Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
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WebProNews Telegram Is Still Exposing Users' IP Addresses In the latest indication that Telegram is not as secure as it claims, the app is still exposing users' IP addresses. Telegram Is Still Exposing Users' IP Addresses Matt Milano
Director of digital media Paras Shah tells us how he got started with RMNs and what his focus is on now with RMN campaigns. The post How Georgia-Pacific uses retail media networks to reach customers appeared first on Search Engine Land.
La concurrence fait rage dans le monde du streaming. Netflix était toujours la référence, mais cette plateforme pourrait être devancée … Cet article Cette nouvelle version de Google TV veut vous faire oublier Netflix a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
'''' ''''''''': '''' '''''', ''''' ''' '''''' The Challenge: Given a list of directions to spin, "left" or "right", I had to return an integer of how many full 360° rotations were made. Each word in the array repr...
Web Development Fundamentals for Beginners Web development is an exciting and constantly evolving field that empowers you to create and shape the digital world. Whether you're looking to build your own website, start a career in web development, or ...
Introduction: In the fast-paced world of product development, optimizing user experience is paramount. However, as applications grow and evolve, performance bottlenecks can become a significant challenge. In this article, we will explore common issue...
Closures are a fundamental concept in JavaScript that can be both powerful and confusing for developers. They allow you to create and maintain private variables within functions, which can lead to cleaner code and more robust programs. In this blog p...
WebProNews Bottles Announces Next-Gen 'Bottles Next' The developers behind the popular Bottles application have announced the next-gen edition: 'Bottles Next.' Bottles Announces Next-Gen 'Bottles Next' Matt Milano
A lot has happened this year, from new ad products and the retirement of attribution models to ads on SGE and the antitrust trial. The post Google Ads turns 23: A look back at the biggest changes and advances in search appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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Introduction Asynchronous programming has become a critical component in developing efficient applications, and this is no different in the realm of audio processing. Python, with its robust libraries and asynchronous capabilities, is an excellent ch...
- Vol de tokens chez Okta. Le spécialiste en authentification et gestion des accès en SaaS a identifié une activité (...)
DevOps professionals are tasked with streamlining and automating processes, and Python is an invaluable tool in this domain. On Day 3 of our Python for DevOps journey, we dive into the world of variables, their naming rules, and the distinction betwe...
If you want to read text from an image with a simple Python script, this tutorial is for you. Thanks to the work of many great people over the last few decades, you can read the text from an image with a few lines of code. Really! Let's jump in. Wha...
Databricks a toujours le vent en poupe. Après une dernière levée de 500 M$ en septembre valorisant la société à (...)
Il y a trois ans à la même époque, nous rentrions à nouveau en confinement. Une seconde phase qui s’est déroulée sans accrocs, car les automatismes développés pendant le premier confinement étaient déjà là : fichiers partagés dans le cloud, groupes privés sur les messageries mobiles, visioconférences… Trois ans après, le chantier de transformation numérique … Lir [...]
Introduction Including Dynamic content regions in an Oracle APEX application has sort of become a common practice by most developers due to its ability to render any HTML or text using the PL/SQL Web Toolkit. There are several use cases such as displ...
The CSS Position property is used to specify where an element is displayed on the page. When paired with the 'top', 'right', 'left' and 'bottom' CSS properties, the position property determines the final Position of an Element on the page. This prope...
CloudBees a lancé le compte-à-rebours pour sa plateforme DevSecOps cloud native basée sur le framework open source Tekton (...)
Modules in Python allow us to organize our code and reuse code across programs. Some key points about modules in Python: A module is a .py file that contains functions, classes or variables that we want to import and use in our main program. We can...
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Online instructions for drawing Kim Cyr's Zentangle® pattern: Batbone. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
Introduction In this article, I will talk about call stack, call back queue, web APIs and event loop. After reading this article, you should be able to think how javascript runs in your head. This website is really helpful to understand and visualize...
La guerre et l'intimidation passent aussi par les réseaux sociaux. Les membres du Hamas utilisent les comptes Facebook de ses … Cet article Comment le Hamas répand la terreur sur Facebook et les réseaux sociaux ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Le groupe de cybercriminels Ragnar Locker, connus pour les attaques à grand renfort de ransomware, a été ciblé par une vaste opération policière d'Europol : suspects interpellés et interrogés, perquisitions, site web fermé, infrastructure logicielle saisie...
