Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
How do you visualize trade' These 9 graphics on the topic are the shortlist winners of our inaugural Creator Program Challenge. The post Visualizing Trade: The 2023 Creator Program Challenge Shortlist appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Si vous avez besoin d’une qualité d’image supérieure, Midjourney est limité à un mégapixel pour le moment. Midjourney excelle à … Cet article Comment améliorer la définition des images sur MidJourney ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
If you're a JavaScript developer, you've probably used a package manager to install, update, and manage project dependencies. Which package manager, though, should you use' We will look at two of the most popular package managers in this blog post: n...
Ventura a contribué au financement d’ISIS en donnant au moins 705 dollars à travers un programme de cartes cadeaux sur … Cet article Dark Web : comment ces cartes cadeaux servent à financer Daesh a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Learn how to use text splitters in LangChain Introduction Welcome to the fourth article in this series; so far, we have explored how to set up a LangChain project and load documents; now it's time to process our sources and introduce text splitter, w...
Are you already familiar with Datawrapper and interested in exploring its advanced features for creating...
Parallel Vs Async: Before we get into asynchronous javascript, let's understand the difference between parallel and asynchronous on the grounds of Javascript, many people confuse about both these topics and think they are the same thing. Let's say yo...
In JavaScript, both async/await and Promise are used to handle asynchronous operations. However, they differ in terms of syntax, readability, and error handling. Let's explore the differences between async/await and Promise with examples and explanat...
Introduction Among the many tasks you may encounter when manipulating strings in Python, one common requirement is to remove certain characters from a string ' in this case, commas. Commas can be found in numerous contexts, like CSV files or number representations, and while they serve a useful purpose, there are
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Prerequisites It is assumed that the reader of this article has at least a basic knowledge of the following concepts: Function declaration vs function expression Arrow functions Scope and scope chain What Is Hoisting' Hoisting is a mechanism in ...
Which countries produce the most lithium, and which have the most in reserves in the ground' We look at 2022 data from the USGS. The post Visualizing the World's Largest Lithium Producers appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Protegiendo y organizando tus datos En el paradigma de programación orientada a objetos (POO), una de las características fundamentales es el encapsulamiento. El encapsulamiento se refiere a la capacidad de ocultar los detalles internos de un objeto ...
L'intelligence artificielle va-t-elle détruire l'humanité, ou au contraire représenter notre salut providentiel ' Découvrez tous les scénarios probables liés au … Cet article L'IA va-t-elle détruire ou sauver l'humanité ' Tous les scénarios possibles a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
TikTok launched its Script Generator feature ' a free tool that provides advertisers with script ideas in seconds. The post TikTok launches new AI ad script generator appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Use Button widgets when you want a standard button appearance and behavior for immediate actions. Use GestureDetector when you need to detect and handle complex gestures beyond the typical button behavior. Use InkWell when you want to add visual fe...
Goals Users should be able to: View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size Pre-Development Built With Semantic HTML5 markup Mobile-first approach CSS Grid CSS Flexbox CSS3 Variable My Process Searching how to link css ...
- Nasdaq rachète Adenza. Propriété de Thoma Bravo, l'éditeur de logiciel de risk management et de compliance pour le (...)
Online instructions for drawing Cyndi Knapp's Zentangle® pattern: Krazy 8's. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
In this first part of a two-part hands-on guide, Juan Rodriguez explains how to use several i18n plugins for Gatsby and reviews some others.
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JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming language that powers the interactive elements on websites. Understanding functions is crucial for developers to harness the true potential of JavaScript. In this article, we will delve into the wo...
Table of Contents: 1. Understanding the Flex Container and Flex Items 2. Setting up a Flex Container 3. Controlling Flex Direction 4. Managing Flex Wrap 5. Aligning Flex Items 5.1 Aligning along the Main Axis 5.2 Aligning along the Cross Axis 6. Adju...
WebProNews Vivaldi for Android Masquerades As Microsoft Edge to Unlock Bing Chat The developers of Vivaldi, the web browser for power users, have made a change aimed at helping users access Bing Chat. Vivaldi for Android Masquerades As Microsoft Edge to Unlock Bing Chat Matt Milano
Let's explore the UX psychology behind a game, the structures used to build them, and examples of how to gamify non-game apps. The post Gamification in UX: Increasing engagement through games appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Après avoir développé et validé des prototypes de bras robots hyper-articulés permettant de réaliser l'inspection ou la maintenance de zone industrielles complexes, la start-up française Nimbl'Bot a bouclé un tour de table de 2 millions d'euros pour les industrialiser.
