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« Mai 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

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Mardi 16 Mai 2023 (144)

1: A Primer on Javascript Hoisting for Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript is one of the widely used programming languages in web development, and it's important for every web developer to understand and comprehend how it works. What is Hoisting' Hoisting is one of the fundamental ideas in JavaScript, and it desc...

2: Android Tablets Get Google's Split Gboard Keyboard

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Android Tablets Get Google’s Split Gboard Keyboard Google's Gboard keyboard is coming to Android tablets after it first appeared on foldable phones. Android Tablets Get Google’s Split Gboard Keyboard Staff

3: How to build an Icon Button in flutter that have a rectangular shape with border radius

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

I followed a Flutter tutorial today to create a todo list app. While working on the delete button, I encountered an issue with the animation. Instead of the desired effect, the button appeared circular when hovered or clicked, despite needing a recta...

4: Custom Title bar for electron app (Windows and MAC)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Creating a custom title bar for your electron app can be a bit hectic, especially handling edge cases. Recently I worked on an electron app where I had to do some research to build a custom title bar. I was inspired by Ronnie Dutta's article. I notic...

5: 50% of product searches start on Amazon

Search engine land (Référencement)

Amazon dominates, but ratings and reviews, search engines and brand websites all play key roles in the online shopping journey. The post 50% of product searches start on Amazon appeared first on Search Engine Land.

6: EZ JavaScript ! Part 1 ( Closures )

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello everyone! Today, I'm thrilled to start a delightful journey as I share my learnings on JavaScript in simple words. As a young coder, I've had the incredible opportunity to dive into the fascinating world of javascript and unravel the concepts o...

7: Issue 577 (May 16, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#577 ' MAY 16, 2023 View in Browser » Faster CPython at PyCon This article summarizes the report the Faster CPython team gave at PyCon 2023. It gives information on PEP 659 Specializing Adaptive Interpreter and other performance improvements on the roadmap. JAKE EDGE Trusted Publishing: Publishing to PyPI With Github Actions PyPI recently introduced a method to publish using GitHub Actio [...]

8: Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Data Types Python has several built-in data types that allow you to store and manipulate different kinds of data. Data types in Python form the basis for storing and manipulating data in various formats. Python also allows one to create custom data t...

9: Amazon plans to add generative AI to its search experience

Search engine land (Référencement)

Amazon is planning an AI initiative to reshape the future of search on the platform, according to recent job postings. The post Amazon plans to add generative AI to its search experience appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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10: Step-by-step guide for growing your agency by Digital Marketing Depot

Search engine land (Référencement)

Whether you're just starting out, managing a growing team, or aiming to take your agency to new heights, this guide has you covered. The post Step-by-step guide for growing your agency appeared first on Search Engine Land.

11: "Decoding Front-End Development: What It Takes to Be a Front-End Developer"

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

It's Day-2 of the Web Development journey and today I would be sharing my insights around the title "Front End Developer" as I dedicated the day to learning more about the field that I'm trying to enter. The source through which I gathered the inform...

12: Day7 of Mastering JavaScript Fundamentals: The Complete Guide to JavaScript30

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Array Cardio Day2 In Day 7 of the JavaScript30 course by Wes Bos, the focus is on further exploring and practicing array methods through the "Array Cardio Day 2" project. This project builds upon the concepts covered in Day 4's "Array Cardio Day 1" p...

13: Three Helpful Python Functions to Know

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, there is a large collection of built-in functions that are frequently used to enhance the efficiency and readability of our source code. Among this vast collection, I have found the map, filter and sorted functions to be very useful, espec...

14: Optimizing Firebase Reads

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Firebase is a popular backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platform that provides a real-time database, authentication, and other powerful features for web and mobile applications. One of the challenges developers face when using Firebase is mini...

15: Unleashing the Power of WebAssembly in Modern Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

WebAssembly has emerged as a game-changing technology in the world of web development. It allows developers to run high-performance code written in languages like C, C++, and Rust directly in the browser, unlocking new possibilities for web applicati...

16: History of Python and Web Development

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Python, a general-purpose programming language, has gained immense popularity due to its simplicity, versatility, and the vast range of applications. In this blog post, we will explore the history of Python and its significant role in we...

17: Exploring Astro's Content Collections API with a demo project

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The Astro Content Collections API is both simple and powerful. Let's explore its features and benefits by building a simple, minimal blog. The post Exploring Astro's Content Collections API with a demo project appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

18: Flow of code execution in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The flow of code execution in JavaScript follows a specific order and can be summarized as follows: Creation of Variable and Function Declarations: When a JavaScript program starts running, the JavaScript engine first scans through the code and hois...

