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« Mai 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

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Mardi 30 Mai 2023 (175)

1: An Introduction to HTTP Methods: Simplifying Web Communication

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ever wondered what communication looks like in the world of web development' When you browse the web, interact with websites, or send and receive data, you leverage a fundamental protocol called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP provides the f...

2: Hyrum's law in modern frontend

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The best professional books for you are the books that are revealing situational problems that you will encounter in your engineering journeys. I had the fortune to read about Hyrum's law in Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned From Progra...

3: WhatsApp Multi-Phone Mode Rolling Out to iPhones

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews WhatsApp Multi-Phone Mode Rolling Out to iPhones WhatsApp's biggest feature in recent years is now rolling out to iPhones after initially debuting on Android. WhatsApp Multi-Phone Mode Rolling Out to iPhones Staff

4: How I made a lightweight JavaScript Framework and then used it to build my Website - jasna.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I am not often using JavaScript, and I am sure that there is already a framework which does the same thing. I didn't even expect to use it, but surprisingly it really helped to build my website.The minified version only takes up 479 bytes. Not even h...

5: 7 Must-Know JS Object Methods '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I'm sure many of you are familiar with the Object data type. Many of the data types that we use in everyday programming inherit from this type, like objects and arrays. But did you know about these seven methods and what they're capable of' Let's div...

6: Webinar: How to build consumer trust in a cookieless world by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

Personalized moments can minimize privacy compliance risk and drive lead volume and customer loyalty without third-party cookies. The post Webinar: How to build consumer trust in a cookieless world appeared first on Search Engine Land.

7: Day 18 - The Hirst Project, GitHub Workflows, and Package Management Woes

Hashnode - python (python)

Today's Objective Today, I finished the second part of this module, which involved creating a mock Hirst painting. The project was fairly challenging but not mind-boggling; however, I encountered a few obstacles along the way. This article primarily ...

8: React's Virtual DOM: Turbocharging User Interfaces

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: React has arguably become the most popular frontend library among developers all around the world. One of the key factors contributing to React's success is its innovative use of the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model). The Virtual DOM ...

9: Issue 579 (May 30, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#579 ' MAY 30, 2023 View in Browser » Python’s .__call__() Method: Creating Callable Instances In this tutorial, you’ll learn what a callable is in Python and how to create callable instances using the .__call__() special method in your custom classes. You’ll also code several examples of practical use cases for callable instances in Python. REAL PYTHON Sorting a Django [...]

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10: WiFi : comment expulser vos enfants et reprendre le contrôle '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Débranchez le WiFi des appareils de vos enfants en utilisant les paramètres du routeur pour une pause bien méritée. Les … Cet article WiFi : comment expulser vos enfants et reprendre le contrôle ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

11: Learn Local Storage in React: Create a Light and Dark Theme Switcher Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This week's article examines React local storage by creating a theme switcher application. We cover the basics, discuss the limitations, and demonstrate how to implement these concepts in a React app! Introduction In this article, we will learn ho...

12: Microsoft révèle que son IA montre des prémices d'intelligence humaine

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les chercheurs de Microsoft affirment que l’IA montre la façon dont les gens agissent, tandis que les critiques les accusent … Cet article Microsoft révèle que son IA montre des prémices d'intelligence humaine a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

13: Cortex-X4, Immortalis-G720, TCS23... Les annonces d'Arm au Computex 2023

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Arm profite du Computex de Taipei pour annoncer ses nouvelles architectures CPU et GPU. Elles présentent des capacités de traitement plus importantes, notamment pour les applications d'intelligence artificielle et la 3D temps réel.

14: How to Split String on Multiple Delimiters in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Among the plenty of string operations, splitting a string is a significant one, offering the capability to divide a large, composite text into smaller, manageable components. Typically, we use a single delimiter like a comma, space, or a special character for this purpose. But what if you need to

15: Find Pivot Index

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There are countless ways to approach this problem and optimize your solution. In this article, we'll explore one of those strategies to tackle this problem. Let's see the problem statement first. Problem Statement: Given an array of integers nums, c...

16: The Essentials of Front-End Development: Tools and Frameworks Every Developer Should Learn

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Web development has come a long way in recent years and front-end development is a key aspect of modern-day web development. Front-end development is the process of building the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of a website o...

17: From Idea to Implementation: Building an Amazon Price Tracker with Python and Flask

Hashnode - python (python)

As a college student passionate about programming and eager to learn more about Python, I recently embarked on an exciting project to create an Amazon Price Tracking System. With the help of libraries such as requests, BeautifulSoup, and Flask, I was...

18: What is a servlet'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A servlet is a Java class that runs on a web server and handles requests from web clients (such as browsers). A servlet can generate dynamic web content, such as HTML, XML, JSON, etc. A servlet can also interact with databases, files, and other web r...

19: Ultimate Python Multithreading Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Multi-threading is a fundamental concept in modern programming, and Python, with its clear syntax and strong community support, is an excellent language for exploring this concept. To comprehend multi-threading, we must first understand what threads ...

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20: Demystifying the JavaScript Event Loop

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript is a single-threaded language, this means that it can only execute one task at a time. But still, it manages to do multiple tasks concurrently. It gives the illusion of multi-threading through the use of a few sophisticated data structures...