La jeune pousse Astran (ex-Astrachain) prend de la hauteur. Arès une première levée de fonds réunissant 2 millions d'euros (...)
Length of a String We can find the length of a string using len() function. Example: fruit = "Mango" len1 = len(fruit) print("Mango is a", len1, "letter word.") Output: Mango is a 5 letter word. String as an array A string is essentially a sequence o...
Data Types Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data. Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are actu...
What is Flutter '' Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is a popular mobile SDK that allows developers to build native apps for Android, iOS, and other platforms with a single codebase. First described in 2015,...
Toshiba accélère dans le quantique par le biais d'un partenariat avec la start-up isréalienne Classiq. Le groupe japonais ambitionne de développer des cas d'usage pour l'industrie 4.0.
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Introduction In today's world, the importance of Javascript in modern web development cannot be overstated. Javascript has become one of the most popular programming languages in use today, powering some of the most interactive and dynamic web applic...
Cosine similarity proved useful in many different areas, such as in machine learning applications, natural language processing, and information retrieval. After reading this article, you will know precisely what cosine similarity is, how to run it wi...
Introduction: In this blog post, we will explore how to automate server updates on AWS instances using Paramiko, a Python library for SSH. Additionally, we will demonstrate the process of installing Java 17 on a remote machine to keep your server env...
Pour bien choisir son logiciel de centre d'appel, il est essentiel de prendre en compte la compatibilité, la flexibilité et … Cet article Comment choisir un logiciel de centre d'appel ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Pre-requisites - Basic knowledge about how to use Redux and Redux Toolkit. How Next js works, the difference between server and client-side components. Usability of Chrome developer tools. Procedure - Installation - Make your next js app by run...
Le serveur vocal interactif est aujourd'hui l'une des technologies téléphoniques les plus utilisées par les entreprises et les centres d'appel. … Cet article Serveur vocal interactif : définition, fonctionnement et avantages a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Let's say there are two code snippets code 1 and code 2, both of which take x and y seconds to get completed. Given the statement, one can say that if x
Avec la médiatisation des LLM, le volet sécurité des modèles d'IA passe au second plan. Pour y remédier, Google (...)
As a frontend developer, I import a lot of things on my every file and they look scary after a while! So I was looking for a way to solve this and I found a quick and easy solution which can use on any project I work on. There are multiple ways to do...
An SME can provide guidance and valuable insights from discovery through launch and help ensure you're making the right decisions. The post Build better products with subject matter experts appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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In this post, learn how to define a GraphQL schema, generate data, write queries and mutations, and test in a Spring Boot app. The post How to use GraphQL in a Spring Boot app appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Le feuilleton continue chez Twitter. Le réseau social a en effet refusé de payer ses factures Google Cloud alors que son contrat arrive à (...)
La mauvaise qualité de l'air a déjà été associée à un risque plus élevé d'infections, de comorbidités chroniques mais aussi d'effets nocifs sur le développement neurologique des bébés. Cette nouvelle étude d'une équipe de l'Université d'East Anglia (UEA, UK) qui a mesuré cette qualité de l'air au domicile des bébés, confirme une association entre la pollution de l'air intérieu [...]
Whatever level of training you can give your stakeholders, the more buy-in to your SEO ideas and processes you'll get. Here are 10 tips. The post How to use SEO education for stakeholder management appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Les bouffées de chaleur sont l'un des symptômes courants de la ménopause. Pour les limiter, des traitements existent, mais ils contiennent souvent des hormones, ce qui ne convient pas à certaines femmes qui ne veulent pas en prendre ou qui ont eu un cancer du sein dont les tumeurs étaient sensibles à la présence d'hormones. Actuellement, il existe un médicament sans hormone, à base de bê [...]
L'inflammation est un processus biologique complexe qui permet l'élimination des pathogènes et la réparation des tissus endommagés. Cependant, une dérégulation du système immunitaire peut conduire à une inflammation incontrôlée qui entraîne des lésions et qui contribue à des processus pathologiques. C'est le cas du cancer où le rôle de l'inflammation est avéré dans la progression [...]
Overview ' Quickly find AWS S3 Objects inside buckets hosting huge volumes of files using my latest Boto3 script! You can easily locate specific objects in your AWS profile by providing a few command line arguments. By specifying the AWS profile, bu...
