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« Juin 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Jeudi 22 Juin 2023 (149)

1: WhatsApp : comment bloquer les appels inconnus avec cette nouvelle option '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

WhatsApp, le titan de la messagerie, propose une fonctionnalité permettant de filtrer les appels provenant de numéros inconnus, empêchant ainsi … Cet article WhatsApp : comment bloquer les appels inconnus avec cette nouvelle option ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

2: Ce robot français va-t-il réussir à sauver le sous-marin Titan '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le sous-marin Titan est en péril, cinq âmes audacieuses sont à bord. Le compte à rebours a commencé. Un robot … Cet article Ce robot français va-t-il réussir à sauver le sous-marin Titan ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

3: What are the Benefits of Reconnecting with Nature To Avoid Bad Impact of Technology

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

In a world where we are living with a bad impact of technology, it's easy to forget about the natural world around us. But as we disconnect from nature, we may also be disconnecting from ourselves. By taking the time to reconnecting with nature, we can find balance and inspiration for our lives.

4: Day 4 '''', Mastering Arrays in JavaScript | Learn the Key Concepts and Operations | Enhance Your Coding Skills

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to the fascinating world of arrays in JavaScript, young coding explorer! Prepare to go on an adventure that will provide you with the ability to store and handle many values with ease. Are you eager to discover the actual power of lists' Let'...

5: Why you should participate in Hackathons

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Meet Samantha, a budding software developer with a burning desire to make a difference in her community. Her friends call her Sam so we'll call her Sam since we know her so well. She had heard about hackathons, but the concept seemed intimidating at ...

6: Real-World Applications of JavaScript Proxies

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Not too long ago, we explored JavaScript Proxies and the Reflect API, discussing their benefits and illustrating their potential through a straightforward book rating application. The goal was to provide a gentle introduction to these powerful featur...

7: Google updates when 4 attribution models will be retired

Search engine land (Référencement)

Marketers still using first-click, linear, time decay and position-based attribution models across Google Ads and GA4 will be impacted by the update. The post Google updates when 4 attribution models will be retired appeared first on Search Engine Land.

8: Parcel is a Beast: An All-in-One Bundle for Powerful Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the fast-paced world of web development, bundling tools play a vital role in optimizing the performance and efficiency of our projects. Among the plethora of options available, ParcelJS stands out as a true beast in the arena. In this article, we ...

9: Simplifying conditional statements with the ternary operator in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, the ternary operator is a concise way to write conditional statements. It consists of a simplified, one-line version of the if...else statement to test a condition. The ternary operator has the following syntax: option1 if condition else o...

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10: Top 10 Countries By GDP Per Capita, by Region

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

What are the world's top countries by GDP per capita' How do those rankings change when we adjust for purchasing power parity' The post Top 10 Countries By GDP Per Capita, by Region appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

11: What is BitWise Operator'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Bitwise operator is an advanced concept in programming The idea of it is that bitwise operator does not deal with the numbers as they are like 9 or 14 Rather, it converts it to a binary number Then it does the thing you want For example Today I will ...

12: Build your First Express server in less than 5 Minutes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The first step is always initiating our package.json file which is like the ID card that stores information about a particular web-based project including the dependencies On the Terminal, move to the current working directory and type the following...

13: GA4 gives marketers choice in Google Ads conversion credit eligibility

Search engine land (Référencement)

Advertisers can now identify which channel contributes to a conversion, helping them to better measure the impact of their campaigns. The post GA4 gives marketers choice in Google Ads conversion credit eligibility appeared first on Search Engine Land.

14: ' Chart Practice: Branch Out Beyond the Visual Bits

Flowing data (dataviz)

Learn more about your data and have more to visualize.Tags: practice

15: Exploring Cloud Service Providers: Python Dictionary and YAML to JSON Conversion

Hashnode - python (python)

In today's blog post, we will dive into working with cloud service provider data using Python. Specifically, we will cover two tasks: creating a dictionary in Python and writing it to a JSON file, and reading a YAML file and converting its contents t...

16: Apple: The New King of 'Embrace, Extend, Extinguish'

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple: The New King of ‘Embrace, Extend, Extinguish’ Apple is taking a page from Microsoft's old playbook, becoming the new king of "embrace, extend, extinguish" (EEE). Apple: The New King of ‘Embrace, Extend, Extinguish’ Matt Milano

17: ChatGPT et Google Bard ne respectent pas le RGPD : cette étude le prouve

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’étude de Stanford a confirmé que les modèles open source sont plus transparents. Cela contraste avec des modèles populaires et … Cet article ChatGPT et Google Bard ne respectent pas le RGPD : cette étude le prouve a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

18: JavaScript Learning Resources That Fueled My 100DaysOfCode Journey

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

During my #100DaysOfCode journey, I had an incredible adventure exploring the world of JavaScript. Along the way, I stumbled upon some amazing resources that made a significant impact on my learning and skill development. In this blog post, I want to...