21: Nvidia Joins the Trillion Dollar Club

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

America's biggest chipmaker Nvidia has joined the trillion dollar club as advancements in AI move at lightning speed. The post Nvidia Joins the Trillion Dollar Club appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

24: From Zero To Hero: Front End Development Projects For Beginners[With Source Code]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome, fellow developers, to today's blog post where we will explore the world of simple web development projects that are ideal for beginners. Building projects while learning to code is an effective way to enhance your skill set and become a prof...

25: How to use Figma branching properly

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Branching in Figma is perfect for helping collaborators work within the same space, enabling multiple teams to work on multiple branches. The post How to use Figma branching properly appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

26: React.js Expertise: Advanced Techniques & Tools

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome back to the final part of our four-part series on React.js! In the previous parts, we explored the ' fundamentals, ' core concepts, ' advanced techniques, and integrations of React.js. Now, in Part 4, we'll focus on mastering ...

27: Most used array manipulation methods in JavaScript '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Arrays are one of the fundamental data structures in JavaScript, allowing you to store and manipulate collections of values efficiently. With the introduction of array functions, JavaScript provides a powerful set of methods that enable you to perfor...

28: Day14 of 90DaysOfDevOps Challenge

Hashnode - python (python)

In the Last Article, we read about Data types. Everything is an object in Python. The data type is a class and a variable is an object of that class. Now we will see, what data structure is in Python. ' Data structure in Python A data structure in Py...

29: A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Node.js Express Project with TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js and Express are popular frameworks used for building scalable and efficient web applications. When combined with TypeScript, a strongly-typed superset of JavaScript, they provide an additional layer of type safety and productivity. In this bl...

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30: Async Await and Fetch in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Slide 1: Introduction Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone! My name is Ekemini, and today I'll be talking about an essential aspect of JavaScript programming: "Async Await and Fetch." In this presentation, we'll explore the concepts of async/aw...

31: Le domaine .zip de Google donne des sueurs froides aux RSSI

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Début mai Google se félicitait du lancement de 8 domaines supplémentaires (.dad, .phd, .prof, .esq, .foo, .zip, .mov et .nexus). (...)

32: Le spyware Predator pour iOS et Android disséqué

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Moins connu que le très médiatique Pegasus de NSO, le spyware Predator n'en n'est pas moins redoutable. Il fait partie des outils (...)

33: Implementing pattern matching in TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Motivation Recently, as my freelance contract expired and I have an upcoming vacation, I decided to use my free days to have some fun writing code and experimenting a bit. I got neck-deep into Function Programming again (I will have a series of posts...

34: Microsoft Azure Linux Containers for AKS Now Available

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Azure Linux Containers for AKS Now Available Microsoft has announced the general availability of its Azure Linux for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Microsoft Azure Linux Containers for AKS Now Available Staff

35: Le greenwashing des imprimantes HP pointé du doigt

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les relations du fabricant d'imprimantes HP avec les fournisseurs compatibles impression s'enveniment. Une plainte a récemment été (...)

36: PSA: Delete 'iRecorder ' Screen Recorder' Android App

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews PSA: Delete ‘iRecorder ' Screen Recorder’ Android App Popular Android app "iRecorder ' Screen Recorder" was caught stealing users' information months after being approved on the Play Store. PSA: Delete ‘iRecorder ' Screen Recorder’ Android App Staff

37: FranceConnect : 1400 adhérents de la MSA victimes d'une usurpation d'identité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Mutualité sociale agricole, organisme en charge de la couverture sociale du monde agricole, a suspendu l'accès à sa plateforme via FranceConnect. Elle assure n'avoir constaté aucune activité frauduleuse, mais promet de renforcer la sécurité.

38: FranceConnect : 1400 adhérents de la MSA victimes d'une usurpation d'identité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Mutualité sociale agricole, organisme en charge de la couverture sociale du monde agricole, a suspendu l'accès à sa plateforme via FranceConnect. Elle assure n'avoir constaté aucune activité frauduleuse, mais promet de renforcer la sécurité.

39: How to choose Math.ceil and Math.floor correctly

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Many times we want to calculate something by dividing operations.But we might get a float value as a result, for example, 5 / 2 = 2.5. In javascript, we have Math.ceil and Math.floor method to use. They have a huge difference from each other. The Mat...

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40: Read Data From a SQL Table

Math Data Simplified (data)

Loading SQL tables into DataFrames allows you to analyze and preprocess the data using the rich functionality of pandas. To read a SQL table into a pandas DataFrame, pass the database connection obtained from the SQLAlchemy Engine to the pandas.read_sql method. The post Read Data From a SQL Table appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

41: Mapped: Renewable Energy and Battery Installations in the U.S. in 2023

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This graphic describes new U.S. renewable energy installations by state along with nameplate capacity, planned to come online in 2023. The post Mapped: Renewable Energy and Battery Installations in the U.S. in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

42: Unlocking the Potential: Exploring the Future of Web Development with React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Web development has come a long way, and the future looks incredibly promising. One technology that has gained significant popularity and transformed the web development landscape is React. In this article, we will delve into the potenti...

43: I think I finally 'get' JS objects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

While learning JavaScript, at some point I looked up what 'object-oriented' meant. That was a mistake. The first reason it was a mistake was because I was exposed to way too many unhelpful OOP diagrams. You know the kind: This diagram from Wikimedia...

44: Currying in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Currying is a concept where a function with multiple arguments is divided into multiple functions having 1 or 2 arguments. Syntax of Currying Function function multipleargs(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) curriedfunction(arg1)(arg2)(arg3)(arg4) There is an...

