Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
La société de cybersécurité américaine Cisco Talos a récemment découvert une campagne de malware qui cible les utilisateurs de Gmail … Cet article Une campagne de malware cible les utilisateurs de Gmail et Outlook depuis des années a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Creators can now apply to get the Series feature, which lets creators charge users to access paywalled premium content. The post TikTok opens its premium content feature, Series, to more creators appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Every webpage, nowadays, is updated without reloading the page to provide users with a smooth experience. Updating a page without reloading it is only possible with the use of JavaScript, as web browsers exclusively run JavaScript as a programming language. Similarly, uploading a file without reloading the page is achieved
#python #function #computercodingclass #programming #coding
Difference between List, Tuple and Set In Python, there are three main data structures used to store collections of data: lists, tuples, and sets. Each of these data structures has its unique properties and uses. Lists are the most versatile data str...
Difference between List, Tuple and Set In Python, there are three main data structures used to store collections of data: lists, tuples, and sets. Each of these data structures has its unique properties and uses. Lists are the most versatile data str...
#580 ' JUNE 6, 2023 View in Browser » Build Your Own Face Recognition Tool With Python In this tutorial, you’ll build your own face recognition command-line tool with Python. You’ll learn how to use face detection to identify faces in an image and label them using face recognition. With this knowledge, you can create your own face recognition tool from start to finish! REAL PYTHO [...]
Introduction Tailwind CSS is an exceptionally adaptable, low-level CSS structure that permits you to construct custom-tailored plans without leaving your HTML. Dissimilar to other CSS structures like Bootstrap or Emerge CSS, Tailwind centers around g...
In the previous devblog I talked about decisions I made about the project that was supposed to improve progression. Well, we're just three weeks further, and I've made way more progress than I thought! I've even "completed" my first feature! Scavenge...
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Understanding Linked Lists Linked lists are linear data structures consisting of nodes connected by pointers or references. Unlike arrays, linked lists dynamically allocate memory, allowing efficient insertion and deletion operations. Let's delve int...
To read more articles like this, visit my blog GraphQL is an alternative to REST. It's new and obvious. has some benefits over traditional REST API. Today we will see how we can build a simple full-stack GraphQL application. Pre-requisites To follow ...
Real-world Project Examples: Building practical projects that integrate APIs, demonstrating how to implement different API features and functionalities in Flutter applications. Best Practices and Optimization: Discovering best practices for efficien...
In this article, I will answer 3 specific questions: Why you should be a Fullstack Engineer in 2023' How you can become a Fullstack Engineer' What are the technologies you need to learn today' This is an exhaustive yet high-level view of the ste...
La start-up française Neobrain, qui commercialise une plateforme SaaS de gestion des talents et des compétences, fait l'acquisition de Flashbird, un acteur américain positionné sur le même créneau. Elle concrétise ainsi son projet d'expansion aux Etats-Unis et enrichit son offre avec des fonctionnalités axés sur les performances et l'engagement des collaborateurs.
Introduction Welcome to this short blog which will explain to you how to integrate the Razorpay API into your web application in 5 simple steps. Step 1 - Add Razorpay Script in index.html Insert the following script inside your index.html file (in th...
How free are people to control their own labor, property, and finances' This map reveals the state of economic freedom globally. The post Mapped: The State of Economic Freedom in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Introduction React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces, and it provides a convenient way to handle forms. Forms are an essential part of many web applications as they allow users to input data and interact with the appli...
Introduction Les technologies de réalité virtuelle (VR) et de réalité augmentée (AR) continuent d’évoluer à un rythme rapide, ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités pour les consommateurs et les entreprises. Dans cet article, nous partons à la découverte de deux casques très attendus : le Meta Quest 3 de Meta et le casque Vision Pro d’Apple qui a […] L'article Les nouveaut [...]
Suite à des années d'enquête et d'examens minutieux portant sur Alexa et Ring Doorbell, Amazon vient d'être condamné à une … Cet article Violation de la vie privée : Amazon condamné à une amende de 30,8 millions de dollars a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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- Le FIC reste à Lille. Le forum InCyber, nouvelle appellation du FIC, a signé un contrat pour rester dans la capitale du Nord jusqu'en (...)
