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« Février 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Vendredi 24 Février 2023 (149)

1: Russie : le discours de Vladimir Poutine interrompu par une cyberattaque

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La cyberguerre entre l'Ukraine et la Russie continue, et cette fois-ci, c'est une chaîne d'information russe qui en a fait … Cet article Russie : le discours de Vladimir Poutine interrompu par une cyberattaque a été publié sur

2: How To: Setup your root App folder for the Cloud

Hashnode - python (python)

This is a quick note on how to mix and match the ORM from Django into an application Flash or Tornado, consider the following folder structure: mysite/ server/ my_orm/ admin...

3: The GA4 migration deadline is right around the corner

Search engine land (Référencement)

The deadline to opt-out of the Google Analytics 4 auto migration is February 28. The post The GA4 migration deadline is right around the corner appeared first on Search Engine Land.

4: I forgot how to write JavaScript code

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I have been coding for one year and two months now, and it has been the most fulfilling journey of my life so far, I mean the journey has not ended yet and I do not think it is ending any time soon, but I am definitely loving it so far. But everyday ...

5: JavaScript Arrow Function

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is JavaScript Arrow Function' JavaScript arrow functions are a relatively new feature that provides a concise syntax for writing function expressions. In this article, we'll discuss what arrow functions are, why you might want to use them, how t...

6: Debugging Easy Blog: How I Overcame a CORS Error when posting to API.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: '''' As a developer, debugging is an inevitable part of the development process. Recently, while working on my project Easy Blog, I encountered a CORS error when attempting to post content to the API. In this post, I'll share m...

7: Debugging Feb: How I Overcame a CORS Error when posting to API.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: '''' As a developer, debugging is an inevitable part of the development process. Recently, while working on my project Easy Blog, I encountered a CORS error when attempting to post content to the API. In this post, I'll share m...

8: JavaScript Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: A JavaScript function is a block of code designed to perform a particular task. A JavaScript function is executed when "something" invokes it (calls it). It can be reused throughout the program. They can take in input, called parameters...

9: Ranked: Biotoxins in Nature, by Lethal Dose

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The world can be a poisonous place. We look at a number of different biotoxins found in the natural world and rank their toxicity. The post Ranked: Biotoxins in Nature, by Lethal Dose appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

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10: React Components for Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Components' Components are the building blocks of all React applications. They are independent pieces of functionality that are reusable in your application. Breaking down your code into smaller chunks for improved readability is facilitated...

11: I can help with 'this' Confusion

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

First, let us go back to the roots,the English meaning of the word 'this' . According to the Oxford Dictionary ,this can be used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand, it can also be used to identify something. For example "this is Ste...

12: What I have Done in the past two weeks'

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python and PySide6, I have created a desktop application that displays images captured by Mars rovers according to user-generated parameters and sends the data of the image and rover to the user-entered e-mail id. Also created a telegram bot that ...

13: How the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Impacts Science and Academia

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

What is the impact of war on science and academia' We examine how nations and the scientific community have responded to the conflict The post How the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Impacts Science and Academia appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

14: How to easily implement a user authentication system into your website

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction As a developer, one of the most important aspects of building an application is user authentication. User authentication is the process of verifying a user's identity and ensuring that only authorized users can access the application. Wi...

15: Comment la France va bloquer l'accès au porno ' Tout savoir sur le double-anonymat

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Afin d’empêcher les mineurs d’accéder aux sites pornographiques, la France va déployer une stratégie de vérification de l’âge. Découvrez tout … Cet article Comment la France va bloquer l’accès au porno ' Tout savoir sur le double-anonymat a été publié sur

16: String Method's In Javascript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In Javascript, many string methods are either built-in or user-defined. Built-in string methods are the methods that are present in any programming language library. Built-in string methods of JavaScript: search() : ' It is used to search a string ...

17: Make Your Website's User Experience Better With React Suspense

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You've probably been in a situation where you visited a website and that site took a bit of time to load, this is often due to the large amount of code or data the site is loading at once. Having to wait for the site to load could be extremely annoyi...

18: MediaTek fera une démonstration de sa technologie de connectivité par satellite au MWC 2023

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

MediaTek va profiter du Mobile World Congress de Barcelone pour faire la démonstration de sa technologie de connectivité par satellite, qui commencera par intégrer des smartphones Motorola. Elle s'appuie sur des satellites en orbite géosynchrone, permettra une communication bidirectionnelle et fonctionnera sur n'importe quel réseau conforme à la norme 3GPP NTN.

19: Challenges to grab while landing on Data Analytics'''

Hashnode - python (python)

A little introduction to Data Analytics Before jumping on the challenges to grab while learning Data Analysis, let's get started with what is Data Analysis''' Data Analytics in simple words can be defined as- converting raw data into actionable insi...

