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« Mai 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mercredi 3 Mai 2023 (149)

1: How to Get the Number of Messages in a Kafka Topic

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

One key aspect of ensuring a well-managed and maintained a Kafka cluster is monitoring the number of messages in a topic. By keeping an eye on the message count, you can ensure your system is operating smoothly and detect potential issues. There are a number of ways to get the

2: The Npm Packages That Troll You

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Npm install scripts are a powerful tool for developers who want to automate tasks related to installing and configuring their packages. They can be used to perform tasks like setting up environment variables, running tests, and building production-re...

3: [JavaScript] Date Object Methods & Usage in Real Life - Explained with Examples.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Date Object in JavaScript is useful when you want to display a date and time on your web page. If your website requires users to select the date, a method that will be introduced in this article will help you to improve the UI of your we...

4: The Engineering Process

Cats who code (Javascript / wordpress / PHP)

The engineering process is a series of steps that individuals (engineers, developers, scientists) use to create a product or solution. These products are often used in everyday life, and can solve problems faced by consumers or other users. Students begin by defining the problem and researching it. They then identify requirements that must be met. … The Engineering Process Read More »

5: How to connect with Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

Presenters in this live webinar will reveal the newest trends in consumer behavior. The post How to connect with Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z appeared first on Search Engine Land.

6: Why its Important & How to Create a Healthy Lifestyle Plan'

Smashing apps (Design / Internet)

Crafting Vitality: Crafting Your Healthier Lifestyle Are you tired of feeling sluggish and unenergized' It's time to take control of your health and craft a lifestyle that promotes vitality. By making small, intentional changes to your daily routine, you can improve your physical and mental wellbeing. Get ready to feel your best self with these crafting tips.

7: Creating a Splash Screen with Lottie Animation in Android using Kotlin

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction Splash screens are a common feature in many mobile applications that provide a visually appealing loading screen while the app loads its initial data. One way to make your splash screen more engaging is by adding animations. Lottie is a ...

8: CSS Tutorial: Flexbox in CSS.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

With the help of CSS Flexbox, developers can quickly construct intricate and dynamic layouts without having to rely on floats or other layout workarounds. Flexbox is a crucial technique for adaptable web design since it allows developers to align, sp...

9: What's different between React js and Next.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React.js and Next.js are both JavaScript frameworks used for building web applications, but they have some key differences. React.js is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It provides a declarative syntax for creating components and ma...

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10: What is Python and why it is so popular in 2023'

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a high-level programming language that has gained immense popularity in recent years, including in 2023. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python's popularity stems from several key factors that make it a prefer...

11: [JavaScript] Useful JavaScript Array Object Methods - Explained with Examples.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Array Object Methods That Will Be Covered: join(). push(). pop(). shift(). unshift(). splice(). concat(). sort(). filter(). map(). reduce(). toString(). 1. join() Join() method allows you to join the elements of an array together. It r...

12: First Article from me in Hashnode

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a software engineer, the work you do is incredibly important to our modern world. From the apps we use on our phones to the complex systems that keep our financial institutions running, software engineers are the driving force behind much of the t...

13: Mastering Flask: A Comprehensive Web Development Series for Python Enthusiasts - Form Validations

Hashnode - python (python)

Be Sure to Complete the Series In this Flask web development series, we'll dive deeper into Flask and cover topics that build on the basics introduced in the first article. We'll explore more advanced features of Flask, including database integration...

14: Twitter Backtracks On Free API Use For Public Services

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Twitter Backtracks On Free API Use For Public Services In the ever-growing list of screwups and backtracks, Twitter is now backtracking on the decision not to exempt free API use for public services. Twitter Backtracks On Free API Use For Public Services Matt Milano

15: Moonly weekly progress update 47 - Testing Raffle Feature

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Moonly weekly progress update #47 ' Testing Raffle Feature Little by little, we are improving our UI and UX. We released some stuff pretty fast and needed to properly plan where to fit them. Don't worry, we are aware of that. We have a lot more work...

16: TikTok's new ad product gives publishers 50% stake

Search engine land (Référencement)

The program allows an elite group of creators to collect half the revenue from video ads that appear just after their TikTok posts. The post TikTok’s new ad product gives publishers 50% stake appeared first on Search Engine Land.

17: The Atmospheric Rise of Cloud Computing

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

By 2025, half of the world's data will be stored on cloud systems. And the global cloud storage market could reach $947.3 billion by 2026. The post The Atmospheric Rise of Cloud Computing appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

18: How to create an operating plan: Examples with template

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article you will learn what a product operating plan is, how it can help you, and how to implement one within your team. The post How to create an operating plan: Examples with template appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

19: DataFrames in Python vs Julia

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In the world of data science, there are many programming languages to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Two popular languages for data analysis are Python and Julia. While both languages have their own unique featu...