Dans une découverte fondamentale pour le fonctionnement interne des cellules, les scientifiques ont découvert que si le stress oxydatif endommage les usines de protéines appelées ribosomes, des équipes de réparation peuvent intervenir pour aider à réparer les dommages afin que le travail puisse reprendre rapidement. en lire plus
Le précédent Mac Pro d'Apple a été présenté en 2019, et depuis, Apple a fait passer tous les autres Mac à (...)
Aux États-Unis, le leader de la robotique industrielle Sarcos collabore avec Mortenson, JLG Industries, Array Technologies et Pratt Miller pour développer un système conçu pour améliorer la sécurité et l'efficacité des chantiers de construction de champs solaires. L'idée de ce projet étant de développer un robot autonome, capable d'installer des champs de panneaux solaires. Une inventio [...]
Des chercheurs anglais dirigés par le Docteur Ehsan Rezaee, de l'Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) de l'université du Surrey, travaillent sur la fabrication de panneaux solaires fabriqués à partir d'encre pérovskite. L'objectif est simplement de produire des blocs de construction de cellules solaires à partir d'encre pérovskite. Si l'encre pérovskite n'est pas une technologie nouvelle, l [...]
Des cancérologues de la NYU Langone Health et NYU Grossman School of Medicine ont présenté un médicament d'immunothérapie de nouvelle génération, prometteur dans plusieurs cancers. Au-delà du médicament lui-même et de son potentiel, ces travaux présentés lors de la dernière Réunion annuelle de l'American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO, Chicago), ouvrent l'espoir d'une nouvelle g [...]
Des chercheurs du Scripps Research (La Jolla) ont mis au point ou nouvel outil qui permet de rendre les tissus humains (et animaux) transparents, va faciliter considérablement l'étude de nombreuses maladies, à l'échelle du corps telles que l'infection COVID-19. La méthode consiste à « nettoyer » les tissus afin de rendre transparents de grands échantillons biologiques. La technique permet [...]
Microsoft Advertising is also launching an Ad Library where users can view ads shown on Bing that have impressions in the EU. The post Microsoft will only show ads from verified advertisers starting Aug. 1 appeared first on Search Engine Land.
This article covers the best tips and recommendations on the elements to pay attention to, the rules to follow, and life hacks to get around certain difficulties in table design.
Overflow Property CSS overflow property controls what happens with content that is too big to fit in an area. Overflow Values: visible Hidden Scroll Auto Hidden So this property hides all the stuff that goes into overflow simply. Scroll Th...
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Everything Bad is Good for You is a pop culture book that points out that some things we assume are bad (like TV) have tremendous benefits to our well-being. I love the premise of disrupting the conventional narrative and was reminded of that constan...
Happy Pride month! In this tutorial, I'll share a handful of my favourite animation tricks. You'll learn how to build an animated wavy pride flag using CSS keyframes and linear gradients. We'll also see how to make it dynamic using React. ''''
Version control in software engineering is a vital component of product development. It's a best practice that significantly enhances efficiency, fostering faster team growth in the process. The post What is version control' Definition, types, systems and tools appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Preface' This blog post explores whether PySpark can incorporate SOLID principles for data engineering tasks. Here's a series on SOLID principles with Python for data engineering tasks I've been working on: SOLID principles in data engineering - Pa...
Apple a levé le voile sur la dernière version de son système d'exploitation Mac lors de la conférence WWDC du 5 juin 2023. (...)
PrivateGPT is a Python tool that uses GPT4ALL, an open source big language model, to query local files. It is relatively simple to set up: Step I Clone the repository: The first step we will be taking is to clone the repo to you local computer. g...
Have you ever encountered challenges while implementing synchronous JavaScript in your projects, where the execution flow gets blocked, causing delays or unresponsiveness' How can we leverage asynchronous JavaScript to optimize performance and handle...
Si l'adage veut que quand on aime, on ne compte pas, en termes de pannes, il n'y a point de sentiment sauf celui de l'exaspération. (...)
As a UX designer, a relationship with your product manager can make or break your career. Here are some tips for success. The post How to collaborate with a product manager as a UX designer appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Use cases are a powerful concept in programming that is often overlooked, misunderstood, or ignored. They serve as a guiding principle for designing code that is tailored to specific requirements, without the need for extraneous or missing aspects. T...
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Les deux groupes britanniques sont les victimes collatérales de l'attaque ayant touché logiciel de transfert de fichiers sécurisé MOVEit, utilisé par la société qui gère la paie de leurs salariés.