19: Creating an Elastic Beanstalk instance under VPC on AWS.

Hashnode - python (python)

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is a robust platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies deploying and managing applications. With Elastic Beanstalk, you can easily create and deploy scalable web applications without wo...

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20: Correlation and Experimental Design

Hashnode - python (python)

Correlation Relationship between two variables x = explanatory/independent variable y = response/dependent variable Correlation coefficient Quantifies the linear relationship between two variables Number between -1 and 1 Magnitude corresponds to ...

21: BlueWillow AI : tout savoir sur l'alternative gratuite à MidJourney, et comment l'utiliser

Le Big Data (dataviz)

BlueWillow AI est une IA générative text-to-image gratuite, et constitue une solide alternative à MidJourney. Découvrez tout ce que vous … Cet article BlueWillow AI : tout savoir sur l’alternative gratuite à MidJourney, et comment l’utiliser a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

22: RGPD : pourquoi Elon Musk a trouvé la journaliste de France 2 insupportable '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Elon Musk s’est montré agacé par les questions d’Anne-Sophie Lapix concernant les réglementations de Twitter. Lors d’une interview ce lundi … Cet article RGPD : pourquoi Elon Musk a trouvé la journaliste de France 2 insupportable ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

23: Unlocking JavaScript Type Coercion Magic

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Type Coercion' The terms type coercion, type conversion, type casting, and type juggling all refer to the process of converting one data type to another. This process is extremely important in computer science and can be found in almost every...

25: Unleashing the Power of NumPy

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction If you have used C/C++/Java you might have come across arrays - the boring definition of "collection of homogeneous elements". But if you have been using Python, you might have come across a list but not arrays. Lists can consist of elem...

26: Python Syntax: The Lazy Guide for Beginners (part2)

Hashnode - python (python)

In the first part of this article, I explained key parts and how to get started with Python. Today, we will look deeper into more complex aspects of building with Python. To follow part 1 of this series, you can click here. What is Control Flow' C...

27: Day 3: Operators in Java

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Operators are symbols that perform operations on variables and values known as operands. Java provides a variety of operators for performing mathematical, logical, conditional, and assignment operations. Mathematical Operators Mathematical operators ...

28: Google à l'assaut des pratiques anticoncurrentielles de Microsoft Azure

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le ton est monté d'un cran dans la guerre sans pitié que se livrent Microsoft et Google sur le marché du cloud à destination (...)

29: Different between filter() and find() in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

filter() and find() is a javascript method. only use an array. The find() method return a specific one and the filter() method returns more than one. find() method: const x = [12, 12,12,12,12,12, 22, 11, 1112, 221]; const y = x.find(res => res !== 12...

30 / 149

30: Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Principles, levels, certifications

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a methodology designed to to ensure the coordination and scaling of agile practices across multiple teams collaborating to create a product or solution. The post Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Principles, levels, certifications appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

31: Build an object classification app with TensorFlow.js and React Native

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Object classification is one of the simplest and most fundamental applications of machine learning. With the advances in data generation and collection across all industries, object classification has become an important tool in many day-to-day operations. If you’re not familiar with it already, object classification refers to the process of identifying and labeling objects in […] The [...]

32: Le président de la République menace d'instaurer une taxe sur le streaming musical

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Pour financer l'industrie musicale et le rayonnement international de la création française, le gouvernement pourrait proposer, faute d'accord entre les organisations professionnelles du secteur, de taxer les revenus des plateformes de streaming.

33: Building Custom Gutenberg Blocks: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: The Gutenberg block editor has revolutionized content creation in WordPress, allowing users to create rich, dynamic, and engaging layouts with ease. One of the most exciting aspects of Gutenberg is the ability to build custom blocks tai...

34: Jakob's Law: Creating familiar and user-centric interfaces

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

One principle UX designers should follow is Jakob's Law, which ensures users feel right at home from the moment they engage with a product. The post Jakob's Law: Creating familiar and user-centric interfaces appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

35: Obypay lève 700 000 euros pour sa plateforme d'outils numériques dédiée à la restauration

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Menu par QR Code, commande et paiement à table ou sur une borne, offres de fidélité dématérialisées, CRM' C'est l'offre d'Obypay, une start-up française de services numériques dédiés aux restaurateurs, qui vient de lever 700 000 euros pour accroître sa notoriété en Europe.

36: Building a Short URL Project with Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, and Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey everyone welcome back, this is a step-by-step guide on building a Short URL project using Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, and Node.js! In this project, we'll create a URL shortening service that allows users to generate short, customized...

37: Boost Code Quality and Performance with Ruff

Math Data Simplified (data)

Git hooks are useful to identify simple issues before committing the code. However, adding various hooks to each of your projects can be cumbersome. Ruff is a Python linter written in Rust that can be used to replace various tools like Flake8, isort, pydocstyle, yesqa, eradicate, pyupgrade, and autoflake. Ruff also executes 10-100x faster than existing linters. The post Boost Code Quality [...]

