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« Septembre 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 19 Septembre 2023 (155)

1: Héra et Terra dans FINAL FANTASY IX

Quelques #id et beaucoup de .class (Javascript)

Dans cet article, nous allons découvrir la différence entre Héra et Terra dans FINAL FANTASY IX. Nous allons nous appuyer sur le contenu des pages 40 à 43 du livre FINAL FANTASY IX ULTIMANIA OMEGA. Chaque phrase est accompagnée de la version japonaise qui a servi de support à la traduction proposée. Cliquez sur le texte japonais pour rejoindre l'explication de traduction . Ainsi, si vou [...]

2: Arrays in TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When we create an array, we need consistency in the type of values that are being added to the array. This feature is not present in JavaScript and hence TypeScript comes as a savior. In addition to deciding the type of value being added to the array...

3: Si vous trouvez le gland en moins de 10 secondes, vous avez une très bonne vue

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un défi visuel est en train de prendre la tête des internautes. Le jeu consiste à trouver l'image d'un gland … Cet article Si vous trouvez le gland en moins de 10 secondes, vous avez une très bonne vue a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

4: Next.JS Client Components Are Prerendered on the Server!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Client components are rendered on the server too! When you use the 'use client' directive to make a client component, it doesn't mean that this component is fully rendered on the client side. Actually, next js still pre-renders client components on t...

5: Spider-Man 2 sur PS5 : Pourquoi ce jeu vidéo marque le vrai début de la next-gen '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les joueurs attendent avec impatience la sortie de Spider-Man 2 sur PS5 le mois prochain. Pour eux, c'est le jeu … Cet article Spider-Man 2 sur PS5 : Pourquoi ce jeu vidéo marque le vrai début de la next-gen ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

6: The Ultimate Guide to Plan your Travel for Unforgettable Adventures

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

Discover the Ultimate Guide to plan your travel with Travelstart. From booking flights and accommodations to adding exciting activities, this comprehensive guide has you covered. Start your journey today!

7: Issue 595 (Sept. 19, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#595 ' SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 View in Browser » Inheritance and Internals: Object-Oriented Coding in Python In this video course, you’ll learn about the various types of inheritance that you can use to write object-oriented code in Python. These include class inheritance, multilevel inheritance, and multiple inheritance, along with special methods and abstract base classes. REAL PYTHON cou [...]

8: Haptic Feedback and More: My React Native Learning Journey '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello on a new day of my journey in learning React Native. Today, I worked on a simple and small project, following the guidance of the instructor Hitesh Choudhary. Hitesh Choudhary. The application I built involved learning Haptic Feedback and sever...

9: The Maintainer of Nouveau, the Open Source Linux Nvida Driver, Resigns

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews The Maintainer of Nouveau, the Open Source Linux Nvida Driver, Resigns Ben Skeggs, the maintainer of the the open source Nouveau driver for Linux, has resigned from Red Hat and is "stepping back from nouveau development." The Maintainer of Nouveau, the Open Source Linux Nvida Driver, Resigns Matt Milano

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10: Nintendo Switch 2 : les leaks continuent et promettent du très lourd

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les informations sur la Nintendo Switch 2 inondent la toile depuis quelques mois. Une situation délicate pour les concepteurs, mais … Cet article Nintendo Switch 2 : les leaks continuent et promettent du très lourd a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

11: How to Send "multipart/form-data" with Requests in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction If you've ever needed to send files or data to a server via a POST request, you've likely had to use multipart/form-data. In this Byte, we'll see how to send these requests using the requests library in Python. What is "multipart/form-data"' multipart/form-data is a media type

12: Google quietly increases ad prices to meet targets, claims exec

Search engine land (Référencement)

The search engine reportedly raises prices by up to 10% without informing advertisers. The post Google quietly increases ad prices to meet targets, claims exec appeared first on Search Engine Land.

13: A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Array Methods

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the world of web development, JavaScript arrays are the unsung heroes, quietly powering a vast array of applications and websites. They serve as the backbone for storing and manipulating collections of data, enabling developers to per...

14: Functions in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In the Python programming language, a function serves as a reusable and modular block of code designed to execute a particular task or a series of related tasks. These functions play a crucial role in organizing and modularizing your code, which in t...

15: Safeguarding Expected Data Models in Backend: A Guide to Backend Backward Compatibility

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction Maintaining data model integrity is vital for seamless backend functionality. In the dynamic mobile app landscape, catering to users on older versions poses a unique challenge. Unlike web clients, which can easily be updated for all user...

16: Overview of Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When you search for something on a browser, the browser sends a request to the web server and the web server returns the files in the form of a response where the browser then translates the HTML, CSS and JS files into a webpage. The process of writ...

17: What is Turbopack ' How good it is when compared to Vite and Webpack '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there everyone it's Maaz, in this short article we are going to learn about Turbopack Turbopack is an incremental bundler optimized for JavaScript and TypeScript, written in Rust by the creators of webpack and Next.js at Vercel. The secret to T...

18: Blog 5: From Beginner to Pro in JavaScript! ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey Coders!!' So, this is my Part-5 of Javascript for beginners!!''' So, if you have not seen my Part-1, Part-2, Part-3 and Part-4 then you must see them and understand them because in the 4 articles we have talked much more!! So, without any fur...

