Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
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As a front-end developer working on a project by myself for the first time, I came across many multistep forms with validation. I could go through the simple ones, but when I came across a form with fifty input fields divided into three sections and ...
Les variables sont des éléments de base dans la programmation. Elles permettent de stocker des valeurs qui peuvent être utilisées et modifiées au cours de l'exécution du programme. Commentaires L'article Les variables en Kotlin a été posté dans la catégorie Développement de Human Coders News
Hello amazing people, I hope everyone feels great! Portfolio Tracker, Staking as a service, and Discord bot are one week closer to achieving our goal. We are happy that people will really gain a lot from these new features! Weekly devs progress: Res...
Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers and operations teams to collaborate and keep track of the changes made on a project. GIT as a DevOps tool empowers collaboration and faster release cycles. Git has two repository type...
In this webinar, learn how to responsibly harness first-party data as a competitive advantage. The post Master the CX trifecta: Data, content and tech appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Forget zero-click. Now we have zero-link search results from Google. Is this an act of war on publishers' The post Missing links: Where are sources in Google’s AI search results' appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Android is a popular mobile operating system with a large community of developers and a vast collection of libraries and tools for building mobile applications. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating your first Android a...
Becoming a Good Developer: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Key Topics in JavaScript. LEARN JAVASCRIPT BASICS Introduction 1.1 Hello World 1.2 Variables 1.3 Data Types 1.4 typeof Language fundamentals 2.1 Math operators 2.2 Increment D...
If you are Backend Developer, I'm sure you must have had that moment where you get to make decisions on an Object-Relation-Mapping(ORM) library to use while setting up a project whether personal or team.As a Javascript developer, you might want to ex...
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The placement of ad results won't change right now, but there could be an opportunity in the future to incorporate them into the AI results. The post Will the new Bing create more opportunities for advertisers' Maybe appeared first on Search Engine Land.
First example See the code below, and imagine yourself reviewing a PR that contains it: function async formatHoursOfOperation(venue) { let openingHours; if (venue.openingHoursId) { openingHours = await getOpeningHours(venue.openingHours...
First example See the code below, and imagine yourself reviewing a PR that contains it: function async formatHoursOfOperation(venue) { let openingHours; if (venue.openingHoursId) { openingHours = await getOpeningHours(venue.openingHours...
#563 ' FEBRUARY 7, 2023 View in Browser » Build a Wordle Clone With Python and Rich In this step-by-step project, you’ll build your own Wordle clone with Python. Your game will run in the terminal, and you’ll use Rich to ensure your word-guessing app looks good. Learn how to build a command-line application from scratch and then challenge your friends to a wordly competition! REA [...]
Dotfile, start-up française qui automatise les systèmes de vérification des clients, notamment pour des fintech, a annoncé ce 7 février une levée de fonds en seed de 2,5 millions d'euros. L'objectif : atteindre les banques traditionnelles et les institutions financières plus établies et conquérir les marchés britannique et allemand.
Let's talk about a very interesting and might be a funny sometimes topic in Javascript. Javascript can convert type according to the operator and values on which this operator is applied. This type of conversion on runtime can be very odd and may ret...
If you want to know how your product fits into your users' day-to-day lives, using contextual inquiry in UX research is key. The post Using contextual inquiry in UX research appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In addition to adding ChatGPT, using GPT-3.5, Bing is had is applying AI to improve the relevancy of its core search ranking engine. The post Microsoft Bing previews its new search engine with ChatGPT appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Hello there everyone, its time for our usual weekly progress summary! This is for the week beginning the 30th of January. This was a more relaxed week then the weeks immediately prior, as now that we have gotten the release of Pycraft v9.5.6 out of t...
Problem: There is a large pile of socks that must be paired by color. Given an array of integers representing the color of each sock, determine how many pairs of socks with matching colors there are. Example totalNumberOfSocks = 7 arrayOfAllSocks = [...
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Learn how to use Python's f-strings for substitution and formatting, and then combine those features to solve a real-world pandas problem!
Hello fellow coders. Welcome back to my blog. Today we are talking about Proxy objects in JavaScript. Proxy objects are used quite widely and prove to be extremely useful in making things simple and easy to work with. Proxy object is one of the many ...
