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« Février 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Lundi 27 Février 2023 (150)

1: A simple guide to JavaScript Array Map Method

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Map is called on an existing array to return a new array based on what is returned from the function that's passed as an argument. Here is an example const names = ['Bello', 'Abdullahi', 'Abdulqudus']; const nameLengths = name => name.len...

2: Allow Temporary Site Access with CM Restrict User Account

WP Explorer (wordpress)

There are plenty of guides and tools to help you retain and engage users, but what if you only want to allow them temporarily' What if you simply want to give users a way to access a resource or product for a few days, or even a few hours' Some things just aren’t meant to […] The post Allow Temporary Site Access with CM Restrict User Account appeared first on WPExplorer.

3: What is the Internet, Web Browser, Browser Engine, Static site, Dynamic site'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is the Internet' The Internet is the collection of networks or networks connected worldwide. It gives the information available across the globe with a single click or a stroke of the keyboard. Also, communication among the computer takes place ...

4: Building a real-time commenting app with and React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this guide, we'll walk through how to build a real-time commenting system using React, Node.js, and We'll show you how to build a list of comments fed from an API, create new comments, and broadcast comments in real-time to connected us...

5: macOS : gare à ce malware caché dans Final Cut Pro en version pirate

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Jamf Threat Labs avertit les utilisateurs de macOS qu’un malware déployé via des copies piratées de Final Cut Pro peuvent … Cet article macOS : gare à ce malware caché dans Final Cut Pro en version pirate a été publié sur

6: Day 4 of 30 - Implicit, Explicit, Nominal, Structuring and Duck Typing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today I was a bit confused by the topic chosen for the day. I kept wondering what is implicit, explicit and most of all Duck Typing. The more I pondered the more curious I get. Join me as we demystify these topics in Javascript first we should have a...

7: Progressive Web Apps 101

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Progressive Web Apps bring some advantages over native mobile apps automatic updates can be implemented the installed app takes less memory installable on phones, tablets, desktops Prerequisites for installation a web app running over an HTTPS ...

8: Function Execution in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To see how are these functions executed in JavaScript let's take the reference of the following example. 1. var x = 1; 2. a(); 3. b(); 4. 5. console.log(x); 6. 7. function a() { 8. var x = 10; 9. console.log(x); 10.} 11. 12. function b() { 13. ...

9: Former App Store Editor: 'Apple Doesn't Care About Games'

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Former App Store Editor: ‘Apple Doesn’t Care About Games’ Former App Store Editor Neil Long has disappointing news for mobile game developers, saying, "Apple doesn't care about games." Former App Store Editor: ‘Apple Doesn’t Care About Games’ Matt Milano

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10: Customizing a React, Node.js, and OpenAI chatbot with embeddings

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' This article is the third article sent to the newsletter. Subscribe to the Front-end Fresh newsletter to get front-end engineering tips, tutorials, and projects sent to your inbox every week! In the last two weeks, we built a cha...

11: Introduction and get started with web development with meta

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

With Coursera meta's frontend development introduction course module 1 Hi again! this time, I will be going to discuss Meta's certification introduction course on Coursera which is called Introduction to Front-End Development. Here are the key point...

12: Async and await in Javascript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The concept of async and await is a very useful tool when it comes to asynchronous codes. It is a concept that makes writing promise-based code easier. Prerequisites To follow up with this concept of async and await explained in this art...

13: JavaScript BigInt

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

BigInt was introduced in ES2020. BigInt is one of the primitives in JavaScript. Why We Need BigInt' In JavaScript, regular numbers are represented internally as 64 bits. that means there are exactly 64 0's and 1's to represent any number. Only 53 out...

14: Building a REST API with Robyn and Postgres | Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In this article, we are going to build a REST API to perform CRUD operations. To build this server we will use Robyn and the Postgres driver Psycopg2. Robyn Robyn is a fast async Python web framework coupled with a web server written in Rust. Psycopg...

15: How to build a CRUD API using Python Flask and SQLAlchemy ORM with PostgreSQL

Hashnode - python (python)

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a simple CRUD API using Flask, SQLAlchemy, and PostgreSQL. Introduction CRUD refers to the four basic operations that a software application must be able to perform: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. ' ...

16: Android : pourquoi le label Data Privacy est une arnaque selon Mozilla

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Au mois d'avril dernier, Google a commencé à déployer son Label Privacy. Il s'agit d'une étiquette de confidentialité des données … Cet article Android : pourquoi le label Data Privacy est une arnaque selon Mozilla a été publié sur

17: How I created a Postgres data-warehouse with Python & SQL''

Hashnode - python (python)

Preface Disclaimer: This was just for fun. In a real-world setting there are more appropriate options that address modern-day warehousing challenges for different businesses depending on the problem statement at hand, so consider your company's (or c...

18: Brief meaning Flutter Provider State Management

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter is a popular mobile app development framework that allows developers to create beautiful and high-performance apps for both Android and iOS platforms. One of the core concepts in Flutter is the state, which refers to the data that represents ...

