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« Février 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

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Mardi 28 Février 2023 (161)

1: Top CSS-In-JS libraries, Compared

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

of course, this is in no way a full showcase of each library and its features, but a more high-level understanding of the syntax and big features all 4 libraries are good in their own way, and some work in certain situations better than others (in my...

2: Learn Javascript ES6 Class

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Some say ES6 class is a very confusing concept they encounter while creating a module in Vanilla Js, Components in React. Newbies hate it so much they try to avoid it at all costs in their code because they believe it has a confusing concept. Honestl...

3: Comment cet arnaqueur américain contraint ses victimes au sex-online

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un arnaqueur américain qui s'est spécialisé dans le SIM swapping contraint ses victimes à s'adonner au sex-online en plus de … Cet article Comment cet arnaqueur américain contraint ses victimes au sex-online a été publié sur

4: Understanding async/await in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Async/await is a feature introduced in ES2017 that simplifies the handling of asynchronous operations in JavaScript. It allows developers to write asynchronous code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, making it easier to read and write. The...

5: Difference between Compiler and Interpreter.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Compiler and Interpreter are two different types of programs used for translating programming code into machine-executable code. Although they perform the same task, they have different approaches and functions. Here's an easy explanation of the diff...

6: Improve Application Performance with Vite js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Every developer wants to create applications that are quick and efficient in today's fast-paced world. Vite.js can help with this, it is a build tool and development server that is intended to improve your workflow. It enables you to bui...

7: Build a winning marketing attribution framework by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

In this webinar, learn tried and true best practices from attribution pros. The post Build a winning marketing attribution framework appeared first on Search Engine Land.

8: Basic Architecture Of A Computer.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The basic architecture of a computer refers to the structure and design of its various components that work together to perform different tasks. Here's an easy way to understand the basic architecture of computers: Input Devices: Input devices allow...

9: Python journey

Hashnode - python (python)

Recently I started my journey with Python, I have worked as an Oracle DBA for about 12 years and I like the way that the code is built in Python, I passed through other languages (learning) javascript for example. I will share the evolution of my pyt...

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10: The Scope Chain, 'Scope & Lexical Environment

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this blog, we'll cover three key topics: scope, lexical environments, and scope chains. Rather than focusing on definitions, we'll explore each topic through examples. Scope refers to where you can access specific variables or functions in your pr...

11: Programming in Easy Language: A Beginner's Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Programming is the process of writing code that tells a computer what to do. It's a vital skill in today's technology-driven world, and learning how to code can open up many career opportunities. However, the idea of programming can be intimidating t...

12: Visualizing the Global Share of U.S. Stock Markets

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Despite having 4% of the world's population, the value of U.S. equities still make up over 40% of the global total. The post Visualizing the Global Share of U.S. Stock Markets appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

13: Visualizing the Global Share of U.S. Stock Markets

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Despite having 4% of the world's population, the value of U.S. equities still make up over 40% of the global total. The post Visualizing the Global Share of U.S. Stock Markets appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

14: Event delegation in JavaScript, is a good use case for binding to events on dynamically generated elements.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Event delegation is a JavaScript pattern where child elements let or leave the parent elements to handle events on their behalf, this is enabled by the fact that events in JavaScript can bubble (move) up from child elements to the parent...

15: Toys, Babies, and APIs: A Beginner's Guide to Understanding RESTful Services

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello, welcome to my page, today I will be breaking down RESTful Services so you can understand it. The reason I opted to write this article is that RESTful service was alien to me when I started programming. Thinking about that experience, I decided...

16: How TO Use Expanded Widget in Flutter mostly you can use only in row or column : Expanded widget

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

('Expanded widget helps not to overlap screen ) (flex properties helps the ratio to others respect size of expanded widget) Expanded Widget Consist two majour propperties : flex child Row( children: [ Expanded( flex: 1, child: Image( image: AssetIm...

17: Issue 566 (Feb. 28, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#566 ' FEBRUARY 28, 2023 View in Browser » Using NumPy and Linear Algebra for Faster Python Code Are you still using loops and lists to process your data in Python' Have you heard of a Python library with optimized data structures and built-in operations that can speed up your data science code' This week on the show, Jodie Burchell, developer advocate for data science at JetBrains, returns [...]

18: ' How to Make a Smoother Animated Growth Map in R

Flowing data (dataviz)

Show change over time and geography with smooth transitions.Tags: animation, R

19: Building a server with ExpressJs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi, I wrote an article about creating a server with Express.Js I'm super excited about this article and I hope you have fun reading it. To begin with, let us understand what ExpressJs is. Express.js, or simply Express, is a back-end web application f...

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20: Data Vis Dispatch, February 28

Data Wrapper ()

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

21: Using AlpineJS's $store magic

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I was trying to explain reactiveness using AlpineJS to a colleague at work but failed to make a point which is the crux of how the DOM gets updated. It's based on this blog post which has a demo. I went on to explain that, by simply adding an entry (...

