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« Avril 2023 »

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Mardi 4 Avril 2023 (1068)

1: JavaScript Variables, Data Types, Operators

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Variable Declaration Variables are used to store the data. We can create a variable in Javascript using the let keyword. You need not declare the data type. let name = "Shalini"; const id = "5170496"; The other one is var and the other is const whos...

2: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Python (Part II)

Hashnode - python (python)

In the previous blog, we began the journey into OOP-Land, where objects take on magical natures and come to life. Let's continue from where we stopped last time, shall we' I like to have a visual representation of my classes before I write the first ...

3: Picking up Angular as a React developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Angular and React are both popular front-end web development frameworks, but they have some fundamental differences in their architecture, syntax, and approach to building web applications. Here are some ways in which Angular differs from React for d...

4: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

You might have heard the word 'Object Oriented Programming' or OOP before now and have wondered what it is. It is a beautiful programming paradigm that helps make your work as a developer smooth. Let's go on a ride through OOP-land but before then, l...

5: Effortless PDF Generation in Vue

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Have you ever wondered if you can download an HTML table as a PDF file' Recently, while working on a side project using Nuxt3, I ran into this same question. I needed to generate a table of data and make it shareable with others. I found many librari...

6: Asynchronous Promises in JavaScript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Asynchronous programming gives your program the leverage to start a continuous, long-running task and still run other shorter tasks/events while that task runs. With this method, your program would not need to wait for longer tasks to be completed be...

7: Kotlin Lambda Expressions

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction Lambda expressions are a concise and powerful tool in any developer's arsenal, and with the rise of functional programming, they have become an increasingly important aspect of modern programming. In this tutorial, we will explore the ba...

8: JavaScript Basics

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Adding JavaScript to your code You can use the tags to insert the javascript code. If you have a lot of Javascript code then you might consider adding a javascript file at the bottom of the HTML c...

9: Arrays are also references.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Arrays are a fundamental data structure in computer programming, and their implementation as references is an important aspect that affects their behavior and usage. When we create an array, the program allocates a block of memory that can store a fi...

10 / 1068

10: Spend your marketing budget wisely with incrementality measurement by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

In this webinar, learn how to use incrementality testing to measure the true impact of your marketing campaigns. The post Spend your marketing budget wisely with incrementality measurement appeared first on Search Engine Land.

11: JavaScript Introduction

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Why learn JavaScript' HTML gives the structure to the webpage whereas CSS can be used for font, color and better UI. But JavaScript makes web pages more dynamic and user-friendly so that they respond to visitors' actions and is one of the most popula...

12: New Bing attracts new Edge users ' who then use Google Search

Search engine land (Référencement)

Microsoft Edge users increased thanks to the new Bing Chat. The result: more Google searches from Edge. Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes. The post New Bing attracts new Edge users ' who then use Google Search appeared first on Search Engine Land.

13: Apple's iPhone Is the Undisputed King of Smartphones With Teens

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple’s iPhone Is the Undisputed King of Smartphones With Teens Apple's iPhone remains the most popular choice among teens by a wide margin, dealing a major setback to Android. Apple’s iPhone Is the Undisputed King of Smartphones With Teens Staff

14: Issue 571 (April 4, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#571 ' APRIL 4, 2023 View in Browser » Build a Maze Solver in Python Using Graphs In this step-by-step project, you’ll build a maze solver in Python using graph algorithms from the NetworkX library. Along the way, you’ll design a binary file format for the maze, represent it in an object-oriented way, and visualize the solution using scalable vector graphics (SVG). REAL PYTHON [...]

15: Day one of learning React.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to the world of React! In this blog post, we'll be covering the basics of React and how to get started with it. If you're new to React, you may be wondering what it is and why it's so popular. React is a JavaScript library for building user i...

16: Membatasi Nilai digit Input Number Javascript HTML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Selama ku masih nganggur ini atau bahasa englishnya unemployment , ku membuat sebuah [website converter dari pixel ke rem]( karena berguna banget buat ku yang hoby desain website template lalu di tera...

17: IA e Python: aprenda se quiser um emprego na área

Hashnode - python (python)

A relação entre IA e Python está se estreitando, deixando cada vez mais claro que essa é a linguagem de programação certa para quem não quer passar sustos com a sua empregabilidade em um futuro próximo. Conheça a opinião de Matt Asay, da MongoDB, pub...

18: GitHub Is Launching an Open Source Maintainer Community

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews GitHub Is Launching an Open Source Maintainer Community GitHub has announced the launch of its open source Maintainer Community, a place for maintainers to connect with peers. GitHub Is Launching an Open Source Maintainer Community Staff

19: Best way to create and utilize python project structure

Hashnode - python (python)

Over the past few years python language has been steadily growing in popularity and its use in data science and automation has been on the rise. Before deep diving into the development of python application, let's understand the project structure. Wh...

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20: Devpi basics and setup

Hashnode - python (python)

What is devpi server' Devpi is a server and software package for managing Python packages and their development and deployment. It provides an environment for developers to share and distribute their packages, as well as a central repository for keep...

21: Medusa: A New Way to Build Commerce

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We are very excited to share an update to our website and announce our v1.8 release that came out today. Medusa is a new way to build commerce, and our updated website and the release clarifies this with a sleek new design and powerful new features. ...