19: JavaScript Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, functions are reusable blocks of code that can be invoked to perform a specific task or calculate a value. Functions allow you to encapsulate code, make it modular, and improve code reusability. Here are a few examples of JavaScript fu...

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20: Understanding Linked Lists

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Fundamental data structures used in computer science and programming include linked lists. They offer a dynamic method of manipulating and storing data, enabling effective insertion and deletion operations. In this article, we'll look a...

21: Difference between requireActivity() and requireContext()

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

The requireActivity() and requireContext() methods are both utility methods provided by the AndroidX Fragment library that obtain references to the associated Activity and Context objects respectively within a Fragment. RequireActivity() This method ...

22: Telex : Vodafone va licencier 11 000 personnes, IBM rachète Polar Security, WhatsApp verrouille les chat

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

-Vodafone va licencier 11 000 personnes. L'opérateur télécom britannique a annoncé un plan de restructuration visant (...)

23: Wallix croque Kleverware spécialiste en gouvernance des accès et des identités

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Wallix a peut être annoncé des pertes pour 2022, l'éditeur spécialisé dans la gestion des accès à (...)

24: Uncovering the Unknown Unknown

Facebook dev. (PHP)

Meta has an ecosystem of products that are used by billions of users every day, whether for social connections or for business engagement. These billions of users also ask us to continually and'at an accelerated pace'deliver new functionality and improvements in our products. Due to the large user base, we deliver thousands of code changes each day to meet those expectations.

25: Embaucher un·e salarié·e à l'étranger sans avoir de structure dans le pays

Humancoders ()

Dans cet épisode de podcast je reçois Jaoued Karbou qui travaille pour Multiplier, une entreprise qui permet d'embaucher des salarié·e·s (ou des freelances) n'importe où dans le monde. C'est une solution utilisée par les digital nomades, les entreprises en télétravail et les sociétés qui veulent ouvrir de nouveaux pays Commentaires L'article Embaucher un·e salarié·e à l'étrang [...]

26: How to Convert Tuple Pairs to a Dictionary in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction One of the key aspects of Python is its ability to handle and manipulate different data structures efficiently. Among these data structures, tuples and dictionaries stand out as widely used and flexible options. Tuples are immutable, ordered collections of elements, enclosed in parentheses. On the other hand, dictionaries are

27: How to Set Up BottomNavigationView with a Floating Action Bar In Android

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Most applications feature a floating action bar docked in the middle of the bottom bar. Do you want to learn how to implement this feature in your mobile applications' In this article, you'll learn how to set up a BottomNavigationView with a Floating...

28: Mocking in Rust: Mockall and alternatives

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We discuss how mocking differs from general unit testing, demonstrate mocking in Rust, and evaluate the Mockall library and its alternatives. The post Mocking in Rust: Mockall and alternatives appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

29: What is quantitative analysis' Definition, examples, and pitfalls to avoid

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, you will learn what quantitative analysis is, the different types of analysis tools, and how to implement them. The post What is quantitative analysis' Definition, examples, and pitfalls to avoid appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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30: Vodafone mise sur 11 000 licenciements pour relancer sa croissance

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Pour tenter de retrouver son avantage concurrentiel après avoir enregistré de mauvais résultats annuels en Europe, Vodafone n'hésite pas à tailler dans ses effectifs. Le géant britannique des télécoms va supprimer 11 000 postes dans les trois années à venir.

31: Après ChatGPT, OpenAI dévoile sa cryptomonnaie Worldcoin : tout savoir

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Sam Altman, PDG d’OpenAI et fondateur de Worldcoin, prononce un discours liminaire au siège de Microsoft. Le chatbot ChatGPT, lancé … Cet article Après ChatGPT, OpenAI dévoile sa cryptomonnaie Worldcoin : tout savoir a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

32: Salesforce veut doper toutes ses solutions à l'IA générative

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

A l'occasion de son événement annuel à Paris dans le cadre de son World Tour, Salesforce a voulu impressionner ses clients. (...)

33: Comment la 5G va rendre la Terre plus facile à détecter pour les aliens

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Et si les ondes émises par les antennes 5G ou les satellites comme Starlink finissaient par attirer l'attention d'aliens sur … Cet article Comment la 5G va rendre la Terre plus facile à détecter pour les aliens a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

34: typing.TypeVar: Flexible Typing for Context-Dependent Types

Math Data Simplified (data)

If you have multiple functions with a shared purpose but differing only in element types, group them into one function to improve code readability and scalability. Type variables allow you to create generic code that can adapt to various types based on the context in which it is invoked. The post typing.TypeVar: Flexible Typing for Context-Dependent Types appeared first on Data Science Simplified [...]