45: Guide to Kotlin filtering for Android

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The Kotlin filter() operator is the most important task in the Kotlin collection operation, allowing you to filter a range of data based on a defined set of criteria. The post Guide to Kotlin filtering for Android appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

46: Exploring React Lazy with Suspense: Code-Splitting Made Easy

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In modern web development, performance optimization is crucial to provide a smooth user experience. One of the ways to achieve this is by code-splitting, which allows us to load only the necessary code when it's needed. React Lazy with Suspense is a ...

47: What is net revenue retention (NRR)' Formula, examples

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Net revenue retention is a metric that helps to measure cumulative revenue retained from existing customers by examining revenue. The post What is net revenue retention (NRR)' Formula, examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

48: React and NodeJS Authentication with Refresh & Access Tokens: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The most common way of performing authentication in Single Page Applications (SPA) is through the use of JSON Web Tokens (JWT). While JWT-based authentication is easy to implement, there are some downsides to using JWT in SPAs that should be consider...

49: Azure Linux de Microsoft en disponibilité générale

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le projet de distribution Linux CBL-Mariner de Microsoft utilisé en interne depuis deux ans pour développer des produits et des services (...)

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50: L'Estia structure ses formations IT et se dote d'un lab d'IA

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Située sur la technopole Izarbel à Bidart, dans le département Pyrénées-Atlantiques en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, l'école (...)

51: Israël veut s'imposer comme une plaque tournante de la "conduite intelligente"

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Dix ans après sa création, l'écosystème EcoMotion qui vient de tenir sa conférence annuelle à Tel Aviv, est devenu une référence dans la mobilité et la conduite autonome. Reportage dans les coulisses de ce rendez-vous pas comme les autres où les start-up locales rêvent de connaître la trajectoire de Mobileye, racheté par Intel pour 15 milliards de dollars. Et voisinent avec les grands [...]

52: Introduction to Python Programming Fundamentals

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that has gained immense popularity among developers and programmers worldwide. Known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use, Python is an excellent choice for beginners and experienced...

53: Bing Chat gains Android home widget and improved sports scores

Search engine land (Référencement)

Plus, Bing Chat rolled out a number of improvements to SwiftKey. The post Bing Chat gains Android home widget and improved sports scores appeared first on Search Engine Land.

54: Getting started with Web Development with React and Next.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction React and Next.js are two of the most popular frameworks for building modern web applications. React is a front-end library for building user interfaces. It allows you to create reusable UI components, each with its own state and lifecyc...

55: Google Search Console shows the wrong mobile indexing status for some sites

Search engine land (Référencement)

Some have been wondering why their mobile-friendly sites are being crawled using the desktop crawler, well, it might be a reporting bug. The post Google Search Console shows the wrong mobile indexing status for some sites appeared first on Search Engine Land.

56: Join our webinar to get started with Datawrapper

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

Just started using Datawrapper and wanting to get more out of it' Wondering whether it’s...

57: La Cnil met en garde sur la fusion de la carte vitale et de la carte d'identité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés recommande notamment de cloisonner le numéro de sécurité sociale des autres informations stockées sur la carte d'identité, afin qu'il ne soit visible que par les professionnels de santé.

58: Deep Dive into Chrome Alarm API: Scheduling Timed Events in Chrome Extensions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Outline Introduction Understanding the Chrome Alarm API What is the Chrome API' Key Features and Benefits Use Cases Getting Started with the Chrome Alarm API Installation and Setup Chrome Alarm API Basics Advanced Usage and Techniques R...

59: Diagnostiquer la maladie d'Alzheimer avec une seule IRM' ()

Des chercheurs du Collège Impérial de Londres ont montré qu'un algorithme d'apprentissage automatique machine learning permet de déterminer si une personne est atteinte de la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) sur la base d'un seul examen IRM avec une précision de 98 %. « Actuellement, aucune autre méthode simple et largement disponible ne permet de diagnostiquer la maladie d'Alzheimer avec ce niveau [...]

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60: Le vaccin contre la grippe réduirait de 40 % le risque de maladied'Alzheimer ()

Des recherches réalisées par l'Université du Texas, à Houston, ont comparé l'incidence de la maladie d'Alzheimer entre des patients vaccinés et non vaccinés contre la grippe. Ainsi, 935 887 personnes ayant reçu le vaccin et le même nombre d'américains âgés de plus de 65 ans n'ayant pas reçu l'injection ont été étudiées. en [...]

61: Cibler une protéine unique pour mieux traiter les maladies cardiovasculaires ()

Des chercheurs de la Martin-Luther-Universität (MLU) Halle-Wittenberg (Allemagne) proposent une nouvelle approche pour traiter les maladies cardiovasculaires : réduire les niveaux d'une protéine spécifique des cellules des vaisseaux sanguins qui joue un rôle clé dans le développement de ces maladies. Trop de « récepteurs du thromboxane A2 » entravent la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux sa [...]

62: Beyond ChatGPT: Other AI tools for product management

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, you will learn about the various alternatives to ChatGPT and how you can integrate them into your product management. The post Beyond ChatGPT: Other AI tools for product management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

63: Structura.js vs. Immer.js: Comparing libraries for writing immutable states

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, we will compare Structura.js and Immer.js and explore their features, advantages, and disadvantages. The post Structura.js vs. Immer.js: Comparing libraries for writing immutable states appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

64: How to use GA4 to optimize your digital marketing strategy

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's a framework for maximizing Google Analytics 4 to improve your digital marketing strategy. The post How to use GA4 to optimize your digital marketing strategy appeared first on Search Engine Land.