22: IPC between NodeJS & Python

Hashnode - python (python)

At Atri Labs, we are making it easy for web development and ML product development to go hand-in-hand. One of the challenges is how NodeJS and Python processes can communicate with each other. I am sending and receiving data between Python and NodeJS...

23: Var Let and Const

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript allows us to declare variables in 3 different ways var let const Var: we can declare variables with the help of var. var is a functional scope or global scope. it can be updated and redeclared. it can be declared without initializ...

24: Exploring Lerna's second era

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Lerna is faster than most tools available in the monorepo space. The new Lerna also allows integration with Prettier and pnpm, which reduce redundancy and improve usability for large monorepo projects. The post Exploring Lerna's second era appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

25: Data Vis Dispatch, April 4

Data Wrapper ()

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

27: JavaScript ( Loops, Conditions )

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Conditions Conditional statements are used in JavaScript to execute different code blocks based on whether a condition is true or false. The most commonly used conditional statements in JavaScript are: if else Switch case Ternary operator If Els...

28: I wrote my own Programming Language, here's how...

Hashnode - python (python)

Writing a programming language can be a daunting task, but with determination and a clear roadmap, it is achievable. In this blog post, I will be sharing my experience of creating a programming language named Jojo, which is compatible with generative...

29: Day15: Python Libraries for DevOps 90DaysofDevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Tasks Create a Dictionary in Python and write it to a json File. Create a file touch Open vim and type following code import json my_dict = { "name": "John", "age": 30, "city": "New York" } with open("my_dict.json", "w")...

30 / 1068

30: Regular Expressions in JavaScript:

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Having the ability to search through text, validate text, and replace text using an advanced set of rules is exactly what Regex is for. How to Create A Regular Expression: In JavaScript, you can create a regular expression in either of two ways: Meth...

31: Save Time and Effort with These 10 CSS Generators for Web Developers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a web developer, it can be difficult to create unique and eye-catching user interface (UI) designs for your website or application. Fortunately, there are many UI design tools available that can help you create professional-looking designs quickly...

32: AWS Summit Paris : accélération des start-ups orientées défense et IA générative

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) était présent ce 4 avril à Paris pour faire le point sur ses solutions cloud et mettre en avant ses clients (...)

33: [Python] Como instalar a linguagem no Linux

Hashnode - python (python)

Para simplificar o processo de instalação da linguagem de programação Python, esse tutorial tem foco na utilização do gerenciador de pacotes das distribuições Linux. Esse texto é um tutorial' Não, são apenas os comandos que utilizo para realizar a i...

34: En s'emparant d'iTrust, Free Pro dégaine son offre Cyber XPR

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

« Bienvenue dans la famille », c'est par ces mots que Thomas Reynaud, directeur général d'Iliad a accueilli (...)

35: Dogecoin : Elon Musk demande l'abandon de la plainte déposée par les investisseurs à son encontre

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les avocats d'Elon Musk ont demandé l'abandon des poursuites engagées contre lui par les investisseurs de Dogecoin, qui lui reprochent de profiter de son influence démesurée pour s'amuser avec la valorisation de la cryptomonnaie. Le camp Musk qualifie le procès intenté d'"'uvre de fiction fantaisiste" pendant que l'homme d'affaire s'autorise un énième pied de nez en remplaçant le logo de [...]

36: NodeJS Day 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is all my learnings about NodeJS NodeJS concepts Some important things about NodeJS. NodeJS is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime platform. NodeJS runs a v8 JavaScript engine that provides service to run JavaScript outside of t...

37: « Cinum, un salon de portée nationale ancré dans les territoires »

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

LMI : Dans le domaine de l'informatique, la plupart des salons IT se tiennent à Paris ou dans sa périphérie. Cela leur (...)

38: MariaDB SkySQL passe à l'analytique en mode serverless

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'analyse en mode serverless et la gestion des coûts font partie des dernières fonctionnalités ajoutées à la base de (...)

39: Building an adaptive, accessible UI library with React Aria

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Build an adaptive, accessible UI library with React Aria that invests in an inclusive user experience. The post Building an adaptive, accessible UI library with React Aria appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

40 / 1068

40: Rapid 2.0: Improving speed and efficiency in map editing

Facebook dev. (PHP)

Today, we are launching the new Rapid editor for OpenStreetMap (OSM)! Rapid 2.0 builds on the strengths of its predecessor in providing a powerful and efficient map editing tool, driving a higher level of mapping detail, quality and accuracy.

41: Thomas Chejfec, DSI d'Haulotte : « encadrer le Shadow IT plutôt que s'y opposer frontalement »

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le DSI d'Haulotte, un industriel spécialiste des matériels d'élévation de personnels employant 1900 personnes, (...)

42: Summer Afternoon

awwwards (Internet)

The memories of those summer days in our childhood when time seemed to pass slowly often evoke a strong sense of nostalgia for many of us.Every now...

43: Apple Weather App Is Down for Some Users

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple Weather App Is Down for Some Users If Apple's Weather app isn't working for you, you're not alone as the company acknowledges issues in some areas. Apple Weather App Is Down for Some Users Staff

44: L'Allemagne va infliger une amende à Twitter pour son manque de coopération avec la justice

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le réseau social est accusé de ne pas avoir retiré des messages "illégaux" dans les délais prévus par la législation allemande. Il risque jusqu'à 50 millions d'euros d'amende.

