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« Aout 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Lundi 7 Aout 2023 (130)

1: Crafting a DIY Intervalometer: My Journey from GoPro to DSLR Timelapses

Hashnode - python (python)

Article Published: December 3, 2016 I've always been captivated by timelapses. Not only do I enjoy creating them, but I also appreciate the works of other enthusiasts. My Timelapse Creation The timelapse showcased above was captured during an ulti...

2: Automating Serverless Deployment of Lambda Function with Terraform using Github Actions

Hashnode - python (python)

Agenda Push terraform and infra code and python code into repo, in this case it is Github repo.. Import your code to Github. Add .github/workflows/main.yml file in the workspace. Update your main.yml file as per need, and run the pipeline. P...

3: Singleton Design Pattern: Mastering the Art of Single Instance Classes

Hashnode - python (python)

What are Design Patterns' A design pattern is a reusable solution to a general obstacle faced by developers while designing and building software. They are models or blueprints for solving recurring problems in software development Why are Design Pat...

4: TikTok rolls out major Ads changes to meet EU regulations

Search engine land (Référencement)

Targeted advertising capabilities are being significantly reduced, while ads that violate its policies will be removed globally. The post TikTok rolls out major Ads changes to meet EU regulations appeared first on Search Engine Land.

5: From Dental Technologist to Flutter Developer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

I have always wanted to share how I started my journey in tech from a dental technologist to a mobile app developer (Flutter). This write-up has been sitting in my draft for a very long time, so today I finally decided to let it see the light of day....

6: Software Engineer - The missing manual! Recipe to be a better engineer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You must be wondering what a missing manual can be. After all, you have read many books and written a good amount of code to call yourself a software engineer. Have you ever thought why some engineers go fast over the ladder, and some take slow steps...

7: Python Data Types

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, data types determine the type of data that a variable can hold. Different data types have different purposes. Here I am going to write some types of data type Integer (int) Integers are whole numbers without decimal points. Examples: age =...

8: Iraq Blocks Telegram Over National Security Concerns

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Iraq Blocks Telegram Over National Security Concerns Iraq says it has blocked the Telegram messaging app over concerns regarding national security and users' personal data. Iraq Blocks Telegram Over National Security Concerns Staff

9: Introducing the New JSX Transform

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introducing the New JSX Transform:- A Leap Forward in React Development In the fast-paced world of web development, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is essential. The React ecosystem, known for its vibrant community and frequ...

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10: Internet Adoption in America: Who Isn't Online Yet'

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Internet adoption is widespread in the U.S. In fact, only 7% of Americans do not use the internet. Who are these non-adopters' The post Internet Adoption in America: Who Isn't Online Yet' appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

11: Gesture Detector v/s InkWell

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In Flutter, to perform gesture operations there are different methods for different widgets. But to use gestures globally for any widget there are majorly these two widgets Gesture Detector and Ink Well. If we deep dive into the core of these two wid...

12: Mastering JavaScript: Unraveling the Power of Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript Syntax: JavaScript can be implemented using JavaScript statements that are placed within the HTML tags in a web page. You can place the tags, containing your JavaScript, anywhere within your web page, but it ...

13: Python Data Processing: Converting Between JSON, YAML, and Python Dictionaries ''

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In the realm of Python data processing, understanding how to work with JSON, YAML, and Python dictionaries is essential. These formats enable seamless interchange and manipulation of data, making them fundamental tools for developers and...

14: Format Numbers with Commas in JavaScript

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Handling numbers in different formats is a common task for many developer, especially those working with UI/UX. One of those tasks is displaying numbers in a more human-readable form, like separating digits with commas. Whether it's for a financial application, displaying stats on a dashboard, or merely making

15: Mapped: Carbon Pricing Initiatives Around the World

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This graphic maps the 70 active carbon pricing initiatives worldwide, their established price of carbon, and the global emissions they cover. The post Mapped: Carbon Pricing Initiatives Around the World appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

16: Moz debuts new metric, Brand Authority, to measure brand strength

Search engine land (Référencement)

Online brand strength is calculated as a score between 1-100. The metric is meant to capture broad signals of an brand's influence. The post Moz debuts new metric, Brand Authority, to measure brand strength appeared first on Search Engine Land.

