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« Mai 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 2 Mai 2023 (1203)

1: PHP: Get $_SERVER Variables (PHP / wordpress)

I use a variation of this function to get super global $_SERVER variables in my free shapeSpace WordPress theme. The function returns all relevant variables contained in the $_SERVER array. Note this is a general PHP technique, so WordPress is not required for this one. Get $_SERVER Variables To get most (not all) of the […]

2: Mastering Intents in Android: A Guide for Effective Communication between Components

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Intent is an important concept in Android Development that is important for creating applications that can interact with different activities in a module or with other applications in a device. It is an abstract definition for a function performing d...

3: Web Scraping in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

What is web scraping' Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites automatically using software. It involves parsing the HTML code of a website to identify specific data, such as product prices or customer reviews. Web scraping is im...

4: Forrester Total Economic Impact study reveals increased efficiency for marketers by BlueConic

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how marketers reduced operational costs with up to 90% time savings. The post Forrester Total Economic Impact study reveals increased efficiency for marketers appeared first on Search Engine Land.

5: The Benefits of Using a VDR for Business

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript)

The benefits of using VDRs are numerous. VDR for business Businesses that handle private data such as law firms and scientific companies must keep confidential information in a secure way. A VDR can help you store this important data in a secure way and control who can access it. Control Document management for business … The Benefits of Using a VDR for Business Read [...]

6: Tips For Time Management For Students

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript) Time management tips for students It can be challenging to balance your college life and all of your other commitments. These tips will allow you to stay focused and make sure that your day is as productive as possible. Set your priorities clearly You can better manage time by knowing what you want to … Tips For Tim [...]

7: Innovations in the Technology Industry

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript)

Innovation in the technology industry is a key driver of business success. Technological innovations can help companies solve problems, develop new products and services, improve productivity, and increase profitability. Technology has revolutionized how people live and work. Technology is constantly changing the world, whether it’s the development and use of smart phones, computers, or soft [...]

8: Affinity Photo: Transparent Gradient (PHP / wordpress)

I switched from Photoshop to Affinity Photo several years ago. Although the overall image editing process is very similar to Photoshop, there are some things that Affinity Photo does differently. For example, doing a simple gradient transparency. Seems easy but it took me quite a while to figure out how to do it. So am […]

9: A guide to realistic project scheduling

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, we'll discuss how to navigate a project within a realistic timeframe by utilizing project scheduling methods and key steps. The post A guide to realistic project scheduling appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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10: A guide to realistic project scheduling

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, we'll discuss how to navigate a project within a realistic timeframe by utilizing project scheduling methods and key steps. The post A guide to realistic project scheduling appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

11: Custom Response Statuses and Redirection in Next.js getServerSideProps

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

NextJS is a JavaScript framework that uses ReactJS for rendering UI in web applications. This framework comes with many great features like server-side rendering, static-site generation, image optimizations, routing, and many more. But, there is some...

12: Charting and Mapping China's Exports Since 2001

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

In 2022, China exported $3.6 trillion of goods, more than the GDP of the UK or India. Here's how Chinese exports have evolved since 2001. The post Charting and Mapping China's Exports Since 2001 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

13: How to Become a Software Developer Without Uni

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews How to Become a Software Developer Without Uni More and more young people are making the decision to go into software development, and for good reason. The industry offers great perks such as interesting work, high salaries, and plenty of opportunities to soar up the career ladder.  The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that employment of software developers is projected to gr [...]

14: WordPress: Get Current URL and Slug (PHP / wordpress)

Another essential tool for your WordPress development toolbox is getting the URL of the current page. This sounds simple but can be tricky depending on which page or type of page is being displayed. So to help, here is a simple technique to get the current URL for any single post, archive view, custom template, […]

15: Issue 575 (May 2, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#575 ' MAY 2, 2023 View in Browser » Python Classes: The Power of Object-Oriented Programming In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create and use full-featured classes in your Python code. Classes provide a great way to solve complex programming problems by approaching them through models that represent real-world objects. REAL PYTHON Talk Python To Me: Live From PyCon 2023 Talk P [...]

16: WordPress: Simple Image Upload with jQuery (PHP / wordpress)

Some of my free WordPress plugins enable users to select and upload files from their local machine. The uploaded images are handled by WordPress and added to the Media Library. The technique is very basic and easy to implement, requiring only a few snippets added to your WordPress site. Step 1: Add the HTML First, […]

17: Changements climatiques : une meilleure prédiction des canicules grâce à l'IA ()

Les vagues de chaleur extrême sont rares, mais ont des conséquences importantes sur les êtres vivants et leur environnement. Anticiper leur arrivée est un enjeu majeur. Une équipe interdisciplinaire de scientifiques français, du CNRS, du CEA et de l'Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, dévoile une intelligence artificielle capable de prévoir les canicules. Basée sur le "deep learning", elle [...]

18: Terraform-file-Automation-Using-Python-Script

Hashnode - python (python)

Prerequisites:- Azure account and subscription Azure CLI installed Terraform installed Python 3.x installed An editor or IDE for Python, such as Visual Studio Code ' Please check out my GitHub for more information and the code related to this proje...

19: Flatten object javascript recursively

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Interviewer : Can you flatten an object, Please take the below as input const obj = { name: "test", address: { personal: "abc", office: { building: 'random', street: 'some street' } } } an...

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20: How to Master Mac OS to Navigate Your Mac Like a Pro

Smashing apps (Design / Internet)

"Mastering Mac OS: Expert Tutorials" offers in-depth guides and tutorials for advanced users seeking to become proficient in macOS. Whether it's learning to automate tasks with AppleScript or customizing the Finder, this comprehensive resource provides the knowledge and skills necessary to become a Mac power user.

