Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
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The best of last week's big and small data visualizations
Introducing the first challenge hosted by Visual Capitalist's Creator Program! This is your chance to show-off your skills, impress the VC Editorial team, and win prizes. The post Calling All Data Storytellers to Enter our Creator Program Challenge appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
In this webinar, learn why customer data platforms are a must-have solution. The post CDPs prevent your data from going down the drain appeared first on Search Engine Land.
WebProNews Microsoft 365 Copilot Is Now Open to Early Access Microsoft 365 Copilot is now open to early access, bringing the power of generative AI to Microsoft's office suite. Microsoft 365 Copilot Is Now Open to Early Access Staff
If you’re a website owner or a developer, you must have come across HTTP status codes. These codes indicate the status of a website’s server when you access it. They help understand whether a website’s server is functioning correctly or not. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about HTTP status codes.… Read More »HTTP Status Codes: Every [...]
#576 ' MAY 9, 2023 View in Browser » SOLID Principles: Improve Object-Oriented Design in Python In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the SOLID principles, which are five well-established standards for improving your object-oriented design in Python. By applying these principles, you can create object-oriented code that is more maintainable, extensible, scalable, and testable. REAL PYTH [...]
Welcome to my blog. I am Stephanie and I am thrilled to have a platform to document my journey and also share what I learn. As a semi-beginner in the world of coding, I know how overwhelming it can be to find your way through the vast array of resour...
React applications often require complex data fetching and state management. Two popular libraries used for these tasks are React Query and Redux. While both libraries have similar goals, they differ in their approaches and strengths. In this post, w...
As a professional JavaScript developer, I've learned that writing clean, maintainable code is crucial for success in this field. In this blog post, I want to share my thoughts on three important coding principles: DRY, KISS, and YAGNI. These principl...
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Const As you can makeout from the word const, const is a javascript keyword which is used to initialise a variable whose value cannot be changed i.e is constant throughout the whole codebase. Var Var is a javascript keyword which is used to declare...
WebProNews Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro Are Finally Coming to the iPad After years of requests from users, Apple is finally bringing Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro to the iPad. Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro Are Finally Coming to the iPad Matt Milano
Palindrome is a fascinating concept. The beauty lies in its simplicity: a word, phrase, or sequence of characters that reads the same backwards as forward. However, what happens when we introduce a little twist to this classic definition' What if we ...
Amazon merchants may soon be able to create photo and video assets for advertising campaigns. The post Amazon working on AI tools to generate videos, images for advertisers appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Make a button that is disabled until the user enters something in 5 minutes. It's Beginner Friendly! Introduction This article introduces how to make a button that is disabled until the user inputs a value. If you add this feature to your website, u...
JavaScript Values, Operations and Variables Values: Number: Numeric values are represented by the number type in JavaScript. These can be whole numbers or floating-point numbers (decimals). javascriptCopy codelet integerNumber = 42; let floatingP...
JavaScript is single-threaded, then how does it manage time-consuming tasks like downloading' JavaScript supports synchronous execution of code (JS will execute everything one after another. If You have some time-consuming task, JS will wait for it t...
Mojo est un nouveau langage de programmation dédié à l'IA, créé par l’entreprise Modular AI. Va-t-il remplacer Python et s'imposer … Cet article Mojo : le langage IA qui va remplacer Python ' Tout savoir a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
JavaScript is a popular programming language used for developing web applications. It provides a versatile and flexible environment to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Using frameworks in JavaScript development has become increasingly i...
Learn the subtle but important differences between the CSS gap and margin properties, as well as how their appearances change by layout choice. The post CSS gap property vs. margin property appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is most commonly used for web development. Its syntax is heavily influenced by other programming languages, including C++, Java, and Perl. Here's an overview of the JavaScript syntax a...
JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is most commonly used for web development. Its syntax is heavily influenced by other programming languages, including C++, Java, and Perl. Here's an overview of the JavaScript syntax a...