38: Microsoft rolls out predictive targeting to all advertisers

Search engine land (Référencement)

Following a successful pilot, all advertisers can now use predictive targeting in their campaigns on the Microsoft Audience Network. The post Microsoft rolls out predictive targeting to all advertisers appeared first on Search Engine Land.

39: Avec « Tech pour toutes », le gouvernement veut renforcer l'emploi IT des femmes

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La parité dans les métiers technologiques est l'une des priorités du gouvernement. C'était un des axe forts du (...)

40 / 149

40: How To Create An OTP Input Box In React JS/Next JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today, I will show you how you can add an OTP input box to your React JS / Next JS project. Please make sure that you have a basic knowledge of React's hooks so you can keep up with this tutorial. I will be using the basic HTML, CSS, and Javascript l...

41: Advanced Javascript... All you need to know, and more

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello and welcome!! ''' In this week's class, we will continue on our Javascript journey, learning about more advanced Javascript topics and getting our hands dirty with examples. What is 'this'' In JavaScript, the this keyword refers to an object...

42: Master CTV advertising: A guide to launching your best campaigns by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

In this webinar, get the scoop on a top advertiser's perfect CTV strategy. The post Master CTV advertising: A guide to launching your best campaigns appeared first on Search Engine Land.

43: DuckDuckGo Browser For Windows Enters Public Beta

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews DuckDuckGo Browser For Windows Enters Public Beta DuckDuckGo's web browser is now available for Windows as a public beta, putting private browsing within easy reach for most computer users. DuckDuckGo Browser For Windows Enters Public Beta Matt Milano

44: L'intelligence artificielle, agent de choc pour le fisc

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Direction générale des Finances publiques, dont la transformation digitale se poursuit à grande vitesse, intègre de plus en plus l'IA et le datamining à ses systèmes. A des fins punitives (contrôles fiscaux, détection des constructions non déclarées'), mais aussi pour aider les entreprises en difficulté.

45: Instagram Ads on Reels now available to more marketers

Search engine land (Référencement)

Ads on Reels was initially only available to marketers on Facebook, but Meta hopes expanding the pilot to Instagram will boost app downloads. The post Instagram Ads on Reels now available to more marketers appeared first on Search Engine Land.

46: 5 react native libraries for 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here are 5 libraries I've been playing with that I think you should check out React-native-audio-player ' One out of two great audio libs for RN. Can't remember the other one, but I use this one daily. Fast-Image ' load images quick and cache th...

47: The role of quality assistance in an organization

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Quality assistance is a model where quality assurance is not seen as a separate activity, but rather as a shared responsibility of the whole team. The post The role of quality assistance in an organization appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

48: 10 best Tailwind CSS component libraries

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Tailwind CSS component libraries provide pre-built components to speed up the process of developing aesthetic, user-friendly interfaces. The post 10 best Tailwind CSS component libraries appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

49: Day 30 of 100daysofjs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is the DOM' The Document Object Model, or DOM for short, is a programming interface that represents web pages as a tree-like structure. This tree-like structure is called the DOM tree, and it consists of nodes that represent different parts of t...

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51: Generating a zero-dependencies frontend client for your Platformatic application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

One of Platformatic's key goals is to remove all friction in backend development' including by making it more straightforward for most people to consume REST APIs from the frontend. With this goal in mind, today, today we are launching a new client g...

52: How to use Gradients in CSS'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Gradients are a versatile feature in CSS that allow you to add stunning visual effects to your web design. With a variety of properties and techniques, you can create gradients that range from subtle and elegant to bold and vibrant. In ...

53: Google SGE snapshot carousel: 4 winning SEO strategies in B2C, B2B

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's what you need to know about the snapshot carousel position in SGE and four strategies to drive SEO results with this feature.  The post Google SGE snapshot carousel: 4 winning SEO strategies in B2C, B2B appeared first on Search Engine Land.

54: Understanding LSTM Networks and Their Contribution to Solving RNN Problems

Hashnode - python (python)

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are a type of artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) that have been designed to address significant challenges with traditional RNNs.In the previous article, we deep-dived into RNN's In this blog post, we wil...

55: Le plan de l'UE pour contrer les attaques sur ses chaines d'approvisionnement

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'UE envisage d'imposer des contrôles à l'exportation sur les technologies critiques et protéger contre les risques pouvant affecter (...)

56: Criteo écope d'une amende de 40 millions d'euros pour manquements au RGPD

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Criteo, le spécialiste français de la publicité ciblée sur Internet, va devoir s'acquitter d'une amende de 40 millions d'euros auprès de la Cnil pour absence de vérification du recueil de consentement sur les sites de certains de ses partenaires, manque de transparence de sa politique de confidentialité ou encore droits d'accès et de retrait mal appliqués.