45: Demystifying Constructor Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Intro As many of us learning to code do, I have been diving deeper into the world of JavaScript, and I recently got into a concept called constructor functions. Constructor functions are a powerful feature that plays a crucial role in object-oriented...

46: The Future of Python Development.

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world, with applications ranging from web development and data science to machine learning and artificial intelligence. But what does the future hold for Python and its deve...

47: How to Set the Time Zone in Django

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Django is a popular web framework used by developers to build high-performance web applications quickly and easily. However, if you are developing a web application that needs to handle time-sensitive data, you should try to make sure you are using the correct time zone. That ensures that date and

48: Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Internet & Web The internet is a global network of networks that connects computers all around the world. It is a vast network infrastructure that enables the transmission of data and information across different devices and locations. The internet m...

49: Gorn débarque sur PSVR 2, et fait des ventes impressionnantes (Réalité Virtuelle)

À la grande surprise des fans, le simulateur de combat de gladiateurs Gorn vient de […] Cet article Gorn débarque sur PSVR 2, et fait des ventes impressionnantes a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

50 / 1068

50: Face aux menaces, l'Anssi veut massifier la cybersécurité en France

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Attendu sur les péripéties du FIC 2023, Vincent Strubel, directeur général de l'Anssi, n'entend pas commenter l'absence (...)

51: Set() Object in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript provides several built-in objects that programmers can use to implement various functionalities. One such object is the Set() object, which allows developers to store unique values of any type. Using the Set() object, you can add, remove, ...

52: Top React.js Libraries

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components, making it easier to build complex web applications. However, to get the most out of React, it's important to use the right libr...

53: Top Whiteboard Animation Software

Noupe (conception)

Marketers have been using whiteboard videos for a long time. The first ever whiteboard videos were created by recording an actual hand drawing on a whiteboard. Over the years, brands added animation to whiteboard videos to make them more engaging.  Animated whiteboard videos are one of the most effective ways of explaining your product or... The post Top Whiteboard Animation Softw [...]

54: What is a steering committee' Definition, purpose, responsibilities, and template

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Steering committees provide strategic guidance, align resources, goals, and stakeholders, and facilitate decision-making. The post What is a steering committee' Definition, purpose, responsibilities, and template appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

55: Design friction: Using friction for better UX

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Here, you can explore design friction and learn how it can be used to boost user engagement and enhance the user experience. The post Design friction: Using friction for better UX appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

56: Wallix sécurise les accès distants avec Saas Remote Access

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

A l'époque pas si lointaine de la pandémie, on se souvient que de très nombreuses entreprises ont donné accès (...)

57: AMD arme sa conception de puces au cloud hybride

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le DSI d'AMD Hasmukh Ranjan se trouve à la croisée des chemins en matière d'informatique cloud. Si d'un côté (...)

58: Aktio, acteur discret de la transition énergétique présent au Cinum

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le sujet de la transition énergétique s'immisce au sein des entreprises, quel que soit le secteur d'activité. Il fera (...)

59: Day 41 - Short hand if else

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome to my 41st blog post. We have already learned about the if...else statement in Python, but there is an alternative way to write the if...else block in a short-form method. In today's blog, I am going to share my learnings from Da...

60 / 1068

60: Microsoft OneNote Will Block the Same Dangerous Files as Outlook

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft OneNote Will Block the Same Dangerous Files as Outlook Microsoft is improving OneNote's security, choosing to automatically block the same list of dangerous file types that Outlook blocks. Microsoft OneNote Will Block the Same Dangerous Files as Outlook Staff

61: Fine-Grained Traceback in Python 3.11

Math Data Simplified (data)

Python 3.11 provides fine-grained error locations in tracebacks, enabling developers to quickly identify the exact location of errors. The examples above illustrate the difference in traceback between Python 3.9 and Python 3.11. My previous tips on new Python features. The post Fine-Grained Traceback in Python 3.11 appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

62: Importance of Flask in Machine Learning and Data science

Hashnode - python (python)

Have you ever wondered how machine learning models can be made accessible to non-technical users through web-based interfaces' In this blog, I will explore the importance of Flask in machine learning engineering and data science, and how it can be us...

63: Automate Tasks Even If You Might Do Them Only Once

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR CSpell in VSCode is a one click setup process but not for Neovim and CLI use. The VSCode's distribution of CSpell comes pre-configured with sane defaults whereas the CLI is bare-bones. To take the CLI's capabilities to feature parity with the on...

64: Tutorial: Créez un AI-avatar parlant avec des outils gratuits no-code

La revue IA (data)

A l'occasion du 1er avril, je me suis permis de prétendre que je devenais le 'Head of AI content' de la fameuse marque Balenciaga, et d'annoncer en grande pompe un partenariat entre la marque de luxe et le monde d'Harry Potter avec une vidéo soignée'''sur une idée originale du créateur demonflyingfox. Pensant que ma supercherie […] L'article Tutorial: Créez un AI-avatar parlant avec de [...]

65: L'offre cloud de Bouygues Telecom touchée par une cyberattaque

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

'Quelques dizaines' de clients sont affectés depuis près de trois semaines. L'opérateur assure qu'il ne paiera pas de rançon.