21: JavaScript Tutorial: Everything to Learn About JavaScript Before Learning React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As one of the most popular programming languages, JavaScript has a wide range of applications, including building web applications, server-side applications, mobile applications, and even desktop applications. As a software developer, it is essential...

22: Telex : Coup de filet sur le dark web, Le Parrain de l'IA inquiet, Apple et Google pour des traqueurs plus sûrs

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

-Coup de filet sur le dark web. Europol a mené une opération coordonnée impliquant neuf pays, dont la France pour saisir la place (...)

23: L'Urssaf expose par erreur des échéanciers de cotisations

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les réseaux sociaux ont bruissé ce week-end autour de la réception des échéanciers Urssaf de plusieurs entrepreneurs (...)

24: Apple et Google s'allient contre l'utilisation abusive des traceurs Bluetooth

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les deux rivaux proposent d'instaurer un système de détection des suivis 'non autorisés', capable d'envoyer une alerte sur les smartphones.

25: How to Use Editors, Regex, and Hooks with Z-shell

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

This article will cover a sampling of the features offered by zsh, including using zsh to emulate other shells, editing on the command line using built in zsh features alongside the external tools vidir and vipe, using regular expressions in zsh commands, and setting up hooks to automate shell behavior.

26: The Need for Closure: Exploring the Positive and Negative Aspects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Closures are an essential concept in JavaScript, and understanding how they work is essential for anyone looking to become a proficient JavaScript developer. In this blog, we will explore the concept of closures in JavaScript, including their syntax,...

27: L'UE dévoile son projet de copyright pour l'IA générative : un combat vain '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Face au développement galopant de l'IA générative et son adoption massive, l'Union européenne a ajouté de nouvelles dispositions à la … Cet article L’UE dévoile son projet de copyright pour l’IA générative : un combat vain ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

28: How to Deploy a Python Lambda Function Using a ZIP File Archive

Hashnode - python (python)

How to Deploy a Python Lambda Function Using a ZIP File Archive AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services. It allows you to run your code without provisioning or managing servers. AWS Lambda supports several program...

29: *args and **kwargs In Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction You might find yourself writing functions in Python that require many arguments, and this can be tiring at times. Let's say that you want to write a function to add ten numbers. You would have to specify ten different parameters! That is...

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30: All You Need to Know About Props in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In React, we always think about Components. These components need a way to communicate with each other. Props are a great way to communicate between components by sharing data between them. It is unidirectional. That means you can only p...

31: Day 1 JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I learn the basics of JavaScript programming language. Here are some of the key takeaways: Declaring variables: You can declare variables using the const and let keywords. Const is used for declaring constants, while let is used for variables that c...

32: 3 new Facebook Reels features

Search engine land (Référencement)

New personalization controls include letting you customize what you want to see more or less of so the videos you see are more relevant to you. The post 3 new Facebook Reels features appeared first on Search Engine Land.

33: Designing better tooltips for improved UX

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Tooltips are useful and sometimes a necessity in user experience design because they can help guide users through a UI pattern. The post Designing better tooltips for improved UX appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

34: Benefits of LMS Integrations for Your Organization

Noupe (conception)

You have certainly heard a lot lately about learning management systems if you are new to the world of eLearning or are switching to online training. This is mainly because it is one of the quintessential eLearning tools, from which every online training and course module is constructed. In particular, if you have a big... The post Benefits of LMS Integrations for Your Organization app [...]

35: Apple and Google Partner to Address Unwanted Bluetooth Tracking

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple and Google Partner to Address Unwanted Bluetooth Tracking Apple and Google are working together to address the issues surrounding the use of AirTags and other Bluetooth trackers. Apple and Google Partner to Address Unwanted Bluetooth Tracking Matt Milano

36: Binding to a JavaScript Function that Returns a Variant in ReScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ReScript provides easy ways to bind to most JavaScript functions in a way that feels both native and safe. Conveniently, it even provides an @unwrap decorator for parametric polymorphism. However, there are a few places where we still have to fill in...

37: Unleashing the Power of Dozer Lambda Runtime for Real-time and Event-driven Data Apps

Hashnode - python (python)

Real-time data processing is essential for modern applications, as it ensures that insights are timely and accurate. The open-source project Dozer now provides a runtime environment that allows developers to execute lambda functions or custom user-de...

38: Continuously Deploying an NPM Package with GitLab CI/CD

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Setting up continuous deployment is important to me, even when publishing is as simple as it is on npm. The official GitLab documentation, though, is a little more than I need and geared toward their own npm repository, so I'd like to gather the info...

39: Bibliographie et documents de travail pour l'atelier de cartographie expérimentale d'Istanbul (IFÉA)

Visions Carto (dataviz)

Vous trouverez ici tous les documents que nous avons montré ou dont nous avons parlé au cours de l'atelier, ainsi qu'une bibliographie sélective. Documents de travail Images diverses sur la cartographie expérimentale et/ou sensible) partie 1 partie 2 partie 3 partie 4 Présentation de Florence Mercredi 3 mai (matin) Éléments de sémiologie c(art)ographiques Petit manuel résumant l'expéri [...]

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40: Troubleshooting Common Issues of Outdated version of Create-React-App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

"Always stay updated, as the world is changing at a fast pace, and those who remain stagnant will soon be left behind." - Anurag Prakash Ray Introduction Are you a beginner trying to learn ReactJs and stuck with an error message when setting up your...

