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« Aout 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mercredi 2 Aout 2023 (134)

1: From Nuxt to Next: Why I Pivoted in My Development Journey

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Hello! In this post, I'll be discussing two libraries that have been gaining traction and are frequently mentioned in the web development world: Nuxt.js and Next.js. I'll share why, after four years of experience with Vue.js, I chose Next.js and why ...

2: Node.js: Exploring the Potential of Server-Side JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Node.js' Node.js is an open-source, server-side javascript runtime environment to build scalable, high-performance applications. It is event-driven, which means it blocks and waits for a response instead of moving to the next task. Node.js ...

3: Arrow Function Syntax

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The arrow function is supposed to be a compact alternative to the traditional function expression, but oftentimes leads to confusion for newbies. This article aims to break down the arrow function syntax and highlight the nuances when using arrow fun...

4: Amac's Creative Phone Repair Advertisement Leaves the Design Community in Awe

Webdesigner depot (Design)

A Dutch Redditor posted a phone repair company's creative advertisement last week, and designers were blown away by its ingenious double meaning.

5: Navigating Windows 11: 10 Common Problems and Their Effective Solutions

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

Windows 11, the latest (released till now) operating system from Microsoft, comes with a plethora […]

6: Functions in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Functions are a very important part of programming because they are reusable blocks of code. In Javascript, Functions are no different from other languages in that they are reusable and are used to perform specific tasks. The syntax for ...

7: Mastering Separation of Concerns in Web Development: Practical Examples with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Outline Introduction Prerequisite Understanding Separation of Concerns Applying Separation of Concerns with Practical Examples Conclusion Introduction In the world of web development, keeping your code clean and organized is absolutely crucial...

8: Understanding React Event Handling and Preventing Infinite Loops- Too many re-renders Error

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a powerful JavaScript library that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Part of its magic lies in event handling, where developers define how components respond to user interactions like clicks, keypresses, an...

9: 8 new Google Analytics 4 features to enhance app measurement and performance

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new AI-powered features were launched to help marketers better understand their audience and optimize campaigns more effectively. The post 8 new Google Analytics 4 features to enhance app measurement and performance appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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10: A Journey into JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide to Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language that has become a cornerstone of modern web development. Whether you're a seasoned developer exploring new territories or a complete beginner eager to learn the basics of web p...

11: Loops in Dart

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

There are many situations that occur while coding when we want to repeat a certain block of code a number of times. Now there are two ways to do the job. Write that block of the code number of times. Use Loops. Now in the first case, the problem ...

12: Node.js Backend Development: A Comprehensive Introduction: Part 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Introduction to Node.js: Starting from scratch with the basics of Node.js. Understanding how the web works: A brief refresher on how the web functions. Node.js in the bigger picture: Role of Node.js in building a server, web applicati...

13: Meta launches new AI tool that creates music using text prompts

Search engine land (Référencement)

AudioCraft can produce high-quality, realistic music and sound effects ' but there are some risks marketers need to consider first. The post Meta launches new AI tool that creates music using text prompts appeared first on Search Engine Land.

14: Straight from the source: Search Engine Land Awards judges reveal what makes an application award-worthy

Search engine land (Référencement)

Be specific, don't skip strategy, and stand out from the competition. Find out what the judges are looking for in your entry. Final deadline: September 1, 2023! The post Straight from the source: Search Engine Land Awards judges reveal what makes an application award-worthy appeared first on Search Engine Land.

15: Say Hi to Luc!

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

After meeting Jack and Antonio in June, it’s time to introduce you to the third...

16: JavaScript ES6 (ECMAScript 6)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you're a developer working with JavaScript, you've probably heard about ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015. Even though it was released back in 2015, ES6 remains one of the most widely used versions of ECMAScript. Whether you're just starting your...

17: Highlight optional and blank page items - Oracle APEX

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Indicators like * or labels in bold and red are typically used to indicate mandatory fields in an application. Would it not be nice, as an Oracle APEX developer, to give users of your application the ability to preview optional fields that have not y...

