Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
They are two categories of data types in JavaScript which are premitive data types also called value types and non premitive data types also called reference types. Primitive Data Types or value type. String: Represents textual data and is enclosed i...
In a previous article, we discussed the singleton design pattern and saw how it could be applied in practice. In this article, we'll be discussing the prototype design pattern, when to use it and how to use it. The prototype design pattern lets you a...
Introduction When developing React.js applications, you might occasionally encounter the "Enable JavaScript to Run This App" error. This error typically arises due to misconfigurations in your server setup or proxy settings, typically when using React. In this article, we'll go over how to correctly set up your React.js
Porno VR, sextoys connectés', L’intimité artificielle a le potentiel de changer notre façon d’interagir. Dans […] Cet article L’intimité artificielle : solution à l’épidémie de solitude ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Google warns against deleting older content, saying that content can be helpful. However, pruning content can be helpful for your SEO. The post Google warns against content pruning as CNET deletes thousands of pages appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction Event handling is a fundamental aspect of modern web development, enabling dynamic and interactive user experiences. At the heart of event handling lies the concept of "event bubbling," a critical mechanism that dictates how events trave...
WebProNews US Supreme Court Grants Apple’s Request to Delay App Store Changes Until Final Ruling Apple has scored yet another victory in its legal battle with Epic Games, with the US Supreme Court ruling that Apple does not have to make changes to the App Store till the case is decided. US Supreme Court Grants Apple’s Request to Delay App Store Changes Until Final Ruling Matt Milano
Using ChatGPT, retailer Newegg now highlights pros and cons, plus summaries of customer reviews on product pages. The post Ecommerce brand debuts AI-generated product review summaries appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Arrow Functions are a short and concise manner to represent functions in Dart. Arrow functions are also called Lambda Functions. But here remember that by using the Arrow function's syntax you can only return one expression. It must be only one line ...
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The updated document provides better insight into the benefits of Performance Max, and contains advice for more effective marketing. The post Google’s Performance Max Best Practices Guide gets major update appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Introduction: In today's fast-paced world, music has the power to soothe our souls and lift our spirits. I recently embarked on a fun and straightforward web development journey to create a simple yet effective Music Player. Let's explore how I put t...
In this blog, we are going to learn the following... What is the Haversine Formula Why it would be useful How to use MSSQL or MySQL Quick React NodeJS/ExpressJS API Example with Sequelize What Is The Haversine Formula The Haversine Formula has ...
Olá! Criei este tutorial básico para ensinar como utilizar Next-UI com Next JS 13 pois não achei em português e até mesmo em Inglês nenhum blog ou plataforma ensinando como utilizar Next-UI juntamente com Next JS 13. Contexto:Next UI é uma library ...
Transform your content strategy and truly connect with your audience. The post Webinar: The art of winning audiences through content appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Reading JSON and YAML in Python for DevOps Tasks '' As a DevOps Engineer, having the ability to work with various file formats such as JSON and YAML is crucial. These formats are commonly used for configuration files, data exchange, and other setti...
Introduction JavaScript is a versatile programming language known for its unique approach to object-oriented programming through prototypal inheritance. Unlike traditional class-based languages, JavaScript utilizes a prototype-based model that allows...
A promise is an object that represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. A promise can also have a value, which is the result of the operation if...
What are Function Overloads' Function Overloads in Typescript allow us to define multiple function signatures for the same function. Each signature specifies a particular set of parameter types and the corresponding return type. This feature enables ...
The new tools give marketers more say over ad placement. The post X (Twitter) unveils new features to boost control and safety for advertisers appeared first on Search Engine Land.
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This is more of a personal note to self than a blog post. When running various test scenarios, I calculate the size of the lakehouse by calculating the size of its folders (Files and Tables). The code I use is below. I'm sharing it here to save mysel...
Une IA imagine de l'eau sur Mars. Une vision du futur ' Ce serait plutôt le contraire à en croire … Cet article Cette IA imagine de l’eau sur Mars : une vision du futur ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
After learning basic Linux and Git-GitHub commands, let's start with the Basics of Python as this is also important for DevOps Engineers to build the logic and programs. What is Python' Python is an Open source, general-purpose, high-level, and objec...
- La traduction linguistique de Gmail enfin sur mobile. Google annonce une intégration de la traduction native dans l'application mobile Gmail afin (...)
