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« Septembre 2023 »

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Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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17 Septembre 2023 (55)

1: VueJS part 3: Vue directives and conditional rendering

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Recently, I started learning VueJS, and this article is part of the series of my notes while learning it. In this one, I am covering what are directives and how to use them to conditionally display content. Directives and what it is In t...

2: Display CPU Energy Consumption on Apple Silicon with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

This article discusses how to measure CPU power usage on Apple Silicon using the powermetrics tool and Python. It explores various methods to call system commands from Python, such as using subprocess and regular expressions, and provides different o...

3: A Journey Through ECMAScript Versions: ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, and ES10

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A Journey Through ECMAScript Versions: ES5, ES6, ES7, ES8, ES9, and ES10 In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and standards is crucial. JavaScript, as one of the core web development technolog...

4: The Scoop on Scopes JavaScript


Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Okay so you have declared your variable and you are ready to put it in use! You have an error. It's saying ReferenceError: (your variable) is not defined. That makes no sense you have declared it with a const. You're looking right at the variable. W...

5: WTF is Asynchronous JavaScript: async/await vs .then()

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey there! Welcome back to the new blog post in the "WTF is JavaScript" series. In today's article, we will understand the asynchronous capabilities of JavaScript. Also, we will learn about how to use .then() and async/await in your code...

6: REST vs. GraphQL: Choosing the Right API for Your Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The world of web development has seen a significant evolution in recent years. With the increasing complexity of web applications, the need for efficient and flexible APIs has become more apparent. Two popular API paradigms have emerged ...

7: Understanding Boolean Logic: The True and False of Programming - Part 1

Hashnode - python (python)

Boolean logic is an essential and foundational concept in the field of computer science and programming. It pertains to a specific data type that is capable of representing only two distinct values: true and false. This concept is named in honor of t...

8: JavaScript Execution Context:

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey everyone, it's Maaz here, today we are going to understand how javascript engine execute javascript code, so let's start with this simple example. let x = 10; function timesTen(a) { return a * 10; } let y = timesTen(x); console.log(y); // 2...

9: Mutation and Immutability in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Discussion What are Mutation and Immutability' Why Immutability. Better tests and easy to debug. Functional Programming approach and pure functions. Deep copy v/s Shallow copy. Ways to create copies of objects What is Mutation and Immutabilit...

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10: Understanding Regularization in Machine Learning

Hashnode - python (python)

We all know about algorithms in ML that help us to run and predict the output or the target values. But sometimes it can perform very poorly because of the problem known as overfitting of data. What I will try to do in this blog is to try to make you...

11: States and Props in React: What are they and how to use them'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey everyone! In my previous blog, we got familiar with JSX and in this article, I will try to explain States and Props in React. As we all know One of the core concepts of React is the use of components, which are reusable pieces of UI that can have...

12: Linear Regression

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Hey there, fellow data enthusiasts! Today, we're going to dive deep into one of the most straightforward yet powerful algorithms in Machine Learning: Linear Regression. Have you ever wondered how businesses predict sales for the upcomin...

13: How to Build a Practical Pomodoro Timer with Tauri

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of creating your own Pomodoro desktop app using Rust and Tauri. What Is Pomodoro' How Does It Work' To start, let's briefly explain what the Pomodoro technique entails. It's a method for t...

14: Android Auto permet maintenant de regarder Prime Video sur l'autoroute

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Android Auto vient de bénéficier de l'arrivée de quatre nouvelles fonctionnalités sur les voitures connectées. D’après les nouvelles, il permet … Cet article Android Auto permet maintenant de regarder Prime Video sur l'autoroute a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

15: Conditional Rendering in JSX: Quirks with && operator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Conditional rendering is a fundamental concept in modern web development (especially in React), allowing us to display or hide content dynamically based on specific conditions. When it comes to working with arrays and JSX, one common approach for con...

16: Here's Bun 1.0: Your New JavaScript Sidekick '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey there, lovely reader! I appreciate you taking a moment to dive into this blog. It's been a while since my last upload, but I'm excited to be back with a brand-new blog post. Today, I'm going to introduce you to Bun 1.0, a game-changi...

17: Hands-On: I wrote my auth logic with JS in Nginx; Will you'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This may come as a surprise to you. How can someone use nginx configuration with Javascript' Fortunately, nginx supports a language called njs which is a strict subset of ECMA5. This can be used to further extend your routing logic, but don't be that...