22: Making a complex design system with Tokens Studio for Figma

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

What are design tokens' And how can you use them with Tokens Studios for Figma to make a complex design system' Find out here. The post Making a complex design system with Tokens Studio for Figma appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

23: Understanding map(), filter() and reduce() in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a versatile programming language that provides a wide range of tools and functions to make complex operations simple and easy. Among these are the map(), filter(), and reduce() functions, which are powerful tools for processing data in ...

24: Dart and Flutter Basic Q/A with ChatGpt

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Does dart support multiple inheritances' Dart does not support multiple inheritances directly. This means that a class cannot inherit from multiple classes at the same time. However, Dart does provide a way to achieve similar functionality using mixi...

25: My developer journey building @waverlyapp in Q1 2023! '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi, I am Anku. I am one of the creators of @waverlyapp & I am 20 years old. My friends who have been a part of Waverly are @Aryog & @alexcommoner! We were high-school classmates ' It all started with the competition which I get to know about happeni...

26: Day 02 in JS fundamentals


Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Strings in JS So today I was reading about the strings and then after completing of data types conversion I got to know that the + operator is a string helper and all other operators are not that good with strings It will return 12, not 3 because no ...

27: Creating Custom JavaScript Functions: Best Practices and Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript functions are an essential part of any web development project. They allow developers to encapsulate blocks of code and reuse them throughout their codebase. Creating custom JavaScript functions can make your code more efficient, readable,...

28: Fake REST APIs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There are several fake REST APIs that you can use to build prototypes: JSON Placeholder - A simple and robust REST API that provides fake data for testing and prototyping.'https://jsonplaceholder.typico...

29: Day 5 of 30 : == vs === vs typeof in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In yesterday's lesson, we covered the concepts of Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring, and Duck Typing in JavaScript. We delved deep into each of these terms and provided some useful references for further study. If you missed that article, you ...

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30: How to run the first React Native iOS app in 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Previously I wrote about react native getting started guide in 2020 How to run your first React Native App on macOS for iOS devices But a lot is changed since 2020. So here is the focus to running your first latest version react native iOS app on mac...

31: what is a useCallback Hook in React. '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In React, useCallback is a hook that is used to memoize a function. When a function is memoized, it means that the function is only re-created when its dependencies change, and not on every render. The syntax for useCallback is as follows: javascript...

32: How to use different environment variables for development and production in node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Some information in our project is secret (like API keys, secrets, etc.), so we cannot use them directly, so we store them in a .env file and push the code to .gitignore the file thus keeping our sensitive information safe. And we might have separate...

33: Python List Methods

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a popular programming language and it is widely used in industry. The list is a built-in data type in python that is used for storing the collection of elements. The list is heterogeneous it can store any type of data numeric, string, boole...

34: An Overview To FLUTTER !

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework created by Google. It was released in May 2017. Flutter allows developers to create a native mobile application with only one codebase. This means that we can use one programming language and one ...

35: Unlock the Power of DSLs with Kotlin (P2)

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

In this part of the series 'Writing DSLs in Kotlin', we'll continue where we left off in part one. Here we made a very simple domain-specific language for initializing a Person object with an Address property. Now, this is probably not the thing deve...

36: Fondation : le roman d'Isaac Asimov s'invite en VR (Réalité Virtuelle)

Un jeu VR basé sur le roman à succès d'Isaac Asimov Fondation est en ce […] Cet article Fondation : le roman d'Isaac Asimov s'invite en VR a été publié sur Réalité

37: Moonly weekly progress update 38

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello guys, here is another weekly progress update. Staking as a service and holder verification bot are at their final stage. A lot of testing has been done and very soon you will be able to check them on Moonly and give us your feedback! Weekly dev...

38: How to make an idle timer for your React app

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Improve your React app's security with an idle timer, which automatically logs users out after a period of inactivity. The post How to make an idle timer for your React app appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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40: MWC 2023 : des smartphone réparables, pliables et étirables

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Un temps délaissé par les constructeurs, le Mobile World Congress redevient un évènement pour lancer et annoncer les derniers (...)

41: I made a developer portfolio template using React and Next

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I developed a simple but beautiful developer portfolio template using React and Next.js. I am a 25 yo developer, i have been trying portfolio templates lately but i couldn't find one that fits my needs. Therefore i have created my own template that ...

42: Google local map pack goes missing in search results (now fixed)

Search engine land (Référencement)

The local pack that Google generally shows for queries with local intent has gone missing. The post Google local map pack goes missing in search results (now fixed) appeared first on Search Engine Land.

43: An overview of software testing with Mocha and Chai using Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let me ask you a question. Would you be willing to use an untested product' Only those who don't mind minor glitches and occasional hiccups might say yes. A product that hasn't been tested is unpredictable, unreliable, and unable to provide customer ...

44: Last call for Google Ads API v11

Search engine land (Référencement)

Developers using v11 need to migrate to a newer version to ensure API access is unaffected The post Last call for Google Ads API v11 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

45: Valid Palindrome

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Palindrome' A palindrome is a string or a number read the same backward or forward. Ex: 101, 1331, 11, PEEP, ROTATOR, etc are some examples of a palindrome Note - One can make a string palindrome by pasting the reversed version of the origina...