19: Microsoft Angering Users With Overly-Aggressive Edge Ads

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Angering Users With Overly-Aggressive Edge Ads Microsoft is hell-bent on keeping people using its Edge web browser, resorting to overly-aggressive ads to accomplish its goal. Microsoft Angering Users With Overly-Aggressive Edge Ads Staff

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20: [MWC 2023] Les opérateurs télécoms veulent déployer des API ouvertes pour monétiser leurs réseaux

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

GSMA, l'organisation mondiale représentant les opérateurs télécoms et défendant leurs intérêts, a annoncé, à l'occasion du MWC 2023, le lancement d'"Open Gateway", un socle d'API ouvertes voué à faciliter le travail des développeurs, et surtout à créer une nouvelle source de rémunération pour les opérateurs.

21: Google launched 2 new asset creation and customer acquisition tools

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new tools were announced today during Google's Search Ads Week The post Google launched 2 new asset creation and customer acquisition tools appeared first on Search Engine Land.

22: A guide to using Primer.css

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Primer.css helps keep styles consistent. In this article, we will learn about Primer.css, how to use it, and what it takes from BEM. The post A guide to using Primer.css appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

23: How to draw ALLA

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing Mayumi Ogawa's Zentangle® pattern: Alla. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

24: [MWC 2023] Prophesee s'associe à Qualcomm pour éliminer le motion blur des photos sur smartphones

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française Prophesee lance son capteur innovant sur le marché du smartphone. Intégré aux modules photo existants, il permettra de fortement diminuer le flou de mouvement pour les scènes les plus dynamiques ou les prises de vue en basse luminosité. Prophesee collabore pour ce faire avec deux titans du secteur : Qualcomm et Sony.

25: ChatGPT débarque par surprise sur Snapchat avec "My AI"

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Snap lance ce 27 février son propre chatbot intelligent, "My AI". Conçu sur le même modèle de langage que ChatGPT, il a été cependant été limité dans ses capacités pour éviter insultes, violence ou réponses politiques.

26: How to Set Up a Community Platform for your Product

Noupe (conception)

To convince people to try your solutions, you can't simply pitch them your product and expect it to work.  Customers don't make buying decisions on a whim anymore. So, despite the brilliance of your marketing campaigns, it'd be difficult for you to dictate the buying decisions of your target audience by defining what's best for... The post How to Set Up a Community Platform for yo [...]

27: Complete Guide of Python Strings

Hashnode - python (python)

In the Article, we learn about string data type in python. we will discuss how to declare the strings data type, access characters in the string, slice techniques and methods that support strings. Introduction to Python String A string is an object ...

28: 100 visualizations from a single dataset with 6 data points

Flowing data (dataviz)

The structure of a dataset can help you pick a visualization method or…Tags: Ferdio, variation

29: Telex : L'UE va avertir Broadcom sur le rachat de VMWare, Gandi racheté par TWS, Zoom sur le OnePlus 11 Concept

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

- L'UE va avertir Broadcom sur le rachat de VMware. Selon Reuters, la Commission européenne devrait prochainement lancer un avertissement (...)

30 / 150

30: A Dive into Network Programming in Python 101

Hashnode - python (python)

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol): HTTP is a protocol used for sending and receiving data over the internet. In Python, you can use the requests module to send HTTP requests and receive HTTP responses. Here's an example of sending an HTTP GET reques...

31: Quoi de neuf dans JavaScript Charting 3.4

Humancoders ()

La version 3.4 apporte de nouveaux widgets de tableau de bord, des dispositions d'organigramme vertical et bien plus encore. Commentaires L'article Quoi de neuf dans JavaScript Charting 3.4 a été posté dans la catégorie JavaScript de Human Coders News

32: Day 4 of my full stack project

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Firstly, Solved the error which I had on Day3 It was a minute errorCompleted all the backend authentication Register Login Logout Forgot Password Reset Password A little preview of the login code, rest are pretty similarUsing JWT Tokens for a...

33: De la programmation web full-stack dans .NET 8 pour ASP.NET Core

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Afin de mieux répondre aux différents besoins des applications Web, ASP.NET Core, le framework multiplateforme de Microsoft offrira un modèle (...)

34: Jetpack Compose: Composable functions

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI using Kotlin. In Compose, UI components are defined as composable functions, which are functions that describe a UI component and can be called by other functions to render that compo...

35: How to use the Optional chaining operator('.) in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The optional chaining operator '. is used to access the properties and methods of an object safely. If any of the intermediate properties in the chain is null or undefined, it stops evaluating the expression and returns undefined , rather than throwi...

