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« Octobre 2023 »

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1 Octobre 2023 (80)

1: The Developer's Guide to Understanding JavaScript's Scope Chain

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction To become proficient in JavaScript Engineering, it is essential to understand the concept scope chain. The scope chain is a fundamental concept that determines how variables are accessed and resolved within a JavaScript program. In this ...

2: 7.4 Logging and Error Reporting

Hashnode - python (python)

In any software development project, it is crucial to have a robust system for logging and error reporting. Python provides powerful tools and libraries for handling logging and error reporting, making it easier for developers to track and debug issu...

3: 7.3 Debugging Techniques

Hashnode - python (python)

Debugging is an essential skill for any programmer. It involves identifying and fixing errors or bugs in your code. Python provides several tools and techniques to help you debug your programs effectively. In this section, we will explore some of the...

4: 7.2 Handling Exceptions

Hashnode - python (python)

Exception handling is an essential aspect of programming in Python. It allows you to gracefully handle errors and unexpected situations that may occur during the execution of your code. In this section, we will explore the various techniques and best...

5: 7.1 Understanding Exceptions

Hashnode - python (python)

Exceptions are an integral part of programming in Python. They are events that occur during the execution of a program that disrupt the normal flow of the program's instructions. When an exception occurs, the program stops executing the current code ...

6: 7 Error Handling and Debugging

Hashnode - python (python)

7.1 Understanding Exceptions Exceptions are an integral part of programming in Python. They are events that occur during the execution of a program that disrupt the normal flow of the program's instructions. When an exception occurs, the program stop...

7: 6.4 Working with Paths

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, working with paths is an essential part of file and directory operations. Paths allow us to navigate through the file system and locate specific files or directories. Python provides a module called os.path that offers various functions fo...

8: 6.3 File and Directory Permissions

Hashnode - python (python)

When working with files and directories in Python, it is important to understand and manage file and directory permissions. File and directory permissions determine who can access, modify, or execute a file or directory. In this section, we will expl...

9: 6.1 File Operations

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, file operations are an essential part of working with data and managing information. Whether you need to read data from a file, write data to a file, or perform other file-related tasks, Python provides a variety of functions and methods t...

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10: 6 Working with Files and Directories

Hashnode - python (python)

6.1 File Operations In Python, file operations are an essential part of working with data and managing information. Whether you need to read data from a file, write data to a file, or perform other file-related tasks, Python provides a variety of fun...

11: 5.4 Exploring Popular Python Packages

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a versatile programming language that offers a wide range of packages and libraries to enhance its functionality. These packages are created by the Python community and are available for developers to use in their projects. In this section,...

12: 5.3 Using Packages

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, a package is a way to organize related modules into a single directory hierarchy. It provides a convenient way to group related functionality together, making it easier to manage and reuse code. Packages are an essential part of Python's m...

13: 5.2 Creating Modules

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, a module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. It serves as a way to organize and reuse code. Modules can be imported into other Python programs, allowing you to use the functions, classes, and variables defined in the mo...

14: 5.1 Importing Modules

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, modules are files that contain Python code, which can be used to define functions, classes, and variables. These modules can be imported into other Python programs to reuse code and access the functionality provided by the module. Importin...

15: 5 Python Modules and Packages

Hashnode - python (python)

5.1 Importing Modules In Python, modules are files that contain Python code, which can be used to define functions, classes, and variables. These modules can be imported into other Python programs to reuse code and access the functionality provided b...

16: Leafore: Cultivating Eco-Consciousness in Young Minds

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In an age where environmental issues are more critical than ever, fostering eco-consciousness in the younger generation is paramount. Leafore, a revolutionary platform, strives not only to educate but also to instill a sense of responsib...

17: TF 17 | Your weekly frontend digest

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Article of the week : State of HTML 2023 ' Don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss a thing !We are also on ' Twitter/X and ' BlueSky, come and say Hello! ' We share content throughout the week in advance. The State o...

18: Building A Photo App Using Unsplash API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Unsplash API is an interface provided by Unsplash, a popular platform that offers a vast collection of high-quality, freely usable images and photographs. The API allows developers to access and integrate Unsplash's image content into their applicati...

19: 4.4 Encapsulation

Hashnode - python (python)

Encapsulation is one of the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) and plays a crucial role in Python. It is the process of hiding the internal details of an object and providing a public interface to interact with it. In simpler...

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20: 4.3 Polymorphism

Hashnode - python (python)

Polymorphism is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass. It is derived from the Greek words "poly" meaning many and "morph" meaning form. In P...