Le mois d'août est souvent synonyme de torpeur. Pas pour Orange qui, après plus de 20 ans de présence dans la Silicon Valley, à (...)
Le mois d'août est souvent synonyme de torpeur. Pas pour Orange qui, après plus de 20 ans de présence dans la Silicon Valley, à (...)
Introduction JavaScript, the ubiquitous language of the web, has come a long way since its inception. One of the key elements contributing to its performance evolution is the role of compilers. If you're a codinguru looking to enhance your understand...
Une vulnérabilité découverte par le chercheur en sécurité de Google, Daniel Moghimi, dans plusieurs générations (...)
How much does each country contribute to the $105 trillion world economy in 2023, and what nations are seeing their nominal GDPs shrink' The post Visualizing the $105 Trillion World Economy in One Chart appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Introduction: In today's rapidly evolving web development landscape, creating engaging and interactive user interfaces has become a key aspect of building successful websites. In this blog post, we're going to explore how to implement dynamic content...
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Repositioning is a powerful concept because it allows you to leverage faster, less expensive techniques to jumpstart growth. The post How to reposition a failing product appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Online instructions for drawing CZT® Carmen Varela Trigo's Zentangle® pattern: Onda. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
Modern JavaScript ES6 array methods. Specifically, we'll be exploring the fantastic quartet: map(), forEach(), filter(), and reduce(). These methods are your trusty companions for unleashing the power of arrays in JavaScript. Let's embark on this enl...
function That multiplyByTwo takes a number as a parameter and returns the result of multiplying it by 2. Use a callback function to print the result. // No 1 function multiplyByTwo(number, callback) { var result = number * 2; callback(result); ...
WebProNews Google Adds Translation to Gmail Mobile Google has added a major new feature to the mobile version of Gmail, giving users the ability to translate emails. Google Adds Translation to Gmail Mobile Staff
Banner blindness is an increasingly common phenomenon in digital product design and can impact how you advertise products and services. The post Avoiding banner blindness: Designing for attention in UX appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Long time, no see. In this article, I'll be explaining and using the top 10 most powerful JS array methods to help boost your JS skills. Whenever I work on my array methods skills, it really boosts my confidence as a developer and helps me work more ...
The search engine has sent its proposal to the Australian government, urging policymakers to change existing copyright laws. The post Google says all online content should be available for AI training unless publishers opt out appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Certes, ce n'est pas le déluge, mais quand même une belle pluie de correctifs que Microsoft fait tomber en ce mois d'août. Avec 74 patchs, (...)
The read_csv method in Pandas loads all rows of the dataset into the DataFrame before filtering to remove all unwanted rows. On the other hand, the scan_csv method in Polars delays execution and optimizes the operation until the collect method is called. This approach accelerates code execution, particularly when handling large datasets. The post Polars vs. Pandas for CSV Loading and Filtering ap [...]
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Suite à la découverte d'un squelette en Chine, toutes les certitudes sur l'évolution humaine viennent d'être balayées. Il pourrait s'agir … Cet article Un nouveau type d’humain découvert en Chine ' Les scientifiques en état de choc a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Hello, and welcome to Part two of the series 'Introduction to Python Programming.' If you have not gone through the previous episode, kindly find the link below to part one. Introduction to python programming - part one Python Variables Variables are...
Les récentes ambitions de Meta en matière d'intelligence artificielle générative ont eu raison d'un projet de recherche fondamentale mené par des chercheurs sur la structure des protéines.
A close collaboration with customer support equips product managers with a more attuned ear to the voice of the customer, ensuring their strategies are anchored in real-world issues rather than hypothetical scenarios. The post Integrating customer support into your product strategy appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Discover four of the best animated icon libraries for React that take their inspiration from the popular Feather icon library. The post Best Feather-inspired animated icon libraries for React appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Rust and Elixir are rated highly among the most loved programming languages. Rust and Elixir are gaining a lot of attention recently. Safety and Performance boost of Rust, while Elixir's immutability and pattern matching baked-in would blow any inter...
Le groupe japonais, qui fournit les capteurs photo d'une grande partie des smartphones du marché, n'anticipe plus une amélioration des ventes d'ici à la fin de l'année. En cause, une reprise plus lente qu'espéré en Chine et aux Etats-Unis.