57: Reflecting on PyCon Namibia 2023.

Hashnode - python (python)

Hello Pythonistas! In today's rapidly evolving technosphere, there has never been a better time to immerse oneself in the world of technology, learning, building, and sharing experiences with fellow experts. The globalized nature of technical events ...

58: 5e rachat cette année pour Cisco avec Accedian Networks

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

En vue d'améliorer la visibilité de son réseau, Cisco a annoncé le rachat d'Accedian Networks, l'éditeur (...)

59: Constants declared with const

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A variable declared with const can be mutable or immutable depending on the data type of the assigned value. However, a constant cannot be reassigned to a new value. The difference between assignment and immutability (mutability) is: The assignment ...

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60: Ils font du SEO | Jean-Eric Blas-Châtelain (Global Head SEO, Vestiaire Collective)

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Dans le cadre de notre dossier «'Ils font du SEO'», Jean-Eric Blas-Châtelain (Global Head of SEO et Principal Engineer chez … Cet article Ils font du SEO | Jean-Eric Blas-Châtelain (Global Head SEO, Vestiaire Collective) a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

61: Managing multiple environments in the AWS CDK using YAML configuration files

Hashnode - python (python)

One specific area where the deployment of Infrastructure as Code holds immense importance is in the context of a DTAP (Development, Testing, Acceptance, Production) environment. The DTAP street refers to the progression of software through different ...

62: Creating Interactive Data Dashboards with Python: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: Data visualization is an important part of data analysis because it allows us to better explore and share discoveries. In this blog article, we'll look at interactive data dashboards built with Python. We'll look at how to utilize Pytho...

63: Vision Pro : Le kit de développement d'applications dévoilé ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Ce mercredi (21), Apple a dévoilé le kit de développement logiciel visionOS pour son casque […] Cet article Vision Pro : Le kit de développement d'applications dévoilé ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

64: Découvrez la mise à jour logicielle v55 de Quest 2 et Quest Pro (Réalité Virtuelle)

Boost de performances et expériences enrichies. C'est ce qu'apporte la mise à jour logicielle v55 […] Cet article Découvrez la mise à jour logicielle v55 de Quest 2 et Quest Pro a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

65: Closures in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Closures are one of the key concepts in Javascript, that a javascript developer should know. It is a complicated topic that is sometimes difficult to grasp, you require practice to get better in the concept of closures. To understand closure we need ...

66: Triangle Impact Responsable : changeons notre prisme de décisions !

Octo (Internet)

Toutes nos décisions ont des impacts. Nous parlons ici de tous types de décisions : petites ou grandes, simples ou compliquées, court ou long terme, prioriser des sujets ou dire non, un détail ou une stratégie, un produit ou business model, ' Mais comment se projeter sur ces impacts : Quels sont-ils ' Sont-ils positifs ou négatifs ' Sont-ils probables ' Sont-ils souhaitables ' Et si nous pre [...]

67: What is a sprint retrospective in agile'

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A sprint retrospective is a scrum meeting (aka an event or ceremony) that is held once a sprint has ended to reflect on the work that has just taken place. The post What is a sprint retrospective in agile' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

68: Leader Spotlight: Creative problem solving with Monika Portman

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We sit down with Monika Portman, Associate Vice President of Product Management at Cox Automotive, to talk digital initatives and more. The post Leader Spotlight: Creative problem solving with Monika Portman appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

69: Le CHU de Rennes touché par une cyberattaque

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La liste des hôpitaux français touchés par des cyberattaques s'allonge chaque mois un peu plus (Corbeil-Essonnes, Dax, Lille, Bourg-en-Bresse, (...)

70 / 149

70: Le CHU de Rennes touché par une cyberattaque (MAJ)

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La liste des hôpitaux français touchés par des cyberattaques s'allonge chaque mois un peu plus (Corbeil-Essonnes, Dax, Lille, Bourg-en-Bresse, (...)

71: What is a project sponsor' Definition and examples

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A project sponsor oversees projects and ensures that they advance the business's goals, missions, and overall vision. The post What is a project sponsor' Definition and examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

72: Humility: An Essential Value

A list apart (Internet)

Humility, a designer's essential value'that has a nice ring to it. What about humility, an office manager's essential value' Or a dentist's' Or a librarian's' They all sound great. When humility is our guiding light, the path is always open for fulfillment, evolution, connection, and engagement. In this chapter, we're going to talk about why. That said, this is a book for designers, and to that [...]

73: How to use location-specific authority content for SEO

Search engine land (Référencement)

Boost visibility in the SERPs, increase trust, and bring in leads for your business with outstanding location pages and blog posts. The post How to use location-specific authority content for SEO appeared first on Search Engine Land.