Web3 is a term that refers to the decentralized web, where applications can interact with the blockchain and smart contracts. Web3 enables users to have more control over their data, identity and digital assets. To build web3 applications, you need t...
what are conditional statements' Conditional statements are simply a set of statements that are used to simulate the human's ability to make decisions and perform actions based on the decision made. Conditional statements are essential in programming...
- LinkedIn supprime 716 postes. Les licenciements dans le secteur IT se poursuivent, la dernière entreprise en date étant LinkedIn, (...)
Les solutions de stockage froid ne datent pas d'hier. Alors qu'AWS et Microsoft - pour ne citer qu'eux - sont présents sur ce marché depuis (...)
This is a brief update, continuing from my previous post where I built a basic, custom analytics service to use on my Hashnode blog. In my final thoughts, I said: While I'm happy with what I created, there are still some things I'd like to work on. ...
Introduction Firestore is a NoSQL document-based database that is widely used by developers to store and retrieve data for web and mobile applications etc. One of the fundamental concepts of Firestore is the collection, which is a group of related do...
WHY The principle of least privilege is the idea that any user, program, or process should have only the bare minimum privileges necessary to perform its function. Consider you've written code like the below at some point. We've declared a var and ...
WHY The principle of least privilege is the idea that any user, program, or process should have only the bare minimum privileges necessary to perform its function. Consider you've written code like the below at some point. We've declared a var and ...
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Recently, While I was working on the project. I have to make multiple local database calls. I used forEach Loop For that purpose. My Code was Something like this: void main() { final List ids = [1,5,3,7]; print("Loop Started");
Mona Chalabi, known around these parts for her illustrative approach to data journalism,…Tags: illustration, Mona Chalabi, New York Times, Pulitzer
Apache Kafka is a popular distributed streaming platform that allows you to process and store huge volumes of data in real-time. Thanks to this, it has become an important component of many modern data pipelines. With Kafka being so critical to your infrastructure, it's important to keep a close eye
JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages on the web. It is used to create dynamic and interactive web pages, add functionality to web applications, and build server-side applications using Node.js. In this article, we will expl...
Learn how to leverage CSS logical properties to enhance the flexibility and responsiveness of your web design. The post Guide to CSS logical properties appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In this article, you will learn how to use push notification to reach users with relevant information to keep them returning to your product. The post What are push notifications and why are they important' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Filtre anti-arnaques, blocage des sites pornographiques par l'Arcom, bannissement des réseaux sociaux pour les cyber-harceleurs, encadrement des pratiques des fournisseurs de cloud' Le projet de loi pour "sécuriser l'espace numérique" est présenté ce mercredi en Conseil des ministres. En voici les principales mesures.
What is localStorage' Web pages do not persist data by default. If you reload the page while writing a long text, the text is gone forever. This lack of persistence could be very annoying in situations like: Setting the page to dark mode, but having...
Un groupe de cybercriminels compromet les réseaux d'entreprise depuis deux mois pour déployer un ransomware jusqu'alors inédit dénommé (...)
JavaScript is one of the most widely used programming languages on the web. It is used to create dynamic and interactive web pages, add functionality to web applications, and build server-side applications using Node.js. In this article, we will expl...
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JavaScript has been the dominant programming language of the web for more than two decades. It has gone through many iterations and updates over the years, but its core principles have remained the same. Recently, TypeScript has emerged as a popular ...
À mesure que la technologie défensive progresse, les pirates créent des cyberattaques plus innovantes. Cela signifie que la politique de … Cet article Cet outil révolutionnaire va-t-il marquer la fin des cyberattaques ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Greeting Hey guys, how've you been' It's AC, Alexandre Calaça here. Hope you enjoy this new article. By the way, I would be glad to receive your feedback about it Objective In this article, we will explore how to create a super simple input mask for...
