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« Octobre 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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22 Octobre 2023 (40)

1: what is Linux '

Hashnode - python (python)

Linux is a free and open-source operating system that was developed in the early 1990s by Linus Torvalds. It is based on the Unix operating system and has become a popular choice for both personal and enterprise use due to its stability, security, an...

2: Camera Calibration Demystified: Part 2 - Applications and Lens Distortion

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In Part 1 of this series on camera calibration, we laid the groundwork by exploring the fundamental principles that govern how cameras translate the 3D world into a 2D image. We delved into camera models and the intrinsic and extrinsic p...

3: State Management for Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is state management' Okay, I'll not write the descriptive meaning of the word "State Management", Let me explain to you with an example, We get a manual with every electronic gadget we buy, but why' So you can go through the steps mentioned in t...

4: Exploring the World of Car Rental Management: Building a Python Application - Part 4

Hashnode - python (python)

Article 4: Project Planning and Preparation In the previous parts of our series, we explored the tools, technologies, and libraries required for our car rental management system. Now, in Part 4, we will delve into the crucial phase of project plannin...

5: Les antiquités égyptiennes du Louvre prennent vie en réalité augmentée avec Snapchat

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le musée du Louvre s'est associé à Snapchat pour proposer cinq expériences de réalité augmentée autour de l'Egypte antique. Un nouvel outil de médiation pour stimuler l'imagination des visiteurs tout en les aidant à recontextualiser les oeuvres exposées.

6: Intel incite les développeurs à tirer parti de l'accélération d'IA de ses Core Ultra

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

C'est une grande opération séduction que lance Intel auprès des fournisseurs de logiciels. Le fondeur veut les inciter à tirer parti d'OpenVINO et du NPU qui équipera ses nouveaux processeurs Core Ultra, mais aussi à codévelopper des solutions avec les fabricants d'ordinateurs.

7: Exploring localStorage : Web API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is localStorage' JavaScript is a versatile programming language that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications. One of the key features it offers is the ability to store data locally on a user's device. This local stor...

8: How To Build a Smart Contract Compiler Using Python Solc-x Library

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction About a couple of months ago, I decided to automate the repetitive and less-rewarding part of my audit process. I started building an auditing bot that catches different smart contract bugs and vulnerabilities across various severities (...

9: ' Morgan Package in Node.js '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome new Node.js learners! In this blog post, My name is Md Taqui Imam and i am a Full Stack developer. Today, I will explain how to use the Morgan logging package to log requests in your Node.js applications. This will help you debug and monito...

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10: How Missingno Will Transform Your Analysis!

Hashnode - python (python)

'' What is Missingno' Missingno is an open-source Python library created for visualizing and understanding missing data in datasets. It offers a range of powerful tools that are used in the visual exploration of missing data patterns. '' Why Han...

11: Exciting Times in Real-Time Web Communication!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Unveiling the Power of WebSockets! With the thrill of the recent World Cup matches still echoing in our hearts, it's the perfect time to explore the world of real-time communication in web applications. In my previous blog post, we delved into the wo...

12: Enable Vue3 in a Laravel v10 project

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

What is Vite.js' Vite is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. It consists of two major parts: A dev server that provides rich feature enhancements over native ES modules, for example e...

13: JS01: A Deep Dive into JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If I need to learn JavaScript for web development or Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), what should I focus on' I have created this blog for those who want to improve their JS skills or gain more knowledge about it. Context Variable declaration ...

14: Free abandonne l'assistant « OK Freebox » et va le remplacer par'

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les abonnés de Free ne pourront plus utiliser « OK Freebox » avec leur Player Devialet. L'opérateur abandonne son assistant … Cet article Free abandonne l’assistant « OK Freebox » et va le remplacer par… a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

15: Basic Web App Using Django

Hashnode - python (python)

Django is a powerful web framework for Python that makes it easy to build web applications quickly. In this guide, we will create a basic Django app from scratch. We will cover: Installing Django Creating a project Setting up the database Creatin...

16: [JavaScript] Understanding Event Capturing, Bubbling, Delegation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, I will be talking about how the browser detects that there is an event. The standard DOM Events describes 3 phases of event propagation: Capturing phase - The event goes down from top to bottom Target phase - reaches t...

17: A Journey through the Bellman-Ford Algorithm: Navigating the Maze

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Imagine you're a traveler in an unfamiliar city with a complex network of roads and pathways, desperately seeking the shortest route to your destination. It's a puzzle that the Bellman-Ford algorithm can solve. In this article, we've emb...

18: Quelles sont les applications de l'IA dans le BTP '

La revue IA (data)

L’intelligence artificielle est en train de révolutionner énormément de métiers et d’industrie, parmi elles, l’industrie du BTP. Dans cet article je propose une revue complète des applications de l’lA dans... L'article Quelles sont les applications de l’IA dans le BTP ' est apparu en premier sur La revue IA.

19: A First-hand Look at Svelte: A Personal Exploration

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Sometimes we want to learn something, just for fun or to build new side projects. I heard about Svelte in 2016, but never tried it until a few months ago with Bezael to create a small microfrontend. However, yesterday I started to build a small side ...

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20: Discovering Svelte for the First Time: A Personal Experience

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Sometimes we want to learn something, just for fun or to build new side projects. I heard about Svelte in 2016, but never tried it until a few months ago with Bezael to create a small microfrontend. However, yesterday I started to build a small side ...