18: Quick Introduction to Dart Programming Language

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

As promised in my last blog on Why you should learn Flutter today, we'll be talking about Dart, a versatile and powerful programming language that's gaining popularity for building web, mobile, and desktop applications. In just under 10 minutes, you'...

19: TikTok se plie aux règles du Digital Services Act

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Juste à temps. Alors que le règlement européen sur les services numériques ' digital services Act (DSA) - entrera en (...)

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20: La certification des compétences du DPO possible à distance

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

2018 a été marquée par l'adoption du règlement général sur la protection des données personnelles (RGPD), (...)

21: ChatGPT 5 bientôt disponible ' OpenAI laisse échapper un énorme indice

Le Big Data (dataviz)

ChatGPT-5 sera-t-il bientôt disponible ' En déposant une nouvelle marque en tout cas, OpenAI laisse échapper des indices sur ce … Cet article ChatGPT 5 bientôt disponible ' OpenAI laisse échapper un énorme indice a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

22: Microsoft Outlook Is Finally Getting A Feature Apple Mail Has Had for Years for Sending Large Files

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Outlook Is Finally Getting A Feature Apple Mail Has Had for Years for Sending Large Files Microsoft Outlook is finally getting the option to use OneDrive for sending large files that would otherwise be too big for email. Microsoft Outlook Is Finally Getting A Feature Apple Mail Has Had for Years for Sending Large Files Staff

23: How to draw 8 POINT

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Susan Pundt's Zentangle® pattern: 8 Point. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

24: How to draw 8 POINT

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Susan Pundt's Zentangle® pattern: 8 Point. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them

25: Understanding heatmaps: A guide to data visualization

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Heatmaps help you discover why users are behaving the way they do when they visit your website or use your product. It's a powerful way to see how users respond to your application and why they may or may not be converting. The post Understanding heatmaps: A guide to data visualization appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

26: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Reading JSON and YAML in Python As a DevOps Engineer you should be able to parse files, be it txt, json, yaml, etc. You should know what all libraries one should use in Pythonfor DevOps. Python has numerous libraries like os, sys, json, yaml etc t...

27: Scroll Reveal Magic: Transforming User Journeys with JavaScript Animation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction - As websites evolve to become more interactive, scroll animations have become a vital tool. With just 7 seconds to capture attention, ScrollReveal.js becomes your magic wand to enhance your web projects with style and engagement. What i...

28: L'assurtech spécialisée dans le risque cyber Resilience lève 100 millions de dollars

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up américaine Resilience a réalisé une levée de fonds en série D pour son produit combinant audit de vulnérabilités et assurance cyber.

29: Design constraints: Why they're actually useful

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Design constraints are limitations on what designers can do with a design. They can feel like a bad thing, but they can be useful. The post Design constraints: Why they're actually useful appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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30: L'intelligence artificielle au service de l'art

La revue IA (data)

Au fil de l’histoire, une multitude de mouvements artistiques ont vu le jour, depuis l’Art Primitif de la préhistoire jusqu’à l’ère contemporaine marquée par l’émergence de l’art généré par intelligence artificielle et l’apparition du Prompt Art. À ce jour, plus d’une trentaine d’intelligences artificielles existent, capables de géné [...]

31: Kotlin vs. Java: Choosing the Right Language

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction When it comes to choosing the right programming language for your project, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option. Kotlin and Java are two popular programming languages for Android app development and backend services. ...

32: Start Your JavaScript Journey with WebTutor

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the world of web development, JavaScript has emerged as an essential programming language. Its versatility, ease of use, and ability to interact with HTML and CSS make it a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive websites. In this blog,...

