Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
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In this webinar, experts reveal the power of the email address and its role in driving successful data-driven strategies. The post Unleash the untapped power of email address intelligence appeared first on Search Engine Land.
PART # 2 Logical Operators: Logical operators are used to combine conditional statements. It tells whether the statement is True or False. OperatorDescriptionExample andReturns True if both statements are truex < 5 and x < 10 orReturns True ...
PART # 1 Python Operators: Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. Example: In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values. Here: '+' is the operator. 5 and 2 are operant. 5+2 are operations. pri...
What is Variable' Variable - is like a container that holds data. Example: a = 1234453734563455 print(a) b = "Harry" print(b) Output: 1234453734563455 "Harry" Data Type: Data types specify the type of data that can be stored inside a variable. It i...
Jurassic Park ne serait plus une fiction d'ici quelques années. Des scientifiques ont eu des résultats positifs lors d'une tentative … Cet article Résurrection des animaux : cette percée scientifique va tout changer a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Introduction In this article, we will learn how to generate dynamic PDFs by taking inputs from user. Some of the use-cases include generating invoices, certificates, resumes, reports based on data received, etc. To enable PDF downloading, we will use...
Introduction JavaScript, being one of the most popular programming languages, is often used to manipulate arrays and objects. This could involve locating an object by its ID within an array of objects. But why exactly do we need to do this, and how can we achieve it' In this Byte,
Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development and machine Learning applications, along with all cutting-edge technology in the Software ...
Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development and machine Learning applications, along with all cutting-edge technology in the Software ...
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Entre les mains de mauvaises personnes, la technologie peut causer de nombreux dégâts. Les deepFakes nus sont courants en ce … Cet article Les femmes reçoivent de plus en plus de DeepFakes nus : que faire'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
You have the below dataset: Orange: #10 Apple: #30 Pawpaw: #40 Lemon: #50 Guava: #60 Pineapple: #70 This dataset is a hypothetical dataset of an e-commerce business. You want to implement the feature that a user will be able to search for p...
Cloud-Native-Monitoring-App GITHUB LINKThis is a monitoring app built with Python, and it would be containerized with Docker and deployed to AWS EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service). Acquire Learn Docker and How to containerize a Python applicati...
Where do the world's wealthiest people want to live' This map tracks the migration of the world's High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs). The post Mapped: The Migration of the World’s Millionaires in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
In 2023, market volatility has fallen dramatically. In this graphic, we show how it compares to historical trends. The post Charted: Market Volatility at its Lowest Point Since 2020 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
You have a Python package within a GitHub monorepo and would like to report test coverage to SonarCloud' Unfortunately, neither SonarCloud's Python Test Coverage documentation nor the Monorepo Support documentation provide clear instructions. The err...
WebProNews Linux LTS Kernel Support Term Reduced by Years Linux long-term support (LTS) kernels will have a smaller support window, a major change for the Linux community. Linux LTS Kernel Support Term Reduced by Years Matt Milano
Introduction ' The ternary operator is a handy tool in JavaScript that allows you to write short and easy-to-understand code for making decisions. In this article, we'll explore what the ternary operator is, why you'd want to use it, and how to use ...
In the dynamic realm of web development, the mastery of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is paramount for crafting captivating and responsive websites. While you may have a firm grasp of the basics, there's a trove of advanced CSS selectors waiting to su...
ACAs are also now available in seven new languages. The post Google rolls out automatically created assets to all advertisers appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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- Intel lance Meteor Lake le 14 décembre. Le fondeur américain a dévoilé la 14ème génération de (...)
Évoquée par Elisabeth Borne pour la première fois lors de l'événement phare du Medef, la Rencontre des entrepreneurs (...)
Hello Coders! This article is a short intro to NueJS an alternative to React, Vue, and Svelte. Nue JS is an extremely small (2.3kb minzipped) JavaScript library for building user interfaces.It is the core of NueJS toolset. In a sentence, It's like Vu...
