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« Aout 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mercredi 30 Aout 2023 (138)

1: Microsoft Kills Visual Studio for Mac

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Kills Visual Studio for Mac Microsoft has announced it is killing off Visual Studio Mac IDE, ostensibly while saying it wants to focus on cross-platform development. Microsoft Kills Visual Studio for Mac Matt Milano

2: Google Chat Is Getting Slack and Teams Interoperability

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Google Chat Is Getting Slack and Teams Interoperability Google is making good on its promise to embrace interoperability in its messaging platforms by making Google Chat work with Slack and Microsoft Teams. Google Chat Is Getting Slack and Teams Interoperability Matt Milano

3: Complete JQuery + interact.js Draw and Match game in less than 100 lines thanks to my pure TypeScript class to handle Draw and Match games

Emanuele Feronato (Javascript / .GAME)

Thanks to my pure TypeScript class with no dependencies to handle Draw and Match games, I was able to build a jQuery Draw and Match game in less than 100 lines of code. Full example ready to download.

4: Building a Dynamic Sticky Note App with HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we are going to learn how to build a sticky note app using html/css and javascript. We're going to store the notes in Api and getting the notes from api for display in the screen. Here are four steps we will follow to build sticky no...

5: Demystifying Solidity Events and Events Logging: Bringing Your Smart Contracts to Life

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hold on tight, because we're going to unravel one of Solidity's coolest features - events. These aren't just lines of code; they're the heartbeat of your contract, allowing it to talk to the outside world, sharing secrets and creating transparency. W...

6: Top 10 Flutter Libraries and Frameworks to Speed Up Your Development

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hey wassup flutter devs! Did you know' More than 70% of successful Flutter developers use specific libraries and frameworks. If you're not leveraging these tools, you might be missing out on a goldmine of productivity. Let's dive in! 1. Provider St...

7: Data Labeling with OpenAI's API

Hashnode - python (python)

Data labeling is a critical step in the creation of supervised machine-learning models. The high quality and the large number of labels required to train a model have made this task an arduous and expensive endeavor, in many cases, the labeling step ...

8: Programming 101:types of programming languages

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As we all know there are many programming languages e.g. java, C, javascript, Python and many others. However, before picking any programming language it is important to know which category it falls under. Knowing the category is pretty simple since ...

9: Introducing the New ServerlessQ SDK v2.0

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We are excited to announce the general availability of ServerlessQ/Nextjs! 2.0 ' The SDK introduces some cool new features and enhancements, making development with ServerlessQ in your Next.js application even more effortless. You can find the SDK d...

10 / 138

10: Elevate Your Python Coding Skills: 7 Ways to Excel with itertools

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: Coding is an art, and like any craft, it requires constant improvement and refinement. One of the best tools in a Python developer's arsenal for writing elegant and efficient code is the itertools library. Itertools is a module in Pytho...

11: Python Naming Conventions for Variables, Functions, and Classes

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Python, like any other programming language, has its own set of rules and conventions when it comes to naming variables and functions. These conventions aren't just for aesthetics or to make your code look pretty, they serve a much more important role in making your code more readable and

12: Build your first server using Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Node.js''' Before directly jumping towards making a server, let's try to understand- "Node.js hota kya h ( What is node.js) '' " So, in very simple words : Node.js is a back-end JavaScript runtime environment, which runs on V8 engine and exe...

13: Visualizing the World's Growing Millionaire Population (2012-2022)

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The world's millionaire population has more than doubled in the last decade between 2012 and 2022. We visualize these numbers here. The post Visualizing the World’s Growing Millionaire Population (2012-2022) appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

14: Document Object Model

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The DOM represents an HTML document as a structured tree of nodes that can be manipulated programmatically. After the browser reads an HTML document, it constructs a DOM tree in memory. The DOM provides a standardized API that allows JavaScript to ac...

15: Apple iPhone 15 Slated for September 12 Release

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple iPhone 15 Slated for September 12 Release Apple has announced its 'Wonderlust' event, scheduled for September 12, with the iPhone 15 expected to be released. Apple iPhone 15 Slated for September 12 Release Staff

16: Visualizing Categorical Data

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction to categorical plots using seaborn Categorical plot import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sns.catplot(...) The catplot function Parameters x: name of the variable in data. y: name of the variable in data. ...

17: The Reviver Function: Bringing JavaScript Objects Back from the Dead

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the whimsical world of coding, where bugs and glitches lurk around every corner, sometimes even your trusty JavaScript objects can bite the dust. But fear not intrepid developer! Just when you thought all was lost, along comes the unsung hero of d...