33: Advanced Asynchronous in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this section, we will be discussing the concept of asynchronous behaviour in JavaScript. Asynchronous operation refers to the process where the computer is allowed to perform other tasks while waiting for a particular operation to complete. Asynch...

34: Google Merchant Center releases new 'inappropriate titles' warning

Search engine land (Référencement)

Product titles that fail to meet Google's criteria face being penalised with restricted visibility in the US. The post Google Merchant Center releases new ‘inappropriate titles’ warning appeared first on Search Engine Land.

35: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Reading JSON and YAML in Python As a DevOps Engineer we should be able to parse files, be it txt, json, yaml, etc. We should know what all libraries one should use in Pythonfor DevOps. Python has numerous libraries like os, sys, json, yaml etc th...

36: Self-Awareness The Typescript for real life

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction At first glance, the title of this article may seem puzzling, but I assure you, it'll make perfect sense by the end. A recent conversation with a friend about self-control and video games sparked an interesting comparison in my mind. My ...

37: Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps'

Hashnode - python (python)

Data Types Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data. Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are actu...

38: Hide or dock debug toolbar in VSCode.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Go to Settings and search 'debug.toolbarlocation' or even simpler by typing 'debug.tool'. The setting will be shown in the results. Funny enough, this is the third time I have to google for this. Like every time I have to set up a new machine. So he...

39: What is a reverse trial' Benefits and risks

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A reverse trial puts a full version of the product in front of the user upfront and then takes away features unless they agree to pay more. The post What is a reverse trial' Benefits and risks appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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40: Best CI/CD tools for React Native

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Get a high-level comparison of five of the most popular and well-used CI/CD tools for React Native apps, including the features they support. The post Best CI/CD tools for React Native appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

41: Joi in Node.js: A Comprehensive Guide for High-Performance Web Applications

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: In the dynamic world of web development, Node.js has emerged as a popular platform, offering efficient server-side capabilities. When building robust and secure applications, data validation becomes a critical aspect. Joi, an indispensa...

42: Front-End Web Development Roadmap for Beginners 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Have you ever imagined what the internet would look like without websites' Very different; certain information, like this article, might not even exist. Online shopping on Amazon and eBay wouldn't be possible, and social media giants lik...

43: Write Modular SQL Code with dbt

Math Data Simplified (data)

Modular SQL code makes it easy to develop, maintain, test, and reuse code across various queries. With dbt, you can use the ref function to break down a long SQL statement into smaller components. The post Write Modular SQL Code with dbt appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

44: Deep Dive into Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Learn What Matters Introduction Hey Everyone, I starting with web development where we are going to deep dive into frontend development part one. The second part will focus on the backend area in the next article. We are focusing on concepts that act...

45: Using Friction As A Feature In Machine Learning Algorithms

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

Friction often has a negative connotation in user experience design, but it actually has many benefits. Its best-known use case is mitigating unintended consequences in high-risk scenarios, yet it has a new place in the age of artificial intelligence. Adding strategic friction to interfaces can lead to profound efficiency gains in machine learning algorithms.

46: Zuckerberg et Musk prennent le monde à témoin pour leur combat de MMA

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

S'affronteront-ils dans une cage de MMA ' La question de la date et du moyen de retransmission a été abordée ce week-end par Mark Zuckerberg et Elon Musk, les patrons de Meta et X (Twitter), qui se parlent par réseaux sociaux interposés.

47: Ce que l'on peut tirer des documents FCC du Meta Quest 3 (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le Meta Quest 3 vient d'obtenir l'approbation de la FCC américaine. Ce consentement ouvre la […] Cet article Ce que l'on peut tirer des documents FCC du Meta Quest 3 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

48: Segmenting remote sensing imagery with box prompts

Hashnode - python (python)

Segment-geospatial v0.9.0 is out'It now supports segmenting remote sensing imagery with box prompts. You can create box prompts interactively or use existing vector data as box prompts ' GitHub:

49: One Model lève 41 millions de dollars pour son IA spécialiste des ressources humaines

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Basée au Texas, la start-up One Model officie sur le marché prometteur de l'analytique RH. Elle vient de lever 41 millions de dollars et espère ainsi améliorer ses outils d'aide à la décision pour les entreprises, basés sur l'intelligence artificielle.