What's a "Skip Navigation" link and why do I need one' If you're in the majority of users (statistically speaking, you probably are), you can look at a page as soon as it loads and start viewing the main content right away. By automatically ignoring ...
Google a dévoilé son YouTube Ads Leaderboard 2023, récompensant les publicités les plus populaires sur la plateforme ces douze derniers mois.
Accenture a cédé aux fondateurs de Memority, une plateforme SaaS de gestion des accès et des identités, les actifs de la structure qui souhaite ainsi accélérer son développement en Europe.
To ensure that your application logs an error under a specific condition, use the built-in fixture called caplog in pytest. This fixture allows you to capture log messages generated during the execution of your test. The post Verify Logging Error in Your Python Application with pytest appeared first on Data Science Simplified.
Hub One et la Banque des Territoires ont co-créé Hub One DataTrust, une plateforme permettant de partager, de vendre ou d'acheter des données relatives au transport aérien, ainsi qu'une filiale éponyme pour la commercialiser.
The agile premise of working in short iterations to create a working product increment and learning from feedback to understand what to best do next is essentially PDCA. The post The PDCA cycle in modern product management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Learn about the WebContainer API, which allows you to run Node.js apps in the browser, similar to CodeSandbox's interactive browser demos. The post Integrating the WebContainer API with Node.js appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
What is Python' Python is a programming language, similar to C, C++, Java, and JavaScript. However, Python is easier to learn compared to other languages. It also includes a standard library that helps reduce coding errors, enhances programmer effici...
With more renewables and EVs plugging into the grid, copper and nickel are essential building blocks for the energy transition. The post Why Copper and Nickel Are the Key Metals for Energy Utopia appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
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In this article, I'll discuss the three (3) types of conditional statements in JavaScript. This article will explain everything in simple terms. The conditional statements include: If statement else statement else if statement if statement "if" ...
Goldilocks effect Over time, we all end up with a collection of scripts tucked away in a scripts directory or git repo. Often these are written for a specific purpose and do not belong to a single category. In my case, I have Python scripts that conf...
Les entreprises comme Amazon, Uber, Airbnb et Alibaba ont redéfini les règles du jeu économique, transformé des secteurs entiers et ouvert de nouvelles perspectives économiques, grâce au pouvoir des plateformes business. Ces plateformes ne sont pas simplement des systèmes d'information traditionnels, mais plutôt des écosystèmes dynamiques qui facilitent la mise en relation de milli [...]
Learn how to produce an article outline based on the top entities of your chosen page with this guide to automated prompt engineering. The post How to use Google entities and GPT-4 to create article outlines appeared first on Search Engine Land.
The advertiser console went down at about 9:10 am ET today. The post Google Ads system is down; advertisers cannot access the interface appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Python has skyrocketed in popularity among programmers due to its simplicity, versatility, and extensive range of applications. Whether you're a beginner venturing into the programming world or an experienced developer exploring a new language, this ...
Pour Meta, la SIGGRAPH 2023 sera l'occasion de présenter son casque VR avec un écran […] Cet article Une belle présentation à venir pour Meta au SIGGRAPH 2023, en août a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Introduction Queues are fundamental data structures that play a crucial role in computer science and various real-world applications. In this article, we will delve into the world of queues, understanding their basic concepts, exploring different typ...
Introduction In today's fast-paced digital landscape, businesses need agile and scalable solutions to stay ahead of the competition. Node.js, a JavaScript runtime environment, has emerged as a powerful technology for developing server-side applicatio...
In my first React interview, I messed up big time because I did not understand the concept of cleanup in React useEffect hook. So, in this blog, we will take a deep look at it with the help of an example. Let's start! What is useEffect' A useEffect i...
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I remember my first interview for a Junior React Developer job. I was confident because I made simple React projects and practised CSS a lot. But in the interview, I found out I didn't know as much as I thought... My interview experience I was asked ...
Popular Node.js logging libraries include Grafana Loki, Pino, Bunyan, and more. Learn how each option helps with logging in Node.js. The post Exploring 7 best Node.js logging libraries and aggregators appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
An altitude map displays levels of product metrics visually. It maps out the most relevant metrics and shows how each influences each other. The post Using altitude maps to become a more data-oriented PM appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Here's how to incorporate unique viewpoints into your content and create dynamic, trust-inspiring spaces that customers will value. The post How to optimize content for Google Perspectives appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Lors de la WWDC 2023 organisée du 5 au 9 juin, Apple a présenté en avant-première iPadOS 17, la principale mise à jour (...)