74: RGPD : la CNIL inflige 40 millions d'euros d'amende à Criteo

Blog du Moderateur ()

Société française spécialisée dans l'affichage de publicité ciblée sur internet, Criteo a enfreint la réglementation sur les données personnelles.

75: Serveur vocal interactif : fonctionnement, utilisations et avantages

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'utilisation d'un serveur vocal interactif se révèle particulièrement utile pour optimiser la performance d'une équipe de service client. Elle contribue … Cet article Serveur vocal interactif : fonctionnement, utilisations et avantages a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

76: Let's create an accessible animated counter! ' ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Do you have a ton of subscribers on YouTube' A six-figure follower count on Twitter' Earned a ton of money on your SaaS' Whenever you have an achievement you're proud of, the best way to present it on your website is with a nice animated counter that...

77: Odd Even Linked List

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Problem statement Given the head of a singly linked list, group all the nodes with odd indices together followed by the nodes with even indices, and return the reordered list. The first node is considered odd, and the second node is even, and so on. ...

78: Unveiling the Enigma: The Intriguing Phenomenon of Imported Variables Behaving Like Constants in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Why do imported variables behave like constants in JavaScript' When you import a variable in JavaScript using the import statement, it often exhibits a peculiar behavior'acting as if it were a constant, preventing any reassignment. Let's explore why ...

79: Beginner Approach to the DOM and its Manipulation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Think of the DOM (Document Object Model) as a family tree that tells you about your connections with your ancestors, cousins, aunts, nieces, and more. From my family tree, I discovered that I have an uncle from my mother's side. Anyway, the DOM goes ...

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80: Demystifying Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction. Web Development is the process of creating and maintaining websites. Web Development is an ever-evolving field that is continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible on the Internet. In this blog, we will dive into the world of...

81: Extraterrestres : l'IA révèle d'anciens symboles cachés dans le désert du Pérou

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'intelligence artificielle vient de permettre à des chercheurs de découvrir quatre nouveaux géoglyphes à Nazca : une région du Pérou … Cet article Extraterrestres : l'IA révèle d'anciens symboles cachés dans le désert du Pérou a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

82: SEO during website development and post-launch: Key considerations

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn key SEO steps during the website development (or replatform) phase and why optimizing for search needs to be an ongoing process.  The post SEO during website development and post-launch: Key considerations appeared first on Search Engine Land.

83: Une nanovalve à molécule unique pourrait révolutionner la chimie ()

La communauté scientifique envisage d'utiliser de minuscules particules comme blocs de construction pour construire des choses, de la même manière que nous assemblons des choses avec des composants mécaniques. Cependant, le défi réside dans le fait que les molécules sont incroyablement petites, environ un cent millionième de la taille d'une balle de softball, et se déplacent de manière a [...]

84: Te(a) or cha(i)'

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

Hello, Ivan here. I am a developer at Datawrapper, working on everything related to our...

85: Floa lance le paiement fractionné pour les achats déjà effectués

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le BNPL a posteriori débarque dans l'application de paiement fractionné de Floa (BNP Paribas). Il permet de se faire rembourser des achats déjà payés, pour les repayer plus tard en plusieurs fois.

86: Hash Tables

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction and concepts A hash table, also known as a hash map, is a data structure that enables efficient storage and retrieval of data through a hash function. It organizes data in key-value pairs, where each key is unique and associated with a c...

87: Array and it's methods in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to Arrays in JS An array is a data structure in JavaScript that enables you to store and manage a set of values. It is a technique for combining related data under a single variable name. Arrays in JavaScript are dynamic, which means you...

88: Unveiling the Gems of Knowledge: My Revelations and Learning in an Online Bootcamp

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Seeking to embark on an immersive learning journey, I eagerly enrolled in a frontend web development bootcamp organized by @hertechtrail . This transformative experience opened up a whole new realm of possibilities as I dived deep into the intricacie...

89: The future of loyalty: Metaverse, AI and post-pandemic challenges by Comarch

Search engine land (Référencement)

Discover the source of your customers' loyalty and learn how to attain it. The post The future of loyalty: Metaverse, AI and post-pandemic challenges appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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90: Comment Canva a économisé plusieurs millions en stockage sur Amazon S3

Humancoders ()

Comment Canva a économisé plusieurs millions en stockage sur Amazon S3 : quelle méthodologie pour faire du tuning sur les lifecycle policy et les storage class. Commentaires L'article Comment Canva a économisé plusieurs millions en stockage sur Amazon S3 a été posté dans la catégorie Cloud de Human Coders News

91: Dropbox accélère sur les produits et la stratégie IA

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dropbox poursuit son ambition dans l'IA en introduisant deux produits sur sa plateforme, conçus pour améliorer la façon dont (...)

92: Web Design Galleries: Discover the Magic of Slideshows, Lightbox and Grid Galleries

awwwards (Internet)

Hey there digital enthusiasts, thanks for visiting us - the ultimate hub for web design knowledge. Today, we're taking a deep dive into the wonderful world...