18: CI/CD Pipeline: Streamlining Development for Speed and Reliability

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews CI/CD Pipeline: Streamlining Development for Speed and Reliability To be able to keep up in today's competitive mobile app development world, it is essential to understand ci/cd pipeline. CI/CD Pipeline: Streamlining Development for Speed and Reliability Brian Wallace

19: Binary Heap

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A binary Heap is a tree structure it is compact as possible, all the children of the node are as full as they can and the left children are filled first. Type of Binary Heap Max Binary Heap Min Binary Heap Max Binay Heap its parent node is always...

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20: Introduction to Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Definition of Python: Python is a high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability, making it an excellent languag...

21: Coding a Bubble Chart in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Do you want to turn that data chaos into a comprehensible data show' Look no further than data visualization! And let me tell you, one chart to rule them all is the bubble chart. It's like blowing bubbles at your data and watching them pop into under...

22: Ranked: The U.S. Cities with the Most Vacant Offices

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This visual showcases the top ten U.S. downtown areas with the fastest growing rate of vacant offices from the pre-pandemic era to 2023. The post Ranked: The U.S. Cities with the Most Vacant Offices appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

23: A Fun Way to improve your CSS skill

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Day 0: What I Discovered Today; Today I found a website called "100 Days Of CSS Challenge" Where we can solve or design the problem using CSS and HTML. Here is the website link: Click here And see I completed Day 1: If you like you can check my Code...

25: YouTube Shorts launches six new features to improve content creation

Search engine land (Référencement)

Marketers now have access to six new features, including the ability to go live with Shorts videos, as well as enhanced editing capabilities. The post YouTube Shorts launches six new features to improve content creation appeared first on Search Engine Land.

26: Using the Kaizen methodology for continuous improvement

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Kaizen encourages organizations to foster a culture of empowerment, collaboration, and innovation through a structured process and a set of principles. That sentences should ring a lot of bells for product managers. The post Using the Kaizen methodology for continuous improvement appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

27: How to draw ZYZL

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing Cyndi Knapp's Zentangle® pattern: ZyZl. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

28: Google Search Generative Experience adds videos to AI-generated answers

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google also confirmed adding links to the AI-generated answers and continues to work to improve speed. The post Google Search Generative Experience adds videos to AI-generated answers appeared first on Search Engine Land.

29: Google Chrome adds search suggestions, trending searches on mobile

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google has updated the mobile version of Chrome with four new search-related features you might find useful for content planning and research. The post Google Chrome adds search suggestions, trending searches on mobile appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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30: Apple is Running One-Day Coding Labs to Allow Developers to Test their Apps on Apple Vision Pro

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Apple began accepting applications for one-day Vision Pro developer labs earlier this week. The sessions will allow developers to test and optimize their apps for the Apple Vision Pro.

31: Config Driven UI in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Config-Driven UI is a powerful approach in React development that enables dynamic management and customization of user interfaces. With its core concept based on configuration files, this method reduces dependency on developers for incremental page a...

32: Applying gestalt principles in UX design

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Designing with gestalt principles in mind can help intentionally guide user behavior, improve a design, and justify design decisions. The post Applying gestalt principles in UX design appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

33: Taylor Swift pop charts

Flowing data (dataviz)

Taylor Swift has been filling up stadiums across the United States and will…Tags: music, Reuters, Taylor Swift

34: L'IA va révolutionner Magic, Donjons & Dragons : Hasbro dévoile son plan

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Hasbro compte incorporer l'intelligence artificielle à ses jeux tels que Donjons & Dragons ou Magic the Gathering pour leur offrir … Cet article L'IA va révolutionner Magic, Donjons & Dragons : Hasbro dévoile son plan a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

35: The Complete Guide to Building SDKs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Building an SDK in TypeScript/JavaScript can significantly enhance the usability and adoption of your software by other developers. TypeScript's static typing and JavaScript's ubiquity make them a powerful duo for crafting reliable and accessible SDK...