As developers, we know it's crucial to keep things like API keys and secrets safe. It can be hard to share them with other developers safely. Plus, we can't just put them directly in our code because that's not secure. It could end up on public sites...
WebProNews Japan Opens Antitrust Investigation Into Google Google is facing yet more antitrust issues, with the Japan Fair Trade Commission opening an investigation. Japan Opens Antitrust Investigation Into Google Staff
Sandpack was a game-changer back when the team at CodeSandbox officially released it. Thanks to Sandpack, running a CodeSandbox in your browser-based projects was easier than ever. With it, you could open up a little window inside of your application...
Here, we define interaction design (IxD), examine some IxD patterns, emphasize its importance in the broader realm of UX design, and more. The post Interaction design (IxD): Definition, examples, and guide for stronger UX appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Si faire du vélo tous les jours est trop difficile pour vous, vous pourriez être tenté d'opter pour un vélo électrique. Le problème, c'est que la production des batteries consomme beaucoup de ressources naturelles telles que le lithium ou les terres rares, qui nécessitent des procédures d'extraction étendues et souvent néfastes pour l'environnement. [...]
L'âge est l'un des principaux facteurs de risques pour le développement de nombreuses pathologies telles que les infections virales ou bactériennes, les maladies neurodégénératives mais également les cancers. Les enjeux économiques et sociétaux liés au vieillissement global de la population constituent un défi majeur. Par ailleurs, la notion de "vieillissement en bonne santé" suggère [...]
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L'épilepsie est une maladie neurologique fréquente, caractérisée par l'excitation synchronisée et anormale d'un ou plusieurs groupes de neurones. En réalité, il faudrait plutôt parler de cette affection au pluriel car il existe des dizaines de formes, l'épilepsie dite du lobe temporal étant la plus répandue chez les adultes. Cette dernière se manifeste par la survenue de crises imprév [...]
Faire du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) une source renouvelable et durable de carbone est un défi majeur pour la recherche scientifique et un enjeu politique de premier plan. La nature a déjà eu cette idée puisqu'elle transforme le CO2 et l'eau en glucose grâce à l'énergie du soleil via la photosynthèse : une forme remarquable de stockage d'énergie. [...]
Des chercheurs et chercheuses du CHU de Toulouse, de l'Inserm et de l'Université Toulouse III ' Paul Sabatier ont récemment fait une découverte dans la compréhension et le traitement de l'insuffisance rénale chronique, une pathologie touchant des millions de personnes à travers le monde. Cette avancée scientifique prometteuse repose sur l'identification de la responsabilité d'une protéine [...]
Introduction Python is a popular programming language that is used for a wide variety of tasks, including web development, data science, and machine learning. It is a relatively easy language to learn, but it is important to be aware of the good prac...
Introduction In the world of programming, generics provide a powerful way to write code that is not only flexible but also type-safe. We will explore the concept of generics in Kotlin, cover the basics, dive into practical use cases, and discuss best...
We explore Rspack, compare its performance to webpack, and demonstrate how to migrate from webpack to Rspack. The post Why you should migrate to Rspack from webpack appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Adding headcount is necessary to growth, but it's advisable only when you've established a well-optimized system prepared for scale. The post Is more headcount necessary' How and when to scale a team appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Elon Musk pourrait bientôt pactiser avec l'Union européenne dans le cadre du projet Galileo. Sa société SpaceX a en effet été choisie par l'Agence spatiale européenne pour envoyer en orbite quatre satellites grâce à ses lanceurs Falcon 9, dès l'année prochaine.
When reviewing the source code of a GitHub repo, file navigation can be tricky. Use "." to access a GitHub.deb editor with a VSCode-like interface for seamless browsing. This editor is also useful for quick and minor commits. The post Simplify GitHub Repo Code Navigation with a VSCode-Like Editor appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
Introduction In this Byte we'll be exploring how to delete files and folders in Python. It's a common task in many programming and scripting contexts, especially in areas like data cleaning, temporary file removal, or even when working with file-based databases. You'll need to handle file deletion carefully as an
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INTRODUCTION Python is a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language that is widely used for various applications, including web development, data analysis, and automation. Understanding Python's syntax is the first step to becoming a profic...