93: Manquements au RGPD : Criteo condamné à 40 M' d'amende par la Cnil

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La Cnil poursuit sur sa lancée en termes de répression à l'encontre d'entreprises prises en défaut de respect du droit et des (...)

94: Le Cesin veut des cyberscores sans fausses notes

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les agences de notation en cybersécurité sont dans le viseur du Cesin (club des experts de la sécurité de l'information et (...)

95: Streamlining Node Installation: Unleashing the Power of NVM

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

nvm allows you to quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line. key benefits of using available for Windows, Linux and macOS Easy to install can have and switch between multiple versions of nodejs easily 1. Steps to in...

96: Étude ethnographique, est-ce le secret pour comprendre vos utilisateurs '

Usabilis (ux)

Une étude ethnographique est une action particulièrement intéressante à effectuer auprès des utilisateurs' C'est à la fois valorisant pour l'utilisateur et pour l'UX researcher... Cet article Étude ethnographique, est-ce le secret pour comprendre vos utilisateurs ' est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.

97: Prometheus s'invite sur Azure pour monitorer les clusters Kubernetes

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Au fur et à mesure que les outils et les pratiques de l'informatique cloud arrivent à maturité, il devient de plus en plus nécessaire (...)

98: Which Is Better For Future Python Or JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript and Python are noticeable dialects in computerization, information science, web applications, and some more. Both are undeniable level dialects intended to be not difficult to peruse and compose. All in all, for what reason are these two p...

99: Instagram vs TikTok : quelles sont les préférences des utilisateurs '

Blog du Moderateur ()

TikTok et Instagram sont deux réseaux sociaux appréciés des jeunes utilisateurs, mais leurs usages sont différents, comme le démontre une étude de No Scroll.

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100: Full Stack Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Full Stack Development refers to the development of both the front end (client-side) and the back end (server-side) portion of the web application. Full Stack Developers have the ability to design both websites and web applications. They work on the ...

101: How Does Asynchronous JavaScript Work'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript Asynchronous Operation Explained..! ' Completed a basic project which works/performs asynchronous operations. It's a game called "Whack A Mole". ' Link for the Game: ' How does this game work' ' A mole will app...

102: JavaScript Snippets for Common Tasks

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a powerful language that allows you to accomplish a wide range of tasks. In this article, we'll explore 18 JavaScript code snippets for common tasks, from copying to clipboard and checking for dark mode to generating random integers and...

103: Webinar : améliorer votre taux de conversion et votre ROI grâce à l'UX

Blog du Moderateur ()

Nous organisons un webinar en partenariat avec Testapic pour tout savoir sur l'importance de l'UX pour optimiser ses conversions.

104: Quick commerce : Getir renonce au marché français

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

C'est la fin de Getir en France. L'acteur turque de la livraison rapide de courses à domicile n'a jamais trouvé sa rentabilité et était mis en difficulté par les règlementations anti "dark stores" mises en place dans l'Hexagone. Il préfère jeter l'éponge.

105: Un Mooc pour décrypter le discours autour de l'IA

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Présentées comme une véritable révolution technologique, des intelligences artificielles comme ChatGPT ravivent les débats. (...)

106: Des faux référentiels sur GitHub pour piéger les experts en cybersécurité

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Dans cette campagne d'attaque inhabituelle, le pirate a mis en place des référentiels GitHub frauduleux hébergeant de faux exploits (...)

107: Figma lance un Dev Mode pour faciliter le travail des développeurs et designers

Blog du Moderateur ()

Figma a annoncé une mise à jour majeure de son logiciel, permettant de "simplifier et d'accélérer les échanges entre le design et le développement".

108: An interactive guide to color and contrast

Flowing data (dataviz)

Color and contrast choices often are a product of personal preferences, but you…Tags: color, contrast, Nate Baldwin

109: A simpler way of explaining Pass by value and Pass by reference in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Before diving into javascript pass-by-value or pass-by-reference functions, it is important to understand the primitive values and non-primitive values. Primitive Values - Data types that are known as primitive values in javascript are,...

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110: Cisco lance ses puces Silicon One de 4e génération

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les puces Silicon One programmables (5 nm) dévoilées par Cisco sont destinées à soutenir les infrastructures dédiés (...)

111: Le Wagon ouvre une formation intensive data et IA avec Google

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les professionnels de l'IA et des data sont de plus en plus recherchés sur le marché du travail. Pour répondre à l'augmentation (...)

112: Will AI-Powered Chatbots Shape the Future of ChatGPT Plugins'

Noupe (conception)

Have you ever pondered how artificial intelligence may transform how we communicate online'  Prepare to be astonished, then! In this post, we’ll delve into the interesting world of AI-powered chatbots and examine how they can influence ChatGPT Plugins in the future. That’s accurate. Today, we go into a fascinating subject that has been circulating in... The post Will A [...]