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20: How to create a Browser Extension'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Google Chrome is a popular web browser that allows users to customize their browsing experience with extensions. Chrome extensions are small software programs that add functionality to the browser. They can modify and enhance the appearance and funct...

21: Google Pay Widget in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Google Pay, also known as G Pay, is a convenient digital wallet platform and online payment system that was created by Google. It allows users to make in-app, online, and in-person contactless purchases using their mobile devices. While the service i...

22: Best Python libraries for Machine Learning

Hashnode - python (python)

NumPy Pandas TensorFlow Scikit-learn NumPy NumPy (Numerical Python) is a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python. It provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, as well as a large collection of high-level ma...

23: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Full JavaScript Roadmap in 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript is one of the most widely-used programming languages today. It is used to build everything from simple interactive websites to complex enterprise-level web applications. For developers looking to improve their skills and stay...

25: Cinq éditeurs juridiques condamnés pour procédure abusive contre la legaltech Doctrine

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Dalloz, Lextenso, LexisNexis, Wolters Kluwer et Lexbase devront verser 125 000 euros pour frais juridiques et 50 000 euros d'amende pour procédure abusive, après avoir assigné la legaltech en justice en 2020 pour "concurrence déloyale". La start-up revendique "une victoire éclatante" et appelle les acteurs du droit à collaborer à l'avenir.

26: How to use AWS Amplify for Next.js authentication

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, we will take a closer look at how you can simplify the implementation of authentication in Next.js by using AWS Amplify. The post How to use AWS Amplify for Next.js authentication appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

27: How to draw LMAZE

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Curtis Hwang's Zentangle® pattern: LMaze. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

28: Streamlining Flutter Code with Records and Control Flow

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In the last article, we had a basic introduction to a new built-in collection type coming out in the Dart 3.0 release i.e. Records. If you've not gone through that article, I'll recommend giving it a quick read to have a quick refresher. In this arti...

29: Day 2 of my full stack project

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

So continuing with yesterday I started with User and password Authentication in the Backend Using a lot of packages to make a professional product application Bcrypt - To encrypt the details into hash (Password) JsonWebToken - So the user can dir...

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30: The Nullish Coalescing Operator ('')

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Nullish coalescing operator returns the right side operand when the left side operand is Nullish. Likewise left side, an operand is returned when the right side operand is Nullish. Often used to provide a default value if the first one is missing. Um...

31: Faille critique dans l'appliance d'accès réseau zero trust FortiNAC de Fortinet

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Un PoC de code d'exploitation disponible pour une vulnérabilité critique affectant la solution FortiNAC de Fortinet est actuellement dans (...)

32: Nerd VPN : Flutter VPN Full Application with IAP, Integrated with Backend and Admin Panel

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Nerd VPN provides VPN services for users with free and premium subscription features without register and login, There is Web admin so you can easily determine which server is targeted to a specific user status. Demo:

33: Day 4 - My First Python Program

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction While writing this post I am very excited. In today's blog, I wrote my first ever python program and I will discuss what I learned on day 4 of my coding journey. So let's get started...... What is print() The print() statement is used to...

34: Aiherd lève 2,1 millions d'euros pour monitorer les élevages bovins laitiers grâce à l'IA

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Cette société nantaise entend, par cette opération, appuyer la commercialisation de sa solution dédiée monitoring des vaches laitières utilisant la vision par ordinateur.

35: Artifact : tout savoir sur le nouveau réseau social IA des créateurs d'Instagram

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Artifact est un nouveau réseau social par les créateurs d’Instagram. À la manière d’un TikTok dédié aux articles d’actualité, la … Cet article Artifact : tout savoir sur le nouveau réseau social IA des créateurs d’Instagram a été publié sur

36: Visualize the Frequency Tokens in a Text Corpora

Math Data Simplified (data)

If you want to quickly visualize the frequency of tokens in a collection of text documents, use the combination of scikit-learn’s CountVectorizer and Yellowbrick’s FreqDistVisualizer. Link to Yellowbrick. My previous tips on visualization. The post Visualize the Frequency Tokens in a Text Corpora appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

37: Socket Programming in Python: Client, Server, and Peer-to-Peer libraries

Hashnode - python (python)

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to exchange data between a client and a server using Python socket programming and the Socket API. Later, this tutorial will discuss exchanging data directly between two or more Python clients using a hosted provide...

38: Day 2: Home Hero

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today is Day 2 of 100. Today I managed to come up with a design for my hero. I changed the layout I had in the wireframe a little to a simple and minimalist approach. Something like me '. GitHub Commit:

39: A Beginner's Guide to Promises in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Asynchronous programming in JavaScript can often be challenging, especially when dealing with multiple tasks that depend on one another. Promises are a powerful feature introduced in ES6 that makes it easier to handle asynchronous tasks in JavaScript...

