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« Mai 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Jeudi 25 Mai 2023 (142)

1: PrivateGPT, le ChatGPT qui ne partage pas vos données personnelles : tout savoir

Le Big Data (dataviz)

PrivateGPT, un modèle open source, offre aux utilisateurs la possibilité de poser des questions hors ligne en se basant sur … Cet article PrivateGPT, le ChatGPT qui ne partage pas vos données personnelles : tout savoir a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

2: AWS TURN server: In 7 Simple Steps

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we will learn how to setup and run a TURN server in AWS in 7 simple steps TURN servers are used in NAT traversal and are essential in WebRTC and VoIP communications We will be using CoTURN to set up our TURN server. CoTURN is an open...

3: npm vs vite

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's break down npm and Vite in simpler terms, using real-life examples and showing how to install them: npm (Node Package Manager): Think of npm as a tool that helps you manage the different tools and libraries you need to build your web applicatio...

4: npm and vite

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's break down npm and Vite in simpler terms, using real-life examples and showing how to install them: npm (Node Package Manager): Think of npm as a tool that helps you manage the different tools and libraries you need to build your web applicatio...

5: Meet Success At Scale, A New Smashing Book By Addy Osmani

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

Meet 'Success At Scale', our upcoming book with best-practice case studies from industry experts. Print and eBook shipping in fall 2023. Pre-order the book.

6: The difference between server-side rendering (SSR) and building server applications

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Server-side rendering (SSR): Imagine you're building a website, and you want to show some content to your visitors. With server-side rendering, the server (where your website is hosted) prepares the complete web page and sends it to the visitor's br...

7: How Vienna found a unique model for low rent

Data Wrapper ()

Hi, I’m Mirko, chairman and co-founder of Datawrapper. This week, the data takes us to...

8: SEO and ChatGPT: What's DAM got to do with it' by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

In this webinar, learn ways OpenAI services can help, augment or assist users in their day-to-day content management tasks. The post SEO and ChatGPT: What’s DAM got to do with it' appeared first on Search Engine Land.

9: How to download Pycharm and VS code

Hashnode - python (python)

Pycharm Pycharm is an Integrated Development Environment [IDE]. It used for computer programming , specifically for the Python language. Developed by jetbrains. PyCharm is a widely used IDE or integrated development environment for Python, which...

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10: TikTok tests AI chatbot for search and discovery

Search engine land (Référencement)

Company confirms the Taka chatbot, saying it is 'designed to help make it easier to discover entertaining and inspiring content on TikTok.' The post TikTok tests AI chatbot for search and discovery appeared first on Search Engine Land.

11: Concatenation and f-strings in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

String concatenation String concatenation is the process of merging two or more strings to create a new string. In Python, there are several ways to concatenate strings. One of the most common ways is to use the + operator. Now I imagine you saying "...

12: Next.js 13 and React Suspense: Create a loading component

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Next.js 13 introduced some new features like support for Suspense, a React feature that lets you delay displaying a component until the children have finished loading. The post Next.js 13 and React Suspense: Create a loading component appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

13: Thematic Investing: How to Invest in the Next Big Idea

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Uncover the next big idea with thematic investing. Explore opportunities in climate change, disruptive innovation, and next-gen tech. The post Thematic Investing: How to Invest in the Next Big Idea appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

14: Ranked: The World's Top 25 Websites in 2023

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

OpenAI is now one of the world's top websites, rapidly approaching the level of traffic received by TikTok and Amazon. The post Ranked: The World’s Top 25 Websites in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

16: Application Development - Python Explore

Hashnode - python (python)

Build your Idea First, build your ideas. Discuss with your teammates and finalise the idea. Even if the project or app already exists, no problem, but choose a small one as it is your first development. Don't go for bigger ones; it will waste your ti...

17: Middle of the Linked List

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you guys study a linked list or work with a linked list, one common task is to find the middle node. In this article, we will explore different approaches to solve this question and implement their solutions in JavaScript. We will also analyze the...

18: Unleashing the Power of React Hooks: Revolutionising Component State Management

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this blog, you'll learn all about React Hooks, including why they're a game-changer and how they work. Hooks In React v16.8, a game-changing feature called Hooks was introduced. It's an exciting addition that revolutionizes how we use React and si...