65: Toshiba présente un moteur supraconducteur révolutionnaire ()

La division Energy Systems & Solutions de Toshiba a développé un prototype de moteur supraconducteur dédié aux applications de mobilité. Ce moteur a une puissance maximale de 2 MW, soit plus de 2700 ch, grâce à une densité de puissance très élevée et à la capacité de tourner à des vitesses très élevées, et il est particulièrement adapté aux véhicules commerciaux d'une certa [...]

66: Un premier aperçu du Quest 3, le plus gros concurrent du casque AR/VR d'Apple (Réalité Virtuelle)

Depuis quelques temps, l'on se demande à quoi ressemblera le Quest 3, le prochain casque […] Cet article Un premier aperçu du Quest 3, le plus gros concurrent du casque AR/VR d'Apple a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

67: Un nouveau traitement permet d'éliminer complètement le cancer du sein précoce chez la souris ()

Des chercheurs de l'Université Johns-Hopkins aux États-Unis ont réussi à éliminer toutes les lésions précancéreuses chez la souris. Comment ' Grâce à l'injection d'une immunotoxine ciblée directement dans les canaux mammaires. Le carcinome canalaire in situ est une forme de cancer du sein précoce. Il représente en France entre 15 et 20 % de toutes les formes de cancer du sein. [...]

68: Microsoft / Activision : pourquoi faut-il mettre tous les États d'accord pour valider le rachat '

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le veto du Royaume-Uni, dont Microsoft a fait appel, menace son projet d'acquisition d'Activision-Blizzard, bien que l'UE et de nombreux pays aient donné leur feu vert. Malheureusement, il n'y a pas moyen de contourner cet obstacle, et Microsoft n'est pas le seul à en avoir fait l'amère expérience. Les explications de Benoit Le Bret, avocat au sein du cabinet Gide Loyrette Nouel à Bruxelles.

69: Mastering JavaScript Objects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to another blog post! In this article, we will explore one of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript: objects. Objects are an essential part of JavaScript, providing a flexible and powerful way to organize and manipulate data. In simple terms...

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70: Ce nouveau jeu VR pour le Quest 2 transforme votre salon en toile numérique ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Paint Fiesta, un nouveau jeu VR passionnant, est disponible sur le Quest 2 et le […] Cet article Ce nouveau jeu VR pour le Quest 2 transforme votre salon en toile numérique ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

71: JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

WHAT IS JAVASCRIPT High-level, interpreted programming language. Conforms to the ECMAScript specification Multi-paradigm Runs on the client/browser as well as on the server (Node.js) WHY LEARN JAVASCRIPT It is the programming language of the b...

72: Neuralink va bientôt pouvoir tester ses implants cérébraux sur des êtres humains

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Malgré les nombreuses controverses sur ses projets, les autorités américaines ont autorisé Neuralink, la start-up d'Elon Musk qui développe des implants cérébraux destinés (pour le moment) au traitement de maladies neurologiques, à effectuer des tests sur des humains.

73: How to Remove Whitespaces from a String in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction In programming, data often doesn't come in a neat, ready-to-use format. This is particularly true when we deal with strings, which often need to be cleaned, formatted, or manipulated in some way before they can be used effectively. One common issue we encounter is the presence of unwanted whitespaces

74: Google Search Console performance report delayed but Google will fix the issue

Search engine land (Référencement)

At the time of writing this story, the reports were delayed by over 65 hours. The post Google Search Console performance report delayed but Google will fix the issue appeared first on Search Engine Land.

76: Comment l'IA va bouleverser la cybersécurité '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’IA, la nouvelle arme secrète de la cybersécurité, est prête à révolutionner le jeu des attaques et des défenses informatiques. … Cet article Comment l’IA va bouleverser la cybersécurité ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

77: Is your YouTube Channel a brand video graveyard' How to revive it

Search engine land (Référencement)

Don't let your YouTube channel go to waste. Learn how to revitalize it and reap the rewards of a vibrant, engaged and lively audience. The post Is your YouTube Channel a brand video graveyard' How to revive it appeared first on Search Engine Land.

78: 3 My Learnings: Equality in Flutter/Dart

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Intro So, as a coder, using conditionals, switch cases, and operators are a daily kinda thing, & as a developer/coder, we should know how these things work internally. Whenever we are developing something we don't really focus on how things work, do ...

79: Best Practices for Efficiently Rendering Data from Arrays in React JS.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction It is time now to discuss how we can render list items in a component using the map() method, The article plus solved challenges are found here if you want to grasp a little knowledge on the method before you continue here. Challenge Tod...

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80: Un template de projet Next.js "entreprise"

Humancoders ()

Un template de projet Next.js très complet avec pas mal de fonctionnalités déjà intégrées : Jest, Storybook, monitoring, GitHub Actions, etc Commentaires L'article Un template de projet Next.js "entreprise" a été posté dans la catégorie JavaScript de Human Coders News

81: Manage your machine learning experiment with Mlflow Part 1

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Working in jupyter notebook or in a project finding the right machine learning algorithm is exciting switching between ml models and playing with hyperparameters. Having where all this information is stored can help ease your work. Viewi...