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50: Une expérience inédite nait du partenariat entre Meta et l'UFC (Réalité Virtuelle)

Meta et l’UFC ont annoncé un nouveau partenariat. Ensemble, ils vont intégrer l’expérience des arts […] Cet article Une expérience inédite nait du partenariat entre Meta et l'UFC a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

51: L'interconnexion optique pour PCIe enfin sur les rails

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Une réflexion est actuellement en cours pour remplacer l'interconnexion électrique de PCIe par une déclinaison optique (utilisant (...)

52: Google Analytics 4 Reports get Match Types, including regex

Search engine land (Référencement)

Report Filters now support the Match Types 'begins with', 'exactly matches' and 'regrex', giving you more control over your reporting. The post Google Analytics 4 Reports get Match Types, including regex appeared first on Search Engine Land.

53: Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole renforce les compétences IT de ses agents territoriaux

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Mesurer le niveau de maîtrise du numérique de ses agents territoriaux pour développer leurs compétences technologiques et ainsi (...)

54: Vale a pena utilizar Flutter Web'

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Desenvolver uma aplicação web no Flutter já não é mais novidade, está presente dentro do Flutter desde 2021. Tivemos até uma certa desconfiança e uma real necessidade de evolução da plataforma. Mas como está o Flutter Web hoje, em 2023' Vale a pena u...

55: What is a unique selling proposition and how to craft one

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

As a product manager, you are the one responsible for building the unique selling proposition for your product. The post What is a unique selling proposition and how to craft one appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

56: Using Hocus to run faster development environments

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Hocus provides a self-hosted alternative to other platforms like Gitpod and GitHub Codespaces. The post Using Hocus to run faster development environments appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

57: How ChatGPT can help you optimize your content for entities

Search engine land (Référencement)

Enhance your SEO efforts with ChatGPT. Learn how to extract entities, analyze SERP results, and craft topically relevant content. The post How ChatGPT can help you optimize your content for entities appeared first on Search Engine Land.

59: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction As a DevOps Engineer, you should be able to parse files, be it txt, json, yaml, etc. Python has numerous libraries like os, sys, json, yaml etc that a DevOps Engineer uses in day-to-day tasks. ' What is JSON' JSON is a lightweight da...

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60: The Importance of Digital Signatures for a Business

Noupe (conception)

Digital signatures have existed since the 1980s, after the first e-signature software was developed. However, its popularity rose in the 2000s after the US passed the E-Sign Act into law, giving e-signatures legal recognition. Since then, the digital signature market has seen immense growth, with its market value growing to over $3.9B million in 2022... The post The Importance of Digit [...]

61: Flutter day27

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Future, async, and await continued... synchronous code to demonstrate. void task1() { String task1 = " this is task 1"; print("task 1 done"); } void task2() { Duration threeseconds = Duration(seconds: 3); sleep(threeseconds); String task2 ...

62: JavaScript Classes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript Classes are a powerful feature of the language that allows us to create reusable and modular code. In this blog post, let us see why you should use classes and some examples using the most important concepts of class syntax. Why use classe...

63: JavaScript Frameworks Comparison - A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript frameworks are essential tools for web developers, enabling them to build robust and interactive web applications efficiently. With an array of frameworks available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one...

64: Exciting New Tools for Designers, August 2023

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Even the most extensive toolbox needs a refresh from time to time, so we've rounded up a selection of new tools for you to try.

65: Say Goodbye to Unlocked Asus Zenfones

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Say Goodbye to Unlocked Asus Zenfones Customers that want to unlock their Asus Zenfones are in for a disappointment, with the company saying it is no longer possible. Say Goodbye to Unlocked Asus Zenfones Staff

66: Simple way to debug in Javascript - console.log

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When I'm writing code and haven't quite finished it yet, I like to test out the logic to make sure everything's working as it should. That's where the console.log() method comes in handy. Here's a simple guide to using the JavaScript console.log() me...