19: Leveraging Array Methods the Right Way in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, methods like map, filter, concat, and reduce are "pure" ' meaning they don't change the original array. Instead, they produce a new array based on the logic you supply. For instance, when you do: => x.prop); The original arra...

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20: Fix "local variable referenced before assignment" in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction If you're a Python developer, you've probably come across a variety of errors, like the "local variable referenced before assignment" error. This error can be a bit puzzling, especially for beginners and when it involves local/global variables. Today, we'll explain this error, understand why it occurs, and see

22: Kinetica propose son propre LLM pour les requêtes SQL

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Décidément, l'actualité est aux LLM. Invoquant les problèmes de confidentialité et de sécurité que (...)

23: Ranked: The Highest Paid CEOs in the S&P 500

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This graphic reveals the top 20 highest paid CEOs in the S&P 500 from Sundar Pichai to Jamie Dimon. The post Ranked: The Highest Paid CEOs in the S&P 500 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

24: Unlocking the Magic of Dart Operators in Flutter: Abracadabra! ''

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round, for today, we embark on a mystical journey into the enchanting world of Dart operators! '' The Magic Behind Dart Operators In the realm of Flutter development, Dart operators are the hidden spells th...

25: Google AdSense adds new tools to make site verification faster and easier

Search engine land (Référencement)

The platform now offers real-time verification and meta-tag verification in addition to its existing methods. The post Google AdSense adds new tools to make site verification faster and easier appeared first on Search Engine Land.

26: La santé au coeur des mises à jour des suites Oracle Fusion Cloud

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Après la pandémie, Larry Ellison, CTO et co-fondateur d'Oracle veut se porter au chevet du secteur de la santé et lui faire (...)

27: Eviden, Atempo et Scality élaborent une solution de sauvegarde de confiance

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

C'est bien connu, l'union fait la force. Aujourd'hui, c'est au tour d'Eviden (filiale d'Atos) de nouer un partenariat avec le français Atempo et (...)

28: Unleashing the Full Potential of JavaScript's Console Object '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the realm of JavaScript development, the console.log() statement is like the trusty old hammer in a carpenter's toolbox ' - indispensable but not the only tool available. As a developer, you're probably familiar with it, but did you know that the...

29: Life Expectancy of Pets

Flowing data (dataviz)

When looking into getting a pet, it's important to consider life expectancy. You probably don't want to accidentally sign up for a twenty-year commitment with an impulse adoption at the pet store.Tags: life expectancy, pets

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30: Understanding your users with psychographics

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Psychographic segmentation is a technique where segments are defined based on psychological traits that influence product adoption. The post Understanding your users with psychographics appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

31: L'administration française veut encourager le développement des "start-up d'Etat"

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Pousser les agents publics à développer des solutions en partant des besoins du terrain. Voici l'objectif du fonds d'accélération des start-up d'Etat et de territoire qui vient d'annoncer les 10 lauréats de sa 13ème édition. Parmi elles, se trouvent par exemple Docurba qui propose une technologie pour élaborer et suivre les documents d'urbanisme et Annuaire des collectivités qui vise à o [...]

32: Data Vis Dispatch, September 19

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

33: Mastering JavaScript One-Liners: Part 2

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the first part of our journey towards mastering JavaScript one-liners, we explored some nifty tricks to simplify common coding tasks. Now, we're back with even more one-liners that will make your code shorter, sweeter, and more efficient. So, buck...

34: Hexatrust dresse la feuille de match de l'équipe de France de la cyber

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Si l'édition 2022 avait été marquée sous le sceau du sport (en anticipant les grands évènements que sont (...)

35: 8 new and updated Pinterest products for advertisers

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new and improved tools have been designed to help brands better connect with the Pinterest audience. The post 8 new and updated Pinterest products for advertisers appeared first on Search Engine Land.

36: Intel lance les Core Ultra, ses premiers processeurs pour PC à intégrer un accélérateur pour l'IA

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Intel lève le voile sur Meteor Lake, dont la dénomination commerciale sera Core Ultra. Il s'agit de ses premières puces pour PC à intégrer des chiplets grâce à la technologie Foveros, et elles disposeront ce faisant d'un accélérateur pour l'intelligence artificielle.

37: Midjourney for UI design: Prompts, tips, and ethics

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Midjourney is an effective resource for generating inspiration and ideas for UI design with minimal effort. The post Midjourney for UI design: Prompts, tips, and ethics appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

38: My Frustrations With the Context API in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To read more articles like this, visit my blog. State management in React has come a long way. Redux is the longtime industry standard, but after introducing the Context API, many argue that the days of Redux are over. I have had the privilege to wor...

39: Apple Watch : 5 nouveautés majeures avec watchOS 10

Blog du Moderateur ()

watchOS 10 est la plus grosse mise à jour de l'Apple Watch depuis sa sortie en 2015. Découvrez les nouvelles fonctionnalités !

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40: Day 15 : Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Python is a popular programming language for DevOps because it is versatile, easy to learn, and has a large ecosystem of libraries and tools.Python libraries are collections of pre-written code that can be used to perform specific tasks ...

41: Node.js Express.js application using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) Structure

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To create an Express.js application using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) structure, you'll need to organize your code into different folders and files for models, views, and controllers. Here's a simple example of an Express.js application following...

42: iPhone : comment détourer une photo pour créer un autocollant avec iOS 17

Blog du Moderateur ()

Avec iOS 17, vous pouvez désormais générer un autocollant à partir d'une photo issue de votre bibliothèque d'images.