46: JavaScript Style Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, we usually use camelCase for naming variables, functions, and object properties, but for naming classes, we use PascalCase. This helps to differentiate between classes and regular variables and makes the code more readable and easier t...

47: Streaming and Trigger Support With GQLAlchemy

Hashnode - python (python)

Working with a new technology stack is never an easy task, especially when you are part of the Python ecosystem. You get accustomed to many libraries that make your life easier on a daily basis. That's why we decided to add some missing functionaliti...

48: Pycraft progress report! 20/02/2023

Hashnode - python (python)

It's time for our weekly progress summary for the week beginning the 20th of February 2023 - and what a week it has been! This week we have continued with the ongoing work on Pycraft v9.5.7, with a particular focus on improving the way data is transf...

49: Promises in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Asynchronous programming in JavaScript can be quite complex and difficult to manage. However, the introduction of Promises in ES6 made it easier for developers to handle asynchronous tasks. In this article, we will discuss what Promises are and how t...

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50: Transferts de données hors UE : mettez à jour vos nouvelles clauses contractuelles types !

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La licéité d'un transfert hors UE de données à caractère personnel s'apprécie au regard des garanties appropriées (...)

51: L'alliance Fab 4 se coordonne sur la résilience de la supply chain des puces

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Selon plusieurs articles, l'alliance de semi-conducteurs comprenant les États-Unis, Taïwan, le Japon et la Corée du Sud s'est (...)

52: Economies of scale: Definition and digital applications

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

'Economies of scale' is an old concepts that the unadvised might shrug to, but in reality economies of scale are the backbone of product management. The post Economies of scale: Definition and digital applications appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

53: Kotlin IntArray, Array, and emptyList()

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn the difference between IntArray and Array in Kotlin, explore use cases, create instances of each array, and compare them to lists. The post Kotlin <code>IntArray</code>, <code>Array</code>, and <code>emptyList()</code> appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

54: Bing Webmaster Tools to gain Bing Chat and index coverage reporting

Search engine land (Référencement)

Microsoft said they will be adding reporting and tools to Bing Webmaster Tools to help publishers understand how Bing Chat users interact with their sites. The post Bing Webmaster Tools to gain Bing Chat and index coverage reporting appeared first on Search Engine Land.

55: day 08 of 1000 days

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome, I hope you are doing well in life. I did small progress today. Brief:- Solved quizzes on codewar level 4kyu now, and did one youtube tutorial. !the snake game I have left unfinished I will finish it tomorrow. Detailed:- Codewar problems are ...

56: Search Insert Position (leetcode easy)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Given a sorted array of distinct integers and a target value, return the index if the target is found. If not, return the index where it would be if it were inserted in order.Example: Input: nums = [1,3,5,6], target = 5 Output: 2 Question Link : Sea...

57: Les fourmis sont bien aptes à détecter les cancers ()

Les fourmis surpasseront-elles les chiens ' Plus facilement et rapidement prêtes à la tâche et pour un entraînement donc le coût est largement moindre, ces insectes pourraient être utilisés pour détecter les cancers chez l'Homme comme le font certains chiens renifleurs. Ce n'est, certes, pas pour tout de suite mais une nouvelle étude confirme leur potentiel. [...]

58: Mastering Object-Oriented Programming in Python: A Comprehensive Guide to Classes, Inheritance, Methods, and Dunder Methods.

Hashnode - python (python)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that focuses on the use of objects to design and develop software. Python is a popular language for OOP because of its simplicity and flexibility. In this article, we'll explore Python OOP, ...

59: AI can't write this: 10 ways to AI-proof your content for years to come

Search engine land (Référencement)

Despite all the hype, AI still fails at many areas of content creation. Here's how you can double down on things only humans can do. The post AI can’t write this: 10 ways to AI-proof your content for years to come appeared first on Search Engine Land.

60 / 161

60: Ignore the Order of Index When Comparing Two DataFrames

Math Data Simplified (data)

assert_frame_equal compares two DataFrames and outputs any differences. If you want to compare the DataFrames while ignoring the order of their index and column labels, use the argument check_like=True. My previous tips on pandas. The post Ignore the Order of Index When Comparing Two DataFrames appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

61: Associer des polymères pour augmenter la durabilité des batteries ()

Les batteries lithium métal polymère présenteraient de nombreux avantages. D'abord, une densité d'énergie élevée dans des batteries plus minces et moins lourdes, associée à une amélioration importante de la sécurité grâce à l'utilisation d'un polymère non volatil. De plus, l'électrolyte polymère permet de sceller l'ensemble électrode/électrolyte et assure ainsi une bonne qualità [...]

