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« Mai 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Vendredi 26 Mai 2023 (156)

1: Python for Kids

Hashnode - python (python)

In today's digital age, coding has become an essential skill, and Python, with its simplicity and versatility, is an excellent language for kids to start their programming journey. Learning Python not only introduces children to the world of coding b...

2: The Buzz Around TypeScript: Enhancing JavaScript Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: TypeScript has gained significant popularity in recent years and has become a buzzword among developers. This statically-typed superset of JavaScript has sparked excitement and adoption in the developer community. In this article, we wi...

3: Python Libraries for Data Analysis: Pandas and Numpy

Hashnode - python (python)

Data analysis plays a crucial role in various industries today. Effectively analyzing data provides valuable insights to businesses and researchers, aiding in the decision-making process. Python is a popular programming language used for data analysi...

4: Veri Analizi 'çin Python Kütüphaneleri: Pandas ve Numpy

Hashnode - python (python)

Veri analizi, günümüzde birçok sektörde büyük önem ta''yan bir süreç haline gelmi'tir. Verilerin etkili bir 'ekilde analiz edilmesi, i'letmelere ve ara't'rmac'lara de'erli bilgiler sa'layarak karar verme sürecini kolayla't'r'r. Python, veri analizi i...

5: Mastering JavaScript: Write Code Like Senior Developers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a senior JavaScript developer, it is essential to not only write code that functions correctly but also to ensure that it is maintainable, efficient, and secure. By following best practices and adhering to established code conventions, you can enh...

6: Python Programming: Square root of a number

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input enter the number 25 Output The squared root number is 5 Required to Know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, Use of functions like print(), and input(), Use of Math module and the us...

7: Securing API Keys on GitHub: Best Practices for Protecting Sensitive Data

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In today's interconnected world, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a vital role in enabling communication and integration between different systems and services. While APIs are powerful tools, their exposure can potentially lead to secur...

8: Visualizing the Uranium Mining Industry in 3 Charts

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

These visuals highlight the uranium mining industry and its output, as well as the trajectory of nuclear energy from 1960 to today. The post Visualizing the Uranium Mining Industry in 3 Charts appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

9: Google Search of today won't exist in 10 years, says DeepMind co-founder

Search engine land (Référencement)

Will 'old-school search' be gone in 10 years, thanks to ChatGPT, the new Bing and Google's new Search Generative Experience' The post Google Search of today won’t exist in 10 years, says DeepMind co-founder appeared first on Search Engine Land.

10 / 156

10: Python Programming: Square of a number

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input Enter the number 5 Output The squared of the number is 25.0 Required to Know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, Use of functions like print(), and input(), Use of Math module and th...

11: Debugging and Refactoring with Generative AI

Hashnode - python (python)

As software developers and data scientists, we have had whole weeks burnt on codebase maintenance. We've had bugs in our codebase that dated back to when we first made our first git project commit. We have come across many challenges that come with m...

12: How to Detect a Click Outside of a React Component using Hooks'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As web developers, we may come across situations where we might have to detect when a user clicks outside of a specific element, such as a modal or dropdown menu. This can be useful for closing the element or triggering some other action when the use...

13: So, You're Going to Become a Web Developer Too'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You've decided your career path: You're going to become a web developer! Everything's fine until you see every other person dipping their toes into it, and it makes you question your decision: Am I doing the right thing' In recent years, web developm...

14: Accidents, déficiences, SAV... 100 gigaoctets de données internes compromettantes sur Tesla ont fuité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Accidents provoqués par le système d'assistance à la conduite Autopilot, problèmes de freinage, protocoles SAV malhonnêtes, données des clients et des salariés mal sécurisées... Le constructeur automobile Tesla verra pour sûr sa réputation à nouveau entachée suite à la fuite de ces informations à la presse.

15: Python Programming: Area of a triangle

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input enter the base 5 enter the height 6 Output The area of the triangle is 15 Required to Know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, and Use of functions like print(), and input(). Formul...

16: Linked List in Javascript (Data Structures)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A singly linked list is a type of linked list that is unidirectional, that is, it can be traversed in only one direction from the head to the last node (tail). Every node contains some data and a pointer to the next node of the same data type. The no...

17: Remove Duplicates from Sorted List

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When working with sorted linked lists, a common challenge is removing duplicate nodes while preserving the original order of distinct elements. In this article, we will delve into solving the 'Remove Duplicates from Sorted List' problem. We will expl...

18: Python Programming: Radius and circumference of the circle

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input enter the radius of the circle 5 Output The diameter of the circle is : 10 The circumference of the circle is: 31.4 Required to Know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, and Use of fu...

19: Modular Housing vs. Traditional Housing: How Do They Compare'

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Modular housing can be completed 40% faster and costs 10-25% less than traditional construction methods. Is the future of housing modular' The post Modular Housing vs. Traditional Housing: How Do They Compare' appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

20 / 156

20: Python Programming : Area and Perimeter of Rectangle

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input enter the length 5 enter the breadth 6 Output Area is 30 Perimeter is 22 Required to Know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, and Use of functions like print(), and input(). Formula...