Son logiciel de prise de rendez-vous médical et de consultation en ligne est considéré par les professionnels comme le plus cher, (...)
You have seen websites that beautify data visualization, and graph visualization but often get intimated upon how complex the development of such websites can be. So there are many frameworks. One such framework is Dash What is Dash' Dash is an open-...
Problem Statement:- Given an m x n matrix, return all elements of the matrix in spiral order. Link: Problem Explanation with examples:- Example 1 Input: matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] Outp...
Promises and callbacks are two important features of JavaScript that allow developers to handle asynchronous operations. In this blog post, we'll discuss the differences between promises and callbacks and when you should use one over the other. Callb...
We visualize survey results from over 19,000 adults across 28 countries to see how attitudes towards AI differ around the world. The post Visualizing Global Attitudes Towards AI appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Introduction Lottie is a versatile, lightweight animation solution for websites, apps, documentation, and more. It streamlines the process of motion design by offering a simple way to create, edit, test, collaborate, and implement Lottie animations. ...
À l'abri des regards du grand public, Google aurait secrètement créé des IA beaucoup plus puissantes et avancées que Bard … Cet article Google cache ses vraies IA surpuissantes au public, selon cet ingénieur viré a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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import React from "react"; import { View, Text, StyleSheet, useColorScheme } from 'react-native' function MyApp() :JSX.Element{ const isDarkMode =useColorScheme() === "dark" return( ...
Service workers can enhance your Next.js app functionality and improve UX. Let's explore how to implement service workers with examples. The post Implementing service workers in your Next.js app appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Discover the art of generating user insights with qualitative analysis. Learn the process, techniques, and how to combine with quantitative analysis. The post Qualitative analysis: Harnessing data to understand your users appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Testing code that relies on external services, like a database, can be difficult since the behaviors of these services can change. A mock object can control the behavior of a real object in a testing environment by simulating responses from external services. The code above uses a mock object to test the get_data function's behavior when calling an API that may either succeed or fail. The post S [...]
Meta strikes back at 'flawed' legislation that would force it to pay news publishers to use their content on Facebook and Instagram. The post News content could vanish from Meta in Canada appeared first on Search Engine Land.
L’augmentation des prix dans tous les domaines permet au marché des crypto-monnaies des états d’esprit assez positifs au cours des … Cet article Avec le marché haussier imminent des crypto-monnaies, les investisseurs bloquent leur AltSignals presale pour faire des profits. a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Weeks 5-7 More Laughs, More Tears, and More Red Bull When I was looking into different boot camps, I noticed that Makers usually ran for a few more weeks than the others. In terms of the content that was covered, though, there wasn't a great deal o...
Le groupe informatique sera en concurrence avec Microsoft, Google ou encore Amazon, qui proposent déjà des produits similaires. Mais il espère tirer son épingle du jeu en mettant en avant la sécurité des données.
Learn why SEO is the best marketing strategy during a recession and how to identify new opportunities through your search data. The post 6 strategies to maximize your marketing budget appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Le constructeur allemand Porsche a conclu un partenariat avec l'isréalien Mobileye. La filiale d'Intel spécialisée dans les systèmes avancés d'aide à la conduite (ADAS) devrait ainsi équiper les prochains véhicules de la marque de luxe de son système SuperVision.
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Le ministre en charge des Comptes publics, Gabriel Attal, a présenté le plan du gouvernement pour lutter contre la fraude fiscale. Le recours au datamining sera renforcé, et l'e-commerce fera l'objet de davantage de contrôles de la part des douanes.
Broadcom a déclaré qu'il dépenserait 2 milliards de dollars par an pour accélérer la recherche et le développement (...)
Un nouvel accessoire donne aux joueurs l'impression de sauter plus haut ou d'atterrir plus fort […] Cet article Cet accessoire rendra plus amusant vos sauts en réalité virtuelle a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Apparemment, bien que nous le souhaitions, nous ne sommes pas prêts de voir le Playstation […] Cet article Nous ne sommes pas encore prêts de voir le PSVR 2 prendre en charge le PC VR a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Microsoft serait en train de s'associer à AMD pour l'aider à développer des puces dédiées aux workload (...)