Sometimes, when we have a lot of data, or we want to import some data from somewhere else to use it ourselves, lists and dictionaries just don't cut it. They look clunky and ugly. I think we should learn something that can make them look better and a...
Arrays in JavaScript An array is a unique data structure that holds an ordered collection of elements, which can be of any data type such as numbers, strings, or even other arrays. It allows you to store multiple values in a single variable, which ca...
Hello '' and welcome to fourth blog of series The Pythonic Way. Now that you have learnt about basic elements of a python program, lets learn about branching programs. Lets revisit some expressions, Python has the ability to make decisions based on...
Let's look at how to use React with Popper, a JavaScript library that helps you manage your popovers easily. The post Using React with Popper and <code>styled-components</code> appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Après DALL-E et MidJourney, FRIDA est un bras robot doté d’intelligence artificielle capable de peindre sur une véritable toile à … Cet article FRIDA : l’IA Dall-E a maintenant un bras robot pour peindre sur toile a été publié sur
The best of last week's big and small data visualizations
Introduction Ruby on Rails, or Rails, provides a web application framework for creating sites and web apps written in the programming language Ruby. Using both Ruby and Rails can get you building and deploying scalable applications quickly. This tutorial will guide you through spinning up a DigitalOcean Droplet with Ruby on Rails pre-installed using the DigitalOcean Ruby on Rails 1-Click App. Afte [...]
The author selected the Diversity in Tech Fund to receive a donation as part of the Write for DOnations program. Introduction Typically, when working with a relational database, you issue individual Structured Query Language (SQL) queries to retrieve or manipulate data, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, directly from within your application code. Those statements work on and manipulate underl [...]
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Seules 290 000 personnes dans le monde auraient souscrit au service payant de Twitter, Blue. Cela représenterait 28 millions de dollars par an, un chiffre largement insuffisant alors que l'objectif est de rendre le réseau moins dépendant de la publicité et plus rentable, en faisant des abonnements la moitié de ses sources de revenus.
Week -1 #programming #beginners #javascript #computerscience #learninginpublic Introduction to JavaScript: Hey there! Today, I wanted to document my journey of learning JavaScript. It's a high-level, interpreted programming language that's widely use...
Mastodon was onboarding users fast as Elon Musk took over Twitter, but now Mastodon's monthly active users are declining. The post Mastodon shows declined growth, despite concerns with Twitter appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Setting up a timeout for HTTP requests can prevent the connection from hanging forever, waiting for the response. It can be set on the client side to improve user experience and on the server side to improve inter-service communication. Fetch API is ...
Given a clock time in hh:mm format, determine, to the nearest degree, the angle between the hour and the minute hands. As the hour hand, in 1 minute rotates 1/2 degree. So, in '' hour ' minutes = 60'+' minute it will rotate (60h + m)/2 degrees. Equ...
Geez, leave it to Patrick Brosset to talk CSS performance in the most approachable and practical way possible. Not that CSS is always what’s gunking up the speed, or even the lowest hanging fruit when it comes to improving … The truth about CSS selector performance originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Envie d'une nouvelle tablette Android ' Découvrez notre test de la Lenovo P11 Pro Gen 2, une magnifique machine pour tous les usages !
Introduction We must look into dir(), __dict__(), id() and help() attribute/methods in python. They make it easy for us to understand how classes resolve various functions and execute code. In Python, there are three built-in functions that are commo...
Des milliers des machines ont été touchées par un ransomware s'en prenant au logiciel VMware ESXi, aussi bien en France qu'outre-Atlantique. La faille était pourtant connue depuis deux ans, mais toutes les mises à jour n'avaient pas été faites.
Building something from scratch is rarely a good idea. Especially in the rich world of web technologies full of solutions for problems we didn't even know existed. In our first iteration of Memgraph Lab, we did just that - we used Vis.js for our grap...
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Kanban is the simplest way of visualizing the status of the work and understanding the next best action to keep the flow going. The post What is Kanban and why do organizations use it' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Without a circuit breaker, your application will continue to hit requests that are bound to fail, wasting time and resources. The post How to use a circuit breaker in Node.js appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Are you looking to build high-performance and well-structured mobile applications using Flutter' Then you've come to the right place! In this blog, we'll dive into the world of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern and learn how it can be used to e...