Learn how OpenAI's latest plugin can help you analyze internal linking, perform server log analysis, and more for better SEO results. The post 5 SEO use cases for the ChatGPT code interpreter plugin appeared first on Search Engine Land.
'''What are JSON and YAML in Python'' JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) and YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) are both popular data serialization formats used in Python and many other programming languages. They are used to represent structured d...
Les guides de voyages écrits par des IA comme ChatGPT inondent Amazon. Découvrez comment détecter ces arnaques, pour éviter de … Cet article Il achète un guide de Paris sur Amazon : c'est une arnaque écrite par ChatGPT a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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Meta est rattrapé par l'autorité norvégienne de protection des données (également appelée Datatilsynet (...)
Bonne nouvelle pour l'emploi IT. L'implantation en Europe d'une première usine par le fabricant taïwanais de semi-conducteurs TSMC va (...)
You bootstrap a new project with TailwindCSS and VSCode hits you with the line saying that the @apply and @tailwind rule doesn't exist. There are two ways to fix this warning. First Solution You can associate the global stylesheet that contains the @...
When it comes to searching algorithms, we often think of the usual suspects like Binary Search or Linear Search. But what should we choose when we have a sorted, unbounded lists where the length is unknown or not easy to determine' Enter Exponential Search, a unique algorithm that doubles the
La plateforme Slack procède à une refonte et propose une nouvelle interface utilisateur, qui sera déployée au cours des prochains mois. Découvrez toutes les nouveautés !
Conjoint analysis is a statistical method often used to conduct market research and evaluate how customers value different product attributes. The post What is conjoint analysis for market research' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Adding a pop-up modal to your React app can be a useful way to engage with users. Let's create one from scratch with the native HTML5 element. The post Creating a reusable pop-up modal in React from scratch appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
In a paper written by Donald Knuth, there is a famous quote that says: "Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a ...
Check python version python --version Output: As you can see in the above screenshot, Python 2.7.17 is the default Python version. So, the question is, How to make python3 a default interpreter in Ubuntu Install python3.6 on your Ubuntu machine s...
Les applications de stockage cloud ont révolutionné notre accès et stockage de fichiers. Depuis son lancement, l’appli pCloud iOS assure … Cet article Comment tirer profit de l’appli pCloud sur iOS ' Tout savoir ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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Learn how Google Ads scripts and the new "mutate" function redefine campaign management and how to tap into the full potential of the Ads API. The post Google Ads scripts usher in a new era with API access appeared first on Search Engine Land.
En cinq ans, la plateforme 16shop a été à l'origine de plus de 150 000 campagnes de phishing. Interpol dénombre au moins 70 000 victimes.
La société chinoise, filiale du groupe Alibaba, s'est lancée en avril dans l'intelligence artificielle générative avec le déploiement d'un premier grand modèle de langage. Elle veut désormais démocratiser l'usage de ses outils.
Les lunettes connectées de Meta (anciennement Facebook) ne seraient « utilisées activement » que par […] Cet article Les Ray-Ban Stories sont-ils en déclin ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
La société Rokid vient de lancer un appareil immersift, le Rokid Station. Grâce à cette […] Cet article Le dernier appareil immersif de Rokid mérite une attention particulière a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
You know how it is - you're browsing online, not even thinking about work, and then bam, there it is, a gorgeous typeface. You just have to have it!
try... except...: In the previous part, we learned about the exceptions. In this part, we continue learning about how to handle them. Using ...try and ...except block. You might think of an exception that might occur given some condition but you don'...
There's a critical gap in search marketing education and leadership within companies. Here's why addressing it matters and ways to solve it. The post Why search marketing education is a MUST within companies appeared first on Search Engine Land.
DAY 6: Using Functions We will be taking an exercise on functions but before that, we have to take a quick look at functions again. FUNCTION: Let's say you have a logic you would be using in your code but you don't want to be rewriting the whole thin...
Next.js is a React-based framework for building performant, optimized, and scalable full-stack applications. As React developers, we create components, manage state, and handle data communications between them. Then Next.js comes on top of it to prov...