36: Meta LLaMA : après Bard et ChatGPT, la réponse de Zuckerberg à la bergère

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Meta lève le voile sur son propre Large Modèle de Langage (LLM) : LLaMA. Actuellement réservé à la communauté scientifique, … Cet article Meta LLaMA : après Bard et ChatGPT, la réponse de Zuckerberg à la bergère a été publié sur

37: Value chain analysis: Why it's important and how to do it

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Value chain analysis helps find a company's competitive advantage and increase profits. Each product phase is important for the analysis, from beginning to end. The post Value chain analysis: Why it's important and how to do it appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

38: How to develop charts in your Django admin with Chart.js

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

By default, the Django admin interface provides only a list view of data, but, sometimes, it's helpful to display data in a graphical format using a chart. The post How to develop charts in your Django admin with Chart.js appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

39: How to Structure an ML Project for Reproducibility and Maintainability

Math Data Simplified (data)

Getting started is often the most challenging part when building ML projects. This article will show you how to use a template to create a maintainable and reproducible project, consolidating the best practices I've learned over the years. Article. Template. The post How to Structure an ML Project for Reproducibility and Maintainability appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

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40: [MWC 2023] Qualcomm s'allie à 7 opérateurs télécoms autour de son écosystème de réalité augmentée Snapdragon Spaces

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Qualcomm poursuit son offensive pour faire émerger un écosystème interopérable autour des lunettes de réalité augmentée... dont il serait un acteur central et incontournable. Dans le prolongement de son initiative "XR Viewers", il annonce un partenariat avec sept opérateurs télécoms et souligne les annonces de lunettes de Xiaomi et Oppo.

41: MWC 2023 : les opérateurs mobiles ouvrent leurs API avec Open Gateway

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

A l'occasion de la grande messe de la téléphonie mobile à Barcelone, le Mobile World Congress (MWC) s'est penché (...)

42: Benchmark : est-ce que ça vaut le coup d'utiliser WebAssembly plutôt que JavaScript '

Humancoders ()

Dans mon précédent article, je vous avais présenté WebAssembly et je vous avais expliqué comment l'utiliser. Je vous avais également dit qu'il était « censé » être plus rapide que JavaScript et je vous avais promis de revenir plus en détail sur le sujet' Eh bien c'est parti ! Commentaires L'article Benchmark : est-ce que ça vaut le coup d'utiliser WebAssembly plutôt que Java [...]

43: Le merveilleux monde des dégénérés du Web3

Humancoders ()

Web3. Nous sommes le 22 octobre 2021. Quelques jours après la fin de mon dernier article. On me promet toujours 500 000 euros en Ethereum. Commentaires L'article Le merveilleux monde des dégénérés du Web3 a été posté dans la catégorie Développement de Human Coders News

44: Unlocking the Power of Python Algorithms: From Sorting to Machine Learning

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that is widely used by software developers and data scientists around the world. One of the key strengths of Python is its rich library of algorithms, which can be used to solve complex problems...

45: L'application France Identité retardée en raison de bugs sur iPhone

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Avoir sa carte d'identité dans son smartphone, c'est la promesse de l'application France Identité, qui doit être lancée cette année. Elle a toutefois pris du retard, notamment à cause de bugs dans la lecture de puces par les iPhones.

46: Safe Navigation Operator-Optional Chaining (JS and Angular)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Safe Navigation Operator with JavaScript The safe navigation operator, also known as Optional chaining in JavaScript is a feature that allows us to safely access properties or functions of an object without throwing an error if any of the properties ...

47: Se renseigner sur une entreprise avant de postuler (Réalité Virtuelle)

Un grand nombre d'informations permet de savoir si une entreprise est adaptée à vos besoins […] Cet article Se renseigner sur une entreprise avant de postuler a été publié sur Réalité

48: Introduction to JavaScript Modules

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Originally, Javascript was used as a tool to create beautiful animations and interactions on the web, they were there to make websites look attractive and eye catchy, and that was all. But then, Google Maps was introduced, and that period represented...

49: Linear Search in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Suppose someone told you to find a specific book on a table. What you will do' In general, you will look forward one by one. When you will find the book before that you will check if the book name match or not. If it does not exist there then you hav...

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50: Day 2 in 100daysofcode challenge

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Yeah welcoming you to my day 2, I know I know should have already uploaded the blog yesterday but my procrastinating ass couldn't make it to hashnode that was possibly the first and last time delaying the blog, cause from now on I'll be uploading my ...

51: Caro game - Developing game modes for Humans and Computers with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Tháng ba b't ch't m't ngày tr'ng tinh hoa s'a v' 'ây... Hà N'i, Ch' Nh't 26/02/2023... Ta vô'i b'''c trên phô' ph'''ng Ha' Nô'iBô'ng g''p ha'ng s'a tr''ng mô't ma'u hoaTr''ng ca' go'c tr''i ni'u b'''c chân quaL'u luyê'n qu'a chu'm hoa s'a l''ng le' H...

52: Ils font la CyberSécurité | Philippe Loudenot (Blue Files)

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Dans le cadre de notre dossier 'Ils font la cybersécurité', Philippe Loudenot (Cyber Security Strategist chez Blue Files)  a accepté … Cet article Ils font la CyberSécurité | Philippe Loudenot (Blue Files) a été publié sur

53: Xiaomi France : "Il va falloir du temps avant d'être positionné comme une marque premium"

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Rencontre avec Guillaume Chaigneau, country manager France chez Xiaomi, au lendemain de la présentation du smartphone Xiaomi 13 Pro, qui sera commercialisé au prix de 1300 euros et embarque le top des processeurs et des capteurs photo.