Lors de la WWDC 2023 organisée du 5 au 9 juin, Apple a présenté en avant-première iPadOS 17, la principale mise à jour (...)
En avril, le chiffre d'affaires publicitaire du réseau social a chuté de 59%. Un défi pour Lina Yaccarino, la nouvelle directrice générale, chargée de rassurer les annonceurs.
Apple a finalement présenté son « produit révolutionnaire » lundi en Californie, depuis son siège de Cupertino. […] Cet article Vision Pro : Ici les premiers détails sur le casque AR/VR d'Apple a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Introduction When working with Python, we often have to deal with data in the form of numbers or words. Sometimes, words and numbers are stored together, and our needs compel us to separate numbers from words. In this article, we'll explain how to define words and numbers in Python. Then,
En amont de sa sortie prévue en 2024, Apple permettra aux développeurs tiers d'essayer leurs applications sur le Vision Pro dans des lieux dédiés.
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Exercise 1: Greeting Program Write a program that asks the user for their name and then prints a personalized greeting. The program should display a message like "Hello, [name]!" where [name] is the name entered by the user. Exercise 2: Even or Odd W...
React has gained immense popularity as a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. With its component-based architecture, React allows developers to create reusable and modular components that promote code organization and maintainability. How...
What are tensors' Tensors are the data structure used by machine learning systems. A tensor is a container for numerical data. It is the way we store the information that we'll use within our system. Tensors can have different dimensions, which deter...
Le projet d'identifiant publicitaire alternatif aux cookies tiers d'Orange, Vodafone, Deutsche Telekom et Telefonica annonce son lancement commercial en France, dirigé par une ancienne d'Orange Advertising.
Un acteur européen peut-il concurrencer les géants américains du cloud en 2023 ' Evroc y croit. La start-up suédoise lève ambitionne de lever 3 milliards d'euros au cours des deux prochaines années pour y parvenir.
L’intelligence artificielle (IA) est en train de révolutionner le domaine de la santé et de la médecine de manière profonde … Cet article Comment l’IA va bouleverser la santé et la médecine ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Here's how to use Custom Columns for surfacing trends and insights and answering your most important Google Ads account-related questions. The post 4 Google Ads Custom Columns you need to use ' and why appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Creating a swap transaction for the latest Uniswap router is not as straightforward as it used to be with the previous routers: you cannot just use the router ABI and invoke a swap function. This guide will teach you how to use Python to build the tr...
React is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and it provides a wide range of tools and features to simplify the development process. One of these features is the Context API, which allows for efficient and flexible state manag...
La filiale française de Flink a été placée en redressement judiciaire et annonce qu'elle quitte le marché français de la livraison rapide de courses. Ce dernier est de moins en moins prometteur avec les règlementations sur les "dark store" et l'inflation, mais elle donne à son seul concurrent Getir, l'occasion de l'exploiter seul s'il parvient à sortir de la procédure de redressement jud [...]
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CSS filter Property The filter property defines visual effects (like blur and saturation) to an element (often ). Example Download our HTML & CSS Visual Treat! ebook Here: Click here
Hi there! In part 1, we successfully built and launched our API, this time I'll guide you on how you're going to automatically generate and customize your user interface via yours truly PackageJS. You've already had a glance at what the interface of ...
Les services cloud sont loin d'être exempts de panne et d'interruption de services. Les clients de Microsoft utilisant les instances Azure DevOps (...)
C'était sans conteste l'annonce la plus attendue de la conférence développeurs d'Apple : le casque de réalité (...)
C'était sans conteste l'annonce la plus attendue de la conférence développeurs d'Apple : le casque de réalité (...)
Escape connaitra-t-il la même destinée que Dropbox et Airbnb ' Le point commun entre la start-up française créée en 2020 (...)
Explorez un avenir où l’IA inquiétante pourrait provoquer l’extinction de l’humanité, soulevant des enjeux préoccupants et une menace imminente. Le … Cet article Comment l’IA pourrait causer l’extinction de l’humanité a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
The new metrics include country, manual term, mobile device info, minute, new vs returning and session duration. The post Google Analytics 4 audience builder gains six new dimensions and metrics appeared first on Search Engine Land.
