzwords and phrases. “Can we chat about this offline'” “We need to build consensus and not work in silos.” “Let’s get boots on the ground! We have to go after the low-hanging fruit.” Most corporate jargon will make you roll your eyes or smash your keyboard. But in... The post 5 Reasons Why a D [...]
Le monde de la technologie ne cesse de nous surprendre ! Imaginez un chien robot capable de parler, grâce à … Cet article Ce chien robot peut maintenant parler grâce à ChatGPT, et ça fait peur a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Les adeptes des jeux vidéo sont de plus en plus nombreux en France. Découvrez un état des lieux du gaming en 2023 !
Bing ou Google ' On les confondrait presque ! Désormais, les résultats de recherche Bing affichent eux aussi le nom du site et la favicon. A noter : si vous avez un problème de nom de site sur Google, vous pouvez désormais le signaler. Un nouveau design pour les SERP Bing Bing a décidé de […] L'article "Nom de site et favicon : nouveau design sur Bing & résolution des problèmes s [...]
Welcome to my case study on building a face detection app with PERN stack and Typescript. As a Full Stack developer, I recently completed this project, which challenged me to utilize the power of PERN stack and Typescript in my development process. I...
Hey there, fellow developers! Did you know that there are over 28.7 million of us out there' That's a whole lot of coding going on! But what sets the most successful developers apart from the rest of the pack' It's not just about being a programming ...
Welcome! to the third part of the series on Object-Oriented Design Patterns through Python. Read the second part here. In this post, we will discuss the next important design pattern: the Chain of Responsibility pattern*.* Chain of Responsibility The...
This is a CodeWars problem that requires returning a HashMap of the count of characters within a string. Approach 1: HashMap def count(s): letterCount = {} for c in s: letterCount[c] = 1 + letterCount.get(c, 0) return letterCount ...
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Avec sa solution tout-en-un, la start-up française Bastion vise la place de leader européen de la cybersécurité auprès des entreprises de moins de 2000 employés.
JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, which means that it can only execute one task at a time. This can be problematic when working with time-consuming tasks that may block the main thread of execution, such as fetching data from a se...
Développer un réseau de datacenters flottants, tel est l'ambition de Denv-R, une start-up de Guérande qui va prochainement expérimenter son premier démonstrateur à Nantes, sur la Loire.
JavaScript is a widely used programming language that is used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. One of the most important features of JavaScript is functions, which are blocks of code that can be called and executed repeatedly to perform s...
Web scraping has become essential for businesses, researchers, and data scientists. With the vast amount of data available on the internet, web scraping offers a way to extract and analyze this data quickly and efficiently. Python is one of the most...
We visualize the performance of ChatGPT in various professional and academic exams, highlighting the improvements of GPT-4 over GPT-3.5. The post How Smart is ChatGPT' appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
In JavaScript, a callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function, which is then called inside the main function. Callbacks are used to execute code asynchronously and to handle events in a non-blocking way. Callbacks are comm...
Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Finding minimum and maximum of list Append: append is used for adding an element Extend: It is used for appending the multiple elements Insert: It is used for adding in any posi...
The JSON.stringify and JSON.parse functions are handy for converting objects to JSON strings and back again. However, not all properties of an object are serializable. Functions, regular expressions, and Date objects are all examples of values that c...
Introduction Learn how to create an interactive chatbot using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo model in this step-by-step tutorial. Chatbots have become an essential tool in many industries, providing accurate and informative responses to user queries. With Op...
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So you want to add a web-view widget in your Flutter component. Here's how to do that. Step 1) Add the package to your project Run this to add the web-view plugin to your Flutter project. flutter pub add flutter_webview_plugin Step 2) Configure for ...
TypeScript is a popular programming language developed by Microsoft that adds optional static typing and other features to JavaScript. It's becoming increasingly popular for its ability to catch common errors and improve code readability and maintain...
As developers, we often find ourselves working on projects where the organization of code can greatly impact its maintainability and readability. However, many developers tend to automatically follow patterns from frameworks or architectures without ...
I needed to run Python 3.8 to send emails using SendGrid with Python. I was currently using Python 3.11. So, I had to switch my Python version for my project. This is when we use Pyenv. Pyenv is available for download easily using Homebrew for Mac ...
Today, on day 86 of my #100DaysOfCode challenge, I worked on my project and made some progress. I created a message component that I'm working on to render conditionally when the liked users are clicked on. This feature will allow users to send messa...
What I wanted For an AI-powered chatbot project, I wanted a simple responsive chat widget that can be integrated into any webpage with a single script tag. I searched for open-source chat widgets but they were either built with some framework or came...
'''''' 1 ''''python''' 2 ''''''' ''''python''' ''''''' pip freeze ''''''''''''''''''' pip freeze '''''''''''''''''''''' pip freeze > requirements.txt ''''''' ''''''' pipreqs pip install pipreqs ''''''''''''''' pipreqs ./ '''''''''''''' Python '''...
I've been working with Sequelize on the PairUp project for a little bit now. I've talked about transactions, migrations, and data integrity. However, I didn't quite put together why Sequelize specifically has a unique approach and implementation of ...
#'636 ' April 27, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript' Weekly Babylon.js 6.0: The Powerful Web-Based 3D Framework ' Babylon.js remains one of the world's leading WebGL-based graphics engines with a visual scene builder and best-in-class physically-based rendering. v6.0 includes a new physics plugin with plenty of docs and demos, fluid rendering, major improvements to how reflecti [...]
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
Note : est un agrégateur de flux RSS. C'est à dire un outil automatique qui regroupe l'accès à des informations, dont il n'est ni le rédacteur, ni l'éditeur.
Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.