Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
In JavaScript, Promises are a powerful abstraction for handling asynchronous operations. They provide a clean and consistent way to handle success and failure cases, and help avoid the notorious "callback hell" problem that can occur when dealing wit...
1. You can show beautiful floating snackbars. There are so many snack bar packages out there in pub dev. But recently I found this package that lets you uplift your SnackBar or MaterialBanner experience in the app. It's super easy to implement and lo...
1. You can show beautiful floating snackbars. There are so many snack bar packages out there in pub dev. But recently I found this package that lets you uplift your SnackBar or MaterialBanner experience in the app. It's super easy to implement and lo...
The URL can be a powerful tool for sharing and managing the state of an app, but it's often overlooked or misunderstood. When properly done, the typical CRUD app with read/write/edit/delete functionality doesn't need much more state management than t...
For example, If you have a equal to 1 and b equal to 2 then get output a equal to 2 and b equal to 1. First create c variable then set c equal to a, a equal to b and b equal to c. Here is code, a = 1 b = 2 print("OLD a = ",a) print("OLD b = ",b) c ...
When writing code with JavaScript, one of the most important things a developer can do is make sure their code is secure. To achieve this, there are a number of best practices, code examples and tools that developers should include in their projects....
In celebration of the most romantic day of the year that is sometimes…Tags: movies, Reuters, romantic comedy
Hey There', Javascript is everywhere. Millions of web pages are built on JS. Let's discuss some basic concepts of javascript which are important to learn for any javascript developer. Scope Scope determines the accessibility of variables, objects an...
JavaScript Array In JavaScript array is a non-primitive data type where we can store an ordered list of values under a single variable name. Each value is called an element and specified by an index. A JavaScript array has the following characteristi...
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You must have seen this kind of behavior when you enter console.log() in a browser console window console.log("Hola!") Hola! undefined We got two values here: Hola! undefined Even though we expected the first value, the second value came as a s...
Sometimes you have to download many python versions so the main problem here is when you want to switch between them using CMD, it is so easy Open CMD Type py --list Type py -"Version you need that is listed from the previous step" now you can u...
Introduction : When building complex applications using Redux, managing asynchronous operations can be challenging. Middleware libraries, such as Redux Thunk and Redux Saga, provide solutions to manage side effects such as making API calls, dispatchi...
La réalité augmentée gagne du terrain et il semble même que dans un futur proche, […] Cet article Pourquoi le futur du porno se trouve-t-il dans votre salon'' a été publié sur Réalité
#564 ' FEBRUARY 14, 2023 View in Browser » Monorepos in Python A monorepo is a source control pattern in some organizations where a single code repository is shared for many or all projects. This interview with David Vujic discusses monorepos and the set of Python tools that can help you succeed with this pattern. KENNEDY & VUJIC podcast Business Process Models With Python and SpiffWo [...]
Hola como estan yo soy samir, soy un developer de colombia, y hoy me gustaria compartir los conceptos basicos de javascript de la forma mas simple. Primero que todo hablemos sobre... ¿ Que es JavaScript' JavaScript es el lenguaje de programación en...
What will be scraped Full Code If you don't need an explanation, have a look at the full code example in the online IDE. from selenium import webdriver from selenium_stealth import stealth from import Service from w...
JWT (JavaScript Web Token) is a well-known and simple method of authenticating a user. Almost all tutorials you did on the backend, specially API building tutorials probably told you to use JWT. I also thought once that JWT is the modern and better a...
A method that can be found on the window interface helps queue a specified task to a safe time before control is returned to the browser's event loop. This function runs the specified tasks after the execution of other tasks has been done and control...
Are you looking for inspiration to start learning web development' Then this blog is for you. Hey there, my name is Ibrahim and I want to share my journey of how I went from being a non-tech guy to landing a job in web development in just 100 days. I...
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The app will shift its focus to ads instead. The post Instagram is ending its live shopping feature in March appeared first on Search Engine Land.
As you know that in JavaScript there are Comparison operators to compare the value of two objects to check whether the value is equal or unequal. In this blog, we are going to understand equality operators. Equality Operator The equality operator in ...