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20: ZenML server and client CLI

Hashnode - python (python)

Intro To work with ZenML there are two sides we need to create. If you are an ML engineer the ZenML server deployment would be your task and you will have to do it once. For users like data scientists who will use ZenML and or ML engineers who are b...

21: Separation of Concerns

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Separation of Concerns (SoC) is a fundamental concept in computer science that advocates dividing a software system into distinct parts that are responsible for specific functionalities. The goal is to reduce complexity, make code easier to understan...

22: Using Supabase-JS as a Script in Your Terminal

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Supabase-JS is an isomorphic JavaScript client for Supabase, a platform that provides a Postgres database, authentication, storage, and serverless functions. While Supabase-JS is commonly used for interacting with your database, listening to changes,...

23: Intersection observer api in JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What it is' Layman language - It helps us to know how much of an element on the webpage is visible to the user via the screen. Proper definition - It provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an an...

24: How Some Software Engineers More Effective Than Others'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In today's fast-paced world, software engineers are in high demand. However, not all software engineers are created equal. Highly effective software engineers have a unique set of skills and traits that set them apart from the rest. In this blog, we'...

26: What is perceptron and why it is important to understand neural networks'

Hashnode - python (python)

1. Introduction to the perceptron A perceptron is a type of artificial neural network model that is used for supervised learning of binary classification problems, i.e., problems where we want to predict whether an input belongs to one of two categor...

27: How to draw MONSTER

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Yoko Kageyama's Zentangle® pattern: Monster. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

28: Configuring horizontal and vertical scrolling in Figma

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In Figma, you can configure both horizontal and vertical scrolling to create a seamless digital user experience. The post Configuring horizontal and vertical scrolling in Figma appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

29: How expectancy theory can motivate your team

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The basis of expectancy theory is linking high efforts to desirable outcomes. Learn how implementing expectancy theory can motivate your team. The post How expectancy theory can motivate your team appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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30: How expectancy theory can motivate your team

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The basis of expectancy theory is linking high efforts to desirable outcomes. Learn how implementing expectancy theory can motivate your team. The post How expectancy theory can motivate your team appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

31: Getting Started with Solidity, All you need to know (A Step by Step Guide).

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Solidity is a high-level programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Smart contracts are self-executing programs that automatically enforce the terms of an agreement between two or more parties. In this article, we ...

32: Accès aux données dans un SGBD relationnel, par Frédéric Brouard (SQLpro)

sgbd ( (base de données / Informatique)

Dans la littérature consacrée, les lignes sont enregistrées dans des pages (Oracle pour se distinguer parle de "bloc") dont la taille est estimée en tenant compte : du type du système d'exploitationdu file système sous-jacent Par exemple sous Windows c'est 8 KoSous Linux c'est souvent du 8 Ko aussi pour la plupart des FSPour ZOS / DB2 c'est de 4 à 32 Ko en fonction de la teill [...]

33: La DGCCRF épingle 30 influenceurs pour pratiques commerciales trompeuses

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les autorités sévissent contre les pratiques trompeuses de certains influenceurs alors qu'un projet de loi pour encadrer cette profession est en cours d'étude par le Sénat. Il prévoit de nouvelles contraintes et de nouvelles sanctions.

34: YouTube has a new interface, and not everyone is excited about it

Search engine land (Référencement)

The experiment is only available to a handful of people at the moment. The post YouTube has a new interface, and not everyone is excited about it appeared first on Search Engine Land.

35: BlackCat publie des données volées à Western Digital

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Après avoir confirmé un incident de sécurité réseau et une violation de données le 3 avril dernier, Western Digital (...)

36: Getir France est placé en redressement judiciaire

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Alors qu'elle serait en discussion pour racheter son concurrent Flink, la filiale française du géant de la livraison de courses à domicile Getir, trop endettée, a été placée en redressement judiciaire, à sa demande. Un plan de réorganisation est en cours pour tenter de trouver un modèle durable.

37: Growing Django Skills: GitHub MiniProjects

Hashnode - python (python)

Bismillah, Over the past few days, I've been experimenting with Django, learning new concepts through the Django official documentation and Real Python contributors. In this article, I'll just share an overview of a few mini-projects that you can fin...

38: Developing an Architecture and Code for an Ecommerce Website with JavaScript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Developing a full-fledged eCommerce website requires a lot of planning, designing, and coding. It involves creating an architecture, designing the UI, and integrating various technologies such as payment gateways, security features, and more. Here is...

39: What is a proof of concept: Definition, examples, and template

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A PoC is designed to assess the feasibility, cost, and scalability of a solution by providing a small component to help transform an idea into reality. The post What is a proof of concept: Definition, examples, and template appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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40: What is a proof of concept: Definition, examples, and template

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A PoC is designed to assess the feasibility, cost, and scalability of a solution by providing a small component to help transform an idea into reality. The post What is a proof of concept: Definition, examples, and template appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

41: Introduction to Diagram As Code!!!

