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« Septembre 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Samedi 2 Septembre 2023 (47)

1: Stripping HTML Tags from Text Using Plain JavaScript

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Web scraping has become more and more prevalent over the years, which means more developers are having to figure out how to work with HTML markup from the pages they're scraping. But what if you just want the text' Given the complexity of HTML, this might seem like a

2: Building Your Own Soulmate Love Calculator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Soulmate love calculator' What is this' Buzzfeed' No, but have you ever wondered how technology can give you a glimpse into the mysteries of love' Probably no but get ready anyway to dive into a world of coding cupid arrows as we embark ...

3: Vue Form Validation

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

There are quite a few libraries out there to help you with form validation in Vue 3 such as Vuelidate and many more. However, there sometimes are situations where your needs do not warrant the inclusion of a whole library with all the attendant depen...

4: 10 Things You Didn't Know About HTML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the foundation of all web pages. It is a markup language used to describe a web page's structure and content. HTML is not a programming language, but it is used to create the basic structure of a web ...

5: Day 5 of 30DaysOfJavascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Level 1 Declare an empty array. const arr = []; Declare an array with more than 5 number of elements. const arr1 = [30, 46, 67, 90, 78, 562]; Find the length of your array. let len = arr1.length; console.log(len); ...

6: Strings Unveiled: Weaving the Tapestry of Python Text Manipulation

Hashnode - python (python)

What constitutes a Python program' A Python program is essentially a text file containing lines of code. This code can be written across multiple lines for better organization and readability. The program is then processed by a Python compiler, which...

7: Difference Between del, remove, and pop in Python Lists

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction When working with lists in Python, you may often find the need to remove or modify elements. And, lucky for us, Python provides a couple methods to do just this, including del, remove, and pop. But why are there three ways to do this' Which one should we use,

8: Unleash the Power of JavaScript Array Methods '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you're a JavaScript developer, you're probably no stranger to working with arrays. They're a fundamental part of many coding tasks. But did you know that JavaScript provides a set of powerful array methods/functions that can simplify your code and...

9: Debugging Detective: The Switcheroo Sort

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here in the Debugging Detective series, I will occasionally share interesting and illuminating debugging experiences from my programming journey. I'll start by sharing my code and describing the unexpected behavior that resulted. This will likely be ...

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10: Subtracting a Day from a Date in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Dates are one of the most difficult concepts in programming, largely because of the many different formats that a date can be represented as and the many different nuances of dates (leap years, time zones, etc.). Because of this, date manipulations can be difficult. So what if we need

11: Python For Beginners

Hashnode - python (python)

Github Repo for all of the related and in-detail code Introduction: Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability and versatility. The design philosophy of Python enhances readability by using significa...

12: The internet depends on programming languages.

Hashnode - python (python)

Computer programs are developed through the utilization of coding languages. The role of a programmer involves crafting, deciphering, and manipulating code with the objective of attaining the desired outcome and ensuring efficient performance. To ill...

13: Pandas groupby() Method: Understanding What Goes on Behind The Scenes

Hashnode - python (python)

Pandas: A Python library that helps you efficiently analyze and manipulate tabular data (like Excel spreadsheets) with powerful tools, for data cleaning, exploration, and analysis. DataFrame: It can be thought of as spreadsheets with rows and column...

14: QR Code Component Using CSS Flexbox

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I've just completed a front-end coding challenge from @frontendmentor! You can see my solution here: Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome! PS: I usuall...

15: Destructuring Arrays in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I was working on something recently and I reached a point where I had to destructure an array. Since I am aiming to get better at React, I decided to revisit the concept. This article contains information that I learned about destructuring arrays in ...

16: Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Server-side rendering (SSR) refers to the process of rendering React components on the server before sending the fully populated HTML markup to the client. With SSR, the initial request hits the server, which runs the React code, generates the stati...

17: Go vs Python: A Performance Showdown for the Modern Developer

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Go, developed at Google, and Python, a language that has been around since 1991, are both immensely popular among developers. However, when performance becomes a key requirement, the choice of language becomes critical. Choosing the righ...

18: JavaScript Events part-7

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

"Welcome to today's lesson on JavaScript event handlers! In the world of web development, making web pages interactive is key, and that's where event handlers come into play. Imagine a scenario where you want something to happen when a user clicks a ...