This article will look to handle events in React through event delegation, propagation, bubbling, capturing, and SyntheticEvents in React. The post Event bubbling and capturing in React appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
So the other day, I was learning something and wanted to try out some code and just like any other developer, I tried the code on the console to quickly get the result but observed one peculiar thing. Whenever we try out some piece of code, the conso...
La start-up américaine Joby Aviation, qui développe des taxis volants électriques à décollage et atterrissage verticaux, a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle passait à l'assemblage des principales pièces de son engin, celles-ci ayant été en partie approuvées par la Federal Aviation Administration. Elle avance ainsi vers les phases d'essai en vol, prévues avant juin, et se rapproche de son obj [...]
You can now access Ads Preferences from additional pages in the 'Why am I seeing this ad'' tool. The post Meta aims to increase transparency in ad targeting for Facebook and Instagram users appeared first on Search Engine Land.
In javascript, we declare a variable in three ways Var Let Const Developers prefer that language by which they can create predictable results but in javascript, when we use Var then, sometimes the results are not predictable. There are four pote...
La société de Mark Zuckerberg Meta vient d'acquérir officiellement le studio derrière l'application de fitness […] Cet article Meta se lance dans le fitness VR ' a été publié sur Réalité
In this blog, we'll cover how to implement a simple login signup functionality using firebase. We'll be using modular JavaScript SDK, which (according to the documentation) provides a reduced SDK size and greater efficiency with modern JavaScript bui...
Selon le rapport annuel de la société NCC Group, spécialisée dans la cybersécurité, LockBit a mené le plus grand nombre d'attaques par ransomwares en 2022, détrônant ainsi le groupe russe Conti. Si le bilan annuel salue les sanctions accrues des gouvernements à l'encontre des pirates, il craint que la guerre en Ukraine ne favorise encore la cyberguerre, notamment l'espionnage entre Etats [...]
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WebProNews Microsoft Is Disabling Internet Explorer on Windows 10 Today Microsoft is disabling Internet Explorer from most Windows 10 installations today, putting another nail in the old browser's coffin. Microsoft Is Disabling Internet Explorer on Windows 10 Today Staff
The best of last week's big and small data visualizations
- Google Cloud prépare ses puces ARM pour serveurs. Cela fait un petit moment que le géant américain réfléchit (...)
We demonstrate how to use higher-order functions to write Rust code that is more concise and easier to maintain in the long run. The post How to define higher-order functions in Rust appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Creating a React app is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. In this blog, we will go through the process of creating a new React app from scratch using the Create React App (CRA) tool. Here are the steps to follow: Install No...
Le bancassureur lance un contrat d'assurance habitation pour les locataires, co-assuré avec Lemonade qui va utiliser sa force de frappe pour se développer sur le marché français, où il est présent depuis fin 2020.
' Introduction About Passwordless Sign-ins Remembering passwords has become a headache these days. Password-less sign-in is in vogue, and naturally so! It is just so convenient as users needn't remember their passwords! User experience, user conveni...
Les semaines passent et la fascination pour ChatGPT continue de prendre de l’ampleur. Si les capacités des IA génératives sont effectivement très convaincantes au premier abord, les services qui ambitionnent de les exploiter vont rapidement se heurter à des problématiques d’ordre juridiques, commerciaux et éthiques. Mais au-delà de ces difficultés, c’est l’équilib [...]
When working with JavaScript, it's important to understand the difference between strict equality and loose equality, as they can affect the outcome of your code. In this blog, we'll discuss the differences between the two and provide some examples t...
```"Nothing in this world is perfect...!" This is applied to coding as well. We encounter various types of errors while building code. ReferenceError and TypeError are part of them. Through this blog, Let's understand what are they. ReferenceError: ...
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Introduction JavaScript is an object-based language, meaning that everything in JavaScript is an object. To understand how Prototype works in JavaScript, we need to understand what an object is. An object is a collection of properties, and a property...
Introduction Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and has a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability. Python is used in a wide variety of application domains,...