21: Create a Progressive Web App with Vite and Vue

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Progressive Web Apps, shortened PWAs, offer many advantages over traditional web applications: Cross-platform compatibility: PWAs are built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making them compatible with multiple platforms and ...

22: Visualizing the Top U.S. States for AI Jobs

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Nearly 800,000 AI jobs were posted in the U.S. throughout 2022. View this graphic to see a breakdown by state. The post Visualizing the Top U.S. States for AI Jobs appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

23: Python Programming: Adding Two Numbers with Ease

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Input enter the first number 5 enter the second number 6 Output The sum is 11 Required to know Use of Variables, Use of different operators like assignment or arithmetic operators, and Use of functions like print(), and input(). Steps Take...

24: Robots humanoïdes : après ChatGPT, tout savoir sur la prochaine révolution IA

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les robots humanoïdes sont la prochaine étape de la révolution IA, et s'apprêtent à bouleverser votre vie même si vous … Cet article Robots humanoïdes : après ChatGPT, tout savoir sur la prochaine révolution IA a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

25: A comprehensive guide to Next.js 13 App Router - Part 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Next.js is a powerful framework for building server-side rendered React applications. One of its key features for routing is the App Router which was introduced in version 13, which allows you to define and organize routes in your Next.js application...

26: TensorFlow Mastery: Unlock the ML Power & Potential

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome to this beginner's guide to TensorFlow! In this article, we will provide a quick overview of the basics of TensorFlow'a powerful platform for machine learning. Whether you are interested in the fields of artificial intelligence, ...

27: The Difference Between %s and %d in Python String Formatting

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction String formatting, in simple terms, is the process of constructing a string by inserting some specific or computed data into a string placeholder. This is an indispensable tool when you're dealing with user-friendly outputs, debugging logs, or generating dynamic text for various purposes. Python offers multiple ways to format

28: Day 2: 100 Days Of Python

Hashnode - python (python)

I just built my first interactive code which takes inputs from the user! Day 2 of #Replit100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfCode. Join me on @Replit

29: What is the Boyre-Moore voting algorithm' | Techletter 32

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm is an efficient algorithm used to find the majority element in an array. The majority element is defined as the element that appears more than 'n/2' times, where n is the size of the array. Algorithm Initialize two v...

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30: Python 101: Get Started in Minutes!

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey, future programmers! At this time and age, it's important to learn about one of the most popular languages in the world, used by top-level companies. Created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991, Python is an advanced, general-purpose program...

32: Amazon veut greffer l'IA générative dans son site e-commerce

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

D'après les offres d'emploi publiées dans la section carrières de l'entreprise, il semble qu'Amazon cherche à intégrer (...)

33: Day 1 of 100DaysOfCode

Hashnode - python (python)

Let's go through the basics of Python Variables: They are containers in which they store some type of value like string, integer, boolean, etc. #In python we declare variable like this phone = "charger" print(phone) phone = "case" print(phone) phon...

34: Demystifying JSX: Building Modern User Interfaces Made Easy

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that lets you write HTML-like markup inside a JavaScript file. It's like an HTML but not a HTML. const element = Hello, world!; JSX is not natively supported by browsers, so it needs to b...

35: How to draw YUM YUM

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Tomàs Padrós's Zentangle® pattern: Yum Yum. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

36: Communication styles: 6 types and 4 frameworks

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Product managers who are aware of their own communication style and can adapt it to different situations and people can build better relationships and achieve more successful outcomes. The post Communication styles: 6 types and 4 frameworks appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

37: Dark Web : que contiennent réellement ces boîtes mystères '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un influenceur déballe une « boîte mystère Â» prétendument achetée sur le dark web, révélant un sac en plastique rappelant une boucherie. … Cet article Dark Web : que contiennent réellement ces boîtes mystères ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

38: Discussion on map, filter and reduce methods in Javascript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Interview Question: If you can guess the output of the below code successfully then you can skip this blog :) Code: let input_array=[1,6,3,7,9,2]; let>{ return element

39: Introduction to Callbacks, Promises and Async/Await Functions in JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this blog, we will be discussing callbacks, promises and async/await functions in javascript also we will be learning about synchronous and asynchronous programming languages. If you're new to JavaScript programming, or even if you've...

40 / 156

40: How to Build a Choropleth Map in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Are you ready to learn how to create a choropleth map with JavaScript like a boss' Maps are a powerful way to visualize data, but building one from scratch can be a daunting task. Don't worry, I'm here to help! In this tutorial, I'll guide you throug...

41: Designing A Better Design Handoff File In Figma

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

This article provides practical tips for improving the handoff process between design and development in product development. The guidance covers effective communication, documentation, design details, version control, and plugin usage.