35: Scandale : Microsoft scanne vos fichiers Zip, même protégés par mot de passe

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les services cloud de Microsoft examinent les fichiers zip à la recherche de malware, d’après des utilisateurs de Mastodon. Selon … Cet article Scandale : Microsoft scanne vos fichiers Zip, même protégés par mot de passe a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

36: Bye-bye useState & useEffect: Revolutionizing React Development!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Many developers continue to use the useState and useEffect hooks to update states, but I have not been fond of this approach. The issue is that it causes the component to mount, remount, and unmount simultaneously, leading to unexpected behavior. As ...

37: Cybermatinée Sécurité Nantes 2023 : Lactalis, CHU de Brest et Schneider Electric témoignent

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'édition 2023 du cycle de conférences Cybermatinées Sécurité du Monde Informatique bat son plein. Après Bordeaux, (...)

38: Intel publie un mystérieux patch pour plusieurs puces

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Un brin cachotier, Intel n'a pas levé les interrogations suite à l'annonce d'un mystérieux correctif en fin de semaine (...)

39: Microsoft now rolling out new Bing Chat features including chat history, mobile features, and more

Search engine land (Référencement)

Earlier this month, Microsoft announced a number of new features for Bing Chat, now many of them are live. The post Microsoft now rolling out new Bing Chat features including chat history, mobile features, and more appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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40: De-Microsofting Your Development Environment

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Anyone who has been following the web ecosystem over the last few years knows it has been rapidly consolidating under Microsoft. That consolidation economically threatens the open web. Diversifying your tooling could protect you as much as diversifyi...

41: Welcome to "Exploring Data Science with Ayan"

Hashnode - python (python)

My name is Ayan, and I'm thrilled to have you join me on this exciting journey of discovery and exploration in the world of data science. I'm passionate about all things data. Through this blog, I aim to share my voyage as I delve deeper into the fas...

42: Effective prompt writing in ChatGPT

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Prompt engineering is the tool that broadens the application horizon of ChatGPT, and that's how you can transform it into a powerful product manager companion. The post Effective prompt writing in ChatGPT appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

43: Building a file manager in React with Snorlax

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Explore Snorlax, an open source file management system, and walk through building a React application that connects to a Snorlax server. The post Building a file manager in React with Snorlax appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

44: Iterating through a multidimensional array in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Have you ever heard about frameworks in software development' Many developers tend to make use of frameworks because they have a basic underlying infrastructure already in place. All developers need to do is build on it to make their work easier and ...

45: Une cyberattaque rend inaccessible le site du département des Côtes-d'Armor

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Une cyberattaque par rançongiciel ayant visé un hébergeur proposant également des services d'infogérance a entraîné par ricochet l'indisponibilité du site du département des Côtes d'Armor. Les données d'un fabricant français d'électronique sont menacées par les pirates ayant revendiqué l'attaque.

46: React Props Fundamentals

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi Readers In this blog, we'll be going over the fundamentals of props and how to use them. We will also cover how information flows between parent and child components What are Props' Oftentimes, an App will separate the different aspects of its pa...

47: New Marketing and MPA API Requirements for Facebook and Instagram Ads Targeting the EU

Facebook dev. (PHP)

Meta continuously works to meet regulatory requirements. As part of our continued efforts to create transparency for businesses and people, and to respond to EU regulations, we will require advertisers to designate who benefits from their ads (beneficiary) and who is paying for their ads (payer) for all Facebook and Instagram ads which target the EU, associated territories, or select global/worldw [...]

48: Ecov lève 11,7 millions d'euros pour multiplier ses lignes de covoiturage en zones périurbaines

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Ecov, qui opère 55 lignes de covoiturage dans les territoires ruraux et périurbains français, lève 11,75 millions d'euros pour changer d'échelle. L'ambition est de multiplier ce réseau par 25 d'ici 2030.

49: Unlock the Power of Discord Bots: A step-by-step guide on finding out your server's members using Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We are transitioning into an era where web3 is dominating the internet. Many collaboration tools are being used in this space, and Discord is among the top. It is where a project or company can organize its community efficiently. As a developer, you'...

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50: Unlock the Power of Discord Bots:

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We are transitioning into an era where web3 is dominating the internet. Many collaboration tools are being used in this space, and Discord is among the top. It is where a project or company can organize its community efficiently. As a developer, you'...

51: Les niveaux de sucre dans le sang peuvent prédire le risque de maladie d'Alzheimer ()

Des neurobiologistes du Karolinska Institutet de Stockholm, en Suède, ont découvert comment les niveaux d'une molécule de sucre dans le sang sont liés à l'accumulation de tau, une protéine qui joue un rôle clé dans le développement de la démence sévère. Auparavant, plusieurs équipes de recherche avaient intercepté d'autres substances (biomarqueurs) sur lesquelles fonder des méthodes [...]