54: Affrontez le monde en tant que Shiba Inu dans cette aventure VR ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Humanity est un nouveau jeu VR développé par Enhance, l'équipe derrière les jeux Rez Infinite […] Cet article Affrontez le monde en tant que Shiba Inu dans cette aventure VR ! a été publié sur Réalité

55: Devenez un exterminateur d'araignées dans ce nouveau jeu VR (Réalité Virtuelle)

Kill It With Fire VR met les joueurs dans la peau d'un exterminateur d'araignées. S'il […] Cet article Devenez un exterminateur d'araignées dans ce nouveau jeu VR a été publié sur Réalité

56: Understanding Shallow Copy vs Deep Copy using lodash

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Cloning an object in JavaScript is an important operation that allows you to create a copy of an existing object without modifying the original. This can be useful in many situations, such as when you want to make changes to an object without affecti...

57: 4 ways to remove click events from html elements

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this tutorial, we're going to learn four ways in which we can remove a click event from an HTML element. There may be more ways than four, of which I am not aware of, so please do well to leave them in the comments below if I haven't listed what y...

58: Price sensitivity analysis: How much is your product worth'

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn about the two main types of price sensitivity surveys and how to use them to determine how much customers are willing to pay for your product. The post Price sensitivity analysis: How much is your product worth' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

59: A guide to CSS object-view-box

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Use the object-view-box CSS property to crop and zoom into images without distorting them or having to use HTML workarounds. The post A guide to CSS <code>object-view-box</code> appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

60 / 150

60: A guide to keyword cannibalization in SEO and how to fix it

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how to gauge whether your your site has a keyword cannibalization problem and solutions to consider for better SEO results. The post A guide to keyword cannibalization in SEO and how to fix it appeared first on Search Engine Land.

61: A Guide To Accessible Form Validation

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

Each time we build a field validation from scratch, accessibility doesn't come out of the box. In this guide, Sandrina breaks down what we need to take into consideration, so that nobody gets stuck on an inaccessible invalid field.

62: What is the difference between React, Angular and Vue.js'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React, Angular, and Vue.js are three popular JavaScript frameworks used for building dynamic and interactive web applications. Each framework has its unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. React is a component-based library that is designed for ...

63: So You Want to Be a Data Scientist'

Hashnode - python (python)

Data science is the new world order of the business world, so it's no surprise that so many people are looking to enter the field and make their careers in data science. However, not everyone knows what it takes to get started in data science or what...

64: 5 grands jeux PSVR que vous aimeriez bien voir sur le PSVR 2 (Réalité Virtuelle)

Soni a finalement sorti le PlayStation VR2. Mais pour des raisons légitimes, les titres PSVR […] Cet article 5 grands jeux PSVR que vous aimeriez bien voir sur le PSVR 2 a été publié sur Réalité

65: JavaScript : Understanding hasOwnProperty

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used in web development. It provides developers with several useful built-in methods and functions that make it easy to work with objects and manipulate their properties. One such method is hasOwnPr...

66: 3 Essential Design Trends, February 2023

Webdesigner depot (Design)

<p>There's a common theme in this month's collection of website design trends ' typography. All three of these trends showcase popular type elements that seem to be exploding in popularity.</p> <p>Here's what's trending in design this month.</p> <h1>1. Focus on Typography</h1> <p>Admittedly this trend seems a little vague, but we think you'll know it when [...]


Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When it comes to structuring and developing frontend web applications, there are two main approaches: monolithic and micro-frontend. A monolithic frontend application is built as a single, large codebase where all the application code is contained in...

68: Big O Notation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello and welcome to our discussion on algorithm analysis and efficiency, including big O notation, simplifying big O expressions, defining time and space complexity, evaluating complexity using big O notation, and defining logarithms. Let's consider...

69: TIL How Casing Can Break Netlify Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Did you know Netlify Functions could break when renamed to the same name with a different casing' I sure didn't. What are Netlify Functions' If you know what AWS Lambda or GCP Cloud Functions are, then Netlify Functions won't be a stranger to you. Ne...

70 / 150

70: [MWC 2023] Xiaomi présente un concept de lunettes de réalité augmentée à très haute résolution

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Xiaomi profite du MWC de Barcelone pour communiquer sur un prototype de lunettes de réalité augmentée. Dotées d'un système d'affichage utilisant des écrans MicroLED de très haute résolution, elles fonctionnent en se connectant à un smartphone compatible avec Snapdragon Spaces.

71: Why content strategy matters most

Search engine land (Référencement)

A content strategy is a map that will lead you to profitable content. Here are five reasons why every business must have one. The post Why content strategy matters most appeared first on Search Engine Land.

72: Bing AI Chat testing setting the tone of the responses

Search engine land (Référencement)

Microsoft is slowly rolling out upgrades to Bing AI chat including setting the tone to creative, balanced or precise. The post Bing AI Chat testing setting the tone of the responses appeared first on Search Engine Land.