21: Typescript Tutorial Series - 04. Classes, Interfaces and OOP

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi there' My name is Milad and welcome to the fourth part of the typescript tutorial series. In this part, we are going to talk about object-oriented programming, classes, constructors, properties & methods, access control keywords, getters & setter...

22: Using Azure SDK for Blob Storage

Hashnode - python (python)

In this blog post, I'll demonstrate a use-case scenario for Azure Blob Storage by using the Azure SDK with Python. While I'm not a deep expert in Python, I enjoy practicing it in small, non-corporate scenarios. The scenario begins with creating a Pyt...

23: Step-by-Step Guide: How to Add a Download Button to Save React Component as PDF

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In numerous scenarios, it becomes essential to provide users with the ability to download an HTML page or a React component as a PDF file. This feature is often required for various purposes, such as downloading receipts, PDF forms, and more. Implem...

24: How filesystem-based routers work: building one for express

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Have you ever wondered how Next, Sveltekit, Nuxt (even Expo now) do their routing' What's the magic that makes it so when you create a file called +page.svelte in a directory called routes, just for it to magically works' Well, wonder no more! I'll s...

25: Conférence de l'UNESCO à Paris - L'IA redéfinit les enjeux du « Cinéma 2.0 »

Meta Media (Internet)

Après avoir paralysé Hollywood, l'intelligence artificielle continue de faire parler d'elle dans le monde du septième art. Le 19 octobre, différents acteurs du secteur se sont réunis - dont le réalisateur français Michel Gondry - à l'occasion de la première conférence de l'UNESCO sur l'IA et le cinéma. Au programme... The post Conférence de l'UNESCO à Paris - L'IA redéfinit les enjeu [...]

26: "JavaScript is used by 95% of all websites. Yes, you read that right, 95%!"

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I have recently started to deep dive into Js. Writing is a powerful tool for strengthening our understanding of concepts and retaining knowledge. Tomorrow onwards I will provide Basics to Advanced level Js concepts with clear explanations and example...

27: Object Oriented Programming (OOP): PART 2

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello and Welcome Back, if you are reading this one without reading OOP Part 1, I will suggest you take a look first at Part 1 of this OOP for a clear understanding of what is Classes and how it is useful in creating big project, Part 1 link Previou...

28: Optimize and Maximize: The React List Virtualization Deep Dive

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You know, we all rack our brains to optimize our React applications. That Google Lighthouse report can feel like a giant that's always hungry for good metrics. We continually explore various methods to enhance performance, such as experimenting with ...

29: JavaScript and Just In Time Compiler

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Programs that we write using any programming language like C, JavaScript, etc. are "High-level" programming languages. A high-level programming language is a language that is designed to be easily understood by humans and to be independent of a parti...

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30: Cloud Gaming sur PS5 : de quelle connexion internet avez-vous besoin '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Sony a récemment publié davantage de détails sur sa fonctionnalité de streaming cloud PS5 pour les abonnés PlayStation Plus Premium. … Cet article Cloud Gaming sur PS5 : de quelle connexion internet avez-vous besoin ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

31: Ce simple étudiant a déchiffré un mystérieux parchemin de 2000 ans

Le Big Data (dataviz)

C’est une réalisation impressionnante de la part de cet étudiant en informatique de seulement 21 ans. Il a en effet … Cet article Ce simple étudiant a déchiffré un mystérieux parchemin de 2000 ans a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

32: t411 écope d'une amende de 638 millions ' : La fin d'une époque pour le téléchargement

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Plus de 638 millions d'euros, t411 doit payer cette amende historique. C'est définitivement la fin de cette plaque tournante du … Cet article t411 écope d’une amende de 638 millions ' : La fin d’une époque pour le téléchargement a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

33: AWS lance Cloud Institute : un programme de formation pour les développeurs

Le Big Data (dataviz)

AWS vient de lancer Cloud Institute, un programme de formation dédié aux développeurs. Le projet consiste, d'après les nouvelles, à … Cet article AWS lance Cloud Institute : un programme de formation pour les développeurs a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

34: Python OOP

Hashnode - python (python)

Here is an explanation of OOP, Python's multi-paradigm nature and OOP in Python: OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. It is a programming paradigm that organizes software design around data (objects) rather than functions and logic. Some key c...

35: Migrating from JavaScript to TypeScript : Smooth Transition

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the ever-evolving world of web engineering, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices is crucial. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, has gained immense popularity among developers due to its ability to catc...

36: Mastering Flutter DevTools: Unleashing the Power of Mobile App Debugging

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Welcome to our journey of mastering Flutter DevTools! In this blog, we'll delve into the world of Flutter DevTools, a vital companion for every Flutter developer. We'll demystify the art of efficient app debugging and problem-solving. No...

37: 3 ways for Python to get Internet resources

Hashnode - python (python)

[1] Using requests import requests URL = "" response = requests.get(URL) open("instagram.ico", "wb").write(response.content) [2] Using wget pip install wget import wget URL = "" ...

38: The pros and cons of using Python to build the backend of small applications

Hashnode - python (python)

Python has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages in recent years, and its versatility has made it a top choice for developers building backends for small applications. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of using Pyt...

39: Building Serverless Notification Automation with AWS Lambda and NOVU API

Hashnode - python (python)

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, automated notification is a vital component of engaging with users, clients, and customers. Harnessing the power of serverless computing and cloud services, businesses and developers can create efficient, scal...

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Richard Carlier

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