With the evolution of technology, customer preferences have evolved, changed, and expanded. You have to work harder than your biggest competition to grab their low attention span. This is why you require innovative technologies to stand out in your customer's inboxes. The inboxes of your audiences are already crowded. How do you then engage with... The post How to Use AMP Email Marketi [...]
Apple vient d'annoncer iOS 17 lors de sa conférence WWDC. Et ce qui, selon les rumeurs, n'était guère plus qu'une version de maintenance (...)
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Apple vient d'annoncer iOS 17 lors de sa conférence WWDC. Et ce qui, selon les rumeurs, n'était guère plus qu'une version de maintenance (...)
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable components that make it easier to manage and update complex web applications. In this article, we will explore the process of building a basic...
Today marks day 100 of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. An initiative pioneered by Alexander Kallaway, its purpose is to help individuals cultivate consistent habits around coding and to forge a community where like-minded individuals share their journey...
Alors que les big tech qui étaient historiquement présents sur le créneau de la réalité augmentée / virtuelle ralentissent leurs investissements (Google, Microsoft et Meta), Apple prend le marché à contre-courant et dévoile un produit haut de gamme, mais paradoxalement très limité dans les expériences immersives qu’il propose. Une preuve de plus que le passage … Lire la sui [...]
Alors que les big tech qui étaient historiquement présents sur le créneau de la réalité augmentée / virtuelle ralentissent leurs investissements (Google, Microsoft et Meta), Apple prend le marché à contre-courant et dévoile un produit haut de gamme, mais paradoxalement très limité dans les expériences immersives qu’il propose. Une preuve de plus que le passage … Lire la sui [...]
Apple dévoile les nouvelles fonctionnalités d'iOS 17. Cette mise à jour majeure sera disponible pour tous dès cet automne.
What is Python Range() Function' The range() function in Python is used to generate a sequence of numbers within a specified range. It is commonly used in for loops to iterate over a sequence of numbers. The range() function can be called with one, t...
Le dernier né des systèmes d'exploitation pour Mac a été présenté par Apple et devrait être disponible en bêta publique courant juillet.
Nouveauté très attendue d'Apple, le Vision Pro embarquera le premier système d'exploitation spatial. Découvrez ses fonctionnalités !
What are the Conditional Statements' Conditional statements in Python allow you to control the flow of your program based on certain conditions. They enable you to execute different blocks of code based on whether a condition is true or false. The tw...
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La SEC, le gendarme des marchés financiers aux États-Unis, accuse la première plateforme crypto mondiale et son CEO Changpeng Zhao de plusieurs fraudes et dissimulations. Un coup dur porté à Binance, également attaqué par le régulateur en charge des produits dérivés.
Solution for Leetcode 231 Hello, Welcome to my June Challenge of Problem Solving and finding solutions to Leetcode's Data Structures and Algorithm questions. Here, I choose a question daily and try to solve it, and finally pen down my process of flow...
Nouvelle montée en puissance de 4CAD Group autour de l'ERP Sage X3. La semaine dernière, l'intégrateur nantais (...)
Nouvelle montée en puissance de 4CAD Group autour de l'ERP Sage X3. La semaine dernière, l'intégrateur nantais (...)
Devenu président d'Adobe en EMEA en décembre dernier, Luc Dammann est remplacé dans ses anciennes fonctions de vice-président (...)
Un premier pas, c'est ainsi qu'il faut comprendre les informations de Reuters sur la volonté de Rubrik de s'introduire prochainement (...)
Introduction Flutter, the open-source UI software development kit created by Google, has gained immense popularity among developers for its ability to build beautiful and high-performance applications for multiple platforms. At the core of Flutter li...
Open your command prompt or terminal. Check the current version of Node.js installed on your system by running the following command: node -v Visit the official Node.js website ( to check the latest available version. To update...
What is Input Function' The input() function in Python is used to read input from the user. It prompts the user for input and waits for the user to enter a value. The entered value is then returned as a string. Example: name = input("Enter your name:...
Votre iPhone recevra-t-il la future mise à jour du système d'exploitation, iOS 17 '
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Introduction Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I started. I haven't posted anything but I hope to cover up for it next few days, anyways. A few days ago I decided to test my current skills. I haven't worked on an independent project on my own...
Une révolution médicale est en marche : l’alliance de l’IA et de la science a donné naissance à l’antibiotique ultime. … Cet article Une IA crée l’antibiotique ultime ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Pour le compte du premier trimestre 2023 et pour le troisième trimestre consécutif, les résultats de Dell dévissent. Pire, (...)