19: Are you getting the most from your martech stack' Take the 2023 Replacement Survey

Search engine land (Référencement)

Let us know how your stack has evolved over the last 12 months by taking our brief 2023 MarTech Replacement Survey. The post Are you getting the most from your martech stack' Take the 2023 Replacement Survey appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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20: Plugins ChatGPT : c'est quoi, comment ça marche et quels sont les meilleurs '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les plugins ChatGPT permettent de connecter le chatbot IA à de nombreux services tiers, offrant une infinité de nouvelles possibilités. … Cet article Plugins ChatGPT : c’est quoi, comment ça marche et quels sont les meilleurs ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

21: Prototyping using a design system

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Prototypes are a useful tool for designers that can be used alongside a design system, but we need to bear in mind the limitations. The post Prototyping using a design system appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

22: Don't Get Confused by null and undefined: Here's the Difference

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, null and undefined are two special values that represent the absence of a value. null is used to explicitly indicate that a variable does not refer to any object, while undefined is used to indicate that a variable has not been assigne...

23: 6 React Design Patterns You Must Know!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Imagine, You're working on a complex React application, juggling multiple components, handling state management, and trying to ensure optimal performance. As your codebase grows, you start encountering common challenges such as code repe...

24: Prime Video : Un choix d'architecture totalement à contre-courant

Humancoders ()

Un choix d'architecture totalement à contre-courant : Comment Amazon est passé d'une architecture micro-service serverless à un monolithe pour son service PrimeVideo, et a réduit les coûts de 90% (!) Commentaires L'article Prime Video : Un choix d'architecture totalement à contre-courant a été posté dans la catégorie Cloud de Human Coders News

25: Microsoft lance Fabric, une plateforme analytique tout-en-un à base d'intelligence artificielle

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Intégration, stockage, ingénierie, analyse en temps réel, outil de visualisation, Fabric, la nouvelle plateforme SaaS présentée par Microsoft permet de réaliser toutes les tâches afférentes au traitement et à l'analyse des données en bénéficiant des dernières avancées en matière d'intelligence artificielle.

27: Le groupe de ransomware Vice Society se paye Cafpi

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Communication de crise activée chez Cafpi, spécialiste du courtage de prêts immobiliers. Dans une page web dédiée à (...)

28: A guide to cross-compilation in Rust

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how to get set up in Rust for cross-compilation and what makes cross-compiling such a handy capability in various scenarios. The post A guide to cross-compilation in Rust appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

29: Some simple ways to optimize your SQL query

Hashnode - python (python)

Query optimization is the overall process of choosing the most efficient means of executing a SQL statement. Why is it needed' First, it provides the user with faster results, which makes the application seem faster to the user. Secondly, it allow...

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30: Turla : la folle histoire du pire groupe de hackers de Russie

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les faits et les chiffres en attestent, les hackers russophones sont des pionniers dans leur domaine et l'ont toujours été. … Cet article Turla : la folle histoire du pire groupe de hackers de Russie a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

31: OpenAI s'inquiète des règles européennes sur l'IA, Google s'engage à travailler avec Bruxelles

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le patron d'OpenAI se dit prêt à arrêter ses opérations en Europe si la réglementation est trop complexe à appliquer. Son homologue de Google a accepté un pacte sur l'IA proposé par Bruxelles.

32: 7 Awesome VS Code Extensions You Should Try

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a widely preferred code editor used by programmers, web developers, and app developers. This editor is known for its exceptional functionality and features that simplify coding processes. What makes VS Code even more i...

33: CyberVadis lève 7 millions d'euros pour sa plateforme d'évaluation des risques cyber

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française spécialisée dans la cybersécurité, née dans le giron d'EcoVadis, souhaite accélérer son développement en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.

34: CyberVadis lève 7 millions d'euros pour sa plateforme d'évaluation des risques cyber

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française spécialisée dans la cybersécurité, née dans le giron d'EcoVadis, souhaite accélérer son développement en Europe et aux Etats-Unis.

35: Google opens access to Search Generative Experience today

Search engine land (Référencement)

Some of you who signed up for the waitlist will get an email notifying you that you have access to try out the new labs search experience. The post Google opens access to Search Generative Experience today appeared first on Search Engine Land.

36: Rhone-Alpes : 1ère édition des Halles du Numérique le 1er juin

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dans l'univers des événements professionnels IT et numérique BtoB, difficile de sortir des formats traditionnels tels que les conférences (...)

37: Avec Fabric, Microsoft veut unifier et simplifier l'analyse de données

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

A l'occasion de son évènement Build, Microsoft a annoncé le regroupement de ses produits existants d'entreposage de données, (...)

38: How to Implement a Modal Component with React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, we'll walk through the process of implementing a modal component with React. The above image shows the user interface (UI) of the project we would be working on. The UI displays a couple of profile cards and each profil...