43: Make All Interface Properties Optional in TypeScript

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction One feature of TypeScript is the ability to declare optional properties in interfaces. This Byte will show you how to make all properties in a TypeScript interface optional, which you may need to do in certain scenarios, like when working with partial data or API responses. Making Properties Optional

44: Introduction to JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used programming language that powers the interactive features and dynamic content of most websites on the internet. In this article, we'll explore what JavaScript is, its history, the d...

45: La Xbox de 2028 se dévoile via un leak ! Premier aperçu du futur du gaming

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un document en fuite de la FTC révèle les projets de Microsoft pour la future Xbox de 2028 ! Il … Cet article La Xbox de 2028 se dévoile via un leak ! Premier aperçu du futur du gaming a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

46: Google Bard peut désormais se connecter à Gmail, Docs, Maps : comment ça marche

Blog du Moderateur ()

L'agent conversationnel est désormais en mesure de combiner des informations issues de différents outils Google et intègre un système de vérification des sources.

47: Optimizing Vue.js apps with web workers

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Web workers can improve Vue app performance by offloading resource-intensive tasks to separate threads, enhancing responsiveness and UX. The post Optimizing Vue.js apps with web workers appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

48: How to optimize push notifications without annoying users

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Push notifications can be a very effective way to engage your app's users. But if done wrong, they can do great damage to user experience. The post How to optimize push notifications without annoying users appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

49: Are you being manipulated by Google Ads'

Search engine land (Référencement)

Dive into the covert persuasion tactics Google Ads uses to ensure the house always wins and discover strategies to outsmart the house. The post Are you being manipulated by Google Ads' appeared first on Search Engine Land.

50 / 155

50: Solve Math Equations Using Symbols in Python

Math Data Simplified (data)

If you want to solve a math equation in Python with human-readable symbols, try SymPy. The code above uses SymPy to solve a calculus problem. The post Solve Math Equations Using Symbols in Python appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

51: Des contrôleurs Pico fuient en images sur les réseaux sociaux chinois ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Des images dévoilant les récents contrôleurs Pico sans anneau ont circulé sur les plateformes de […] Cet article Des contrôleurs Pico fuient en images sur les réseaux sociaux chinois ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

52: TikTok rolls out new label for AI-generated content

Search engine land (Référencement)

The platform also plans to start automatically labelling content it detects may have been created or edited using AI. The post TikTok rolls out new label for AI-generated content appeared first on Search Engine Land.

53: Mastering Python Functions

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In the world of programming, functions are indispensable. They allow us to encapsulate blocks of code, making it easier to organize, reuse, and maintain your codebase. Python, a versatile and widely used programming language, provides po...

54: Cultivating Successful Hiring Practices: Best Strategies for Harnessing ChatGPT's Power

Noupe (conception)

Welcome to the intersection where cutting-edge tech meets the age-old challenge of finding the perfect hire.  Yes, we're talking about spicing up your recruitment game with ChatGPT. Quick to gauge, precise to pinpoint.  Still skeptical' Hang tight because we’re about to debunk myths, slice through the jargon, and give you the 411 on turning ChatGPT... The post Cultivati [...]

55: Day 9 - Python Dictionaries: Deep Dive, Nesting, and The Secret Auction Program

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Greetings, tech enthusiasts! Welcome back to my 100-day programming journey, where I'm immersing myself in the world of Python. On this remarkable Day 9, we have an exciting agenda in store for you. We'll take a deeper dive into Python d...

56: Agility Robotics ouvre une usine dans l'Oregon pour fabriquer ses robots bipèdes Digit

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Baptisés Digit, les robots de la start-up Agility Robotics vont être produits dans l'Oregon, aux Etats-Unis. Considérée comme la première usine du genre au monde, cette infrastructure a la capacité de produire 10 000 robots par an.

57: The Power of React.js: Building Modern User Interfaces

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the ever-evolving landscape of web and mobile application development, staying ahead of the curve is essential. This is where React.js comes into play. React.js, an open-source JavaScript library developed by Jordan Walke at Facebook, has revoluti...

58: Comment l'IA peut vous protéger de l'extorsion sexuelle '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'avènement de la technologie deepfake basée sur l'IA facilite la création de vidéos contrefaites explicites à des fins d'extorsion sexuelle … Cet article Comment l'IA peut vous protéger de l'extorsion sexuelle ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

59: Une nouvelle aventure pixelisée dans l'univers magique de Bandle City (Réalité Virtuelle)

« Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story » vient d'être annoncé. Ce jeu dérivé de League […] Cet article Une nouvelle aventure pixelisée dans l’univers magique de Bandle City a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

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60: How to Add a Property to an Object in TypeScript

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction In TypeScript, objects are a fundamental building block. They're the containers we use to group related variables and functions, creating a structure that's easy to understand and manage. But have you ever found yourself needing to add a property to an existing object in TypeScript' If so, you might

61: Astanor Ventures lance un fonds de 360 millions d'euros pour soutenir les technologies agroalimentaires

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le Belge Astanor Ventures annonce ce mardi un closing à 360 millions d'euros pour son second fonds visant à soutenir les start-up spécialisées dans l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement. Il compte déjà dans son portefeuille le spécialiste français des protéines d'insectes Ynsect et La Ruche qui dit Oui, fournisseur de produits frais et locaux en circuit court.