36: Espace : comment garder votre culotte propre sur la Lune '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’exploration de l’espace lunaire est un domaine fascinant, plein de mystères et de défis. Garder les combinaisons des astronautes propres … Cet article Espace : comment garder votre culotte propre sur la Lune ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

37: Python ConfigParser Tutorial ' Comprehensive Guide To Working With Configuration Files With Python

Hashnode - python (python)

As a QA Engineer, one of the common tasks is software testing that relies on various configuration settings. These settings can include URLs, database connection strings, authentication credentials, and more. These configuration settings can be store...

38: Steganography: Part 1

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to the first in a series of posts about Steganography. Something that I find both fascinating and oddly under-utilised. If you're reading this you likely have some idea of what it is, but just in case you don't, here's a brief description in ...

39: Avec API Security, Akamai protège les différentes couches des API

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le fournisseur de sécurité dans le cloud Akamai a annoncé le lancement d'API Security, un produit conçu pour stopper les attaques (...)

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40: Lutte contre la fraude téléphonique : une harmonisation européenne qui fait encore défaut

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Stanislas de Goriainoff, CTO chez l'opérateur télécom alternatif Sewan, revient sur la nouvelle règlementation qui vient d'être mise en place pour lutter contre les appels et SMS frauduleux, par le biais du Mécanisme d'Authentification des Numéros.

41: Schema usage up 4x among top ranking ecommerce sites

Search engine land (Référencement)

As ecommerce brands gear up for the holidays, a top priority seems to be helping search engines understand the context of webpages. The post Schema usage up 4x among top ranking ecommerce sites appeared first on Search Engine Land.

42: LocalStack: Develop and Test AWS Cloud Apps Locally

Math Data Simplified (data)

Testing each change with cloud resources can become costly and time-consuming. With LocalStack, you can test your AWS cloud apps locally. This significantly reduces cloud resource consumption and provides immediate feedback on your local changes. The post LocalStack: Develop and Test AWS Cloud Apps Locally appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

43: Le fournisseur Cloudzy, base arrière pour des activités de ransomware

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Rien a priori ne laissait supposer que le fournisseur de cloud, Cloudzy, basé à New York depuis 2008, était en réalité (...)

44: Integrating GraphQL subscriptions in an Angular app

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how to integrate GraphQL subscriptions in an Angular app to get real-time updates from a WebSocket server when events occur. The post Integrating GraphQL subscriptions in an Angular app appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

45: Using Niko-Niko to enhance team happiness

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Niko-Niko is an effective practice in agile product development used to boost the happiness and well-being of product team members. The post Using Niko-Niko to enhance team happiness appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

46: Journey Of JavaScript and Understand Events, Strings, and Numbers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to the exciting world of JavaScript, where interactivity and functionality come to life! In this comprehensive blog, we will explore some fascinating aspects of JavaScript, including events, strings, template literals, and numbers. Understand...

47: Debugging Detective: The Case of the Impure Function

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A note before we begin: One of my favorite things about programming is debugging. I recognize that this statement may not resonate with everyone in the larger software engineering community, especially anyone who is currently working on a particularl...

48: How to create a link building strategy

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn the elements of a "good strategy" and a method to map your situational analysis into a strategic link building framework. The post How to create a link building strategy appeared first on Search Engine Land.

49: Why python is need for Devops

Hashnode - python (python)

As Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that has gained immense popularity in the world of DevOps. DevOps is a set of practices that emphasize collaboration and integration between software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops)...

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50: Ce que nous réserve le Meta Connect 2023 (Réalité Virtuelle)

L'événement annuel Meta Connect aura lieu le 27 septembre 2023. A cette occasion, nous aurons […] Cet article Ce que nous réserve le Meta Connect 2023 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

51: Votre cerveau bientôt fusionné avec l'IA ' C'est le pari fou de cette startup

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une équipe de chercheurs australiens veut fusionner l'IA avec des cellules cérébrales humaines, et leur créature parvient déjà à jouer … Cet article Votre cerveau bientôt fusionné avec l'IA ' C'est le pari fou de cette startup a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

52: Comment cette alliance des géants de la tech façonne l'avenir du contenu 3D (Réalité Virtuelle)

Apple forme une nouvelle alliance avec les géants de la technologie comme Nvidia, Autodesk, Adobe […] Cet article Comment cette alliance des géants de la tech façonne l'avenir du contenu 3D a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

53: JavaScript Array methods

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a programming language. It is maintained by ECMA SCRIPT. Array An Array is a non-primitive data type, we can store different types of values inside an Array. example: let arr = [1, 2, 'Sudhanshu', "Modi", 8.6] An array is enclosed with...