39: Microsoft's Surface Pro X Cameras Have Gone AWOL

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft’s Surface Pro X Cameras Have Gone AWOL Users of Microsoft's Surface Pro X have had a frustrating few days, with the cameras on those devices no longer working. Microsoft’s Surface Pro X Cameras Have Gone AWOL Staff

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40: How to solve these 3 tricky array problems' | Techletter 31

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Solving coding challenges can be tricky. You got to solve many problems to understand even the solution correctly. For most of the problems, you can find solutions online. But, not all solutions you can understand. So, here I have documented a few of...

41: Efficient Testing of Python Class with setUp Method

Math Data Simplified (data)

When testing a Python class, it can be repetitive and time-consuming to create multiple instances to test a large number of instance methods.  A better approach is to use the setUp method to instantiate a class object before running each test. The post Efficient Testing of Python Class with setUp Method appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

42: Difference Between Var, Let, and Const in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Var was used since the javascript language was created. Let and Const were introduced to overcome some of the flaws that the var keyword had. In this blog, we will be seeing the difference between var, let & const keywords in Javascript. The basic di...

43: A guide to successfully managing up

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The truth is, managing up actually improves your outcomes. There are three areas where managing up can help ' alignment, risk management, and professional visibility. The post A guide to successfully managing up appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

44: Building custom React Native map markers

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Use React Native and the MapView component to render a Google map with customizable markers, floating buttons, and more. The post Building custom React Native map markers appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

45: Javascript hasOwnProperty method: A Powerful Property Checking tool

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Javascript hasOwnProperty method is a built-in function in JavaScript that allows you to check whether an object has a specific property. This method is particularly important when you want to determine if a property exists directly on a...

46: Meta annonce sa 3e vague de licenciements, dont 20 % en Irlande

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Et une de plus. Meta, la maison mère de Facebook ainsi que Instagram et WhatsApp enchaîne les vagues de licenciements. La dernière (...)

47: How to fix Missing file libarclite_iphonesos.a(Xcode 14.3)

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Have you updated Xcode to 14.3 and now you see the error missing file libarclite_iphonesos.a' If yes, you are reading the correct article. I'll share with you how I fixed the error. Solution Open Xcode Select pods Select a package in ...

48: Kubernetes vs Docker

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Author: Muhammad Khabbab Brief introduction to Docker and Kubernetes Containerization is one of the core aspects of application modernization, and almost all new application development uses containers to package their applications. Enterprise applic...

49: Lubrifiant pour sextoy : le guide complet (Réalité Virtuelle)

Avant d'acheter un lubrifiant pour sextoy, vous avez intérêt à connaître les différentes options disponibles […] Cet article Lubrifiant pour sextoy : le guide complet a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

50 / 142

50: DataStax intègre l'IA générative de ThirdAI à ses bases de données

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

DataStax a annoncé un partenariat avec la start-up ThirdAI, basée à Houston, afin d'intégrer de grands modèles (...)

51: A/B testing en UX design, êtes-vous sûr de faire les bons choix '

Usabilis (ux)

Vous souhaitez mettre en place des tests A/B, mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre ' Cet article reprend toutes les bonnes pratiques et expose les limites connues des tests A/B. Nous faisons le point pour vous Cet article A/B testing en UX design, êtes-vous sûr de faire les bons choix ' est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.

52: La crise du PC fait plier Lenovo, qui accélère sa diversification

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le numéro un mondial du PC est touché de plein fouet par le recul historique de la demande d'ordinateurs. Mais il table sur les services et l'infrastructure, qui ont enregistré des résultats record en 2022, pour sortir sans trop de dégâts de cette mauvaise passe.

53: How to Fix Failed Archive on Xcode 14.3 (rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23))

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Have you updated Xcode to 14.3 and now your archive fails' If yes, you are reading the correct article. I'll share with you how I fixed failed Archive on Xcode 14.3. The solution When the archive failed you might have seen the rsync erro...

54: Supercharging My Blogging Journey: Unleashing the Power of Hashnode's AI Tools

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Once upon a time in a land of ones and zeros, a curious first-year programming student embarked on a journey into the magical world of frontend development. Armed with passion and a penchant for pixel-perfect designs, I set out to conque...

55: Leader Spotlight: User feedback and the product roadmap with Rasmus Seeberg

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Rasmus Seeberg, VP of Engineering at iPaper, talks to us about user feedback, the product roadmap, company culture, and employee retention. The post Leader Spotlight: User feedback and the product roadmap with Rasmus Seeberg appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

56: Guide to product instrumentation for product managers

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Instrumentation is the process of defining data events and setting up tools to collect and process these events. The post Guide to product instrumentation for product managers appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

57: How to fix Algorithm HmacPBESHA256 not available when building app bundle

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction In this article, I'll share with you how I fixed a failed flutter build app bundle command. When I ran flutter build app bundle in my terminal I got the below error. Execution failed for task ':app:signReleaseBundle'. > A failure occurre...