21: 4.2 Inheritance

Hashnode - python (python)

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes. It is a way to create new classes based on existing classes, forming a hierarchy of classes. In Python...

22: 4.1 Classes and Objects

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, object-oriented programming (OOP) is a powerful paradigm that allows you to create reusable and modular code. At the heart of OOP in Python are classes and objects. Understanding how to define and use classes and objects is essential for b...

23: What is Lexical Scope in JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Lexical scope aka static scope is something you will hear about many times during your JavaScript journey and it's important to understand what it means exactly. If you have not already, make sure to also read my post about variable declarations to u...

24: 4 Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

4.1 Classes and Objects In Python, object-oriented programming (OOP) is a powerful paradigm that allows you to create reusable and modular code. At the heart of OOP in Python are classes and objects. Understanding how to define and use classes and ob...

25: Step-by-Step Guide: Creating Your First React App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Setting up your first React project involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started: 1. Install Node.js and npm: React requires Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) to manage dependencies. Download and install them from...

26: Revitalizing User Engagement: A Case Study in User-Centric Design and Innovation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Understanding User-Centric Issues The design team meticulously pinpointed specific challenges plaguing The New York Times app, directly impacting user satisfaction and retention. These included concerns regarding news coverage, life-changing events,...

27: Kotlin Tidbit: Loops and Recursion

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Given a LinkedList data structure that is defined as: data class LinkedList(val value: T, val next: LinkedList' = null) Each LinkedList entry is a node of the current value and a reference to next which points to another LinkedList with the re...

28: What are Strapi lifeCycle hooks and how to use them in v4'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Strapi, the open-source headless CMS. One of the standout features of Strapi is its lifecycle hooks, which allow you to extend the default behavior of your API and perform custom actions at specific points. In this blog post, we will explore what Str...

29: The Difference Between map() and forEach() in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a versatile programming language with a wide range of built-in functions and methods that allow developers to manipulate data and work with arrays and objects efficiently. Two commonly used methods for iterating over arrays are map() an...

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30: Understanding Asynchronous Programming Fundamentals

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In today's fast-paced world of web development, imagine a scenario using an e-commerce website. Customers are browsing products, adding items to their shopping carts, and making purchase decisions in real-time. To provide a seamless shop...

31: Diving into the world of WebGL with Three.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this series of articles, we're going to dive deep into the world of WebGL with Three.js. We're going to start with bare theory and basics and move on to more advanced concepts as we move forward. Honestly, I am not a professional myself in WebGL a...

32: Day13/90DaysofDevOps Challenge-Basics Of Python For DevOps Engineer

Hashnode - python (python)

Let's Start with the Basics of Python as this is also important for DevOps Engineer to build logic and Programs. Python has become a popular programming language in the field of DevOps due to its versatility, ease of use, and powerful capabilities. A...

33: Different types of rendering techniques in Next js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

One of the benefits of Next.js is its versatility in regards to how it builds the page on the user's browser. The speed at which the content is rendered depends on the size and type of application. Next.js has three options to choose from so that pag...

34: Exploring the Basics of DOM in Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today, I embarked on my MERN stack journey, diving headfirst into the Document Object Model (DOM). Having already covered the fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript, I found it fitting to start with DOM, a crucial aspect of web development. ...

35: JavaScript Mastery: The Key to Front-End Excellence

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the dynamic realm of front-end development, where discussions are often centered around influential frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, and Svelte, it's a frequent occurrence for developers, particularly newcomers to the field, to di...

36: Day 0: JS series

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hoisting with Let and const With practical experience, you might say let and const don't hoist and it throws out an error. The fact is let and const hoist but it'll be in a Temporal Dead Zone. Temporal Dead Zone: The area where the variable is hoiste...

37: 26. Timer Queue in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Timers are an essential part of JavaScript's asynchronous programming model. They enable developers to execute code at specified intervals or after a certain delay, enhancing the interactivity and responsiveness of web applications. In this comprehen...

38: Baldur's Gate 3 : Les multiclasses les plus bizarres et surpuissantes

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les joueurs s'amusent comme des fous dans Baldur's Gate 3 avec des multiclasses surpuissantes et bizarres. Voici les plus intéressantes. … Cet article Baldur's Gate 3 : Les multiclasses les plus bizarres et surpuissantes a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

39: Hilt Modules, @Provides, @InstallIn Annotations, and Component Scopes: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Welcome to an in-depth exploration of Hilt Modules, @Provides, @InstallIn Annotations, and Component Scopes in Jetpack Compose. In this comprehensive guide, we'll not only provide real-world examples but also break down the hierarchy of usages and ac...