As a programmer encountering errors in code is inevitable . As errors are a natural part of the coding process, we go through different types of errors. So as a programmer, we have to learn to deal with them and troubleshoot the errors which come whi...
Introduction: First of all, as we are all aware that the equality operators ("==" and "===") are used to compare the two expressions on L.H.S and R.H.S for equality. They return a boolean value either True or False. Triple Equals '===' or Strict Equa...
L'investissement est la pierre angulaire pour la réussite de tout projet et l'Europe n'y échappe pas. En février (...)
Les cyberattaques discrètes sont sans doute les plus douloureuses. Cette fois c'est au tour de l'embouteilleur de produits Pepsi-Cola en Amérique (...)
BMW et Valeo nouent un partenariat pour co-développer des fonctionnalités de stationnement autonome de niveau 4, ainsi qu'une gamme de services de stationnement, recharge électrique et lavage automatisés qu'ils destinent aux infrastructures comme les parkings.
Introduction FastAPI is a high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python. One of its many features is its built-in logging capabilities. FastAPI uses the standard logging module in Python to log information about requests, responses, an...
Building features is a costly process. Many product teams commit to their assumptions about user needs, spend untold resources, and later discover that their shiny new features add no value. The post What is product discovery' Process, techniques, and templates appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Explore the lazy_static pattern in Rust, in which a value is only initialized when it is first accessed, and the pros and cons of using it. The post Demystifying Rust's lazy_static pattern appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Build, train and deploy models powered by the reference open source in machine learning. Hugging Face posted by @Skeku on
A lot of new features came out as part of ES6, which make the life of a javascript developer easy. One of the features that came with ES6 is the addition of let and const which can be used for variable declaration. But before going in-depth let's get...
TABLE OF CONTENTS - Reference Error Type Error Syntax Error Basic Rule To Avoid Errors in Js Conclusion Reference Error - When we declare a variable in js we are just creating a reference (memory location) to an object having a value. When the...
Managing configuration settings for web applications can be challenging, especially when sensitive information is involved. A .env file provides a secure and flexible solution for storing environment-specific configuration settings. In this blog, we'...
Hello friends, Today in this post we will see how we can setup mailchimp newsletter subscription with our NEXT JS application. The Newsletter is one of the best way to engage with your audience as email communication is mostly preferred. So integrati...
In android, Activity represents a single screen with a user interface (UI) of an application and it will act as an entry point for users to interact with an app. Generally, the android apps will contain multiple screens and each screen of our applica...
While coding in any computer language, errors are unavoidable. So far, every programmer has had to deal with problems and learn how to troubleshoot them. Seven different types of errors can be made when developing with JavaScript. These seven errors ...
If you want to get the default value when a key doesn't exist in a dictionary, use dict.get. In the code above, since there is no key meeting2, the default value online is returned. My previous tips on Python dictionary. The post dict.get: Get the Default Value of a Dictionary if a Key Doesn't Exist appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
JavaScript applications run on a single processing thread: a program can do one thing at a time. In simpler terms, a server with a 16-core CPU runs code on one core while 15 are idle. Single threads avoid complex concurrency situations. What would ha...
Var Before the advent of ES6, var declarations ruled. There are issues associated with variables declared with var, though. That is why it was necessary for new ways to declare variables to emerge. First, let's get to understand var more before we di...
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Javascript is everyone's favorite language, let's see some resources that can help an individual to get hands on javascript for free !! Let's have a look at the most informative free resources. https://javascript30....
Hello Everyone ' Today is 14th February and we celebrate International Book Giving Day. ( What else is on 14th Feb ' ) I haven't published any book yet :) but I can pass on the knowledge I have acquired about functions in JavaScript. Let's dive in...
Depuis la sortie de la célèbre série animée japonaise, Dragon Ball Z, celui-ci a reçu […] Cet article Dragon Ball Z arrive en VR ! Mais ne soyez pas tout de suite excité' ! a été publié sur Réalité
This tutorial will show you how to animate a camera flying through a 3D scene as the user scrolls using Theatre.js and React Three Fiber.