52: Vite Server not Updating Changes after Save in Vue 3 with Nuxt js

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Vite is a modern JavaScript build tool that provides fast development times and a great developer experience. One of the best features of Vite is hot reload, which allows you to see changes to your code without having to manually refresh the browser....

53: Un vaccin ARN messager prometteur contre le cancer du pancréas... et un nouvel outil d'IA pour le détecter précocement... ()

Deux formidables avancées viennent d'être annoncées contre le cancer du pancréas, qui reste très difficile à traiter. Une équipe américaine associant des chercheurs du Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, à New York, en collaboration avec des collègues de la Icahn School of Medicine de Mount Sinai et de la société allemande BioNTech, a mis au point un vaccin à ARNm personnalisé qu [...]

54: Palmer Luckey est déjà fan de l'Apple Reality Pro ; l'aurait-il testé ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Dans un tweet, Palmer Luckey, le fondateur d'Oculus, a écrit que l'Apple Reality Pro de […] Cet article Palmer Luckey est déjà fan de l'Apple Reality Pro ; l'aurait-il testé ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

55: Identification de tunnels connectant les neurones dans le cerveau en développement ()

L'équipe de Chiara Zurzolo (unité Trafic membranaire et pathogénèse à l'Institut Pasteur) a identifié en 2009 un nouveau mécanisme de communication directe entre les cellules neuronales en culture via des structures appelées "nanotubes" ou "tunnels nanoscopiques". Ceux-ci sont impliqués dans la propagation de différentes protéines toxiques qui s'accumulent dans le cerveau lors de maladi [...]

56: Learn state management in Flutter by building a simple todo app

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

State management is a complex topic and is also a necessary topic in mobile application development. It plays a major role in building dynamic mobile apps. You'll be able to build any kind of dynamic application if you master state management. This i...

57: Le microbiote aurait un rôle-clé sur l'efficacité de l'immunothérapie ()

Une étude menée à l'Université de Pittsburgh confirme l'effet colossal des bactéries intestinales sur la réponse à l'immunothérapie du mélanome. En pratique, les chercheurs expliquent, dans la revue Cell, comment l'alimentation et les probiotiques peuvent optimiser l'efficacité immunothérapeutique. Ces données appellent ainsi à moduler le microbiome intestinal pour accroître la répo [...]

58: Basics of JavaScript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript is a programing language. Programming is all about storing data and working on it. There are Six main keywords to understand javascript: values variable operators conditions loop function 1. Values: values are defined as the types ...

59: Unleashing the Power of Aliases: Simplify Your JavaScript Imports!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! Are you tired of dealing with long, confusing import statements in your JavaScript projects' Do you often get lost in a maze of folders, trying to find the right file to import' Well, worry no more because I have a...

60 / 144

60: Comment optimiser votre connexion internet pour les jeux ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Voici une situation hypothétique : vous êtes engagé dans un jeu intense et vous êtes […] Cet article Comment optimiser votre connexion internet pour les jeux ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

61: Building a Portfolio Website with Next.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a frontend developer with three years of experience at a startup, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of technologies, including React.js, Next.js, JavaScript, Tailwind, Redux Toolkit, CSS, and Formik. But one of the most important s...

62: Mastering Memoization

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: Dynamic programming can be a game-changer when it comes to solving complex optimization problems. But did you know that there's a secret weapon within dynamic programming called memoization' In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey ...

63: What is a profit and loss statement' Examples and template

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Creating accurate P&L statements helps you understand whether your expenses are worth their cost. Otherwise, you won't know what's causing the failure or success of your business. The post What is a profit and loss statement' Examples and template appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

64: Leader Spotlight: Cultivating relationships and fostering collaboration with Scott Burgett

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We sit down with Scott Burgett, VP, Software Engineering, at CoverMyMeds, to talk leadership, recruiting, and retention. The post Leader Spotlight: Cultivating relationships and fostering collaboration with Scott Burgett appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

65: 5 ways to set the stage for a successful SEO engagement

Search engine land (Référencement)

Tackling these items from the outset gives yourself a springboard into an effective SEO engagement with clients. The post 5 ways to set the stage for a successful SEO engagement appeared first on Search Engine Land.

66: « Femmes & Numérique » : Une journée pour découvrir les métiers du secteur et l'entrepreneuriat

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

En France, les femmes restent toujours minoritaires dans l'informatique, le plus souvent en raison de stéréotypes liés à ces (...)

67: Au bureau, le nombre d'applications utilisées explose

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le chiffre a de quoi frapper les esprits : selon une étude du cabinet Gartner, un employé de bureau utilise en moyenne 11 applications pour (...)