Selon les dernières estimations épidémiologiques, dix millions de Français souffriront d'arthrose en 2050, toutes articulations confondues. Et pour l'heure, aucun traitement curatif n'est disponible. Il n'existe que des antalgiques, des anti-inflammatoires ou des infiltrations, le plus souvent à base de corticoïdes, pour limiter l'intensité des douleurs de l'arthrose. [...]
Près de 20 % de l'électricité actuelle aux États-Unis proviennent de l'énergie nucléaire. Les États-Unis possèdent le plus grand parc nucléaire au monde, avec 92 réacteurs dispersés dans tout le pays. Bon nombre de ces centrales fonctionnent depuis plus d'un demi-siècle et approchent de la fin de leur durée de vie prévue. en l [...]
Python is a high-level programming language. This means that it is easy to read and write for humans. Python applies syntax that is more similar to human language than to machine language. Therefore it is easier for you and me to write and understand...'v=tgK0u0qwM70 One of my favorite animations is the scrolling parallax effect. I see it in a lot apps and websites, and I think it's about time I implement it myself using Flutter. But instead of just applying the paral...
Des chercheurs de l'Université Polytechnique de Cartagena (Espagne), ont décidé d'utiliser les données archivées de Spitzer pour faire de nouvelles investigations concernant l'exobiologie avec le nuage moléculaire de Persée et plus précisément l'amas IC 348. La nouvelle exploration des données de Spitzer concernant la région de formation d'étoiles IC348 révèle maintenant un grand nom [...]
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We sit down with Vilas Veeraraghavan, Senior Director of Software Engineering, DevEx, at BILL, to talk dev tools, feedback, and the future of DevEx. The post Leader Spotlight: The evolution of DevEx with Vilas Veeraraghavan appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
With these attributes, you have greater control over how search engines identify certain links. Here's how to use them properly. The post An SEO guide to nofollow, UGC and sponsored links appeared first on Search Engine Land.
A work plan is a communication tool. It's how you help yourself, your team members, and your stakeholders get a common understanding of upcoming challenges. The post How to create a work plan (examples and template) appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
L'un des principaux problèmes de la plupart des batteries actuelles est leur durée de vie. En effet, au bout de quelques temps, les porteurs de charge n'arrivent plus à se déplacer. Donc, ils ne peuvent plus produire de l'électricité. La capacité de stockage de ces dispositifs s'effondre progressivement. Ils peuvent même arrêter de fonctionner après plusieurs cycles de charge. La ba [...]
Le Magnelis, un alliage ternaire recouvrant de l'acier plat sur ses deux faces développé par ArcelorMittal depuis une dizaine d'années, a des pouvoirs étonnants puisqu'il est capable de s'autocicatriser. « Alors que les bords coupés sont les plus sujets à la corrosion, ce matériau se répare seul au niveau des rives en formant une nouvelle couche de protection sur la zone abîmée », expl [...]
Des trous de sécurité ont été détectés et corrigés dans le service API Management d'Azure. L'éditeur (...)
Data structures are an essential part of computer science and programming. They are a way to organize and store data in a way that allows efficient access and modification. JavaScript, being a high-level programming language, supports a variety of da...
Des chercheurs de la Weill Cornell Medicine (New York) ont présenté une nouvelle méthode qui permet de localiser avec précision l'activité des gènes et les protéines dans les tissus et pourrait révolutionner les immunothérapies. Cette technique identifie les identités et les activités des cellules dans un organe ou une tumeur, à un niveau de résolution sans précédent. [...]