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40: Angular Pipe Customization: Building Your Own Data Transformers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Angular, equips developers with a multitude of tools to craft dynamic and data-driven web applications. Among these tools, Angular pipes stand out as a versatile feature for transforming and formatting data seamlessly. While Angular provides several ...

41: 7 Tips and Tricks for Debugging in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Debugging is an essential part of software development, and JavaScript is no exception. Whether you're building a small application or a large-scale project, you'll inevitably run into bugs that need to be fixed. In this blog post, we'll discuss some...

42: Controlled vs Uncontrolled Components in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this blog, we'll dive deep into controlled vs. uncontrolled components and how these concepts are used while implementing forms. We can share the state between components in controlled and uncontrolled ways. If the component has some internal stat...

43: 25. Microtask Queues in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, asynchronous programming is a fundamental concept that allows developers to perform tasks concurrently without blocking the main execution thread. While the event loop and the callback queue are well-known components of JavaScript's as...

44: Dictionaries and File Operations in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Dictionaries are a core and versatile data structure in Python. Also known as hash tables in other languages, dictionaries allow storing data in key-value pairs that provide lightning-fast lookup times. What Are Dictionaries' A Python dictionary cons...

45: 24. Event Loop in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you've spent any time working with JavaScript, you've likely heard about the event loop. It's a core concept that underpins the language's asynchronous nature and allows it to handle tasks like responding to user interactions, making network reque...

46: 23. Exploring libuv, Thread Pools, Thread Pool Size and Network I/O in Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js is renowned for its asynchronous, non-blocking I/O model, which allows developers to create highly scalable and efficient network applications. At the heart of Node.js' I/O operations lies libuv, a powerful library that handles asynchronous e...

47: Design System in Flutter. Yeah I am optimising the title space.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

One of the key principles of writing better code is DRY - DON'T REPEAT YOURSELF. The rise of no-code solutions has been explosive and is a testament to the fact that any code written is just more work to do on maintenance and upgrades. So what is a d...

48: Using ! ans !! to convert values to boolean </3

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You might come across coercing the value to a boolean using the two logical NOT operators while working on JavaScript. In this blog let us understand how it works. In Javascript, all values are either truthy or falsey. so if our datatype does not con...

49: Using ! ans !! to convert values to boolean

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You might come across coercing the value to a boolean using the two logical NOT operators while working on JavaScript. In this blog let us understand how it works. In Javascript, all values are either truthy or falsey. so if our datatype does not con...

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50: Creating a Modern Image Slider Using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Creating a Modern Image Slider Using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript In this tutorial, we will build a modern image slider from scratch using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript. Image sliders are a popular feature on websites for showcasing multiple...

51: A More Remarkable Auto Karaoke System with Genius

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome all! Previously on this blog, we used React to create an auto karaoke app. From identifying the currently playing song to moving the lyrics in real-time, it almost had it all.

52: A Beginner's Guide to TypeScript Types and Interfaces

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript has long been a leading language in the dynamic world of software development. However, as applications get more complex, it becomes clear that stronger tools are required to handle this complexity and guarantee code stability. In this sit...

53: How to become a pro at JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this post, I will show you 5 awesome javascript tricks which will make your life more easier. And will help you to become a better developer. So if you are interested, continue reading. New one Trick-1: Remove duplicates from an Array! This trick ...

54: 22. Creating a Node.js Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js has gained immense popularity as a runtime environment for server-side development, allowing developers to build scalable and high-performance web servers. In this step-by-step guide, we'll explore the process of creating a Node.js server fro...

55: Error handling in Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Without errors, we can't imagine developers' lives. Whenever we create or build an application we we have to face several errors. And this is very annoying. In this article, we will focus on how we can manage or avoid errors effectively. Without erro...

56: 21. Understanding HTTP Module in Node.js: Building Web Servers for Data Transfer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In today's digital age, the internet has become an integral part of our lives, connecting millions of computers worldwide. These computers, whether they are personal devices like PCs and mobile phones or powerful data centers, typically serve one of ...

57: Building a Firebase Authentication and Private Route System in a React App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Firebase Authentication is a robust and secure solution to handle user authentication in web applications. It offers various authentication methods, including email and password, Google Sign-In, and more. In this article, we'll walk through building ...

58: Build your own Reactjs from scratch

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is a React-like library to understand how React works internally Welcome to my blog post series on creating a React-like library to understand how React works internally. In this series, I'll be sharing my experience of building a library that m...

59: Type Hints in Python: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Python is a duck-typed language, which means the language is type-inferred (it doesn't care whether an object is a 'duck'. As long as it 'quacks', it is good to go. In other words, when we assign an object to a variable, Python does not ...