Learn how to craft audio reactive shaders with Three.js and Shaderpark.
Smartphones are among the most important devices for people nowadays. More than 60% of people check their phones first thing in the morning. To keep their audience interested, almost all companies, including retail outlets, have mobile apps. Numerous...
I added this effect to my website and here's how I did it the HTML is really simple i like CSS and for the CSS part, we have this @keyframes scroll { 0% { transform: tran...
JavaScript is a single-threaded programming language, which means only one thing can happen at a time. Before ES6, we used callbacks to handle asynchronous tasks such as network requests. Using promises, we can avoid the infamous 'callback hell' and ...
You might think that understanding Unicode is not important, but there is no escaping the str versus byte divide. Today we will be talking about the mundane but still relevant topics of Unicode, Encoding and Decoding text. What makes Unicode so vita...
Hello developer'''''', I always create memes and share them on social media, and I realized that there must be many people who wonder how to build their own meme generator. So, I'm going to show you step-by-step how to build a meme generator app ...
A l'approche du lancement de son nouveau casque de réalité virtuelle PSVR 2, Sony nous […] Cet article Les nouvelles infos sur le poids du PSVR 2 de Sony ont de quoi nous surprendre! a été publié sur Réalité
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LaTeX makes it easy to write math. To convert a Numpy array into LaTeX, use array-to-latex. Paste the output of array-to-latex into a markdown cell in a Jupyter Notebook to display the mathematical equation. Link to array-to-latex. The post array-to-latex: Turn a NumPy Array into Latex appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
I propose the following bitmap format, suitable for embedding small images in TypeScript or JavaScript source code: // ECMAScript Embedded Bitmap Encoding (EEBE) // Required fields: export const lines = [ 0b0001000, 0b0111000, 0b1101000, 0b10...
Hello, If you use VSCode as religiously as I do, you'd agree how amazing a tool it is. In this blog post, let's learn what makes the code editing aspects of VSCode to be this awesome. Monaco Editor: Monaco Editor is a JavaScript library that powers V...
Increment operators, which alter numbers and data in our code, are a vital feature of every programming language. It is one of the most commonly used characteristics in almost every modern programming language. In the world of programming, Javascript...
Block level Scope : variable declared inside a {} block, it can not access from outside the block is called block Scope. ES6 introduced block scope two keywords that is let and const. { let x = 2; } // x can not be acces from here Global Level S...
How bad are the current layoffs in the tech sector' This visual reveals the 20 biggest tech layoffs since the start of the pandemic. The post Ranked: America’s 20 Biggest Tech Layoffs Since 2020 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Le Conseil d'Etat a été saisi le 11 juillet 2022 par un pourvoi formé par la commune de Damgan contre l'arrêt de la cour d'appel de Nantes n°21NT01519 du 10 mai 2022 qui a fait droit à la requête de l'association Les Amis de Kervoyal. La Cour de cassation s'est prononcée le 3 février dernier sur ce pourvoi formé devant elle. N'étant pas d'accord avec l'argumenta [...]
Integrating Google sign-in with a flutter desktop app is different from mobile apps because a popular flutter package named google_sign_in doesn't support desktop platforms yet. This article will guide you on implementing Sign-in with Google for you...
Javascript is the #1 Scripting langauge. we use HTML for giving structure and give meaning to our web content, CSS to apply styling to our HTML content and javascript to add behavior aspects and to make the page interactive. HISTORY OF JAVASCRIPT Jav...
ROI plays a crucial role in product teams' everyday lives, providing insights into which features and strategies are paying off and which aren't. The post What is ROI: Definition, formula, examples, and how to improve it appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Learn how to use generic TypeScript types to create reusable components, ensure type safety, and make your code more readable in this post. The post Using the TypeScript generic type to create reusable components appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Learn potential reasons why you're seeing this status in Google Search Console, plus ways to address related crawling and indexing issues. The post Understanding and resolving ‘Discovered – currently not indexed’ appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Les juges du tribunal de commerce de Lille métropole ont considéré que le spécialiste du cloud n'avait pas rempli ses obligations contractuelles en hébergeant des copies de sauvegarde sur le même site que les serveurs principaux, dévastés dans un incendie. Cette décision pourrait en appeler d'autres, alors que 140 entreprises se sont réunies pour former un recours collectif.