67: Comment S3 et AWS ont été construit au début

Humancoders ()

Un article génial écrit par les ingénieurs qui ont construit S3 et pratiquement inventé le cloud : les premiers schémas d'architecture, comment ils ont scalé le hardware, gestion de la chaleur dans les datacenters, etc. Passionnant ! Commentaires L'article Comment S3 et AWS ont été construit au début a été posté dans la catégorie Cloud de Human Coders News

68: Pimax Crystal : Nous avons testé le casque et voici nos impressions (Réalité Virtuelle)

Dans cet article, nous vous livrons nos impressions sur le Pimax Crystal, un casque haut […] Cet article Pimax Crystal : Nous avons testé le casque et voici nos impressions a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

69: How to remove sensitive client data from Google's index

Search engine land (Référencement)

Uncover the critical search indexing issue many SEOs overlook, the accidental exposure of client data on Google, and what to do about it. The post How to remove sensitive client data from Google’s index appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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70: Threads Daily Users Drops 82% Since Launch

Webdesigner depot (Design)

The social media app has suffered a monumental decline in popularity since launching last month. Perhaps Zuckerberg's 'Twitter killer' isn't set to disrupt the market after all.

71: How to Launch Your First PPC Campaign: A Beginner's Guide

Noupe (conception)

Skyrocketing eCommerce sales and traffic may seem challenging. But there’s a strategy that can help: Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. PPC campaigns don’t just increase your online visibility'they are designed to convert. They position your business strategically in search results, reaching customers who are actively seeking your products. The result' More traffic, more leads, and a sig [...]

72: How to Create and Send Custom Emails using React Email and Resend API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Frontend developers often face challenges when sending custom emails directly from their applications. This process required complex backend setups and specialized knowledge, making it difficult for beginners to handle. However, thanks to Next.js and...

73: Day 15 Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction to JSON and YAML JSON: ' JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. ' JSON is easy for both humans to read and write and for machines to parse and generate. ' JSON is primarily used in web development for transmitting data bet...

74: TikTok bientôt sanctionné en Europe pour violation de la vie privée des enfants

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le Comité européen de la protection des données (CEPD) s'est vu confier la gestion du dossier par l'autorité irlandaise de la protection des données. Une décision, amende à l'appui, devrait être rendue dans les quatre prochaines semaines.

75: Setting Up Vuforia Engine For Unity

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Vuforia Engine is a software development kit (SDK) for creating Augmented Reality apps. With the SDK, you add advanced computer vision functionality to your application, allowing it to recognize images, objects, and spaces with intuitive options to c...

76: Ces virus gelés font passer le Covid pour un rhume : pandémie mortelle en vue '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les anciens pathogènes prisonniers dans la glace depuis des milliers d'années risquent d'être libérés par le réchauffement climatique. En simulant … Cet article Ces virus gelés font passer le Covid pour un rhume : pandémie mortelle en vue ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

77: Il avait lancé un business avec ChatGPT pour 100 $ : c'est un fiasco complet

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Rapidement après la sortie de ChatGPT, les utilisateurs ont cherché à comprendre les réels potentiels de l'outil dans tous les … Cet article Il avait lancé un business avec ChatGPT pour 100 $ : c’est un fiasco complet a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

78: 5 géants des puces s'allient autour de RISC-V pour s'affranchir d'ARM

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Après l'initiative Rise en juin dernier rassemblant de nombreux fournisseurs IT pour collaborer et accélérer le développement (...)

79: Setting Up Visual Studio for Unity

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a versatile code editor that supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks. While it is not specific to Unity, it can be customized and extended to work effectively with Unity projects through the use o...

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80: Mastering the Fundamentals: Understanding JavaScript Syntax and Basic Constructs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to JavaScript syntax and basic constructs JavaScript is a powerful programming language used for creating interactive websites and web applications. As a web developer, understanding the syntax and basic constructs of JavaScript is essen...