54: ' Top 5 full-stack JS frameworks in 2023 - which one should you pick for your next project' '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this post, we'll explore five of the top full-stack JavaScript frameworks of 2023 that every developer should consider for their next project - RedwoodJS, Wasp, T3 stack, MeteorJS, and the evergreen MERN Stack. Depending on your requirements, pick...

55: Le CNRS veut sortir les start-ups des laboratoires

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le CNRS renforce son soutien aux start-ups en s'alliant à cinq start-ups studios spécialisés dans des secteurs comme les biotech, (...)

56: DataScientest ouvre ses formations data à l'apprentissage

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Spécialisé dans les formations aux métiers des données, DataScientest annonce l'ouverture à l'apprentissage (...)

57: A guide to the four new Array.prototype methods in JavaScript

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Four new Array.prototype methods were recently approved as part of ECMAScript 2023. Read about how to use them in this detailed guide. The post A guide to the four new <code>Array.prototype</code> methods in JavaScript appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

58: Découvrez la sélection des meilleurs jeux VR - août 2023 (Réalité Virtuelle)

Quels sont les meilleurs jeux VR récents disponibles auxquels vous pouvez jouer en ce moment ' […] Cet article Découvrez la sélection des meilleurs jeux VR - août 2023 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

59: Essential qualities of a successful leader

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Good leaders are less interested in the how and more interested in pushing their team towards achieving the end goal. The post Essential qualities of a successful leader appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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60: The Pros and Cons of Learning Web Development Directly with Frameworks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Web development has evolved rapidly over the years, with various frameworks and libraries enabling developers to streamline their workflows and build complex applications more efficiently. Aspiring web developers often wonder whether it...

61: How to optimize your free product listings in Google Shopping

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google Shopping's free product listings can boost your sales at no extra cost. Use these tips to make your listings more discoverable. The post How to optimize your free product listings in Google Shopping appeared first on Search Engine Land.

62: Comment Amazon espère se relancer dans le commerce alimentaire

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le géant américain du commerce en ligne va se reposer davantage sur les codes traditionnels de la distribution que sur la volonté de mettre en avant des innovations technologiques.

63: Foxconn investit 800 millions de dollars dans des nouvelles usines en Inde

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La société taïwanaise, leader mondial de la fabrication de composants électroniques, a annoncé lundi et mercredi trois grands projets d'usines dans les états de Karnataka et Tamil Nadu. Foxconn fournit notamment Apple, qui cherche à réduire sa dépendance à la Chine.

64: Colors of Positivity: Uplifting Your Website Design

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Color plays a fundamental role in our lives. It sets the tone, evokes emotions, and influences our mood. Consequently, the colors you use for a website can have a tremendous impact on how a brand is perceived. Today, we will delve into the world of positive colors, their effect on web design, and how they can infuse your design with a sense of optimism.

65: The Power of Indexing: Boosting Data Wrangling Efficiency with Pandas

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Pandas is the most widely used Python library for data manipulation, and it allows us to access and manipulate data efficiently. By understanding and utilizing indexing techniques effectively in Pandas, we can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of our data-wrangling tasks. In this article, we'll explore various indexing

66: PSVR 2 : les jeux à essayer impérativement dès sa sortie (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le PSVR 2 permet enfin de profiter de jeux VR aux graphismes impressionnants. Nous dressons […] Cet article PSVR 2 : les jeux à essayer impérativement dès sa sortie a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

67: Qu'est-ce que le Meta Quest+ ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

La plupart des joueurs ne rêvent que de découvrir les meilleurs titres sur la plateforme […] Cet article Qu'est-ce que le Meta Quest+ ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

68: The best AI tools for global SEO expansion

Search engine land (Référencement)

Looking to expand your business internationally' Use AI to approach translation and localization from a functional and SEO perspective. The post The best AI tools for global SEO expansion appeared first on Search Engine Land.