42: WEB Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Web development is a growing field. If you are a newbie in computer science you can also learn web development It is a very basic thing you can learn web development by learning HTML CSS JS. HTML:- The full form of HTML is Hyper Text Markup Langua...

43: EDF passe à l'amélioration de sa plateforme de données open source lancée il y a deux ans

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

EDF s'est associé il y a deux ans à la start-up française Opendatasoft pour lancer une plateforme sur laquelle il partage en licence libre certaines données sur son exploitation, ses émissions de CO2 ou encore ses effectifs. Les deux entreprises travaillent à présent à son amélioration.

44: Mastering React Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Welcome to "Mastering React Hooks '," a comprehensive guide that will empower you to harness the power of React Hooks and elevate your React development skills. In this article, we will explore the fundamental concepts, benefits, and a...

45: Pour réglementer l'IA, Microsoft propose de créer des licences délivrées par les gouvernements

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le groupe de Redmond, premier actionnaire d'OpenAI, veut peser dans la définition des nouvelles règles sur l'IA. Il propose également la création d'agences gouvernementales pour réguler le secteur.

46: Une année de désinformation : des stratégies de communication très établies

Meta Media (Internet)

Quels ont été les principaux sujets de désinformation ces douze derniers mois ' Quelles nouvelles méthodes sont apparues pour amplifier la portée des fausses nouvelles ' Une étude menée par France Télévisions examine entre autres les stratégies de communication des acteurs de la désinformation. Par Alexandra Klinnik, MediaLab de l'Information... The post Une année de désinformation : [...]

47: Top des meilleurs générateurs d'art IA pour iPhone

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’IA révolutionne le monde de l’image avec l’émergence des générateurs d’art IA, devenus des outils populaires pour créer des 'uvres … Cet article Top des meilleurs générateurs d’art IA pour iPhone a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

48: Day 1 ; 100 Days of Python.

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello to the world of coding and my very first project! Day 1 of #Replit100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfCode. Join me on @Replit I learned about print statements and how to use them for expected outputs in line with other statements. you can follow my 100D...

49: Les cafouillages du CEO d'OpenAI sur la régulation européenne de l'IA

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Alors que l'IA Act doit bientôt être soumis au vote du Parlement européen, au cours de la session du 12 au 15 juin, OpenAI fait (...)

50 / 156

50: What is net present value (NPV)' Formula and how to calculate

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Discover the definition of net present value, the formula to calculate NPV, and how and when you should use it to inform financial decisions. The post What is net present value (NPV)' Formula and how to calculate appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

51: Exploring React Native pointer events

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The updated Pointer Events API presents new opportunities for creating interactive apps with React Native. Learn more about it in this post. The post Exploring React Native pointer events appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

52: The Ansoff matrix: Comprehensive overview with examples

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The four components (quadrants) of an Ansoff matrix serve to help with making trade-off decisions: market penetration, market development, product development, and product/market diversification. The post The Ansoff matrix: Comprehensive overview with examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

53: Quelle est la meilleure marque de sextoys pour homme ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Pour trouver la meilleure marque de sextoys sur le marché, il est nécessaire de se […] Cet article Quelle est la meilleure marque de sextoys pour homme ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

54: L'emploi dans le numérique toujours très tendu en Pays de la Loire et Bretagne

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La pénurie des talents est un fardeau qui commence à peser de plus en plus lourd sur les épaules des entreprises du secteur numérique. (...)

55: Nutanix licencie des salariés pour usage non autorisé de logiciels tiers

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Fournisseur de solutions HCI, Nutanix vient d'annoncer ses résultats pour le troisième trimestre de son année fiscale 2023, (...)

56: Content Projection in Angular

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Content projection - It is a pattern in which we may require to send/insert / project data dynamically to our angular components. Is done using Ng-Content. For Reusable / Scalable components A slot can be thought of as a container or div. Multisl...

57: How to limit OpenAI API usage and avoid spam messages'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey! I am new to the world of AI and I want to build a Mood tracker web app using MERN and openAI's AI assistant. So the project is basically around mental health and the AI acts as a virtual therapist who kind of analyzes the mood of the user by ask...

58: Callback & Callback Hell In Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript is a popular programming language that allows us to create interactive web applications. One of its important concepts is the callback function. In this blog post, we'll explore what callbacks are and also touch upon callback ...

59: Day 7 of 100daysofjs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Conditional expressions in JavaScript Sometimes we might have to execute a block of code based off some condition. For example, a prompt might ask for the age of a user and if it's greater than 18, display a special message. In JavaScript, we have th...

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60: La prochaine version PvP de Demeo s'annonce prometteuse (Réalité Virtuelle)

Resolution Games lance le jeu autonome Demeo Battles, une prochaine version PvP de la célèbre […] Cet article La prochaine version PvP de Demeo s'annonce prometteuse a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

61: Google SMS-Retriever API in Jetpack Compose

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction: The Google SMS-Retrieval API allows Android apps to automatically retrieve SMS messages containing one-time passwords (OTPs) from the user's device by showing a one-time consent to the user before reading the SMS. This can be used to im...