73: Snapchat : les Lenses AR font l'objet d'une importante amélioration (Réalité Virtuelle)

Les Lenses AR de l'application à succès Snapchat font en ce moment l'objet d'une importante […] Cet article Snapchat : les Lenses AR font l'objet d'une importante amélioration a été publié sur Réalité

74: iPhone 15 Ultra d'Apple : un premier aperçu fuite

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Après avoir jeté un premier coup d''il à l'iPhone 15 et au 15 Pro ce mois-ci, d'autres fuites évoquent le modèle (...)

75: Plus de 500 offres IT proposées aux ingénieurs juniors en Rhône-Alpes

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Evènement organisé à l'initiative d'étudiants depuis 1985, le forum Rhône-Alpes met en relation des entreprises (...)

76: Day 7 - Mathematical Operations in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction This blog post is going to be pretty small. On day 7 of my python coding journey, I learned about Mathematical operators in Python. So let's get started...... What is an Operator' An operator is more like a function that can be used to ...

77: JavaScript Loops

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Computers are super efficient at running a large number of simple tasks! As programmers, we take advantage of this speed by writing programs that will repeatedly do some task until a specific condition is met. If I wanted to scan hundreds of books fo...

78: Unlocking the Benefits of Scalable App Development with Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter is a cutting-edge mobile app development framework that offers exceptional scalability and performance. Developed by Google, Flutter enables the creation of beautiful and highly responsive native apps for both Android and iOS platforms with a...

79: Creating a Copy-Paste Functionality in React: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Adding copy and pasting the text feature to your website is very handy, it simplifies the process for the users, but are you finding difficulty in implementing it' In this article, I've given step-by-step instructions on how to implement copy-paste t...

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80: Introduction to Cellular Automaton

Hashnode - python (python)

Cellular Automaton (CA) is a mathematical model that consists of a grid of cells, each of which can be in one of several states. The cells update their state according to a set of rules that depend on the states of their neighboring cells. The rules ...

81: Fuzzy-Couscous - The CLI for a better django development experience

Hashnode - python (python)

Greetings everyone! I'm thrilled to be making my debut post on hasnode and excited to introduce one of my latest projects - fuzzy-couscous, a command line tool designed for Django projects. I've spent the last few months working on this command line...

82: 7 React UI Component Libraries for Building Beautiful Interfaces

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction There was a time when you have to build something, you have to start from scratch. But in today's world, there are lots of libraries that can help you in building applications more quickly and effectively. These tools and libraries help ...

83: Inarix lève 3,1 millions d'euros pour lancer sa technologie de contrôle qualité des cultures agricoles aux États-Unis

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française Inarix lève 3,1 millions d'euros en amorçage pour développer sa technologie de contrôle qualité des cultures agricoles par reconnaissance d'image. Son application, qui analyse pour l'heure le blé et l'orge, devrait aussi être capable de le faire pour le maïs et le soja à horizon 2024. Celles-ci sont les principales cultures aux États-Unis, l'idée étant de propose [...]

84: HMD Global, qui commercialise les smartphones de marque Nokia, dit vouloir produire en Europe

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'entreprise finlandaise HMD Global, fondée en 2016 pour commercialiser des smartphones sous la marque Nokia, annonce vouloir produire sur le sol européen "en réponse aux demandes des clients". Cette production européenne, qui ne signe pas la fin de sa présence en Asie, devrait se concentrer sur deux nouveaux smartphones.

85: Memoization and currying in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In this article, we will try to understand what memoization and currying are, and how these methods are implemented in the Python standard library. Memoization This is an optimization method in which the result of the function execution is stored and...

86: How I structure my Angular applications

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey there! I am your friendly neighborhood Angular developer. The one who's always tinkering with code, trying to make things faster, better, and more efficient. I've been around the block a few times when it comes to structuring Angular...

87: How To Get Started with Your First Flutter App.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

This is a complete guide for setting up your windows computer for flutter development, where I will show you a step-by-step guide on how to run flutter on Visual Studio code. ''Requirements: Flutter SDK:

88: Meta dévoile LLaMA, son modèle de langage à la ChatGPT : ce qu'il faut savoir

Blog du Moderateur ()

Meta se lance à son tour dans la course à l'IA en rendant accessible LLaMA, son propre modèle de langage.

89: Google lance des nouveautés pour les campagnes Performance Max

Blog du Moderateur ()

On fait le point sur les dernières nouveautés Performance Max annoncées par Google !

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90: Exchange Server : Microsoft veut débrancher des exclusions de son antivirus

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

« Les temps ont changé, tout comme le paysage de la cybersécurité », explique Microsoft dans un blog pour justifier (...)

91: The Power of Python's OS Module: A Practical Guide.

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: Python's OS module is a powerful tool for performing various operations on your operating system, such as creating and deleting files and directories, renaming files, and more. In this article, we'll explore the basics of the OS module ...