19: Mastering Form Handling in React: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to Forms in React When we use web applications, forms become the main way we talk to them. They let us put in information, prove we're who we say we are, and do lots of other things. In React, a popular tool for making how things look on...

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20: Traitements algorithmiques par drone, la Cnil reste en alerte

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Après avoir émis ses craintes dans l'usage des caméras dopées à l'intelligence artificielle (aka algorithmique (...)

21: Comment choisir une message queue '

Humancoders ()

Kafka est devenu la solution la plus populaire, cet article compare d'autres alternatives et décrit les situations où d'autres technologies peuvent être plus avantageuses : Redis ou RabbitMQ. Commentaires L'article Comment choisir une message queue ' a été posté dans la catégorie Développement de Human Coders News

22: Laravel au quotidien 026

Humancoders ()

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, voici la version vidéo de ma newsletter 'Laravel au quotidien' numéro 26 pour celles et ceux parmi vous qui sont plutôt visuels ' '' Au menu: - @wendelladriel5925 #Lift - Mr Punyapal #Collections - @LaravelJutsu #Capsule - @freekmurze #Retry - @FilipGanyicz #Larapeeps ' RT & support appréciés' Retrouver la newsletter ici : https://go.itanea [...]

23: Intelligence artificielle : de quoi s'agit-il '

Humancoders ()

Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence artificielle ' Définition, risques, avantages : on te dit tout sur cette technologie innovante ! Commentaires L'article Intelligence artificielle : de quoi s'agit-il ' a été posté dans la catégorie Machine Learning de Human Coders News

24: 6 profils de développeuses à Lyon

Humancoders ()

Découvre la diversité des profils de développeuses à Lyon et projette-toi dans ce métier d'avenir ! Commentaires L'article 6 profils de développeuses à Lyon a été posté dans la catégorie Bonnes pratiques de Human Coders News

25: Comment fonctionne l'algorithme de recommandation de Instagram

Humancoders ()

Article super intéressant sur le machine learning qui explique comment fonctionne l'algorithme de recommandation de Instagram. Sélection des images puis les 3 étapes de ranking du modèle. Commentaires L'article Comment fonctionne l'algorithme de recommandation de Instagram a été posté dans la catégorie Machine Learning de Human Coders News

26: What is the difference between an Element and a Component'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Imagine you're building a house using building blocks. In this scenario: Element: An element is like a single brick. It's the smallest building block in React, representing a part of your user interface. Elements are lightweight and immutable. They d...

27: Google Kills Pixel Pass Subscriptions

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Google Kills Pixel Pass Subscriptions Google has killed its Pixel Pass subscription, the service that bundled a new Pixel phone with Google's premium service. Google Kills Pixel Pass Subscriptions Staff

28: How to Check a Radio Button with jQuery

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Working with radio buttons in jQuery can be a bit tricky if you're not familiar with the syntax and methods involved. In this Byte, we'll cover how to check a radio button using jQuery, explore other ways to accomplish this task, and finally, show you how to verify if

29: Test your JavaScript Skills:Fundamentals-20

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Namaste, In this blog I will discuss 7 code scenarios on Javascript fundamentals. Identify the output of the below program if (10-10 || 20-20) console.log("true"); else console.log("false"); a.true b.false output d.err...

30 / 138

30: Tourisme : comment trouver des pépites méconnues avec ChatGPT '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Alors que la plupart des estivants sont sur le chemin du retour, d'autres sont encore en  train de préparer leurs … Cet article Tourisme : comment trouver des pépites méconnues avec ChatGPT ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

31: Understanding and applying the nominal group technique (NGT)

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The nominal group technique (NGT) is a structured decision-making method used in group settings. The post Understanding and applying the nominal group technique (NGT) appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

32: What is a one-pager' Examples, rules, template

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A one-pager is a great way to align the various departments in your business and ensure that your products have the support they need to be successful. The post What is a one-pager' Examples, rules, template appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

33: How to draw WYFOUND

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Curtis Hwang's Zentangle® pattern: Wyfound. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

34: Implementing Infinite Scrolling in React: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Infinite scrolling is a powerful technique used to enhance user experience when dealing with long lists of content. Rather than displaying all the data at once and overwhelming the user, infinite scrolling loads more content as the user scrolls down ...

35: Recognition vs. recall: Leveraging cognitive processes in user interfaces

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Considering recognition and recall can help in designing good digital products, influencing everything from speed to cognitive load and more. The post Recognition vs. recall: Leveraging cognitive processes in user interfaces appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

36: Walmart fournit un outil d'IA générative à 50 000 de ses employés de bureau

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le premier employeur des Etats-Unis lance un programme qui permettra à ses salariés qui ne travaillent ni dans ses entrepôts ni dans ses magasins d'accéder à une fonctionnalité d'intelligence artificielle entraînée spécialement sur les données de Walmart.