62: Applying negative space in web design

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Negative space is the area around and between design elements. Here's how to use it to great effect in web design. The post Applying negative space in web design appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

63: React Hook Form

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Forms are documents that provide spaces and or options for people to answer questions. We use forms in our day-to-day life, such as questionnaires, job or visa applications, and so on, in paper or digital format, and they are done mainly for the easi...

64: Sextoy pour homme : vers quels accessoires se tourner ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Avant de dépenser son argent dans un sextoy pour homme, il s'avère toujours utile de […] Cet article Sextoy pour homme : vers quels accessoires se tourner ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

65: PlayStation présente une solution pour les défauts audio du PSVR 2 (Réalité Virtuelle)

PlayStation vient d'annoncer les écouteurs PS5. Cette solution Bluetooth sans fil constitue une solution potentielle […] Cet article PlayStation présente une solution pour les défauts audio du PSVR 2 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

66: Use Pipelines to understand Functional Programming

Hashnode - python (python)

About this SeriesAfter reading this article, you will understand what functional programming is about. However, there are different ways of looking at it. Each article in this series will explain it differently and will use a different programming la...

67: Exploring Python Strings: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, strings are an essential data type used to represent and manipulate textual data. They are sequences of characters enclosed in single quotes (' '), double quotes (" "), or triple quotes (""" """ or ''' '''). In this blog post, we will expl...

68: Element Selector

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hello readers I am back with another blog on the JavaScript selector property. In this blog, I am gonna explain to you the different ways in which we can select the elements of HTML into JavaScript. Why selector' This is one of the impor...

69: La fin du métavers est-elle imminente ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Depuis que le géant de la technologie Facebook s'est rebaptisé Meta en octobre 2021, le […] Cet article La fin du métavers est-elle imminente ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

70 / 156

70: How to do B2B content marketing the right way (with 5 examples)

Search engine land (Référencement)

Businesses that do content marketing right have a huge competitive advantage. Here's what successful B2B content efforts look like. The post How to do B2B content marketing the right way (with 5 examples) appeared first on Search Engine Land.

71: How To Measure Your Server's Round-trip Time In Remix (React)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Problem In the world of web development, every millisecond counts. Web developers are constantly driven to achieve maximum speed and efficiency. They meticulously measure round-trip time (RTT) and other related metrics to understand page load time an...

72: Flutter Gives Me Goosebumps

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

I began writing articles long before I started Flutter development. Yet, since I began building apps with Flutter, I haven't written any personal articles on it. Hell, I haven't written any personal articles, period. Well, except you count this one. ...

73: [PODCAST] Nouveau service de stockage à froid chez OVH Cloud

Humancoders ()

Commentaires L'article [PODCAST] Nouveau service de stockage à froid chez OVH Cloud a été posté dans la catégorie DevOps de Human Coders News

74: Bonnes pratiques de conception d'API REST

Humancoders ()

Un article qui liste les bonnes pratiques de conception d'une API REST : HTTP verbs, Hypermedia, etc. Commentaires L'article Bonnes pratiques de conception d'API REST a été posté dans la catégorie API de Human Coders News

75: Difference between reduce and reduceRight method in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

. reduce function reduce the array from left to right , where as reduceRight reduces the array from right to left and give a value after performing respective calculation like addition , multiplication etc. What the above statement actually means, be...

76: Check & Visit lève 12,5 millions d'euros pour automatiser la gestion des actifs immobiliers

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Après l'automatisation des états des lieux, la start-up bretonne Check & Visit, qui développe des technologies de gestion des actifs immobiliers, veut élargir son activité aux visites virtuelles et à la réalisation des diagnostics d'ici la fin de l'année.

77: How to implement axios interceptors in Next.Js application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are interceptors ' Interceptors allow you to modify the request or response before it is sent or received by the server. Interceptors are useful because they allow developers to add custom functionality to requests and responses without modifyin...

78: Télécoms : investissements en baisse, mais revenus en hausse

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Une année de transition pour le secteur des télécoms qui voit pour la première fois depuis sept ans, un recul des investissements. (...)

79: Easy way to build Outside Click Popup Component in Vue.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When developing a large application with multiple components, it is important to prioritize creating components that are customizable, scalable, and reusable. However, it is common to overlook implementing certain functionalities like outside click f...

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80: Search Generative Experience : première prise en main du nouveau moteur de recherche de Google

Abondance (Référencement)

Attendue de pied ferme, avec un mélange de fébrilité et d'inquiétude, la nouvelle version du moteur de recherche de Google est enfin accessible à un nombre restreint de chanceux dont le fameux Barry Schwartz ! Le célèbre SEO a fait une petite pause dans ses congés pour partager de nombreuses captures d'écran sur son compte […] L'article "Search Generative Experience : première pris [...]