40 / 149

40: Google accusé de détruire des discussions internes concernant son procès antitrust aux Etats-Unis

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le ministère américain de la Justice demande que des sanctions soient prises contre Google. La firme aurait supprimé des discussions internes utiles dans le cadre de la procédure antitrust engagée contre elle pour abus de position dominante sur le marché de la publicité en ligne.

41: What is assumption mapping' Complete guide with examples

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Testing assumptions is one of your most important responsibilities as a product manager. It's also one of the most ambiguous. Using an assumption map can help make validating your assumptions more tangible. The post What is assumption mapping' Complete guide with examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

42: Communicating between Node.js microservices with gRPC

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how to use gRPC to communicate between Node.js microservices and test those connections with Postman in this post. The post Communicating between Node.js microservices with gRPC appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

43: Newsroom, vigie IA de Darktrace pour surveiller les failles critiques

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le fournisseur de cybersécurité Darktrace a annoncé la sortie de Newsroom, un système de détection et d'alerte des vulnérabilités (...)

44: History of JavaScript & JS Releases


Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

It's important to know how javascript releases work. The best way to start understanding javascript versions is by looking at the history of javascript. Let's start at the beginning of the internet itself. So, quickly after the internet was invented ...

45: HTML And CSS Best Practices

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

HTML Best Practices: Use semantic markup: Use HTML tags that have semantic meaning to describe the content on your webpage. For example, use for the top section of the page, for navigation menus, for the main content sectio...

46: Hunting Heisenberg with Django Rest Framework

Hashnode - python (python)

The idea The idea was to create a simple platform for DEA agents, to manage information about characters from the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe. To make the DEA agents' life easier, they need to have an API endpoint that allows filtering inf...

47: Quick revision of python

Hashnode - python (python)

Print statement: The print() function is used to display output on the console. Syntax: print("Hello, World!") Variables: Variables are used to store data in memory. In Python, you don't need to declare the type of variable before using it. Syntax: v...

48: Ils font la CyberSécurité | Haythem Mannai (Aircall)

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Dans le cadre de notre dossier 'Ils font la cybersécurité', Haythem Mannai (Security Team Lead chez Aircall)  a accepté de … Cet article Ils font la CyberSécurité | Haythem Mannai (Aircall) a été publié sur

49: Microsoft s'engage à publier les jeux d'Activision sur consoles Nintendo et sur GeForce Now

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Microsoft joue son va-tout pour convaincre les régulateurs d'autoriser son rachat d'Activision Blizzard, avec des accords auprès de Nintendo, l'un des trois grands fabricants de consoles, et de Nvidia, acteur clé du marché du cloud gaming avec GeForce Now. Pour autant, l'affaire reste loin d'être conclue.

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50: Guide to the LIKE Clause in MySQL

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Are you struggling to find specific data in your MySQL database' Do you spend hours scrolling through rows of data looking for specific patterns or names' If so, the LIKE clause in MySQL can be a lifesaver. The LIKE clause is a powerful tool that allows you to search

51: Une première bande-annonce pour le jeu de tir d'action du vétéran de la réalité virtuelle nDreams (Réalité Virtuelle)

Pour nDreams, le célèbre développeur VR, l’événement State of Play de PlayStation du 23 février […] Cet article Une première bande-annonce pour le jeu de tir d'action du vétéran de la réalité virtuelle nDreams a été publié sur Réalité

52: How to Fix React Hydration Error in Nextjs - Practical Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Are you struggling with the React Hydration Error in Nextjs' Don't worry; you're not alone! Many developers face this error when rendering their React components on the server and client sides. It can be frustrating, but fear not; we've got you cover...

53: Improving Rust code by linting with Clippy

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We investigate linting, linting levels, and categories, and demonstrate how to use Clippy to check if Rust code is idiomatic and correct. The post Improving Rust code by linting with Clippy appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

54: Linting in Rust with Clippy

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We investigate linting, linting levels, and categories, and demonstrate how to use Clippy to check if Rust code is idiomatic and correct. The post Linting in Rust with Clippy appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

55: What is a technology stack and why the right one matters

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In practice, technology stacks are extensive. The combination of potential technology is endless, but I cannot emphasize the downsides of using the wrong tech stack enough. The post What is a technology stack and why the right one matters appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

56: Ce qu'IKEA et Meta concoctent à travers leur partenariat (Réalité Virtuelle)

IKEA fait équipe avec Meta et Warpin Reality. Le but est de lancer une expérience […] Cet article Ce qu'IKEA et Meta concoctent à travers leur partenariat a été publié sur Réalité

57: An SEO's guide to ChatGPT prompts

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's what to keep in mind when creating prompts, plus examples of SEO-focused ChatGPT prompts to use in your day-to-day work. The post An SEO’s guide to ChatGPT prompts appeared first on Search Engine Land.