69: Top des meilleurs sites web pour trouver des coloriages Pokémon (Réalité Virtuelle)

Pokémon est une célèbre série qui a son propre livre de coloriage pour enfants. Cela […] Cet article Top des meilleurs sites web pour trouver des coloriages Pokémon a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

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70: Walrus Operator

Hashnode - python (python)

The Walrus operator, also known as the "assignment expression," is a new feature introduced in Python 3.8. It allows you to assign a value to a variable as part of an expression, which can help simplify your code and make it more readable. The syntax...

71: Meta perd 40 milliards dans le métavers : La réaction choquante de Mark Zuckerberg

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le métavers de Mark Zuckerberg perd plus de 40 milliards de dollars. Cette perte colossale ne semble pas inquiéter le … Cet article Meta perd 40 milliards dans le métavers : La réaction choquante de Mark Zuckerberg a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

72: Un malware pour contrôler les Mac circule sur le dark web

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'entreprise de sécurité Guards a débusqué un logiciel malveillant capable de prendre le contrôle à distance d'un (...)

73: Animated Background with SVG in Pure CSS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

we we made a fantastic background animation in CSS Output Source Code

74: Day13: Basics of Python

Hashnode - python (python)

' Python - The Friendly Programming Language! ' Hey there, tech enthusiasts! ' Are you curious about Python and how to get started with it' ' Well, you're in the right place! ' ' What is Python' Python ' is a popular and user-friendly programm...

75: Day 05: Manipulating the DOM with Refs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

#100DaysOfCode Day 05: Manipulating the DOM with Refs Cont. Learned how we can manipulate the DOM with Refs in react. Using Refs we can create a reference to a particular node in DOM and then with the help of that Ref we can use browser APIs on t...

76: Day 04: Referencing Values with Refs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

#100DaysOfCode Day 04: Referencing Values with Refs Learned about refs, which is used when we want a component to remember something but you don't want that information to trigger new renders, that's where you use the useRef hook from React. If you...

77: Day 03: Render props

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

#100DaysOfCode Day 03: Render props Learned about React render props, which is a technique to share code or data between components. Render props allows the parent component to have more control over the rendering of the child component. Instead o...

78: Day 02: React Life Cycle Methods & Lists & Keys

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

#100DaysOfCode Day 02: React Life Cycle Methods & Lists & Keys Learned about the react life cycle methods, there are three stages: 1. Mounting 2. Updating 3. Unmounting Following are the life cycle methods:1. constructor(): Set up initial state a...

79: REST & SPREAD Operators in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that offers various features to make coding easier and efficient. Two of such features are Rest and Spread Operators. These operators allow developers to manipulate arrays, objects, and other iterable d...

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80: Day 01: React Composition

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

#100DaysOfCode Day 01: React Composition Learned about the React composition, which is a development pattern based on React's original component model where we build components from other components using explicitly defined props or implicit children...

81: L'utilisation de l'IA générative gagne du terrain dans les entreprises

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'utilisation de l'IA générative dans les entreprises est déjà répandue, bien que cette technologie en soit encore à (...)

82: Building Live Search Functionality with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The live search function is an important tool in modern websites that filters results based on a user's preference. This improves customers' experience and saves users the stress of navigating through hundreds of results to find a specif...

83: A Look Behind the Scenes - How React Works

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. But how does it work behind the abstraction of components and props' In this post, we'll look at some of the core principles that make React tick under the hood. The ...

84: Google fait entrer l'IA générative dans les algorithmes d'apprentissage de ses robots

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Google DeepMind a présenté RT-2, un nouveau "modèle d'action-vision-langage", qui combine les capacités des grands modèles de langage entraînés sur le web avec les mécanismes permettant aux robots de service de réaliser des actions dans leur environnement.