62: Des chercheurs découvrent un « sablier cellulaire » qui rythme le développement du cerveau ()

Une équipe de chercheurs du Center for Brain & Disease Research de la KU Leuven et de l'Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire en Biologie humaine et moléculaire (IRIBHM) de l'ULB, a découvert que les mitochondries, l'usine d'énergie dans les cellules, sont responsables de la vitesse à laquelle le cerveau se développe. Selon ces travaux publiés dans la revue Science et présentés ré [...]

63: Le régulateur américain veut calmer l'engouement marketing autour de l'intelligence artificielle

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Commission fédérale du commerce des États-Unis (FTC) a publié une note assez hostile à destination des entreprises (en particulier de leurs responsables marketing), les mettant en garde contre la mise en avant parfois opportuniste et infondée de technologies d'intelligence artificielle.

64: Le régulateur américain veut stopper le marketing abusif autour de l'intelligence artificielle

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Commission fédérale du commerce des États-Unis (FTC) a publié une note assez hostile à destination des entreprises (en particulier de leurs responsables marketing), les mettant en garde contre la mise en avant souvent opportuniste et infondée de technologies d'intelligence artificielle dans leurs produits.

65: Mucoviscidose : une nouvelle perspective thérapeutique grâce à un champignon comestible ()

Une molécule issue d'un champignon comestible pourrait ouvrir des perspectives thérapeutiques pour des patients atteints de mucoviscidose, la "maladie génétique rare" qui est la plus souvent constatée. en lire plus

66: La NASA et le Pentagone créeront une fusée à propulsion nucléaire pour aller sur Mars ()

La NASA a annoncé un partenariat avec le Pentagone pour développer une fusée propulsée à l'énergie nucléaire destinée à envoyer des humains sur Mars en seulement un mois et demi. Le patron de l'agence spatiale, Bill Nelson, a déclaré s'associer avec l'agence de recherche de l'armée américaine, DARPA, pour développer et tester une technologie avancée de propulsion nucléaire the [...]

67: Le télescope James-Webb a découvert les ingrédients de la vie dans un nuage froid et obscur ()

Des scientifiques travaillant avec le télescope spatial James-Webb ont annoncé la découverte d'un ensemble étonnant de molécules glacées cachées dans le nuage. Il ne s'agit pas de simples molécules mais du genre de briques interstellaires qui, un jour, fusionneront pour former la prochaine génération d'étoiles et de planètes, et qui pourraient même mener à l'apparition de l [...]

68: Prompt Engineer : le métier pour dompter ChatGPT et consorts

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Si certaines études commencent à fleurir sur les métiers qui pourraient être remplacés par des IA génératives (...)

69: Les gouvernements américain et canadien demandent à leur tour à leurs employés de bannir TikTok

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Cinq jours après la Commission et le Conseil européen, Washington et Ottawa ont exigé de leurs employés qu'il suppriment l'application TikTok de leurs appareils professionnels. Les Occidentaux craignent que le réseau social, aux mains du géant chinois ByteDance, ne serve à Pékin à des fins d'espionnage, pour récupérer des données personnelles sensibles.

70 / 161

70: Daydreaming In March (2023 Wallpapers Edition)

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

Let's get ready for March with some fresh wallpapers! Designed with love by the community for the community, the wallpaper designs in this collection are available in versions with and without a calendar. Enjoy!

71: iFixit démonte le PSVR 2 et fait une révélation surprenante sur ses panneaux d'affichage (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le célèbre site iFixit démonte le nouveau casque PSVR 2 récemment sorti et vendu à […] Cet article iFixit démonte le PSVR 2 et fait une révélation surprenante sur ses panneaux d’affichage a été publié sur Réalité

72: Xiaomi fait une annonce surprise de lunettes AR pleines de promesses (Réalité Virtuelle)

Les nouvelles lunettes de réalité augmentée de Xiaomi sont baptisées Wireless AR Glass Discovery Edition. […] Cet article Xiaomi fait une annonce surprise de lunettes AR pleines de promesses a été publié sur Réalité

73: Pourquoi la Commission européenne bannit TikTok de ses smartphones '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La Commission européenne et le Conseil de l’UE viennent d'interdire aux membres de leur personnel d'utiliser TikTok sur leur smartphone … Cet article Pourquoi la Commission européenne bannit TikTok de ses smartphones ' a été publié sur

74: Case study: Jimmy Nelson

awwwards (Internet)

Take a deep dive into the development of the Jimmy Nelson experience.Jimmy Nelson has been on an uncharted quest to portray the world's last undiscovered...

75: Using scrum boards to organize your sprints

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

It was 18 December 2019. I went to the third floor of the building where my potential new team sat. I was working at Zalando back then and applied for an internal job posting. I already had a couple of chats with the hiring manager and he was impressed by my profile, leading me to […] The post Using scrum boards to organize your sprints appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

76: Using scrum boards to organize your sprints

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Scrum boards are an important elements of the software development process. They can help a PM and the engineering team deliver impactful products faster. The post Using scrum boards to organize your sprints appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

77: Matching elements in CSS with :nth-child and other selectors

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Explore how :nth-child and its related selectors allow us to target and style specific elements in an HTML document. The post Matching elements in CSS with <code>:nth-child</code> and other selectors appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

78: 3 ways Google ensures safe online shopping

Search engine land (Référencement)

Looking for badges is one way shoppers can verify the validity of your store or listing. The post 3 ways Google ensures safe online shopping appeared first on Search Engine Land.