Finding out which dependencies matter and which impact timelines the most can be challenging. That is where the critical path method (CPM) can help. The post What is the critical path method' Complete guide with examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Learn how to use Node.js child_process modules to move CPU-bound and memory-intensive tasks off the main thread to improve app efficiency. The post Node.js child process: How to launch external programs appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Getting Performance Max to work for lead generation programs without offline conversion data is very hard. Learn what you can do here. The post Why Performance Max for lead generation often fails and how to make it work appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Dépassant la barre des 10 000 clients (Société Générale, Casino, Airbus, Mondial Assurance, Carrefour, Vente-Privée, (...)
includes() The includes() method determines whether a string contains the given characters within it or not. This method returns true if the string contains the characters, otherwise, it returns false. const str = "JavaScript is fun"; // check if mes...
Fondée en 2020 par des anciens de SK Hynix, la start-up coréenne entame la commercialisation d'un accélérateur (...)
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Android architecture is a software stack of components to support mobile device needs. Android software stack contains a Linux Kernel, a collection of c/c++ libraries which are exposed through application framework services, runtime, and application....
L'avion d'entraînement Lockheed Martin VISTA X-62A été piloté pendant 17 heures par une intelligence artificielle, une première sur un avion tactique. Récemment reconnu comme un "atout national" par l'armée américaine, l'avion devrait jouer "un rôle essentiel" dans les capacités d'autonomie et d'IA de l'US Air Force, d'après l'entreprise.
Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) are crucial for businesses that want to expand globally and reach a wider audience. To do this, you need a robust solution that can handle different languages and cultural nuances, and this is where...
Alors que 56 % des ménages new-yorkais ne disposent pas d'une connexion haut débit à domicile ou mobile, un consortium prend des mesures (...)
Introduction Have you noticed this behaviour when you type console.log() in the Chrome console window' You are getting two values here- Hello undefined The first output is the expected one but what about the second output' Any guess' It is becau...
We need a way to interact with machines to tell them to perform certain tasks but the CPU only understands Binary language. It is tough for humans to write code in Binary language and that's why we have so many programming languages. They help us in ...
So, in the world of computing, the closer we are to the transistor level computing, the lower the programming language, and the further away the code is abstracted from it, it is called a higher-level language. High-level programming languages are co...
HOW TO GET A USERS LOCATION USING JAVASCRIPT Detecting the location of a user's device has become a significant way to make users get access to different contents from the same website or application. The contents displayed in the application could v...
Conducting SERP analysis will help you understand what is and isn't working for a particular keyword. Here are tips and tools to get started. The post How to analyze Google’s SERPs appeared first on Search Engine Land.
En février 2022, le fonds de fonds "Initiative Champions technologiques européens" (ETCI) a été créé par l'Union Européenne pour que les scale-up du Vieux continent puissent se financer sans dépendre des capitaux étrangers. Un an plus tard, l'ambitieux objectif de 10 milliards d'euros récoltés est loin d'être atteint, 3,75 milliards ayant pour l'heure été abondés. La période de sou [...]
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Hello developers,Today we are going to learn everything about Promises in JAVASCRIPT A Promise in JavaScript is an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. In simpler words, a Promise is a placeholder for...
Quand Daniel Barchi, le DSI du groupe hospitalier New York-Presbyterian arrive au travail le matin, il ne s'assied pas à son bureau. C'est parce (...)
Une étude de l'Université britannique d'East Anglia a montré que le traitement hormonal de la ménopause (THM), qui permet d'atténuer les symptômes de ménopause, pourrait aussi aider à prévenir la démence d'Alzheimer chez les femmes à risque. Selon le professeur Anne-Marie Minihane qui a dirigé l'étude, l'idée est partie d'un simple constat : « Nous savons que 25 % des femm [...]
According to employee reviews on Glassdoor, here's how the ranking of top-rated employers in the U.S. has changed over the last five years The post Ranked: America's Best Places to Work in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Reference-Error Let us assume that you and your pet cat "Tom" live on a new planet. There is no one else on that planet. You feel like playing with your cat. So, you called her. "Sara! Where are you'''" "Ohh Saraaa! Food is ready..." However, no matt...