Azure Key Vault is a secret management solution for storing and accessing encrypted secrets such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and so on. Key Vault also offers various hardware security-related modules but these are beyond the scope of this d...
Learn how to strategically influence B2B SaaS customer journeys with the right keyword analysis and content tagging for SEO. The post B2B SaaS SEO: Mapping your keywords to the customer journey appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Deezer a été victime d'une attaque par déni de service menée par Anonymous Sudan. Pendant plusieurs heures, la plateforme de streaming musical a été indisponible. Tout est désormais rentré dans l'ordre, assure-t-elle.
À propos d’ONLYOFFICE Docs ONLYOFFICE, un projet open-source qui se concentre sur le traitement avancé et sécurisé des documents. Sa … Cet article Suite bureautique sécurisée : ONLYOFFICE Docs atteint la version 7.5 avec le nouvel éditeur PDF et d'autres nouvelles fonctionnalités a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Le principal promoteur de l'architecture web Jamstack, Netlify, a dévoilé Composable Web Platform, son environnement unifié pour (...)
'Victoire de la droite nationaliste', 'défaite des partis écologistes', sont les titres de la presse suisse et étrangères au sortir de ce dimanche de votations fédérales du 22 octobre 2023. Or, quand on regarde l'évolution de la force des partis politiques au Conseil national (chambre basse) depuis un siècle, difficile d'être frappé par autre chose que la très grande stabilité des équ [...]
Amazon déploie des robots pour remplacer ses employés dans ses entrepôts. Cette amélioration robotique vise à réduire les délais de … Cet article Vidéo : Amazon dévoile 2 robots pour remplacer ses employés a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Face à l'exposition croissante des plus jeunes aux multiples visages de la menace cyber, les adultes manquent parfois d'informations (...)
Nothing beats chatting with your stakeholders on a regular basis. And with some structure, you'll produce even more extraordinary results. The post A guide to continuous stakeholder interviews appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Shiny.React is an R package that provides components for building complex dynamic styles. Learn how to use it in React apps here. The post Using shiny.react to build dynamic styles appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Sumeet Ahuja, former VP of Product at Circle, shares insights into community building in product, diffusion of innovation, and more. The post Leader Spotlight: Optimizing speed to impact with Sumeet Ahuja appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Don't miss out on Bard's strategic advantage in SEO. Here are four ways to maximize Google's AI chatbot for fine-tuning your SEO strategies. The post How to use Google Bard for better SEO appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Removing properties from an object in JavaScript might not be the most exciting job, but there are many ways to achieve it, each revealing a fundamental aspect of how JavaScript works. Juan Diego Rodríguez explores each technique in this article.
Google se prépare au déploiement d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité de sécurité conçue pour améliorer la protection de votre vie privée sur … Cet article Chrome va lancer une nouvelle fonctionnalité pour améliorer la protection de votre vie privée a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Le casque de réalité virtuelle autonome Pico 4, développé par ByteDance, reçoit sa mise à […] Cet article Pico 4 : Voici la mise à jour Pico OS 5.8 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
JSX > JSX is like mixing HTML and JavaScript. const element = Attack on Titan !!! It's just JavaScript but with a slight dash of HTML. Inside a JSX expression, attributes can be inserted very easily: const myId = 'test' const element =
Getting data from a JavaScript server is too complicated. I'm not saying that it's difficult but complicated. We have many options to do so but they all require us to rethink how we acquire that data. Let's say that I have some function defined on th...
Getting data from a JavaScript server is too complicated. I'm not saying that it's difficult but complicated. We have many options to do so but they all require us to rethink how we acquire that data. Let's say that I have some function defined on th...
In the season of giving thanks, we often think of comfort and tradition. These are common themes with each of our three featured website design trends this month.
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Google's request indexing tool may be having issues due to abuse by spammers. The post Google sees spike in failed hostload exceeded error in Search Console appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Découverte la semaine dernière, la faille zero day (référencée CVE-2023-20198) exploitée dans l'interface (...)
Whenever you want to watch a YouTube video, play a video game or just want to do a focused work in your browser, the fullscreen feature makes the experience even more immersive. This article explains how this particular API works in JavaScript and ho...