79: Create A Beautiful Hero Section Using React and TailwindCSS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The hero section is the first thing visitors notice when they visit our websites. It introduces the main content or goal of the website whether you are educating your visitors or trying to sell a product or service. In other words, the hero section i...

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80: Calculla: The Over-Engineered GPA Calculator

Hashnode - python (python)

This is an extension of my previous blog, if you haven't read it yet I would highly recommend doing so here. But if you're in a hurry you can still read this blog and understand regardless. Overview. Ever wanted to instantly calculate your current GP...

81: Whatsapp : comment créer des stickers personnalisés avec iOS 16

Blog du Moderateur ()

Vous possédez un iPhone ' Vous pouvez créer vos propres autocollants sur WhatsApp !

82: in Terraform along with it's sub-topics

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction: is a Terraform configuration file that is used to define reusable modules. A module is a self-contained piece of infrastructure that can be used as a building block for larger infrastructures. Modules can contain multiple r...

83: __init__ and __call__ In Python - How They Differ And What They Do

Hashnode - python (python)

You may have encountered the methods in Python that are prefixed and suffixed with double underscores, those methods are called "Dunder Methods". These methods are also called "magic methods". Dunder methods are used to overload specific methods in o...

84: Text Detection Using EasyOCR Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction''' What is EasyOCR' EasyOCR is a Python package that uses deep learning algorithms to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on images. This package can extract text from images of documents, signs, labels, and more. It uses neura...

85: PSVR vs PSVR 2 : les différences entre les casques de Sony (Réalité Virtuelle)

Sept ans après le lancement de son premier casque de réalité virtuelle, Sony sort enfin […] Cet article PSVR vs PSVR 2 : les différences entre les casques de Sony a été publié sur Réalité

86: 5 tips for capturing more enterprise-level leads with B2B search

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how your PPC campaigns can reach more B2B enterprise customers with the right content, tracking and measurement tactics. The post 5 tips for capturing more enterprise-level leads with B2B search appeared first on Search Engine Land.

87: Building your first server with ExpressJs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello and Welcome!! ''' I am super excited to write this article, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. To begin with, let us understand what ExpressJs is. Express.js, or simply Express, is a back-end web application fram...

88: Python Made Easy: Your Step-by-Step Journey with ChatGPT

Hashnode - python (python)

Whether you're a seasoned Microsoft tech stack developer or just starting out, this tutorial is the ideal place to begin your Python journey. And, to sweeten things up a little bit, you're going to use ChatGPT to help you get started! Without further...

89: Microsoft Bing Chat launches quality improvements

Search engine land (Référencement)

These updates include a higher response rate and less hallucinations. The post Microsoft Bing Chat launches quality improvements appeared first on Search Engine Land.

90 / 161

90: Internationalisation (i18n) ou localisation (l10n) '

Alsacreations (Accessibilité / CSS)

i18n et l10n sont deux acronymes raccourcissant l'écriture de mots initialement anglais, possédant des équivalents français, en retenant leur première lettre (ici "i" ou "l"), leur dernière (ici "n"), et en précisant entre ces deux lettres le nombre de caractères manquants provenant du mot d'origine. i18n = internationalisation L10n = localisation i18n signifie internationalisation e [...]

91: Internationalisation (i18n) ou localisation (l10n) '

Alsacreations (Accessibilité / CSS)

i18n et l10n sont deux acronymes raccourcissant l'écriture de mots initialement anglais, possédant des équivalents français, en retenant leur première lettre (ici "i" ou "l"), leur dernière (ici "n"), et en précisant entre ces deux lettres le nombre de caractères manquants provenant du mot d'origine. i18n = internationalisation L10n = localisation i18n signifie internationalisation e [...]

92: String Manipulation in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

For most applications, it's important to be able to store and display massage! As we learned in the previous lesson we will store these massage in data types called strings. Sometimes, after we store a massage in a string we need to manipulate it in ...

93: Plug&Start de retour pour accélérer des start-ups IT en Champagne

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Depuis plus de vingt ans, les rencontres Plug&Start ont pour vocation d'encourager l'innovation dans le Grand-Est de la France mais aussi (...)

94: UI Interactions & Animations Roundup 29

Codrops (Design / Internet)

A fresh compilation of Dribbble shots showcasing creative animations and motion designs for your inspiration.

95: Flim

The Starter Kit ()

Internet's largest stills database: movies, TV series, ads, music videos & anime. Flim posted by @Skeku on

96: 5 Tax Tips for Investors

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Learn five tax tips that may help maximize the after-tax value of your investments, including which assets may be best for certain accounts. The post 5 Tax Tips for Investors appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

97: 5 Tax Tips for Investors

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Learn five tax tips that may help maximize the after-tax value of your investments, including which assets may be best for certain accounts. The post 5 Tax Tips for Investors appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

98: Les véhicules autonomes de Waymo bientôt lancés sur les routes de Los Angeles

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Waymo va commencer à expérimenter son service de taxis sans conducteur à Los Angeles dans les deux prochaines semaines, pendant les heures creuses et seulement pour ses employés et les testeurs inscrits à son programme de recherche.