Introduction: Support Vector Machine (SVM): is a robust machine learning algorithm that is widely used for classification and prediction tasks. SVM is a linear model that is based on the idea of finding the maximum margin between the closest data poi...
La sortie de la version gratuite du mod de Half-Life 2: VR – Episode 1 […] Cet article Le mod Half-Life 2: VR – Episode 1, nous connaissons la date de sortie a été publié sur Réalité
Hello Techies '' Welcome to our latest blog post where we explore the exciting world of Python programming! In this post, we will dive into the fundamentals of this popular programming language, and provide you with a comprehensive guide to help yo...
I have been working on Javascript for quite some time and have extensively used Events. But never knew how it works internally until very recently. What are Events' So basically, when something happens in your app like a user gets logged in, you fir...
I have been working on Javascript for quite some time and have extensively used Events. But never knew how it works internally until very recently. What are Events' So basically, when something happens in your app like a user gets logged in, you fir...
Prior to invading Ukraine, Russia had one of the highest levels of geopolitical risk. How does geopolitical uncertainty vary around the world' The post Mapped: Geopolitical Risk by Economy appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Visualizing your data Plots are a powerful way to share the insights we've gained from our data. Histogram shows the distribution of a numeric variable. Bar plots shows relationships between a categorical variable and a numeric variable, like gende...
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Your Google podcast manager stats will show a drop in clicks and impressions. The post Google Search podcast carousel going away on February 13 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction Generics are an important concept in programming, and they are widely used in modern programming languages, including Kotlin. They provide a way to write code that can be used with multiple types of data, making it more flexible and reus...
As Microsoft aims to compete more aggressively in the ad space, here are compelling opportunities you can seize to stay ahead of the PPC game. The post Microsoft Ads in 2023: Key areas to leverage, test and optimize appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Pagination in ReactJS with Typescript Splitting into segments is an essential part of websites and programs that have a great deal of data to offer to the users. It is a procedure of isolating the data into numerous pages to make it more controllable...
Scaling is an important but often overlooked consideration in software and web development. Let's say that you have plans to make a great product. And let's also say that after a few months of development, you could deploy it successfully. Now, you s...
Conductor said the deal will help it better support global organizations. Both platforms will eventually become one unified platform. The post Conductor acquires Searchmetrics in big enterprise SEO merger appeared first on Search Engine Land.
SoftBank a perdu 5,5 milliards d'euros entre octobre et décembre 2022. Un quatrième trimestre consécutif de déficit qui oblige le conglomérat japonais à changer de stratégie. Exit les investissements massifs à tout-va, le groupe veut se concentrer sur quelques start-up vraiment rentables.
Explicit indexes Indexes make subsetting simpler by using the loc method, but index values do not need to be unique. Multi-level indexes (hierarchical indexes) can also be created by setting multiple columns as the index. However, using indexes can m...
Node.js is an open-source runtime environment allowing developers to run JavaScript code outside a browser. It is particularly well-suited for building real-time web applications such as streaming platforms, games, time trackers, and social media app...
Is AI taking over the SEO Industry' Understand how to leverage the technology and its limitations to your SEO efforts. The post Is AI threatening SEO strategy' appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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In the last article, we covered data classes in Kotlin. We saw how they simplify class creation and make it faster with less coding. Now, let's explore Sealed Classes. Sealed Classes in Kotlin are a specialized form of abstract classes. They limit su...
Si la France commence à rattraper son voisin en termes de levées de fonds, l'Allemagne s'est imposée jusqu'à présent comme le deuxième grand pays européen pour la deeptech derrière le Royaume-Uni.
If you're searching for a new job, it's worth looking in different industries instead of doing more of the same elsewhere.Tags: industry, work
Novice [nov-is] ' A person who is new to and inexperienced in a job or situation in which he or she is placed; beginner, tyro. "She was a complete novice in technology". This gives a clear picture of the whole point of the blog. It's the journey, my ...