Le Centre international de recherche sur les cancers (CIRC) se met au diapason de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), et recommande à son tour l'utilisation d'une dose unique de vaccin contre le HPV pour protéger les adolescents contre les cancers HPV-induits, dont le cancer du col de l'utérus et les cancers de la sphère ORL. en [...]
Dans une interview avec le présentateur de podcast russo-américain Lex Fridman, Mark Zuckerbeg a expliqué […] Cet article Mark Zuckerberg explique en quoi le Quest 3 est meilleur que le Quest Pro a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Le centre de lutte contre le cancer Eugène Marquis de Rennes s'est doté d'un impressionnant robot chargé de préparer les traitements des cancers par chimiothérapie. Son bras mécanisé, ultraprécis, assemble les solutions injectables en toute sécurité. Et contribue aussi à réduire les troubles musculosquelettiques des techniciens de laboratoire. [...]
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Le défaut de régulation d'un gène en particulier est identifié comme responsable du risque particulièrement élevé de leucémie chez les enfants atteints du syndrome de Down ou trisomie 21 : cette équipe de généticiens et pédiatres de l'Université Goethe de Francfort apporte avec cette découverte et ces travaux, publiés dans la revue Blood, une base pour le développement d'une théra [...]
Map, filter and reduce method. Map() Creates a new array by performing some operations on each array element. filter() Filter an array with values that passes a test. Creates a new array reduce() Reduce an array to a single value. code
Dans le cadre de notre dossier «'Ils font du SEO'», Johann Sonneck (Rédacteur web SEO) a accepté de faire un … Cet article Ils font du SEO | Johann Sonneck ( Rédacteur Web SEO) a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Selon les autorités sud-coréennes, un ancien responsable de Samsung a dérobé des secrets industriels à son ex-employeur, dans le but de reproduire à l'identique une usine de puces mémoires.
Introduction to Dart anonymous functions An anonymous function is a function that does not have a name. So far, you learned how to define named functions. If you remove the return type and name from a named function, you'll have an anonymous function...
Feature engineering is one of the most important and time-consuming steps of the machine learning process. It is the process of transforming raw data into features that can be used for creating a predictive model using machine learning or statistical...
In this article, we'll look at some of the best syntax highlighting libraries available today and explore their unique features and benefits The post Exploring the best syntax highlighting libraries appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
A data-driven insight generation loop is a process that maximizes your chances of finding relevant insights from data. The post Building a data-driven insight generation loop appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Here's how to optimize your product data and enhance your product listings at no cost with feed rules in Google Merchant Center. The post How to set up feed rules in Google Merchant Center and ensure quality product data appeared first on Search Engine Land.
De Charybde en Scylla pour l'offre de transfert de fichiers de Progress Software, MoveIT. En effet, l'éditeur a annoncé la découverte (...)
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What is typescript' TypeScript is a programming language that builds upon JavaScript and brings additional features. It introduces static type checking, which means it checks the types of values you're using in your code to catch mistakes early on. A...
AI has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives, but there are many […]
Le numérique pour transformer l'expérience des fans, des joueurs et des équipes, grâce au déploiement accéléré (...)
' Introduction Hello, I am Shivkumar, a Flutter developer, who participated Appwrite Hashnode hackathon and built the Humble platform as a project. Humble is a friends-making & dating app with powerful real-time chat features. Users can find profile...
Il est prévu que l'Apple Vision Pro sorte l'année prochaine. Le dispositif est contrôlé par […] Cet article Vision Pro : Apprendre à le contrôler avec le suivi des yeux et les gestes de la main a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
' Astro JS Middleware Example Astro now includes middleware, which performs a similar function to SvelteKit hooks, Deno Fresh middleware or middleware offered by serverless hosts (such as Cloudflare Workers). Here, we see an Astro JS Middleware exam...
Vous souhaitez obtenir l'une des évolutions d'Evoli ' Découvrez les méthodes permettant de transformer la […] Cet article Pokémon Go – Comment choisir l’évolution de Evoli a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
#DAY 12 100Days Of Code print("100 Days of Code QUIZ") print() print("How many can you answer correctly'") ans1 = input("What language are we writing in'") if ans1 == "python": print("Correct") else: print("Nope'") ans2 = int(input("Which lesson...
Introduction Python is one of the most known Programming languages for its use case in many new-age technologies. It is one of the most simple, versatile and robust languages that can be used to create high-end applications using its bundle of librar...