18: Hoisting and Temporal Dead Zone in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is the 5th post in the Javascript Reboot Series. Before we define Hoisting, you should know that we have already seen Hoisting in action in our previous article and code snippets, and you would probably be writing code every day that implements...

19: Learn Pandas for Data Analysis (for complete beginners)

Hashnode - python (python)

Pandas (not to be confused with the white fluffy animal) is basically a Python package that helps us manipulate datasets in order to use them in analysis. It provides easy-to-use tools for working with structured data, such as spreadsheets, SQL table...

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20: La NASA révèle que vous faites trembler la Lune chaque matin

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La NASA a publié mardi 5 septembre 2023 une révélation assez inhabituelle. D'après l'un de ses chercheurs, la lune tremble … Cet article La NASA révèle que vous faites trembler la Lune chaque matin a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

21: Get Ahead of 90% of Data Nerds with These Pandas Techniques

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Data analysis is a powerful tool in today's world, but to use it to its full potential, we need to master some essential techniques. From binning techniques to query operations, and from reshaping data to making sense of it with aggregat...

22: What are preview URLs and why you should use them.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

How does development happen in your organization' What is the journey your code takes from being pushed to your branch until it is deployed in production, ready to serve hundreds of millions of users' The usual process. For most of you, the process i...

23: Day06-Comments, Escape Sequence and Print Statement

Hashnode - python (python)

Comments: Comments can be used to explain Python code. It can be used to make the code more readable. It can also be used to prevent execution when testing code. Comments starts with a #, and Python will ignore them: print("This is a print statement ...

24: ' Flutter's Material Magic: Crafting Awesome Apps with Widgets '

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction ' Hey there, Flutter enthusiast! Welcome to the world of Flutter's Material Magic, where we'll embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting realm of Material Widgets. ' What Are Material Widgets, Anyway' Alright, before we jump...

25: Unlocking the Power of Django's Asynchronous Support

Hashnode - python (python)

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, responsiveness and scalability are paramount. In the realm of Django, these qualities have been given a significant boost with the introduction of asynchronous (async) support, starting from Django 3...

26: Starting Your Machine Learning Odyssey: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Machine learning (ML) is an exciting field that allows computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without special programming. As a beginner, diving into ML can seem daunting, but with the right approach and tools, it can transform into an ...

27: Unveiling the Magic of AnimatedBuilder in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hello, Flutter aficionados! We're back with another exciting Flutter topic that's sure to elevate your app development skills. Today, we're diving into the captivating world of AnimatedBuilder. This widget is a game-changer when it comes to crafting ...

28: Magic of Formik

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Formik is a JavaScript library that simplifies the process of building and managing forms in React applications. It offers a set of pre-built functions that relieve developers from the complexity of managing form state, handling user input changes, a...

29: 3 Ways to concatenate strings in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There are 3 main ways to concatenate strings in JavaScript: The + operator const str1 = 'Hello' const str2 = 'World' const result = str1 + ' ' + str2 // result is 'Hello World' The + operator can be used to concatenate both strings and other type...

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30: Backend

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The backend mainly consists of:- HTTP Servers Authentication Database Middlewares 1. HTTP Servers While talking about HTTP servers we need to know the following topics Request Methods GET:- It is a method used to get data from a server. eg:-...

31: Async vs Defer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hola coders ''' In this article, we will discuss async and defer boolean attributes in the script tag. These are used to load external scripts efficiently on the web page.Also, we will discover differences between them. There are 3 scenarios: No...

32: Understanding Rest & Spread Operator in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Rest operator in JavaScript' Rest Operator is a feature of advanced Javascript (ES6). The rest operator in JavaScript allows a function to take an indefinite number of arguments and bundle them in an array, thus allowing us to write functions...

33: What is JavaScript ' Overview of JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a programming language initially designed to interact with elements of web pages. In web browsers, JavaScript consists of three main parts: ECMAScript provides the core functionality. The Document Object Model (DOM) provides interface...

34: Dockerizing a Node.js Application: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Docker has become an essential tool for developers aiming to simplify the process of application deployment and scaling. This tutorial will provide a detailed walkthrough of how to Dockerize a Node.js application, covering everything fro...

35: Weekly Indie Log 2

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hello everyone! Here's a quick update on my journey as an independent app developer over the past week. Friday was a special day for me because I was invited to be a guest on a cool podcast (which I regularly listen to) and I had an awesome talk. Wil...