62: Automaton: How My System Automatically Generates Quip Docs For Weekly Work Journaling

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Why' At the end of Friday every week, along with logging all my hours, I also post to chatter a comprehensive summary of all the things that I had done that week. Think of this like a weekly work journal. Sounds simple but there are a couple of thing...

63: SAML SSO: The Missing Piece in Your Next.js App's Authentication Puzzle '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TL;DR: By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a fully functional SAML SSO integration for your Next.js app. ' This will be the process: Walk through the process step by step, complete with code examples. GIF Before you make it too far, a good p...

64: Implementing SSR in Next.js: Dynamic routing and prefetching

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Delve into dynamic routing in Next.js, both on the client and server sides, and explore nested routing and query parameters with SSR. The post Implementing SSR in Next.js: Dynamic routing and prefetching appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

65: Leader Spotlight: Building a culture of over-communication with Nidhi Bhatnagar

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We sit down with Nidhi Bhatnagar, VP of product management at DataStax, who shares insights into communication and customer feedback. The post Leader Spotlight: Building a culture of over-communication with Nidhi Bhatnagar appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

66: Trojan horse SEO: How to gain traction in new markets

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn the secrets of Trojan Horse SEO for category creation and how to disrupt markets, create engagement and dominate your niche. The post Trojan horse SEO: How to gain traction in new markets appeared first on Search Engine Land.

67: JavaScript building blocks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Functions are an essential building block in JavaScript. They allow you to organize your code and reuse parts of it. What are functions' Functions are blocks of code that perform a specific task. They allow you to store a piece of code that does a si...

68: React Deconstructed.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

i recommend to have zoom 80% cause idk all hashnode articles's text are so enlarged/zoomed nevermind if you don't mind '* REACT Unlike other FRAMEWORKS -> React is a JavaScript LIBRARY specialized in rendering user interfaces (UI) efficiently allow...

69: 15 React Best Practices for Superior Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

1. Embrace Visual Studio Code VS Code is Highly Recommended as IDE Visual Studio Code, commonly referred to as VS Code, stands as a powerhouse for React developers. This feature-rich Integrated Development Environment (IDE) offers a plethora of exten...

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70: La Duck Conf est de retour, rendez-vous le mardi 26 mars 2024 !

Octo (Internet)

On a archi hâte de vous retrouver pour cette 7e édition de la grande migration des canarchitectes. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à La Duck Conf 2024 ! Je m'inscris à La Duck Conf 2024 Après avoir traversé un ciel souverain, mais pas sans nuage, La Duck Conf revient pour sa migration annuelle, productive et soutenable, avec […] L'article La Duck Conf est de retour, rendez-vous le mardi [...]

71: La Duck Conf est de retour, rendez-vous le mardi 26 mars 2024 !

Octo (Internet)

On a archi hâte de vous retrouver pour cette 7e édition de la grande migration des canarchitectes. Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant à La Duck Conf 2024 ! Je m'inscris à La Duck Conf 2024 Après avoir traversé un ciel souverain, mais pas sans nuage, La Duck Conf revient pour sa migration annuelle, productive et soutenable, avec […] The post La Duck Conf est de retour, rendez-vous le mardi [...]

72: An Introduction to Flutter State Management

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

As a Flutter developer, you're probably well aware of the platform's power and flexibility in building beautiful, natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It's a fantastic framework that empowers developers ...

73: Elevate Your JavaScript Code Quality: 8 Must-Know Tips

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the realm of programming, JavaScript reigns supreme as a versatile and powerful language. Yet, crafting clean JavaScript code, even for seasoned developers, can pose a considerable challenge. What defines clean JavaScript code' It should be easy t...

74: React a JavaScript Library

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a popular JavaScript library that is widely used for building user interfaces. It provides a powerful and efficient way to create interactive and dynamic web applications. With React, developers can easily break down the user interface into ...

75: Basics of Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello Guys, Welcome to my blog. About myself and why I am starting blogging I am Sahil Shangloo 2nd year in IT Engineering and I am enthusiastic about ML. So I decided to start blogging to share my knowledge and document my ML journey. I will be prov...

76: Comment l'IA va bouleverser le design d'intérieur''

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'IA est devenue de plus en plus courante dans la vie quotidienne et désormais, elle est aussi devenue un outil … Cet article Comment l'IA va bouleverser le design d'intérieur'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

77: Google autocomplete: The silent threat to your online reputation

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how negative autocomplete keywords about your brand can shape people's perceptions and influence their decisions. The post Google autocomplete: The silent threat to your online reputation appeared first on Search Engine Land.

78: Les puces Epyc 8004 d'AMD taillées pour le cloud et l'edge

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Ayant fait du marché des datacenters l'un de ses principaux chevaux de bataille, AMD poursuit logiquement l'extension de sa gamme de puces (...)

79: Map vs Object In Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Both Maps and Objects are primarily used to store data, but they do have some key differences in their use cases and structure. These are listed below : Key and Value : In maps, it is very easy to access keys and the values associated with them. F...

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80: Territoire, justice ou urbanisme mobilisent les start-ups d'Etat

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'incubateur interministériel à l'origine du concept de start-ups d'État fait parler de lui. Son programme (...)