Google Bard est un chatbot IA développé par le géant de Mountain View, présentant l’immense avantage d’être connecté au web. … Cet article Google Bard : le rival de ChatGPT connecté au web enfin disponible, tout savoir a été publié sur
Many times you have to use methods such as ".textContent", ".innerHTML", ".innerText" and you really don't know why are there so many methods for the same thing. But, wait! there is a difference in all these and each term has its specific use that we...
Javascript has become my primary programming language as a new developer. It is powerful and provides developers with a variety of data types to work with. Here we'll dive into the two categories of data types in JavaScript. Primitives The simplest d...
In my previous article: Developing a Flutter App for Every Screen: Part 2/3 where I looked at building adaptive layouts I focused on Layouts and promised to focus on inputs, idioms and norms in this article. This is a journey of understanding how the...
WhatsApp propose de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour ses statuts : sélection d'audience, statut vocal, réaction aux statuts...
La semaine dernière, lors de son événement de lancement du Galaxy S23, Samsung a annoncé […] Cet article Le nouveau partenariat Samsung-Qualcomm-Google, à quoi pouvons-nous nous attendre ' a été publié sur Réalité
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There is a difference other than spelling. We know that one of the common tasks in web development is to update the state of a component at regular intervals, such as updating a clock, displaying a slideshow, or polling for new data. This can be achi...
On estime que le méthane est responsable de 30 % de l'ensemble du réchauffement climatique dû aux émissions gazeuses. Des mégatonnes de ce gaz sont libérées par la production agricole animale et de nombreux processus industriels. Mais imaginez que nous puissions utiliser un élément aussi simple que le sucre ' ou les hydrates de carbone ' pour extraire le méthane de l'atmosphère et, ce f [...]
Des chercheurs chinois ont présenté un concept qui pourrait permettre à un drone de voler "indéfiniment". Pour y parvenir, Li Xuelong et ses collègues de la Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU) ont misé sur une technologie à base de lasers. Un brin surprenant, sachant que ces faisceaux sont plutôt utilisés pour détruire des quadcoptères indésirables. Dans ce cas précis, le [...]
In this episode of the Smashing Podcast we ask how has the design industry changed' Is technology making our work easier' Vitaly Friedman talks to veteran designer Veerle Pieters to find out.
Des chercheurs américains de l'Université Northwestern (Texas) ont créé les premiers neurones hautement matures à partir de cellules souches pluripotentes induites humaines (iPSC), un exploit qui ouvre de nouvelles opportunités pour la recherche médicale et les thérapies potentielles de transplantation pour les maladies neurodégénératives et les blessures traumatiques. [...]
Des chercheurs de l'Institut de neurologie de Queen Square de l'University College London (UCL), ont découvert que l'ambroxol, un médicament préconisé pour traiter les affections respiratoires, pourrait ralentir l'évolution de la maladie de Parkinson. En 2020, les chercheurs ont testé l'ambroxol chez des patients touchés par la maladie de Parkinson. [...]
Chaque année, les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV), représentent environ un tiers de tous les décès dans le monde. Le type de maladie cardiaque le plus courant est la maladie coronarienne, où le sang ne parvient plus à circuler correctement vers le c'ur. Si le flux sanguin est complètement bloqué vers le c'ur, cela peut provoquer une crise cardiaque. [...]
Introduction In the last article, we started looking at the evolution of web development, and how package managing tools came about. In this article, we would take a look at npm - Node Package Manager, and how it manages packages. Overview of npm npm...
Découvrez 5 formations en ligne pour vous plonger dans l'univers de la data science et de l'intelligence artificielle !
A Journey Through the Labyrinth Once upon a time in a magical kingdom, there lived many brave and clever knights. They had to embark on a dangerous quest to retrieve a precious treasure hidden in a labyrinth. The knights were equipped with a map tha...
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This post will give you an overview of what happens whenever you try to access a web page through a web browser... Whenever you entered a URL such as into your web browser, the browser sends a request to DNS in order to translate the ...
Web development is the process of creating, designing, and building websites and applications for the internet. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network s...
Design thinking, Lean Startup, Lean UX et la méthode Agile forment un ensemble de méthodes de conception, de création d'entreprise et de travail, qui peuvent être combinées... Cet article Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Lean UX et méthode Agile : quelles sont les différences ' est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.
Quels sont les réseaux sociaux qui performent et engagent davantage dans votre secteur d'activité ' Les réponses avec Facelift, qui présente sa nouvelle édition du baromètre social media.