85: Softbank table sur une IPO valorisant ARM entre 60 et 70 Md$

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La tournée de présentation du projet d'IPO d'ARM doit débuter la première semaine de septembre, mais le projet (...)

86: Creating React app without create-react-app

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's build our react app from scratch we'll not use npm create-react-app, but instead, we'll build our app from scratch and see what happens behind when we enter npm create-react-app. So let's start by making a new directory mkdir react-from-scratch...

87: What is Function Scope'

Hashnode - python (python)

What is the meaning of function scope' This scope means that the variables are only accessible in the function in which they are declared. In one file, there are many types of functions. In those functions, there are many variables. But those variabl...

88: Les espions britanniques demandent un assouplissement de la loi sur l'IA et la vie privée

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le MI5, le MI6 et le GCHQ demandent au gouvernement davantage de liberté vis-à-vis du traitement des données personnelles des citoyens britanniques utilisant l'intelligence artificielle.

89: TweetDeck devient XPro : l'outil commence lentement sa mutation

Blog du Moderateur ()

Annoncé récemment, le changement de nom de TweetDeck est maintenant effectif. L'outil s'appelle désormais XPro et... c'est tout, pour le moment.

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90: Closure in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Closures are a powerful and often misunderstood concept in JavaScript. In simple terms, a closure is a function that remembers the variables and parameters in the scope where it was created, even after that scope has finished executing. This allows t...

91: My Journey Creating MY First Calculator App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a budding programmer during my coding journey, I embarked on a quest to create my very own calculator app. Little did I know that this seemingly straightforward endeavor would not only teach me about coding but also unravel the intriguing world of...

92: Voyager 2 : la NASA se trompe de commande, le vaisseau se perd dans l'espace

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une simple erreur peut mener à une recherche interstellaire. C’est la situation actuelle de la NASA, qui s’efforce de reprendre … Cet article Voyager 2 : la NASA se trompe de commande, le vaisseau se perd dans l'espace a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

93: Meta : bientôt des chatbots IA sur Instagram, Facebook et WhatsApp '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les agents conversationnels seront dotés de personnalités distinctes et pourront répondre à des requêtes ou présenter des recommandations aux utilisateurs.

94: ' Day 15 Task: Python Libraries for DevOps '

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey there, fellow DevOps Engineers! ' Today, we'll dive into the world of Python libraries that make our lives easier when it comes to parsing files like txt, json, and yaml. ' Let's get started! ' Reading JSON and YAML in Python ' As DevOps Engi...

95: AWS va facturer les adesses IPv4 publiques

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Consommateurs d'adresses IPv4 chez AWS préparez-vous à sortir le porte-monnaie. Le fournisseur de cloud a annoncé en fin (...)

96: Getting started with machine learning on Kaggle '

Hashnode - python (python)

You might have heard of artificial intelligence and machine learning. AI is a broad and interdisciplinary domain that intersects with various disciplines, including computer science, mathematics, neuroscience, and linguistics. You might have heard ab...

97: Nouveautés YouTube Shorts : mode collab, autocollants, lives, tout savoir

Blog du Moderateur ()

YouTube Shorts fait le plein de nouveautés, en s'inspirant largement de TikTok.

98: Les puces Meteor Lake lanceront l'ère du «PC IA», proclame le CEO d'Intel

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les prochains processeurs pour postes de travail Meteor Lake (14e génération) font entrer l'IT dans l'ère des « AI (...)

99: Les métiers du développement séduisent toujours les demandeurs d'emploi

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les vagues de licenciements dans la tech ont beau se succéder, le développement logiciel reste perçu comme un eldorado par les personnes (...)

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100: La Chine limite l'usage des smartphones pour les mineurs

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Un nouveau cadre réglementaire préconise d'interdire aux mineurs d'utiliser leur smartphone plus de deux heures par jour. Il autorise les contenus divertissants à condition qu'ils présentent 'une signification positive et éclairante'.

101: JavaScript Array & It's Methods

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Arrays in JavaScript' Arrays in JavaScript can be seen as containers that can be used to store more than one value and then assign that collection of values to a single variable. These values can be of the same datatype or can be of differ...