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L'entreprise américaine, qui offre des services de paiement en ligne partout dans le monde, lance son stablecoin arrimé au dollar avec Paxos. Un tournant pour l'adoption des cryptomonnaies comme moyen de paiement '
If you have ever worked with reducers in React in the past, you may have noticed that best practices come with a lot of boilerplate. This article looks into why we use these practices, as well as introduces an ergonomic way to implement data types fo...
Basics of Typescript:- TypeScript is a free and open-source programming language that adds static type-checking to Javascript. It is designed for the development of large applications and transpile to JavaScript. For more basic details visit- http...
CSS image sprites are a powerful technique for optimizing web app performance by reducing the number of HTTP requests and enhancing page loading times. Benefits of Using Image Sprites Fewer HTTP Requests: Image sprites consolidate multiple images in...
In Java, an object is a fundamental unit of a class, which is a blueprint or template for creating objects. Objects are instances of classes and represent real-world entities, concepts, or data structures in your program. They encapsulate data (attri...
In Python, objects are the fundamental building blocks of the language. Everything in Python is an object, including basic data types like integers and strings, as well as more complex data structures like lists, dictionaries, and even functions. An ...
Get insights, help causes and feel good. The post Local SEO for Good – LIVE: The virtual conference that gives back appeared first on Search Engine Land.
ChatGPT allié des sportifs ' Oui. Depuis quelques années, l'industrie sportive comme les athlètes lambdas exploitent la puissance de la … Cet article Il utilise ChatGPT pour préparer un marathon et explose son record a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Hooks were added to React in version 16.8. Hooks allow function components to have access to state and other React features Because of this, class components are generally no longer needed.State management in React refers to the management of the dat...
Depjuis plusieurs mois Nvidia redouble d'efforts dans les applications IA. C'est donc sans surprise que son CEO, Jensen Huang, a fait d'autres annonces (...)
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À l'origine positionné dans le back-up as a service et la gestion des données cloud, Rubrik a renforcé depuis quelques années (...)
Introduction If you've ever found yourself scratching your head over the intricacies of the this keyword in JavaScript, you're not alone. This little word carries a lot of weight, often leading to perplexing moments and unexpected behavior. In this j...
Il s'appelle GPTBot et pourrait devenir un cauchemar si vous ne le bloquez pas. Il s'agit d'un robot d'exploration (...)
A carefully selected compilation of websites with really good web designs that have caught our attention over the past few weeks.
Les jeux vidéo ont toujours été une source de divertissement passionnante. Cependant, il est rare de voir une anticipation aussi … Cet article GTA 6 : la carte du jeu vient de leak, découvrez les folles surprises a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Alors que la plateforme peine à retrouver les revenus publicitaires d'avant son rachat par Elon Musk, une nouvelle fonctionnalité va permettre aux annonceurs de mieux placer leurs campagnes en évitant les très nombreux contenus haineux et explicites.
Une mamie a retiré un montant considérable de 194 000 euros de son contrat d’assurance-vie, qu’elle a ensuite remis à … Cet article Arnaque téléphonique : cette mamie se fait voler 200 000', la justice classe l’affaire a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Le conglomérat japonais Softbank multiplie les discussions avec des géants technologiques pour les convaincre d'investir dans sa filiale britannique, connue pour son architecture ARM, en amont de son introduction en bourse.
Python has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages in the world, thanks to its simplicity, versatility, and extensive range of libraries and frameworks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, mastering Python can open...
Introduction Testimonials are a powerful tool to showcase the credibility and value of your products or services. Imagine being able to present them dynamically in an interactive carousel that adapts to different screen sizes. In this tutorial, we'll...
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Music has always played a significant role in our lives, bringing comfort, inspiration, and motivation. Whether you're enjoying your favorite tracks or relaxing after a tiring day, music has the power to transport us to a different place and time. As...
L'application de messagerie instantanée introduit une nouvelle fonctionnalité permettant de partager le contenu de son écran à son interlocuteur lors d'un appel.
Les tutoriels disparaissent des résultats de recherche enrichis sur mobile, tandis que les FAQ seront limitées aux sites web gouvernementaux et de santé faisant autorité.
Introduction: JavaScript is a dynamic, versatile programming language that powers the interactive and dynamic elements of modern websites and web applications. Its ability to run directly in web browsers makes it an essential tool for front-end devel...
La page d'accueil de YouTube sera presque vide pour les utilisateurs qui n'ont pas activé leur historique.