La property shorthand que l'on peut traduire par raccourci de propriété est une syntaxe en JavaScript qui permet de créer et d'initialiser des propriétés d'objet de manière plus concise. Elle existe depuis ES6, c'est-à -dire ECMAScript 2015 avec un très bon support donc il n'y a aucune raison de s'en passer. Au lieu d'avoir à écrire le nom (la clé) de la propriété, suivi de la valeur, [...]
La property shorthand que l'on peut traduire par raccourci de propriété est une syntaxe en JavaScript qui permet de créer et d'initialiser des propriétés d'objet de manière plus concise. Elle existe depuis ES6, c'est-à -dire ECMAScript 2015 avec un très bon support donc il n'y a aucune raison de s'en passer. Au lieu d'avoir à écrire le nom (la clé) de la propriété, suivi de la valeur, [...]
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Are you a self-taught web developer who constantly feels like a fraud, despite your skills and accomplishments' Do you find it difficult to believe in yourself and your abilities, even when others praise you for your work' If so, you may be experienc...
Do you want to improve user experience by preventing your users from sifting through endless lines of text to find the data they're looking for' Look no further! In this article, I'll walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to create a search ba...
Background Often I hear people say, we should do TDD with our code. TDD is so much better. But what is TDD' And why is it better' And how can it be added to for example CDK' If you want to know the WHY, just follow on... Basic knowledge of CDK is req...
Moonly weekly progress update #48 ' Optimizing our Discord Bot Additional features for our Discord Moonly Bot. Today we tested the first version of the multiple collection role feature. E.g, if you are holding Critters Cult NFT, you will get role-@C...
As web applications become increasingly complex, the need for a robust and scalable database system becomes more pressing. However, building a database from scratch can be a daunting task, especially for new developers who are still learning the rope...
Les 120 km² de la zone portuaire d'Anvers-Bruges seront désormais surveillés par six drones autonomes commandés à distance et volant hors de vue du pilote. Une première mondiale, selon l'autorité portuaire, qui travaille sur ce projet depuis cinq ans aux côtés de deux opérateurs de drones et d'un opérateur de télécommunications.
L’IA est en train de transformer radicalement le paysage de l'éducation en offrant des solutions innovantes pour les enseignants et … Cet article Comment l’IA va bouleverser l’éducation ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Trying to figure out why your YouTube Ads results aren't better' Here are key lessons from years of running video campaigns. The post 7 important YouTube Ads lessons you need to learn appeared first on Search Engine Land.
null and undefined are primitive data types in TypeScript and there are some basic concepts related to their handling, namely Optional Chaining, Nullish Coalescing, and Null Assertion. Let's look into these topics one by one and understand them with ...
Ce tutoriel vous montrera comment créer une version Python du jeu Flipping Bits avec une IHM en Tkinter. Commentaires L'article Création du jeu Flipping Bits en Python avec une IHM en Tkinter a été posté dans la catégorie Python de Human Coders News
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Explore inspiring & creative motion designs in our latest UI interactions and animations roundup from Dribbble.
IntroductionHi, my name is Marcus Weinberger. I'm mainly a Python developer (due to my love for hacking), but I work with JS when I must. One of my passions is creating my own software for doing things - I really enjoy being able to not rely on third...
Changement de tête à la direction de la filiale française de Nutanix. Le spécialiste de l'hyperconvergence annonce la (...)
WebProNews Vulnerable Plugin Puts Two Million WordPress Sites At Risk The Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin has a vulnerability that is leaving more than 2 million websites vulnerable. Vulnerable Plugin Puts Two Million WordPress Sites At Risk Staff
Introducing Python x Benefits. Introduction: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language noted for its ease of use, readability, and simplicity. Guido van Rossum first released it in 1991, and it has since become one of the world's most ...
Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that is widely used to build dynamic and robust web applications. One of the key features of Angular is its powerful change detection mechanism, which is responsible for detecting changes in the application a...
« Nous avons trébuché, nous avons perdu des parts, nous avons perdu de l'élan. Nous pensons que cela se stabilisera cette année (...)