68: What is Stack Data Structure' It's implementation in a Pythonic Way.

Hashnode - python (python)

Before grinding to learn something, let's get some motivation: "Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships." Linus Torvalds If you are a developer or even a student, you have heard t...

69: RA Group, le gang de ransomware qui monte en puissance

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La famille des groupes de ransomware s'élargit avec la découverte du gang RA par les équipes de sécurité de Cisco (...)

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70: Avec Dungeon Full Dive, une nouvelle ère pour les jeux de plateau en ligne (Réalité Virtuelle)

Vous faites partie de la communauté de fans de jeu de rôle sur table en […] Cet article Avec Dungeon Full Dive, une nouvelle ère pour les jeux de plateau en ligne a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

71: La justice française ouvre une enquête contre Apple pour obsolescence programmée

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'association Halte à l'obsolescence programmée reproche à Apple de limiter la réparabilité des iPhone pour "vendre toujours plus d'équipements, au détriment des consommateurs". Le parquet de Paris a ouvert une enquête.

72: How to Build a Messenger App with in 3 Minutes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

GitHub Repo for Testing is a library that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server. It is built on top of the WebSocket protocol and provides additional features like fallback to HTTP...

73: Unsupervised Machine Learning Series: Dimensionality Reduction(5th algorithm)

Hashnode - python (python)

In the previous article, we understood the 4th Unsupervised ml algo: K-means . In this blog, we will cover our 5th unsupervised algorithm, dimensionality reduction. What is dimensionality reduction' Dimensionality reduction is a technique for reducin...

74: Ivy: Unleashing the Power of Unified Machine Learning Frameworks

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey there! Are you a machine learning enthusiast who's tired of being confined to a single framework' Well, let me introduce you to Ivy, a game-changer in the world of machine learning. Ivy is not just another framework; it's a unifying force that br...

75: Searching And Sorting Algorithms

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is my second article on data structures and algorithms series. In this article, you will learn about linear and binary search algorithms, their implementation in javascript and their time complexities. You will also learn about different sorting...

76: Guia do PEP 8: Convenções de Estilo de Código Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Vamos abordar agora um pouco sobre o PEP 8. Falarei resumidamente dos principais conceitos dessa convenção Introdução: Quando se trata de escrever código Python limpo, legível e consistente, seguir as diretrizes do PEP 8 é fundamental. O PEP 8 é um...

77: How to Build a Progressive Web Application with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As technology advances and mobile usage continues to increase, building web applications that work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices is becoming a necessity. A Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a web app that offers a native app-like e...

78: Publishing Stories with the Instagram Content Publishing API

Facebook dev. (PHP)

Stories are now an eligible media type on the Instagram Graph API, giving third-party developers the ability to empower businesses to publish Stories to Instagram for the first time. This adds another media post type to third-party platforms and gives businesses broader access to a highly requested feature that is integral to the Instagram experience for businesses, creators, publishers, and users [...]

79: 3 Performance Max reporting and data limitations

Search engine land (Référencement)

Be mindful of these limitations when extracting and analyzing PMax performance data within and outside the Google Ads interface. The post 3 Performance Max reporting and data limitations appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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80: Pure functions in JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello World, One of the most known questions, especially in interviews, is about pure functions and what they are' so we will talk about pure functions in this article. what are pure functions' It's the atomic building block of functional programming...

81: La finance décentralisée, une matière comme une autre dans les formations en finance

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La "DeFi", cette finance basée sur les outils de la blockchain, fait son entrée dans les cursus des grandes écoles de management et des généralistes de la finance. Loin de l'odeur de souffre qui flotte au-dessus des récents scandales de la crypto, on étudie désormais ses mécanismes de marché dans les amphis.

82: JavaScript var, let, const. Difference between var and let

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you have ever written a single line of JavaScript(JS) code you must have encountered these 3 weird keywords, var, let, and const. It is simple and fairly easy to understand the difference between let and const. However, I have seen a lot of people...

83: Visual Hierarchy

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When it comes to designing an effective layout, visual hierarchy is key. Visual hierarchy is the arrangement of elements on a page in order of importance, allowing viewers to easily understand the message you're trying to convey. By using best practi...

84: 10+ Best Tools & Resources for Web Designers and Agencies (2023 updated)

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Having the ability to envision a tastefully designed website (i.e., the role creativity plays) is important. But being able to actually build it more often than not depends upon the tools available, including recent developments and improvements in web design tools and resources for designers and agencies alike.

85: La Cnil mise sur une régulation soft des IA génératives

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Si la Cnil italienne avait décidé de frapper fort en suspendant provisoirement l'accès à ChatGPT du pays, son homologue (...)