81: Territoires, justice ou urbanisme mobilisent les start-ups d'État

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'incubateur interministériel à l'origine du concept de start-ups d'État fait parler de lui. Son programme (...)

82: Vidéo : cette usine va produire 10 000 robots dignes de Terminator dès 2024

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'entreprise américaine Agility Robotics vient de créer la surprise en dévoilant la première usine de robots humanoïdes du monde, prête … Cet article Vidéo : cette usine va produire 10 000 robots dignes de Terminator dès 2024 a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

83: Frontend Development Learning Path

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Frontend developers are the architects of a website's user interface (UI), shaping its look and feel. Despite debates about market saturation, their demand remains high, driven by the need for exceptional UI in today's digital landscape. This article...

84: Novadiscovery et les HCL prédisent les résultats d'un essai clinique de phase III grâce à l'IA ()

C'est une première mondiale : à l'occasion de la Conférence Mondiale sur le Cancer du Poumon 2023 (World Conference on Lung Cancer, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer), les HCL et la société Novadiscovery ont annoncé des résultats positifs pour l'essai FLAURA2 de phase III d'AstraZeneca, visant à prédire les risques d'un essai clinique chez l'homme, grâce à l'intelli [...]

85: Grâce à l'IA, GE Healthcare guide les professionnels de santé dans le diagnostic prénatal

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Pour assister les professionnels de santé dans le diagnostic prénatal et la détection précoce des pneumonies chez les enfants dans les pays à faible revenu, GE Healthcare vient de recevoir une subvention de 44 millions de dollars par la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates. Pour ce faire, la filiale de General Electric va recourir aux systèmes d'apprentissage automatique appliqués aux échographi [...]

86: Google crée une IA présentant le même niveau de précision que les médecins ! ()

Google a mis au point un modèle linguistique dédié au milieu médical, Med-PaLM 2. Basé sur PaLM 2, le modèle de langage, qui anime le chatbot Bard, est conçu pour assister les professionnels de la santé dans leur quotidien. Par exemple, Med-PaLM 2 peut répondre à des questions de médecine, de santé ou encore de chirurgie, et interpréter la radio d'un patient pour en tirer un diagnosti [...]

87: Matériaux 2D et transfert de couche mince : le CEA-Leti et Intel combinent leurs forces pour des transistors sous-nanométriques ()

L'Institut Leti du CEA et Intel ont annoncé, fin juin 2023, leur collaboration visant à poursuivre la miniaturisation du transistor en deçà du nanomètre. Pour remplir cet objectif d'ici à 2030, les deux partenaires misent sur les dichalcognérures de métaux de transition, sous forme ultra-mince, et sur un procédé de report de couche mince pour fiabiliser leur production à grande échelle [...]

88: "Mastering JavaScript": Optional chaining in jS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Before the arrival of JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 2015), JavaScript language development happened very slowly. After the ES6 update, new advanced features are added each year. It is also important to note that modern browsers might not support all of ...

89: How to grow and retain clients with AI-powered 'Conversation Intelligence' by CallRail

Search engine land (Référencement)

Use CallRail's AI-powered products to uncover actionable insights, fuel new marketing strategies and prove your value to clients. The post How to grow and retain clients with AI-powered 'Conversation Intelligence' appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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90: Exploring the Power of ES6 JavaScript Features.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript has come a long way since its inception, and one of the most significant updates to the language was the introduction of ECMAScript 2015, commonly referred to as ES6 (ECMAScript 6). ES6 brought a plethora of new features and e...

91: Asynchronous Operations in JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In JavaScript, asynchronous operation is a crucial concept that we often come across while fetching data from a server, reading files, or responding to user interactions. Tasks don't execute synchronously in such cases. To manage asynchr...

92: How to build a simple multi-label text classifier

Hashnode - python (python)

While the world goes crazy over chatGPT and all the cool AI models we see launching every few weeks - it can be tempting to get caught up in the hype cycle but never actually build something tangible. In this article - I'll show you how to build a si...

93: Should I learn Express JS before Nest JS'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Whether you should learn Express.js before Nest.js depends on your existing knowledge and goals. Here's some information to help you decide: Understanding Express.js: Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provi...

94: Microsoft publie accidentellement plus de 38 To de données privées

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les chercheurs en sécurité ont aussi leurs routines, dont celle de scanner Internet à la recherche de mauvaises configurations systèmes (...)

95: Simplifying JavaScript with Useful Array Methods

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Arrays are an essential part of JavaScript, allowing you to store and manipulate lists of data. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical array methods that can make your JavaScript code more efficient and easier to understand. These methods ar...

96: vLLM : découvrez la bibliothèque Machine Learning open source et ultra rapide

Le Big Data (dataviz)

vLLM est une bibliothèque open source de pointe conçue pour rationaliser le processus d’inférence et de service du Large Language … Cet article vLLM : découvrez la bibliothèque Machine Learning open source et ultra rapide a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

97: How To Build a Mobile CV Application Using ValueNotifier and ValueListenableBuilder .

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Managing the User-Interface(UI) of an application without external flutter plugins can be quite satisfying especially when building simple applications. For state management, Flutter uses the setState function, which is often called in a Stateful wid...

98: Google Search can now validate responses from Bard

Search engine land (Référencement)

Plus, Bard PaLM 2 model is better, expanded more features and new Bard extensions. The post Google Search can now validate responses from Bard appeared first on Search Engine Land.