Every month we take the opportunity to look at some of the most creative and innovative website designs to be launched in the previous four weeks.
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Ces deux russes sont accusés d'avoir blanchi les bitcoins volés à ce site, alors la plateforme numéro un d'échange.
Avant de s’orienter vers une carrière particulière, il s’avère important de se renseigner sur les domaines de connaissances à maîtriser. … Cet article Que pouvez-vous attendre d’études dans la cybersécurité ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
I while back, I was looking for a fun project to test open-source best practices (docker, GitHub Actions, etc). I came up with "rickroller", the perfect tool to rickroll your friends like a pro!i In this article, I want to share with you my vision of...
These findings show why testing and improving your landing page experience and ad relevance scores matter when running paid search campaigns. The post How better landing page experience and ad relevance can boost your Google Ads performance appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Dart also supports a nice shorthand syntax for any function that has only one expression. In other words, is the code inside the function block only one line' Then it's probably a single expression, and you can use this syntax to be concise: String m...
These new reasons include video outside the viewport, video too small and video too tall. The post Google Search Console video indexing report gets three new issue details appeared first on Search Engine Land.
A high school student named Aiden Bai has created a new library called Million.js that makes React 70% faster. Million.js is a virtual DOM replacement for React that uses a hyper-optimized algorithm to diff data instead of the DOM. This results in si...
A high school student named Aiden Bai has created a new library called Million.js that makes React 70% faster. Million.js is a virtual DOM replacement for React that uses a hyper-optimized algorithm to diff data instead of the DOM. This results in si...
Poorly loaded images can create an unpleasant browsing experience on your website. Not only is it painful to look at, but it also makes the website feel sluggish (even when everything else might be blazing fast). By implementing lazy loading on image...
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Peut-on vraiment activer votre caméra ou votre micro de téléphone à distance' Décryptage technique sur la faisabilité de la nouvelle loi Justice française. Commentaires L'article Comment fonctionne la surveillance à distance des smartphones' a été posté dans la catégorie Sécurité de Human Coders News
Un court article qui compare l'approche Monorepo vs. Microrepo : les patterns de collaboration, la gestion des dépendances, la scalabilité Commentaires L'article Monorepo vs. Microrepo a été posté dans la catégorie API de Human Coders News
Introduction: Unit testing frontend applications is an essential part of ensuring code quality and reliability. However, testing a frontend application often involves interactions with backend services, which may not be readily available during the e...
La start-up française permet aux entreprises de fragmenter leurs données sensibles, puis de les répartir chez plusieurs fournisseurs de cloud. "Il est physiquement impossible de les reconstituer' sans autorisation, assure sa patronne.
One of the most exciting areas of technology today, machine learning is reshaping industries and our future. Choosing the best Integrated Development Environment (IDE) can have a big impact on your coding experience as a beginner in the machine learn...
Our first collection of 120+ free AI generated images for you to use in your projects or draw inspiration from. Prompts included!
Records are an anonymous, immutable, aggregate type. Like other collection types, they let you bundle multiple objects into a single object. Unlike other collection types, records are fixed-sized, heterogeneous, and typed. Records are real values; yo...
Créé en 1973, le groupe de groupe de services informatiques Isatech prend le nom de Dimood pour accompagner sa nouvelle stratégie de croissance, articulée notamment autour du métier d'éditeur logiciel, toujours en B2B.
This is something no one tells you normally '. Template Literals is a different way of formatting a String. In Normal String formatting, we use the addition operator to concatenate two string values or other values in order to form a string. Example...
Un rapport constate une hausse d'abonnements au service de streaming depuis l'annonce de la facturation du partage de compte.
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Welcome, fellow frontend enthusiasts, to the first chapter of our state management saga! State serves as the lifeblood of our digital creations, empowering us to build dynamic, interactive, and user-centric experiences. So, let's dive in and discover...
À la recherche d'un emploi dans l'UX/UI, vous vous posez des questions sur vos compétences et vos souhaits. Pour y voir clair, c'est assez simple, il faut un peu de méthode et d'objectivité... Cet article Pourquoi s'auto-évaluer pour trouver un emploi dans l'UX/UI design ' est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.
Après un épisode bref en 2020 (Cédric Pin a occupé le poste de février à décembre 2020), Antemeta retrouve (...)
Importing Pandas: import pandas as pd Creating a DataFrame: # From a dictionary data = {'col1': [1, 2, 3], 'col2': ['a', 'b', 'c']} df = pd.DataFrame(data) # From a list of lists data = [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']] df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns...