37: Fairphone lance son nouveau modèle de smartphone écoresponsable, qui gagne en puissance

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le Fairphone 5 a été présenté ce 30 août. Il sera disponible en Europe à partir de la rentrée, et mise toujours sur les arguments éthiques et écologiques. Mais le constructeur néerlandais a également fait un effort sur les performances, qui se ressent sur le prix de l'appareil.

38: Cross-Cloud Network, guichet unique de mise en réseau et de sécurité multicloud

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

À l'occasion de son évènement Google Next, du 29 au 31 aout à San Francisco, Google Cloud a mis en avant un service qui (...)

39: Gartner Hype Cycle 2023 : le chiffrement post-quantique sur la rampe de lancement

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La sécurité des données est au coeur des priorités des entreprises. Pour le Gartner, cela mérite bien d'y consacrer (...)

40 / 138

40: Gi'i thi'u v' JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ngôn ng' K'ch B'n Th'n K' JavaScript ra ''i v'i m'c tiêu "làm cho các trang web tr' nên s'ng ''ng". Nó không ch' ''n thu'n là m't ngôn ng' l'p trình mà còn là m't ngôn ng' k'ch b'n. B'n có th' vi't mã JavaScript ngay trong mã HTML c'a trang web và mã...

41: Simplify Pattern Matching and Transformation in Python with Pampy

Math Data Simplified (data)

To simplify extracting and modifying complex Python objects, use Pampy. Pampy enables pattern matching across a variety of Python objects, including lists, dictionaries, tuples, and classes. The post Simplify Pattern Matching and Transformation in Python with Pampy appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

42: Creating a Dictionary with Comprehension in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction As you've probably come to learn with Python, there are quite a few ways to do an operation, some methods being better than others. One of the features that contribute to its power is the ability to create dictionaries using dictionary comprehension. This Byte will introduce you to this

43: JavaScript Generator Function (function*)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is the Generator function in JavaScript' The embarrassing thing is, I have read about it. Still was not able to answer in my last interview. I just thought that I should get to the bottom of this. Checking MDN library for this function... The de...

44: Cooking Up Great Web Performance: A Chef's Guide to Web Vitals

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey there, awesome readers! Welcome back to another exciting journey through the digital landscape. Today, we're tackling a topic that's on everyone's mind but is often misunderstood'''Web Vitals. You know that feeling when you land on a...

45: Using using in TypeScript for resource management

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

TypeScript's new using operator can help us manage our resources better. Let's explore how it works and why it's useful in development! The post Using <code>using</code> in TypeScript for resource management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

46: Taking the first steps '''''''''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Greetings, digital explorers and fellow code enthusiasts! ' Today, I'm absolutely thrilled to unveil my web development odyssey ' a captivating tale of how I ventured into this mesmerizing world, conquered its frontiers, and embraced exciting challe...

47: AWS coupe dans ses effectifs en France

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La division de services cloud aux entreprises la plus profitable d'Amazon s'ajoute à la liste des entreprises qui licencient pour maintenir (...)

48: Mieux maitriser le cycle de vie des équipementiers réseau

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Selon Cisco, Lifecycle Services (LCS) permettra aux entreprises clientes de tirer le meilleur parti de leurs investissements dans les réseaux et (...)

49: An SEO guide to optimizing your Google Publisher Center account

Search engine land (Référencement)

Boost your brand's visibility on Google News platforms with this advanced guide for Publisher Center optimization. The post An SEO guide to optimizing your Google Publisher Center account appeared first on Search Engine Land.

50 / 138

50: Agritech : Le Toulousain Abelio lève 4 millions d'euros pour déployer ses solutions à l'international

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Spécialisée dans le développement de solutions numériques d'aide à la gestion de la production agricole, la startup toulousaine Abelio vient de lever 4 millions d'euros pour accélérer son développement commercial à l'international et élargir ses domaines d'application.

51: Auto-batching In React 18

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React 17 and prior versions of React use a technique called "Batching" to group multiple state updates into one to prevent the components from re-rendering multiple times on every state change. This is used for optimization purposes and especially fo...

52: Malgré le marasme dans les smartphones, les bénéfices de Xiaomi bondissent

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le groupe chinois souffre certes de la baisse des volumes de ventes de smartphones, mais il augmente ses marges grâce à un repositionnement plus haut de gamme et amortit ses pertes du fait de sa diversification.