In javascript use of equal sign have different meaning where you have used or how many times you have used it. So let's look at some of the scenarios where you should use ==and ===. Double Eqaul Sign Operator (==): const firstValue = 10; const second...
Comparing values is one of the most common tasks in programming. Have you ever wondered how comparison works in JavaScript' In javascript there are two ways to do comparisons: the equality operator (==) and the strict equality operator(===) the equal...
Warning: Cannot update a component (`App`) while rendering a different component (`Testing`). To locate the bad setState() call inside Testing, follow the stack trace as described'file=/src/testing.js:0-78...
What is console.log() in Javascript' The console.log() is a method that outputs a message to the web console. The message may be a single string (with optional substitution values), or it may be any one or more JavaScript objects. It is used to print...
This method using CryptoJs library. Install CryptoJs in tour project npm install crypto-js Create function for encrypt // import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js' export const simpleEncrypt = (textWillEncrypt, strKey) => { // textWillEncrypt is s...
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Et si les trous noirs étaient des ordinateurs quantiques fabriqués par une civilisation extraterrestre avancée ' Cette théorie très sérieuse … Cet article Trous noirs : des ordinateurs quantiques aliens ' Tout savoir a été publié sur
In JavaScript, Arrays are list-like objects whose prototype has functions and methods to perform bulk operations, mutations, and traversals. Arrays in JavaScript are dynamic and can contain a collection of elements of mixed types including strings, n...
" Are you looking to enhance the security and functionality of your web application' Look no further than JWT tokens." In this composition by CyberSecSimplify, we'll take a deep dive into how JWT tokens work and explore how they can profit your appli...
Filiale du groupe Action Logement, Unicil est une entreprise sociale pour l'habitat (ESH) qui gère un patrimoine de 29 000 logements dans la région (...)
Nous nous souviendrons peut-être de 2022 comme de l'année où les techniques d'IA cognitive sont passées des laboratoires à (...)
Both "==" and "===" are used for equality comparison in Javascript. To understand the difference between them we first need to know what is Type coercion. Type coercion: Type coercion in JS refers to the process of converting a value from one data ty...
Les utilisateurs d'iPhone, d'iPad et de Mac doivent mettre à jour dès que possible leurs systèmes d'exploitation. Apple vient en effet (...)
In this project, I share with you a Gaze Interaction system for Unity Virtual Reality (VR) projects. Gaze allows the user to interact with the environment by looking at certain objects. It was a common practice when using mobile VR, due to the lack o...
If you have started learning to code, you must have learned about the equality operator. Among different operators in JavaScript, it's a unique one. There exist two types of equality operators. === (Strict Equality) and == (Loose Equality). Let's lea...
In the previous article on Values in JavaScript, we have seen how values (blocks of data) are stored in a computer's memory, but to catch and hold these values, JavaScript contains a thing known as a Variable. To get the most out of this article, it ...
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Python Keywords are Python-reserved words that serve a specific purpose and cannot be assigned to serve another purpose. It is very frustrating when an error is raised after writing lines of code and running a program. Therefore, it is important to k...
Python Keywords are Python-reserved words that serve a specific purpose and cannot be assigned to serve another purpose. It is very frustrating when an error is raised after writing lines of code and running a program. Therefore, it is important to k...
Votre fil d'actualité Twitter est submergé par les tweets d'Elon Musk ' Vous n'êtes pas seul(e) !
Vous pouvez désormais télécharger la mise à jour iOS 16.3.1 sur votre iPhone !
Depuis plusieurs années, je milite pour que les équipes terrain, les FLW, Front Line Workers en anglais, ne soient plus les oubliés de la Transformation Numérique des entreprises, privées ou publiques. Pour cela, ils ont besoin d'applications spécifiques; les usages...
Le CEO d'Amazon déclare chercher la bonne formule pour ses enseignes de distribution alimentaire, avant de ré-entamer une stratégie d'expansion pour Amazon Fresh et Amazon Go. En attendant, le groupe ferme plusieurs magasins dans le cadre de son plan de restructuration.