82: Full-Stack Developers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Full-stack developers are highly skilled professionals who possess a wide range of abilities and knowledge in both front-end and back-end development. They excel in working across the entire technology stack, seamlessly integrating different layers o...

83: ChatGPT, un potentiel parasite pour l'écosystème open source

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Pour Matt Asay, chroniqueur pour nos confrères d'Infoworld,  le monde de l'IT est en train de subir une transformation radicale. (...)

84: Python for Beginners: Part 2 - Understanding Variables

Hashnode - python (python)

In the exciting world of coding, variables play a crucial role. They allow us to store and manipulate different types of information. Today, we will embark on an adventure to learn about variables in Python and even build our first program! So, get r...

85: {Mastering CSS Selectors}

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

CSS: CSS or Cascading Style Sheets, is a language used to make web pages look pretty. It works with HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) and lets you decide how things like colors, fonts, backgrounds, margins, positioning, and spacing should appear on a ...

86: What exactly is ES6' '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is ECMA' ECMA, short for European Computer Manufacturers Association, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes standards for information and communication systems. It was established in 1961 and is based in Geneva, ...

87: Automobile : Mediatek va intégrer des GPU Nvidia dans ses SoC

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'américain Nvidia et le taïwanais MediaTek s'associent pour fournir aux constructeurs automobiles une nouvelle plateforme matérielle et logicielle destinée aux systèmes d'infodivertissement des véhicules connectés. Une façon pour MediaTek de lutter plus efficacement contre Qualcomm sur ce marché.

88: Mastering Python: Essential Tips and Tricks for Efficient Programming

Hashnode - python (python)

Python has become one of the most widely used programming languages across various domains, from web development and data analysis to artificial intelligence and scientific computing. Its simplicity, readability, and extensive ecosystem of libraries ...

89: Python Float Numeric Data Type

Hashnode - python (python)

A. Introduction Float is one of the data types under the numeric category. See the Integer type in this tutorial. Python has integer, float, complex, bool, list, tuple, set, range, dictionary, string, and bytes data types. In this tutorial I will onl...

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90: Nvidia dévoile le DGX GH200, un nouveau supercalculateur dédiée à l'IA

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Baptisé DGX GH200, ce supercalculateur doit permettre d'entraîner les prochains modèles d'IA. Google, Meta et Microsoft feront partie des premières entreprises à y avoir accès.

91: Responsabilité numérique et régulation sont les conditions nécessaires à l'adoption des IA génératives en entreprise

Cavazza, Fred (Internet / Web 2)

Voilà maintenant 6 mois que ChatGPT monopolise l’attention du secteur des NTIC et même celui des médias qui le présentent comme un remède universel à tous les problèmes. Mais à l’instar des enzymes gloutons vantés dans les publicités pour lessive des années 70, le grand public se méfie de cette “innovation disruptive” dont on ne … Lire la suite Responsabil [...]

92: Responsabilité numérique et régulation sont les conditions nécessaires à l'adoption des IA génératives en entreprise

Cavazza, Fred (Internet / Web 2)

Voilà maintenant 6 mois que ChatGPT monopolise l’attention du secteur des NTIC et même celui des médias qui le présentent comme un remède universel à tous les problèmes. Mais à l’instar des enzymes gloutons vantés dans les publicités pour lessive des années 70, le grand public se méfie de cette “innovation disruptive” dont on ne … Lire la suite Responsabil [...]

93: Boosting Performance and Efficiency: The Power of JIT Compilation Explained

Hashnode - python (python)

A JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler is a type of compiler that dynamically translates and compiles sections of code at runtime, typically during the execution of a computer program. You have already used it because when you open a browser you run a Just in...

94: UI Interactions & Animations Roundup 33

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Get inspired with new motion designs and creative UI interactions in our newest roundup, showcasing the latest works from talented artists on Dribbble.

95: Javascript Jumpstart - Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What we'll cover Exploring functions and their syntax Differences between function declaration and function expression Reusing parameter names and understanding their properties In JavaScript, functions are blocks of reusable code that perform ...

96: Unlocking the Power of Python: Learning the Basics

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that has gained immense popularity in recent years. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, learning Python can open up a world of opportunities. Python's simplicity, readability,...

97: PostgreSQL 16 améliore le parallélisme des requêtes

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Publiée le 25 mai dernier, la version beta de PostgreSQL 16 apporte son lot de mises à jour et d'évolutions. Parmi elles, on (...)

98: A guessing game for place and time

Flowing data (dataviz)

Add another geolocation guessing game that I am terrible at. TimeGuessr shows you…Tags: game, guess

99: Fraude sociale : l'exécutif dévoile son plan et s'attaque aux travailleurs des plateformes

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le ministre chargé des Comptes publics Gabriel Attal a présenté le train de mesures destiné à lutter contre la fraude aux cotisations et aux prestations sociales. Parmi celles-ci figurent la retenue à la source pour les microentrepreneurs travaillant pour les plateformes comme Uber. Et une hypothétique fusion de la carte Vitale et de la carte d'identité.

100 / 175

100: How to Build a Modal Video Component with Tailwind CSS and Vue

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Originally published at -- ' Live Demo / Download Welcome to the third and final part of our series on How to Create a Pricing Table with a Monthly/Yearly Toggle Switch in Tailwind CSS. As for the previous (and upcoming) series, our object...