The corporate workplace as we know it has devolved into a ruthless environment, where working round-the-clock, unrealistic expectations, and overall bad...
WebProNews WhatsApp Releases An iPad Beta WhatsApp has released an iPad beta, finally giving users one of the most requested features in the app's history. WhatsApp Releases An iPad Beta Staff
A moins d'un changement de dernière minute, la mise sur le marché de l'iPhone 15 et de l'Apple Watch Series 9 ne se passera pas comme prévu. D'après (...)
A moins d'un changement de dernière minute, la mise sur le marché de l'iPhone 15 et de l'Apple Watch Series 9 ne se passera pas comme prévu. D'après (...)
Introduction Whether you're logging events or measuring execution times, you'll often find yourself working with dates. In Python, the built-in datetime module makes it easy to get the current date and time, format it, or even do time math. In this Byte, we'll focus on how to get today's date
A l'occasion de son évènement CloudWorld à Las Vegas, Oracle met le cap sur l'intelligence artificielle et en particulier (...)
Facial detection is a cornerstone in computer vision. It forms the basis of many other applications, such as facial recognition, age estimation, gender determination, and emotion detection. Today, I'll guide you through facial detection using Python ...
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When building React applications, you will need to consider what parts of your application should be rendered on the server or the client. When to use Server and Client Components' Next 13 introduced server components. A new way to optimize your proj...
The platform warns it will block video playback unless users allow ads or pay $13.99 a month for YouTube Premium. The post YouTube’s crackdown on ad blockers intensifies appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Avec le déploiement de la version iOS 17, les utilisateurs d'iPhone peuvent constater une perte d'autonomie de la batterie.
Links to online instructions for drawing Heidi Sue Whitney's Zentangle® pattern: Bosch. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
You're in the right place if you want to push your skills to the next level after mastering the basics of JavaScript interview questions. This article dives deep into the questions you can expect in intermediate-level JavaScript interviews. However, ...
Partho Ghost, VP of product at SecurityScorecard, talks about how the growth PM role has evolved and the ever-closing gap between growth and core product management. The post Leader Spotlight: Assembling your PLG army with Partho Ghosh appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Overview Finding the balance between ensuring the security of user identities while providing a self-service user experience takes continuous effort. With the constantly evolving cloud landscape and the security around it, IAM user administration can...
Amazon déploie un outil d'IA générative qui crée des listes de textes dans lesquelles les vendeurs de sa marketplace puisent (...)
#python #coding #excel #automation Computer Coding Class
La série de backdoors découverte par des chercheurs en sécurité a été utilisée pour compromettre un opérateur (...)
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Pour éclairer le gouvernement sur ses décisions, un comité dédié à l'intelligence artificielle vient d'être lancé. Les 15 membres, issus du monde des entreprises, de la recherche et de l'administration, ont 6 mois pour produire des propositions concrètes pour adapter la stratégie nationale.
The Fogg Behavior Model uses a formula, B=MAP, to explain people's behavior. Here's how to apply it to product design. The post The Fogg Behavior Model: Definition, use cases, case study appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Elon Musk est devenu un habitué des décisions controversées sur sa manière de diriger X depuis qu'il est à la … Cet article Twitter va devenir payant : la fausse bonne idée d’Elon Musk ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
In the previous article, I introduced the special powers of the asterisk * and the forward slash /. If you missed it, you can check it out here: Part 1. In this article, we will be looking at how to use the asterisk and forward slash together in a fu...
In the previous article, I introduced the special powers of the asterisk * and the forward slash /. If you missed it, you can check it out here: Part 1. In this article, we will be looking at how to use the asterisk and forward slash together in a fu...
Dans un document déposé auprès de la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) consulté par nos confrères de The Register, (...)