113: Supercharge Your TypeScript App: Mastering i18next for Type-Safe Translations

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the development of web applications that cater to a global audience takes precedence among developers. If you're a TypeScript developer, you're likely acquainted with the advantages of static typing a...

114: Using AI To Detect Sentiment In Audio Files

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

Dive into an article where you will build an app that evaluates audio files for positive and negative sentiments. The idea is that you will create an interface for uploading an audio file, then transcribe the contents into text before analyzing the text and assigning it a positive or negative score for how the tone is perceived.

115: L'observabilité en mal de maturité au sein des grands comptes

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Extension du périmètre de l'IT, criticité grandissante des applications, recours généralisé au cloud... : les (...)

116: Jean-Christophe Vien prend la direction générale de Milestone Systems France

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le danois Milestone Systems confie la poursuite de son développement dans l'Hexagone à un nouveau directeur général local en (...)

117: Python Literals: Understanding Fixed Values in Code

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, literals are used to represent fixed values in your code. Types of Literals: Integers A number with no fractions. Octal Number ' An integer with 0 in front of it. Each octal digit represents three binary bits with a base of 8. Hexadecim...

118: How to Build a Chatbot with React JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Hello Everyone! ''' I'm Abhi, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. In this article, I'll guide you through the process of creating a chatbot using React JS. ' So, let's dive right in and start building our chatbot! ' Here's a step-by-step ex...

119: Google ajoute l'INP au rapport Core Web Vitals dans la Search Console

Abondance (Référencement)

Alors que nous avons récemment eu la confirmation que le critère INP allait remplacer le critère FID dans les Core Web Vitals en mars 2024, Google vient d'annoncer avoir ajouté l'INP au rapport de la Search Console, pour aider les utilisateurs à se préparer à son lancement. La firme fait preuve d'une grande prévoyance' Ce […] L'article "Google ajoute l'INP au rapport Core Web Vitals [...]

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120: 10 conseils pour réussir vos comptes-rendus de réunion

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez nos conseils pour des comptes-rendus de réunion clairs et utiles.

121: Accompagner la transformation digitale de ses clients de manière innovante : la recette gagnante de Visiativ

Blog du Moderateur ()

Nous avons rencontré Audrey Coutty, chief product & technology officer, et Quitterie Vanneaud, directrice global talent acquisition, qui nous présentent la démarche collaborative et les solutions innovantes développées par Visiativ pour répondre aux enjeux de digitalisation des PME et ETI.

122: Ransomware : la France s'allie à 6 pays et déclare la guerre à LockBit

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Des agences de cybersécurité établies aux quatre coins du monde ont mené un examen approfondi de l'écosystème des ransomwares à … Cet article Ransomware : la France s’allie à 6 pays et déclare la guerre à LockBit a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

123: FIDO and Flutter - passwordless sign in with passskeys

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

FIDO is the (relatively) new authentication framework that allows passwordless sign-in by using passkeys. FIDO is an industry-standard that is supported by anyone that matters and right now is implemented in every browser and by every OS. FIDO is goi...

124: JavaScript 101: Things you need to know about JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is JavaScript' JavaScript is dynamic programming language that's used for web development, in web applications, for game development, and lots more. It allows you to implement dynamic features on web pages that cannot be done with only HTML and...

125: 5 formations pour créer son blog avec WordPress

Blog du Moderateur ()

Envie de lancer un blog ' Découvrez cinq formations pour comprendre et appréhender l'éditeur de contenu WordPress.

126: Simplifying 300 Python Programs on the list- Questions 41 to 50.

Hashnode - python (python)

"Embark on a transformative journey as I dive deep into the realm of Python lists. Over the next 90 days, join me as I unravel the secrets of the list. Q41-Write a Python program to generate groups of five consecutive numbers in a list. let's say the...

127: Elon Musk et Mark Zuckerberg veulent s'affronter dans un match de MMA à Las Vegas

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Musk vs Zuck : prenez les paris. Les deux milliardaires se sont montés la tête suite aux déboires de Twitter et à la perspective d'un concurrent créé par Meta. Et veulent maintenant se refaire mutuellement le portrait. Un réflexe immature qui, s'il est certes distrayant, est aussi le reflet de priorités douteuses.

128: 01 . Pengenalan Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript adalah bahasa pemrograman yang kuat dan populer yang banyak digunakan dalam pengembangan web. Dengan Javascript, Anda dapat membuat halaman web yang interaktif, menambahkan efek visual, mengontrol elemen HTML, dan berinteraksi dengan pengg...

129: Bing Chat : les dernières nouveautés de juin

Abondance (Référencement)

Difficile de suivre avec toutes les améliorations du Bing Chat ! On fait le point sur les dernières mises à jour de l'IA conversationnelle de Microsoft, notamment la recherche vocale, la recherche visuelle ou sa rapidité de réponse. Ce qu'il faut retenir :  Recherche vocale Désormais, vous pouvez effectuer des recherches vocales sur la version […] L'article "Bing Chat : les dernià [...]