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to Coding Adda In this blog, we are going to talk about what is something called a Diagram as code. This might be something you might think "Oh!!, How come with writing some lines of code, we can create an entire diagram ''". Buddy, you are l...

42: Optimizing Rust code with LLVM: A detailed breakdown

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Let's dive into how you can use LLVM with Rust to generate the fastest code possible with a detailed example! The post Optimizing Rust code with LLVM: A detailed breakdown appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

43: What is JSON

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript programming language and is often...

44: [JavaScript] All About JavaScript String Object Methods, Explained with Real Life Usages - Part 2.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript String Object Methods That Will Be Covered In Part 2: concat(). trim(). padStart(). padEnd(). charAt(). charCodeAt(). startsWith(). endsWith(). split(). If you haven't read the part 1, click here to check out the part 1. 1. con...

45: mlforecast: Scalable Machine Learning for Time Series

Math Data Simplified (data)

mlforecast is a Python library that allows you to: Link to mlforecast. My previous tips on machine learning. The post mlforecast: Scalable Machine Learning for Time Series appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

46: mlforecast: Scalable Machine Learning for Time Series

Math Data Simplified (data)

mlforecast is a Python library that allows you to: Link to mlforecast. My previous tips on machine learning. The post mlforecast: Scalable Machine Learning for Time Series appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

47: Seaborn vs Matplotlib vs Plotly for EDA: A Comprehensive Comparison

Hashnode - python (python)

When it comes to exploratory data analysis (EDA), data visualization plays a crucial role in understanding patterns, trends, and relationships between variables. While there are many data visualization libraries available, Seaborn, Matplotlib, and Pl...

48: GA4 custom funnel reports are here

Search engine land (Référencement)

The report can help you identify steps in the funnel that need improvement. The post GA4 custom funnel reports are here appeared first on Search Engine Land.

49: Datatypes In JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

All programming languages follow similar patterns but with different syntaxes but what stays constant is the data types. For this part of the class, we will focus more on the aspect of javascript data types.In programming, a data type is a classifica...

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50: ChatGPT est le nouveau filon des criminels, prévient Meta

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La maison mère de Facebook a identifié "dix familles de logiciels malveillants utilisant ChatGPT et d'autres outils similaires pour compromettre des comptes sur Internet".

51: Infrastructures numériques : 33 000 créations d'emplois d'ici à 2030

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dynamique, le secteur des infrastructures numériques devrait totaliser 33 000 créations nettes d'emploi sur la période (...)

52: Building Version 1 of my Jokes App: The Joke Simulator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Intro Hey there! I'm thrilled to share my latest project with you - a Jokes app! As a budding developer, building projects is an essential part of improving my skills and growing my portfolio. I'm excited to walk you through what I've achieved so far...

53: La musique, une solution pour diminuer « le cybermalaise » de la réalité virtuelle ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le cybermalaise est certainement l'un des freins à l'immersion en réalité virtuelle. Mais après avoir […] Cet article La musique, une solution pour diminuer « le cybermalaise » de la réalité virtuelle ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

54: Le groupe d'attaquants FIN7 cible les serveurs de sauvegarde Veeam

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dans la plupart des attaques, les sauvegardes constituent au même titre que l'AD (active directory) une cible de choix pour les cybercriminels. (...)

55: Diagnosing React Native crashes

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this post, learn how to diagnose and resolve the root causes of your errors when your React Native Android app keeps stopping. The post Diagnosing React Native crashes appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

56: Skyrim : un mod intègre ChatGPT au jeu vidéo culte, voici le résultat

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un modder a intégré l'IA ChatGPT avec la version VR du célèbre jeu vidéo Skyrim, afin de permettre aux personnages … Cet article Skyrim : un mod intègre ChatGPT au jeu vidéo culte, voici le résultat a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

57: Why most brands fail at link building: Top 5 mistakes

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's why most brands fail at link building and how the successful ones build high-quality links month after month. The post Why most brands fail at link building: Top 5 mistakes appeared first on Search Engine Land.

58: Developing Django REST API

Hashnode - python (python)

In this article, we will cover- APIs- Django REST APIs- HTTP methods and- Create our very own first REST API application. What is an API' API is short for Application Programming Interface and it allows you to interface with other applications and pu...

59: Chakra UI [0] - Introduction

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Want to read in Bahasa Indonesia version' here you go: What is Chakra UI' From the official website, this is what we get about Chakra UI: Chakra UI is a simple, modular and accessible c...