A l'occasion d'un forum qui a eu lieu le 1er juin à la Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, organisé par la Dinum pour présenter (...)
Les fournisseurs de cybersécurité Trellix et Netskope ont annoncé le support d'Amazon Security Lake d'AWS, disponible depuis le 30 (...)
L'IA générative, emmenée par le très populaire ChatGPT, a très tôt été identifiée par les (...)
Understanding the activity life cycle is easier than you think. I didn't understand anything but the onCreate() until I started utilizing all of them. I'm going to give you a simple explanation of how it works with a real-life example. Imagine you're...
In the world of JavaScript, there are numerous peculiarities and idiosyncrasies that have left developers scratching their heads. One such oddity is the result of the expression typeof null, which returns "object" instead of "null." This behaviour ha...
Never having had direct colonies itself, Switzerland is not generally associated with colonialism. Yet with an increasing global mobilization around the issues of racial injustice and colonial systems of power, there is a renewed sense of urgency in analysing complicities in colonialism and slavery which go far beyond engaging in direct political and military imperialism. This interactive map show [...]
JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming language that powers the interactive elements on websites and enables development across various platforms. Whether you're a beginner taking your first steps into programming or an experienced dev...
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Introduction In today's fast-paced world, where responsiveness and performance are crucial, asynchronous programming plays a vital role. Understanding asynchronous programming is essential for developers, especially in languages like Dart. In this ar...
Note: Before we begin with the blog, I would like to mention that this is my first blog, and I'm a beginner at writing technical articles. This article represents my current understanding as a beginner, and I might have made mistakes or overlooked ce...
Recently, I was working on a project that required me to make multiple API requests simultaneously. I was worried about how to carry out these requests without breaking other things. I started looking for ways to achieve my goal, and I remembered usi...
Abondance soutient le Tour de France des agences SEO organisé par Khosi ! 10 agences SEO, 10 villes, 10 jours : c'est le défi que Laura, Victor, Maxime et Virginie se sont lancé. Leur objectif ' Mettre en avant la qualité des agences SEO en France tout en faisant découvrir le métier de consultant SEO […] L'article "Peak Ace à Nantes ' Rencontre au Tour de France des Agences SEO" [...]
When you first learn to play music, a lot of the instruction is…Tags: beats, Michelle McGhee, music, Pudding
Introduction: In the world of software development, Test-Driven Development (TDD) has gained significant popularity. One of the fundamental principles of TDD is writing tests before writing any production code. This blog post aims to explore how TDD ...
Participez au prochain webinar de l'EFAP, le 13 juin, pour connaître les bonnes pratiques en vue de développer votre employabilité dans le digital à Bordeaux, Lille ou Lyon.
What are the Python Operators' In Python, operators are symbols or special symbols that perform operations on one or more operands to produce a result. They are used to manipulate data and perform various computations. Python supports a wide range of...
So, in this blog, I'll discuss how we can create our first React Native App on Windows. I've already discussed what we require for React Native in my previous blog. If you haven't read that here's the link: React Native Installation Setup (Windows) N...
' Fungsi dan Modularitas pada Python 3 ' Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas tentang fungsi dan modularitas dalam bahasa pemrograman Python 3. Mari kita jelajahi topik-topik menarik di bawah ini: '' Membuat Fungsi Sendiri: Fungsi adalah bl...
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Dans les coulisses du marketing et de ses nombreux enjeux, avec Anne-Carole Cöen qui travaille pour la startup française Swile.
A while ago I was working on a project GamesDrive and built it using React + TypeScript and using Chakra UI. I was required to get information from the API and wait for its response and then process it and show it to the user. If they have a slow net...
Ubuntu Installation of Java sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre java -version openjdk version "11.0.12" 2021-07-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.12+7-post-Debian-2) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.12+7-post-Debian-2, mixed ...
Introduction Welcome to the exciting world of React.js hooks! If you're a web developer diving into React.js, you're about to embark on a journey that will revolutionize the way you build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. In this blog post, we...
Dockerfile Docker is a tool that makes it easy to run applications in containers. Containers are like small packages that hold everything an application needs to run. To create these containers, developers use something called a Dockerfile. A Dockerf...
What are the Python Data Types' Python data types are classifications that define the nature of data stored in variables. They determine the operations that can be performed on the data and how they are stored in memory. Here is a description of some...