53: Connexion à Instagram sans mot de passe : comment s'y prendre ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

La connexion à Instagram est impossible lorsque vous oubliez votre mot de passe, et que […] Cet article Connexion à Instagram sans mot de passe : comment s'y prendre ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

54: Ransomware : Le FBI démantèle le réseau Qakbot

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les cybercriminels qui utilisaient le botnet Qakbot pour organiser leurs attaques par ransomware se voient privés d'un outil en activité depuis plus de 15 ans. Le FBI et ses partenaires à travers le monde ont démantelé le réseau et permis la saisine de plusieurs millions de dollars en cryptomonnaies.

55: Des failles de pare-feux corrigées chez Juniper débouchent sur des RCE

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Des pirates ont commencé à exploiter des vulnérabilités récemment corrigées dans les pare-feu de Juniper Networks, (...)

56: Creating Multiline Strings in JavaScript

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction As JavaScript developers, we often need to handle large chunks of text data, which may span across multiple lines. This is where multiline strings come into play. They allow you to maintain the formatting and readability of your code without compromising the string's structure. In this article, we are

57: Mastering Python Operations (Part 3)

Hashnode - python (python)

In our preceding blog posts, we delved into the concepts of Relational and Logical operators. Throughout three blogs, we meticulously discussed various operators. To gain an in-depth understanding of these operators, we kindly encourage you to explor...

58: Why agile processes won't save you without a coherent strategy

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

It feels like only yesterday that the word 'agile' indicated some nirvana state that every self-respecting tech company wanted to achieve. The post Why agile processes won’t save you without a coherent strategy appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

59: Why agile processes won't save you without a coherent strategy

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

It feels like only yesterday that the word 'agile' indicated some nirvana state that every self-respecting tech company wanted to achieve. The post Why agile processes won’t save you without a coherent strategy appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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60: Best React Native in-app subscription libraries

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Compare the features of five of the top React Native in-app purchase libraries that support subscriptions in the App and Play Stores. The post Best React Native in-app subscription libraries appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

61: Best React Native in-app subscription libraries

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Compare the features of five of the top React Native in-app purchase libraries that support subscriptions in the App and Play Stores. The post Best React Native in-app subscription libraries appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

62: 5 hidden areas of Google Ads you probably didn't know about

Search engine land (Référencement)

Discover the untapped potential of Google Ads with these lesser-known tools ' from dynamic remarketing to seasonality adjustments. The post 5 hidden areas of Google Ads you probably didn’t know about appeared first on Search Engine Land.

63: Why do we need Python'

Hashnode - python (python)

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in recent years, and for good reason. It is a high-level, versatile, and easy-to-learn language that is widely used in many different fields, including data science, web development, aut...

64: YouTube : vous pouvez désormais générer des revenus dès 500 abonnés

Blog du Moderateur ()

La plateforme révise les conditions requises pour accéder aux fonctionnalités de financement par les fans, afin de permettre aux jeunes créateurs de générer des revenus.

65: A Step-by-Step Comprehensive Guide to Starting Your Blog

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

Blogging has become a powerful medium for individuals and businesses to share their ideas, expertise, […]

66: The Beginning

Hashnode - python (python)

29/08/2023 So, a thought came to me during a job interview why not make "E-vents" a complete deployable product and document my as I go along' I had to start over the implementation as the prototype presented in the Final Year Project was not worthy ...

67: Google Search 'Mentioned in' search snippet shows other web pages a site is mentioned

Search engine land (Référencement)

This carousel search snippet feature seems to be in testing mode in Google Search. The post Google Search “Mentioned in” search snippet shows other web pages a site is mentioned appeared first on Search Engine Land.

68: Everything You Need to Know to Embrace the Y2K Design Trend

Webdesigner depot (Design)

The turn of the millennium was a major cultural shift, and the Y2K aesthetic emerged as a visualization of what the future could hold, capturing the zeitgeist of an era eager to move forward while still valuing the colorful tapestry of past decades.

69: How To Build Custom, Reusable Web Components From Scratch

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In HTML, there are so many elements we can use to mark up our web page. But do you know that you can also create your own custom web component' The biggest benefit of creating your own custom web components is that you get to define its own built-in ...

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70: Elevate Your Deployment Process: Dockerizing Java, Python, and React Applications

Hashnode - python (python)

Dockerizing Java, Python, and React Applications In today's software development landscape, containerization has become an essential practice. It provides a consistent and isolated environment for running applications, making deployment and scaling m...

71: 7 LinkedIn advertising pitfalls: Where your B2B ads setup might stumble

Search engine land (Référencement)

Steer your LinkedIn ad campaigns away from pitfalls. Learn tips for sidestepping B2B targeting, creative and optimization issues. The post 7 LinkedIn advertising pitfalls: Where your B2B ads setup might stumble appeared first on Search Engine Land.