Le GCS Groupement du Grand Est est un organisme de coopération sanitaire regroupant les Centres Hospitaliers Régionaux et Universitaires (...)
Le grouper Luminess (ex-Jouve) mise sur la promotion interne pour poursuivre la mise en oeuvre de sa stratégie de développement des ventes. (...)
Le porno est aujourd'hui à la pointe de l’innovation technologique. En témoigne le grand nombre […] Cet article Découvrez le top des meilleurs sex-toys compatibles VR a été publié sur Réalité
L'entreprise décrypte pour nous les missions réalisées par la direction Customer Experience, ses expertises et les pratiques mises en 'uvre pour optimiser les parcours utilisateurs.
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What is an array' Arrays are used to store multiple values in a single variable. We denote the array by a square bracket[]. This is compared to a variable that can store only one value. Each item in an array has an index, that allows you to access it...
Découvrez comment ChatGPT peut aider les community managers au quotidien.
Une expérience sur des singes révèle un "interrupteur cérébral" qui pourrait permettre à l'humain d'entrer en hibernation artificielle et ainsi de réaliser de longs voyages dans l'espace. Si la technologie humaine évolue rapidement, il est encore loin le moment où l'on pourra s'approcher de la vitesse de la lumière et effectuer des voyages spatiaux dans les confins de notre Galaxie (ou j [...]
What is weird with console.log()' You would have noticed while using your browser's console that something strange happens when you console.log() something. You get two return values as shown below. The first value "Chandler" printed is as we expect...
Des chercheurs de l'Université du Maryland ont montré qu'un composé macrocyclique s'est révélé prometteur en tant qu'antidote à large spectre contre les drogues abusives ' y compris les opioïdes, les stimulants et les hallucinogènes ' dont certains n'ont actuellement aucun agent d'inversion comme la méthamphétamine et la phencyclidine (PCP). Le composé de pillararène P6AS peut séques [...]
Selon l'OMS (Organisation mondiale de la santé), 25 % de la population mondiale est concernée à un moment ou un autre de sa vie par un trouble mental. D'ailleurs, les troubles psychiques sont au 3e rang des maladies les plus fréquentes après le cancer et les maladies cardiovasculaires. En France, on estime qu'une personne sur cinq est touchée chaque année par un trouble psych [...]
Python is one of the most popular programming languages used by developers today. It is a high-level language that has a wide range of features that make it easy to learn, use, and work with. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the various feat...
Matthieu Stefani, fondateur du podcast Génération Do It Yourself, décrypte les tendances et opportunités de ce format qui séduit plus que jamais !
En 2020, Sophie Lucas et son groupe de recherche à l'Institut de Duve (UCLouvain) parviennent à neutraliser une molécule responsable du blocage des défenses immunitaires en cas de cancer. Un essai clinique est lancé pour tester cette nouvelle immunothérapie en la combinant à une autre, déjà utilisée mais pas toujours efficace dans le mélanome et les cancers du poumon ou d [...]
Flutter has quickly become one of the most popular cross-platform mobile development frameworks, offering a fast and expressive way to build beautiful apps for both iOS and Android. However, despite its many benefits, there may be times when you need...
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As you already know Python is a general-purpose programming language that has gained immense popularity over the years. Its simplicity, ease of use, and wide range of libraries have made it a go-to language for a variety of applications. In this blog...
The reason why an object literal must be wrapped in parentheses when returned from an arrow function, but not from a traditional function, is related to the rules for Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) in JavaScript. Read more about ''Automatic Se...
Selon Jensen Huang, le CEO de Nvidia, ChatGPT représente une avancée majeure dans le domaine de l’IA. C'est un peu … Cet article Pourquoi ChatGPT est l'iPhone de l'IA selon le CEO de Nvidia ' a été publié sur
En direct de Nashville. Retour en présentiel pour 3DExperience 2023 rassemblant l'écosystème de Dassault Systèmes, la (...)
Introduction The enumerate function in Python converts a data collection object into an enumerate object. Enumerate returns an object that contains a counter as a key for each value within an object, making items within the collection easier to acces...