58: Day 6 of 100daysofjs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Expression & Conditionals A fragment of code that produces a value is called an expression. Every value written is an expression for ex: 77 or "Arpan" Operators in js Arithmetic Operators + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication ** Exponentiation / ...

59: How to use OpenAI's ChatGPT API

Hashnode - python (python)

A. What is OpenAI and ChatGPT OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company founded in December 2015. It is responsible for building the GPT-3 large language model (LLM) which is trained from a huge text dataset from internet. This model may genera...

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60: Masturbateur Fleshlight : critères de choix, utilisation et entretien (Réalité Virtuelle)

En plus de vous procurer un moment de bonheur délectable, un masturbateur Fleshlight peut vous […] Cet article Masturbateur Fleshlight : critères de choix, utilisation et entretien a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

61: Meilleurs sexshops en ligne : où acheter ses jouets ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Parmi les meilleurs sexshops en ligne se trouvent Dorcel store, Sexy Avenue, Passage du désir […] Cet article Meilleurs sexshops en ligne : où acheter ses jouets ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

62: Quoi de neuf avec le nouveau fer de lance de Pimax, le Pimax Crystal ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Ça y est, le nouveau fer de lance de Pimax, baptisé Pimax Crystal est disponible. […] Cet article Quoi de neuf avec le nouveau fer de lance de Pimax, le Pimax Crystal ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

63: Understanding SQL JOINs: Inner, Outer, Full, Left, and Right

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction SQL joins are fundamental operations used to combine data from multiple tables based on common columns. A solid understanding of SQL joins is crucial for effective querying and data manipulation. In this article, we will explore the various types of joins, their practical usage, and important considerations when using

64: Simplifying Python Code with List Comprehensions: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is known for its simplicity and readability, and one powerful feature that enhances these qualities is list comprehension. List comprehensions provide a concise and elegant way to create and manipulate lists in Python. They can replace traditi...

65: Oracle APEX 23.1 - JavaScript confirm and alert functions enhancement

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction While reading the release note for Oracle APEX 23.1, something caught my attention in the JavaScript API Updates: apex.message.alert and apex.message.confirm have new options enabling functionality that was previously only available fr...

66: Encore une troisième vague de licenciements massifs chez Meta ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Dans son troisième (et dernier) licenciement massif, le géant de la technologie Meta a remercié […] Cet article Encore une troisième vague de licenciements massifs chez Meta ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

67: Google Top Quality Store badge replaced Trusted Store badge

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google said this change "will not affect your performance metrics at all." The post Google Top Quality Store badge replaced Trusted Store badge appeared first on Search Engine Land.

68: Website flipping : comment faire x30 sur son investissement '

Abondance (Référencement)

Contexte : vous identifiez un appartement. Il est un peu dans son jus, mais l'emplacement est très intéressant. Une fois retapé et redécoré, il est évident qu'il sera facile de le louer sur Airbnb, ou sur du long terme. Et nul doute qu'au vu de la tendance du marché, une revente dans 2-3 ans est […] L'article "Website flipping : comment faire x30 sur son investissement '" a été publ [...]

69: Algorithmically Speaking - 4: Neighbors, Degrees, and Colorings

Hashnode - python (python)

This is the summary version of the article published in the Algorithmically Speaking newsletter which is only dedicated to exploring some of the most beautiful algorithmic problems and solutions in the history of Computer Science. You can read the co...

70 / 142

70: How Google Business Profile pre-defined services can impact local SEO

Search engine land (Référencement)

Looking to boost your local SEO rankings' Consider adding pre-defined services to your Google Business Profile listing. Learn more here. The post How Google Business Profile pre-defined services can impact local SEO appeared first on Search Engine Land.

71: Project Update : Multiplayer Flappy bird

Hashnode - python (python)

10 days ago, I took inspiration from this repository and decided to work on one of the projects. I chose flappy bird because I had attempted to make a single-player flappy bird game in the future but could not complete it and also all other projects ...

72: Learn React The Lazy Way in 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a powerful JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications with ease. In this article, we will explore what React is, why it's worth learning in 2023, and the ben...

73: Difference between Shallow Copy and Deep Copy in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, the object is copied in two ways, the first way is shallow copy and the second way is deep copy. Before understanding shallow copy and deep copy, let's understand how to make a copy of an object. let's take an example of how to create ...