66: Intégrer des électrodes aux tissus vivants' ()

Les électrodes implantées dans le cerveau peuvent déjà atténuer certains symptômes neurologiques, et ils ouvrent la voie à des traitements prometteurs pour la maladie de Parkinson ou Alzheimer. Seul obstacle : la liaison entre le circuit électronique et les tissus biologiques. La bioélectronique classique s'appuie sur une conception fixe et statique qui complique son intégratio [...]

67: Une nouvelle voie de signalisation cellulaire essentielle découverte ()

Il y a une quinzaine d'années, Christophe Lamaze, chef de l'équipe Mécanique et dynamique membranaires de la signalisation intracellulaire (CNRS/ Inserm) à l'Institut Curie, a décidé d'étudier de près le récepteur aux interférons (IFNAR) et la voie de signalisation JAK/STAT. Les interférons et cette voie sont essentiels dans de nombreuses pathologies, qu'il s'agisse du cancer, de maladi [...]

68: Jusqu'où le cyber rating peut-il s'imposer dans l'assurance cyber '

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le cyber rating est une pratique de notation des entreprises portant sur des critères de cybersécurité, réalisé par des agences spécialisées à la manière des agences de notation financière. Le marché est en croissance et les clients se trouvent notamment dans le secteur de l'assurance. L'Usine Digitale fait le point sur l'intérêt et les limites de ces solutions.

69: Soigner l'hypertension par les ultrasons' ()

Des chercheurs de l'Université Columbia (États-Unis) et d'universités parisiennes ont testé un nouvel appareil capable de réduire systématiquement la pression artérielle ambulatoire diurne de 8,5 points en moyenne chez les personnes d'âge moyen souffrant d'hypertension. L'appareil s'utilise dans une procédure ambulatoire appelée "dénervation rénale par ultrasons". Le dispositif est exp [...]

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70: 10 Days of HackeRank's challenges-Day 10/10

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Problem statement: Number Line Jumps You are choreographing a circus show with various animals. For one act, you are given two kangaroos on a number line ready to jump in the positive direction (i.e, toward positive infinity). - The first kangaroo st...

71: Un robot qui imprime en 3D à l'intérieur du corps ()

L'équipe du Docteur Thanh Nho Do (Ecole supérieure d'ingénierie de Sydney) a développé une minuscule bio-imprimante 3D flexible, qui peut être insérée dans le corps, tel un endoscope, pour imprimer directement des biomatériaux à la surface des organes et tissus internes - y compris l'intestin, l'estomac ou le c'ur. Cette preuve de concept, baptisée F3DB (pour flexible 3D bioprinter [...]

72: Next.js vs React.js: Which JavaScript Framework is Right for You'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Next.js and React.js are two popular JavaScript frameworks that are often compared. While both frameworks are used for building web applications, they have some differences. React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. React provide...

73: A guide to cookies in Next.js

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Cookies are crucial to web development. This article will explore how to handle cookies in your Next.js applications. The post A guide to cookies in Next.js appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

74: A modern approach to market sizing

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Market sizing estimates your first niche (SOM) and potential expansion (SAM) well beyond just the "best case scenario." The post A modern approach to market sizing appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

75: Study: 31% of international websites contain hreflang errors

Search engine land (Référencement)

Conflicting hreflang directives and missing self-referencing tags are among the widespread issues plaguing international websites today. The post Study: 31% of international websites contain hreflang errors appeared first on Search Engine Land.

76: Cet outil améliore les performances du Quest Pro pour PC VR Link (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le programme OpenXR Toolkit a apporté la prise en charge du rendu fovéal par le […] Cet article Cet outil améliore les performances du Quest Pro pour PC VR Link a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

77: Machine Learning for Beginners: A Simple Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Machine learning is one of the most exciting and rapidly developing fields of technology today. It is a branch of artificial intelligence that uses algorithms and statistical models to enable computers to learn from data, without being explicitly pro...

78: Vidéo : ce chien robot joue au foot, Mbappé bientôt remplacé '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les chercheurs du MIT dévoilent Dribblebot : un chien robot capable de dribbler avec un ballon de foot même sur … Cet article Vidéo : ce chien robot joue au foot, Mbappé bientôt remplacé ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

79: Une démonstration du suivi des mains d'Owlchemy impressionne à la GDC 2023 (Réalité Virtuelle)

Une démo technique du suivi des mains d'Owlchemy est la démo la plus impressionnante que […] Cet article Une démonstration du suivi des mains d'Owlchemy impressionne à la GDC 2023 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

80 / 1068

80: A Step-by-Step Guide to begin to Learn Python.

Hashnode - python (python)

#python #learnpython #programming #beginners Introduction to Python Programming Language. What is Python' Python is a highly programming language which is: Open source and community-driven: Python is free for everyone to access and use, also, you can...

81: + TOC + emojis = how I lost a weekend

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

bitdowntoc is a Markdown TOC - Table of Contents - generator I have been developing for a while now. You can copy your markdown, click generate, and have a nice Table of Contents inserted wherever you want. I recently added a "devto" profile, which t...

82: ChatGPT and its significance

Hashnode - python (python)

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in the area of natural language processing (NLP). One of the most notable developments in this field is the introduction of ChatGPT, a large-scale language model ...