Kotlin 1.9.0, la dernière version du langage statiquement typé de JetBrains désormais essentiel dans le développement (...)
Almost half of wasted food comes from homes, and almost half of that…Tags: food, garbage, methane, Reuters
As front-end engineers, we often don't have to think about everything that the browser is doing behind the scenes to make our lives easier. You put two div together, they get stacked automatically. They grow in size as you add content to them. You...
In the bustling world of modern business, the integration of cutting-edge technologies has become paramount to streamline operations and enhance productivity. Among these transformative innovations, AI meeting assistants stand out as game-changers in revolutionizing the way businesses conduct their crucial meetings. With their exceptional capabilities in interaction and intelligence, AI meeting as [...]
Après avoir racheté, dans les premiers instants de la pandémie de Covid-19, la société californienne BlueJeans pour 400 millions de dollars, Verizon a annoncé cesser ses activités de visioconférence "en raison de l'évolution du marché".
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Google modifie l'affichage des résultats enrichis FAQ et HowTo dans les résultats de recherche, pour une expérience de recherche plus claire selon eux. Un changement actuellement en cours qui devrait se terminer la semaine prochaine, à l'échelle mondiale. Ce qu'il faut retenir : Réduction de la visibilité des FAQ et HowTo Une bien triste nouvelle […] L'article "GAME OVER : C&rsq [...]
Prêt à améliorer votre expérience de jeu sur Nintendo Switch' Découvrez le monde des VPNs! Renforcez votre sécurité, contournez les … Cet article Découvrez les meilleurs VPN pour Nintendo Switch a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Dénommé AI Lighthouse, le programme vise à aider les clients de ServiceNow à adopter rapidement des outils d'IA générative. (...)
Des clusters Kubernetes appartenant à plus de 350 entreprises ont été détectés comme étant ouvertement accessibles (...)
Spécialiste des soins de la peau, le groupe Clarins, qui emploie quelque 8 000 salariés dans le monde, se dote d'un référentiel (...)
Open source is a software development methodology that encourages programmers to share their source code with others. This allows anyone to inspect, modify, and improve the software. Open-source software is often free to use and distribute, and it is...
Introduction: JavaScript, as a versatile programming language, offers several ways to iterate through arrays, and today we'll delve into two powerful looping mechanisms: for...of and forEach. These loops are essential tools in a developer's toolkit, ...
Hey there, tech enthusiasts and aspiring developers! Get ready to embark on an exciting journey into the realm of WYSIWYG editors! Prepare for an amazing adventure into the world of WYSIWYG editors! But wait, what is a WYSIWYG editor exactly' Let's b...
Le groupe américain souhaite préserver sa position dominante sur le marché, avec cette nouvelle puce dédiée à l'inférence des derniers modèles d'IA générative.
Un enseignant de l’Université de Virginie prétend avoir mis au point un dispositif similaire à un rayon glacial. L’idée vient … Cet article Il a créé le rayon glacial de Mr Freeze dans la vraie vie : découvrez la folle invention a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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Modularization and Bundling: A Comprehensive Guide Introduction In today's era of web development, applications have become incredibly complex and feature-rich. As a developer, managing dependencies, modules, and bundles efficiently is critical, espe...
Today I continued to review and go over data structures in Python. I now have a better understanding of the tools available to me in the language and am looking forward to using them in problem-solving very soon.
Introduction Classes and objects are the foundation of object-oriented programming (OOP), a powerful programming paradigm that can help you write more reusable, maintainable, and scalable code. In Dart, classes and objects are used to represent real...
Actuellement, une tendance émerge grâce à l’intelligence artificielle : les robots vont remplacer les chiens et les chats. La question … Cet article Les robots vont remplacer chiens et chats : ces experts s’inquiètent pour les enfants a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Are you tired of the traditional classroom setup' Do you find it boring to sit through hours of lectures and forget everything as soon as the class is over' Well, my friend, there’s a solution to your problem! The world of eLearning has exploded in recent years, and it’s all thanks to innovative LMSs that... The post eLearning Alchemy: Transforming Training with Innovative [...]
Tout savoir sur WordPress pour réussir votre projet de création de site web.
Hello, fellow developers! ' In this post, I will share with you how to use body-parser, a popular middleware that helps us parse the request body in Express.js. If you have ever encountered the problem of req.body being undefined, this post is for y...