99: Essential JavaScript Array Methods for React Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Intro: React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and one of its core principles is the efficient management and manipulation of data. To work effectively with React and understand its concepts, it's crucial to have a solid g...

100 / 155

100: A Step-by-Step Guide to Securely Managing Admin Passwords in Your Web Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Are you a recent computer science graduate or someone with a couple of years of experience looking to build web applications that require secure admin logins' One of the most critical aspects of web development is handling user authentication securel...

101: Implementing Tailwind CSS Dark Mode Toggle with No Flicker

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Originally published at Dark layouts have become increasingly popular in interface designs, and we at Cruip are proud to have embraced this trend from the beginning. We've developed several best-seller Tailwind CSS templates in dark skin, a...

102: Hoisting in JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Before going into the definition of hoisting, let's consider these examples. What do you expect would be the answer to these questions' Example 1 a = 10; var a; console.log(a); Error' undefined' hmm, no. The output is 10. What about the below exampl...

103: Day 4: Control Structures - Making Decisions with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

1. Introduction to Control Structures: Begin your exploration of control structures in Python. Understand that control structures allow you to make decisions and control the flow of your programs. Learn why control structures are essential for writ...

104: iPhone : comment utiliser NameDrop avec iOS 17

Blog du Moderateur ()

Avec iOS 17, vous pouvez désormais facilement partager des coordonnées en rapprochant votre iPhone d'un autre iPhone ou d'une Apple Watch.

105: La RATP teste un bus autonome avec des passagers à bord

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Un bus autonome de la RATP circule désormais du lundi au vendredi entre 9h et 15h sur la ligne 393 (Val-de-Marne) pour compléter l'offre classique aux heures de pointe. Il peut accueillir jusqu'à 17 personnes assises dont la sécurité est assurée par un "safety driver".

106: Unity UI Toolkit: Reusable Panel

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Introduction UI Toolkit is the newer UI system for Unity. Advantages over the older UI system: ease of laying out the UI, with the help of UI Builder ease of changing theme or style, with the unity style sheet (uss) it can be used for the editor d...

107: C&A opère une stratégie data driven

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dans un monde de la distribution textile moyen de gamme malmené par la conjoncture économique et une concurrence low cost féroce, (...)

108: Google étend le support des Chromebook à dix ans

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dorénavant, les Chromebook sont livrés avec dix ans de correctifs de sécurité et de mises à jour. Cette décision (...)

109: Delphine Ducastel Boulon prend les rênes de Datacore France

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Fournisseur de solutions de virtualisation de stockage, l'américain Datacore a profité de l'été pour faire évoluer son (...)

110 / 155

110: Mastering Python: Strings, Booleans, Operators, Lists, and Tuples Unveiled!

Hashnode - python (python)

1. Working with Strings: Begin your day by exploring strings in Python. Learn how to create strings, use single and double quotes, and escape characters. Practice string concatenation and slicing (accessing parts of a string). https://www.w3schoo...

111: SEO : 5 conseils pour améliorer son référencement à l'international

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez nos conseils pour optimiser vos performances SEO à l'international.

112: Behind every widget, there are an element and almost always a render object.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

DISCLAIMER: This is a sneak peek of what I learned on my Journey to Dive deep into the Flutter Framework. Everything said here was found on the web and in the Flutter framework project on GitHub. If a concept is incorrectly explained, feel free to me...

113: Prophecy vous permet de devenir Data Analyst ou Engineer grâce à l'IA

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’intelligence artificielle révolutionne le monde de la data. Prophecy, une innovation majeure, facilite cette transition, offrant des outils pour devenir … Cet article Prophecy vous permet de devenir Data Analyst ou Engineer grâce à l’IA a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

114: My Python Journey - Day 8: Function Parameters and the Caesar Cipher Project

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Hey there, fellow coding enthusiasts! Welcome back to my 100-day programming journey. Today marks Day 8 of my exciting adventure into the world of Python, and boy, have I learned a ton! Today, we're going to delve deep into the fascinati...

115: The Zulip Open-Source Experience

Hashnode - python (python)

Hi, I'm Wilhelmina Asante, a first-year student studying Computer Science at The Kibo School of Technology. I want to share an exciting journey I embarked on, with my teammates, during my summer internship at CodeDay Labs where I contributed to Zulip...

116: Informatique quantique : définition et usages avec Olivier Ezratty

Blog du Moderateur ()

Qu'est-ce que l'informatique quantique ' Et quelles sont ses applications concrètes ' Éclairage avec Olivier Ezratty, qui abordera cette thématique lors du France Digital Day 2023.

117: A la suite d'un ransomware, la ville de Betton voit ses données publiées

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Près de 2% des données de la ville de Betton, en Ille-et-Vilaine, ont été publiées sur le dark net à la suite d'une cyberattaque qui avait paralysé une partie de ses services publics. Les pièces lors des demandes de carte d'identité et de passeports ne sont pas concernées par cette fuite, rassure la municipalité bretonne.

118: Backtracking 101

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome, dear readers, to the final installment of our algorithm design series. I hope you've been enjoying this journey and gaining a solid grasp of the concepts presented in my blogs. In this article, we'll delve into the fascinating realm of backt...

119: Le marché mondial des commutateurs Ethernet en pleine croissance

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'accélération de la croissance du marché mondial des commutateurs Ethernet se confirme. Au deuxième trimestre (...)