101: Twitter quitte le code de l'UE contre la désinformation : quelles conséquences '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Le réseau social d'Elon Musk s'est engagé dans un bras de fer avec l'Union européenne qui pourrait lui coûter très cher avec l'entrée en vigueur du DSA.

102: Les services IT marquent le pas en Europe de l'Ouest

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La croissance des revenus du marché des services IT et professionnels en Europe va perdre en vigueur. Après avoir approché les 8 % (...)

103: Tout savoir sur les algorithmes de TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter et Facebook

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les critères pris en compte par les algorithmes des principaux réseaux sociaux pour booster des publications !

104: How to Make Heatmaps in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Data visualization is a powerful tool that helps us make sense of complex data. With it, we can spot patterns and trends that might take much more time to become obvious just by looking at raw numbers. One particularly useful chart type is the heatma...

105: Étude : comment les Français utilisent les avis en ligne en 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les avis en ligne ont un impact significatif sur le choix des consommateurs. Avec l'étude de Partoo, découvrez la façon dont les Français les utilisent et comment en tirer parti.

106: Shortening baseball games

Flowing data (dataviz)

Baseball games grew longer over the decades, with the average length well over…Tags: baseball, time, Upshot

107: Avec Podman Desktop, Red Hat simplifie la gestion des conteneurs

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le client graphique de bureau Podman Desktop 1.0 pour Windows, Mac et Linux publié par Red Hat est capable de créer, déployer (...)

108: Learning the Basics of Python: Variables


Hashnode - python (python)

The most important thing we will learn about programming is its basics. Because It's the only thing that we will find similar in every language. Variables Variables are containers for storing data values. If you don't understand this let me give you ...

109: Trop de pression sur les devs amplifie les vulnérabilités de code en production

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Peut mieux faire. C'est l'appréciation qui vient en tête en parcourant les résultats d'une étude sur la sécurité (...)

110 / 175

110: Combien coûte un site WordPress (et combien le vendre) '

WP Marmite (wordpress)

1 000 ' à votre gauche. 4 300 ' à votre droite. Et puis tiens, vous vous rappelez être un jour tombé sur une offre de création de site à 7 500 ' HT ! Avec tous ces prix disparates... Combien coûte un site WordPress (et combien le vendre) ' est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.

111: 9 événements web à ne pas manquer en juin 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Retrouvez dans cette sélection : Apple WWDC, All for Content, un webinar sur Twitch et sur le secteur de la beauté-cosmétique, Inbound Marketing France, VivaTech, Summer Digitale, Config et Agora Summit.

112: Les résultats 2023 de Lenovo plombés par la branche PC

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La situation du marché de l'informatique personnelle et le contexte économique global ont fait du quatrième trimestre fiscal de Lenovo (...)

113: Cyberassurance : les primes montent, les indemnisations chutent

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La cyber-assurance a passé un cap difficile et a retrouvé le sourire. Comme l'explique une étude de l'Amrae, qui regroupe des professionnels (...)

114: Administrateur systèmes et réseaux : un poste polyvalent pour gérer le parc informatique d'un chantier naval

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les missions riches et variées réalisées par Killian Calvini, administrateur systèmes et réseaux sur le chantier naval de MB92 à La Ciotat, et la formation qu'il a suivie en alternance à l'École Pratique.

115: Python List Operations: Tips and Tricks for Efficient Programming

Hashnode - python (python)

List is a versatile data type in Python that can be used to store a collection of data in an ordered sequence. Lists can be modified, reordered, and iterated upon, making them a useful tool in many Python programs. In this article, we will explore so...

116: Optimize Your E-commerce Website's User Experience with ReactJS Scroll Restoration Implementation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

User experience can be the overall experience of a person using a product, such as a website or an application, in terms of how pleasing or easy it is to use. For e-commerce websites, a good user experience is essential because it helps with conversi...

117: Building an app with Vue 3, Axios, Pinia and Vue Router

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Building an app with Vue 3, Axios, Pinia and Vue Router Overview Vue 3 is the latest version of the popular Vue framework. In this article, we'll build a simple app using Vue 3 along with some other complementary libraries: Axios for making API call...

118: WAM à Lyon ' Rencontre au Tour de France des Agences SEO

Abondance (Référencement)

Abondance soutient le Tour de France des agences SEO organisé par Khosi ! 10 agences SEO, 10 villes, 10 jours : c'est le défi que Laura, Victor, Maxime et Virginie se sont lancé.  Leur objectif ' Mettre en avant la qualité des agences SEO françaises tout en faisant découvrir le métier de consultant SEO au […] L'article "WAM à Lyon – Rencontre au Tour de France des Agences [...]

119: Mastering the Basics of Web Development: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners [ 2023 ]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Web development is an exciting journey filled with endless possibilities. As a beginner, diving into this vast field can feel overwhelming, but fear not! This comprehensive guide is designed to equip you with the essential knowledge and...

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120: 7 Valuable Resources Every Web Developer Should Utilise ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Web development is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and access to reliable resources. In this article, we will explore seven valuable resources that can greatly benefit web developers. From comprehensive documentation t...

121: E-commerce en France : quel bilan pour la vente en ligne au 1er trimestre 2023 '

Blog du Moderateur ()

La Fevad dresse un état des lieux du e-commerce en France au premier trimestre 2023. La vente de services connaît un forte croissance.