Here are all the individuals, agencies and in-house teams who have earned Search Engine Land awards for excellence in SEO in PPC in 2023. The post Search Engine Land Awards 2023: And the winners are' appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction Hey folks, I hope that you must have read my Day 14 Article on #30DaysOfJs. In case, if you haven't then make sure you give it a read by clicking here. Classes Programming in JavaScript is done through object-oriented design. In JavaScri...
Have you ever wondered how social media applications like TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter detect a particular video post that is in the viewport, autoplay it, and then stop it immediately after it goes out of view' In this article, I will explain how I...
Three examples of real businesses successfully leveraging meaningful and actionable insights from social media. The post Social media data's rising influence on business success appeared first on Search Engine Land.
L'automne est à nos portes, et avec lui, la saison d'Halloween approche à grands pas. Pour célébrer cette période, nous vous présentons 12 palettes de couleurs inspirées d'Halloween pour apporter une touche unique et magique à vos réalisations. Quelques que soient vos ambitions créatives, ces palettes vous aider [...]
No matter what industry you're working in, you don't want to get on the IRS' bad side. Whether it's misclassifying an employee by mistake, or not keeping up-to-date records, there are lots of little ways you can make mistakes with payroll. Not to mention, with inflation on the rise, over half of all Americans are... The post A Simple Guide to Efficient Payroll System Management appeare [...]
Just testing how this could work, and if it look okay
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Just testing how this could work, and if it look okay
When I was a kid, I remember uncomfortably walking past the book section…Tags: book covers, Jan Diehm, Pudding, romance
The Three most well known languages in the world are English, Mandarin, and JavaScript. Looking at the vast world of software development, the scripting language that stands out is JavaScript. Despite facing multiple challenges, Javascript has gained...
Le géant taïwanais de la sous-traitance électronique a déjà été ciblé par des perquisitions. Il pourrait payer les ambitions présidentielles de son fondateur Terry Gou.
Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used programming language that powers the interactive features and dynamic content of most websites on the internet. In this article, we'll explore what JavaScript is, its history, the d...
La batterie du casque de réalité mixte Quest 3 pèse environ 16 % du poids […] Cet article La batterie interne, le principal coupable du poids du Quest 3 ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Après une deuxième version candidate release d'iOS 17.1 (uniquement pour les modèles d'iPhone 15) en fin de semaine dernière, (...)
Dans cet article, nous allons passer en revue toutes les nouveautés de la version 3.12 de Python. Commentaires L'article Les nouveautés de Python 3.12 a été posté dans la catégorie Python de Human Coders News
Un article intéressant : une introduction au machine learning 'temps réel'. Cet article explique comment réaliser un modèle prédictif qui fonctionne en synchrone, par exemple pour de la détection de fraude: Commentaires L'article Introduction au machine learning "temps réel" a été posté dans la catégorie Machine Learning de Human Coders News
Quand on parle web performance, dans le web d'aujourd'hui, le plus grand coupable est souvent JavaScript. Voyons ensemble quelles techniques pour optimiser celui-ci. Commentaires L'article Comment alléger son JavaScript a été posté dans la catégorie Dev. Front de Human Coders News
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Même si la construction d'invites efficaces pour les grands modèles de langage (LLM) n'est pas une mince affaire, l'utilisation de ces modèles (...)
In today's digital era, mobile applications are an integral part of our lives. However, getting users to update their apps can be a bit like convincing someone to embrace change. In this post, we'll explore the reasons behind app update reluctance an...
Le groupe à la pomme développe son propre grand modèle de langage, qu'il souhaite intégrer à différentes applications.
The most common use case for using annotations is enforcing certain constraints, for example: In this example, the date field is a string, but what if we want to restrict the format of the data stored in the data class' Annotations come to the rescue...
Après les années Covid, le e-commerce continue sa croissance, à un rythme néanmoins plus calme. La France représente 3,42 % du trafic mondial du secteur en 2023.
Spécialiste de la traduction de sites et de SEO, Weglot nous partage ses conseils et bonnes pratiques pour mettre en place une stratégie SEO multilingue.
Instagram déploie une fonctionnalité qui permet aux utilisateurs de créer des stickers à partir de leurs photos.