60 / 149

60: « Asgard's Wrath » va-t-il fonctionner de manière autonome sur le Quest ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le Quest Gaming Showcase, organisé par Meta, aura lieu le 1er Juin. A cette occasion, […] Cet article « Asgard's Wrath » va-t-il fonctionner de manière autonome sur le Quest ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

61: Model-Based vs Instance-Based Learning: Understanding the Differences with Examples

Hashnode - python (python)

Machine learning is the process of teaching a machine to make decisions and predictions by training it on a large dataset. Two main categories of machine learning are model-based learning and instance-based learning. Both methods have their advantage...

62: Cohere lève 250 millions de dollars pour son IA générative destinée aux entreprises

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up canadienne Cohere est désormais valorisée à deux milliards de dollars. Elle ne prévoit pas de lancer de produits destinés au grand public rivalisant avec OpenAI, mais vise plutôt le marché professionnel.

63: IA et trading : un duo de choc'

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les logiciels de l'intelligence artificielle sont généralement connus pour leur grande objectivité et leur capacité à évoluer continuellement. Ils peuvent … Cet article IA et trading : un duo de choc' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

64: Python programming

Hashnode - python (python)

Hi everybody ' Coding is our future life. Python programming language is easy to learn. Best programming language for beginners coding learners. Python is used successfully in thousands of real-world business applications around the world, including...

65: Why hasn't anyone talked about these 40+ paid open-source programs and internships for students'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here is a list of 25+ Paid Open Source Programs and Internships for students with their respective links: Google Summer of Code: Outreachy: Rails Girls Summer of Code: https://railsgi...

66: Pennylane a levé 29,5 millions d'euros pour sa solution de gestion financière et comptable

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La fintech normande, qui édite une solution SaaS pour la gestion de la facturation, de la trésorerie et de la comptabilité, poursuit sa croissance et lève des fonds fréquemment depuis sa création.

67: Google no longer recommends canonical tags for syndicated content

Search engine land (Référencement)

Instead, Google says block your syndicated content from being indexed. The post Google no longer recommends canonical tags for syndicated content appeared first on Search Engine Land.

68: Event Handlers in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Event handlers in JavaScript are essential for building dynamic and interactive web applications. In this article, we'll explore what event handlers are, how they work, and how to use them in your JavaScript code. What are Event Handlers' Event handl...

69: 26 - JavaScript - Stack & Queue

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Stack A Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. It means that the element which is inserted last will be the first one to be removed. A Stack is similar to a stack of plates, where you can only access the...

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70: Template Method

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Template method The Template method pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class while allowing subclasses to override or extend specific steps of the algorithm without changing its structure. This ...

71: Voici ce que l'on sait déjà sur le casque VR d'Apple (Réalité Virtuelle)

Depuis plusieurs années, le casque VR d’Apple est au c'ur des discussions. Et pourtant, la […] Cet article Voici ce que l'on sait déjà sur le casque VR d'Apple a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

72: TruthGPT : l'arme ultime d'Elon Musk pour rivaliser avec ChatGPT - mai 2023

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Elon Musk a annoncé son proejt TruthGPT, une IA destinée à chercher la vérité, lors d’une interview avec Fox News. … Cet article TruthGPT : l’arme ultime d’Elon Musk pour rivaliser avec ChatGPT - mai 2023 a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

73: 10 ways to build quality backlinks for any website

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how you can scale your link building efforts and achieve SEO success in any industry or niche. The post 10 ways to build quality backlinks for any website appeared first on Search Engine Land.

74: Easy date and time localization with the time HTML element

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Did you know there is quite easy way to show localized dates and times on your website' You can use the HTML time element to display dates and times in the user's locale and timezone without having to guess the user's locale, rely on profiles or sett...

75: Kotlin Delegation Functions

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Discover the power of Kotlin delegation functions, a versatile feature that allows you to delegate operations between objects, implement interfaces, and manage resources efficiently. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using delegation fun...

76: Callbacks in JavaScript: Simplified for Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let us start with understanding the powerful feature of JavaScript which is Higher-order functions.In JavaScript, a higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments or returns a function as its result. This means that...

77: How to install Python packages without a requirements.txt file with pipreqs

Hashnode - python (python)

Why bother Say you get a project that doesn't have a requriements file in it and that project has 20+ imports, meaning you need to install 20+ modules manually. Sound not interesting, right' That's when pipreqs comes into play as a "life saver". This...

78: How to Combine Two Different Frameworks on One Site with Astro.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Combining different frameworks in a single web application can be a daunting task for software engineers. Each framework has its own unique architecture, component structure, and methodologies. In order to create a seamless user experien...

79: Avec ChatGPT, Box veut enrichir la génération de contenus

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Et un de plus, le monde du logiciel succombe un à un à la vague des IA génératives. Dernier en date, Box qui vient d'annoncer (...)