99: I was checking for an empty array wrong...How to check for an empty array in javascript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, there are several ways to check if an array is empty. Here are the common methods: Using the length property: One way to check if an array is empty is to use its length property. An empty array has a length of 0, so we can check for an...

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100: Practical Introduction to Domain-Driven Design

Hashnode - python (python)

It should not be innovative to say that writing software is not merely about writing code - it is about solving a particular problem. Even though it's developers who eventually implement the solution, it is not developers who define what is the probl...

101: Day 8 - Project 1: Manual Calculator

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome to my new blog post. On day 8 I finally created the first python project. I created a manual calculator wherein I gave 2 numbers as input and the mathematical operators that learned on day 7 gave me the output for the code. So le...

102: Hackers russes : l'Allemagne sonne l'alarme sur un danger massif

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les hackers russes constituent une menace considérable pour l’Allemagne, a averti la ministre de l’Intérieur allemande, Nancy Faeser. Des infrastructures … Cet article <strong>Hackers russes : l'Allemagne sonne l'alarme sur un danger massif</strong> a été publié sur

103: Getting Started With Python: The Simplest Beginners Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Are you a beginner looking to learn a programming language, or an experienced programmer looking to transition and learn Python' Take a seat and unwind! Because this article will explain in detail the beauty of the python programming language, how to...

104: Case study: How to get rid of a negative 'People also ask' result

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how combining ORM and SEO tactics can help you capture a negative PAA and replace the answer with a positive one. The post Case study: How to get rid of a negative ‘People also ask’ result appeared first on Search Engine Land.

105: Cycle lève 6 millions de dollars et lance sa plateforme SaaS de gestion des retours clients

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Cycle est une jeune pousse française qui développe une plateforme collaborative de gestion des retours utilisateurs dédiée aux équipes produit. Elle a levé 6 millions de dollars en seed et annonce la disponibilité publique de son logiciel après trois ans de tests.

106: L'application Defender installée par défaut sur Microsoft 365

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dans un document d'assistance mis à jour la semaine dernière, Microsoft a indiqué qu' « à partir (...)

107: Snapchat lance My AI, un chatbot basé sur ChatGPT

Blog du Moderateur ()

Le nouveau chatbot sera disponible pour les utilisateurs de la version payante Snapchat +.

108: Microsoft teste 3 nouveaux styles de réponses pour Bing ChatGPT : créatif, équilibré, précis

Blog du Moderateur ()

Microsoft souhaite améliorer les réponses de son chatbot en proposant 3 nouveaux tons de réponses : plus créatif, plus équilibré ou plus précis.

109: Comment utiliser Notion AI : 5 astuces à connaître

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez des bonnes pratiques pour exploiter pleinement les capacités de Notion AI !

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110: Les Chief Data Officers d'Europe~' d'Amérique et d'APAC estiment que les investissements dans la gestion des données (68 % en moyenne mondiale) et le cloud (71 % en moyenne mondiale) vont augmenter

sgbd ( (Informatique / base de données)

Les Chief Data Officers d'Europe, d'Amérique et d'APAC estiment que les investissements dans la gestion des données (68 % en moyenne mondiale) et le cloud (71 % en moyenne mondiale) vont augmenterInformatica, spécialiste de la gestion des données d'entreprise dans le cloud, a publié les résultats de son enquête annuelle CDO Insights. Le rapport ' CDO Insights 2023 : How to Empower Data-Led [...]

111: Meta se met en ordre de bataille pour concurrencer OpenAI

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Comme Google, Meta ne pouvait pas rester indifférent au succès médiatique de ChatGPT d'OpenAI. La firme de Mark Zuckerberg a (...)

112: Twitter licencie 10 % de ses employés restants

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Qui reste-t-il chez Twitter à l'heure actuelle ' Voici une question que beaucoup se posent après l'annonce d'une vague (...)

113: Using Kotlin to write DSLs

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Kotlin brings a lot of language features to developers that focus on making code more readable and less verbose. One of the cool things we can do with these features is design an expressive domain-specific language or DSL What are domain-specific lan...

114: Redirect Users with Precision Using React Router's useLocation Hook

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

useLocation is a hook provided by the React Router library that allows you to access the current URL location in your application. It returns an object that contains information about the current URL, including the pathname, and search query paramete...