19: Introduction to Building Modular and Reusable UI Components with Lit: Part 1

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Introduction In today's fast-paced world of web development, efficiency and maintainability are more than just buzzwords; they're necessities. As web applications grow increasingly complex, the need for modular, reusable components becomes evident. B...

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20: Machine Learning Introduction

Hashnode - python (python)

In this blog, we will be discussing the general understanding of the machine learning and deep learning model how they work and how we can make them work in the way we want to design it to function and react to the conditions being provided to it at ...

21: 5 Reasons You Should Build Your App with Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

INTRODUCTION : It's no surprise that Flutter is becoming one of the most popular cross-platform development tools. It provides apps with a full-featured mobile framework that's easy to use, yet powerful enough to build apps for Android and iOS. But w...

22: Auto scale a fixed-width html page with javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Auto scale a fixed-width html page with javascript window.fixedwidth=1200;'hidden'; window.debounce=function(fn,delay){var timer=null;return function(){var context=this;var args=arguments;clearTimeout(timer);timer=setTi...

23: Commonly Used Built-in JavaScript Function

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Most Common Built-In JavaScript Functions for Beginners JavaScript is a powerful programming language that can be used to create interactive web pages, mobile apps, and more. One of the things that makes JavaScript so versatile is its large libra...

24: Sending Jwt's using cookies in NodeJs Explained

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Sending JWTs (Json web tokens) using cookies in Node.js is like giving a special pass to someone after they've logged into a website. This pass, the JWT, is like a digital ticket that proves they're allowed to access certain parts of the website. Ima...

25: Collaboration

Hashnode - python (python)

The last whole day was spent in the research of using the right data storage to handle the videos that will be uploaded by the users. I thought of exploring this now because most probably I will have to go for a cloud solution and I will have to lear...

26: '' Whirlpool Galaxy's Cosmic Beauty: Captured by James Webb Telescope, Inspiring Coders

Hashnode - python (python)

' Guess what' The James Webb Space Telescope just snapped the clearest pic ever of the Whirlpool galaxy. Let's explore how the beauty of the cosmos resonates with the world of coding. ''' Believe it or not: The software that controls the JWST is ...

27: Snapchat Dreams : tout savoir sur l'IA qui va révolutionner le selfie

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Bien connu pour son approche novatrice des médias sociaux, Snapchat franchit une nouvelle étape en lançant « Snapchat Dreams ». Snapchat se … Cet article Snapchat Dreams : tout savoir sur l’IA qui va révolutionner le selfie a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

28: Improving Search Bar Responsiveness with React Effects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's Explore React Effects and How We Can Use Them for Optimal UI Performance Effects allow you to specify side effects that are caused by rendering itself, rather than by a particular event. The basic syntax of an Effect looks like this: useEffect(...

29: Creating protected routes with Vue3 and Vue-router

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

A typical frontend website has some routes which need users to be authenticated before access is granted. So, it is essential to protect those vulnerable routes against unauthorized access. Vue-router handles this efficiently through the help of navi...

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30: The Math You Need to Know for Machine Learning

Hashnode - python (python)

Discover the essential maths behind machine learning. From linear algebra to calculus and statistics, this guide covers it all. Start your AI journey today! 1. Introduction The Math You Need to Know for Machine Learning" is a comprehensive guide to ...

31: 10 choses à retenir de l'été 2023 pour les médias

Meta Media (Internet)

Comme chaque année, Méta-Media vous propose au retour de la plage (ou des montagnes) un condensé des 10 tendances qui nous ont marquées pendant la période estivale. De la mutation des réseaux sociaux (qui, pour certains, sont déclarés morts) au déclin de la consommation télé (y compris chez les plus... The post 10 choses à retenir de l'été 2023 pour les médias first appeared on Mét [...]

32: Becoming a Coding Pro: Your Journey to Crafting Apps, Websites, and Games

Hashnode - python (python)

Have you ever wondered how your favorite apps, websites, and games come to life' It's all thanks to the magic of programming languages! Welcome to PrepCode, your secret formula for learning how to code amazing things. Whether you want to create fanta...