58: Contre vents et marées, la Commission européenne lance son plan gigabit 2030

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Jeter les bases de la transformation du secteur de la connectivité de l'Union Européenne. Voilà la nouvelle mission que s'est (...)

59: PSVR 2 et l'avis des premiers testeurs : qu'en pense la presse ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Pour Sony, la date du 13 septembre 2022 a été marquée par la diffusion d'un […] Cet article PSVR 2 et l’avis des premiers testeurs : qu’en pense la presse ' a été publié sur Réalité

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60: 2022, une année houleuse pour le financement en capital-risque

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les investissements en capital-risque ont considérablement ralenti cette année, les économies mondiales étant confrontées (...)

61: 2 000 développeurs en lice au concours Master Dev France 2023

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Devenu au fil des éditions l'un des rendez-vous phares des professionnels du code, Master Dev France (nouveau nom du Meilleur Développeur (...)

62: Introduction to Asynchronous Programming in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to this introductory article on Asynchronous Programming. What I will be covering is the Async and, coroutines functionality from the Asyncio module in Python. Now it's worth noting that this article is not for beginners, you should have some...

63: Top 10 platforms for deploying ML models for 2023

Hashnode - python (python)

The top 10 platforms for deploying machine learning models will be discussed in this post. We will offer a thorough overview of each platform, highlighting its essential attributes, advantages, and disadvantages. This tutorial will assist you in sele...

64: Intro to JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ready to start programming in JavaScript' This is an intro to JavaScript code tutorial which assumes zero prior experience. You'll learn how to use variables and store numbers, booleans, and strings. There are six code stages during which you'll lear...

65: Free Download: Education Icons

Webdesigner depot (Design)

<p>Icons are essential for successful web design. They provide an eye-catching, unobtrusive way to communicate important information and improve user experience. With icons, websites become more interesting and easier to navigate.</p> <p>These Free Education Icons are designed to help you add visual appeal and emphasize key ideas that complement the content of your website. </ [...]

66: Antitrust : le gouvernement américain lance une action en justice contre le rachat de Figma par Adobe

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le ministère américain de la Justice se prépare à contester devant les tribunaux le rachat de l'outil de design en ligne Figma par Adobe, géant des outils créatifs. L'acquisition, d'un montant de 20 milliards de dollars, fait craindre à ses détracteurs une domination encore plus totale du marché par Adobe.

67: ChatGPT : les meilleurs prompts pour générer un contenu de qualité

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les prompts sur ChatGPT servent à donner une entrée de texte pour générer une réponse pertinente. Avec les bonnes invites, … Cet article ChatGPT : les meilleurs prompts pour générer un contenu de qualité a été publié sur

68: Webinars: A complete guide with examples

Search engine land (Référencement)

Webinars could be your best investment in content this year. Learn best practices for planning a webinar right and promoting it effectively. The post Webinars: A complete guide with examples appeared first on Search Engine Land.

69: Reference Errors vs Type Errors in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Encountering an error, be it of any sort is a part of programming. Errors are how we programmers learn to be better at what we do but also find ourselves lost sometimes when resolving these errors. Understanding different types of errors and when the...

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70: Day 14 of 100DaysOfCode

Hashnode - python (python)

High Scores, Mailing Automation, and Exploring Pandas On day 14 of my 100DaysOfCode challenge, I continued to explore different aspects of programming, and I'm excited to share my progress with you. I started my day by adding a high score feature to ...

71: Making YouTube video with React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I recently started a YouTube channel. It's the educational kind where I explain cool technologies. My inspiration was channels like Wendover Productions and Kento Bento. One thing I want to get right is animations. I have previously watched a lot of ...

72: Wikidébrouillard, explorer les sciences de manière amusante

Macternelle (enfant / Formation)

Wikidébrouillard est une encyclopédie interactive et gratuite qui propose des milliers d’expériences scientifiques accessibles aux enfants et aux adultes. Elle a pour but de permettre à chacun de découvrir et d’explorer les sciences de manière amusante et concrète en réalisant des expériences faciles à faire à la maison ou à l’école avec des objets du … Lire la [...]

73: Different Loops in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview: Loops are very useful in programming, whenever we want to perform any task and we want to repeat that task a particular number of times. For instance, If we want to print orange 6 times : console.log('orange'); //Output: orange console.log(...