83: Après les sanctions américaines, la Chine ouvre une enquête sur Micron

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Officiellement, les autorités chinoises souhaitent s'assurer que les puces mémoires du groupe américain ne présentent pas de 'risques de sécurité'. Cette procédure intervient en plein conflit entre Pékin et Washington.

84: Les dessous de l'économie des deepfake porn (Réalité Virtuelle)

Deepfake porn, ces vidéos pornographiques qui transposent les visages d'une autre personne à celle des […] Cet article <strong>Les dessous de l’économie des deepfake porn </strong> a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

85: What Are The Advantages And Features Of Kotlin'

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction: Kotlin is a powerful programming language that can be statically typed and functions on different platforms like iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, etc. Kotlin was developed in 2011 and has become a widely-used programming language for Andro...

86: Day 15 Of Flutter - Understanding The Basics Of Git And How It Works

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

What Is Git' Git is a piece of computer software that helps developers manage changes to a codebase at different times. Git allows multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously and keeps track of the changes made by each of them. It ...

87: 5 mobile B2B advertising mistakes and how to correct them

Search engine land (Référencement)

B2B advertising on mobile is distinct from its desktop counterpart. Address these persistent mistakes you might be making with B2B mobile ads. The post 5 mobile B2B advertising mistakes and how to correct them appeared first on Search Engine Land.

88: Why is Rebranding Important'

Noupe (conception)

Logo designing is important, you cannot give a face to your brand unless you have designed an authentic logo for your brand. It is important to have brand recognition, and you cannot have it unless you have designed an attractive and relatable logo for your brand. Logo designing is one essential part of the whole... The post Why is Rebranding Important' appeared first on noupe.

89: The Importance of Upholding Data Privacy: A Data Scientist's Responsibility

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction As a data scientist, I understand the importance of data privacy and security. Data privacy refers to the protection of personal information and sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. It is essential for every indiv...

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90: Why Smart Individuals Avoid Smart Devices as the Smart Strategy

Smashing apps (Design / Internet)

Smart devices may seem like a convenient addition to our lives, but savvy individuals are steering clear of them. Here's why.

91: Microsoft Advertising professional service ads go global, broad match modifier changes rolling out and more

Search engine land (Référencement)

All broad match modifier keywords for search ads will now serve as broad match keywords instead of phrase match, Microsoft announced. The post Microsoft Advertising professional service ads go global, broad match modifier changes rolling out and more appeared first on Search Engine Land.

92: Complete Python Tutorial for Absolute Beginners in 2023

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is an unbelievably powerful programming language that is used by millions of developers in production systems around the world. It's easy to learn, free to use, and has a huge community of developers that are always willing to help. If you're ...

93: What ChatGPT means for your search campaigns by Adthena

Search engine land (Référencement)

Why next-generation AI is essential to a competitive search strategy. The post What ChatGPT means for your search campaigns appeared first on Search Engine Land.

94: [ PART 6 ] Create a Twitter clone with GraphQL, Typescript, and React ( Adding Tweet )

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi everyone! Let's start working on the tweets ;) Link to the database diagram: Twitter DbDiagram I start by creating the migration: knex migrate:make add_tweets_table -x ts import * as Knex from 'knex' export async function up(knex: Knex): Promise...

95: VMware expose avec son partenaire Hexanet sur le Cinum Lyon

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

« Les solutions de VMware se suffisent rarement à elles-mêmes. Elles s'intègrent dans un ensemble plus large qui implique (...)

96: IBM cible l'edge et l'IA avec ses mainframes z16

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Big blue a considérablement réduit la taille de certains de ses mainframes Big Iron z16 et leur OS est désormais orienté vers (...)

97: Google Analytics 4 now lets you modify and create events using regular expressions

Search engine land (Référencement)

This allows you to migrate destination and event goals using regex. The post Google Analytics 4 now lets you modify and create events using regular expressions appeared first on Search Engine Land.

98: 5 Console Methods to Improve your JavaScript Workflow

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The JavaScript Console window is an essential tool for web developers, providing a way to view and manipulate information related to web pages and web applications. By using the console window, developers can easily debug and troubleshoo...

99: Bruxelles ouvre une enquête sur la fusion d'Orange et MasMovil en Espagne

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Commission européenne lance une "enquête approfondie" sur le rapprochement d'Orange et Masmovil, qui pourrait être contraire au règlement de l'UE sur les concentrations. Le marché des télécoms espagnol passerait de quatre à trois opérateurs.

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100: Case Study: Crosswire

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Take a look behind the scenes of the creation of a unique website for Crosswire that used a 3D environment made with WebGL to simplify their complex service offering.

101: Secure your Python Code with Bandit

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a popular programming language for building web applications, scientific computing, data analysis, and more. However, like any other programming language, it is vulnerable to security issues. To address these vulnerabilities, Python develop...

102: En Allemagne, l'agence chargée de la cybersécurité utilise toujours des composants de Huawei

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le gouvernement allemand ne peut, par ailleurs, "pas exclure" que l'armée allemande continue également de se fournir auprès du groupe chinois, soupçonné par certains d'espionnage au profit de Pékin

103: What are Core Modules'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi, I'm Subham Maity, a software engineer. I also enjoy teaching others how to code through my tutorials. I'm always eager to learn new things and share my knowledge with the community. ' I recently wrote an article on What are Core Modules' and wan...