74: Learn React The Lazy Way in 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a powerful JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications with ease. In this article, we will explore what React is, why it's worth learning in 2023, and the ben...

75: Cette simple phrase rend ChatGPT complètement fou

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un internaute a découvert comment faire disjoncter ChatGPT avec un simple prompt. Face à cette demande, l'IA s'affole et génère … Cet article Cette simple phrase rend ChatGPT complètement fou a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

76: [Python e GTK] Configurando o ambiente de desenvolvimento no WSL 2

Hashnode - python (python)

Hoje veremos como preparar o ambiente de desenvolvimento para a criação de aplicativos com a linguagem de programação Python (PyGObject) e o toolkit gráfico GTK no WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) do Microsoft Windows. Através do WSLg (Windows Sub...

77: The Impact Of Agile Methodologies On Code Quality

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

Say goodbye to traditional workflows and embrace Agile to unlock the power of high-quality code. Discover how Agile methodologies promote simplicity, modularization, readability, and continuous improvement, resulting in faster turnaround times, more responsive development processes, and ultimately, the creation of high-quality software that meets customer needs.

78: Google Is Ending Chrome Translate for Older Versions of Chrome

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Google Is Ending Chrome Translate for Older Versions of Chrome Google is shutting off one of Chrome's most popular and useful features in older versions of the browser. Google Is Ending Chrome Translate for Older Versions of Chrome Staff

79: Python Lists

Hashnode - python (python)

Exploring Lists in Python In Python, a list is a versatile collection type used to store multiple values into a single variable. Lists are represented by an opening square bracket [, followed by the elements separated by commas, and finally, a closin...

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80: Creating Our First Flutter App: Displaying "Hello World" Text

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hey there, Today, I want to walk you through the process of creating your very first app using Flutter. Flutter is a fantastic framework for building cross-platform mobile applications, and it's gaining popularity among developers of all ages. So, le...

81: Arnaque IA : ces lampes vendues sur Etsy et Amazon n'existent pas

Le Big Data (dataviz)

  Découvrez l’arnaque de l’année avec l’IA : les lampes illusoires disponibles sur Etsy et Amazon ! Des produits virtuels, … Cet article Arnaque IA : ces lampes vendues sur Etsy et Amazon n'existent pas a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

82: Boosting Performance: Multi-Threading with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview In today's fast-paced technological landscape, maximizing performance and efficiency is a top priority for developers. One powerful technique to achieve this is multi-threading, which allows Python developers to leverage the full potential o...

83: Demystifying Alembic's Handling of Enum Types in Table Alterations

Hashnode - python (python)

When working with Alembic, the database migration tool for Python, there is an important aspect to consider regarding Enum types. Alembic does not automatically create an enum type when altering a table. Instead, you need to handle the creation manua...

84: Snowflake s'empare de Neeva et son moteur de recherche basé sur l'IA

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Il y a quelques jours, Neeva annonçait l'arrêt de son produit grand public. La raison : des pourparlers avec Snowflake et Databricks (...)

85: Python and the Importance of Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Python: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability and a minimalist syntax, ...

86: La 5G est entrée dans 10% des forfaits mobiles en France

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Deux ans après son lancement, la 5G accélère sa pénétration dans le paysage mobile français. Quant à la fibre optique, elle représentait en fin d'année dernière 57% des accès internet fixe haut débit.

87: SoundCloud licencie 8% de son personnel en espérant devenir rentable cette année

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'acteur allemand du streaming musical SoundCloud se sépare de 8% de ses effectifs après en avoir déjà licencié 20% en août dernier. Après quinze ans d'existence, c'est la stratégie choisie pour tenter de devenir enfin rentable cette année.

88: [JavaScript] Tutorial for Moving Focus When Key Is Pressed

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, I will be demonstrating how you can write code that makes the user's mouse focus move to the next button or input box when an enter key is pressed. You can use this technique and use it for other situations. For example,...

89: RGPD : après 5 ans d'application, quel bilan en Europe et en France '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Appliqué à l'échelle européenne, le RGPD a engendré plus de 2 milliards d'euros d'amendes entre 2018 et 2022. Et 2023 sera probablement une année record.

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90: Annotation in Java

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Before reading this article you have a basic understanding of annotations in Java In this article, I will explain the following things What is an annotation' why do we need annotation' How can we use an annotation' Can we create a custom annotation' ...

91: Python Code Style Guide: Write readable code

Hashnode - python (python)

code is read much more often than it is written. You must make your code readable so when someone else or you after a month sees your code you know what it's doing. Style Guides Indentation Use 4 spaces per indentation level. Example when calling t...