74: Dealing With Flutter Bugs From A Front End Developer's Perspective.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Recently, I started learning Flutter to build an app for the Technovation challenge, and I thought creating a Dart file would be as straightforward as creating an HTML file, but I was wrong. I thought all I had to do was create a file named index.dar...

75: Difference between Loose equality (==) and Strict equality(===)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

While using the equality operator in javascript. We usually have two options that are to either use Loose equality (==) or to use Strict equality (===). But making choice hastily without knowing the exact behavior of both can lead to unexpected behav...

76: Three Advanced Ways to Secure a Flutter App

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

It's no secret that security can be a daunting, sometimes intimidating, topic, especially when it comes to mobile app development. The constantly evolving threat landscape and the increasing amount of sensitive information being accessed, stored, and...

77: Consolidating promises using Promise.all()

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a developer, you've probably found yourself in a situation where you need to perform multiple asynchronous operations, and you want to wait for all of them to complete before proceeding. One common use case for this is when loading resources for a...

78: Day 1 of 30 - The Call-Stack

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Explaining Call Stack To A 5 Year Old For example, let's say you're playing a game on your computer. The computer needs to keep track of all the things happening in the game, like where your character is and what the enemies are doing. The computer d...

79: Le nouveau chatbot de Microsoft arrive sur les applications mobiles Bing, Edge et Skype

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le moteur de recherche conversationnel de Microsoft, co-conçu avec OpenAI et optimisé pour la recherche, est désormais disponible sur les applications mobiles de Bing, Edge et Skype. Il est possible d'interagir avec par saisie vocale et de choisir le type de réponse souhaitée : puces, texte ou réponse simplifiée.

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80: ' Best Practices of IaC

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction: Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is the process of managing and provisioning infrastructure resources such as virtual machines, networks, and storage using code. IaC helps in automating the infrastructure deployment process, making it fa...

81: Calling front-end developers looking to collaborate on a large open-source application!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Help Open Targets refactor our codebase from standard Javascript to Typescript. Open Targets is a public-private partnership whose ultimate aim is to improve the success rate of discovering new medicines; designing and testing new therapies is curren...

82: Hello world

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is my first article. Just checking how this works console.log('Hello world')

83: Avec Athonet, HPE se renforce dans la 5G privée

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Moins d'un mois après le lancement de son offre Private 5G, le fournisseur américain cherche encore à faire sensation en la matière. (...)

84: Les robots feront la moitié de votre ménage d'ici 10 ans, selon cette nouvelle étude

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les robots domestiques ont révolutionné la façon de faire le ménage dans de nombreux foyer. Ils offrent une alternative pratique … Cet article Les robots feront la moitié de votre ménage d’ici 10 ans, selon cette nouvelle étude a été publié sur

85: Démarchage téléphonique : ce qui change à partir du 1er mars 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

À partir du 1er mars, les règles changent pour le démarchage par téléphone.

86: Build CLI App in Python with Click and Publish to PyPI

Hashnode - python (python)

Background Of course, you all are aware of CLI(Command Line Interface) tools, because you might use any OS like Linux-based, Mac or Windows, you have used these tools in your life. These are Git CLI, language interpreters and runtimes(Python, Node, R...

87: Collective 753

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Unovis * Openverse * SwissGL * DSLCad * From Ghost to 11ty

88: Array Destructuring

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Destructuring is an ES6 feature, it's a way of unpacking values from an array or an object into separate variables. In other words, it means to break a complex data structure down into smaller data structures .. like variables. For the array, we use ...

89: Rapid.Space mise sur le vRAN et le cloudless

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Bien connu pour ses activités dans Nexedi (ERP) et son engagement dans le monde open source, Jean-Paul Smets a également lancé (...)

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90: La voix générée par l'IA, un moyen simple d'usurper une identité bancaire

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'identification vocale, présentée par certaines banques américaines et européennes comme un moyen fiable de se connecter (...)

91: Basecamp dit adieu au cloud et économise au moins 6,5 M'

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Basecamp et le cloud public, c'est fini. Suite à la décision prise en octobre dernier de quitter AWS aux factures mirobilantes, (...)

92: Nouveautés LinkedIn : personnaliser son profil, programmer sa newsletter, partager un lien d'abonnement'

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les créateurs de LinkedIn peuvent personnaliser davantage leur profil et profiter de nouveaux outils pour leur newsletter.

93: How to upgrade npm packages in react '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To upgrade npm packages in a React project, follow these steps: Open the terminal or command prompt in the root directory of your React project. Use the following command to see the current versions of all the packages installed in your project: ...

94: E-commerce : quels sont les sites web les plus visités en France '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Avec 38 millions de visiteurs par mois, Amazon reste le roi du e-commerce en France !