Il existe de nombreux services de stockage cloud fiable et sécurisé qui offrent une compatibilité avec Linux. De Google Drive … Cet article Linux : top des meilleurs services de stockage cloud a été publié sur
Today we will build a basic Vue JS app that displays a random quote from an API on a button click. As a bonus, we will also implement functionality that also changes the background of the app whenever we generate a new quote. Creating a new Vue JS p...
La matrice RACI est un outil de gestion de projet qui permet de répartir les rôles et responsabilités de chaque partie prenante.
In JavaScript, variables are containers that store data values. The way that JavaScript handles variables are different from other programming languages such as C++ or Java, and it's important to understand the difference between "call by value" and ...
When you type a URL into your web browser, your computer sends a request to a web server to retrieve the web page you want to view. The server sends back the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that make up the page. The browser then uses these files to ...
Documenting APIs is one of the most important aspects of software development. APIs may have wonderful functionalities but a naive user can't use them directly. So we need to develop user-friendly apps on top of our APIs. So documenting our APIs beco...
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To get started, install Next.js using the following command: npx create-next-app@latest my-app To set up a Next.js app with TypeScript and ESLint, use the following command: npx create-next-app@latest my-app --typescript --eslint Note: You can remo...
One of the key concepts to understand in JavaScript is the execution context. It is the environment in which JavaScript code is executed and determines how variables and functions are processed and treated. In this blog, we will dive into the details...
Google ne compte pas se laisser devancer par OpenAI et Microsoft. L'entreprise annonce Bard, un système de recherche conversationnel qu'il mettra à disposition du public dans les semaines qui viennent, après une phase avancée de test. Il dévoile aussi une stratégie à long terme pour créer un écosystème autour des modèles d'IA génératifs.
Today #Day113 of #365DaysOfCode, Learning Top JavaScript Interview Questions. Intermediate JavaScript Interview Questions, 21. What are closures in JavaScript' Closures provide a better and more concise way of writing JavaScript code for developers a...
Python is the fastest-growing programming language in the world! This popular programming language has helped countless designers, scientists, and engineers scouriously solve major issues today for both consumers and businesses. Work smarter with Pyt...
I wasn’t paying much attention to the Chinese balloon that the U.S. shot…Tags: balloon, NBC News, scale
Le débat politique et diplomatique autour de l’abattage d’un présumé ballon espion chinois sur l’océan Atlantique s’intensifie. Les États-Unis sont … Cet article Ballon espion chinois aux États-Unis : tout savoir sur le scandale diplomatique a été publié sur
Pascal Martinez, en charge des systèmes d'information et du digital au sein du groupe de protection sociale AG2R La Mondiale, revient sur le plan de modernisation annoncé en décembre, qui constitue le premier projet d'envergure concernant l'ensemble des entités du groupe.
The digital information era has seen exponential growth in the quantity of data being collected, and with large amounts of data distributed across organizations, both internal and external, there is a significant risk of loss or theft. In recent years, many businesses have become aware of the potential consequences of losing their data, including serious... The post How Data Protection [...]
Google montre comment son moteur de recherche va évoluer grâce aux progrès de l'intelligence artificielle.
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String comparison is a common task that we all encounter in programming, and most programming languages have built-in methods to help us accomplish this. However, as we delve into more complex use cases, string comparison can quickly become challengi...
React JS: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Dynamic User Interfaces React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and is now maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and compan...
How I landed up with an interview call' I have got referred by one of my friends on the org for this post. As like always I was not prepared to qualify for a FAANG interview when the recruiter called me. She should be and the people are mad about FAA...
Noogler spreads SEO myths, plus: Google posts rejected, Enhanced Campaign reactions, algorithm suggestions, Super Bowls and more The post This day in search marketing history: February 7 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction Hi everyone today we find the sum of N Natural Numbers in javascript. let's discuss how to solve this problem statement. if you want to check out yesterday's problem click here. The goal is to add up all the numbers that fall inside the ...
What is Numpy' Numpy is like a toolbox for people who like to work with numbers, especially lots and lots of numbers. Imagine you have a big box of legos, but instead of building blocks, each lego represents a number. Numpy helps you organize and pla...