81: A Guide to Git Stashing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Stashing Stashing feature from Git allows developers to temporarily save their work-in-progress without committing it to the repository. Why is it Required' Switching Branches: When you need to switch to a different branch to work on another ...

82: js-awe: Avoid await hell!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Async await has done a lot to improve the readability of code when compared with the callback style. But sometimes it is not a good construct, especially if you want to use it in a functional style!!! One problem I see, is the spread of async await a...

83: [JavaScript] Tutorial for Sorting Table by Column - CRUD

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, I will demonstrate how to sort your table by column. After reading this article, you will be able to sort your table when you click on the header of a column. We will be making something similar to this: By clicking the...

84: Les Etats-Unis réagissent au bannissement de Micron en Chine avec le blocage de CXMT

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les membres de la commission sur la Chine de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis ne comptent pas laisser le gouvernement de leur (...)

85: Edenred place les API au coeur de sa stratégie

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le groupe Edenred fournit des services de paiements fléchés, qui reposent pour l'essentiel sur une plateforme digitale développée (...)

86: Polyfills of Array Methods in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript arrays are fundamental data structures that offer a wide range of functionalities. However, the native JavaScript array methods might not always cover all the requirements of your project. That's where polyfills come to the r...

87: Top Django Libraries for Cost Optimization and SEO-friendly Scalability in Production.

Hashnode - python (python)

Title: Top Django Libraries for Cost Optimization and SEO-friendly Scalability in Production Introduction: Django is a powerful and widely-used Python web framework known for its simplicity, versatility, and scalability. When developing web applicati...

88: Collective 766

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Memory Allocation * Introducing the Popover API * Windmill * Pixpaint

89: SAS encore affecté par un incident de sécurité

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Hier, plusieurs clients de SAS se sont plaints sur Twitter de l'impossibilité d'accéder à leurs comptes aussi bien sur (...)

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90: Après la polémique, OpenAI assure n'avoir aucun projet de quitter l'Europe

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le patron du concepteur de ChatGPT n'avait pas exclu de cesser les opérations en Europe si la prochaine réglementation sur l'IA était trop contraignante. Devant la polémique, il fait marche arrière.

91: TikTok teste son propre chatbot : tout savoir sur Tako

Blog du Moderateur ()

Après l'ami virtuel de Snapchat, TikTok teste son propre chatbot d'assistance appelé Tako.

92: Comment l'IA va faire disparaître Amazon et Google selon Bill Gates

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Bill Gates prévoit une révolution imminente : l’IA pourrait sonner le glas des géants technologiques tels que Google et Amazon.  … Cet article Comment l'IA va faire disparaître Amazon et Google selon Bill Gates a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

93: Patrick Drahi est monté au capital de BT

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le milliardaire français Patrick Drahi est monté à près de 25% du capital de l'opérateur britannique BT Group, par le biais d'Altice UK. Un niveau proche de celui qui implique une OPA.

94: The HTML Cheat sheet

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Elements and Tags Almost all elements on an HTML page are just pieces of content wrapped in opening and closing HTML tags. You can think of elements as containers for content. The opening and closing tags tell the browser what content the element co...

95: How teenagers' job ambitions have changed

Flowing data (dataviz)

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), run by the OECD since 2000,…Tags: teen, Vox, work

96: WordPress : 20 anecdotes à découvrir sur le CMS

Blog du Moderateur ()

Des artistes de jazz aux WordCamps, en passant par Barack Obama et Wapuu, découvrez 20 anecdotes pour les 20 ans de WordPress !

97: Windows Backup fait ses premiers pas dans Windows 11

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La dernière version preview de Windows 11 ajoute deux fonctionnalités importantes : la possibilité de dégrouper et d'épingler (...)

98: Installing PyQt6 and PySide6 on Windows and Mac

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction PyQt6 and PySide6 are powerful Python bindings for the Qt framework, enabling developers to create cross-platform desktop applications with ease. In this article, we will walk you through the process of installing PyQt6 and PySide6 on bo...

99: The Secret Behind The Existence of loc and iloc

Hashnode - python (python)

In this blog, we will explore the reasons why Python Pandas includes the loc and iloc indexers. The Pandas Series can be initiated in 2 ways: explicit index (user-defined) data = pd.Series([10, 20, 30, 40], index=[4, 3, 8, 2]) data # -----------...

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100: Gestion des erreurs et bonnes pratiques, les défis des développeurs en Go

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Auparavant, d'après l'enquête annuelle réalisée auprès des développeurs Go, l'absence de génériques (...)

101: Les SSD BG6 de Kioxia revendiquent des performances élevées

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Kioxia élargit sa gamme de SSD PCI Express 4.0 avec la série BG6. Premiers modèles du fabricant japonais à disposer de sa mémoire (...)

102: Les bonnes pratiques du FinOps : transformer la culture IT

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

En abordant le chantier de l'optimisation des coûts du cloud, les entreprises pourraient y voir un exercice ponctuel, voué à s'éteindre (...)