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80: How to use tox 4 with pyenv and poetry'

Hashnode - python (python)

If you're a Python developer who uses tox, pyenv, and poetry in your projects, you may have encountered an issue when trying to use tox>=4, tox-pyenv>=1.1.0, and pyenv-win>=3.1.1 (or the Linux version of pyenv) together. This issue is caused by tox 4...

81: Axeptio lève 3,5 millions d'euros pour internationaliser sa plateforme de gestion du consentement

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française Axeptio a développé une plateforme qui permettrait de gérer le consentement sur les sites web de manière moins intrusive et plus respectueuse des utilisateurs. Elle boucle un premier tour de table de 3,5 millions d'euros pour attaquer les marchés étrangers, européens et américains.

82: useTransition() Hook Explained

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

With the new launch of React 18, React introduced new hooks along with its unique features. Among them, the useTransition() hook is pretty interesting. This hook increases the performance and smoothness of your application and makes it better. Why us...

83: ChatGPT peut maintenant lire dans vos pensées à partir d'un IRM

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une équipe de chercheurs de Texans sont parvenus à combiner ChatGPT avec un scanner IRM pour lire dans les pensées … Cet article ChatGPT peut maintenant lire dans vos pensées à partir d’un IRM a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

84: Hire Flutter Developers: Cost and Features

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Since its launch, Flutter has been no more than a boon for developers as well as companies seeking to create native cross-platform apps. If you choose to hire Flutter app developers and cross-platform apps, you will be faster to market because there ...

85: Bluesky : 5 choses à savoir sur cette alternative à Twitter

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez comment fonctionne Bluesky, le nouveau réseau social décentralisé qui ressemble à Twitter.

86: Why do we get empty string, when we compare them to empty arrays'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

console.log([] == []) // "" The output of the code console.log([] + []); will be an empty string "". This behaviour can be a bit surprising at first, but it's due to the way JavaScript handles the addition operator (+) when used with arrays. When yo...

87: La start-up Inflection AI, créée par d'anciens de DeepMind, lance un concurrent à ChatGPT

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Baptisé Pi, le chatbot d'Inflection AI promet une expérience plus personnalisée que celle de ChatGPT. Mais lors de nos tests, il s'est avéré qu'il accumule de nombreuses erreurs factuelles.

88: Microsoft Exchange contaminé par l'implant malveillant iranien BellaCiao

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Un groupe de cyberespions très probablement lié au gouvernement iranien a infecté des serveurs Microsoft Exchange avec un nouvel implant (...)

89: Le développement de jumeaux numériques passe par des étapes clés

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les progrès des infrastructures cloud, de l'informatique de périphérie (edge computing), de l'Internet des objets (IoT), des plateformes (...)

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90: La polémique juridique sur l'usage des drones de surveillance persiste

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Satisfaisant pour les uns et illégal pour d'autres. L'usage des drones de surveillance par les forces  de l'ordre dans le (...)

91: Fibre optique : le Sénat vote une loi pour remettre de l'ordre dans les raccordements

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les opérateurs télécoms ayant été trop lents à réagir aux problèmes de qualité du déploiement de la fibre optique, c'est une loi qui est en passe de régler les dysfonctionnements de raccordement. La proposition de loi déposée en juillet 2022 par Patrick Chaize a été adoptée en première lecture au Sénat le 2 mai.

92: Generators in Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

If you're a Python developer, you've probably heard about generators. They're powerful, efficient, and easy to use. But what are generators' How do they work' And how can you use them to improve your Python code' In this article, we'll explore everyt...

93: Dynamically Managing Dependencies In Your Python Projects

Hashnode - python (python)

In today's software development landscape, ensuring successful project deployment can be challenging due to the variety of environments programmers use to build their projects. Each environment presents unique challenges to project deployment from Wi...

94: Données des passagers aériens : qui les utilise et dans quel but '

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Alors que les débats continuent sur la préservation des données, le monde de la mobilité aérienne dans l'encadrement juridique et le type de données à préserver, bien plus que les données de mobilité terrestres. Quelles données intéressent ' Dans quel registre ' Décryptage.

95: Rounding errors in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript uses the IEEE-754 floating-point representation, which is a binary representation, that is capable of exactly representing fractions like 1/2 and 1/8. This is great and all, but the fractions we most commonly use are decimal ones, such as:...

96: Appian World 2023 : Avec AI Skill Designer, Appian mise sur l'IA en mode privé

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

En direct de San Diego. Maintenant que tout le monde a embrassé l'intelligence artificielle, où en sommes-nous ' Où allons-nous ' (...)

97: SOP and CORS

Hashnode - python (python)

What is SOP or Same Origin Policy' According to MDN Web docs, The same-origin policy is a critical security mechanism that restricts how a document or script loaded by one origin can interact with a resource from another origin. It helps isolate pote...