Le groupe de pirates à l'origine de l'attaque réclame au moins 10 millions de dollars au spécialiste américain du stockage informatique. Il menace de publier en ligne les données des clients de Western Digital.
Just started using Datawrapper and wanting to get more out of it' Wondering whether it’s...
ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. As with any technology, certain best practices can help you write clean, efficient, and maintainable code when working with ReactJS. In this post, we will explore some practical ti...
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I've encountered a problem these days related to some limitations that Angular has when it comes to dependency injection and I want to share with you the solution that I've found. I will explain the problem, the solution and in the end, let's have an...
Le développement du véhicule connectée et autonome aiguise les appétits des spécialistes des semi-conducteurs. Parmi (...)
Logic Building with JavaScript JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. It is primarily used for building web applications, but it can also be used for other types of software development. One important aspect of Java...
import React from "react"; import { Text, View, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native' function App(){ return( Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! ...
Description: If you're new to the tech world, you may have heard of APIs and SDKs but might not know what they are or how they differ. In this beginner's guide, we'll explain these two terms, provide examples in JavaScript, and show you how they can ...
Qualcomm se renforce dans les semi-conducteurs pour l'automobile en rachetant l'israélien Autotalks, pour une somme estimée entre 350 et 400 millions de dollars.
Le projet de réglementation doit faciliter l'accès et le partage des données, en particulier celles générées par les appareils connectés. Un potentiel risque pour la cybersécurité et la compétition des groupes européens, préviennent cinq entreprises allemandes.
La récente attaque par ransomware contre MSI, n'a eu selon la société « aucun impact significatif sur l'entreprise (...)
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent times has incited fear in many over losing their jobs. However, that shouldn't be the case. On the contrary, AI is an opportunity to take your programming to the next level when used tactfully with the right knowledge, as we'll cover today.
Guillaume de Lavallade, DG de Hub One, est le premier invité de "Conversation avec", un format d'entretien vidéo réalisé en partenariat avec Digiworld Institute. Il revient pour nous sur l'activité historique de Hub One en tant qu'opérateur télécom des Aéroports de Paris et sur ses projets avec d'autres industriels, mais aussi sur les progrès des technologies cellulaires (LTE et 5G) et l [...]
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Dans le monde des langages informatiques, l'ancienneté semble faire preuve d'autorité, comme le démontre un classement qui reste stable en mai 2023.
In the article Create Front-End of a YouTube Web App using Anvil, we learned to build the user interface (UI) of a simple web app in Anvil. Below is the screenshot of the final UI of our app. Now in this tutorial, we will write the client-side and s...
Découvrez les avantages d'un compte pro en ligne pour votre activité de freelance.
Introduction In this post, I will discuss how to determine if a given string of parentheses is valid or not using different programming languages. Problem Statement The problem is to check if a string consisting of parentheses, braces, and square bra...
Les mythes sur les Data Centers sont nombreux et souvent erronés. De ce fait, il est temps de démystifier certaines … Cet article 5 mythes totalement faux sur les Data Centers a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
La matrice d'Ishikawa est un outil de gestion de projet qui permet de déterminer les causes d'un problème, et d'apporter des solutions concrètes.
The Longest Common Prefix problem requires finding the longest common prefix string among an array of strings. If there is no common prefix, the function should return an empty string. This problem can be solved efficiently using various algorithms a...
Form validation is a crucial aspect of building any large project. As a junior developer, I struggled with finding the right library to handle this. I ended up wasting precious time copying code off YouTube and dealing with long-term stability issues...
Chargé d'accompagner et de financer des initiatives de développement durable partout dans le monde, le groupe AFD a soutenu 995 nouveaux (...)
Skandia se compose de plusieurs sociétés différentes, dont les deux plus importantes gèrent les activités d'assurance (...)
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Dans un communiqué daté du 2 mai, le groupe Crédit Agricole a annoncé la nomination d'Olivier Biton, auparavant DSI groupe (...)