92: La data peu prise en compte dans les orientations stratégiques des entreprises

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La donnée pèse-t-elle vraiment dans la prise de décision ' Il semble que non d'après une enquête de Salesforce. (...)

93: 7 Android Resources To Advance As A Developer

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

To be a great developer, you must keep up to date with the latest technologies and continuously learn new skills. In this article, you'll explore seven materials to level up your Android skills. The development ecosystem is changing so fast. Every da...

94: Fairme veut bouleverser le modèle de distribution du lait avec son atelier de transformation autonome

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up grenobloise Fairme a de grandes ambitions pour son atelier de transformation laitière autonome, actuellement à l'état de prototype. Cette machine mystérieuse serait capable de transformer le lait chaud en une large gamme de produits laitiers directement après la traite. Fairme compte louer 50 m2 aux éleveurs, leur acheter leur lait et revendre directement les produits finis aux c [...]

95: React Architecture: File Structure for Scalable projects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Organizing a React app is one of those things that don't have an absolute right or wrong way of doing it, but depending on the structure, you could make your life slightly or way less painful. Some of us, never think about how we want ou...

96: Navigating Mutability and Reference Issues in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Mutability Mutability refers to the ability of a value or data structure to be changed after it has been created. Primitive values are immutable Primitive values (string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, symbol and null) are immutable, which means...

97: Le cloud et l'exploitation de la donnée restent des priorités pour les entreprises en 2023

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Plus d'une entreprise sur deux fait de l'optimisation de ses infrastructures de données et de ses applications analytiques une priorité de (...)

98: Pour renforcer la sécurité cloud, Cisco s'empare de Valtix

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Avec la prolifération des services cloud, la question de la sécurité est devenue centrale pour les responsables IT. Ces derniers souhaitent (...)

99: Switch Case vs If-else Statement (Which is optimized)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Alright, I came up with a new topic, the Switch case vs if-else statement which is a more optimized way to write the code. In my opinion, we can't compare that two features every time because both have a little bit different workflow. Like switch, th...

100 / 150

100: How to trigger download of a file via an HTML button using Javascript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, I will explain how can we make an HTML button in our website to trigger the download of any file using a Javascript function. This is a very important thing to know as a Developer and most of the Web Development Bootcamp and tutorial...

101: Falsy values in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The following are the 8 falsy values in JavaScript: false 0 (the same as 0x0, 0.0) -0 (the same as -0x0, -0.0) 0n (the same as -0n) empty string value (``, "", '') null undefined NaN A more expanded list: // string Boolean(''); // false Boo...

102: Write your first program in Java

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In this blog at first we talk about what is the structure of java What is the structure of the java file ' As we know that every file in java is created with the extension .java file. This java. file must be in a class. The name of the class file ca...

103: Suppressing audio with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In my previous article, I separated the vocals from a track using librosa. I wasn't happy about the outcome so I did a little googling and found another audio library from python called noisereduce. In this article, I'll show you how I solved my prob...

104: Premium React Bootstrap Templates 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Admin dashboards are in basic demand for any kind of product development. The job becomes easier if you get a ready-made template in order to have your backend or admin panel. In the article, we will discuss some premium react-bootstrap templates 202...

105: 5 Ways to Improve Your Marketing Project Management

Noupe (conception)

Every noteworthy CEO considers sales their business’s lifeblood; you won't have said sales without strong marketing project management. Ineffective marketing managers tend to tunnel their vision on micromanagement, such as content and goal creation, which shouldn't be the case. More often than not, teams that execute different tasks with consistent levels of high efficiency generate.. [...]

106: SEO Square : 13 conférences en ligne pour optimiser vos stratégies SEO et content marketing

Blog du Moderateur ()

L'événement phare du Search Marketing, organisé par Semji, est de retour pour une 6e édition en ligne les 21 et 22 mars.

107: Stream Firestore data with Riverpod in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter and Firebase are widely used together. However, when adding state management such as Riverpod there are not many examples available to demonstrate how to implement them together. In this blog, I will share how I stream data from Firebase with...

108: Instagram : les 5 dernières nouveautés qu'il ne fallait pas manquer

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les dernières nouveautés d'Instagram en ce début d'année 2023 : le nouveau menu d'accueil, les Notes à partager, l'abonnement payant Meta Verified...

109: The Spread Operator (...)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We can use the Spread operator to expand an array into all its elements. unpacking all the array elements into one. Example : const arr = [7,8,9]console.log(...newArr); const badArr = [1,2,arr[0],arr[1],arr[2]] console.log(badArr); //1,2,7,8,9 //usi...

110 / 150

110: Why you should use == over ===

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's start with the fun part the ECMA DOCS! Docs for == ECMAScript 11.9.3 Docs for === ECMAScript 11.9.6 TL;DR: the difference between == and === is that in the case when variables on the left and right are of different types e.g. string and numbe...