86: Balancing self-study with a full-time job or other responsibilities

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Embarking on a journey of self-study in web development while juggling a full-time job or other responsibilities can be challenging. It requires dedication, discipline, and effective time management. Today, we will explore valuable strategies to help...

87: Navigate the world of AI before your competitors do by Ignite Visibility

Search engine land (Référencement)

Join an expert-led AI ad event every digital marketer should attend. The post Navigate the world of AI before your competitors do appeared first on Search Engine Land.

88: Design Patterns Are A Better Way To Collaborate On Your Design System

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

Every company and team has to have deep collaboration between engineering and design to get the value out of a design system (and not go nuts). Building design patterns first unblock people to work in parallel, keeps people synced up, and results in reusable modules that speed up your next project.

89: La Macif modernise sa relation client avec un serveur vocal en langage naturel

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Macif reçoit plus de 14 millions d'appels par an pour des centaines de motifs. Passer au numéro unique était l'un des axes principaux de son plan stratégique 2021-2023 en matière de relation client, et cela a pu se faire grâce au déploiement d'un moteur de traitement du langage naturel de pointe, made in France.

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90: Using Fetch method JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To understand how to use fetch(), First, we have to understand what it does. As per the name stands the fetch API is used to asynchronously fetch data. It provides a JavaScript interface for accessing and manipulating parts of the HTTP pipeline, such...

91: Angular v16 Standalone Application | ROUTING in a Module-Less App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to my new blog post and accompanying video where I delve into the creation of a completely standalone, module-less application using Angular v16, a concept that is both innovative and pragmatic. I want to see how this new methodology, simplif...

92: Discord avertit ses abonnés d'une violation de données. Êtes-vous concerné '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Si vous êtes abonné à Discord, il se peut que vous soyez concerné par la récente violation de données qui … Cet article Discord avertit ses abonnés d’une violation de données. Êtes-vous concerné ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

93: What is HTTP

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is HTTP' HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. So, it's a protocol that's used to transfer hypertext. In this context the term Hypertext means a text that contains links to other texts. It can be link of music videos or any other informa...

94: A visual story about kimchi and family

Flowing data (dataviz)

Alvin Chang, for The Pudding, illustrated the search for his kimchi, which is…Tags: Alvin Chang, kimchi, Pudding

95: How to use forwardRef in react - easy explanation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

After you complete reading this post you will have no problem understanding the usage of forwardRef in react. Generally, you'd use useRef to refer to an HTML element. But what if you would want to refer to an element that belongs to a child component...

96: Microsoft va forcer la migration vers la dernière MAJ de Windows 10

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les jours sont comptés pour les utilisateurs de la version 21H2 de Windows 10 qui voit son support s'éteindre le 13 juin prochain. (...)

97: Cybersécurité : ne téléchargez surtout pas le film Super Mario !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Attention'! Avant de télécharger « Super Mario », informez-vous sur la cybersécurité pour vous protéger contre les risques potentiels. Découvrez les dangers … Cet article Cybersécurité : ne téléchargez surtout pas le film Super Mario ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

98: La Cnil lance un plan d'action sur l'intelligence artificielle générative

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le gendarme des données personnelles souhaite "instaurer des règles claires, protectrices des données personnelles des citoyens européens afin de contribuer au développement de systèmes d'IA respectueux de la vie privée'.

99: How to remove the duplicate Elements from an array in JavaScript '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

const numArray = [0,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,5,5,5] // input //expected output [0,1,2,3,5] Using the indexOf & filter method indexOf: MDN says, the indexOf() method returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is no...

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100: Le CNNum plaide pour la création d'un "service public pour une éducation populaire au numérique"

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le Conseil national du numérique, après une année de débats en région visant à comprendre le rapport à la technologie des citoyens français, appelle le gouvernement a créer un "service public pour une éducation populaire au numérique" qui soutiendrait et coordonnerait les acteurs locaux engagés sur le sujet.

101: Bilan de la CNIL en matière de cookies : usages, taux de refus, tracking'

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les Français sont mieux informés au sujet des cookies et de l'indispensable consentement mais conservent une "impression d'opacité".

102: Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT and Prompts in Node.js using Langchain

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Chatbots have been an integral part of modern communication and customer service systems. With the advent of AI and NLP, chatbots have become more intelligent and efficient in handling customer queries and providing personalized response...

103: Nokia va renforcer son activité de R&D en France

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'équipementier finlandais fait partie des industriels qui étaient présents au sommet Choose France à Versailles, autour d'Emmanuel Macron. Il a promis la création de plusieurs centaines emplois d'ici huit ans en Bretagne et en région parisienne, tandis qu'il est en train de réduire la voilure dans plusieurs de ses filiales hexagonales.