72: ELI5: MVC Pattern

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Things can become messy really fast depending upon the application you are building. That's why we have a way of building and organizing things called the MVC pattern. Here we divide the application into 3 parts: Model, View and Controllers. In one w...

73: Typescript tutorial Series - 01.Getting Started

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi there '' My name is Milad and welcome to the first part of the typescript tutorial series. In this part we are going to get started with typescript; So stay with me through this amazing and fun journey. Introduction Programming languages can be ...

74: Gain Mastery of Data Visualization Using Matplotlib in Simple Steps

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Whether you are just starting out or you have years of experience as a data professional, data visualization is a crucial tool for gaining insight from your data. These insights are presented visually so that you can easily see the trend...

75: Demystifying Gradle Properties: Fine-Tuning Your Build Environment

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

In the realm of modern software development, efficiency and automation reign supreme. Enter Gradle, the powerful build automation tool that empowers developers to wield control over their build process through a plethora of configuration options. One...

76: How to integrate OpenAPI with Spring Boot to make easy REST EndPoints

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction We can create rest endpoints from open API specifications. so that we can use the same service for both front-end and back-end. so that this article will be two parts. In this blog first, let you know how to integrate open API with Sprin...

77: The Marvelous Journey of Frontend Development: From HTML Islands to Full-Stack Horizons

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Remember the days when the web was like a collection of isolated islands' Each web page was a tiny island of information, connected by vast oceans of slow-loading links. If you were a frontend developer back then, your toolkit consisted of HTML, some...

78: The secrets behind Performance Max and Google's Black Box: Decoding the future of digital advertising by Adthena

Search engine land (Référencement)

Exploring innovation, automation and transparency in the next marketing era. The post The secrets behind Performance Max and Google’s Black Box: Decoding the future of digital advertising appeared first on Search Engine Land.

79: Rockset engrange 44 M$ pour développer sa base de données temps réel

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La start-up Rockset, qui commercialise une base de données temps réel reposant sur le projet open source  RocksDB initialement (...)

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80: Creating a dashboard for restaurant with sentiment analysis using tf-idf and data analytics

Hashnode - python (python)

The project GitHub link is Restaurant-Sentiment, Do visit and if you like it give it a star, If you want to use it then clone the repo, create a .env file in api folder and add the database URL. Part 1- Creation of sentiment analysis model Step 1: U...

81: Connected Grid Layout Animation

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Some ideas for simple on-scroll animations on "connected" grid layouts.

82: General Motors déploie le chatbot DialogFlow de Google dans son assistant de bord OnStar

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Alors que se déroule la conférence annuelle de Google Cloud, General Motors a annoncé l'intégration complète du robot conversationnel Dialogflow à son service payant OnStar. Le constructeur américain envisage l'intelligence artificielle générative comme une technologie à fort potentiel pour son secteur.

83: Titre : Les 10 raisons d'utiliser la Composition API plutôt que l'Options API

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Introduction : Depuis la sortie de Vue.js 3, les développeurs ont maintenant accès à une nouvelle fonctionnalité puissante appelée la Composition API. Cette API offre une approche plus flexible et modulaire pour la création de composants Vue. Dans ce...

84: Check if an Object has an Attribute in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction In Python, everything is an object, and each object has attributes. These attributes can be methods, variables, data types, etc. But how do we know what attribute an object has' In this Byte, we'll discuss why it's important to check for attributes in Python objects, and how to do

85: 5 SEO use cases for ChatGPT's Advanced Data Analysis plugin

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how OpenAI's latest plugin can help you analyze internal linking, perform server log analysis, and more for better SEO results. The post 5 SEO use cases for ChatGPT’s Advanced Data Analysis plugin appeared first on Search Engine Land.

86: Le français Dattak lève 11 millions d'euros pour son assurance cyber

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'assurtech fondée fin 2021 réalise un tour de table en série A afin d'élargir son marché, sa cible et ses solutions.

87: Kotlin Code Smell 35 - Explicit Iteration

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

TL;DR: Avoid index-based iteration. Embrace higher-order collection functions. Problem Violation of encapsulation Lack of declarativeness Solution Opt for forEach() or high-order iterators. Concealing implementation details opens up possibilit...

88: Les indicateurs au vert pour Free, qui joue sur le blocage des prix pour conquérir des abonnés

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Dans le contexte inflationniste, à la différence d'un Orange qui en pleine restructuration augmente ses prix pour redresser ses marges, le groupe de Xavier Niel voit ses ventes et sa part de marché progresser, sans que cela n'affecte sa rentabilité grâce à sa stratégie globale.