104: How to find and hire JavaScript Developer in India'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the web world, JavaScript is one of the most commonly used programming languages. From interactive web page development and web application development to writing server-side software through Node.js and building mobile apps, we can see JavaScrip...

105: WordPress : ce plugin buggé ouvre des millions de sites aux hackers

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Si vous utilisez WordPress, vous pourriez être la prochaine cible d’un hacker. Une faille de sécurité dans le plugin WooCommerce … Cet article WordPress : ce plugin buggé ouvre des millions de sites aux hackers a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

106: Physics of a bicycle visually explained

Flowing data (dataviz)

Riding a bicycle is a seemingly simple activity that we never forget how…Tags: Bartosz Ciechanowski, bicycle, physics

107: Étude : les pires mots de passe utilisés dans les grandes entreprises

Blog du Moderateur ()

Dans sa dernière étude, NordPass constate que les entreprises les plus puissantes possèdent encore des mots de passe trop vulnérables'

108: La CNIL met à jour son guide de la sécurité des données personnelles

Blog du Moderateur ()

Mots de passe, journalisation... La CNIL donne de nouvelles recommandations aux professionnels dans l'édition 2023 de son guide.

109: Microsoft Teams : comment utiliser le fond vert pour vos visioconférences

Blog du Moderateur ()

Microsoft Teams propose désormais d'utiliser un fond vert pour améliorer la netteté de votre visage lorsque vous utilisez un arrière-plan virtuel.

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110: Frequently used Array methods in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Arrays are an essential part of the JavaScript programming language, and they allow developers to store multiple values in a single variable. JavaScript provides a wide range of array methods that allow developers to manipulate arrays in various ways...

111: Free Pro rachète ITrust pour accélérer dans la cybersécurité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

C'est une acquisition stratégique pour le groupe Iliad dans sa conquête du marché B2B. Free Pro a pris une participation majoritaire dans le français ITrust, spécialiste de la cybersécurité.

112: Belajar Python : Membuat Kalkulator Sederhana

Hashnode - python (python)

Belajar Membuat Kalkulator Sederhana Dengan Python Kalkulator adalah salah satu alat yang sangat berguna untuk melakukan operasi matematika sederhana. Dalam dunia pemrograman, kalkulator juga sering digunakan sebagai salah satu proyek pemrograman yan...

113: Le guide de la personnalisation marketing

Blog du Moderateur ()

Dans son dernier e-book, Salesforce démontre pourquoi il est important de personnaliser vos actions marketing, et revient sur les bonnes pratiques à mettre en place.

114: Les IA génératives à l'agenda des dirigeants d'entreprise

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Difficile d'avoir échappé aux récentes (et fulgurantes) percées des modèles d'intelligence artificielle capables de (...)

115: Fourthline lève 50 millions d'euros pour automatiser la détection des fraudes financières

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La regtech néerlandaise Fourthline obtient 50 millions d'euros pour continuer de développer sa technologie d'automatisation de la vérification des clients et de lutte contre les fraudes financières, principalement destinée aux banques et aux fintech.

116: Join our webinar to get started with Datawrapper

Data Wrapper ()

Just started using Datawrapper and wanting to get more out of it' Wondering whether it’s...

117: Les batteries lithium-ion : une menace brûlante pour les datacenters

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les feux dans les datacenters restent rares, mais ils sont à l'origine de sinistres spectaculaires. Si tout le monde a évidemment en tête (...)

118: What are Keys in Flutter'

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Working with Flutter, many times we bump into something called keys. The key is a property possessed by almost all widgets in Flutter. However, it is not used a lot and therefore is often overlooked. Why do widgets have keys then' Is it of any signif...

119: Python decorators simplified

Hashnode - python (python)

Put simply: Decorators wrap a function, modifying its behavior. A simple decorator example: def my_decorator(function): def wrapper(): print("Something is happening before the function is called.") function() # do other st...

120 / 1068

120: Revolutionizing Data Integration with Airbyte: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

In this tutorial, we'll give a comprehensive guide on Airbyte API, the benefits of using it, and a step-by-step guide. Introduction Data integration is an essential aspect of modern data-driven organizations. However, it can be a daunting task to con...

121: Qu'est-ce qu'une architecture réseau zero trust '

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le zero trust est un terme inventé par John Kindervag alors qu'il était analyste chez Forrester Research pour décrire un cadre stratégique (...)

122: Les racines cartographiques de l'Empire britannique (XVIe-XVIIe)

Visions Carto (dataviz)

Si l'Empire britannique n'existait pas encore au tournant du XVIIe siècle, c'est pourtant à ce moment qu'une idéologie et un imaginaire proto-impériaux prennent véritablement forme. Intéressons-nous au rôle que joua la cartographie aux débuts de l'Empire. par Louise McCarthy De la cartographie médiévale à la cartographie moderne S'éloignant progressivement des traditions cartographi [...]

123: Comment Levi's va remplacer les mannequins de couleur par l'IA

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Levi’s, la célèbre marque de jeans, a annoncé une initiative novatrice pour remplacer les mannequins de couleur par l’Intelligence Artificielle. … Cet article Comment Levi's va remplacer les mannequins de couleur par l'IA a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

124: 6 défis BI que les équipes informatiques doivent relever

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Chaque jour, des entreprises de tous types sont submergées par des données provenant de sources diverses, et tenter de leur donner un sens (...)