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60: Developing a Powerful Alert System Using React Context API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To read more articles like this, visit my blog React context API has supercharged our React applications. Now we can do stuff with pure React without any help from other libraries like Redux which was not possible before. Today I will share how I use...

61: How to Upload Image to Aws-S3 Bucket in React Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In today's digital age, where visuals play a pivotal role in web applications, knowing how to seamlessly upload and manage images is a must-have skill for any React developer. Imagine empowering your applications with the ability to effo...

62: On sait à quelle date la Terre sera inhabitable, et c'est beaucoup plus tôt que prévu

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La Terre deviendra inhabitable plus rapidement que prévu. Les températures vont beaucoup augmenter jusqu'à ne plus permettre l'existence humaine. Les … Cet article On sait à quelle date la Terre sera inhabitable, et c'est beaucoup plus tôt que prévu a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

63: How To Generate OTPs Using PyOTP in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In a digital age filled with hackers and cybersecurity threats where "password123" just doesn't cut it anymore, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) emerges as the superhero of online security. OTPs are an important part of 2FA. In this article, we'll lea...

64: "Understanding JavaScript Functions: Statements, Expressions, and First-Class Functions"

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Function Statement: A function statement is a way to create a function in JavaScript using the 'function' keyword and providing a name to the function. Functions in JavaScript can be assigned to variables, treating functions as values, which is a pow...

65: My Hacktoberfest Journey

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey there! I just wanted to share that while I may not be a pro in the world of Open Source, I've had some great experiences contributing to open-source software. So, today, I thought it would be awesome to jot down my thoughts and share...

66: Creating a Responsive Image Gallery in React: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Building a responsive scroll gallery in React can be quite complicated but it's a very valuable feature to add to a lot of projects requiring a gallery of sorts. But don't worry, in this blog post, I shall guide you through the process step-by-step. ...

67: Contributing to Open Source in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Open-source software development is a collaborative effort where developers from around the world work together to build and improve software that is freely available for anyone to use. Python, a versatile and widely used programming language, has a ...

68: Javascript Classes: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, JavaScript remains an indispensable language. Its versatility and dynamism empower developers to create interactive and user-friendly web applications. One fundamental concept that plays a pivotal ro...

69: What is Dynamic Type and Static Type Language '

Hashnode - python (python)

Dynamic Type Dynamic typing refers to a programming language feature where the type of a variable is determined at runtime, as opposed to static typing, where the type of a variable is determined at compile-time. In dynamically typed languages, you c...

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70: Getting started with React development in minutes on Linux Mint 21 vanessa or Ubuntu-based Distros

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React.js React, also known as React.js or ReactJS, is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs) and web applications. Developed and maintained by Facebook, React has gained widespread popularity in the web development commu...

71: Understanding String Literals and Boolean Literals

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

String Literals A string literal is a sequence of one or more letters, numbers or punctuation marks, enclosed in double quotes (" ") or single quotes (' '). Example- "This is my hashnode blog" "June 28, 1998" " " "I am a frontend developer" Bo...

72: Installing Node.js with NVM on Linux Mint 21 vanessa or Ubuntu-based Distros

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node JS Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is designed for building scalable and high-performance network applications, making it par...

73: Loop (for & a while) in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to my other blog on JavaScript and in this blog we are going to see for & while Loops in JS. Let's get started ' Loops In programming, we need to perform operations and actions that need to be performed repeated times and that's where... Lo...

74: Building a Chrome Extension for Endless Laughter

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there.... I'm Kunal Gavhane, a Software Engineer and Web Developer with a background in Computer Science Engineering. I've had the privilege of working on some exciting web development projects, and I'm here to share my knowledge with you. Extens...

75: Introduction to variables

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Variables are like containers for storing data. The data stored in these containers can be changed or modified. Variables are declared and initialized. For example : let userName = "Las"; //variable is declared and initialized. The variable is like...

76: Optimizing LSTM Training for Text Generation on CPU

Hashnode - python (python)

Text generation using deep learning has gained traction due to its wide array of applications: from writing poems to auto-generating code. But while working with this, many encounter a significant hurdle - prolonged training times, especially if one ...

77: JavaScript functional programming explained: Higher order functions, partial function, and currying, functional composition.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Recently, I refactored our console CDK pipeline code using the functional programming idea and I would like to document my understanding of functional programming. In this article, I will discuss seven functional programming techniques that you can u...

78: 3.6 Working with CSV and JSON

Hashnode - python (python)

In this section, we will explore how to work with CSV (Comma-Separated Values) and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files in Python. These file formats are commonly used for storing and exchanging data, and Python provides built-in libraries to hand...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

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