The subscription package includes exclusive benefits like a verified badge and new ways for your business to be discovered. The post Meta Verified is rolled out to brands on Instagram and Facebook appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Fourier Intelligence travaille sur un robot humanoïde aux capacités surprenantes. L'entreprise prévoit même de produire 100 exemplaires du GR-1 d'ici la fin de l'année. Ses concepteurs le considèrent comme un robot universel. Le GR-1 est en développement dans les laboratoires de la société chinoise Fourier Intelligence depuis près de quatre ans maintenant. Et il faut dire que cette entre [...]
Une étude menée par l'université de Limerick (Irlande) montre qu'une activité physique quotidienne d'intensité modérée, comme la marche rapide, est associée à une diminution du risque de dépression chez les adultes de plus de 50 ans. Plus précisément, 20 minutes de marche par jour (cinq jours par semaine) suffiraient à offrir de bons résultats. [...]
Agile places emphasis away from the deliverables themselves and onto the individuals and the teams building them. The post An overview of agile project management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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In this article, learn how Nx monorepo deployment works when you're building with Remix. We also cover how to share components and files. The post Building Nx monorepos with Remix appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
When diving into the world of Flutter, one of the first challenges developers encounter is managing the state of their application. State management is a critical aspect of building robust and responsive Flutter apps. While Flutter provides various s...
Bun is a new JavaScript runtime that is designed to be fast, efficient, and easy to use. It is based on the V8 JavaScript engine and the Zig programming language. Bun 1.0 was released in September 2023, and it is now ready for production use. Here ar...
La pollution atmosphérique constitue un enjeu de santé publique mondial. Les effets nocifs des polluants atmosphériques sur les fonctions respiratoires et cardiovasculaires ont été largement documentés dans la littérature scientifique. Il est aussi de plus en plus évident que l'exposition chronique à la pollution atmosphérique a des effets néfastes sur le système nerveux central avec n [...]
nói ''n gi'n thì Javascript là 1 ngôn ng' l'p trình '''c dùng cùng v'i HTML và CSS '' t'o nên 1 website. Trong bài tr''c mình có nói v' t'i sao l'i nên h'c l'p trình b't ''u t' Javascript cùng v'i nh'ng 'u 'i'm ''n gi'n và d' dàng c'a nó. Tuy nhiên v...
The Checkout Journey report helps brands resolve checkout issues promptly for an improved user experience. The post Google launches new report that flags checkout issues on e-commerce sites appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Une première mondiale en matière de cancérologie va avoir lieu au sein du Centre hospitalier universitaire (CHU) de Lille (Nord). L'établissement va prochainement réaliser une étude clinique destinée à évaluer l'efficacité d'un éventuel traitement contre le cancer de la moelle osseuse. Aucun médicament n'est actuellement disponible contre cette pathologie. [...]
Here's why understanding Google's guidelines is vital for your Business Profile's success and how to avoid suspension. The post How to follow Google Business Profile guidelines appeared first on Search Engine Land.
If you want to keep informed about the progress of a pandas apply operation, use tqdm. The post tqdm: Add Progress Bar to Your Pandas Apply appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
Introduction In this Byte we're going to take a look at one of the most common tasks you can do with a list: finding the index of an item. Luckily, this is usually a pretty simple task - but there are a few potential pitfalls and nuances that you need
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Les lunettes intelligentes Ray-Ban Stories sont une propriété de Luxottica et Meta. Elles viennent d'obtenir […] Cet article Feu vert de la FCC : Les Ray-Ban Stories approuvés avant leur lancement ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
What is Puppeteer' Puppeteer is a Node library that provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium browsers over the DevTools Protocol (i.e. set of APIs that allows you to interact programmatically with Chrome or Chromium browsers. This prot...
Dans le cadre du projet Prognostics (Personalized theragnostics of metastatic prostate cancer), les équipes de Roger Schibli de l'Institut Paul Scherrer (PSI), Damian Wild de l'Hôpital universitaire de Bâle et Nicola Aceto de l'EPFZ, en Suisse, testent un nouveau médicament radioactif qui pourrait être plus prometteur que les radiopharmaceutiques actuels. [...]