98: Room Database Guide Coroutine (Kotlin)

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Room is a persistence library that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite in Android applications. It makes it easier to work with databases, and it supports coroutines in Kotlin for better handling of asynchronous tasks. Here's a step-by-step gui...

99: What is Typescript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Typescript is a superset of Javascript, this means that it is built on Javascript and contains all the elements and functionality of Javascript. Also, it adds more features to Javascript. Why use Typescript' Javascript has been a popular language for...

100 / 149

100: 5 Creative Ways Companies are Using ChatGPT

Noupe (conception)

AI probably isn't going to take over the world, but that doesn't mean it isn't taking the world by storm. ChatGPT, one of the newest tech tools around, is getting lots of press ' and for good reasons. As people explore the platform, they're finding plenty of creative ways to incorporate its best features into... The post 5 Creative Ways Companies are Using ChatGPT appeared first on nou [...]

101: Dossier de presse : définition, bonnes pratiques et exemples

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez comment créer un dossier de presse qui attise la curiosité des médias.

102: La surcharge de données entrave la prise de décisions

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Disposer de données en quantité ne facilite pas forcément la prise de décisions, contrairement à ce qu'une vision superficielle (...)

103: Les investissements dans l'IA se poursuivent malgré le contexte économique

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Si certains marchés technologiques connaissent actuellement des difficultés, cela ne semble pas être le cas pour celui de l'intelligence (...)

104: Building Robust and Maintainable React Applications with SOLID Principles

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

SOLID principle is a set of five design principles in object-oriented programming that helps in developing more maintainable and scalable code. The SOLID principle stands for the single-responsibility principle, open-closed principle, Liskov substitu...

105: When you cross hyrdopower and a battery

Flowing data (dataviz)

Mira Rojanasakul and Max Bearak for The New York Times highlight the rise…Tags: energy, New York Times, renewable

106: Aruba mise sur la sécurité intégrée, l'IA et le NaaS

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Lors de la conférence clients Atmosphere organisée du 23 au 28 avril à Las Vegas, la sécurité, l'IA et le réseau (...)

107: 5 formations pour créer son site web avec WordPress

Blog du Moderateur ()

Notre sélection de formations est dédiée à celles et ceux souhaitant créer leur site web avec WordPress.

108: Applications dédiées et sites mobiles : quelle catégorie est la meilleure pour les casinos en ligne '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les casinos mobiles et les applications de jeux d'argent ont des avantages et des inconvénients différents. En tant que joueur, … Cet article Applications dédiées et sites mobiles : quelle catégorie est la meilleure pour les casinos en ligne ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

109: Alliés ou ennemis du cancer : le double destin des neutrophiles ()

L'immunothérapie consiste à activer des cellules immunitaires - principalement les lymphocytes T - pour qu'elles reconnaissent et détruisent les cellules cancéreuses. Si ce traitement fonctionne très bien chez certains malades, pour qui les résultats vont parfois au-delà des espérances, il reste malheureusement peu efficace dans la majorité des cas. « Les raisons de ces échecs restent e [...]

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110: Marseille veut couvrir ses routes de panneaux solaires ()

Lorsque l'on évoque Marseille, on pense à la chaleur du sud, la plage, la mer et' le soleil ! C'est pourquoi la cité phocéenne aurait décidé de se tourner vers l'énergie solaire. Solarvia, la filiale de Vinci autoroutes, développe un projet de panneaux solaires au-dessus de l'autoroute. Baptisé "canopée solaire", le projet pourrait devenir le premier à aboutir en France. Plusieurs hypot [...]

111: L'absence de cerveau n'empêche pas certains animaux d'apprendre ()

Apprendre est une caractéristique primordiale de la vie. De l'humain au ver le plus minuscule, la majorité des êtres vivants disposent de cette capacité, à divers degrés. S'il suffit à certains des organismes les plus basiques d'être exposés au même stimulus pour apprendre de manière non associative (qui se manifeste soit par l'atténuation, soit par l'augmentation d'une réponse compor [...]

112: L'UE envisage de combiner CO2 et hydrogène pour produire des carburants de synthèse ()

L'hydrogène a été présenté comme un véritable couteau suisse de la transition énergétique, ce qui a donné lieu à une sorte de "battage médiatique", explique Brice Lalonde, ancien dirigeant du parti des Verts en France et aujourd'hui président du groupe de réflexion'Équilibre des Énergies rassemblant des entreprises telles qu'Airbus et Total Energies. Cependant, «'on ne peut pa [...]

113: Les trous noirs primordiaux, des objets ultracompacts créés au début de l'existence de l'Univers ()

Les astronomes s'intéressent aux trous noirs primordiaux, une forme de trou noir dont on sait peu de choses et qui pourrait avoir la taille d'un atome, mais une masse de plusieurs milliards de tonnes. Leur existence n'a pas encore été prouvée, mais elle pourrait potentiellement apporter une explication à la matière noire de l'univers qui constituerait ce dernier à 27 %. Les trous noirs prim [...]