41: The Carbon Emissions of Gold Mining

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Gold has a long history as a precious metal, but just how many carbon emissions does mining it contribute to' The post The Carbon Emissions of Gold Mining appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

42: Getters e Setters: Gerenciando Atributos em Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Olá, esse é meu primeiro artigo por aqui, espero que gostem. Irei abordar um tema que venho estudando essas útimas semanas.. E por mais que o Python seja uma linguagem fácil e muito amigavél, esse tema me custou algumas horas extras de etstudo. Gett...

43: Getters e Setters: Gerenciando Atributos em Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Olá, esse é meu primeiro artigo por aqui, espero que gostem. Irei abordar um tema que venho estudando essas útimas semanas.. E por mais que o Python seja uma linguagem fácil e muito amigavél, esse tema me custou algumas horas extras de estudo. Gette...

44: Le monde du capital-risque américain secoué par une affaire de licenciement discriminatoire

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Ann Lai, ancienne general partner chez Bullpen Capital, accuse la société de capital-risque de licenciement discriminatoire. Selon elle, ses anciens confrères auraient du mal à accorder de la crédibilité aux femmes, un constat souvent évoqué pour expliquer les mauvais chiffres de la parité dans l'écosystème des start-up.

45: Demystifying Javascript - Event loop, call stack, and callback queue

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You must have heard that Javascript is a single-threaded non-blocking asynchronous concurrent language. Today we will find out what it actually means. First, let us understand Why do we call Javascript a single-threaded programming language' In most...

46: Après des modifications, ChatGPT revient en Italie

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'affaire avait fait grand bruit en mars dernier où la Garante per la protezione dei dati personali annonçait le blocage de ChatGPT (...)

47: 39 Top Python Frameworks To Look For In 2023

Hashnode - python (python)

When building software applications, developers typically use programming languages that align with their needs and preferences, such as Java, Python, C#, and others. Among various programming languages, Python is becoming the popular programming lan...

48: An introduction to web workers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this tutorial, we will be going over the web workers' API. Web workers are not part of javascript, it is an API provided by the browser to make our life easier, what web workers do is that it allows us to run code on a separate thread from the jav...

49: Airbus, Thales et Orange s'allient pour bâtir la constellation européenne de satellites Iris2

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Un consortium d'industriels comprenant Airbus Defense and Space, Eutelsat, Thales Alenia Space et Orange s'est constitué pour répondre à l'appel d'offres de la Commission européenne pour la future constellation souveraine de communications haut débit par satellite.

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50: Windows 11 Notifications Are About to Get a Lot Less Irritating

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Windows 11 Notifications Are About to Get a Lot Less Irritating Microsoft is about to make Windows 11 a lot less irritating, with plans to cut back on its pushy push notifications. Windows 11 Notifications Are About to Get a Lot Less Irritating Staff

51: Create Dynamic SQL Statements with Python string Template

Math Data Simplified (data)

If you want to create dynamic SQL statements with Python variables, use Python string Template.  string Template supports $-based substitutions. My previous tips on Python. The post Create Dynamic SQL Statements with Python string Template appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

52: Create Dynamic SQL Statements with Python string Template

Math Data Simplified (data)

If you want to create dynamic SQL statements with Python variables, use Python string Template.  string Template supports $-based substitutions. My previous tips on Python. The post Create Dynamic SQL Statements with Python string Template appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

53: Roku streaming collaboration and 5 other Microsoft Ads updates for May

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new advancements include Roku collaboration, streamlined video management, code-free conversion goals, and expanded language support. The post Roku streaming collaboration and 5 other Microsoft Ads updates for May appeared first on Search Engine Land.

54: Data Vis Dispatch, May 2

Data Wrapper ()

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

55: What are daily active users and what is a good DAU'

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

DAU is the total number of unique users who visit or interact with a platform daily. Examples of interactions could be a user clicking a tab, clicking to watch a video, commenting, etc. The post What are daily active users and what is a good DAU' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

56: Build a SolidJS UI with Kobalte

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how to get started with Kobalte, a SolidJS library that offers common pre-built components that meet the ARIA Standards. The post Build a SolidJS UI with Kobalte appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

57: Building a SolidJS UI with Kobalte

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how to get started with Kobalte, a SolidJS library that offers common prebuilt components that meet ARIA standards. The post Building a SolidJS UI with Kobalte appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

58: Ciblés par une cyberattaque, 11 casinos rouvrent leurs portes

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Onze casinos du groupe Vikings étaient fermés pendant plus d'une semaine, après une cyberattaque par rançongiciel.

59: Softbank dépose la demande d'IPO pour ARM

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La rumeur courrait depuis le mois de mars dernier, elle a été confirmée hier par Softbank via un communiqué de presse. Le propriétaire (...)

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60: IBM renforce son partenariat académique avec CentraleSupélec

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

En renouvelant un projet de partenariat académique, IBM France et CentraleSupélec veulent renforcer les échanges et les actions de (...)

61: La photothérapie, nouvelle arme contre la démence ' ()

Des chercheurs chinois de l'Université de Pékin ont réalisé une méta-analyse reprenant les études consacrées aux effets de la photothérapie sur la démence. Ils constatent que cette thérapie par la lumière présente des résultats prometteurs : elle améliore la fonction cognitive, avec un faible risque d'effets secondaires. « Cette étude avait pour but d'étudier l'efficacité d' [...]

62: 24 - JavaScript - Doubly LinkedList

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A doubly linked list is a data structure consisting of a sequence of nodes, each containing a value and two references: one to the previous node and one to the next node. This allows for efficient traversal in both directions, making it useful for a ...

63: WWDC 2023 : tout ce qu'il faut s'attendre à voir le 5 juin

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Parmi les grands événements Apple de l'année, la WWDC est le plus fiable. A cette occasion, Apple organise une grande réunion (...)