120 / 155

120: Se passer du mainframe, un exercice ambitieux

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

C'est une histoire sans fin. Le mainframe continue à être au centre de l'activité de très grandes entreprises et organisations (...)

121: [Kotlin in Action] 8'. '' '': ''''' '' ''' '' ''

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

'' '' '' '' ''' '' ''' ''' ''' ''' '''' '''. '' '' '' ''' ''''' '' ''''' ''' '' '' '', ' '' '''(->)' ''' '', ''' '' ''' '''' ''. val sum = (Int, Int) -> Int = { x, y -> x + y } ''' '' ''' ''' '' '' ''' '' ' ' '' '''' ''' '' '' ''' ''' ''' ' '' '''' ...

122: Conserto lance GreenTrackr, un outil pour mesurer l'impact environnemental des sites web

Blog du Moderateur ()

À l'occasion de la semaine européenne du développement durable, découvrez comment Conserto a développé et conçu GreenTrackr pour agir en faveur d'un numérique plus responsable et respectueux de l'environnement.

123: Top 7 des mots de passe à changer régulièrement

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le constat est sans appel : le top 10 des mots de passe les plus utilisés en France est déchiffrable … Cet article Top 7 des mots de passe à changer régulièrement a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

124: UX Designer et Product Owner, amis ou ennemis''

Usabilis (ux)

Les relations entre Product Owner et UX designers apparaissent parfois compliquées voire tendues. Serpent de mer de l'UX design ou réalité'' Il peut effectivement y avoir des zones de frictions suivant les personnalités... Cet article UX Designer et Product Owner, amis ou ennemis'' est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.

125: Panos Panay, créateur des ordinateurs Surface, quitte Microsoft et rejoindrait Amazon

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Microsoft perd son designer en chef. Panos Panay, père des appareils Surface qui avait désormais en charge jusqu'au développement de Windows, tire sa révérence après 19 ans. Il irait a priori chez Amazon pour reprendre en main sa division hardware, en difficultés depuis quelques années.

126: Why every startup should be built on open-source... ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Last year was the first time I heard of an open-source startup as SaaS.I didn't even understand what it meant. How do you monetize such a thing'Everybody can come, take your code, and compete with you. I couldn't even understand how we get from GitHu...

127: Master CSS Combinators

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you must know about these CSS Combinators. Before learning about CSS combinators, let's see why we learn these combinators if we can do our task without combinators. It helps to reduce unnecessary classes. M...

128: Typing your JavaScript without writing TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The good news is that we can give TypeScript more hints about the types that flow around our JavaScript application or project without changing the project to TypeScript. JSDoc You can use JSDoc to set the types of variables. In this example, assigni...

129: Goossips SEO : URLs indexées, refonte de site

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : les raisons qui expliquent des pics d'URLs indexées et le retour à la normale après une refonte de site. Voici une petite compilation des informations fournies par les […] L'article "Goossips SEO : URLs indexées, refonte de sit [...]

130 / 155

130: Gutenberg vs page builder : lequel choisir '

WP Marmite (wordpress)

À ma gauche, Gutenberg. À ma droite, un constructeur de page. Au centre, vous. Gutenberg vous attire. Il vous tend les bras. Et puis non. Ce constructeur de page a quand même quelques atouts de choix qui vous aimantent. Au... Gutenberg vs page builder : lequel choisir ' est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.

131: Newbie Coder growing up - 3 min random gist4

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

3:43am Tuesday SEPT 19 WAT Lagos NG. ' Crazy things are happening... ' I woke up today 1am, randomly joined @hackSultan's "Guess the song" space on X, then wrote myself a 10-item long to-do list, all unrelated tasks, all for today, causing the girl...

132: Mast'ring th' Art of D'bugging: Unl'ash th' Pow'r of a Javascript D'bugg'r to Troubl'shoot Front-End Cod' lik' a Pro

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Mast'ring th' Art of D'bugging: Unl'ash th' Pow'r of a Javascript D'bugg'r to Troubl'shoot Front-End Cod' lik' a Pro Introduction to d'bugging in JavaScript D'bugging is an 'ss'ntial skill for any JavaScript d'v'lop'r. It involv's id'ntifying and fix...

133: JavaScript - Null, undefined, not defined ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Null, undefined, not defined '' null ' undefined '' null ''''''''''''''''''''''' 0'undefined '''''''''''''''''''''''''' NaN undefined ' not defined '' undefined ''''''''''''''''''''''not defined '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (runtime error)''''''' con...

134: La start-up Stane lève 10 millions d'euros pour digitaliser les établissements de santé

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'entreprise lyonnaise Stane, spécialisée dans l'accompagnement numérique des structures de soins, vient de boucler une série A de 10 millions d'euros. Elle souhaite continuer à déployer ses services à travers une application dédiée et créer un entrepôt pour centraliser les données issues des 115 structures de soins accompagnées. D'ici à 2027, elle espère en accompagner 450.

135: PyGraft : tout savoir sur le nouvel outil Python open source pour la DataViz

Le Big Data (dataviz)

On vous présente aujourd'hui PyGraft : la solution en code source ouvert centrée sur Python qui crée des représentations graphiques … Cet article PyGraft : tout savoir sur le nouvel outil Python open source pour la DataViz a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

136: JavaScript - Data Types & Strings

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

'''' Data types '''''' Primitive Data Type '''''''''''' (primitive value)'''''''''''''' Javascript '''''''''' Undefined Null Boolean: true / false String Number NaN - Not a Number BigInt (ES2020) Symbol (ES6) ''''''''''' '''''' Object Data...