122: Comment filtrer sur Excel : bonnes pratiques, formules et exemples

Blog du Moderateur ()

Créer un filtre sur Excel passe par l'apprentissage de certaines formules, qui sont ensuite déclinables selon vos besoins. Voici nos exemples pour bien utiliser cette fonction.

123: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Your Python Workflow with Virtualenv and VirtualenvWrapper - Linux and Mac OS

Hashnode - python (python)

Virtualenv and VirtualenvWrapper are two tools that are commonly used in Python development. They provide a way to create isolated Python environments that allow developers to install dependencies without affecting other projects or the global Python...

124: Using JavaScript for Client-side validation.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this blog, I would like to talk about how we can use vanilla JavaScript to perform client-side validation on the browser by building a small project. Before submitting any data to the server, it is essential that we, as developers, ensure that all...

125: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Your Python Workflow with Virtualenv and VirtualenvWrapper - For Windows

Hashnode - python (python)

Virtualenv and VirtualenvWrapper are two tools that are commonly used in Python development on Windows. They provide a way to create isolated Python environments that allow developers to install dependencies without affecting other projects or the gl...

126: Title: Understanding Hoisting in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript is a powerful programming language that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications. One concept that can sometimes catch newcomers off guard is hoisting. In this article, we will delve into the conce...

127: Simplify Linux Service Management with Python and Tkinter

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Managing essential services in a Linux system can often be a complex task. To simplify this process, we can develop a Python application using the Tkinter library, which provides a user-friendly interface for starting, stopping, and rest...

128: Learning NextJS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I plan to become a full-stack JS developer and I thought NextJS is a great tool for a full-stack JS developer. Additionally, I wanted to start public learning and make my blogging habit frequent. is the result. Before my first impressions ...

129: Enfants hackers : tout savoir sur ce fléau qui prend de l'ampleur

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les experts soulèvent un fléau qui prend de l'ampleur dans le paysage de la cybersécurité, les enfants hackers. Pourquoi de … Cet article Enfants hackers : tout savoir sur ce fléau qui prend de l'ampleur a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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130: Simplify Your Codebase with Absolute Imports in React: A Guide for JavaScript/TypeScript Programmers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction As a JavaScript/TypeScript programmer, working on a large codebase means importing a lot of things from different places. Most times your import section looks like this: import CartModal from "../../../components/cart/CartModal"; import ...

131: Understanding Dart Variables and Data Types

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Dart is such an awesome programming language! It's super versatile and offers a whole bunch of fantastic features for developers like you. One fundamental aspect of Dart programming is understanding variables and data types. In this article, we will ...

132: How to build your own OpenAI cost calculator

Hashnode - python (python)

tl;dr This post covers 2 network calls made on . The first network call gives the subscription details and can be made using an OPENAI_API_TOKEN The second network call gives the cost details for a particular period and can be ...

133: Goossips SEO : last-modified dans l'en-tête HTTP

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : une dernière date de modification incorrecte en header HTTP peut-elle nuire au SEO d'un site ' Voici une petite compilation des informations fournies par les porte-paroles officiels de […] L'article "Goossips SEO : last-modified d [...]

134: 90daysofdevops 23:Freestyle Project

Hashnode - python (python)

What is CI/CD' Automate the software development workflows and deploy better quality code, more often. Using a continuous and iterative process to build, test, and deploy helps avoid bugs and code failures. CI/CD explained CI/CD :Continuous integrat...

135: Unlocking the Power of JavaScript: 5 Strategies to Increase Productivity and Efficiency

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction:JavaScript has become the backbone of modern web development, powering interactive websites, dynamic user interfaces, and complex applications. As a versatile and widely accepted programming language, JavaScript offers tremendous opportu...

136: 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python - Day 01

Hashnode - python (python)

Managing Data using Variables in Python Create a Replit account to practice Python code. ' Print function In Python, the "print" function is one of the most commonly used built-in functions. It is used to display or output information to the console...

137: Web Scrapping IPL 2023 Player Data

Hashnode - python (python)

Cricket is one of my favorite sports(although I can't play it to save my life). And since IPL 2023 has come to an end, I am sure millions of cricket fans would be interested in knowing which players were best this season. For this article, I will onl...

138: Python Programming : Alphabet, digit or special character

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input enter the character A Output Alphabet Required to Know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, Use of functions like print(), and input(), Use of If-else, and Use of Data types. Steps Ta...

139: IN Groupe entre au capital de la blockchain Archipels, qui veut devenir leader de l'identité numérique en Europe

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le consortium Archipels, qui développe une plateforme d'identité numérique basée sur la blockchain, a réalisé une levée de fonds à laquelle participent le groupe public IN Groupe, la Caisse des Dépôts et La Poste. Une opération stratégique alors que se dessine la future identité numérique européenne.

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140: 4 Benefits of LFP Batteries for EVs

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

LFP batteries are gaining popularity in EVs, with brands like Tesla and Ford increasingly adopting this technology due to their benefits. The post 4 Benefits of LFP Batteries for EVs appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

141: Design HashSet

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- Design a HashSet without using any built-in hash table libraries. Implement MyHashSet class: void add(key) Inserts the value key into the HashSet. bool contains(key) Returns whether the value key exists in the HashSet or not. v...

142: Basic & Advance Selectors in CSS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a powerful language that allows web developers to control the appearance and layout of web pages. Selectors play a crucial role in CSS, enabling developers to target specific elements and apply styles to ...