64: Les centenaires auraient une immunité particulière ()

Lorsque l'on prend de l'âge, notre système immunitaire s'affaiblit. « Cependant, de nombreux centenaires retardent l'apparition de maladies liées au vieillissement, ce qui suggère la présence d'une immunité unique qui reste hautement fonctionnelle à un âge très avancé », ont indiqué des chercheurs de l'Université de Boston (États-Unis). [...]

65: Des batteries Fer-Air pour le stockage de l'électricité issue du solaire et de l'éolien ()

Pourra-t-on bientôt remplacer les centrales au gaz et à charbon par une production d'énergie renouvelable, stockée sur d'immenses batteries. Oui, si l'on en croit la société américaine Form Energy, qui a décidé de miser sur le stockage par batteries fer-air (Fe-air). en lire plus

66: Vers un vaccin nasal efficace contre la coqueluche ()

Les vaccins utilisés actuellement contre cette infection respiratoire permettent de prévenir l'apparition des symptômes mais n'empêchent pas la transmission bactérienne entre individus, ni l'infection qui en résulte. Ainsi, malgré les taux élevés de vaccination, les épidémies de coqueluche persistent partout dans le monde. Pour pallier cela, un nouveau vaccin appelé BPZE1 a été déve [...]

67: Ce robot microscopique est capable d'identifier et de capturer une cellule unique ()

Des scientifiques de l'Université de Tel Aviv, en Israël, ont développé un robot microscopique inspiré des « nageurs » biologiques comme les bactéries et les spermatozoïdes. De la taille d'une cellule biologique d'environ 10 microns de diamètre, le micro-robot peut se déplacer automatiquement dans le corps ou être contrôlé par un opérateur. [...]

68: Mastering Data Cleaning in Pandas: Cheat Sheet

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Data is generated from everything and everywhere nowadays. If you look around, you will see devices are generating an enormous amount of data from our daily devices such as phones, tablets, PCs, and smartwatches, and with the advancement...

69: Typesense, le remplaçant d'ElasticSearch '

Humancoders ()

Typesense est un moteur de recherche qui se veut léger et rapide, en plus d'être typo tolérant, une bonne alternative a Elasticsearch ' Commentaires L'article Typesense, le remplaçant d'ElasticSearch ' a été posté dans la catégorie NoSQL de Human Coders News

70 / 1203

70: Docker : C'est quoi ' en 5 minutes

Humancoders ()

Introduction à docker et la conteneurisation en quelques minutes. Quels sont les différences entre un conteneur et des machines virtuelles ' Pourquoi docker et ses origines ' Commentaires L'article Docker : C'est quoi ' en 5 minutes a été posté dans la catégorie DevOps de Human Coders News

71: [JavaScript] All About JavaScript String Object Methods, Explained with Real Life Usages - Part 1.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript String Object Methods That Will Be Covered In Part 1: indexOf(). lastIndexOf(). slice(). subString(). substr(). replace(). toUpperCase(). toLowerCase(). Methods That Will Be Covered In Part 2: Click here to check out Part 2. con...

72: Correlation analysis: How to calculate in Excel (with examples)

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Discover how to unlock powerful insights and make better product decisions by conducting a correlation analysis. Advanced math skills not required! The post Correlation analysis: How to calculate in Excel (with examples) appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

73: Add Flavors & Environment-Based App Icons to your Flutter Apps

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)'v=Vhm1Cv2uPko When developing apps, it's very important to separate your development and production environments. App flavors allow us to create multiple versions of our app with the same codebase, making it easy to cr...

74: Best icon libraries for Vue.js

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Find helpful examples and other highlights in this round-up of the best free icon libraries for Vue.js apps, even those with niche use cases. The post Best icon libraries for Vue.js appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

75: 4 B2B paid media strategies to stay ahead of the curve

Search engine land (Référencement)

Discover four paid media initiatives driving great results for B2B brands today and how you can put them to work in your campaigns. The post 4 B2B paid media strategies to stay ahead of the curve appeared first on Search Engine Land.

76: Que nous réserve le Quest Gaming Showcase de Meta ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le Quest Gaming Showcase de Meta aura lieu le 1er juin. Il sera accessible à […] Cet article Que nous réserve le Quest Gaming Showcase de Meta ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

77: JavaScript regex: Allow letters and numbers, but not just numbers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Regular expressions (regex) are powerful tools in JavaScript that allow you to match and manipulate text based on specific patterns. In this blog post, we will explore how to use regex in JavaScript to match strings that contain only alphabets or alp...

78: Styled Components and SCSS Which One Should You Use'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction If you're building a project with TypeScript and want to use CSS, there are two main options: Styled-Components SCSS I have been devoting the past few months to creating a brand-new app, giving it my all. I understood from the start ...

79: Une mise à jour majeure pour la célèbre application Virtual Desktop (Réalité Virtuelle)

Désormais, la célèbre application VR Virtual Desktop prend en charge la mise à l'échelle de […] Cet article Une mise à jour majeure pour la célèbre application Virtual Desktop a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

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80: IBM prévoit déjà de réduire ses effectifs grâce à l'intelligence artificielle générative

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Selon le patron du groupe IBM, jusqu'à 30% des emplois dans les fonctions supports pourraient être supprimés par l'arrivée de nouveaux outils alimentés des modèles d'intelligence artificielle générative.

81: Succès pour le compte épargne d'Apple, qui concurrence les banques

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Apple Savings, lancé le 17 avril, offre une rémunération des liquidités de 4,15% par an. Une proposition qui aurait conquis 240 000 personnes en une seule semaine, permettant à Apple d'approcher le milliard de dollars de dépôts.

82: Django Crypto App Part 3: Wrap-Up and Testing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome to the final part of the 3-part technical tutorial series, where have been building a Django project that enables users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolios. To implement the functionalities and additional features, we'll be...