Le béton est responsable de 4 à 8 % des émissions mondiales de CO' à chaque étape de sa production. La fabrication du ciment, qui est la partie la plus énergivore du processus de fabrication du béton, représente la moitié des émissions de CO' du matériau, selon BuildGreen. Pour limiter l'impact de la fabrication du béton sur l'environnement et prévenir le réchauffement climatiqu [...]
Des chercheurs de la faculté d'ingénierie de l'université de Drexel, en Roumanie, ont réalisé une découverte prometteuse. Ils ont produit un matériau nanofilamentaire à base d'oxyde de titane capable de capter l'énergie solaire pour libérer le potentiel de l'hydrogène comme source de carburant. en lire plus
« Nous annonçons un appel ouvert pour le Red Teaming Network d'OpenAI et invitons les experts du domaine intéressés (...)
La société française de biotechnologie OSE Immunotherapeutics a présenté le 11 septembre les premiers résultats très positifs de son vaccin thérapeutique Tedopi, administré à des patients atteints de cancer avancé du poumon. Ces résultats remarquables démontrent une diminution du risque de décès, les survivants figurant dans le groupe "vaccin" étant plus nombreux que ceux du groupe [...]
Vue la déforestation en cours dans les pays du Bassin du Congo, les paysages forestiers ne sont plus considérés comme intacts et leur diminution est hélas actée. On peut néanmoins s’intéresser à la structure des forêts rémanente pour en proposer une typologie spatiale, ce que les spécialistes appellent une « stratification ». Pour en savoir plus, j’ai mobilisé les donnée [...]
Introduction Greetings, fellow code enthusiasts! Day 10 of my 100-day Python adventure has been nothing short of exhilarating. Today, I've taken a deep dive into the world of functions, explored the intricacies of multiple return values, delved into ...
Introduction In this beginner-friendly article, we'll explore the importance of handling missing data in data science projects. We'll uncover various techniques to deal with missing values, ensuring that your data is clean and ready for analysis. So,...
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'You can get started in just a few clicks, there are no long onboarding processes, no set-up fees, and it's simple to optimise.' The post Microsoft Advertising launches new video ad product appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction Web development is a dynamic and exciting field that continues to evolve rapidly. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience, this comprehensive guide will help you embark on your journey to becoming a proficient web deve...
Are you a business owner who has yet to get new leads or prospects even after so many email marketing campaign efforts' If it is a Yes from your end, then you must go through the article below about how to nurture your leads and make them paying customers. Once you attract any potential customer... The post Nurturing Leads through Strategic Email Segmentation appeared first on noupe.
Our topic is Turtle Python online compiler with syntax highlighting, hoping that it will be beneficial for the learners. Turtle Python is a graphics library for Python that allows you to draw shapes and images. It is a popular tool for teaching progr...
Le streaming illégal sur Plex ne sera plus possible désormais. Le lecteur prend la décision de bloquer les serveurs hébergeant … Cet article Streaming : Plex prend une grave décision, les pirates se mordent les doigts a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Chez Google, l'analyse prédictive de l'ADN humain passionne les chercheurs du laboratoire DeepMind. Ces derniers viennent de mettre au point un modèle d'intelligence artificielle capable de déterminer si une mutation dite faux-sens du code génétique peut déclencher une pathologie.
Are you in the process of exploring online platforms to either secure freelance opportunities or to recruit qualified professionals' Job board websites serve as a digital marketplace where employers can list job openings and prospective employees can submit applications. With the increasing prevalence of WordPress-based job boards, a plethora of specialized WordPress themes and plugins… The [...]