92: Réseaux sociaux : l'accord parental obligatoire pour les moins de 15 ans voté au Sénat

Blog du Moderateur ()

La proposition de loi, qui vise à imposer un accord parental aux mineurs de moins de 15 ans pour accéder aux réseaux sociaux, a été votée au Sénat en première lecture.

93: Comment protéger son site web face aux attaques DDoS : conseils et outils

Blog du Moderateur ()

Pour lutter contre les attaques par déni de service, il faut savoir anticiper en utilisant les bons outils et en mettant en place un système de protection efficace.

94: Splitting and Serving PDF Files Efficiently with Firebase Storage and Buffer in Node.js(The Knight way'')

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

PROLOGUE '''''' In the land of coding, where clients' wishes reign supreme, I stumbled upon a formidable challenge. The task at hand was to tame a wild PDF, splitting its unruly pages to keep the browser from throwing a fit. With the mighty Firebas...

95: Comment KPMG place l'humain au c'ur de la transformation digitale de ses clients

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez comment le cabinet KPMG valorise l'expertise tech de ses collaborateurs et ses engagements en tant qu'entreprise à mission au service de ses clients.

96: ChatGPT sur iPhone : l'application officielle est disponible en France, comment la télécharger

Blog du Moderateur ()

Bonne nouvelle pour les propriétaires d'iPhone : ChatGPT est enfin téléchargeable sur l'App Store français !

97: Rachat d'Activision : Microsoft fait appel du veto britannique

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le rachat de l'éditeur de jeux vidéo Activision Blizzard pour 69 milliards de dollars avait été bloqué fin avril par le gendarme britannique de la concurrence. La procédure d'appel est particulièrement compliquée au Royaume-Uni.

98: Bing est maintenant incorporé à ChatGPT : pourquoi ça change tout '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’alliance de Bing et ChatGPT ouvre de nouvelles perspectives et propulse la communication virtuelle vers de nouveaux sommets.  Bing, le … Cet article Bing est maintenant incorporé à ChatGPT : pourquoi ça change tout ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

99: Flutter Stateless Widgets

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter Stateless Widgets 1. What are Stateless Widgets' A Stateless Widget is a widget that cannot change its internal state once it is created. It means that every time a stateless widget is rebuilt, it will rebuild with the same configuration. 2...

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100: Avis sur le thème WordPress Divi par ElegantThemes

blogduwebdesign (Design)

Vous êtes à la recherche d'un page builder pour développer facilement votre site WordPress '...

101: Tour de France des agences SEO : Havas Market à Paris

Abondance (Référencement)

Abondance soutient le Tour de France des agences SEO organisé par Khosi ! 10 agences SEO, 10 villes, 10 jours : c'est le défi que Laura, Victor, Maxime et Virginie se sont lancé.  Leur objectif ' Mettre en avant la qualité des agences SEO de France tout en faisant découvrir le métier de consultant SEO […] L'article "Tour de France des agences SEO : Havas Market à Paris" a été p [...]

102: Object Detection with new stuff

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

With so many things on technology, frameworks, and technical stuff, I found something interesting today. Thinking about working on machine learning, I thought why not detect things with machine learning, it would be interesting if it will be in some ...

103: How To Create Custom Illustrations For Your Website'

Noupe (conception)

Gone are those days when you only needed to put blocks of text on your website and expect a boost in engagement rates. People are becoming more graphics-centric and believe it should be an integral part of every marketing stage. That's where illustrations come in. They are powerful visual elements that you can employ on... The post How To Create Custom Illustrations For Your Website' a [...]

104: Call Apply and Bind

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we will explore the fundamental concepts behind Call, Apply, and Bind methods and examine how they can be utilized to enhance your JavaScript code. By the end of this article, you will have gained a clear understanding of the distinc...

105: Simple Numerical Programs in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Now that we have covered the basics of Python in our Pythonic Way Series, it is time to start thinking about how we can combine those learnings to write some simple programs. Exhaustive Enumeration The following code prints the integer cube root, if ...

106: A geolocation game in the format of Wordle

Flowing data (dataviz)

With a cross between the games Wordle and GeoGuessr, Russell Samora for The…Tags: game, geolocation, Pudding, Russell Samora, Wordle

107: Mise à jour fatale pour les HP OfficeJet Pro

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le firmware, qui n'était jusqu'à présent que problématique pour HP, est devenu fatal pour certaines de ses imprimantes (...)

108: Le marché de l'impression en baisse au T1 2023 pour l'Europe de l'Ouest

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le marché ouest européen de l'impression continue de se déprécier, selon IDC. Pour le compte du premier trimestre 2023, (...)