95: JavaScript Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Asynchronous programming is a crucial part of JavaScript, especially in modern web development. These methods of asynchronous execution help manage concurrency by allowing asynchronous code to be written in a synchronous style. Such features in JavaS...

96: Prévision des prix du Metacade (MCADE) et du Litecoin (LTC) pour 2023 ' 2030

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Alors que les difficultés ressenties par les marchés cryptos baissiers en 2022 se poursuivent en 2023, les investisseurs retournent le … Cet article Prévision des prix du Metacade (MCADE) et du Litecoin (LTC) pour 2023 – 2030 a été publié sur

97: Deploying Nodejs app on Ubuntu server with pm2 & nginx

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Deploying a Node.js application on an Ubuntu server can be a daunting task, but with the right tools, it can be done with ease. In this tutorial, we will go over how to deploy a Node.js application using the process manager pm2 and the web server Ngi...

98: Pour combattre les biais dans l'IA, il faut savoir manier « l'art de la guerre »

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'intelligence artificielle influe déjà sur de nombreux aspects de notre vie quotidienne. Pour les entreprises, les gains que peuvent (...)

99: Koesio Data Solutions croque SNG Gestion

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Tout juste deux ans après sa création, Koesio Data Solutions continue son développement en acquérant l'intégrateur Sage (...)

100 / 149

100: Greatest unexpected NBA performance

Flowing data (dataviz)

This is a fun one from Russell Samora and Reshad Malekzai for The…Tags: basketball, Pudding

101: Mythes et réalités des IA génératives

Cavazza, Fred (Web 2 / Internet)

En lançant OpenAI en 2015, Elon Musk et ses co-investisseurs ne pensaient pas qu’ils allaient déclencher un tel raz-de-marée médiatique quelques années plus tard. Si la vocation initiale d’OpenAI était de s’assurer que l’intelligence artificielle allait bénéficier à l’humanité, force est de constater qu’avec ChatGPT ils ont trouvé la nouvelle Poule au [...]

102: Faster React apps coding: How to migrate from Emotion CSS-in-JS to Stylify Utility-First CSS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Looking for a better way to manage your CSS in React' Learn how to migrate from Emotion CSS-in-JS to Stylify CSS's utility-first approach and streamline your development workflow. You can try the examples in this article in the Playground On Stackbli...

103: Microsoft veut donner un corps à ChatGPT : comment ça pourrait mal tourner '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Microsoft exploite l’Intelligence Artificielle pour contrôler des robots avec ChatGPT. C'est une avancée technologique audacieuse, mais qui soulève également des … Cet article Microsoft veut donner un corps à ChatGPT : comment ça pourrait mal tourner ' a été publié sur

104: Webinar : réussir son projet professionnel en marketing et communication digitale dans la santé

Blog du Moderateur ()

Ne manquez pas le prochain webinar de l'EFAP, le 7 mars à 12h30, pour tout savoir sur la transformation digitale du secteur de la santé et les opportunités d'emploi offertes.

105: Debugging a JavaScript Problem with a CSS Solution

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Debugging in web development Whether we admit it or not, one thing we as programmers wish for is to write code without errors '. But the Irony is that if there is an error-free code, the word 'Debugging' would not even exist. In this article, I will...

106: La collecte SaaS des données environnementales des prestataires IT avec Advaes

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Ancienne analyste au sein du cabinet Markess, Emmanuelle Olivié-Paul a fondé la société d'analyse Advaes mi-2020. Après (...)

107: Valérie Bourbon (DSI Dim) : « Se séparer de notre ex-actionnaire puis enclencher la modernisation IT »

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dim, la célèbre marque de sous-vêtements, vole de nouveau de ses propres ailes. En novembre 2021, son actionnaire, le groupe américain (...)

108: Heineken, le « brasseur le plus connecté » grâce à son DSI

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Entreprise familiale vieille de 159 ans, la société néerlandaise de brasserie Heineken doit sa longévité à un (...)

109: How to upgrade npm packages'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: How to upgrade npm packages' The simplest way is to install npm-check-updates, run npx ncu, followed by npx ncu -u to update the package.json followed by npm install to update packages in package.lock and node_modules. Vanilla npm approach np...

110 / 149

110: Understanding React: JSX vs. Plain JavaScript for Component Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is React' React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and is widely used for creating single-page applications, mobile apps, and dynamic user interfaces. React allows developers to build reusable...

111: La recherche locale en 2023 : les principales tendances & techniques

Abondance (Référencement)

Benu Aggarwal, la fondatrice de Milestone, a partagé son point de vue sur les tendances de la recherche locale en 2023. Un guide qui, sans aucun doute, vous sera d'une grande utilité pour confirmer ou infirmer vos stratégies' Nous sommes tous d'accord pour dire qu'aujourd'hui, ce que recherchent les consommateurs, c'est une expérience personnalisée et […] L'article "La recherche locale [...]