111: Phishing : après avoir quitté son mari pour un brouteur, elle sonne l'alarme

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le phishing est une menace grandissante sur les réseaux sociaux, comme l’a découvert Anna, une victime d’arnaque qui a perdu … Cet article Phishing : après avoir quitté son mari pour un brouteur, elle sonne l'alarme a été publié sur

112: Frédéric Dufour devient directeur stratégique et de la transformation d'Exclusive Networks France

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'heure est au changement chez Exclusive Networks France. Le fournisseur de services IT vient de promouvoir Frédéric Dufour au poste nouvellement (...)

113: Eric Bompard s'appuie sur une CDP pour ses campagnes marketing

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Connue pour ses vêtements haut de gamme en cachemire, la marque française Eric Bompard développe depuis près de quatre ans une (...)

114: Getac renforce sa gamme de terminaux durcis

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Fabricant historique d'équipements informatiques durcis, Getac propose un vaste catalogue comprenant des PC portables, des stations de travail, (...)

115: L'open source fait son chemin petit à petit dans les SI

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Conserver une forme d'indépendance vis-à-vis des fournisseurs. La démarche Open Source du secteur public n'a jamais fait mystère (...)

116: Understanding and files in Terraform

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction: and are files used in Terraform, a popular infrastructure as code (IAC) tool, to define and configure infrastructure resources. ' file: is the main configuration file used in Terraform. I...

117: How to work with images in HTML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The tag is used to embed an image in the web page . Images are not technically inserted into the web page ; but images are linked to web pages . The creates a holding space for the referenced image. See there are two objectives for adding...

118: Pourquoi Coca-Cola signe un accord avec ChatGPT et DALL-E '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Coca-Cola embrasse l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle en signant un accord avec DALL-E et ChatGPT d’OpenAI. Cette nouvelle stratégie commerciale pourrait … Cet article Pourquoi Coca-Cola signe un accord avec ChatGPT et DALL-E ' a été publié sur

119: An Introduction to XML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to my blog about XML! If you're here, it's probably because you're either confused about what XML is, or you just want to learn more about it. Either way, you've come to the right place! I'm here to break down the basics of XML and hopefully ...

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120: Vinci Construction compare directement l'avancement de ses chantiers à leur maquette numérique avec Buildots

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Vinci intègre la technologie de la start-up Buildots dans le projet de construction d'un hôpital à Bournemouth, en Angleterre. Une caméra à 360 degrés installée sur le casque d'un ouvrier assure le suivi du chantier en temps réel en confrontant les images à la maquette numérique du projet.

121: Bing AI Chat est désormais disponible sur mobile avec la recherche vocale

Abondance (Référencement)

Le 22 février, Microsoft a annoncé que les fonctionnalités de Bing AI Chat étaient désormais disponibles pour certains utilisateurs depuis les applications mobiles Bing ou Edge, sur iOS et Android, avec en prime la recherche vocale. Microsoft ne s'arrête plus ! La semaine dernière, on vous annonçait déjà des améliorations majeures du Bing AI Chat, […] L'article "Bing AI Chat est d [...]

122: Google Search Console met à jour la gestion des utilisateurs et des autorisations

Abondance (Référencement)

Google a effectué une mise à jour conséquente de la gestion des utilisateurs et de leurs autorisations sur la Search Console. Ces fonctionnalités ne sont pas si nouvelles, puisqu'elles étaient disponibles dans feu Webmaster Tools. Un nouveau pas pour intégrer toutes les fonctionnalités dans la Google Search Console. Une meilleure gestion des utilisateurs Voici les […] L'article "Googl [...]

123: From Python to GoLang

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction First, let me introduce myself. My name is David, and I have been using Python for over six years, mainly for backend development. It's 5 AM on a Monday and I have a few thoughts to share. Now, let's get to the topic at hand. Moving from...

124: Mastering Array Manipulation with Map, Filter, and Reduce in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The methods of map, filter, and reduce are widely used by developers and are commonly asked in interviews. Understanding these methods and knowing where to apply them is important. In this article, you will also learn how to create your own custom me...

125: Advance TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

By now, we've learned about most of the types and concepts in TypeScript that are vital when working with medium-to-complex applications. The goal of this article is to explore the more complex and advanced types and concepts used in TypeScript appli...

126: JavaScript Promise:

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Promises are used to handle asynchronous operations in JavaScript. We will discuss with a code example how things used to work before Promises and then how it works after Promises Take an example of E-commerce: Q: How to fix the above issue'A: Using...

127: Top 10 JavaScript Interview Topics that you can't ignore

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey everyone! Are you preparing for a JavaScript interview' Check out this list of the top 10 JavaScript interview questions to help you ace your upcoming interview. Call Stack, Event Loop, Tasks & Queues Closure Hoisting Event bubbling/capturing...

128: Master Basic JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Subscribe to my newsletter for detailed topics and solve questions from my GitHub repository which is linked below History of JavaScript: JavaScript was created in 1995 by the Netscape web browser. It was a way for them to be able to add actions t...

129: How I can access any students data from my college

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview That's right I managed to break into my college's portal and got access to various details like phone num, photo, date of birth, the fee paid, category, GPA and much more of every student, not only those who are currently studying but also t...