Déjà 6 mois que Bing a réinventé son moteur de recherche et son navigateur grâce à l'intelligence artificielle. Microsoft revient sur cette demie-année, sur les dernières fonctionnalités ajoutées et sur sa belle croissance. Ce qu'il faut retenir Derniers chiffres de Bing Plus d'1 milliard de chats. Plus de 750 millions d'images. Ce sont les 2 […] L'article "Bing AI fête ses 6 mois [...]
L'utilisation du téléphone est profondément ancrée dans notre quotidien et l'appareil nous suit parfois au lit, ce qui peut nous … Cet article Vous chargez votre smartphone dans votre chambre ' Voici pourquoi c’est une grave erreur a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Never has code structure been more critical in software development; while it may be ignored for small projects without consequences, it becomes harder to maintain as the project grows. The scalability of software is essential for its sustainability....
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Never has code structure been more critical in software development; while it may be ignored for small projects without consequences, it becomes harder to maintain as the project grows. The scalability of software is essential for its sustainability....
So I have received an internship hiring assignment, the assignment asks for a quiz app that implements the basic functionality of login, progress record, and reward system. Functionalities:- Google Authentication Splash screen Reward system horiz...
ReactJS has revolutionized the way we build user interfaces, and React hooks allow function components to have further transformed the way we manage state and side effects within our components. Whether you're a newcomer to React or an experienced de...
Hoisting Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving declarations to the top. It allows us to call functions before even writing them in our code. Basically, it gives us an advantage that no matter where functions and variables are declared,...
'' Introduction Web development is becoming increasingly important as time passes. Almost all organizations require websites and web apps in order to be noticed and establish their brand. This is the reason web developers are in more demand than ever...
In JavaScript, when you work with objects and arrays, you may encounter the concepts of deep copy and shallow copy. These concepts refer to different ways of copying an object or an array and determine how the copied data is stored and referenced. Le...
1) Introduction Javascript is also known as the language that powers the web. Javascript allows real-time user interaction by running code in a browser rather than sending code to a server to run every time. JavaScript was invented by Brendan Eich in...
What are generator functions' These are the functions that can be stopped midway and then continue from where they had stopped. Generator functions are declared with the function* function* generator(){ } What do they exactly do' In normal functions...
Introduction Hello there, fellow JavaScript and node js learner! We all know that practice makes perfect, and what's better than a challenge to level up our skills' I found myself on a mission to discover a project that could take my JavaScript and n...
Discover the power of JavaScript shorthand with array spread and object destructuring. Simplify code, boost productivity, and write elegant solutions. This blog is originally published on my Blog website, where you can find the full version with det...
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Email marketing is a crucial tool for businesses. It's a chance to connect with your customers on a more personal level through owned media. Even more impressive is that you can earn $36 for every dollar spent on email marketing. That's a massive 3600% ROI. But where does WordPress come in' Beyond content management, WordPress […] The post How to Measure WordPress Email Marketing [...]
Hello everyone in this article I will show you how to develop a complete module by showing you a practical example, I will give you guides on the flow of your module and then we will run it as part of a playbook. You can find the code here: https://g...
WebProNews Google Activates RCS and Encrypted Conversations in Messages Google announced that RCS is now the default in Messages by Google, as is encryption for both individual and group chats. Google Activates RCS and Encrypted Conversations in Messages Staff
Para utilizarmos o interpretador python no Ubuntu e derivados precisamos primeiro verificar a versão do interpretador que já vem instalado por padrão no sistema. Para isso, rode o seguinte comando no terminal: ls -l /usr/bin/python* Esse comando vai...
I've just completed a front-end coding challenge from @frontendmentor! ' You can see my solution here: Any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome!
Pamera - the Poem Camera, interprets images on your phone, transforming them into whimsical Borges-inspired poems.
'I've been experimenting with vanilla Javascript through a Battle Game project, where 2 players fight on a 2D stage. It involved manipulating a div box (stage) and creating elements from where I added the game mechanics. It is a fun project inspired ...
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
Note : est un agrégateur de flux RSS. C'est à dire un outil automatique qui regroupe l'accès à des informations, dont il n'est ni le rédacteur, ni l'éditeur.
Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.