109: Microsoft muscle les flux cloud dans Power Automate avec Copilot

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Lors de sa conférence annuelle Build, Microsoft a indiqué ajouter Copilot à sa plateforme SaaS low-code d'automatisation des tâches, (...)

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110: Dope Security se dote d'une fonction pour contourner les erreurs SSL

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La fonction de résolution instantanée des erreurs SSL (Secure Socket Layer) lancée par Dope Security fait désormais partie (...)

111: Les bonnes pratiques du FinOps : maîtriser les coûts cloud

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Tout commence généralement par une facture. Une facture d'un prestataire cloud synonyme de mauvaise surprise. Les entreprises utilisatrices (...)

112: Spie s'appuie sur le jumeau numérique pour ses chantiers

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Utiliser la maquette numérique et le BIM pour identifier précisément les caractéristiques des terres excavées afin d'en (...)

113: Protection anti-ransomware et data management au menu du Huawei Summit à Munich

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Particulièrement prisées par les clients (avec Infinidat et Pure Storage) selon la dernière étude du Gartner sur le sujet - Voice (...)

114: Le RGPD a cinq ans, vive le RGPD

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le règlement européen sur la protection des données personnelles est entré en application le 25 mai 2018. Ce 25 mai 2023 marque (...)

115: "JavaScript Generators Made Easy: A Beginner's Roadmap to Effortless Iteration"

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Generator Functions: A Generator-function is defined just like a normal function but with a function* symbol. And where the normal functions return the value, Generator functions yield the value. More about this 'yield' and how it works in a...

116: 5 formations pour créer et développer son site e-commerce

Blog du Moderateur ()

Vous souhaitez créer un site e-commerce ' Ces 5 formations vous apprendront l'essentiel à savoir pour lancer votre plateforme.

117: Comment faire des relations publiques un pilier de votre stratégie marketing

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les relations publiques évoluent avec les préoccupations des consommateurs et les nouveaux canaux de communication. Ce guide vous aidera à tout savoir des RP modernes.

118: Google fait le point sur le système Topic Authority

Abondance (Référencement)

Dans un article mis en ligne le 23 mai sur Google Search Central, Jennifer Granito est revenue plus en détail sur un système de classement déjà connu des SEO : le Topic Authority. L'occasion de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de ce système dont le rôle est d'améliorer la visibilité des contenus pertinents et experts dans […] L'article "Google fait le point sur le système Topic Au [...]

119: Stripe Payment Integration, Flutter + Laravel

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Seriously, all I am doing is copy-pasting the code for later use. If you want to copy all these, feel free to. However, there will be pretty few explanations of the things here. There are a lot of config changes that need to be made on Flutter. The n...

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120: Comment l'IA est-elle appliquée aux jeux en ligne aujourd'hui ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

L’intelligence artificielle (IA) a été un domaine de recherche en pleine croissance au cours des […] Cet article Comment l’IA est-elle appliquée aux jeux en ligne aujourd’hui ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

121: Google affiche le nom des sous-domaines sur mobiles

Abondance (Référencement)

Sur Twitter, Google a annoncé la prise en charge des noms de site pour les sous-domaines, uniquement sur les appareils mobiles. Les noms des sites sont affichés au-dessus de l'URL dans les pages de résultats, à côté de la favicon. Ils permettent à l'internaute de connaître rapidement l'origine de la page sur laquelle ils s'apprêtent […] L'article "Google affiche le nom des sous-doma [...]

122: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Several Python libraries are commonly used in DevOps practices. These libraries provide functionality for tasks such as automation, configuration management, infrastructure provisioning, monitoring, and more. Here are some popular Python libraries fo...

123: The Start of My Journey to Become a Python Dev

Hashnode - python (python)

The only thing standing between you and your goals is your lack of execution. Welcome, Everyone! I want to give a quick intro about myself, the purpose of this blog, and how I plan to use it moving forward. TL:DR - I plan to use this blog to note the...

124: Object Oriented Programming in Dart: An Extensive Guide!!

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming approach that organizes code around objects, representing real-world entities. It involves encapsulating data and behavior within objects, using classes as blueprints. OOP emphasizes principles such ...

125: Rye: An Alternate and Possibly Better Option for Python Package Management

Hashnode - python (python)

Rye is a Python package management tool released by Armin Ronacher (creator of Flask) in May 2023. There are already many Python package management tools on the market, such as Pipenv and Poetry. Armin Ronacher himself hasn't made any comparisons bet...

126: Rye: ''' Python '''''''

Hashnode - python (python)

Rye ' Armin Ronacher 'Flask ''''' 2023 ' 5 '''''' Python '''''''''''''''' Python ''''''''''Pipenv, Poetry'Armin Ronacher '''''''''''' rey '''''''''''''''''' issue'' '''''''''' rye' ''''' rye '''''''''''''...