Avec pour objectif de renforcer son positionnement comme fournisseur de services dédiés à la mobilité urbaine, l'ESN T-Systems (...)
Découvrez comment le MBA spécialisé en marketing et transformation digitale de l'EFAP vous aide à développer votre réseau dans la région des Hauts-de-France, avec de nombreuses opportunités d'emploi à la clé.
Encapsulation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that refers to the practice of hiding the internal details of an object and exposing only the necessary information or functionality to the outside world. It allows the progr...
Découvrez différentes astuces et fonctionnalités simples pour gérer vos groupes WhatsApp plus facilement.
(This article explains how to debug this error message in the context of "Week 5 Implement Conversations with DynamoDB" at the AWS Cloud Project Bootcamp by Andrew Brown and Exampro Team.) Debugging is a particularly challenging job for newbie progra...
Charts that use two different scales on the same vertical often get the…Tags: correlation, dual axis, Toph Tucker
Debug log: The problem I had with this unsubscriptable Nonetype error was that the data was getting lost somewhere. So no matter how many time...
I was fascinated and dreamt of becoming a front-end web developer a few months ago. There were times when I felt it is very difficult to learn frontend and wasted so many days thinking of it is not for me, by being not able to clear the errors where ...
Aaah, la refonte d'un site WordPress' Quand on pense aux différentes problématiques que cette mission implique, on a généralement tendance à stresser un peu. Qui ne rêve pas, dans ce moment-clé, de faire un simple Ctlr+Alt+Suppr sur son serveur, et... Comment effectuer une refonte d'un site WordPress : la checklist ultime est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meille [...]
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Après le démantèlement d'Hydra, le plus grand marketplace du Dark Web en avril dernier, Europol arrête cette fois-ci des centaines … Cet article Coup de filet sur le Dark Web : Europol arrête les dealers par centaines a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Une chaise IKEA intrigante a récemment été découverte pour sa capacité à éteindre les écrans d’ordinateurs à proximité. Les experts … Cet article Cette chaise IKEA éteint les écrans de PC et personne ne sait pourquoi a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Welcome to Day 2 of my 21-Day Frontend Development Challenge! ' In this challenge, I'll be diving deep into ReactJS and building a new project each day. Today, I completed the second project of the challenge, and I'm excited to share my progress wit...
The function is a block of code designed to perform some particular task function myFunction(p1, p2) { return p1 * p2; } Anonymous functions: In this, we can declare a function in the form of a variable, and hence can remove the name of function a...
We are a research group under the direction of Prof. Doowon Kim at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in collaboration with Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. We are looking to recruit participants with some experience in software development...
Introduction As a JavaScript developer, I have often used the native JavaScript module system along with webpack to organize and maintain my code. However, I realized that there is much more to learn when it comes to modular programming in JavaScript...
Hey folks! Just wanted to share the excitement of my coding adventure last night. I was in the zone for hours, starting at 10 PM and pushing through till 6 AM. Can you believe it' The sun is already up here in Sweden! So, let me give you the highligh...
Recently, I had in-depth discussions with some of my UI designer colleagues regarding UI design in Flutter. They raised a series of questions about the feasibility of using Flutter for design, which piqued my curiosity. I conducted some experiments a...
What is Cloud Storage' Cloud storage is a web service where your data can be stored, accessed, and quickly backed up by users on the internet. It is more reliable, scalable, and secure than traditional on-premises storage systems. Cloud storage is o...
My coding journey has been no different than so many out there. Start with vanilla JavaScript and eventually lead into React.js and Node.js. It's basically the tech Twitter roadmap - ha! After 1000+ hours of butt-in-chair, active coding with JavaScri...