114: Cybersécurité dans les casinos en ligne

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La cybersécurité revêt une importance considérable dans l'industrie des casinos en ligne. Elle permet de protéger les fonds des utilisateurs … Cet article Cybersécurité dans les casinos en ligne a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

115: Python best practices

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is widely adopted programming language and the wide range of its community allows for its continuous improvement and optimization. As continuous efforts are made to make the language easy for everyone and not sacrifice its efficiency, so many ...

116: Managing State in Flutter with Cubit: A Todo List App Tutorial

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

A todo app is a software application designed to help users keep track of their tasks or activities that need to be completed. The app provides a simple interface for users to add new tasks, assign priorities or deadlines, and mark them as completed ...

117: Compte-rendu de Duck Conf 2023 : REX sur la ré-urbanisation d'un SI à travers une architecture évolutive

Octo (Internet)

Les systèmes d’information sont au c'ur de toute organisation, et assurent des fonctions critiques pour leur bon fonctionnement. Cependant, lorsque ces systèmes évoluent sans prendre en compte les aspects métiers, sans simplification de l’architecture et sans modernisation, ils peuvent devenir obsolètes, trop complexes et incapables de répondre aux besoins futurs. Face à cette p [...]

118: Webinar : se former à distance en marketing et transformation digitale avec l'EFAP

Blog du Moderateur ()

Ne manquez pas le prochain webinar organisé par l'EFAP, mercredi 10 mai à 12h30, pour obtenir toutes les clés afin de développer vos compétences dans ce domaine qui recrute.

119: Cloning an Object in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, cloning an object means creating a copy of it so that any changes made to the copy don't affect the original object. Object cloning is useful in many scenarios, such as creating backups of objects or creating modified versions of objec...

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120: Pourquoi est-il si difficile de gagner dans les casinos en ligne ' La science derrière les jeux de hasard

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les casinos en ligne ont connu une croissance rapide ces dernières années, avec des millions de personnes jouant à des … Cet article Pourquoi est-il si difficile de gagner dans les casinos en ligne ' La science derrière les jeux de hasard a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

121: SEO : les contenus générés par IA, bonne ou mauvaise idée '

Blog du Moderateur ()

ChatGPT vient bouger les lignes dans l'univers des moteurs de recherche. Quel impact pour les experts SEO et leurs contenus ' Décryptage complet !

122: Python For Data Science - I

Hashnode - python (python)

Why Python' It is a very simple language to learn Rich Libraries / Best Packages for AI such as matplotlib, numpy, pandas, scipy, scikit-learn, Tensorflow etc., iPython Notebooks for interactive data analysis and modeling Extensively used in th...

123: Tracking Cars and Pedestrians with Python and OpenCV: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable groups in traffic. To prevent accidents and ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians, it is crucial to develop intell...

124: Use CLSX to Conditionally Apply Classes in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the world of web development, CSS is an essential language that enables developers to style their web applications. However, as web applications become more complex, maintaining and organizing CSS code can become a challenge. This is where the CLS...

125: Le moteur de recherche Brave prend son indépendance

Abondance (Référencement)

Petit moteur de recherche deviendra grand ! Brave Search a décidé de prendre son indépendance vis-à-vis de Microsoft Bing, sur lequel ses résultats de recherche reposaient encore en partie.  Ce qu'il faut retenir Propriétaire de leur index Brave, dont la promesse repose sur la confidentialité en ligne et la protection des données personnelles, utilisait pourtant […] L'article "L [...]

126: Google Images floute le contenu explicite au lieu de le supprimer

Abondance (Référencement)

Historiquement, Google supprimait purement et simplement tout contenu jugé explicite. Actuellement en France, il est possible d'activer ou pas SafeSearch. Aux Etats-Unis et en Inde, une troisième option est désormais disponible : flouter le contenu explicite. Une fonctionnalité disponible dans les mois à venir ! Une annonce de Google en février 2023 Le 7 février […] L'article "Google [...]

127: Find the Difference of Two Arrays

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- Given two 0-indexed integer arrays nums1 and nums2, return a list answer of size 2 where: answer[0] is a list of all distinct integers in nums1 which are not present in nums2. answer[1] is a list of all distinct integers in nums...

128: Integrating ESRI Maps into your React App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ESRI maps are widely used in web application development because they provide a comprehensive set of tools for creating and working with maps. React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In this blog, we will discuss how to ad...

129: 25 - JavaScript - Circular LinkedList

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A circular linked list is a data structure in which the nodes are connected in a circular fashion, forming a closed loop. Each node in the circular linked list contains a value and a pointer to the next node in the list. Unlike a traditional linked l...