125: Le chaudron numérique du Cinum Lyon allumé les 26-27 avril 2023

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les professionnels du numérique ont un nouveau rendez-vous à noter dans leur agenda. Les 26 et 27 avril 2023 se tiendra en effet la première (...)

126: Operators JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Arithmetic operators These operators are used to do mathematical calculations: Addition operator (+) let x = 4; let y = 5; console.log(x + y); Subtraction operator (-) let x = 4; let y = 5; console.log(x - y); Multiplication operat...

127: Mastering JSON Schema: From Basics to Advanced Features

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JSON Schema is a powerful tool that allows you to validate and define rules for your JSON data. Whether you're working with APIs, databases, or configuration files, creating a schema can ensure that your data is structured correctly. In ...

128: JavaScript Optional Chaining

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Optional chaining is a new feature in JavaScript that allows developers to safely access nested properties of an object without causing errors if the property doesn't exist. It uses the "'" symbol to check if a property exists before accessing it. He...

129: Using typescript for your next project, here is why

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This article is in no regard saying you shouldn't use JavaScript because at the end of the day the Typescript compiler compiles Typescript into JavaScript, but here's why you'd want to use typescript for larger scale projects. 1) Typescript is a supe...

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130: Demystifying NPM: The Ultimate Guide to Node Package Manager

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Picture this: You're knee-deep in a Node.js project, and you've just come across a package you need to install. It's a common scenario, but manually installing and updating packages can be a real hassle. That's where NPM, the Node Packag...

131: Alan, Swile et Younited ont été les champions des fintech françaises en 2022

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Sur un secteur de la fintech où la fièvre des levées de fonds est retombée en 2022, Alan, Swile et Younited Credit forment le podium de la 2e édition du palmarès Fintech 100, réalisé par Finance Innovation et Truffle Capital.

132: Alan, Swile et Ledger ont été les champions des fintech françaises en 2022

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Sur un secteur de la fintech où la fièvre des levées de fonds est retombée en 2022, Alan, Swile et Ledger forment le podium de la 2e édition du palmarès Fintech 100, réalisé par Finance Innovation et Truffle Capital.

133: L'aspirine pourrait protéger du cancer de l'ovaire ()

Une étude internationale dirigée par Lauren Hurwwitz (Centre d'étude du cancer de Rockville, Maryland), a montré que la prise fréquente de médicaments à base d'aspirine pourrait réduire le risque de développer un cancer des ovaires non mucineux, même chez les personnes les plus à risque génétiquement d'être touchées par cette maladie. [...]

134: Des cellules photovoltaïques «Grätzel» réalisent un nouveau record ()

Des scientifiques de l'EPFL ont augmenté le rendement de conversion de puissance des cellules photovoltaïques à pigment photosensible en le poussant au-delà de 15 % à la lumière directe du soleil et 30 % à la lumière ambiante. en lire plus

135: Une technologie révolutionnaire transforme les déchets plastiques en composants pour batteries électriques ()

La pollution plastique ne cesse d'augmenter d'année en année et le recyclage ne représente qu'une part minime du volume total. Un rapport de l'OCDE paru en février 2022 indique que nos sociétés engendrent aujourd'hui deux fois plus de déchets plastiques qu'il y a vingt ans. Sur les 353 millions de tonnes de plastiques produits en 2019, à peine 9 % ont été recyclés. Pour ne rien arranger [...]

136: 5 raisons d'utiliser un logiciel de GMAO pour la maintenance de vos équipements

Blog du Moderateur ()

Vous souhaitez améliorer la maintenance et la gestion de vos équipements de production ' Découvrez les avantages clés d'une GMAO !

137: Express JS


Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is NodeJS' As we know that JavaScript is used for make website interactive, so in browser a javascript engine work to convert(compile or interprit) javascript code to machine code, in different browser there are different engines for this work. ...

138: FastAPI + JWT + MySQL + DOcker end to end example

Hashnode - python (python)

In this tutorial, we will explore how to implement a secure REST API using FastAPI with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) authentication, a MySQL database, and Docker for containerization. What is JWT' JWT (JSON Web Token) is like a secret message that can be s...

139: Google dévoile comment s'organise la guerre contre les fausses informations sur Maps

Abondance (Référencement)

Le géant Google a révélé la manière dont il luttait contre les fausses informations publiées sur Google Maps, en ayant notamment recours à des modèles d'apprentissage automatique. La firme de Mountain View en a profité aussi pour communiquer les résultats des actions mises en place en 2022. L'apprentissage automatique pour lutter contre les escrocs Dans […] L'article "Google dévoi [...]

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140: Le moment iPhone de l'intelligence artificielle - Deuxième partie

Naugès, Louis (Internet)

Dans la première partie de cette analyse sur l'IAG, l'Intelligence Artificielle Générative, j'ai traité les thèmes suivants: Les infrastructures Clouds Publics, fondations de l'IAG. Les acteurs clés de l'industrie de l'IAG. Une explosion de startups dans l'IAG. L'un des événements...

141: Goossips : Rendering et propriétés de domaine

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : des rendering incomplets pour prioriser la diffusion de certains contenus et l'importance (relative) de vérifier l'ensemble de ses propriétés de domaine. Voici une petite compilation des informations fournies par […] L'arti [...]