102: Hello World

Hashnode - python (python)

It's Arpan Tamrakar here An Astophile, This is my first blog. Starting with a big Thankyou to this community for having such amazing blogs by various developers. Stay tuned for exiting blogs from Arpan..... Till then Bye and take care

103: "react-next-tilt" and "react-flip-tilt" NPM Packages

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Table of Contents The Beginning The Line Glare Effect useImperativeHandle() and Async Animation Problems with the Tilt Component Reinventing a Better Wheel (Tilt Component) The Spot Glare Effect useAnimationFrame() and will-change...

104: L'utilité et les limites des notations en cybersécurité en débat

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le 6 juillet 2023, l'Isaca-Afai (branche française de l'Isaca, association internationale qui oeuvre pour améliorer la gouvernance des systèmes (...)

106: Bien choisir son assurance vie : les critères à prendre en compte

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'assurance vie est un excellent moyen de se constituer un capital sur le long terme et de compléter ses revenus … Cet article Bien choisir son assurance vie : les critères à prendre en compte a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

107: Top des meilleurs VPN pour Xbox pour profiter pleinement de vos jeux

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Vous cherchez à améliorer la sécurité de votre Xbox tout en bénéficiant d’un accès illimité à des jeux et contenus … Cet article Top des meilleurs VPN pour Xbox pour profiter pleinement de vos jeux a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

108: AMD promet de lancer ses puces dédiées à l'IA avant la fin de l'année

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le groupe américain, qui rêve de rivaliser avec Nvidia, assure que sa puce est la "plus avancée" du marché. Mais il n'a encore séduit aucun client à quelques mois du lancement de la commercialisation.

109: Kotlin Code Smell 24 - Too Many Attributes

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Problem Low Cohesion Coupling Maintainability Readability Solution Identify methods related to attributes. Group these methods into clusters. Create separate objects for each cluster. Replace existing references with new objects. Examples...

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110: 5 formations pour se lancer dans le e-commerce

Blog du Moderateur ()

Envie de lancer une boutique en ligne ' Découvrez notre sélection de formations pour apprendre à développer et gérer une plateforme e-commerce.

111: Unleashing the Power of Web APIs with FastAPI: An Introduction

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction to FastAPI: Building Modern Web APIs Made Simple In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying ahead of the curve is vital for any business looking to establish a robust online presence. As a leading website design company i...

112: Creating a Python web application using Flask and Docker


Hashnode - python (python)

step1 - Install Docker: Ensure that Docker is installed on your Linux machine. You can check the Docker installation by running docker --version in the terminal. If Docker is not installed, follow the official Docker installation guide for your Linux...

113: Search Generative Experience : Google ajoute des liens dans les réponses instantanées

Abondance (Référencement)

La plus grande critique faite à l'encontre de la SGE était le manque de liens dans les réponses instantanées. Google ajoute désormais des liens renvoyant vers les sources d'informations utilisées. Affichage des liens dans les réponses instantanées Comme cela a été remarqué sur Twitter par Shalom Goodman, la SGE de Google apporte désormais des liens […] L'article "Search Generativ [...]

114: Day 15 Task: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Python day-to-day tasks Tasks Create a Dictionary in Python and write it to a JSON File simply create a dictionary in Python and convert this Python object into JSON object and write into the JSON file. Json.dumps() - convert the python object int...

115: BIM et format IFC : Industry Foundation Classes

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le format IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) est destiné à faciliter l'échange de données en permettant l’interopérabilité des logiciels BIM.  L’IFC … Cet article BIM et format IFC : Industry Foundation Classes a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

116: VAR vs LET vs CONST in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In ES6, some new features were introduced, including let and const, which offer alternatives for declaring variables. You might be wondering how they differ from the traditional var that we've been using. If you're not clear about this yet, don't wor...

117: VAR vs LET vs CONST in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In ES6, some new features were introduced, including let and const, which offer alternatives for declaring variables. You might be wondering how they differ from the traditional var that we've been using. If you're not clear about this yet, don't wor...