103: L'Etat pousse les administrations au partage de données

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Un décret du 11 mai publié au Journal Officiel par le ministère de la Transformation et de la fonction publiques organise (...)

104: A Simple Guide to Airflow start_date and execution_date

Hashnode - python (python)

In Airflow, the start_date and execution_date can be very counterintuitive for those who are not familiar with them. TLDR In this article, I will explain why the execution_date in Airflow is different from what we might expect. The Usage of start_d...

105: Tour de France des agences SEO : Noiise à Lille

Abondance (Référencement)

Abondance soutient le Tour de France des agences SEO organisé par Khosi ! 10 agences SEO, 10 villes, 10 jours : c'est le défi que Laura, Victor, Maxime et Virginie se sont lancé.  Leur objectif ' Mettre en avant la qualité des agences spécialisées en SEO en France tout en faisant découvrir le métier de […] L'article "Tour de France des agences SEO : Noiise à Lille" a été publ [...]

106: Photoshop : Adobe ajoute l'IA générative Firefly, ça change quoi '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Découvrez comment l’ajout de l’IA générative Firefly par Adobe révolutionne Photoshop et stimule la créativité. Les incroyables fonctionnalités de cette … Cet article Photoshop : Adobe ajoute l'IA générative Firefly, ça change quoi ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

107: How to Install Kivy on Windows and Mac

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Kivy is an open-source Python framework for developing multi-touch applications. It provides a natural user interface and supports various platforms, including Windows and Mac. In this article, we will walk you through the installation p...

108: Microsoft Teams : comment créer son avatar 3D pour les visioconférences

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les avatars 3D Microsoft Teams sont désormais disponibles pour tous. Découvrez comment les configurer et les utiliser dans vos visioconférences.

109: Arm réduit ses activités de recherche pour rationnaliser ses coûts avant son entrée en bourse

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Arm, le concepteur britannique de microarchitectures, réduit ses activités de recherche fondamentale pour se focaliser sur des produits rapidement commercialisables. Il joue la carte de la rationalisation des coûts en prévision de son entrée en bourse, ce que certains en interne considèrent comme une vision court-termiste.

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110: Arm réduit ses activités de recherche pour rationaliser ses coûts avant son entrée en bourse

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Arm, le concepteur britannique de microarchitectures, réduit ses activités de recherche fondamentale pour se focaliser sur des produits rapidement commercialisables. Il joue la carte de la rationalisation des coûts en prévision de son entrée en bourse, ce que certains en interne considèrent comme une vision court-termiste.

111: Creating Student Registration Form Using HTML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: In today's digital age, online registration forms have become a convenient and efficient way to collect information from students. Whether you're organizing a school event, managing course registrations, or simply creating a student dat...

112: Comment devenir un acteur de la transformation digitale du secteur de la beauté et des cosmétiques

Blog du Moderateur ()

Décryptage d'un marché mondial dynamique et en pleine mutation, qui offre de belles opportunités pour les futurs professionnels, avec Vincent Montet de l'EFAP et Régine Ferrere de l'IBCBS.

113: Flutter Provider'''The easiest state management approach one could ask for

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

When it comes to building apps using Flutter, creating responsive and beautiful User Interfaces is not all there is. Animations, data flow and state management are core parts that cannot be ignored. In this article, we'll take a look at the state man...

114: Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In simple terms, OOP in JavaScript helps you structure your code in a more organized and logical way by creating objects that represent real-world entities or concepts. These objects can have characteristics (like color or size) and actions (like mov...

115: Functional Programming ' Principles

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Before going to it's principles, let first understand a bit about it. What is Functional Programming Functional programming is a paradigm which has its roots in mathematics, primarily stemming from lambda calculus. Its main focus is on 'what to solve...

116: Websockets - What are those and how to use them in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

If you're someone who's been developing mobile apps for a while, you've probably used REST APIs for fetching/storing data on a remote server somewhere. These APIs use something that we in the tech biz call HTTP protocols, so the calls that we make to...

117: Supercharging React.js: Advanced Techniques and Integrations

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome back to our four-part series on React.js! In ' Part 1, we explored why React.js is a preferred framework for web development, and in ' Part 2, we dived into the core concepts of components, state, and props. Now, in Part 3, we ...

118: Pourquoi optimiser son site pour le critère INP '

Abondance (Référencement)

Il y a quelques jours, Google a officialisé l'arrivée prochaine du critère INP (Interaction to Next Paint) dans les Core Web Vitals. Un critère déjà connu auquel il vaut mieux se préparer, sous peine de louper le coche une fois son application effective en mars 2024. Sur Search Engine Watch, l'éditeur DebugBear nous propose un […] L'article "Pourquoi optimiser son site pour le critè [...]

119: 12 logiciels CRM gratuits pour les agences et les freelances en 2023

blogduwebdesign (Design)

Vous avez besoin d'un coup de main pour gérer vos contacts, suivre vos prospects ou...