33: Liens vagabonds : La philanthropie au secours du journalisme local

Meta Media (Internet)

  Philanthropie dans les médias - Une étude menée par le NORC de l'Université de Chicago  en partenariat avec l'institut Lenfest pour le journalisme s'est intéressée au rôle du philanthropisme dans le soutien aux médias privés et associatifs aux Etats-Unis. Ces cinq dernières années ont été marquées par un accroissement... The post Liens vagabonds : La philanthropie au secours [...]

34: X / Twitter veut vos données biométriques et votre CV ! Faut-il quitter le réseau '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Dernièrement, la nouvelle politique de confidentialité de Twitter, surnommée X, ajoute une dimension supplémentaire à ces préoccupations. Selon cette politique, … Cet article X / Twitter veut vos données biométriques et votre CV ! Faut-il quitter le réseau ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

35: Which Database is Best with Flutter: Firebase or Supabase'

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Flutter has become one of the most popular frameworks for mobile app development. One of the biggest questions that arise when starting a new Flutter project is, 'Which database should I use'' Today, we will look at two popular databases...

36: CryptoZombies: Lesson 2.1 Review

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview: The use of JavaScript and the web3.js library is related to blockchain development, specifically for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain. Here's what these components typically imply: JavaScript is a versatile programming language com...

37: Transitioning to TypeScript: The Ultimate Starter Guide - Part 3

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TypeScript from JavaScript Part 3 of 7: Modules, Namespaces, and Decorators Welcome back to the third part of our series on transitioning from JavaScript to TypeScript! In the last part, we delved deep into interfaces, classes, and generics in TypeSc...

38: Transitioning to TypeScript: The Ultimate Starter Guide - Part 3

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TypeScript from JavaScript Part 3 of 7: Modules, Namespaces, and Decorators Welcome back to the third part of our series on transitioning from JavaScript to TypeScript! In the last part, we delved deep into interfaces, classes, and generics in TypeSc...

39: Simple Percent Calculator in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

What is a percent calculator' A percent calculator is used for tracking progress or saving money. message = "Enter total value: " total_value = int(input(message)) message = "Enter percentage: " percentage = int(input(message)) print(f"What is {per...

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40: Building a Text Recognition App in Flutter: Setting Sail with flutter_tts and Google ML Kit

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Ahoy, Flutter adventurers! Welcome to our thrilling journey of building a text recognition app using Flutter. In this video series, we'll chart uncharted waters, exploring the realms of image processing and text recognition. For this initial installm...

41: 3 Tips For Selling Your Fine Art

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

If you're an artist, it can be hard to find ways to sell your art. Many times, beginning artists can struggle with things like pricing their art, finding buyers, and handling the logistics of production and distribution. But luckily, there are some things that you can do to help make this a little bit easier, […] The post 3 Tips For Selling Your Fine Art appeared first on Free Web Resources.

42: Unity Loading Screen Tutorial for Beginners

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

In this tutorial, we will go over how to create a loading screen in Unity, including some tips and tricks for customizing it to fit your game's style. A loading screen is an essential part of any game, as it helps to set the tone for the player's exp...

43: Unity Loading Screen Tutorial for Beginners

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

In this tutorial, we will go over how to create a loading screen in Unity, including some tips and tricks for customizing it to fit your game's style. A loading screen is an essential part of any game, as it helps to set the tone for the player's exp...

44: How to use Iterables' in python

Hashnode - python (python)

When working with Python, you might often hear the term "iterables," but what exactly are they, and why should you care' In this article, we'll break down the concept of iterables, explore their significance in memory management, delve into their imp...

45: Node in the browser! Whaaaat '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Yes, you heard that right, now we can run server side code in the browser itself. Web IDEs, Stackblitz released Web containers while Code Sandbox released NodeBox that lets us use node in browser experience. Background Well, technically ...

46: Ranked: The World's Largest Stadiums

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The U.S. is known for its massive arenas, but in a top 10 ranking of the world's largest stadiums, two other countries take the lead. The post Ranked: The World's Largest Stadiums appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

47: Thread Synchronization in Python: Maintaining Harmony in Concurrent Execution

Hashnode - python (python)

In the world of concurrent programming, synchronization becomes essential to prevent clashes and ensure orderly execution. Python's threading module offers synchronization mechanisms like locks, semaphores, and events to orchestrate harmony among thr...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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