We investigate using the smol developer AI tool to bootstrap a React app, create a browser plugin, and assist with pair programming. The post Bootstrap a React app with smol developer appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Configuration management is a process to properly track changes to a system's configuration through its whole lifecycle. The post A guide to understanding configuration management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Prioritize content creation and updates with these simple, time-saving functions and formulas in Google Sheets. The post How to create an SEO content plan with Google Sheets functions appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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WebProNews Microsoft Paint Is Getting a Major Upgrade Microsoft Paint is getting a major upgrade, one that will help it better compete with more feature-rich image editors, at least for its target audience. Microsoft Paint Is Getting a Major Upgrade Staff
Intel dévoile un projet de superordinateur pour l'intelligence artificielle qui ne contiendra que ses technologies, s'appuyant sur ses accélérateurs Gaudi 2. Un jalon symbolique dans ses efforts pour fournir une alternative aux GPU de Nvidia sur ce secteur extremêment porteur où l'offre n'arrive pas en ce moment à répondre à la demande.
To help ensure the success of a workshop, Ben Shih introduces the concept of an inclusive workshop. In Part 2 of the series, you will continue to delve deeper into several key principles and guidelines that you can follow during and after the workshop to encourage an inclusive atmosphere.
Toyota vient de créer une nouvelle technique d'intelligence artificielle permettant aux robots d'apprendre à accomplir n'importe quelle tâche physique juste … Cet article Toyota vient de créer le ChatGPT du travail manuel : l'IA qui va révolutionner la robotique a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Introduction Today we're going to how you can sort keys/properties in JavaScript objects. This is a bit of a gray area in JS since object keys have no inherent order like array items do, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. JavaScript Objects In JavaScript, an object is an
Pour séduire le secteur de l'habillement, Amazon a adapté sa technologie dédiée aux magasins sans caisse, Just Walk Out. Dans les enseignes équipées, les acheteurs peuvent faire leurs achats de vêtements sans passer en caisse grâce à des étiquettes équipées de puces RFID.
We will talk about Turtle Python Online Compiler With Code Editor, hoping that it will quench the learners's thirst. Turtle Python is a graphics library for Python that allows you to draw shapes and images. It is a popular tool for teaching programmi...
What is AXIOS ' AXIOS is an HTTP library thay makes it easy to send HTTP requests and handle responses in web applications. It provides a simple and intuitive API to perform common HTTP operations like GET,POST, and DELETE. AXIOS can be easily config...
For anyone working in a digital creative field, whether design, illustration, animation, video, or a combination of them all, one of the most powerful tools for getting work is a good portfolio site.
La division Xbox aurait identifiée la réalité étendue (XR) comme une opportunité potentielle. C'est ce […] Cet article La division Xbox, intéressée par la XR ' ' Des documents confidentiels de Microsoft en parlent a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
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The Effect Hook let's you perform side effects in function components. Let's explore useEfect in React on therr lifecycle phases of React component. Mount Update Unmount 1. useEffect Hook (Mount) useEffect hook with empty dependency array work a...
This post is available in french here The reduce() method is a powerful JavaScript feature that reduces an array to a single value by applying an operation to each element of the array. If you're an advanced JavaScript developer, you've probably come...
We are going to discuss Turtle Pythons online compiler, hoping that it will help the learners. Turtle Python is a graphics library for Python that allows you to draw shapes and images. It is a popular tool for teaching programming to kids, as it is e...
JavaScript is a versatile and essential programming language for web development. It's the language that enables you to add interactivity, dynamic behavior, and functionality to websites. If you're interested in building web applications, enhancing t...