89: DeepMind dévoile SynthID, un outil permettant d'identifier les images générées par Google Imagen

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Chez Google, les équipes de recherche en intelligence artificielle se sont associées à celles de la division cloud pour créer un outil baptisé SynthID. Disponible en beta sur la plateforme Vertex AI, celui-ci permet d'apposer un "tatouage numérique" aux images générées par Google Imagen, ce qui permet de facilement identifier leur provenance.

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90: Turn a static SVG into an interactive one, with Flourish

Flowing data (dataviz)

It’s straightforward to share a static SVG online, but maybe you want tooltips…Tags: Flourish, illustration, SVG

91: Unlocking the Power of Maps in Your Unity Games with Mapbox

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Introduction When it comes to creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences, few elements are as important as location. Whether you're building a virtual world or incorporating real-world settings into your game, having accurate and detailed map...

92: Unlocking the Power of Maps in Your Unity Games with Mapbox

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Introduction When it comes to creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences, few elements are as important as location. Whether you're building a virtual world or incorporating real-world settings into your game, having accurate and detailed map...

93: Document Object Model ( DOM ) full explained

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

DOM ''' DOM - '''''''' ''''''' '''' '' ''''' ''''' ''''' '''''''', ''''''''', '''''' ''' '''''''' '''''''''' '''''''''' '''''' '''' ''' '''' ''''''''''' ''''''''' '' ''''' ''''' '''''''''' ''' '''''''''' '''' ''''''''' '''''' '''''''''''''' '''' ''''...

94: Document Object Model ( DOM ) full explained

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

DOM ''' DOM - '''''''' ''''''' '''' '' ''''' ''''' ''''' '''''''', ''''''''', '''''' ''' '''''''' '''''''''' '''''''''' '''''' '''' ''' '''' ''''''''''' ''''''''' '' ''''' ''''' '''''''''' ''' '''''''''' '''' ''''''''' '''''' '''''''''''''' '''' ''''...

95: Onclick -- Move To The Top

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we will be looking at how to move the clicked item to the first index. Emphasis in this article is not on the UI but on the functionality. Before we proceed further, here are the prerequisite things to do before we dive in fully to t...

96: Google DeepMind déclare la guerre aux images d'IA

Abondance (Référencement)

Google DeepMind dévoile son nouvel outil pour détecter les images générées par IA : SynthID, qui intègre des filigranes imperceptibles dans les images. Ce qu'il faut retenir : SynthID, la nouvelle arme de Google DeepMind On trouve de plus en plus d'images générées par intelligence artificielle sur le web, sans forcément d'indications concernant leur création. […] L'article "Google [...]

97: Ces 10 objets du quotidien ralentissent votre WiFi, et vous n'en avez pas idée

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Votre WiFi est trop lent ' L'explication se trouve peut-être sous votre nez ! Découvrez 10 objets et matériaux du … Cet article Ces 10 objets du quotidien ralentissent votre WiFi, et vous n’en avez pas idée a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

98: Cet incroyable fossile montre un combat épique entre un dino et un mammifère

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les dinosaures ont longtemps été considérés comme les rois incontestés de la préhistoire. Cependant, un fossile extraordinaire découvert en Chine … Cet article Cet incroyable fossile montre un combat épique entre un dino et un mammifère a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

99: The 7th Guest renaît : la date de sortie et la bande-annonce dévoilées (Réalité Virtuelle)

Plongez au c'ur de l’univers captivant du célèbre jeu des années 90, The 7th Guest. […] Cet article The 7th Guest renaît : la date de sortie et la bande-annonce dévoilées a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

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100: Résilier un abonnement en ligne : ce qui change au 1er septembre

Blog du Moderateur ()

Après trois mois laissés aux professionnels pour se mettre en conformité, les dispositions du décret visant à simplifier les procédures de désabonnement entrent en vigueur.

101: Python programming language:

Hashnode - python (python)

TABLE OF CONTENTS. Below is what you should expect from this article. Definition of Python and little introductory content. Definition High-level explanation brief Categories of programming language Interpreted programming language Compiled pro...

102: 10 événements web à ne pas manquer en septembre 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Retrouvez dans cette sélection : l'IMPACT Cube, un webinar sur les bonnes pratiques UX, la keynote Apple, Pinterest Presents, Nantes Digital Week, Paris Retail Week, France Digitale Day, La Mêlée Numérique, Big Data & AI Paris, et Les 12 heures de l'agilité.  