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120: Angular.js for Beginners: A Comprehensive Introduction

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Angular.js, often referred to as Angular 1. x, is a powerful JavaScript framework developed by Google. It allows developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications by extending the HTML syntax and providing a structured approach to organizi...

121: AWS Python automation Fetch_EC2

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview AWS introduced a boto library for Python, Which provides powerful automation capabilities. with boto library, you can do lots of things like ec2, VPC creation, etc; however, there are other powerful tools that provide infrastructure as a ser...

122: Angular DI Container: How does it work'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Depdency Injection' Dependency injection is basically providing the objects that an object needs (its dependencies) instead of having it construct them itself. An analogy to understand dependency injection is constructing a home. When buildin...

123: Mastering JavaScript Array Methods: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript, as a versatile programming language, provides developers with a rich set of built-in methods for efficient array manipulation. Arrays, a fundamental data structure in JavaScript, allow for the storage and organization of coll...

124: AWS Python automation Fetch_VPC

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview AWS introduced a boto library for Python, Which provides a powerful automation tool. with boto library, you can do lots of things like ec2, VPC creation, etc; however, there are other powerful tools that provide infrastructure as a service l...

125: Unveiling the Mysteries of JavaScript Engines: How Your Browser Makes the Web Come Alive!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome, curious minds! Have you ever wondered how those captivating websites come to life, responding to your every click and delivering an immersive experience' Today, we're diving into the captivating world of JavaScript engines ' the...

126: "The Key Benefits of Learning Python as Your Programming Language of Choice"

Hashnode - python (python)

"Python should be your first programming language!", "Learn Python!". Why must I start with Python' Of what use is Python to me' Why must I learn this' Hey there, learning Python isn't a must and also it mustn't be your first language. I am here to g...

127: Sekoia, CyberVadis, Hiway' Les levées de fonds de la French Tech cette semaine

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les start-up de la French Tech ont levé plus de 52 millions d'euros cette semaine, d'après le décompte hebdomadaire d'eCap Partner pour L'Usine Digitale.

128: ' Python File Transfer 'Project' '

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview This is a task assigned to me, and I want to share it with you. As referenced in the subject above the project is about File Transfer with Python, We were tasked to write a Python script that copies files to/from multiple paths with file ext...

129: Basic Terraform commands

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

lets learn and see few of commands that each one of us should know for terraform : Get Help terraform -help ' Get a list of available commands for execution with descriptions. Can be used with any other subcommand to get more information. terraform f...

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130: File Transfer '

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview File transfer is one of the most common cases you'll require support at many companies (e.g. coping files, deleting old files, archiving files, backup files) you can transform it into a quick-working file clerk who never makes mistakes. **An...

131: Python Excel automation

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview Traditionally, spreadsheets have been the dominant way of managing many business processes, And users can spend hours doing repetitive and boring tasks, Let's help them out. There're loads of Tools out there that can automate your work (e.g....

132: [5] KoreanCoding 101: binary addition, making B out of A

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Another Friday, another chance to polish your Korean technical vocabulary skills! Announcement: Due to some new exciting things happening in my private life, I will have to limit the number of challenges we will be going through from this day forward...

133: 20 Essential Python Extensions for Visual Studio Code

Hashnode - python (python)

Visual Studio Code has become popular among Python developers due to its versatility and extensibility. By leveraging the power of extensions, developers can enhance their productivity and streamline their Python development workflows. This article w...

134: 20 Essential Python Extensions for Visual Studio Code

Hashnode - python (python)

Visual Studio Code has become popular among Python developers due to its versatility and extensibility. By leveraging the power of extensions, developers can enhance their productivity and streamline their Python development workflows. This article w...

135: Stop Hard Coding in a Data Science Project ' Use Configuration Files Instead

Math Data Simplified (data)

While hard-coding is acceptable for ad-hoc testing in a data science project, it can present challenges related to maintainability, reusability, and security as the codebase and team grow. In this article, you will learn how to use configurations files and Hydra to mitigate the limitations associated with hard-coding and enhance the flexibility of your code. The post Stop Hard Coding in a Data Sc [...]

136: Fundamentals Snippet: Linked List

Hashnode - python (python)

A linked list is a data structure where each element, called a node, contains two parts: the actual data and a reference to the next node. This "next" reference links the nodes together, creating a dynamic sequence of elements. A nice analogy for thi...

137: Numérique responsable : Comment concilier engagement écologique et métier dans la Tech '

Humancoders ()

Dans cet article, Vincent, Jérôme et Jean-Baptiste partagent l'origine de leur engagement écologique et les ressources qui les ont accompagnées, sur l'écologie en général et le GreenIT en particulier. Ils abordent également la réalité du terrain, et des conseils pour tendre vers un numérique plus responsable Commentaires L'article Numérique responsable : Comment concilier engagement à [...]