Une récente annonce a dévoilé une série Pokémon inédite, qui marque sa première collaboration avec […] Cet article La Réceptionniste Pokémon : tout sur la nouvelle série originale de Netflix a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
L’essor des nouvelles technologies liées à l’IA a abouti la création de nouveaux métiers, tout en donnant un nouveau souffle … Cet article Les nouveaux métiers créés par l'IA, des carrières qui s'ouvrent à tous a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Is your B2B digital advertising program ready for a boost' Explore programmatic advertising and its potential for B2B success. The post Go beyond Google Ads with programmatic advertising appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Strings A string in JavaScript is a sequence of characters. Strings can be created by enclosing them in single quotes, double quotes, or backticks. For example: const str1 = 'Hello, world!'; const str2 = "Hello, world!"; const str3 = `Hello, world!`;...
Chaque année en septembre, l'écosystème technologique se réunit pour explorer les dernières avancées en matière de données et d'intelligence artificielle, … Cet article Les dernières tendances SAS Viya à découvrir au salon Big Data & AI à Paris a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
What is Front-End Development' ' Front-end development is like the "face" of a website or web application ' it's what your users see and interact with. ''' Imagine your favorite website ' it's not just a pretty picture! Front-end development invol...
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Discover how quality links can elevate a website's credibility and boost rankings with no shortcuts ' just straightforward strategies The post White hat link building strategies that work in 2023 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Ever wondered how Google finds your search results so quickly' Or perhaps you've been in a library searching for a book' These everyday situations rely on Binary Search, an elegant and powerful algorithm. Let's explore Binary Search using Kotlin, wit...
This has been the trending topics and concern many persons in tech have. But let's dive deep into it and see where it's leading us especially being a #webdeveloper AI technology is weaving its magic into every aspect of our lives, and web development...
Bard revient sur le devant de la scène. Google vient en effet d'annoncer l'intégration de son chatbot dans un grand nombre de ses applications (...)
Certainly! Async and await are commonly used in real-world scenarios to handle asynchronous operations more elegantly and maintainably. Here are a few practical use cases: Real-World Use Cases: Fetching Data from APIs: When building web applications...
La CGT Apple Retail, la CFDT Pomme R, l'UNSA Apple Retail et le C.I.D.R.E. ont appelé à un mouvement national de grève les 22 et 23 septembre. Les organisations syndicales ont adressé plusieurs revendications à la direction d'Apple Retail France, dont une augmentation des salaires et la fin du gel des recrutements.
Now that we have a clear understanding of the optimization process, let's see how Optuna helps us fine-tune our trend-following strategies: 1. Parameter Search Space Optuna allows us to define a search space for each parameter. For example, we can sp...
L'offre payante de Meta sera bientôt étendue aux entreprises, qui pourront ainsi obtenir un badge de certification et accéder à des fonctionnalités premium.
' Hey there, fellow JavaScript explorer! Today, we're going on a fascinating journey into the realm of Async/Await, a powerful duo that makes asynchronous JavaScript code look and feel more like good old synchronous code. ' Chapter 1: The Need for ...
L'application WhatsApp sur iPadOS était très attendue. Jusqu'à présent, les utilisateurs devaient passer par la version web.
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Trend-following strategies have long been a staple in the world of trading, offering traders the opportunity to profit from sustained price movements in financial markets. However, the effectiveness of these strategies often hinges on the careful sel...
Trend-following strategies have long been a staple in the world of trading, offering traders the opportunity to profit from sustained price movements in financial markets. However, the effectiveness of these strategies often hinges on the careful sel...
In the electrifying realm of web development, where user experience reigns supreme, ReactJS emerges as the undeniable superhero. At the core of React's might lies the Virtual DOM, a concept that doesn't just move mountains; it optimizes them. In this...
Neuralink recrute ses premiers cobayes pour tester son implant neuronal. Sont éligibles les personnes tétraplégiques atteintes d'une lésion de la moelle épinière ou porteuses de la sclérose en plaques. Elle espère ainsi prouver l'efficacité de son implant relié à un ordinateur pour permettre aux personnes malades d'effectuer des tâches au quotidien.
Optuna: Optimizing Your Machine Learning Models and Preprocessing Steps Machine learning models, while powerful, often require extensive tuning and preprocessing to achieve their maximum potential. This is where Optuna, a versatile Python library, st...