83: Facade Pattern

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Facade pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a simplified interface to a complex system or set of subsystems. This pattern is suitable for projects where there is a need to simplify and abstract the interactions between different c...

84: Smashing Podcast Episode 60 With Mei Zhang: What Is Design Storytelling'

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

We're talking about the process of design. How do you build a process to enable your best work' Vitaly Friedman talks to designer Mei Zhang to find out.

85: 4 performance PR secrets to boost your search visibility

Search engine land (Référencement)

These PR trade tips can help your brand land big placements and reap valuable search discovery and revenue benefits.  The post 4 performance PR secrets to boost your search visibility appeared first on Search Engine Land.

86: Comment l'IA va bouleverser les services ressources humaines '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'intelligence artificielle (IA) est en train de transformer de nombreux domaines, y compris les services ressources humaines. Elle offre des … Cet article Comment l’IA va bouleverser les services ressources humaines ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

87: Django Crypto App Part 2: Templates, Views and URLs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome to the second part of the 3-part technical tutorial series, where we'll be building a Django project that enables users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolios. To implement the functionalities and additional features, we'll be...

88: Django Crypto App Part 1: Functional Requirements and Setup

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome to this 3-part technical tutorial series, where we'll be building a Django project that enables users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolios. To implement the functionalities and additional features, we'll be utilizing API cal...

89: Basics of Python

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python' Python is a widely-used programming language known for its readability, versatility, and simplicity. Developed in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, it has grown to become one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. Python suppo...

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90: Google Will Separate Android Notification/Ringtone Volume Controls

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Google Will Separate Android Notification/Ringtone Volume Controls Google is making a welcome change to Android, separating the Notification and Ringtone volume controls. Google Will Separate Android Notification/Ringtone Volume Controls Staff

91: How to use Bitwise while setting properties

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Sometimes we are faced with a situation, where a parameter can have multiple values, or even it can have combination of those values. We have a few choices here, either we create multiple fields for each property, which is hard to scale but easier to...

92: Introduction to HTML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

HTML refers to Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is used to create structure content on the web. WHY HTML IS IMPORTANT' Used for Structure and layout. It has wide range of accessibility and search engine optimization . Compatability. WHY HTML' I...

93: Ce film star Wars est entièrement créé par l'IA MidJourney

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un trailer pour un faux film Star Wars réalisé par Wes Anderson, entièrement créé avec l'IA MidJourney, crée la zizanie … Cet article Ce film star Wars est entièrement créé par l’IA MidJourney  a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

94: Immutable Primitive Values

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, a primitive is data that is not an object, and has no methods or props, such as: null undefined number string bigint boolean There is a fundamental difference between primitive values and objects. Well first primitives are immutable:...

95: ChatGPT : ce prof a trouvé une technique pour griller ses élèves

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Avec ChatGPT, les profs ont désormais une arme secrète pour tester les connaissances de leurs élèves en temps réel. Découvrez … Cet article ChatGPT : ce prof a trouvé une technique pour griller ses élèves a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

96: 10 Best Multipurpose WordPress Themes for 2023

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Discover the top 10 multipurpose WordPress themes that will help you build a responsive, user-friendly website with features you need for engaging visitors and improving conversions.

97: Un archi dans l'océan du green ' compte-rendu du talk de Wojciech Wojcik à La Duck Conf 2023

Octo (Internet)

Dans ce talk, Wojciech nous fait une rétrospective sous la forme d'un journal de bord de ses cinq années d'exploration du green IT. Je vous propose de résumer son parcours ici, et la manière dont, en tant qu'auditeur, je l'ai reçu. Le début de l'aventure Son voyage commence donc au port, Octo. Un article de […] L'article Un archi dans l’océan du green ' compte-rendu du talk de W [...]

98: Geoffrey Hinton, un pionnier du deep learning, quitte Google pour exprimer ses craintes sur l'IA

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Geoffrey Hinton, l'un des chercheurs les plus réputés en matière d'intelligence artificielle 'uvrant au sein de Google, a décidé de quitter le navire pour pouvoir alerter en toute neutralité sur les dangers de cette technologie. Il redoute un flot incontrôlable d'informations et d'images falsifiées, ainsi qu'un bouleversement du marché du travail.

99: Makers, The Prequel

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A brief introduction My journey through the Makers pre-course was an exciting opportunity to explore the world of coding without any prior knowledge or expectations. Even though I had no experience, I was still naive enough to think I'd be making a w...

100 / 1203

100: DSI: Les signes avant-coureurs pour changer de poste

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Ce n'est un secret pour personne : le marché de l'emploi a été volatile ces dernières années, avec un nombre record (...)

101: La version 22H2 signe la fin de l'ère Windows 10

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le compte à rebours vers la fin de vie de Windows 10 est enclenché. Jason Leznek, responsable produit Windows chez Microsoft a indiqué (...)

102: Avec la 22H2, Microsoft a publié la dernière mise à jour majeure pour Windows 10

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le compte à rebours vers la fin de vie de Windows 10 est enclenché. Jason Leznek, responsable produit Windows chez Microsoft a indiqué (...)

103: Announcing Medusa's Community Publication

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

At Medusa, we're introducing our new community publication, Medusa Community, hosted on Hashnode. This publication gives writers interested in writing about Medusa a platform where they can be recognized and paid for their work. Keep reading below to...

104: Blog 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

intro---Welcome to my blog. This will be a mixed bag, more like a revision so starting multiple things at once. Also, it's not a daily blog. javaScript-- Few features: high level(we don't manage memory etc, js do it on its own), object-oriented (not ...