112: Creating a Login Page in 2 min

Hashnode - python (python)

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a login page with Django, one of the most popular Python web frameworks. We will use Django's built-in authentication system to handle user authentication. Let's get started! Step 1: Create a New Djang...

113: Nullish coalescing and optional chaining Explained!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, there are two operators - nullish coalescing and optional chaining. Nullish coalescing is used to check whether a value is nullish or not. The Optional Chaining Operator is there to safely call upon a variable or function without knowi...

114: Know about MetaMask.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Metamask is a popular browser extension and mobile wallet that allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It is one of the most user-friendly and accessible wallets for those who are new to the world of cryptocurrencies. Metamask was deve...

115: Lookback: Google launched the Panda algorithm update 12 years ago

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's a complete history of the Google Panda Update, its impact on search results, and its lasting legacy on SEO. The post Lookback: Google launched the Panda algorithm update 12 years ago appeared first on Search Engine Land.

116: How to improve your coding skills in your spare time

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Whether you're a professional software developer or just starting to learn to code, improving your skills is an ongoing process. And while coding boot camps, online courses, and on-the-job training are all great ways to level up, sometimes you need t...

117: Don't Nod, InMemori, Klaxoon' Les levées de fonds de la French Tech cette semaine

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les start-up de la French Tech ont levé près de 95 millions d'euros cette semaine, d'après le décompte hebdomadaire d'eCAP PARTNER pour L'Usine Digitale.

118: Ultimate Intro. to Bootstrap

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you're creating a website, then you have a long wish list. You want also the design to reflect the look and feel of your brand. And you want to create responsive layouts that display elements like buttons, navbars and forms consistently, no matter...

119: Steps To Learn React Native

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. Here is a roadmap for learning React Native: Learn the basics of JavaScript: React Native is built on top of JavaScript, so it's important to have a sol...

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120: This day in search marketing history: February 24

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google unleashes the Panda update, plus: E-A-T patent, AMP Top Stories, Overstock's Google penalty, optimize by conversions and more The post This day in search marketing history: February 24 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

121: Javascript :

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are TypeError and ReferenceError in JavaScript' TypeError and ReferenceError are two common errors that can occur when working with JavaScript code. These errors occur when a program attempts to perform an operation on a value that is not of the...

122: Will WebAssembly Replace JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

"WebAssembly will replace JavaScript." I have read this so many times on these internet streets, and that has made me curious about the possibility of making full-stack web applications with WebAssembly. First, to calm your nerves, it is currently n...

123: Automating RSS syndication and sharing with Next.js and GitHub

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I wrote a basic syndication tool in Next.js to automate sharing items from configured RSS feeds to Mastodon. This tool works by leveraging a few basic configurations, the Mastodon API and a (reasonably) lightweight script that creates a JSON cache wh...

124: Poetry Generator: Can we write a Sonnet like it's the middle ages'

Hashnode - python (python)

The versatility of ChatGPT and BART has piqued the interest of many, prompting a desire to explore how these models can effectively answer an array of diverse questions. In this blog, we will introduce the process of building a basic version of a tex...

125: Day 14: Python Data Types and Data Structures

Hashnode - python (python)

#Day14 of #90DaysofDevops challenge Click here to view Day 14 Task. Data Types Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data. Sinc...

126: Generators in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we will understand what Generators are and how we can make use of them in our code. What are Generators' It's like a regular javascript function but can return a value more than once and at a defined period of time. Ok, what do you m...

127: How to Detect Text Generated by ChatGPT

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) are a family of language models that use deep learning to produce natural language texts based on a given input. A user can feed the model with input like a sentence and the GPT creates a paragraph based on ...

128: Astro JS Framework: Overview of the tool I used to built my site

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a popular programming language for building web applications, and there are many frameworks available to help us, developers, to create these applications quickly and efficiently. One of the newest frameworks is Astro. In this blog post...

129: Peut-on être certain qu'il y a de la vie quelque part, ailleurs, dans l'Univers ' ()

Depuis une dizaine d'années, astrophysiciens et cosmobiologies vont de surprises en surprises : après avoir été longtemps convaincu que la formation de molécules organiques complexes dans l'espace était un phénomène possible mais rare, presque accidentel, ils ont été conduits à changer radicalement de position et admettent à présent, observations à l'appui, que partout dans l'Un [...]

130 / 149

130: ECMAScript 2023 for President

javascriptweekly (Javascript)

#'627 ' February 24, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly '  Strudel REPL: Live JavaScript Music in the Browser ' This is a lot of fun. It's a little online sandbox for putting together small musical experiments written in JavaScript. Use the 'shuffle' button at the top right until you find something you like the sound of. There's a tutorial on building your own, too. If y [...]