Hello, tech enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to S.T.A.R.K, the Speech and Text Algorithmic Recognition Kit. If you've ever dreamt of creating a voice assistant that's modern, advanced, and incredibly intuitive, S.T.A.R.K is your answ...
Tall buildings in dense cities can trap heat and restrict air flow, which…Tags: cooling, global warming, New York Times, Singapore
what is Authentication' what is Validation' some basic concepts Validation and authentication. Applying some CSS to the input field. Advantages of using plane JavaScript over libraries to handle user data. conclusion. What is Authentication'...
In our previous blog post, we understood why we use Retrofit and how should it be implemented in an MVVM/DI-based architecture. But before we move to our next component, we need to look into a few more concepts/features that Retrofit provides. And to...
Adding Firebase to My Project As this is a new integration with Firebase, I am opting for modular API to add and initialize Firebase SDK. I created a project on the Firebase console without analytics and in test mode. Copy the database link generated...
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Le e-commerce continue de progresser en France en 2023 !
' Hey there, fellow JavaScript enthusiast! Today, we're embarking on an exciting journey into the world of JavaScript Promises. ' Promises are like magical guarantees that help you write more predictable and efficient code. Let's dive in! ' Chapte...
Un outil essentiel pour accompagner les changements de stratégie, mais un outil que les entreprises ont encore du mal à pleinement maîtriser. (...)
Créé en 2015, Digitrips propose une solution technique et des services de gestion et distribution de voyages online en B2B et B2B2C (vol, (...)
Avec la crise de l'énergie, Schneider Electric, la multinationale française spécialisée dans l'automatisation et la gestion (...)
L'intelligence artificielle est le sujet du moment dans l'IT et ce bouillonnement se traduit aussi en succès commercial. Selon IDC, les dépenses (...)
Comptant déjà 2 706 entreprises oeuvrant dans le numérique, la French Tech de Nantes accueille un nouvel acteur. Il s'agit de Devensys Cybersecurity, (...)
Pour passer inaperçus plus longtemps dans les environnements cloud, les attaquants ont commencé à abuser de services moins courants (...)
In the ever-evolving world of web development, mastering CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is essential for creating stunning and responsive websites. While you may be familiar with the basics of CSS, there's a world of advanced CSS selectors waiting to e...
TL;DR Learn how to add support for htmx in PyCharm for seamless development using web-types. If you're not familiar with htmx, check out this fantastic htmx + Django introduction by BugBytes. Introduction htmx is my go-to frontend tool for building ...
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Découvrez notre sélection de formations pour tout savoir sur l'intelligence artificielle et ses outils, pour générer du texte, des images ou de la vidéo.
Google déploie le modèle le plus avancé de Bard à ce jour. Les fonctionnalités déjà disponibles en anglais sont rendues disponibles dans d'autres pays comme la France, et de nouvelles fonctionnalités innovantes sont développées. Ce qu'il faut retenir : Les nouveautés françaises de Bard Ces nouveautés étaient déjà disponibles dans la version anglaise de Bard, […] L'article "Ba [...]
' Hey there, fellow code adventurer! Today, we're setting sail on the high seas of JavaScript to explore a fundamental concept: synchronous vs. asynchronous code. ' Chapter 1: The Sync Story '''' Imagine you're in a queue at an ice cream parlor. Yo...
When any class implements an Interface, it must override every method and instance variable of an interface. However, Dart does not have a syntax for declaring interfaces. The class declaration is an interface in a dart. Any class can act as an inter...
Nous organisons un webinar avec Wedia pour nous intéresser au ROI des contenus, et sur la meilleure façon de gérer et d'exploiter vos assets.
Découvrez 5 choses que j'aime avec Unreal Engine 5 et pourquoi c'est mon moteur de choix pour créer des contenus. L'article Les 5 choses que j’aime avec Unreal Engine est apparu en premier sur Demonixis Games.