105: Welcome to Medusa's Community Publication

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to Medusa's Community Publication! This publication highlights content written by the community, for the community. Keep reading to learn more about how to join this community publication and what you can expect from this publication! What is...

106: Python Data Structures

Hashnode - python (python)

Here's a table summarizing the characteristics of the most commonly used data structures in Python: Data StructureDescriptionUse CaseExampleHow to CreateImmutable'Ordered Collection'How to Use in PySpark ListAn ordered collection of objectsSto...

107: J'ai créé un monstre : le père de l'IA quitte Google par peur de son invention

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'un des pères fondateurs de l'intelligence artificielle vient de quitter Google, entre peur et regrets à l'égard de son invention. … Cet article J’ai créé un monstre : le père de l’IA quitte Google par peur de son invention a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

108: Après le succès de ChatGPT, OpenAI valorisée à 29 milliards de dollars

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le concepteur de ChatGPT vient de mener une vente secondaire d'actions de 300 millions de dollars, permettant à ses fondateurs et salariés de capitaliser sur le succès du robot conversationnel.

109: My AI sur Snapchat : comment utiliser ou supprimer l'ami virtuel

Blog du Moderateur ()

L'ami virtuel de Snapchat est désormais disponible en France, et intégré dans l'onglet Chat de l'application. Découvrez comment utiliser My AI !

110 / 1203

110: Microsoft Teams se dote d'une application de paiement intégrée

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Il sera bientôt possible de payer directement dans Teams pendant ou à l'issue d'une visio-conférence, par exemple pour régler une séance de formation ou assister à un webinaire.

111: Le guide complet de la fonction array_map en PHP

Humancoders ()

array_map permet d'appliquer une fonction sur tous les éléments d'un tableau PHP. Usages basiques et avancés. Commentaires L'article Le guide complet de la fonction array_map en PHP a été posté dans la catégorie PHP de Human Coders News

112: Principaux groupes Meetup Tech en France

Humancoders ()

Meetup est une plateforme qui met en avant des communautés locales, réparties par zones géographiques. Elle permet ainsi aux utilisateurs de rencontrer d'autres membres aux intérêts communs, tels que' Commentaires L'article Principaux groupes Meetup Tech en France a été posté dans la catégorie Événements de Human Coders News

113: Prélèvements non autorisés : la nouvelle arnaque se propage en France

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les consommateurs français sont confrontés à une nouvelle vague d’arnaques de prélèvements non autorisés. Les fraudeurs utilisent des méthodes de … Cet article Prélèvements non autorisés : la nouvelle arnaque se propage en France a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

114: Navigateurs web les plus utilisés : Safari dépasse Edge et reprend sa 2e place

Blog du Moderateur ()

Au niveau mondial, le combat continue entre Safari et Microsoft Edge ! En France, Firefox conserve sa 2e place mais recule dangereusement.

115: LegiGPT : le chatbot français qui répond à vos questions juridiques

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les capacités de ce "ChatGPT du droit", accessible gratuitement en ligne.

116: JavaScript Best Practices: Writing Efficient and Maintainable Code

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello guys, It's me again, your self-learning, ever-building developer sharing insights and essential knowledge along my journey to make your journey easier and better. Now to be a high-value developer, you must understand the importance of writing c...

117: Ces applis de prostitution sont piratées, les clients humiliés

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Entre les attaques de phishing, de ransomware ou encore de violation de données, les cyberattaques sont devenues le lot quotidien … Cet article Ces applis de prostitution sont piratées, les clients humiliés a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

118: Le double cycle TDD

Octo (Internet)

En TDD, l'étape la plus sous-estimée est le refactoring. Finalement, il n'y aurait pas qu'un seul cycle TDD, mais un double cycle, un cycle principal et un cycle d'amélioration, ce dernier étant la 3ème étape du cycle principal L'article Le double cycle TDD est apparu en premier sur OCTO Talks !.

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120: La pénurie de compétences ralentit la transformation numérique

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Où en sont les entreprises françaises de leurs programmes de transformations, ces stratégies leur permettant de s'adapter aux grands (...)

121: Moderna combine informatique quantique et IA pour sa R&D

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Se préparer à l'ère de l'informatique quantique et développer de nouveaux modèles d'IA : telle est l'ambition de Stéphane (...)

122: Create an Animated Profile Card UI using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Manthan Kumar May 02, 2023 Introduction: Animated profile card UI's are a great way to showcase personal or professional information in a visually pleasing and interactive way. This tutorial will show you how to create your animated profile card UI u...

123: They said I don't know JS [2]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi there '' Welcome back, In the last post of this series, I mentioned that I would be going through the vital thing learned from reading the book "You Don't Know JS" by kyle simpson. Of course, if you have not read the previous article here is a l...

124: Néobanques : Nickel sanctionné par l'ACPR pour les défauts de son dispositif anti-blanchiment

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le gendarme bancaire a infligé une amende d'un million d'euros à la Financière des paiements électroniques, la filiale de BNP Paribas qui gère les services bancaires Nickel, disponibles dans les bureaux de tabac.

125: Incendie Global Switch : réflexions sur la résilience des Clouds Publics

Naugès, Louis (Internet)

L'un des centres de calcul d'un grand hébergeur mondial, Global Switch, situé à Clichy en région parisienne, a été victime d'un incendie dans la semaine du 24 avril 2023. Ces incendies sont rares, mais ils se produisent de temps en...

126: Mastering Form Management with React useForm Plugin Library

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Managing forms in web applications can be a complex task, especially when dealing with validation rules, error handling, and form submissions. The React useForm plugin library offers a powerful and elegant solution to simplify form mana...

127: Vote for Site of the Month April 2023!

awwwards (Internet)

Meet the nominees for Site of the Month April, vote and tweet for your favorite, to win a free PRO Plan in our Directory.' Vote for SOTM April'The...