81: Hosting a Two-Tier Flask Application with MySQL Database Using Docker Compose ''''

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction: In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of hosting a two-tier Flask application with a MySQL database using Docker Compose. This architecture allows you to separate your frontend (Flask application) from your backend ...

82: GPTBot ' OpenAI's new web crawler

Search engine land (Référencement)

You can now disallow ChatGPT from crawling your website and webpages. The post GPTBot – OpenAI’s new web crawler appeared first on Search Engine Land.

83: All in one devops cheetsheet

Hashnode - python (python)

(Road map with all videos link) (All things include )

84: Exploring Mirage JS: Simplifying API Mocking in React Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the fast-paced world of web development, efficiency is key. One crucial aspect of efficient development is the ability to work independently of external APIs during the early stages of building a React application. Enter Mirage JS, a powerful tool...

85: Python 101

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello, future coders! ' Are you ready to delve into the magical world of Python programming' '' Python ' is a beginner-friendly programming language that is used by beginners and pros alike, everywhere from scientific computing and web developmen...

86: Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello, future coders! ' Are you ready to delve into the magical world of Python programming' '' Python ' is a beginner-friendly programming language that is used by beginners and pros alike, everywhere from scientific computing and web developmen...

87: Difference between HTML and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is HTML' HTML which stands for hypertext markup language is a standard markup language that is used to create the structure and content of web pages. Uses of HTML 1. Web Page Structure: HTML is the backbone of web pages, providing the structure ...

88: Le cybergang Lazarus exploite les serveurs Windows IIS pour diffuser du malware

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le centre d'intervention d'urgence en matière de sécurité (Security Emergency response Center, ASEC) de l'entreprise de cybersécurité (...)

89: 100 days of Python Exercises

Hashnode - python (python)

Day 4: Use Iteration to list current and previous numbers. Today's episode is based on applying what we have looked at in the previous days. This exercise can be done in many ways but I decided to go with what I used because it looked very short and ...

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90: How to Create a Multilingual site in Next.js With next-i18next

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In an increasingly interconnected world, multilingual websites serve as indispensable tools for bridging language gaps and connecting with a global audience. By providing content in multiple languages, businesses and organizations elevat...

91: Detailed guide about Kotlin Flow

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Flows are built on the Kotlin coroutine which can emit multiple values sequentially over time. If we think about flow, it is just a stream of data which can be produced and consumed. A flow is very similar to an Iterator that produces a sequence of v...

92: From Configuration to Deployment:

Hashnode - python (python)

JSON: JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, is a popular data format for online data exchange. JSON is the best format for organizing data between a client and a server. The programming language JavaScript is comparable to this language'...

93: Avec Einstein Studio, Salesforce forme les modèles d'IA

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Salesforce a lancé vendredi un outil de formation de modèles d'IA et d'IA générative no code, baptisé Einstein Studio, (...)

94: Comment la Fédération de football de Galles lutte contre les cyberattaques

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le football européen est souvent qualifié de « beau sport », mais les menaces et les défis en matière de sécurité (...)

95: A Guide to useState in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The useState hook is one of the most important hooks in React. It allows you to add state to functional components, making use of state much easier compared to class components. In this post, we'll take a look at what the useState hook is, how it wor...

96: Concurrence : aux Etats-Unis, le procès de Google Search s'ouvrira le 12 septembre

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le ministère de la justice des Etats-Unis accuse la filiale d'Alphabet d'user de pratiques anticoncurrentielles pour conserver son monopole sur le marché des moteurs de recherche.

97: OVH va racheter la start-up allemande Gridscale

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Avec ce rachat, le groupe de Roubaix souhaite accélérer sur le marché de l'edge computing, tout en renforçant son déploiement géographique.

98: TikTok se conforme aux lois de l'UE : algorithme, ciblage, pub, ce qui change

Blog du Moderateur ()

TikTok se conforme au DSA, qui entrera en vigueur à la fin du mois d'août pour les très grandes plateformes en ligne, en apportant plusieurs changements à son application.