103: Au coeur d'une plateforme DATA

Octo (Internet)

Contexte  Une équipe OCTO est missionnée chez notre client pour construire de bout en bout une solution de traçabilité pour ses produits. Le projet s'inscrit dans un vaste programme sur la traçabilité suivi par la direction avec de nombreuses initiatives lancées en parallèle.  L'enjeu est de taille pour l'entreprise qui se voit contrainte par des […] L'article Au coeur d&rs [...]

104: Next2023 : Vertex AI et Duet AI montent en puissance dans Google Cloud

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

En direct de San Francisco. Le dernier Next de Google Cloud en présentiel remonte à 2019. Après la période du Covid et des (...)

105: Reprise du marché des PC en 2024 '

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Après les grands millésimes que furent les années 2020 et 2021, le marché des PC a connu et connait encore une période (...)

106: Les usines Toyota à l'arrêt à cause d'une panne informatique

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Toyota a mis à l'arrêt la totalité de ses 14 usines au Japon, l'entreprise mettant en cause une panne informatique. Cet incident majeur (...)

107: La facture des logiciels SaaS flambe

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Selon la société britannique Vertice, les prix du SaaS ont connu une inflation moyenne de 12% durant les 12 derniers mois. Pour produire (...)

108: Kaspersky France perd son directeur général Tanguy de Coatpont

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dans un post publié sur Linkedin, Tanguy de Coatpont a annoncé qu'il quitte les rangs de l'éditeur de logiciels de sécurité (...)

109: How to Create a Simple Form with Wave Animation using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Forms are an essential part of most websites. They are used for collecting user data like name, email, password, and more. For example, when you want to register for applications like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Netflix, you need t...

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110: Unlocking Improved Performance and SEO with SvelteKit's Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, creating performant and search engine-friendly websites remains a top priority. One technology that has gained significant traction in achieving these goals is Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Among the ...

111: Community manager : des missions riches et variées pour animer la présence en ligne des marques

Blog du Moderateur ()

Plongez dans les coulisses du métier de community manager avec Arthur de Montmarin, consultant et formateur marketing digital chez ifocop.

112: SNCF supprime son appli mobile : ne ratez pas votre train grâce à ces alternatives

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’annonce de la suppression de l’application Assistant SNCF a été un choc pour de nombreux voyageurs. Ceux qui comptaient sur … Cet article SNCF supprime son appli mobile : ne ratez pas votre train grâce à ces alternatives a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

113: Création d'une micro-entreprise : conditions et avantages

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La création d’une micro-entreprise offre une opportunité simple et accessible pour les personnes désireuses de plonger dans l’aventure entrepreneuriale. Grâce … Cet article Création d'une micro-entreprise : conditions et avantages a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

114: Comment réinitialiser un ordinateur sous Windows

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez la marche à suivre pour réinitialiser simplement votre PC Windows.

115: Développeur web : un métier ouvert à tous les profils, même ceux en reconversion

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les témoignages de Sébastien et Léa, qui ont suivi la formation en développement web proposée par O'clock dans le cadre de leur reconversion professionnelle.

116: What Is NodeJS'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Even though there are plenty of good answers out there, the one that I like the most is this one, Node Js is an environment to run JavaScript outside the browser.NodeJs was created in 2009 and It is built on Chrome's JavaScript V8 engine.As you proba...

117: Cheerio & Moment.js: Web Data Scraping

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is cheerio' It is a javascript package used to parse and manipulate HTML and XML documents in a jQuery-like manner but without the overhead of involving a DOM. Simple example - const cheerio = require('cheerio'); const $ = cheerio.load('

118: Working with color programmatically (is that even a word')

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

tl;dr ' It's been nearly two years now since I nurtured a keen interest on color and its mathematical nature. I'm not a math nerd (don't get me wrong) but I was amazed by the way one could get colors of a certain look by applying a specific range of...

119: Python Lists

Hashnode - python (python)

A Python List is a built-in, ordered collection of elements or items. Items in a list can be of any data type, including numbers, strings, objects, or even other lists. Lists are versatile and widely used in Python to manipulate, organize, and store ...

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120: Understanding Just-in-Time (JIT) Compiler: How it Works for JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the world of programming, speed and efficiency are crucial. Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation is a technique used by programming languages like JavaScript to optimize the execution of code. In this blog post, we will dive into the concep...

121: Open source projects to contribute in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Contributing to open-source projects is a great way to learn and improve your programming skills. Here are some open-source JavaScript projects that are relatively beginner-friendly and could be good places to start contributing: FreeCodeCamp (GitHu...