105: WhatsApp lance les discussions verrouillées pour cacher ses messages

Blog du Moderateur ()

WhatsApp va permettre de transférer des conversations dans un dossier accessible seulement par mot de passe ou empreinte digitale.

106: Nicolas Drouillet désormais à la tête d'Orange grand Sud-Est

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le grand Sud-Est devient l'affaire de Nicolas Drouillet chez Orange. A 44 ans, ce dernier a pris le poste de directeur de l'opérateur historique (...)

107: Eramet confie à Windows Autopilot la configuration des PC

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dans un groupe comme Eramet, qui emploie plus de 9000 salariés au niveau mondial et dispose d'une forte présence internationale, dont une (...)

108: Google lancera sa Pixel Tablet avec Dock dès juin prochain

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Lors de la keynote de sa conférence Google I/O 2023 organisée le 9 mai en ligne et devant un public réduit, la firme de Mountain View (...)

109: VMware/Broadcom : les DSI craignent pour leur budget

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Rachètera, rachètera pas ' Fin avril, l'autorité britannique de la concurrence et des marchés a précisé ses inquiétudes (...)

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110: A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript: Unlocking the Power of Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript is a powerful programming language that has become the backbone of modern web development. Whether you're interested in creating interactive websites, developing web applications, or diving into the world of full-stack develo...

111: Google MusicLM enfin dispo : testez l'IA qui transforme vos textes en musique

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Découvrez Google MusicLM, une révolution dans le monde de la musique ! Cette avancée technologique combine l’IA et la créativité … Cet article Google MusicLM enfin dispo : testez l'IA qui transforme vos textes en musique a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

112: What is Memoization in JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again. Memoizing in simple terms means memorizing or s...

113: Webinar : intégrer Twitch à votre stratégie marketing

Blog du Moderateur ()

Territory Influence propose un webinar pour découvrir comment Twitch peut devenir un canal privilégié pour le marketing digital.

114: Voyagez à vélo en France en 2023 ' mise à jour du schéma national des véloroutes

Macternelle (Formation / enfant)

Après trois ans de travail de mise à jour, le Schéma national des véloroutes (SNV) a étendu son réseau de 465 km à travers la France en ajoutant quatre nouvelles sections et un nouvel itinéraire. En conséquence, en 2023, le SNV aura une nouvelle configuration, avec un total de 59 itinéraires, dont dix EuroVelo, couvrant … Lire la suite Voyagez à vélo en France en 2023 – mis [...]

115: 5 formations pour maîtriser InDesign, Photoshop et Illustrator

Blog du Moderateur ()

Notre sélection de formations est dédiée à la suite Adobe pour celles et ceux souhaitant maîtriser les logiciels Photoshop, InDesign et Illustrator.

116: How to make a chrome extension FOR BEGINNERS (manifest v3)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What this blog will cover- What is the need for Chrome extensions anyway' Should I make a Chrome extension or a web app for my idea' Prerequisites for building a Chrome extension Building a simple extension that displays all your bookmarks Publi...

117: Are you ready to learn about one of the most popular web application frameworks out there'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Buckle up, because we're going to dive into the world of Angular! Angular is a TypeScript-based framework that provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and libraries for building robust web applications. Whether you're looking to build a...

118: Machine Learning Introduction

Hashnode - python (python)

what is machine learning' Machine learning is part of artificial intelligence which allows computers to learn automatically from data and it improves performance from experience and predicts things without being explicitly programmed. Application of...

119: Swap Nodes in Pairs

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- Given a linked list, swap every two adjacent nodes and return its head. You must solve the problem without modifying the values in the list's nodes (i.e., only nodes themselves may be changed.) Link:

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120: Why Functional Programming'

Hashnode - python (python)

You might have already heard of functional programming. What is it for' Is it any good' Should we care' If you are coding in any modern programming language, like JavaScript, Java or Phyton, then you have probably used it already! What is it for' Fun...

121: Comment activer la double authentification sur votre site WordPress '

WP Marmite (wordpress)

Un identifiant + un mot de passe. Se connecter à l'interface d’administration de WordPress est très simple' à condition de se souvenir de ces deux éléments. Si l'on se place du côté de la personne ou du robot malveillant qui... Comment activer la double authentification sur votre site WordPress ' est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.

122: Goossips SEO : MAJ Bing Search/Chat, contenu de haute qualité, extraits FAQ

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : relation entre les mises à jour de Bing Chat AI et Bing Search, valeur des contenus de qualité, extraits de FAQ dans les résultats enrichis de Google... Voici […] L'article "Goossips SEO : MAJ Bing Search/Chat, contenu de haute [...]

123: How to implement Notion's command feature in your web app.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Notion is a great productivity application and one of the factors that differentiate it from other similar apps in this category is its easy-to-use commands feature. This is invoked when we press the '/' key. In this article, we are going to learn ho...