143: JavaScript ''''3

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Number.isNaN() ' isNaN() '' // Number.isNaN() : ''' input ' NaN '''''' true'''''' false' console.log(Number.isNaN(NaN)); // true console.log(Number.isNaN('Denny')); // false // isNaN() : ''' input '''' number type'''' NaN '''' true''''' false' con...

144: Terraform ' Resources

Hashnode - python (python)

In Terraform, resources are the most important part of Terraform. Resources are defined by resource blocks. A resource can define one or more infrastructure resource objects, such as VPCs, virtual machines, or DNS records, Consul key-value pair data,...

145: The Backend Beast: Taming it One Step at a Time

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the realm of software creation, the backend often seems like a daunting entity. It's the hidden powerhouse of every app, taking care of all the behind-the-scenes action. In this guide, we'll simplify the intricacies of backend develop...

146: The Next Larger Context (Développement)

For senior engineers who are looking to step up: 'When we are looking to do a larger project than the ones we've done before, we need to step out of the context that we normally operate in. When you look one context bigger, you will see immediate new opportunities that you can tackle in adjacent areas' That is where you will find your growth.' Camille highlights this advice with real world example [...]

147: Cal (Développement)

Scheduling infrastructure for everyone.

148: Extract The Kernel (Développement)

'I've started to notice recurring communication challenges between executives and the folks they work with. The most frequent issue I see is when a literal communicator insists on engaging in the details with a less literal executive. I call the remedy, 'extracting the kernel.' Focus on the insight or perspective within the question.

149: All The Hard Stuff Nobody Talks About When Building Products With LLMs (Développement)

(1) Context windows are a challenge with no complete solution. (2) LLMs are slow and chaining is a nonstarter. (3) Prompt engineering is weird and has few best practices. (4) Correctness and usefulness can be at odds. (5) Prompt injection is an unsolved problem.

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150: The Modern Guide To OAuth (Développement)

Another guide to OAuth 2.0' Well yes. And no. FusionAuth's Modern Guide to OAuth distills hundreds of conversations about OAuth's eight modes, workflows, and grant types, and then offers advice on choosing the best OAuth mode for your scenario.

151: Knip (Développement)

Find unused files, dependencies & exports in JS projects.

152: You Don't Always Need Indexes (Développement)

'Sometimes you have a lot of data, and one approach to support quick searches is pre-processing it to build an index so a search can involve only looking at a small fraction of the total data. The threshold at which it's worth switching to indexing, though, might be higher than you'd guess.' Jeff illustrates cases where full scans were better engineering choices.

153: How Much Memory Do You Need To Run 1 Million Concurrent Tasks' (Développement)

'In this blog post, I delve into the comparison of memory consumption between asynchronous and multi-threaded programming across popular languages like Rust, Go, Java, C#, Python, Node.js and Elixir.'

154: Pointer Sponsor (Développement)

This issue's sponsor is FusionAuth

155: Lua: The Little Language That Could (Développement)

'Lua is probably my favourite 'little language' ' a language designed to have low cognitive load, and be easy to learn and use. It's embedded in a lot of software, such as Redis. It's also used as a scripting language in games such as World of Warcraft and Roblox via Luau. This post is a brief love letter to the language, with some examples of why I like it so much.'

156: Gorilla (Développement)

An API store for LLMs.

157: Email Addresses Are Not Primary User Identities (Développement)

'A lot of applications treat your email address as something immutable that is linked to you and which will never change. It can't be linked to someone else, and it can't change' This is, of course, not true. Email addresses do change. This is the story of how badly applications handled this, how a surprising application handled it perfectly, and how you should handle this in your own code.'

158: Rio (Développement)

A terminal built to run everywhere.

159: Comment Github utilise les LLM pour construire Github Copilot

Humancoders ()

Github Copilot est un assistant qui peut générer du code, des implémentations de méthodes, des tests unitaires (comme de l'auto-complétion sous stéroïdes :D). Cet article de Github explique comment ils utilisent les LLM pour construire cet outil. Commentaires L'article Comment Github utilise les LLM pour construire Github Copilot a été posté dans la catégorie Développement de Human Co [...]

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160: Exploring the Infinite Rolling Median

Hashnode - python (python)

Imagine you are asked to write a function to find a median of a given list of numbers. Easy peasy right' And given that the list is unsorted you sort it inside your function. def calculate_median(nums): if len(nums) == 0: return 0 num...

161: Java Script Demon.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey fellow developers! ' I've stumbled upon something fascinating and I need your awesome insights! ' So here's the scoop: it seems like young developers often take off like rockets with HTML and CSS, but then when it comes to JavaScript, they begi...

162: Control flow Statements

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, a control structure mechanism is used to alter the flow of execution based on certain conditions. This feature allows you to make decisions and repeat actions as required. The main control structures in Python are : Conditional Statements...

163: Project Update: Solving Access Restriction

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Day 118 of #365DaysOfCode Finally cracked the problem that had me puzzled for the last 3-4 days. The solution was right under my nose all along! Now, users are restricted from accessing irrelevant pages, ensuring a personalized experience. In this bl...

164: How to: Telegram bot with python

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview In this article, we are going to guide you through creating a Bot for Telegram in Python using Tornado and deploying it to Render. Requirements You will need to have created and working accounts for the following services: Have a Telegram a...

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Richard Carlier

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