99: Les langages informatiques les plus populaires en août 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Le trio de tête de l'index TIOBE, composé dans l'ordre de Python, C et C++, reste inchangé.

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100: Nouvelle ère pour Brave Search : un index indépendant d'images et vidéos débarque

Abondance (Référencement)

Après avoir pris son indépendance vis-à -vis de Bing pour la recherche textuelle, désormais la recherche d'images et de vidéos est 100% gérée par le nouvel index de Brave.  Ce qu'il faut retenir :  Brave Search lance sa propre recherche d'images et de vidéos Le moteur de recherche Brave annonce le lancement de ses propres […] L'article "Nouvelle ère pour Brave Search : un [...]

101: AI in UX Design: 4 Ways AI is Used to Enhance UX Design

Noupe (conception)

AI has become an integral part of the business landscape, sparking both excitement and concerns. In a recent survey by IBM, a staggering 74% of executives shared their belief that AI will revolutionize how customers perceive their brands. That’s quite a game-changer, isn’t it' But what does it mean for UX design professionals like you'... The post AI in UX Design: 4 Ways AI [...]

102: Cryptography in Python using Fernet

Hashnode - python (python)

Let's see how to hide text in a file using Python. For this we will use Fernet which is part of the Python package So let's get right to it Ok first we need to download the crypto package using pip On Windows: pip install cryptography On Linux...

103: Tech foutraque 9 | Frontend newsletter

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Article of the week : Understanding React Server Components ' Frontend news and more... Designing Accessible Text Over Images: Best Practices, Techniques, And Resources Numbers or Brackets for numeric questions' Accordions on Desktop: When a...

104: Essential Concepts to Master in JavaScript Programming

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript, often referred to as the "language of the web," has become an indispensable skill for modern developers. With its widespread use in both front-end and back-end development, having a strong grasp of JavaScript is crucial for b...

105: La mairie de Chevilly-Larue touchée par une cyberattaque

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Depuis deux semaines, les services informatiques, la messagerie électronique et la téléphonie fixe de la ville ont été coupés. La municipalité a refusé de verser la rançon demandée par les attaquants.

106: Trouver le bon équilibre entre la valeur de l'IA et les compétences humaines

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'IA est en train de changer le monde de la programmation, un monde déjà en profonde évolution depuis plusieurs années. Je (...)

107: Day15:Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

As a DevOps Engineer, you have the power to automate tasks and manage infrastructure like a superhero! '''' One of your essential skills is working with different types of files, such as txt, json, and yaml. Each format serves a specific purpose and...

108: ClipDrop : 10 outils d'IA générative de Stability AI à découvrir

Blog du Moderateur ()

La plateforme en ligne ClipDrop permet de tester les différents outils d'IA générative conçus par Stability AI, dont la grande majorité gratuitement.

109: Préparez vos voyages facilement avec ces applications

Macternelle (enfant / Formation)

Vous prévoyez de voyager cet été ' Que ce soit pour des vacances ensoleillées ou un déplacement professionnel, votre iPhone peut être votre meilleur allié pour organiser votre voyage en toute simplicité. Voici les meilleures applications iPhone pour vous aider à trouver le logement idéal, planifier votre voyage, réserver votre transport, et garder de précieux … Lire la suite Pré [...]

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110: Comment activer le contrôle parental sur Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube et Messenger

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez comment accéder aux divers outils de contrôle parental proposés par les réseaux sociaux.

111: Cloning and Updating Your Code Base on Git: A Beginner's Guide to Continued Development (CD)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

For new beginners in continued development (CD), working with Git can seem daunting at first, but with some guidance, you'll find it's a powerful tool for managing your codebase. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of cloning an existin...