124: Simplifying State Management in Flutter with Provider

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

What is State Management' State management is the process of managing the state of your Flutter application. The state of an application is the data that changes over time, such as the current user, the current page, or the contents of a shopping car...

125: Nemeio, le clavier universel aux touches e-ink, sortira cette année d'après LDLC

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Après un passage remarqué au CES 2019 et une campagne Kickstarter en 2020, Nemeio, le clavier universel de LDLC dont les touches e-ink sont modifiables à l'infini, serait finalement proche du lancement. Une commercialisation retardée par la crise du Covid-19 couplée aux classiques problèmes liés à l'industrialisation.

126: Learn how to create a beautiful CLI application with the oclif and @clack/prompts

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I'm in love with CLIs. I never thought I would say that, but developing CLIs is super fun, especially if you use the right tools for the job. In this article, I would like to spread some love about the tools that I use and teach you how to build CLIs...

127: What is AWS CodeBuild'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service in the cloud. CodeBuild compiles your source code, runs unit tests, and produces artifacts that are ready to deploy. CodeBuild eliminates the need to provision, manage, and scale your own build servers. ...

128: A Beginner's Guide to Data Engineering: Harnessing the Power of Python to Access AWS Services

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Hello There ''. Hope you all are doing well. In my previous blog, I discussed various AWS services that are commonly used in the data engineering field to store, manage, and process large volumes of data. As a widely popular cloud comp...

129: How EV Adoption Will Impact Oil Consumption (2015-2025P)

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

How much oil is saved by adding electric vehicles into the mix' We look at data from 2015 to 2025P for different types of EVs. The post How EV Adoption Will Impact Oil Consumption (2015-2025P) appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

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130: Implementing Google OAuth 2.0 Authentication for Multiple User Types in Your Web App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

105 of #365DaysOfCode In today's modern web applications, implementing a secure and user-friendly authentication system is essential. One popular method for handling user authentication is OAuth 2.0, which allows users to sign in with their existing ...

131: Maintaining Productivity As Engineering Teams Scale (Développement)

Key takeaways: (1) Deal with technical debt: recognize it, spend time fixing it but justify it. (2) Avoid distractions. (3) Protect old hands: spend time with your senior engineers. They are more valuable than you think. (4) Recognize different skills: create a managerial path and a technical path for people, identify your senior folks as one or the other. (5) Communicate often.

132: Background Remover (Développement)

Remove background from images and video.

133: The Complicated Parts Of Leadership: Betting On People (Développement)

'This experience left me wondering how many teams could be transformed with the proper investment in training and development. And also how many teams are struggling because they are too busy to invest in training.' The author provides the following tips when betting on people: (1) Have skin in the game. You must push past your discomfort and genuinely believe in the team's abilities. (2) Stay [...]

134: ugit: DIY Git In Python (Développement)

ugit is a small implementation of a Git-like version control system. 'It's top goal is simplicity and educational value. ugit is implemented in small incremental steps, with each step explained in detail. Hopefully you will be able to read the small steps and slowly build a complete picture of the internals.'

135: So You Want To Build End-To-End Tests (Développement)

A well-built test suite runs faster, gives more reliable results, and makes long-term maintenance easier and cheaper. After thousands and thousands of end-to-end tests, QA Wolf has picked up a few tricks to build fast, stable, and accurate ones. This guide teaches you how.

136: WebWhiz (Développement)

AI chatbot instantly responds to your customer's queries.

137: Escaping Creative Downturns (Développement)

"But as I've grown older, I've come to terms with the fact that it can't be eternal sunshine in the productive mind. You need to let weather pass. The grey, wet days of today soak the soil for the sun of tomorrow.'

138: Distributed Counter System Design (Développement)

"The counter is the most primitive distributed object and is a crucial abstraction in distributed computing'. This article explores different approaches to implementing the distributed counter.

139: Testing A New Encrypted Messaging App's Extraordinary Claims (Développement)

The author used reverse engineering and decompilation tactics to view the inner-workings of an encryption app that was making 'wild' claims, comparing its novel encryption protocol against established encrypted messaging apps.'

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140: Prompt Engineering Guide (Développement)

Tips and tricks for working with LLMs.

141: RLHF: Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (Développement)

How exactly does RLHF work' Why does it work'' Chip discusses the  answers to these questions. 'RL has been notoriously difficult to work with, and therefore, mostly confined to gaming and simulated environments. Just five years ago, both RL and NLP were progressing pretty much orthogonally ' different stacks, different techniques, and different experimentation setups. It's impressive to see it w [...]

142: Windmill (Développement)

Turn scripts into workflows and UIs.

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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