Chatbots have become increasingly popular in recent years, providing a convenient and accessible way for users to interact with technology. In this article, we'll explore the first three steps of building a chatbot with Python: installing required pa...
WebProNews Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Has Become the Definition of ‘Bloatware’ Samsung's Galaxy S23 has become the definition of mobile bloatware, with a base install taking roughly 60GB. Samsung’s Galaxy S23 Has Become the Definition of ‘Bloatware’ Matt Milano
Well first of all you have to acknowledge that JavaScript is the weirdest language ever on earth And most crazy as well And most beautiful at the same time. so OOP in javascript is not the same as another language like C++/Java. in ES6 we got class k...
WebProNews Samsung Galaxy Phones Are Getting the February 2023 Update Samsung's Galaxy phones are finally getting the latest Android update, with the February 2023 update rolling out. Samsung Galaxy Phones Are Getting the February 2023 Update Staff
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NFTs are increasingly popular due to their ability to store distinctive data and represent digital items such as artwork, music, or other digital assets on blockchain technology. This article will discuss how the blockchain works with NFTs and cryptocurrency and will look at the potential future of the blockchain. How do NFTs work' NFTs are […] The post The Blockchain and What You Need to Kn [...]
If you missed Part 1, get a quick look here. $indexStats: This example returns statistics on the usage of each index in the collection, including the name of the index, the number of accesses, and the size of the index. db.collection.aggregate([ {...
"If I could pick one skill, and one skill only, this would be it - for any relationship, but especially so for the relationship with a manager. So many difficult conversations become a lot less difficult if only you get curious about the other person's challenges and needs before getting into yours." Questions to ask are: What keeps my manager up at night' What is success for them now and in the l [...]
A branchless stable quicksort / mergesort hybrid.
"It is a real-world example of Goodhart's Law, in that as soon as we began using uptime as a target, it stopped being a useful measure. So what is an ideal alternative' For me, as a naive engineer, I'd love to see the industry start viewing clear and transparent communication in past incidents as positive signal about a working relationship. After all, we know incidents are a fact of life, and it' [...]
"We have built a platform for serverless asynchronous computing that is provided as a service for other engineering teams. They register asynchronous functions on the platform and then submit workloads for execution via our SDK. The platform executes these workloads in the background on a large fleet of workers and provides additional capabilities such as load balancing, rate limiting, quota manag [...]
In this post, Slite Engineer Jason Phillips examines AI breakthroughs like GPT, exploring their potential for categorizing, filtering, and processing data. He suggests real-world applications rely more on processing than content generation.
Build and send emails using React.
"When unit testing, it's important to cover all your edge cases, but that can come at a cost. Covering edge cases often means making the same or similar assertions over and over again. While test names should clearly describe what is being tested, sometimes these assertions can be messy and have an unclear purpose. Using custom matchers in your tests can help make your assertions cleaner and less [...]
"But what data is inside the barcode of a mobile ticket, and how do they work' Could people who aren't ticket inspectors get the data out of them' It turns out that the answer is a bit more interesting than I initially expected!" The author shows your ticket barcode, which is often written below the code in plain text, might let someone access a surprising amount of detailed tracking information a [...]
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This issue's sponsor is Slite
"SQL should be the first option considered for new data engineering work. It's robust, fast, future-proof and testable. With a bit of care, it's clear and readable. A new SQL engine - DuckDB - makes SQL competitive with other high performance dataframe libraries, making SQL a good candidate for data of all sizes."
Visualize complex ideas programmatically.
"I now have six amazing clients, and I'm making an amount of money equivalent to my Google total compensation package, which proves the thesis that it's possible to be a professional maintainer earning rates competitive with the adjacent market for senior software engineers... I'm sharing details about my progress to hopefully popularize the model, and eventually help other maintainers adopt it, a [...]
Chat-based assistant that interacts w 3rd-parties.
Guten Tag!Do you know what's coming to JavaScript' Or struggle to debug and hand edit your SVGs' Or want to level up your VS Code game' All the answers and much more are included in this week's Web Weekly. ' Before we start, I want to thank the people supporting my tiny indie newsletter on Patreon. Since last week, I've been able to cover the cost of sending almost 3.5k emails every week. Thank yo [...]
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.