128: Club Leader Price déploie le SI et la logistique de son e-commerce

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

En 2020, le groupe Casino a revendu les magasins de la chaîne discount Leader Price, mais en a conservé la marque et le catalogue de produits. (...)

129: Cdiscount Peaksys réorganise ses fondations data autour de Snowflake

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Repenser son socle data pour mieux servir les différents cas d'usages, en particulier dans le BtoB. Telle est la trajectoire suivie par le groupe (...)

130 / 1203

130: Le nantais 7Opteam recrute Stéphane Rouvreau au poste de DGA

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'éditeur nantais 7Opteam a ajouté un poste de directeur général adjoint à son organigramme pour y placer Stéphane (...)

131: Best Practices for JavaScript development.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript has come a long way since its inception in the mid-1990s. Once considered a toy language for adding simple interactivity to web pages, it has now become a ubiquitous tool for building complex web applications and even running server-side c...

132: Montage vidéo pour les réseaux sociaux : 10 erreurs à éviter

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez 10 pièges à contourner pour créer des vidéos attrayantes à publier sur les réseaux sociaux.

133: One-Day Chart Challenge

Flowing data (dataviz)

My schedule doesn't really fit with the daily-thing-for-thirty-days genre of challenges. So my genius idea was to compress a 30-day challenge into one day.Tags: 30DayChartChallenge, practice

134: Higher Order Function in JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, a higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments and/or returns a function as its result. This means that higher-order functions can operate on functions themselves, treating them as values. One examp...

135: Senef Soft lève 6,5 millions pour ses ERP dédiés au secteur du service à la personne

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française Senef Soft, spécialisée dans l'édition de logiciels pour les entreprises du service à la personne et de la propreté, lève 6,5 millions d'euros pour accélérer la commercialisation de ses solutions et diversifier son offre vers des secteurs connexes.

136: 40+ Essential DSA Questions to Ace Your Next Coding Interview

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Are you preparing for a coding interview and want to ace it with confidence' Do you want to learn the most important data structures and algorithms that can help you solve any coding problem' If yes, then this article is for you! In this...

137: Goossips SEO : Nombre de produits, expérience sur la page

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : le nombre de produits idéal sur une page et des clarifications à propos du système d'expérience sur la page, qui était bien un signal' Voici une petite compilation […] L'article "Goossips SEO : Nombre de produits, expérience [...]

138: Sign of the Product of an Array

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- There is a function signFunc(x) that returns: 1 if x is positive. -1 if x is negative. 0 if x is equal to 0. You are given an integer array nums. Let product be the product of all values in the array nums. Return signFunc(pro...

139: Lazy Loading in Angular: The Superhero Power Your Application Needs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Lazy loading is a powerful technique that can significantly improve the performance of your Angular application. It's like having a superhero power that saves the day by loading only what is necessary and not wasting resources on things that are not ...

140 / 1203

140: Submitting your Flutter App to the Apple Store

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Submitting an app to the Apple App Store can be a daunting task, but with the right information and preparation, it can be a smooth process. In this article, I will guide you through the steps to submit your app to the Apple App Store. Step 1: Ensure...

141: Understanding Import and Export in ES6

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ECMAScript 2015 (ES 6) is the sixth version of the ECMAScript language specification. ES6 was released in 2015 and introduced several features which have made significant improvements to the JavaScript language. The ES6 Modules are one of the many fe...

142: Unlocking The Secrets of Algo Trading: Learn How to Use Python for Getting Data and Strategies'!!

Hashnode - python (python)

With Python's limitless libraries and tools, we can build a robust foundation to predict market trends, analyse financial data, and create advanced financial models. Hey there! In this post, I'm going to talk about setting things up for algo trading...

143: Getting Started With React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is React' React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and is used by many of the world's largest and most popular websites, including Netflix, Airbnb, and Instagram. React has become increasingl...

144: Why to learn python' 6 reasons to learn Python.

Hashnode - python (python)

So why learn Python' 1. Python is extremely versatile, with multiple uses Just to name a few of its most common uses, Python is used in Data Mining, Data Science, AI, Machine Learning, Web Development, Web Frameworks, Embedded Systems, Graphic Design...

145: Bubble-Sorting:

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Code '': Here is the code with comments: function quickSorting(array) { //loop through array for(i = 0; i < array.length; i++){ // For every loop from previous line, loop again. // Decrease loop length by one for each main ...

146: Three JS animado modelo

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

En el anterior post vimos como cargar un modelo 3D usando Three JS, en esta publicacion vamos a usar la funcionalidad de los archivos GLB de almacenar animaciones, para esto vamos a usar AnimationMixer que permite animar un objeto. import './style.cs...

147: How to build a ChatGPT assistant for your documentation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ChatGPT can be a helpful tool for development and learning. But only if it knows about the technology you're using. I wanted ChatGPT to help me develop Hilla applications, but since it was released after 2021, instead of giving helpful answers, ChatG...

148: Unit testing with Jest

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Unit testing is a critical practice in software development that involves writing test code to ensure that individual units of code, such as functions, classes, or modules, behave as expected. One of the most popular testing frameworks for JavaScript...

149: Realtime Face Detection using Python and OpenCV: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Face detection is a common process in computer vision that involves locating human faces in digital images or videos. Face detection is a critical area of research, given its vast number of applications, including facial recognition, security systems...

150 / 1203

150: Avoiding The Rewrite Trap (Développement)

'Year after year, engineers convince themselves and their leadership that a rewrite will solve all their problems. And then they or their leadership get fired, because most rewrites fail to deliver anything at all. Avoid the trap: don't go into this exercise unless it is the only way forward, and if you absolutely must, plan accordingly.'