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130: The ultimate guide to setting up Google Translate's glossaries in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, I'm going to teach you how to easily set up Google Translate V3's glossary feature, in JavaScript, to improve the translations you are getting from Google Translate. It was a painful process for me since Google's documentation https:...

131: Widget Binding in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

If you're a Flutter developer, you may have heard of widget binding. But what exactly is it, and why is it important' In Flutter, widgets are the building blocks of the user interface. They are lightweight objects that define the structure and beha...

132: Kodiak Robotics veut faire passer ses camions autonomes à l'électrique

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up américaine Kodiak Robotics va ajouter un semi-remorque électrique à sa flotte en 2024. Il devrait effectuer des essais (à condition de trouver un territoire d'accueil) le temps que l'autonomie des camions électriques s'améliore et que l'infrastructure de recharge se développe.

133: Basics of Python (Dive in Python)

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python' Python is an easy-to-learn popular high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s. Python's syntax is designed to be easy to read and write, making it a popular choice for beginners. Python's popularity ...

134: Python Basics (A Guide for beginners)

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python' Python is an easy-to-learn popular high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s. Python's syntax is designed to be easy to read and write, making it a popular choice for beginners. Python's popularity ...

135: Understanding the Differences Between Map and WeakMap in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In JavaScript, Map and WeakMap are data structures that allow us to store and retrieve data more efficiently. Map and Weakmap are a collection of pairs. In this article, we will explore the difference between these two data s...

136: How companies use dark patterns to keep you subscribed (data)

Unsubscribing should be easy. It's not.

137: Python Data Structure

Hashnode - python (python)

Data Type A data type is a characteristic that tells the compiler(or interpreter) how a programmer intends to use the data. There are two general categories of data types, differing in whether the data is changeable after definition. Since everythi...

138: Boost Your Jamstack Site: Create a Content Site with VitePress

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Introduction So just before I dive into this article, I did want to mention that I am doing a countdown of my favorite Jamstack tools, frameworks, and static site generators/CMS (anything from the Jamstack ecosystem really) and writing an article abo...

139: Kubernetes Important interview Questions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Kubernetes comes from a Greek word meaning 'captain,' 'helmsman,' or 'governor.' The term is now also used in the DevOps and on-premises software development world to refer to a powerful bundle of solutions that equips operations engineers to scale a...

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140: The Power of Refactoring: Transforming a Dashboard for Improved Load Time

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this post, I am going to share an experience about refactoring a project that decreased the load time of a website. Brief History A few years ago, I was working on a project where I was tasked to improve the performance of a certain dashboard. Bef...

141: Decoding APNG

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

APNG is an extension of the PNG format, adding support for animated images. In modern browser, the support is pretty good and we can use apng directly with an img element. But if you ever need to have more control, having a deeper understanding is re...

142: Day 92 of 100DaysOfCode: Displaying Matches and Working on Chat Feature

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Day 92 of #100DaysOfCode Hey everyone! I wanted to update you on my progress. Today, I continued working on the component that displays matches, regardless of the type of user who is signed in. It was a bit tricky, but I managed to make it work! In a...

143: Mozilla Buys Fakespot to Add Trusted Shopping Tools to Firefox

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Mozilla Buys Fakespot to Add Trusted Shopping Tools to Firefox Mozilla announced it has purchased Fakespot in an effort to add trusted shopping tools to the Firefox web browser. Mozilla Buys Fakespot to Add Trusted Shopping Tools to Firefox Staff

144: Visualizing the Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Banks

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Banks play a crucial role in the U.S. economy, and understanding their balance sheets can offer insight into why they sometimes fail. The post Visualizing the Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Banks appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

145: React-Router 6: Next Level Techniques - Part 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Understanding React-Router 6: In simple terms, React-Router 6 is a popular library for routing in React Applications. It allows developers to create declarative routing for React Applications, handling the navigation between different views or compon...

146: Vanilla JavaScript: Focus Input on Page Load (PHP / wordpress)

Super quick tutorial today. How to focus the user on any input when the page loads. For example, when you visit the WordPress Login Page, the “Username” field is focused automatically. This technique is very simple and works on any input or element that supports a focused state. Say we have a page with the […]

147: useQuery and useLazyQuery-Apollo Client(React)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to GraphQl: As we heard most of the time about SQL -Structured Query Language so what is GrapghQL '. GraphQL is a query Langauge which is a declerative way of fetching data and makes a query smarter, faster and developer-friendly, desig...

148: Getting Started With Appwrite, Vue JS Ionic Framework & Capacitor

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Appwrite - Build Fast. Scale Big. All in One Place. Appwrite is a backend platform for developing Web, Mobile, and Flutter applications. Built with the open source community and optimized for a developer experience in the coding languages you love. ...

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Richard Carlier

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