131: PyGWalker (Développement)

Turn pandas dataframe into a Tableau-style User Interface for visual analysis.

132: Recommended Reading (Développement)

This is a cross-promotion with Quastor

133: How DoorDash Designed A Successful Write-Heavy Scalable And Reliable Inventory Platform (Développement)

'As DoorDash made the move from made-to-order restaurant delivery into the Convenience and Grocery (CnG) business, we had to find a way to manage an online inventory per merchant per store that went from tens of items to tens of thousands of items. Having multiple CnG merchants on the platform means constantly refreshing their offerings, a huge inventory management problem that would need to be op [...]

134: My Favourite 3 Lines Of CSS (Développement)

 'The main reason I've written this post though, is to send people to it when they ask why I use .flow or use margin, but also, I hope you've seen how damn powerful CSS Custom Properties are. They're certainly more than just CSS variables, that's for sure.'

135: Identity-Native Infrastructure Access (Développement)

Download your copy and learn how to prevent breaches by eliminating secrets, including the two new chapters on Secure Connectivity and Authentication.

136: Scribble Diffusion (Développement)

Turn your rough sketch into a refined image using AI.

137: We Stand To Save $7m Over Five Years From Our Cloud Exit (Développement)

'The rough math goes like this: We spent $3.2m on cloud in 2022. Just under a million of that was on storing 8 petabytes of files in S3, fully replicated across several regions. So that leaves ~$2.3m on everything else: app servers, cache servers, database servers, search servers, the works. That's the part of the budget we intend to bring to zero in 2023. Then we'll worry about exiting the 8PB fr [...]

138: Removing Uncertainty: The Tip Of The Iceberg (Développement)

 'When you're staring a huge, challenging project in the face, don't align your team around just getting it done. Instead, align your team around continually reducing uncertainty'' James advises us to prioritize the most uncertain parts of the project and focus efforts on getting answers. Answers fall into two broad categories: that it is possible, as proved by code, or that it's not possible, bu [...]

139: Squeezing A Sokoban Game Into 10 Lines Of Code (Développement)

Although code golfing is an ultimately frivilous endeavor, I had a lot of fun trying to fit as much as I could into my game and I'm pleased with how it turned out' While I don't expect you to ever make (serious) use of these tips, I hope you liked them.'

140 / 149

140: Developer With ADHD' You're Not Alone (Développement)

''More people are understanding their experiences and abilities through the lens of ADHD, and this includes many people who code. But is there really a connection between programming and ADHD' And could it be that people with ADHD are particularly well-suited to programming careers'' This article discusses the importance of neurodiversity amongst teams.

141: ISG (Développement)

Use YouTube as cloud storage for any files, not just video.

142: PSQL Tips (Développement)

43 tips starting with: (1) If you want to simply send a single line command to psql and exit, try using the -c or --command=command flag. (2) You can combine several -c or --command=command flags to execute several commands or queries. (3) With the --csv flag, psql will display the result as a csv file. And more.

143: Highlight (Développement)

Open source, full-stack monitoring platform.

144: React VDOM in 8 minutes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

(Image created by Midjourney) In this article, I am going to take a look at React. I used React for the first time a few weeks ago and while looking deeper into the inner workings of React I thought it might be a good idea to create a small blog post...

145: Difference between Spread and Rest operator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If we take a look at both spread and rest operators they both look the same as they use the same syntax as 3 dots (...) in front of them and because of this it causes confusion among beginners. So let's find the difference between them. Spread Operat...

146: Du Domain-Driven Design avec NestJS / GraphQL : Partie 1 - Arborescence et query

Humancoders ()

Un article qui explique l'arborescence de fichiers de notre API (DDD, architecture hexagonale, NestJS et GraphQL) et qui donne un exemple de query toute simple. Commentaires L'article Du Domain-Driven Design avec NestJS / GraphQL : Partie 1 - Arborescence et query a été posté dans la catégorie Bonnes pratiques de Human Coders News

147: Maven et le pom.xml

Humancoders ()

Dans cet article, nous allons voir les différents composants du pom.xml et comment chaque partie du pom joue un rôle crucial en fournissant les informations nécessaires aux autres classes présentes dans le projet. Commentaires L'article Maven et le pom.xml a été posté dans la catégorie Java de Human Coders News

148: [Vidéo ]Sortie de GitLab 15.8

Humancoders ()

Commentaires L'article [Vidéo ]Sortie de GitLab 15.8 a été posté dans la catégorie DevOps de Human Coders News

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Richard Carlier

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