151: Theory Of Mind (Développement)

'Theory of mind is a concept I first learned in a class on psychology. It describes our capacity to understand the mental states of others.' Andrew explains why this concept is the reason why its so important for leaders to communicate the context around their decisions.

152: The Modern Data Stack Sucks (Développement)

'The problem with the modern data stack is that it often fails the people it was originally meant to serve. It creates a gap between engineers and the data that is valuable to them. They are unable to self-serve and must learn the modern data stack tools, or rely on the data team for insights.'

153: AudioGPT (Développement)

Generating speech, music and sound.

154: How eBay Modernized The Most Important Page On Our Platform (Développement)

'eBay's View Item page lives at the center of our e-commerce platform. Our customers load this page over 250 million times each day, and stringent budgets on site speed and availability guarantee the quality of their experience. And yet, this page had its last intentional rewrite ten years ago.'

155: The Future Of Programming: Research At CHI 2023 (Développement)

'The esteemed CHI conference is happening this week, and I'm jealous that I can't be there. Instead, I'm going through the proceedings and reading all of the papers related to programming, of which many involve AI.'  

156: CLI Tricks Every Developer Should Know (Développement)

'We've compiled some important tricks and commands that every developer should know from GitHub's own engineers. By mastering these basic techniques, developers can become more efficient at working with the command line and gain a deeper understanding of how the underlying operating system and programs work.'

157: Beautiful Branchless Binary Search (Développement)

'I read a blog post that describes a binary search called 'Shar's algorithm'. I'd never heard of it and it's impossible to google, but looking at the algorithm I couldn't help but think 'this is branchless.' And who knew that there could be a branchless binary search'' Malte describes the algorithms mechanics.

158: pdfGPT (Développement)

Chat with the contents of your PDF file.

159: Avg Cleaner Expert Apk Assessment

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript)

avg more refined pro apk is a smart system supervision and marketing tool that has been installed simply by almost 60 million users. It helps you avoid lagging and remove junk files, and optimize photographs so you can enjoy your smart phone more. In addition, it helps you conserve battery power, and it will find … Avg Cleaner Expert Apk Assessment Read More »

160 / 1203

160: Bullguard Review ' Antivirus Program

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript)

Bullguard gives a solid anti-virus solution. It comes with some other stuff that can be useful for users. The company also offers a fantastic VPN, which could protect your web privacy if you are connected to the Net. It’s easy to set up and manage, and functions with any device you want to connect to … Bullguard Review – Antivirus Program Read More »

161: Securing A Flutter App

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

When it comes to developing a mobile application, security should always be a top priority. In today's digital age, user data is more valuable than ever, and it's essential to protect it from unauthorized access. This is particularly important for mo...

162: Non-abstract Curry shot chart

Flowing data (dataviz)

Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors scored 50 points in game 7…Tags: basketball, shot chart, Stephen Curry, Todd Whitehead

163: Find All URLs in a String with PHP (PHP / wordpress)

While developing my WordPress chat plugin, SAC Pro, I needed a way to get all URLs from a string. This enabled me to find any URLs that were included in chat messages, so I could apply HTML formatting and convert the raw URLs into actual clickable hyperlinks. Here is the magic PHP code, along with […]

164: Next.js using Go RPC Server for your API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Outline This post provides a tutorial on setting up a Go RPC Server to server your API to your Next.js application. Part 1 covers setting up a Go RPC server to handle HTTP requests, including creating a client that connects to the server and calls t...

165: Totaljs: The learn once, build anywhere nodejs framework

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To truly understand the capabilities of Total.js, it's essential to delve into the various components that make up this comprehensive development ecosystem. Total.js offers a platform, framework, UI library, and a collection of ready-to-use apps, eac...

166: How to sort arrays in JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' How to sort arrays in JavaScript'v=3XYREfb_l94 ' Learn how to build a JavaScript backend RESTFul API with Node JS ' My GitHub: https://git...

167: Python Syntax

Hashnode - python (python)

How much Python you can learn in a single article' Maybe a lot maybe nothing but this is generated by a single prompt. You can read this to understand the Python complexity. It is a general overview of Python syntax and some of its most important fea...

168: Building a Serverless Function to Retrieve and Update a Resume Counter using Azure Functions and Cosmos DB

Hashnode - python (python)

As a developer, you might have come across situations where you need to write a piece of code that is triggered in response to some external event. For example, you might want to create a service that listens for incoming HTTP requests and sends an e...

169: Charted: Commodities vs Equity Valuations (1970'2023)

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The commodities-to-equities ratio recently hit a 50-year low. In the past, when this ratio reached such levels, commodity supercycles began. The post Charted: Commodities vs Equity Valuations (1970'2023) appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

170 / 1203

170: Weekend Reading ' So much distraction

Lab notes (Développement)

This week we rubber duck our GPT, got two apps to catch up on our reading, distract AI with a new social network (no, not that one), and home office rock climbing.

171: WordPress: Customize Read More Links and Text (PHP / wordpress)

Here are two code snippets that are useful for customizing the “read more” link. The read more link is displayed on archive views like category archives, author archives, posts archives, search results, and so forth. You also will find the read more link displayed on the site’s homepage and on any page where posts excerpts […]

172: Music App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: The music app has all the regular functioning of similar apps. Login, view, and scroll through your music library, add songs to and create new playlists, and view your favorite songs and user profile. This challenge involves designing a...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

Des mots,
toujours des mots...

Collaboration Partage Pagerank Donnees Echange RSS Standards Web Design CSS Participation Accessibilite Mashup Convergence Standardisation Utilisateurs Web 2.0