115: Create Better Modals using Vue Teleport

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this short tutorial, I will show you how to build a simple modal and make it reusable by utilizing Vue's Teleport component and some other neat tricks. Link to YouTube video (soon): YouTube Link to code: GitHub What is Teleport'

116: Using satellite imagery to assess the damage in Ukraine

Flowing data (dataviz)

The Economist combined two satellite imagery sources, one that estimates fire events and…Tags: damage, Economist, satellite imagery, Ukraine, war

117: "Mastering Asynchronous JavaScript with Promises, Async/Await and AJAX: A Guide to Building Fast and Efficient Web Applications"

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there!'''' Thanks for joining me for the sequel of my blog. If you missed my previous post, no worries at all! You can simply visit this link to catch up before we continue on our journey together. I'm excited to have you here, so let's dive rig...

118: 7 événements web à ne pas manquer en mars 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Retrouvez dans cette sélection : SMX Paris, One to One Retail E-commerce Monaco, West Data Festival, Adobe Summit, Paris Blockchain Week Summit, SEO Square et E-Marketing Paris.

119: Nomotech s'empare de Full-Connect

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Neuf mois après avoir pris le contrôle des opérateurs Kertel et Voxcity, Nomotech se relance dans la croissance externe. Le 16 (...)

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120: IDC optimiste sur la croissance des dépenses IT en 2023

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le marché européen des technologies de l'information et de la communication affiche de belles perspectives. A en croire IDC, le secteur devrait (...)

121: Les 8 signaux d'alerte du dérapage d'un projet IT

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La planification et le lancement d'une initiative informatique majeure comptent parmi les plus grands défis auxquels est confronté le DSI. (...)

122: MWC 2023 : les fournisseurs de cloud font les yeux doux aux opérateurs

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Alors que le Mobile World Congress se tient à Barcelone, du 27 février au 2 mars 2023, les fournisseurs de cloud Amazon Web Services (AWS), (...)

123: How to create your first react project

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello', Welcome back to my blog, my name is Gbemi' and it's so lovely to have you here. Today, we will walk through a step-by-step process of creating our first React project. What is React''' React is a free and open-source JavaScript library for ...

124: Callback Hell(Pyramid of the Doom):

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript is a synchronous single-threaded language and it can just do one task at a time whatever code you give to Javascript will be quickly executed by the Javascript engine. It does not wait for anything. Asynchronous JavaScript The asynchronous...

125: Alerte du CISA sur des cyberattaques de la Russie

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dans un avis publié le 24 février, l'Agence américaine de cybersécurité et de sécurité des infrastructures (...)

126: Meet Penpot, An Open-Source Design Platform Made For Designers And Developers Alike

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

In the ever-evolving design tools landscape, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest. In this article, we'll take a closer look at Penpot, the first design and prototyping tool that's fully open-source and based on open web standards, making it an ideal choice for both designers and developers.

127: An Intro to Recursion with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The topic of recursion in programming can seem very daunting at first however, once you can follow a simple example, you can begin to see that it's not as bad as it seems. Recursion exists almost everywhere in common data structures. These data struc...

128: Improving Your Application's Features with Vue Custom Directives

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework that provides a powerful and flexible way to build user interfaces. It comes with built-in directives like v-model and v-if which allow you to create a two-way binding on a form input element and control the v...

129: Salesforce, Zoom, Snowflake' vers une récession du cloud '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les résultats financiers à venir des grandes entreprises de logiciels en cloud sont sous les feux des projecteurs cette semaine. … Cet article Salesforce, Zoom, Snowflake' vers une récession du cloud ' a été publié sur

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130: Avec Dynamic Content for Elementor, dynamisez votre pratique du célèbre page builder

WP Marmite (wordpress)

Des dizaines et des dizaines de widgets. Des centaines et des centaines de templates. Des options à la pelle. Si vous vous servez du constructeur de page Elementor, vous savez qu'il est difficile de lui reprocher son manque de fonctionnalités.... Avec Dynamic Content for Elementor, dynamisez votre pratique du célèbre page builder est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le m [...]

131: Google Discover n'utilise pas encore le Google Helpful Content System

Abondance (Référencement)

Une mise à jour de la documentation du Google Helpful Content System a mis le feu aux poudres de la communauté SEO, en fin de semaine dernière. La documentation indiquait que le GHCS avait un impact sur Google Discover, alors que ce n'était pas le cas jusqu'alors. Néanmoins, cette information a été pondérée par Danny […] L'article "Google Discover n'utilise pas encore le Google Help [...]

132: Goossips : Render Javascript, Noindex & Redirection, Core Web Vitals

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours, avec au programme cette semaine quelques réponses à ces questions : tous les robots de Google utilisent-ils le même système d'exécution ' Est-ce que les directives noindex et nofollow sont suivies ou ignorées […] L'article "Goossips : Render Javascript, N [...]

133: Google dévoile de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour Android et WearOS

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Neuf nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été dévoilées par Google à l'occasion du MWC de Barcelone. Destinées aux utilisateurs d'Android, Chromebook et de WearOS, les mises à jour visent principalement à simplifier la connectivité.

134: This day in search marketing history: February 28

Search engine land (Référencement)

R.I.P., DMOZ, plus: Multifaceted featured snippets, Google's non-answer on CTR, voice search ranking factors and more. The post This day in search marketing history: February 28 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

135: React Counter - JavaScript Exercise 3

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview Create a simple component that displays a counter and two buttons to increment and decrement its value. Requirements When the component first loads, the counter should start at 0. Clicking the "+" button should increase the counter by 1. ...