La place de marché boursière Euronext résiste à la vague de migrations de ses homologues vers les grands opérateurs (...)
TypeError RefrenceError Conclusion TypeError: TypeError occurs when a value is not of an expected type. In simple words, TypeError occurs when an argument or value passed is not the expected type that can be operated to produce any output. Exampl...
Creating a Virtual environment in Python is the best way to manage the dependencies for a project. A virtual environment is an isolated environment where we can install and use packages and dependencies specific to the environment. In this tutorial, ...
Merci aux équipes de Bing qui nous ont donné accès cette nuit à la nouvelle interface du moteur de recherche, intégrant ChatGPT. Nous avons ainsi pu faire nos premiers tests que nous partageons avec vous ici... On savait depuis plusieurs semaines maintenant que Bing testait une interface intégrant ChatGPT, l'outil d'intelligence artificielle conversationnelle d'OpenAI. Une […] L'articl [...]
What are errors' While executing a piece of code, the compiler may encounter an error that causes it to pause/stop the execution. In order to rectify and resolve the errors for successful execution, it is necessary for the developers to understand wh...
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Watch the growth strategy behind Target stores, starting with the first location in 1962 in Minnesota.Tags: animation, target
Situation Imagine that you are working on calling an API to receive a list of Person. Each Person has their first name, last name and title. Knowing the model received from the backend, you create a model in the frontend side to catch the value recei...
Reference error In a case where a variable reference can't be found or hasn't been declared, then a Reference error occurs. ( buying a gift on a valentine but later you realize you don't have a girlfriend. It's a reference error.) console.log( girlf...
Twitter a longtemps offert aux utilisateurs un accès gratuit à ses données via son interface de programmation d’applications (API). Cependant, … Cet article Twitter coupe l'accès aux données, les scientifiques se désolent a été publié sur
What are Functions' A function is like a little helper that you can ask to do a specific task for you in your code. It's a set of code that you can write once, and then use many times in your code. function sayHello(name) { console.log("Hello, " + ...
A Function in JavaScript is a block of code designed to perform a particular task. functions allow the developers to break the code into smaller or simpler components as a result, we can write once and use it several times instead of repeating the co...
' Async/await is the syntax used to work with promises to make complex tasks into a comfortable way of code, and easy to write and understand. Async/Await is the extension of promises. They are built on promises, Async functions make the code more re...
Introduction Hi everyone today we find the sum of N Natural Numbers in javascript. let's discuss how to solve this problem statement. if you want to check out yesterday's problem click here. Our goal is to divide a given number into its component dig...
How JavaScript Code Gets Executed For those who don't know, the browser doesn't natively understand the high-level JavaScript code that we write in our applications. It needs to be converted into a format that the browser and our computers can under...
Digital worlds have had a profound impact on our everyday lives. We are now more connected than ever before, with access to a global network of people, resources, and knowledge. This has enabled us to access information and connect with people all ov...
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On the sixth day of my 100 Days of Code challenge, I had the opportunity to explore one of the most powerful data structures in Python: dictionaries. After getting familiar with the basic concept of dictionaries, I learned how to nest them with lists...
Front-End and Back-End are two of the most used terms in development world. So, let's talk about the differences between two terms. Key Difference Between Front-End and Back-end. Front-End developers focus on user-facing aspect of a web application. ...
Google Webmaster Tools comes out of beta, plus: Chrome's personal blocklist, AdWords video ads and quality score updates and more The post This day in search marketing history: February 14 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Regex: Regular expression, often abbreviated as Regex, is a pattern or sequence of characters or words which is used to search and manipulate strings in various languages. It is highly useful for various applications, such as user input validation, s...
WebProNews PSA: iOS 16.3.1 Breaks Google Photos Google Photos appears to be randomly breaking for some users on iOS 16.3.1, with users advised to wait before upgrading. PSA: iOS 16.3.1 Breaks Google Photos Staff
Sharing things like files, pictures, videos, and texts from external apps can be difficult, especially when done without any external packages. Facilitating content sharing via external apps boosts user engagement, improves the user experience, and h...
Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI) is a mechanism in JavaScript that automatically inserts semicolons at certain points in the code if they are missing. It is an error recovery mechanism that helps to prevent syntax errors by automatically adding se...
"What's different, it's the same yes'' ''" No learner, it's not the same as you think by just adding one more equal to sign (=). FIRSTLY, == operator is equal to "Loose Equality" === operator is equal to "Strict Equality" == Operator (Loos...
unlike other languages, javascript is a dynamically typed language. Dynamically-typed languages are those where the interpreter assigns variables a type at runtime based on the variable's value at the time. which means we don't need to specify whic...
Introduction GitLab is an open-source software development program primarily used to host Git repositories. It provides features such as version control, issue tracking, code review, and more. GitLab is also flexible when it comes to your preferred hosting method. It can be hosted within your own infrastructure and can even be deployed as an internal repository for your development team or publicl [...]
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Will discusses: (1) An example of an engineering strategy. (2) Richard Rumelt's definition of strategy: diagnosis, guiding policies, and coherent actions. (3) How and when to write your engineering strategy. (4) Dealing with undocumented strategies in other functions. (5) Structuring your guiding policies around resource allocation, fundamental rules, how decision are made. (6) Maintaining the rig [...]
"At HubSpot, our relatively new Backend Performance team is tasked with improving the runtime and cost performance of our backend software. In this two-part blog series, we will look at a structured method we use for approaching cost savings work and demonstrating how we apply it at HubSpot to save millions on the storage costs of our application logs.'
CLI productivity tool powered by OpenAI's text-davinci-003 model.
Single Sign-On via SAML or OAuth is often one of the first features an engineering team needs to build as a product gains traction among larger customers. We explore how it works, how to add it to your app, and best practices for implementation.
After years of iteration, the Facebook codebase does not resemble a typical iOS codebase' The app's codebase reflects 10 years of evolution, spurred by technical decisions necessary to support the growing number of engineers working on the app, its stability, and, above all, the user experience.
Over the past 15 years shipping products for Heroku, GitHub, and now Vercel, I've learned a lot about what developers need to succeed: (1) Minimize switching contexts. (2) Remember, you are a chef cooking for chefs: Respect the craft. (3) Automate anything that can be automated. (4) Optimize for time to code. (5) Be mindful of breaking changes. People's services depend on your services. (6) Don' [...]
Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
"So what was the ultimate cause of this very short, very expensive and catastrophic flight' A line of code converting a 64-bit floating point to a signed integer, which led to an overflow passed directly to the main computer, that interpreted it as real data.'
Whether you've been affected by a layoff, or you're looking to see what's out there, check out some of the companies hiring. Only VC backed companies can hire from our collective: - Clipboard Health, Series C, backed by Sequoia: Hiring mid / senior engineers. Remote (US). - Stelo Labs, Seed Stage, Backed by A16Z: Hiring for engineers. NY or Remote (N America). - Brilliant, Series C, backed by Unio [...]
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Through this blog post we will be sharing our strategy and learnings on building a dynamic site without a database and an API server." The team at guide us on how they achieved product market fit before moving to more robust solutions.
GPT-powered chat for documentation search & assistance.
"In this post, we'll implement a GPT from scratch in just 60 lines of numpy. We'll then load the trained GPT-2 model weights released by OpenAI into our implementation and generate some text.'
Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning.
Introduction Yes! As I learned to work with databases in the WAD course using SQL, I encountered a few limitations that prevented me from building flexibly. One of them, which is the focus of this series, is working with databases within your applica...
There is something fascinating about observing a miniature world, be it swimming in an aquarium, simulated on a screen, or planted in a terrarium. With this in mind, I decided to build a terrarium with an immersive twist: a programmable set of LEDs w...
Learn how to refocus your time and energy on the most important facets of PPC management right now and in the future. The post PPC prioritization: Knowing where to focus efforts to make the biggest impact appeared first on Search Engine Land.
"Errors come in all shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day, they all mean the same thing - time for some debugging!" A ReferenceError in JavaScript is when you try to use a variable or a function that hasn't been declared or defined yet. Think ...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.