Le « Metaverse » est un terme très à la mode. Mais beaucoup ignorent que […] Cet article Le metaverse : tout savoir sur l’univers fictif qui affole les GAFAM a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Accompagner Marseille dans son projet de ville connectée. C'est l'objectif de la formation « technicien smart city » (...)
Les ops et les sysadmins victimes du cloud et de l'automatisation ' Cela y ressemble fort. Confirmant des tendances déjà perceptibles dans (...)
Sur Instagram, les photos et vidéos sont compressées lors de leur importation, mais vous pouvez contourner ce désagrément et publier vos visuels en haute qualité.
Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, Pimax, Playstation VR' Ce sont des noms connus de tous ceux […] Cet article 🏆 Comparatif du Meilleur casque VR : lequel choisir ' - juin 2023 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Six mois après l'annonce du départ de Bret Taylor, le co-CEO de Salesforce, le dirigeant de l'entreprise, Marc Benioff, a procédé (...)
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ArcelorMittal France a conçu 5G Steel, un réseau cellulaire privé desservant son aciérie de Dunkerque, pour soutenir ses plans (...)
La double authentification permet d'apporter une meilleure sécurité à vos comptes. Découvrez les différentes méthodes disponibles.
Back To Basics As a software developer/engineer, your main job is to solve a real-world problem by writing some text on your computer so that it interacts with the hardware in your machine to produce the desired outcome. For instance, in a calculato...
Introduction In the world of programming, there are numerous languages to choose from, each with its own strengths and purposes. Among them, Python stands out as a versatile and beginner-friendly language, gaining immense popularity due to its simpli...
Having a strong handle of web improvement systems and libraries is urgent to grasping programming and content dialects. Whether you need to have some expertise in front-end or full-stack improvement, Javascript is a pertinent language to foster compl...
Découvrez comment désactiver le téléchargement automatique des photos sur WhatsApp et éviter leur apparition dans la galerie de votre téléphone.
Google AI Introduces LaMDA 2.0: Google AI has announced the release of LaMDA 2.0, a new version of its large-scale language model (LLM) capable of generating more realistic and engaging text than ever before. LaMDA 2.0 is built on several text and co...
Functions are the building blocks of readable, maintainable, and reusable code. A function is a set of statements to perform a specific task. Functions organize the program into logical blocks of code. Once defined, functions may be called to access ...
Perhaps to no one’s surprise, generative artificial intelligence models contain bias rooted in…Tags: AI, bias, Bloomberg, Stable Diffusion
Today, I started learning JavaScript by beginning a new project. I will build an app, that can count the number of people that entered the subway. It will contain 2 buttons, one where you can increment the number of people that entered by 1 and one w...
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callback function callback function '''''''' function ''''''''''''''''''' function doSomething(callback) { // Perform some task or asynchronous operation // ... // Simulate a delay of 2 seconds setTimeout(function() { // Task is complete...
Context: I was Working on my Portfolio when it occurred to me that I could add a custom Spotify Widget to my website, So like most developers, I ignored every prebuilt widget and tried creating my own. I thought it would be cool if I could show the l...
Context: I was Working on my Portfolio when it occurred to me that I could add a custom Spotify Widget to my website, So like most developers, I ignored every prebuilt widget and tried creating my own. I thought it would be cool if I could show the l...
1. Gi'i thi'u Template Literals (hay còn g'i là Template Strings) là m't tính n'ng m'i c'a ES2015 (ES6) cho phép b'n làm vi'c v'i chu'i theo m't cách m'i l' h'n so v'i phiên b'n ES5 tr' xu'ng. Nó b' sung nhi'u tính n'ng m'i m'nh m' '' giúp cho vi'c t...
CSS Forms It is used to collect user input. The user input is most often sent to a server for processing. Bordered Inputs Use the border property to change the border size and color, and use the border-radius property to add rounded corners: Example ...
class Solution: def summaryRanges(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[str]: l = len(nums) if l == 0: return [] elif l == 1: return [str(nums[0])] start = nums[0] prev = nums[0] a...
Problem Statement:- You are given a sorted unique integer array nums. A range [a,b] is the set of all integers from a to b (inclusive). Return the smallest sorted list of ranges that cover all the numbers in the array exactly. That is, each element o...