Understanding JavaScript's Var, Let, and Const Differences Using the flexible and popular programming language JavaScript, programmers may create dynamic and interactive online apps. The ability to store and change data via variables is one of the fu...
Welcome to the React Handbook! You've come to the right place if you're looking for a simple yet effective approach to learning React. This handbook follows the 70/30 rule, which means that you can learn the fundamentals of React by devoting 70% of y...
In a Next.js React web application we can export functionality 2 ways: As a function definition export function MDXComponents(props) { ... } As an arrow function const MDXLayoutRenderer = () => { ... }; export default MDXLayoutRenderer; It is importa...
Introduction to JavaScript Symbols JavaScript Symbols are a new primitive data type introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6). They are used as unique, non-string identifiers for object properties, useful in avoiding naming collisions and enabling more advanc...
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Introduction If you are looking for a technology that can efficiently develop an interactive learning app, then Flutter app development is the right choice. As a business owner or entrepreneur, it is important to invest in good quality software devel...
Méfiez-vous ! Gmail prévoit de supprimer de nombreux comptes à partir du 1er décembre. Cette opération concerne seulement un certain … Cet article Gmail va supprimer de nombreux comptes dans 3 mois : êtes-vous concerné ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
L’espace regorge de merveilles, mais parfois, ces merveilles peuvent devenir menaçantes. Parmi les menaces, il y a un astéroïde qui, … Cet article Voici à quelle date cet astéroïde risque de heurter la Terre comme 22 bombes atomiques a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Hey Kotliners '', This is a mini-blog about an issue I faced while working on some JVM-ish stuff with Kotlin. The issue was very stupid to reproduce but it highlighted the importance of a specific concept. The issue ' We are writing a small snippe...
Welcome, dear readers, to a deep dive into the fascinating world of JavaScript arrays '. In this article, we're embarking on an exhilarating journey through the intricate realm of JavaScript arrays. Whether you're a seasoned developer yearning to br...
In the ever-evolving realm of JavaScript, the demand for swifter, more efficient tools has become paramount. As the JavaScript landscape morphs into something unrecognizable from its form 15 years ago, it's clear that adaptation is the key to surviva...
What are React Hooks ' Hooks were first introduced in React with v16.8. Hook solve a wide variety of seemingly unconnected problems in React.They let you organize side effects in a component by what pieces are realted (such as adding and removing a s...
The Math.random() method in JavaScript is used to generate random numbers. It returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). To generate a random integer within a range, you can use: function getRandomInt(min,...
Email marketing connects you with your audience on a personal level. But it can be quite overwhelming. Between creating campaigns, segmenting your audience, writing top-notch emails, and analyzing results, it’s a lot to manage on your own. That's when email marketing automation tools come in handy. They help you simplify difficult tasks and set up automated […] The post 6 Best Automat [...]
WebProNews Microsoft Teams Is About to Get An AI Boost Microsoft is preparing to add more AI functionality into Teams, making it possible for developers to create AI-based Teams apps. Microsoft Teams Is About to Get An AI Boost Staff
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Web development offers a diverse landscape with varying needs, from simple static websites to complex web applications. Flutter, Google's UI toolkit, has been gaining attention for its versatility, but is it the right choice for all web projects' In ...
Introduction: In modern web development, asynchronous communication with server-side resources is a fundamental requirement. Traditionally, this was accomplished using AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) requests. However, with the advent of the F...
Plugins in Pytest are external packages or modules that can be integrated into Pytest to extend its functionality. Pytest's plugin system allows you to customize and enhance your testing process by adding features, custom fixtures, custom command-lin...
The Power of Callback Functions in JavaScript When it comes to building interactive and responsive web applications, JavaScript is the go-to language. At the heart of many JavaScript applications lie callback functions. In this article, we'll delve i...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.