130 / 150

130: How to Build a Blog with Gatsby: A Beginner's Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Gatsby is a popular open-source framework for building fast and modern websites and applications. At its core, Gatsby uses React and GraphQL to generate static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that can be deployed to any hosting provider....

131: Linear Search by JavaScript ''''''' ''''' (''''''''''''')

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

'''' ''''''' ''''''' '' ''''' '''' ''' '''' '' '''' ''''' ''''' '''' ''''' ''''''''' '' ''''' ''''''' '' '''' '''' ''' ''''''' '''''' ''''''' ''''' '''' '''' ''' ''''' '''' ''', '''' ''''''' ''''''' '''''''' ''''' ''''' ''' ''''' ' '''''''' ''''''' '...

132: [JavaScript] Pass an object as function argument

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You are probably used to passing arguments to a function in this way: function man (name, age, city){ console.log ('name: '+name+' age: '+age+' city: '+city); } man ('Frank', 40, 'Amsterdam') But what happens then if you pass those arguments in t...

133: This day in search marketing history: February 27

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google Panda Update 3.3 and Venice, plus: GSC domain properties, Google Scraper Report, XML sitemaps change and more. The post This day in search marketing history: February 27 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

134: Orange gagne une manche en obtenant une hausse des tarifs du dégroupage

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'Arcep a notifié la Commission européenne le 22 février d'un projet de relèvement des prix de gros facturés par Orange à ses concurrents pour chaque ligne ADSL de leurs abonnés. Une hausse qui ne satisfait pas entièrement Orange et irrite SFR, Free et Bouygues Telecom.

135: var, let & const - '''' ''' ''''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

var, let, const ''''' '''''''''''''' '''''''''' ''''''''' '''' keyword ' '''''', '''' '''''''''' ''''' '''''' '''''' '''''' ' '''' ''''' ''' ''' ''''''' '' '''' ''' '''''' '''''' '' ''' ''' ''' '''' ''''' '''' '''' '''' ''' ' Redeclaration & Reassign...

136: React Toggle Button - JavaScript Exercise 2

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview Create a toggle button component that switches between two states when clicked. The button should have two states: "On" and "Off". When the button is clicked, it should switch to the opposite state. Requirements The toggle button should be ...

137: 7 Tools that make you Code Faster | Using VS Code

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor that provides developers with an exceptional experience. It has numerous built-in features and extensions that can help you write code more efficiently. However, with the vast amount of extensions/plugins a...

138: (RE)Learning JS, step 1, week 1.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I started working with a company, the Reliable Collaboration Company #rcc, a few weeks ago thanks to an in with an old friend. The company is working on a bigger event planning social media project, while I'm doing some learning on a smaller side-pro...

139: Day 2 of my NO Porn challenge

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today is the 2nd day of my 21day challenge , and i think i wont face much difficulty in controlling myself from watching porn today but challenges will start from tomorrow that is from 3rd day of my challenge which i admired in my last blog , this is...

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140: Day 2 of my NO Porn challenge

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today is the 2nd day of my 21day challenge , and i think i wont face much difficulty in controlling myself from watching porn today but challenges will start from tomorrow that is from 3rd day of my challenge which i admired in my last blog , this is...

141: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Neural networks

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Artificial intelligence'Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. What is Mach...

142: Trò ch'i c' Caro - Xây d'ng game ch'i v'i Human và Computer b'ng JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Tháng ba b't ch't m't ngày tr'ng tinh hoa s'a v' 'ây... Hà N'i, Ch' Nh't 26/02/2023... Ta vô'i b'''c trên phô' ph'''ng Ha' Nô'iBô'ng g''p ha'ng s'a tr''ng mô't ma'u hoaTr''ng ca' go'c tr''i ni'u b'''c chân quaL'u luyê'n qu'a chu'm hoa s'a l''ng le' H...

143: Study Update of February 26, 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. Two important concepts I studied on February 26, 2023, were conditional rendering and event handling in React. Conditional rendering is used to display different content based on certai...

144: The Rules of Margin Collapse

Josh W Comeau (Javascript / CSS)

'Margin collapse' has a dastardly reputation, one of the trickier parts of CSS. Fortunately, it gets a lot easier once you learn a few rules! In this tutorial, we take a deep dive into the governing principles, and learn how to use them to our advantage.

145: Debugging a segfault in a python ctypes project

Hashnode - python (python)

When a pure Python program crashes, a verbose traceback is printed. The traceback makes it easy to find where in your code things went wrong. However, if your Python program is wrapping some C code, you need to run through a few hoops to see what wen...

146: AutoML Python packages

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction AutoML, or Automated Machine Learning, is a growing field in artificial intelligence focused on making Machine Learning more accessible to non-experts. AutoML aims to automate some of the most time-consuming and complex tasks involved in...

147: Implement debounce using vanilla javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's talk about another common frontend interview question which is implementing debouncing. This is a simple question most big companies ask and even I have asked this question many times. Before we proceed with the implementation, let's first unde...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

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Richard Carlier

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