122: How to use a pre-trained model from HuggingFace

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

HuggingFace is getting quite popular these days. It has been called the GitHub for AI ML. It has plenty of models already available on its website that are ready to use. If you have a useful model, you should consider uploading it there as well. In t...

123: How to Maximize Efficiency with Creative Desk Organization Ideas to Remain Clutter-Free

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

Discover the ultimate guide to optimizing your workspace with ingenious desk organization ideas. From the versatile Marbrasse Desk Organizer to innovative storage solutions, transform clutter into creativity and boost productivity. Find the perfect home office supplies and create a multi-purpose organizer that reflects your personal style.

124: Your Guide to 'Fetch' and 'Then' in Javascript '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, "fetch" and "then" are used to make requests to websites or servers to get data. It's like asking for information from the internet. Here's a simple breakdown: 1. Fetch:Think of it like sending a request to a waiter in a restaurant. Yo...

125: Buying essays online: convenience and reliability with Bid4Papers

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

In today’s world, students have to face a huge amount of academic assignments and projects. One of such tasks is writing an essay ' an academic paper that requires analytical skills and creative approach. But what to do if time is short and the requirements for the paper are strict' In such situations, buying essays […] The post Buying essays online: convenience and reliability with Bi [...]

126: Composition

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Original: const creatureCanEat = creature => ({ eat: food => `The ${creature} eats the ${food}.` }) const creatureCanSleep = creature => ({ sleep: () => `The ${creature} sleeps.` }) const createCanEatSleep = creature => ({ eat: food => ...

127: Which JS concepts is needed for learning React'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The majority of the features required for learning React is ES6(ES2015) features. These include: Arrow Functions These are anonymous functions. Arrow functions in React are normally used in event handler of the component. Map, Filter, Reduce Map and ...

128: Which JS concepts is needed for learning React'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The majority of the features required for learning React are ES6(ES2015) features. These include: Arrow Functions These are anonymous functions. Arrow functions in React are normally used in the event handler of the component. Map, Filter, Reduce Map...

129: Kylian Mbappé grondé par son père : Cette vidéo prouve le danger des deepfakes IA

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une vidéo retouchée avec Kylian Mbappé exhibe les capacités remarquables des deepfakes IA. Elle montre également le danger de cette … Cet article Kylian Mbappé grondé par son père : Cette vidéo prouve le danger des deepfakes IA a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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130: Automatically archive projects or desktop files

Hashnode - python (python)

why I used to organize my desktop files all the time, but once I moved it, I couldn't find it anymore.Then I stopped organizing, and as my desktop got messier and messier, I thought it was time to fix the problem.I don't want to move files that are l...

131: MEAN vs MERN: Decoding the 2 Best Stacks For Your Next Web Project

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Web development evolves rapidly with new technologies and frameworks emerging daily. As a software engineer, selecting the appropriate technology stack for your projects is a critical decision, but with numerous options available, it can be overwhelm...

132: What are Package Managers(npm/yarn) '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A dependency is a third-party bit of software that was probably written by someone else and ideally solves a single problem for you. A package manager is a system that will manage your project dependencies Npm and yarn are package managers that can b...

133: Sets in Python: Harnessing Uniqueness and Set Operations

Hashnode - python (python)

Sets, a dynamic data structure in Python, empower you to manage collections of unique elements and perform powerful set-related operations. Key Concepts: Creating Sets: Define sets using curly braces {} or the built-in set() function. Duplicate valu...

134: Python as a first language

Hashnode - python (python)

Why Python' It is easy to read and understand because it is very close to English which increases its readability. It is very simple to write which gives it the advantage of simplicity. Very easy syntax Readability Simplicity English like easy ...

135: Amazon Releases Terrible AI Art for Fallout Movie'Chaos Ensues

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Amazon, one of the world's largest companies, recently launched a TV poster that many users presume was made with AI art. It's terrible, it's weird, and it's sent the internet into a frenzy. How many strange anomalies can you spot'

136: JavaScript Execution Context (Tutorial For Beginner)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a JavaScript Execution Context' In JavaScript, an "execution context" is like a bubble that holds all the information and variables for a specific piece of code to run. Whenever your code is executed, whether it's a single line or a function,...

137: [Project A] Devlog 4: UI

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Before we begin, you can check out the previous entry in this case by clicking this link. In the last entry of this series, I ended up creating an endpoint I could use to generate attendance data, did a little bit related to the attendance stuff, an...

138: [Project A] Devlog 5: UI

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Before we begin, you can check out the previous entry in this case by clicking this link. In the last entry of this series, I ended up creating an endpoint I could use to generate attendance data, did a little bit related to the attendance stuff, an...

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Richard Carlier

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