People are good with text, computers are good with numbers Anna Henningsen When people do things with computers, they tend to work in text forms, whether that's programs, or whether that is some other input that they give to the computer. The idea...
{ } - This is our Global Execution Context (this) Note: Global Execution Context is different in various environment like Node, Browser, Bun, etc. It is a window object in browser and a empty object in a runtime like Nodejs. Types of Execution Contex...
La situation se calme sur le front des défaillances d'entreprises en France. Au troisième trimestre 2023, le nombre de sociétés (...)
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Forte d'environ 220 collaborateurs, l'Agence du Numérique de Santé (ANS) remplit plusieurs missions : définition du cadre permettant (...)
En 2024, plus de 7 DSI sur 10 prévoient d'accroître leurs investissements dans la cybersécurité, les applications analytiques, (...)
In this tutorial, we will see how to interact with the phone's calendars by adding events or by checking the events already added. Project specification To explain this concept we are going to create a small application for a cinema on a simple page ...
Les jeux vidéo ont toujours suscité des débats et des inquiétudes quant à leur impact sur notre cerveau. Cependant, une … Cet article Les jeux vidéos rendent plus intelligent : la science le confirme enfin ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Welcome to Day 4 of the 21-Day Frontend Development Challenge! Today, I'm excited to share my progress on the QR Code Generator project. In this project, I built a powerful tool that allows users to generate customized QR codes effortlessly. Let's di...
' Article of the week : Announcing TanStack Query v5 | TanStack Blog and Node.js 21 Available Now! - OpenJS Foundation ' Don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss a thing!We are also on ' Twitter/X and ' BlueSky, come and ...
' Article of the week : Announcing TanStack Query v5 | TanStack Blog and Node.js 21 Available Now! - OpenJS Foundation ' Don't hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss a thing!We are also on ' Twitter/X and ' BlueSky, come and ...
Nous avons interrogé une experte des sprints tech : Suzie Prince, chef de produit DevOps qui travaille pour Atlassian, l'éditeur du logiciel Jira.
TL;DR In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a node library using typescript. You will learn how to structure your directories and files, allowing good organization and readability. The demo library we will be building in this tutorial allows ...
¿Qué es React Forget' React Forget es un compilador desarrollado por el equipo de React que automatiza la memoización de componentes y hooks de React. React Forget reemplaza el uso de useMemo y memo para optimizar el rendimiento las aplicaciones. El ...
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JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming language that powers the interactive and dynamic elements of web pages. Whether you're a budding web developer, an aspiring app creator, or just someone interested in understanding the world of pr...
React: React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs) in web applications. It allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications by breaking the UI into reusable components. React efficiently updates the UI...
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, a business's online presence is pivotal to its success. Your website not only serves as a virtual storefront but also reflects your brand identity. An engaging and user-friendly website layout can significantly...
When developing React projects, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure code quality, maintainability, and consistency. While each project may have specific requirements, the following are some general practices that can be applied. Basic R...
Hey Kotliners '', Kotlin coroutines are now widely used and many of its APIs are helping developers to simplify things a lot. Flow is one of the popular APIs that developers choose for reactive programming and is quite easy to use as well. In this ...
Introduction JavaScript, as a dynamically-typed language, allows you to work with various data types. These data types are the building blocks of your code, helping you define, manipulate, and transform information efficiently. In this blog, we'll ex...
Introduction In Python, the ternary operator allows for a concise way to test a condition rather than using longer if-else statements. But did you know you can also chain or nest these ternary conditions to handle multiple scenarios' In this blog pos...
Introduction Hey everyone, I am Hasnain Makada and currently, I am working as an Elite Flutter Developer with Showwcase where I work on projects by partner companies and enhance my skills. I also have my Open Source community named "Open Source With ...
Note: This walkthrough is for learning purposes only and is not intended to be used in real-world application development due to its simplicity and lack of password security. Just this previous Friday, I had finished my first full-stack application p...
A database system is one of the best things any IT expert should know, because all the best programs around the globe need a file to hold their content, not just to save them but to easily access them. That is the best way to think about using well-d...
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Block statements in Python are created with one or more keywords. Consist of one or several statements indented. All indented statements belong to the block statement. The execution of indented statements is controlled by a condition of a control var...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.