118: Day 15: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Reading JSON and YAML in Python As a DevOps Engineer, you should be able to parse files, be it txt, json, yaml, etc. You should know what all libraries one should use in Python for DevOps. Python has numerous libraries like os, sys, json, yaml etc...

119: Creating a Basic Shopping App with Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

This Flutter code defines a simple Shopping App with a Homepage and a ShoppingApp screen. Let's go through each part: Import Statements: The code imports necessary packages from the flutter/material.dart library, which is the foundation for buildin...

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120: Ranked: The 15 Richest Multi-Generational Families in Asia

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This graphic shows the 15 richest families in Asia. From energy to banking, these dynasties have built fortunes across many sectors. The post Ranked: The 15 Richest Multi-Generational Families in Asia appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

121: [TOP] Tour d'horizon des jeux d'horreur VR les plus effrayants du moment (Réalité Virtuelle)

Pour ceux qui souhaitent s'offrir une bonne dose de frayeur, jouer à des jeux d'horreur […] Cet article [TOP] Tour d'horizon des jeux d'horreur VR les plus effrayants du moment a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

122: Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to #day14 of the #90DaysofDevOps challenge. In the last blog we had a brief introduction to Python data types, continuing that journey, today we'll dive deep into Lists, Sets, and Dictionaries. We will follow a more hands-on approach by doing...

123: Microservice Architecture and System Design with Python & Kubernetes | Auth

Hashnode - python (python)

Architecture ' Tools and Languages Used ' Python Docker Kubernetes MongoDB MySQL RabbitMQ Working '' The Client uploads the video to be converted, the video will first hit our API gateway. API gateway will store the video in MongoDB and ...

124: Mapping Record-High Heat in U.S. Cities (data)

We're tracking how the hottest year on Earth is affecting heat records.

125: Mastering Flutter Layouts: Building Beautiful UIs with Rows and Columns

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter has emerged as a leading framework for mobile app development, renowned for its flexibility and performance. When it comes to creating stunning Flutter applications, mastering layout design is a key skill. In this blog, we'll dive into the wo...

126: Commanding Your Daily Job Tasks With Prompt Engineering

Hashnode - python (python)

Prompt Engineering''' Why Prompt Engineering' I understand, but you need to come to an understanding that the world is evolving every day, and for you to be competent at your job, you need to hone your skill sets. When it comes to evolution, I am tal...

127: Journey Into the Tech World: From Robotics Club to Full-Stack Aspirations

Hashnode - python (python)

' My tech journey started in Grade 6 with a robotics club. The first time I saw a robot move, I was hooked. From building and competing for my school to winning national and international competitions, it was an incredible ride. ' In high school, m...

128: Mastering React.js Hooks: A Comprehensive Guide 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction React hooks are functions provided by React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, that enable you to add state and other React features to functional components. In this article, we would be discussing useState(). P...

129: Understanding JavaScript's Shift() Method of an Array

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In my previous articles, I explained JavaScript's pop () and push() methods of an array. In this article, we will explore the shift() method of an array. By the end of this article, you will understand the details of the shift() method, ...

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130: Reddit Updates its Design to Improve the Logged-out User Experience

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Reddit is taking critical steps to improve the user experience for logged-out visitors. Updates include a streamlined UI, more helpful search results, and improved performance.

131: Visualize javascript's array.filter() by building product filter buttons

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript's array.filter method is an array method you've likely heard of, read about or even used while following a few tutorials or solving javascript algorithm questions. It's a very important array method you'll use a lot. The array.filter metho...

132: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Reading JSON and YAML in Python As a DevOps Engineer handling various file formats like JSON and YAML is crucial for managing configurations, data, and automation tasks. Python provides several libraries to work with these file formats efficiently. H...

133: JavaScript: From beginner to Mastery

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is javascript' JavaScript is a programming language use for building interactive and dynamic web application, it can be use of the client side(what users can see) and the server side(users can't see). It allows functionality and behavior to web ...

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Richard Carlier

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