137: How to Implement a Simple Cache Invalidation System in Vue.js

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Before we delve into the mechanics of cache invalidation, let's clarify what caching is. A cache, often referred to as a web cache, is a technology designed to store copies of web content, such as web pages, images, and other resources, closer to end...

138: L'assurtech française Stoïk lève 10 millions d'euros pour séduire le marché allemand

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le dernier tour de table de Stoïk porte le montant total des fonds levés par cette start-up française fondée en 2021 à 25 millions d'euros. Elle vient d'ouvrir un bureau à Cologne pour distribuer ses politiques d'assurance en matière de cybersécurité sur le marché allemand.

139: Toilettes IA et araignées mortes : découvrez les inventions insolites du Ig Nobel Prize

Le Big Data (dataviz)

On est déjà à la 33e édition annuelle du Ig Nobel Prize, et les inventions insolites les plus marquantes de … Cet article Toilettes IA et araignées mortes : découvrez les inventions insolites du Ig Nobel Prize a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

140 / 155

140: How to build Asynchronous applications in Python: Exploring Multiprocessing

Hashnode - python (python)

Multithreading and Multiprocessing are used to build asynchronous applications. Not many developers understand the difference between them or when to choose one over the other. In this article, we are exploring multiprocessing. We will create a funct...

141: What is Streaming in React and Next Js' SSR, Performance, Hydration, Suspense | In-Depth Analysis

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Server-Side Rendering' Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is a crucial technique in web development that enhances user experiences by optimizing how web pages are loaded and displayed. At its core, SSR ensures that web pages are efficiently rendered...

142: How to Use Type Guards in TypeScript: A Complete Guide with Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This article was first published on TypeScript is a great language that allows us to write code with static types, which can help us catch errors at compile time and improve the readability and maintainability of our code. However, TypeScr...

143: In A Git Repository, Where Do Your Files Live' (Développement)

Julia explores the inner workings of git, specifically how it stores files in the .git/objects directory. Through Python programs, Julia investigates the location of specific files and their older versions discovering "content addressed storage," where the filename is the hash of the file's content. The article also demystifies the encoding process, showing that files are zlib compressed, and emph [...]

144: My Approach To Coding Interviews: Optimize For Iteration (Développement)

'I didn't encounter this question in an interview personally. I'll be pretending to go through a ~60 minute interview with an imaginary interviewer. And what you will read here is how I would tackle this question and how I predict the interview would go, informed by my experience in interviews. While reading all of this, it's important to remember that the most important part of an interview is co [...]

145: Death By A Thousand Microservices (Développement)

'It's a simple question - what problem are you solving' Is it scale' How do you know how to break it all up for scale and performance' Do you have enough data to show what needs to be a separate service and why' Distributed systems are built for size and resilience. Can your system scale and be resilient at the same time' What happens if one of the services goes down or comes to a crawl' Just scal [...]

146: Best Practices For Collecting And Querying Data From Multiple Sources (Développement)

In a data-centric era, efficiently collecting and querying data from diverse sources is paramount. Zoe Steinkamp emphasizes the importance of best practices in data collection, such as optimizing ingestion pipelines and advanced querying. With varied data streams like IoT and cloud computing, single-database storage is outdated. Instead, strategies like effective data modeling and understanding da [...]

147: Electric (Développement)

Sync layer for web and mobile apps.

148: Asking Questions The Right Way (Développement)

Vadim differentiates between technical questions that address code and processes, with project management questions that deal with team dynamics. Key advice includes: (1) Conducting thorough research before posing a question to ensure you're not asking something readily available. (2) Ensuring clarity and precision in question formulation to get meaningful answers. (3) Avoiding the XY problem, whe [...]

149: Currencies (On Motivating Different People) (Développement)

Ed dicusses conventional approaches to motivation, referred to as "kicks in the ass" or KITA. These can be both negative (i.e. criticism) or positive (i.e. rewards). While rewards might induce 'movement' or compliance, they don't necessarily equate to genuine motivation e.g. increasing compensation. Leadership experts introduce the concept of "currencies" as resources that can be exchanged to 'gai [...]

150 / 155

150: Inside New Query Engine Of MongoDB (Développement)

A significant overhaul of the Query Execution Engine has been announced. The article provides an in-depth look into the technical aspects of this change. The previous engine, termed "Classic," was built around JSON documents, leading to inefficiencies in complex queries. The new Slot Based Engine (SBE) introduces "slots" as a means to pass data, optimizing the process. Nikita delves into the archi [...]

151: ChatDev (Développement)

Communicative agents for software development.

152: HyperDX (Développement)

Open source observability platform.

153: How Instagram Scaled To 14 million Users With Only 3 Engineers (Développement)

Instagram scaled from 0 to 14 million users within a year (October 2010 to December 2011) with three engineers. The success was attributed to three guiding principles: simplicity, not reinventing the wheel and using proven technologies. The article provides a detailed walkthrough of the tech stack. Instagram relied on AWS, using EC2 and Ubuntu Linux, with the frontend developed in Objective-C. The [...]

154: TTS (Développement)

Toolkit for text-to-speech.

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
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Richard Carlier

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