112: Finding a troll's identity

Flowing data (dataviz)

A troll kept leaving comments on a woman’s TikTok videos, so she figured…Tags: privacy, TikTok, trolls

113: Conquering Asynchrony in JavaScript: A Journey from Callbacks to Async/Await

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Blog Post Title: Mastering Async JavaScript: From Callbacks to Async/Await Introduction JavaScript has always stood out among languages for its ability to handle tasks outside the regular flow of execution. Asynchronous programming is a crucial featu...

114: Day 4: Data Structures in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Today I didn't end up having much time to study, but I did review Python and started the process of studying data structures in Python. I expect to make much more progress tomorrow.

115: Spread the Word: Exploring JavaScript's Spread Syntax

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a person who regularly codes in JavaScript, one of my most preferred and frequently used features in the language is the spread syntax. The beauty of this operator lies in its simplicity, versatility, and the clean and intuitive code that it enabl...

116: Le fondateur de Boston Dynamics révèle le futur de la robotique : êtes-vous prêts '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Marc Raibert, fondateur et PDG de Boston Dynamics, partage sa vision sur le futur de la robotique. Il révèle un … Cet article Le fondateur de Boston Dynamics révèle le futur de la robotique : êtes-vous prêts ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

117: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Python Libraries : A Python library, also known as a module, is a collection of pre-written code that offers a wide range of functionalities and tools. It provides ready-to-use functions, classes, and methods that can be imported into your Python pro...

118: Fixing the "Command Not Found" Error for Pycodestyle

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Pycodestyle based on the Pycodestyle website is a tool that is used to check for compatibility of your Python code style against some of the code conventions in the pep8. This pep8 coding style is taken to be the standard for how Python ...

119: 10 Must-Know Python Libraries

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Python has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages, thanks to its simplicity, versatility, and the vibrant community supporting it. Python libraries play a pivotal role in extending the language's capabilities, allowing ...

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120: Decorator in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, a decorator is a design pattern that allows you to modify the behavior of an object or function dynamically by wrapping it with another object or function. Decorators provide a way to add or change functionality without modifying the o...

121: Mastering useState: Empower Your React Components '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React, with its ever-evolving ecosystem, continues to be the go-to library for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. The introduction of hooks in version 16.8 brought a paradigm shift in how we approach state management and side effects i...

122: Unleashing the Power of Jetpack DataStore - Kotlin: Elevate Your Android App's Data Storage Experience

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction In the realm of Android app development, data storage reigns supreme as a critical aspect that demands meticulous attention. Whether it involves storing user preferences, key-value pairs, or typed objects, embracing a robust and efficien...

123: The Power of JavaScript Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Imagine a world without JavaScript functions, where websites remain static and lifeless. As web developers, you wield the power to bring interactivity and life to web pages through JavaScript functions. Today, we embark on a journey to e...

124: Mastering JavaScript Shorthand Techniques || Unleashing the Power of Default Parameters and More

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Learn to master JavaScript shorthand techniques! Discover the power of default parameters, arrow functions, and more. Elevate your coding skills now. Introduction: Writing clean and efficient code is essential for every JavaScript developer. Underst...

125: Building Your First Neural Network: Image Classification with MNIST Fashion Dataset

Hashnode - python (python)

As technology advances, machine learning has become an essential tool for solving various real-world problems. One fascinating area of machine learning is neural networks, which take inspiration from the human brain's neural connections. In this arti...

126: New book release: Earth Engine and Geemap

Hashnode - python (python)

My new book - Earth Engine and Geemap: Geospatial Data Science with Python has been published by Locate Press. 11 chapters, 408 pages. Available for order from Locate Press at Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introducin...

127: Configuring Flavors in Your Flutter App with Firebase Integration

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Flutter is experiencing rapid growth, leading to a wide range of use cases. As a consequence, there is a possibility of introducing breaking changes. Deploying such changes directly to app stores without thorough testing can be risky. Additionally, r...

128: What is hoisting is JavaScript '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript moves declarations to the top of their scope. This means that variables and functions in JavaScript can be used before they are declared. The key things to know about hoisting are: Only declarations are hoisted, not initializations. This ...

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Richard Carlier

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