138: How to Fix 'AssetManifest' is imported from both 'package:flutter...' and 'package:google_fonts...' error

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction In this article I'll share with you how to fix'AssetManifest' is imported from both 'package:flutter/src/services/asset_manifest.dart' and 'package:google_fonts/src/asset_manifest.dart'. When you run your flutter app you might notice thi...

139: Les effets néfastes et innombrables, encore trop largement sous-estimés, de la pollution de l'air ()

On estime que la pollution de l'air est responsable d'environ 9 millions de morts par an, ce qui en fait la troisième cause de mortalité derrière les maladies cardiovasculaires (18 millions de morts par an) et le cancer (10 millions de morts par an), mais à égalité avec le tabac (9 millions de morts par an). en lire plus

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140: Creating A Culture Of Listening (Développement)

Kim contrasts (1) Quiet listening: listening with periods of silence to encourage others to talk with (1) Loud listening: saying things to prompt a reaction from others and have them challenge you. Whether through quiet or loud listening, leaders must create an environment where everyone's ideas are heard, debated, and tested. Embrace diverse perspectives, empower employees to contribute, and esta [...]

141: OS Alternatives (Développement)

List of OS alternatives to everyday SaaS products.

142: Cognitive Load Developer's Handbook (Développement)

'We spend far more time reading and understanding code than writing it. Therefore, the amount of cognitive load we need to build in our brains in order to understand code is crucial.' This post looks at every decision, every trendy buzzword, and every fancy technology through the lens of cognitive load.'

143: Is 20M Of Rows Still A Valid Soft Limit Of MySQL Table In 2023' (Développement)

'There's rumor around the internet that we should avoid having > 20M rows in a single MySQL table. Otherwise, the table's performance will be downgraded, you will find SQL query much slower than usual when it's above the soft limit. These judgements were made on HDD many years ago. I'm wondering if it's still true for MySQL on SSD in 2023, and if true, why is that''

144: Identity-Native Infrastructure Access (Développement)

Download your copy and learn how to prevent breaches by eliminating secrets, including the two new chapters on Secure Connectivity and Authentication.

145: DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity (Développement)

The 3 pillars are: (1) Reducing friction: minimizing obstacles, inefficiencies, and complexities in the development process. (2) Optimizing workflows: streamlining processes, automating repetitive tasks, and integrating tools and technologies. (3) Enabling a state of flow: creating an environment that fosters concentration, creativity, and intrinsic motivation.

146: Investigating The Impact Of HTTP3 On Network Latency For Search (Développement)

The Dropbox engineering team discusses experiments conducted to improve search latency: 'at the beginning of our investigation into network latency, we only knew the hypothetical benefits of HTTP3. Now we have a better understanding of the actual impact that HTTP3 can bring 'not only to Search, but all of Dropbox.'

147: Donald Knuth On ChatGPT (Développement)

'Since one of today's popular recreations is to play with ChatGPT, I decided to try my own little experiment, as part of a correspondence with Stephen Wolfram.The results were sufficiently interesting that I passed them onto a few friends the next day, and I've also been mentioning them in conversation when the topic comes up. So I was asked to post the story online.'

148: Next.js Enterprise (Développement)

Boilerplate for high-performance, maintainable apps.

149: How To Evaluate Dependencies (Développement)

'One of my stock interview questions goes: "When picking between dependencies to use in production, what factors contribute to your decision'" I'm surprised by how often I receive an answer along the lines of "Github stars" and not much else. I happen to think Github stars is a terrible metric for selecting production code, so this post sets out my idea of a healthier framework to evaluate depende [...]

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150: Quivr (Développement)

Your second brain powered by AI.

151: JollyRomance Review Satisfy Eastern Absolutely adore

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript)

Content material Top 5 Popular Asian Online dating sites Best Hard anodized cookware Dating Sites & Apps to Meet Asian You Should you be unsure regarding which is the very best free Hard anodized cookware dating site for you, choose from the desk of online dating sites above. Cookware philippina lady people have been the […]

152: Day 18 - Turtle, Tuples, Modules & the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Hashnode - python (python)

Today's Lesson So for Day 18, I'm going to split this up between 2 days since she has 5 challenges in this section as well as a project. Today I'm just going to work on the challenges and tomorrow I'll run through the project and what we focused on f...

153: From Scratch to App: Building an Advice Generator with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Introduction Hey Guys, I recently came across an Advice Generator App that I developed and shared on my GitHub a few months ago. After gaining more knowledge and skills in JavaScript, I decided to improve the app code-wise. I thought it would be a...

154: Hands-on with Google's new Search Generative Experience

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's your early look at a variety of searches on the new Google Search Generative Experience. The post Hands-on with Google’s new Search Generative Experience appeared first on Search Engine Land.

155: ChatGPT menace de quitter l'UE si les gouvernements n'acceptent pas cette condition

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le créateur de ChatGPT soutient la réglementation de l’IA, tant que cela n’entrave pas la vente de ses modèles. Le … Cet article ChatGPT menace de quitter l’UE si les gouvernements n’acceptent pas cette condition a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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