127: Entre amende record et bataille en coulisses, le RGPD fête ses cinq ans sur un bilan contrasté

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

En cinq ans, près de 4 milliards d'euros d'amendes ont été infligés dans le cadre du RGPD. Un bilan en trompe-l''il, qui cache en réalité une "incapacité à contrôler la manière dont les géants technologiques utilisent nos données", dénonce Noyb, l'association fondée par Max Schrems.

128: What is JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a programing language initially designed to interact with web pages. in web browsers JavaScript consists of three main parts. 1 ECMAScript provides the core functionality. 2 Document Object Model. 3 Browser Object Model provides the bro...

129: What is Terraform'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Terraform is an open source 'Infrastructure as Code' tool, created by HashiCorp. A declarative coding tool, Terraform enables developers to use a high-level configuration language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) to describe the desired ...

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130: Just 20 Stocks Have Driven S&P 500 Returns So Far in 2023

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

From Apple to NVIDIA, megacap stocks are fueling S&P 500 returns. The majority of these firms are also investing heavily in AI. The post Just 20 Stocks Have Driven S&P 500 Returns So Far in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

131: 3 Quality Control Best Practices for Electronic Component Suppliers

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

The electronics industry is always changing and improving, which means quality control is more important than ever. Suppliers who don’t take it seriously can see their reputations suffer pretty quickly! But with some well-planned strategies, electronic component suppliers can consistently deliver great products that keep customers returning for more. If you’re looking to stay ahead [&# [...]

132: Map in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Map is an object in a javascript and it holds the key-value pairs in it. We can declare a map object by just writing ---> const map1 = new Map(); The key is always to be unique on a map. Or we can say it is unique in a map collection. the first lette...

133: Day 17: The "Quiz" Project and Benefits of OOP

Hashnode - python (python)

Today's Lesson During day 17's lesson, Angela went over creating custom Classes, Attributes, and Methods when dealing with OOP. She touched back on examples from Day 16 and what I'll do is make quick note of the main takeaways. Unveiling Classes A cl...

134: How Reliable Is Scanguard'

Cats who code (Javascript / wordpress / PHP)

Despite their claims penalized able to identify threats different antivirus application can't, Scanguard is far away from reliable. The antivirus engine is time-consuming, the program triggers a lot of false advantages (it by accident blocks secure files seeing that malware), and it doesn't always effectively identify all kinds of malware. This is why this failed … How Reliable Is Scanguard [...]

135: Greatest Data Room Services

Cats who code (Javascript / wordpress / PHP)

The best data room solutions enable you to firmly share delicate files to parties across the world wide web. These digital platforms are extremely beneficial when doing M&A or due diligence orders. They can likewise streamline organization collaboration and increase responsibility in the workplace. To find the right remedy for your firm, you must glance … Greatest Data Room Services Re [...]

136: Microsoft shrunk the TypeScript

javascriptweekly (Javascript)

#'640 ' May 25, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly DeviceScript: TypeScript for Tiny Thingamabobs ' DeviceScript is a new Microsoft effort to take the TypeScript experience to low-resource microcontroller-based devices. It's compiled to a custom VM bytecode which can run in such constrained environments. (A bit like Go's TinyGo.) It's aimed at VS Code users but there's a [...]

137: How to swap the first and last value in Array in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I was thinking about an exercise that could aid someone with their javascript learning, and this came to mind because it is important to note that not everyone has access to study and comprehend the fundamentals of javascript. So, in this piece, I wi...

138: How GDPR Can Impact WordPress SEO Strategy

WP Explorer (wordpress)

Anyone who has owned a WordPress site for a long time is likely to be aware of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This legislation by the European Union is meant to keep people's personal information private. The Act has been in effect since 2018, and the EU has collected more than $320,000,000 in fines from […] The post How GDPR Can Impact WordPress SEO Strategy appeared first on WP [...]

139: Vue Cheatsheet with chatgpt

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

SyntaxDescriptionExample {{ expression }}Interpolation to output the value of an expression{{ message }} v-bind:attribute="value"Bind an element attribute to a Vue instance data property v-on:event="method...

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140: Day 114 of 365DaysOfCode - Exploring Testing Frameworks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey everyone, it's Day 114 of #365DaysOfCode & Day 14 of #100DaysOfPython! Just a quick update..Today was all about manually testing my project. I'm happy to report that so far, everything seems to be running smoothly. Then, I thought it was time to ...

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Richard Carlier

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