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130: Forms in Django: Simplifying User Input Handling

Hashnode - python (python)

What are Forms' Forms are essential components of web applications that allow users to input data. Whether it's a registration form, a search bar, or a feedback form, Django provides a robust way to handle user input effortlessly. In this blog post, ...

131: Javascript Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: To perform any action we used to write the same block of code again and again. But Function came into picture'. With a function, we can write a single block of code at once and call it whenever required. To understand more about functi...

132: Après les designers, Figma veut aussi séduire les développeurs

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La plateforme collaborative de design lance un nouveau mode optimisé pour les développeurs, leur promettant de faciliter leur travail. Elle annonce aussi l'arrivée future de fonctionnalités d'intelligence artificielle.

133: 10 Things You Must Do in Node.js Before Going to Production (Or Risk DESTROYING Your App'!)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Creating a Node.js app can be quick and easy, but taking it to production requires careful consideration and planning. Without these steps, you risk destroying your app and causing countless hours of frustration. In this blog post, we'll discuss 10 c...

134: CSS Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

CSS Functions CSS functions are used as a value for various CSS properties. Some of the function are Example of var() function: Example of var(): Example of rgb() '' Example of hsl() '' Example of Linear-gradient()'' Example of radial-gra...

135: A Beginners Guide to Controllers in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Controllers in the context of software development are components that handle the logic and behavior of specific parts of an application. They act as intermediaries between the user interface and the underlying data or services. Imagine ...

136: Execution Context in JavaScript | All about EC

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What exactly is Execution Context' Everything in JavaScript happens in Execution Context(EC). You can consider it to be a big imaginary box in which everything happens. And by 'everything' I mean the whole code, the storing of variables and functions...

137: Day 23: Python Turtle Crossing Game - OOP and Creativity

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey folks! We're on to Day 23 and it's time to delve into our 2nd capstone project. If you've been following along, you'll remember our work with Classes, Class Inheritance, and creating methods within those classes. Today, we're adding a new element...

138: From Static to Dynamic: State and Event Management in React Applications

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: In React, managing state and handling events are essential concepts for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of state in React, understand how to handle events in compone...

139: JavaScript array: The ultimate guide you need to start with

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a JavaScript array ' An array in JavaScript is an Object. To be specific, a Javascript array is a standard built-in object created with the Array constructor. An array is a collection of elements ordered by an index. Javascript arrays have th...

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140: Code Ninja's Toolbox: Leveraging Anonymous Functions for Cleaner JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Photo Credit: Lucretius Mooka JavaScript is a versatile programming language known for its ability to handle functions as first-class citizens. Among its many powerful features, anonymous functions sta...

141: Marketing API Sandbox capability now re-enabled

Facebook dev. (PHP)

We are excited to share that we have brought back Marketing API Sandbox Ad Accounts, a way for developers to test their APIs against the Marketing API.

142: Svelte 4 released

javascriptweekly (Javascript)

#'644 ' June 22, 2023 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly UnsuckJS: Comparing Lightweight JavaScript Options ' "No build tools, no compilers, and no hassle." It's a table of frontend JavaScript libraries on a simple page ' that's it! But it's a handy table, letting you see the relative popularity, size, and latest versions of libraries as diverse as Preact, bau, htmx, Hyperapp [...]

143: Legit Customer Reviews of Talkliv

Cats who code (wordpress / PHP / Javascript)

Articles What it could be like as being a foreign female in China and tiawan Humorous approaches to express like The profiles are all genuine with real Chinese photos and never any of those retouched photos. Many Chinese singles here are also fluent in their English speaking and writing abilities which makes it convenient … Legit Customer [...]

144: Installing Python on Your System: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Choosing the Python Version First, you need to decide which Python version to install. As of the time of writing, Python has two major versions in use: Python 2 and Python 3. It is recommended to install Python 3 since Python 2 has reached its end of...

145: Visualizing Every Company on the S&P 500 Index

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

S&P 500 companies make up $34 trillion in market value combined. This graphic shows how they break down by weight and sector. The post Visualizing Every Company on the S&P 500 Index appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

146: WPBakery vs Elementor: Which Builder is Better'

WP Explorer (wordpress)

When it comes to building websites on WordPress, page builders have become an essential tool for many web designers and developers. Among the numerous WordPress page builders available, WPBakery and Elementor are two popular choices that offer a wide range of features and customization options.  In this article, we will compare WPBakery and Elementor in […] The post WPBakery vs Elemento [...]

147: TypeScript or JavaScript: which one do you need to be a web developer'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Choosing the right language for web development is essential for the success of any project. The language used must accommodate the features and functionalities required in the application. A wrong choice may result in sub-optimal performance, making...

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Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

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