JavaScript, as a dynamic and constantly evolving language, continues to introduce new features that enhance developers' productivity and expand the capabilities of the language. JavaScript developers must stay up-to-date with these advancements. In ...
JavaScript, as a dynamic and constantly evolving language, continues to introduce new features that enhance developers' productivity and expand the capabilities of the language. JavaScript developers must stay up-to-date with these advancements. In ...
This is one of the most important topic every Javascript DEV must know. The common thing in both of them is converting a value from one type to another. But the way they do is different. Type Coercion The conversion of value is done implicitly (Behin...
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Overview Hello readers we are here with another blog on an interesting topic, you will learn how to make a simple animation using one of the most popular programming languages of all time "JavaScript". Animation makes a lot of difference in designing...
In JavaScript, it is recommended to follow certain naming conventions for variables to improve code readability and maintainability. While there is no strict rule enforced by the language, the following conventions are widely used: Use descriptive n...
An outdated way of thinking about peak performance is to think that 'maximum effort = maximum results.' Research shows that it doesn't work in reality. Here's what works: The 85% rule suggests that to reach maximum output, you need to refrain from giving maximum effort. Operating at 100% effort all of the time will result in burnout and less-optimal results. While the precise number 85% may ju [...]
Writing down a plan helps developers think through the tasks, identify potential challenges, and construct a clear mental model of the work involved. Plans serve as checklists, aid in delegation, and improve overall performance. By starting to create plans and refining them through iterations, developers become better at planning and gain a deeper understanding of their work. Making plans enhances [...]
Short code snippets for development needs.
This post reviews key aspects of a vector database ' how it works, algorithms it uses, and the additional features that make it operationally ready for production scenarios.
Dave discusses strategies that have improved his project estimations of contract work: (1) Run postmortems on past projects to anchor yourself to reality. (2) Consider timing and logging future work to equip yourself for the future. (3) Get familiar with, and work to improve, your own estimation biases and weak spots. And more.
Library for audio processing and generation with DL.
HasuraCon is bringing together experts to explore the latest trends, insights, and innovations in the world of GraphQL, data architecture, and app development in this free, online 3-day event. Data APIs are reshaping the world of data delivery, helping enterprises do more by serving data where and when it's needed in a fast, secure, flexible way. Hasura and its customers are at the forefront, driv [...]
(1) Ray: quick and easy way to create beautiful code snippets for documentation or sharing purposes. (2) Roadmap: comprehensive technology roadmaps for various career paths in software development. (3) Readme: helps developers create beautiful, interactive, and user-friendly documentation for their software products. And more.
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'Replay traffic testing gives us the initial foundation of validation, but as our migration process unfolds, we are met with the need for a carefully controlled migration process. A process that doesn't just minimize risk, but also facilitates a continuous evaluation of the rollout's impact. This blog post will delve into the techniques leveraged at Netflix to introduce these changes to production [...]
Cloud native observability platform.
The live comment is a popular system design interview question and is discussed here. The real-time platform built for publishing live comments can display Facebook reactions, likes, concurrent viewer counts, user presence status, online polls, or seen receipts.
The best digital management software allows users to read and get their digital assets successfully. These systems have the capacities to organize, retail outlet, and control a variety of file types, right from simple photos and video clips to complex docs and reports. They also furnish features like release control, metadata tagging, an [...]
Boardroom courses are a great way to assist executives and managers preserve time, stay on top of advancements in their sector, and improve productivity. A few of these programs present a secure place to store documents and enable users to easily share documents with one another. In addition, they provide a system for users to … Boardroom Programs Read More »
If you want to become a successful front-end developer, you need to master the skills and tools that are essential for creating modern and interactive web applications. In this article, I will show you some of the most important topics and concepts t...
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It h...
This is my portfolio, in Fullstack Dev categories. I build the website in January and finish in the same month. The website was built with Bootstrap for the UI CSS Framework, for the custom style, I used SCSS. For a lot of functional, I used Javascri...
Two such constructs that seem quite challenging, especially to beginners, are recursion and while loops. Although both of these constructs are used for repetitive tasks, they perform differently under different conditions. This article, with the help...
What is Profiling Profiling is a technique used to measure the performance of a program. It assists in locating performance bottlenecks, sections of code that use an excessive amount of resources, and areas for improvement. Programming language built...
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Introduction Imagine embarking on a journey to build a magnificent skyscraper without first understanding the principles of architecture and engineering. It would be a risky and dangerous endeavor, as a solid foundation in those disciplines is crucia...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.