136: How to create chrome extensions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a chrome extension anyway' They are programs that add additional functionalities to chrome. They mainly focus on adding a single functionality to chrome. Extensions are built using HTML, CSS, and JS; users can download them from the chrome we...

137: Implement throttle using vanilla javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This one is pretty similar to the previous article where I wrote about debouncing. Let's as usual start by understanding what throttling is. What's throttling in javascript' Throttling is a technique used to control the rate at which certain events o...

138: Django for beginners

Hashnode - python (python)

Django is a backend python-based web framework which is used to create web applications. So, to start any django app you just need to have python installed on your system. Next thing you should do is that just open your terminal or cmd and run "pip i...

139: XC (Développement)

Simple, convenient, markdown defined task runner.

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140: The 25 Percent Rule For Tackling Technical Debt (Développement)

rom Shopify's engineering team, 25% of time is divided amongst 3 types of tech debt: (1) Daily Debt: engineers spend 10% - 4 hours a week - if they want to 'tidy' or improve code in any area they encounter. (2) Weekly Debt: 10% - 4 hours a week - is spent on tech debt that can be solved by adding a card or issue to a sprint. (3) Monthly and Yearly debt: 5% - or two hour long meetings a week - is s [...]

142: Reducing IT Costs With Observability (Développement)

Learn about the top five ways engineering leaders can use monitoring and observability solutions to reduce, control, and optimize costs.

143: Let It Fail (Développement)

Max discusses the implications of letting things go sideways, as opposed to stepping in and creating a short-term fix, and the longer term positive impact this strategy can have on the business as a whole. 'It represented an important learning opportunity for the broader business which would generate broader buy in and allow us to dramatically improve process.'

144: Testing Practices I Follow (Développement)

'I'll share my practices for writing tests and talk about when I write tests. Disclaimer: This is not groundbreaking advice, if you're an experienced software engineer the following might be obvious to you.'

145: AI-Generated Voice (Développement)

How I broke into a bank account with an AI-generated voice

146: Full-Stack Observability & Security (Développement)

Full-Stack Observability & Security

147: Coolify (Développement)

OS & self-hostable Heroku or Netlify alternative.

148: Rust Coreutils: Fixing Low-Hanging Performance Fruit (Développement)

'A few months ago I took a look at the [uutils coreutils]( project, which is a rewrite of the core GNU utils in Rust, to try to get some experience writing newbie code in the language. I saw the maintainers themselves mention that a lot of the code quality isn't great since a lot of contributions are from people who are very new to Rust, so I figured there wou [...]

149: Critical Containers (Développement)

87% of container images in production have critical or high vulnerabilities

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150: Improve Your Debugging By Asking Broad Questions (Développement)

'Most of the time we ask narrow questions which are helpful when confirmed and not-helpful when rejected. If you make a lot of wrong predictions, then debugging boils down to guess-and-check. If you instead ask broad questions, you learn less when they're true but more when they're not. Then you iteratively close in on the actual source of the bug.'

151: Software And Its Discontents, Part 1 (Développement)

Kellan tries to answer a simple question: 'where is the frustration and disillusionment, so prevalent currently in the software industry, coming from'' He covers 4 key trends in the last decade: (1) An explosion in the complexity of software development. (2) Talent become significantly more expensive. (3) Success become more elusive than ever, with startups having 'lost that magic feeling.' (4) Co [...]

152: CLIP (Développement)

Predict the most relevant text snippet given an image.

153: Reverse Engineering A Mysterious UDP Stream In My Hotel (Développement)

'Hey everyone, I have been staying at a hotel for a while. It's one of those modern ones with smart TVs and other connected goodies. I got curious and opened Wireshark, as any tinkerer would do.' Gokberk discusses what he found and how he got there.

154: Creating a Data Access Layer with MongoDB in Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Data Access Layer (DAL) is a programming pattern that separates the application's business logic from the data storage and retrieval operations. It acts as an intermediary between the application and the database, providing a set of methods and i...

155: First Look At Pinia: A VueJS State Management System

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Pinia is one of the newest projects from the Vue ecosystem and it is the new official state management tool for Vue.js apps. Its API is similar to Vuex (its predecessor) and it is designed to be faster and more lightweight. According to Pinia's Offic...

156: Practical Closure

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Definition A function with a reference from the outer environment creates a closure. JS functions can access its lexical scope (outer scope) Functions can remember their lexical scope no matter where it is executed Example and Tweaking function out...

157: [ESTUDOS DE NODE.JS] Manipulando arquivos com o Node

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Lidando com files descriptors Para interagir com arquivos do sistema, o Node disponibiliza o módulo node:fs. Por meio dele e suas variações podemos manusear arquivos no ambiente Node. Métodos do módulo FS. Para obter informações de um arquivo, usa-se...

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Richard Carlier

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