36: Android ProGuard : Mastering Security and Efficiency with ProGuard

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Android app development is an exciting endeavor that involves crafting user-friendly applications for a wide range of devices. While developers focus on creating feature-rich apps, they must also consider security and app size optimization. This is w...

37: Le Japon crée son propre ChatGPT : Voici pourquoi la France doit faire pareil

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le Japon veut son propre ChatGPT, une intelligence artificielle basée sur la langue japonaise. Cette initiative devrait inspirer la France … Cet article Le Japon crée son propre ChatGPT : Voici pourquoi la France doit faire pareil a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

38: Understand: Concurrency vs. Parallelism

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hi folks. Recently, I appeared for a backend developer interview. I got an interesting question from an interviewer What are Concurrency and Parallelism & How are they related to synchronous and asynchronous execution' So let us check wh...

39: Simplifying Data Interaction by using 'bind'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Info In Svelte, apart from the dollar sign ('$'), another thing I hadn't quite figured out yet was 'Bind,' and I've been digging into it a bit during the holidays. The core idea is this: In Svelte, variables defined are all Observable. If they change...

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40: Safeguarding Your Web Applications Against SQL Injection Attacks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Imagine a website with a search bar. When you enter a query, the website converts your text into a database query to retrieve related information. SQL injection occurs when a malicious user tricks an application into executing unintended...

41: Understanding How JavaScript Works

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a versatile and essential programming language that powers the interactivity of modern web applications. It was first introduced by Netscape Communications in 1995 and has since become one of the cornerstones o...

42: React Hooks 101

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React Hooks revolutionized the way we write React components by providing a more elegant and concise way to handle state and side effects. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of React Hooks and explore their benefits, use cases, and how th...

43: JavaScript Arrays: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on JavaScript Arrays. In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of JavaScript arrays, covering everything you need to know to become proficient in working with them. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking...

44: Python Basics: A Beginner's Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to the world of Python! Whether you're a coding novice or coming from another programming language, Python is an excellent choice due to its readability, versatility, and extensive community support. Let's take a step-by-step approach to unde...

45: Mastering ASP.NET Core Web API: A Comprehensive Guide to Building, Securing, and Deploying RESTful Services

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ASP.NET Core Web API ASP.NET Core Web API is a framework for building RESTful web services. It allows us to expose data and business logic to the web using HTTP. In this article, we will learn how to: Create a web API project Add model classes and ...

46: Nullish coalescing operator ''''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey, Phenomenal people'' Hello everyone, my name is Aryan Sharma, and I hope you're all doing well. I'm thrilled to begin this JavaScript course for absolute beginners with my third blog post. You can find my blogs here'' So, Let's dive!! Definit...

47: Unlock Insane Performance: Use Web Workers instead of React.useEffect

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is single-threaded, which means it can only perform one operation at a time. This limitation can lead to performance issues, especially when dealing with API calls and data manipulation in React applications. Two popular approaches to hand...

48: Tesla : les ingénieurs détestent le Cybertruck et ont créé une alternative

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Vous n’êtes pas seul si vous trouvez que le Cybertruck de Tesla a une apparence étrange et peu élégante et … Cet article Tesla : les ingénieurs détestent le Cybertruck et ont créé une alternative a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

49: Mastering Advanced Flutter BLoC Techniques

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction - Welcome back, fellow Flutter enthusiasts! If you've been following my journey in the world of Flutter, you may recall our earlier exploration of the basics in my previous BLoC series. If you're just joining us make sure to read our Flu...

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50: Implementing Efficient Delay and Wait Functions in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we will explore the efficient implementation of delay and wait functions in JavaScript. These functions are particularly useful when you want to pause the execution of code for a certain period or until a specific condition is met. W...

51: The Dependency Injection Magic: Unlocking the Secret to Supercharged Code!

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction One of the things that I learned in my initial months as a software engineer was the importance of writing clean and scaleable. A thoughtfully structured codebase facilitates swift adaptation to evolving product/software requirements, en...

52: Parameterization in Pytest: Running Tests with Multiple Inputs

Hashnode - python (python)

Parameterization in Pytest allows you to run the same test function with multiple sets of inputs or arguments. This is a powerful feature that helps you efficiently test a wide range of scenarios without writing redundant test functions. Parameteriza...

53: Django User Registration with Google

Hashnode - python (python)

OAuth, short for Open Authorization, is a mechanism that enables websites or applications to exchange user data with other platforms, all without necessitating the disclosure of a user's password. It empowers users to access multiple websites with a ...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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