142: La Duck Conf 2023 ' Compte rendu du talk de Benjamin Bayart ' « Sous le capot du cloud souverain »

Octo (Internet)

La Duck Conf 2023 ' Compte rendu du talk de Benjamin Bayart ' « Sous le capot du cloud souverain » Cloud souverain : de quoi parlons-nous '  Le terme cloud souverain a été introduit en 2012 par Nicolas Sarkozy, l'ambition était de permettre à la police d'intervenir sur les réseaux sociaux. L'état a alors […] L'article La Duck Conf 2023 ' Compte rendu du talk de Benjamin Bayart ' [...]

143: Simplify Immutable Data Structures in JavaScript with Immer.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction It can be difficult to maintain immutability with JavaScript, especially when working with intricate data structures. However, leveraging immutable data structures can simplify code complexity and enhance performance by preventing uninte...

144: Color Recognition with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

This article will take you through a Color Recognition task with Python. We are going to create a basic application that will help us detect colours in an image. The program will let us return the RGB value, which is useful. Many graphic designers an...

145: Color Recognition with Python


Hashnode - python (python)

This article will take you through a Color Recognition task with Python. We are going to create a basic application that will help us detect colours in an image. The program will let us return the RGB value, which is useful. Many graphic designers an...

146: Node.js and Express Server Optimization Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js and Express servers are powerful tools for building fast and reliable web applications. But if you're not careful, they can also be slow and unreliable. In this article, I'll show you how to optimize your server for speed and reliability. Her...

147: Flow of code execution in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a popular programming language that is used to create dynamic and interactive web pages. Understanding the flow of code execution in JavaScript is essential for developing efficient and reliable code. In this blog post, we will explore ...

148: Javascript snippets

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

'' operator will coerce undefined and null values to false and other values to true. let propertyCheck = person.age '' 0; let objectAndPropertyCheck = (person '' {}).age '' 0; // or let objectAndPropertyCheck2 = person'.age '' 0; // the ' c...

149: Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

1. Data Types Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data. Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are a...

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150: How to deploy Next.js app in production server

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Next.js is a popular open-source framework for building server-side rendered React applications. When it comes to deploying a Next.js app in production, there are several steps that you need to follow to ensure a smooth and error-free de...

151: FAA Website Is Down, Cause Unknown

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews FAA Website Is Down, Cause Unknown The Federal Aviation Administration's website is under attack, with it unreachable Monday night going into Tuesday morning. FAA Website Is Down, Cause Unknown Staff

152: Setting up GitHub Workflow for Python Calculator Application

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction to GitHub Actions: GitHub Actions is a tool for automating software development workflows. With GitHub Actions, you can automate your software builds, tests, deployments, and much more, directly from your GitHub repository. It is a po...

153: Optimal Partition of String

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- Given a string s, partition the string into one or more substrings such that the characters in each substring are unique. That is, no letter appears in a single substring more than once. Return the minimum number of substrings in ...

154: How you can use the audio tag in React.js to play music.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello Everyone, It's me again. It's been a while since I've written a blog about something. So for today's blog, I've decided to talk about how you can use the audio tag to play music using React js. What we need. Here is the prerequisite for what we...

155: Python map, filter and reduce

Hashnode - python (python)

Python has three built-in functions, map(), filter(), and reduce(), that are used to perform data manipulation on iterable data such as lists, tuples, and sets. Lambda Function The lambda function is an anonymous function declared using a single-line...

156: Doit v2 more from Doit

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Doit deletion button What we gotta do to delete an entry' We can't just not display it, we have to alter state enough to remove the entry from the array entirely. function DeleteButton({ idx, entryArray, setEntryArray }) { //Delete an entry from th...

157: 7 small Javascript concepts that can make a BIG difference

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Destructuring Destructuring in JavaScript allows you to extract specific values from objects or arrays and assign them to variables more concisely and conveniently. Example-1 const person = { name: 'John', age: 30, location: 'New York' }; c...

158: Language verbosity comparison using Rosetta Code

Hashnode - python (python)

Reason for research: Unfamous Lines of Code (LoC) LoC is one of the metrics that is used to measure programming productivity. One of the obvious disadvantages of this metric is a comparison of lines of code among developers using different programmin...

159: DAY 2 of PYTHON top 100 questions : from Basic to Advanced !!

Hashnode - python (python)

Write a Python program to find the sum of all numbers between 1 and a given number:- n=int(input('Enter the number : ')) sum=0 for i in range(1,n+1): sum=sum+i print(sum) Output : Enter the number : 10 55 Here's a line-by-line explanation of ...

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160: Build An App Using Vue And Django

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. This guide will teach you how to create a Vue.js app that interacts with data from a Django API. Ensure your computer has the Node.js and Python 3 installed. Setting up a Django A...

161: Regular Expression Optimal Search In JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

if you have ever had to make a text search, the first thing that comes to mind might be to check if the store you are searching contains the search term using == or ===. This should work but not really how you would expect it. Let's test it out: let ...

162: How to Create your own ChatGPT ChatBot using QuickBlox SDK

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In recent years, chatbots have become increasingly popular for businesses and individuals alike, as they offer a convenient way to automate communication with customers and users. ChatGPT is an AI language model that can engage in human-like conversa...

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