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Today we're proud to announce the release of Carbon Control, an exciting new feature in Catchpoint WebPageTest. Central to this new feature is the inclusion of a new experimental metric in WebPageTest for measuring a website's Carbon Footprint. Measuring carbon footprint has been the most requested and discussed issue in our tracker, and for good reasons: the web community is increasingly concern [...]
Based on a study with Google engineers, the best predictor of flow is 'focus time:' performing a number of similar actions in a given window of time. Researchers also identified 3 practices for facilitating flow: (1) Schedule management. (2) Goal setting so engineers are working on tasks that feel fulfilling. (3) Giving time to 'get into flow.'
OS platform to build, deploy, and maintain internal apps.
The topics that Will explores are: (1) Avoiding the unicorn search. (2) How interviewing executives goes wrong. (3) Structuring your evaluation process. (4) Focusing on four areas to evaluate engineering executives.
'The cost of building and operating a system in a way that guarantees 99.99% uptime is several times as expensive as 99.5%. This is in terms of system complexity, the number of engineers required, their specialisations, experience levels, and corresponding salaries, as well as significantly increased operational costs and arrangements.'
Collaboration is the key to successful API development. Whether it's working with internal teams or external partners, effective collaboration can help teams work faster, smarter, and with fewer errors. In this article, we explore the best practices for API collaboration and offer tips for working more effectively across the entire API lifecycle.
A list of open LLMs available for commercial use.
'The back of the envelope calculation is commonly used to evaluate different architectural designs. Although the optimal design depends on the system requirements, the back of the envelope calculation provides an opportunity to compare different architectural designs without prototyping.'
Azeem covers how different systems handle the same URLs differently, and the security risks caused by those inconsistencies.
This issue's sponsor is Postman
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'You will learn how to use a large language model (LLM) to quickly build new and powerful applications. Using the OpenAI API, you'll be able to quickly build capabilities that learn to innovate and create value in ways that were cost-prohibitive, highly technical, or simply impossible before now.'
'To ensure that customers seamlessly receive content, Prime Video set up a tool to monitor every stream viewed by customers. This tool allows us to automatically identify perceptual quality issues and trigger a process to fix them.' Marcin discusses how the service's architecture.
Vector DB for next-gen AI applications.Â
Virtual data room (VDR) is actually a secure on the web repository designed for storing essential corporate records. This type of software is widely used during M&A discounts, but it can also be useful for internal document management and other business purposes. When comparing VDR services, it is important to consider the number of features … Via the internet Data Area Review Read Mor [...]
Data loss reduction best practices will be the equipment and operations that shield information coming from unauthorized get. This can contain data sleeping, in flow, and on endpoints. Almost every business in the modern time needs to prioritize these tools and functions. After all, a data breach could cost companies big money. In addition to … Loss of data Prevention Guidelines Read More  [...]
What were once pipe dreams of The Jetsons' smart home quickly found in nearly all modern triplex. The technology allows for many automated functions, such as setting up the house alarm, turning over the lights, and playing your preferred music at the motivate of a button. Not only is it a cool feature that can … Brilliant Home Technology Read More »
Business computing encompasses the usage of computer technology for the purpose of managing a business organization operations. Common tasks include media production, employee connection through email and other messaging systems, monitoring customer info or maintaining accounting devices. Some firms also use personal computers to research industry trends, [...]
Your Google PageSpeed score says a lot about your site's performance. A low score indicates slow loading times and a poor user experience, so you'll want to take the necessary steps to improve it. Fortunately, the process is easier than you might think. Using PageSpeed Insights, you can analyze your site's performance and get a […] The post How to Improve Your Google PageSpeed Score appeared [...]
In this blog post, we will what React Suspense is and how it can be used for Data Fetching in React 18. React Suspense has been in the making for a long time, but it has now been released as a stable feature part of Concurrent React and makes use of ...
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Using blockchain smart contracts in e-voting can provide a secure and transparent way for voters to cast their ballots. In this article, we will explore how to use blockchain smart contracts in e-voting and provide an example code for implementing it...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.