Preamble I wasn't planning on writing this post, but I think it's time to talk about this problem openly. First things first, let me be clear about something before I start: It's not my intention to bash on Knex or its maintainers. This article will ...
« Simple », « puissante » et « conviviale » pour les débutants. Tel est le portrait robot dressé par les concepteurs de ce plugin de référencement naturel. À votre avis, qui se cache derrière tout ça ' Vous mettez... All in One SEO peut-il devenir votre plugin de référencement numéro un ' est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.
On ne l'arrête plus. Silae, le spécialiste français du système d'information de gestion des ressources humaines (SIRH) continue de racheter les pépites de son secteur pour élargir son offre. Cette fois, il fait l'acquisition d'Andjaro et intègre un module de gestion des remplacements.
Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : est-ce que proposer un don à une association contre un avis entre dans les guidelines de Google ' Voici une petite compilation des informations fournies par les porte-paroles […] L'article "Goossips SEO : un don contre un avis" a [...]
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Introduction In this post we will look into how we can ask the user to allow notifications in the android part in our react native app when the user has Android version 13 and above installed in their device. For the android versions below 13 (that i...
La start-up souhaite réconcilier deux impératifs : sécuriser une organisation et permettre aux employés d'utiliser des outils leur permettant d'être plus productifs.
Introduction When it comes to traversing or searching through a graph or a tree, two popular algorithms come to mind: Depth-First Search (DFS) and Breadth-First Search (BFS). Both algorithms play a fundamental role in various fields, such as compute...
Introduction Today we'll work on creating a custom counter hook that encapsulates counter logic and allows us to build reusable and efficient components. Our custom counter hook will provide functionalities to increase, decrease, and reset a counter ...
Importance of Typography: Typography plays a crucial role in web design, influencing the overall aesthetic and readability of a website. Google Fonts provides a vast library of free, high-quality fonts that can enhance the visual appeal of your websi...
Python, a versatile programming language, provides various functionalities and libraries to automate tasks effectively. In this article, we will explore 13 advanced Python snippets that can automate cool and useful tasks, enabling you to save valuab...
Python, a versatile programming language, provides various functionalities and libraries to automate tasks effectively. In this article, we will explore 13 advanced Python snippets that can automate cool and useful tasks, enabling you to save valuab...
Grâce à des techniques d'intelligence artificielle, la start-up française promet de détecter les failles de sécurité dans ces indispensables interfaces de programmation.
Introduction: Efficient file transfer is crucial for automation engineers to ensure seamless integration and deployment of software systems. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of SSH (Secure Shell), SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol),...
Visualizing data is indeed a very useful and meaningful thing, and choosing a good tool for completing data visualization is also very important. Today I will introduce Grafana, an easy-to-use and adaptable data visualization tool. And recommended a ...
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Problem Statement:- A sequence of numbers is called an arithmetic progression if the difference between any two consecutive elements is the same. Given an array of numbers arr, return true if the array can be rearranged to form an arithmetic progress...
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a popular, lightweight data interchange standard. It represents data structures made up of key-value pairs in a straightforward and human-readable manner. JSON has become the industry standard for data interchange...
Let me introduce you to something that's been shaking up the developer scene: LangChain. It's this awesome framework built just for AI applications. From chatbots to recommendation engines, you name it, LangChain has got the tools to make it happen. ...
'I've learned that when I break down my large tasks in chunks that result in seeing tangible forward progress, I tend to finish my work and retain my excitement throughout the project. People are all motivated and driven in different ways, so this may not work for you, but as a broad generalization I've not found an engineer who doesn't get excited by a good demo. And the goal is to always give yo [...]
Charity answers two questions: (1) How to drive change when you have no power or influence' (2) How to drive change when you are a tech lead on a new team'
2D and 3D face analysis project.
Ravi Parikh, CEO of Airplane, discusses his perspectives on why he thinks OpenAI will have a durable moat and why the usage of general-purpose AI models will be mostly limited to a few large companies in the future.
The authors show us how stars have become a commodity and how to evaluate an open source project. 'The best and most obvious way to judge an open-source project is to look at the code but this can be kind of tedious' so an alternative that we have all naturally developed on our own or have been advised to, is to see how many people have starred a project, and then pick the one with the most star [...]
(1) Many of your skills don't translate. (2) Keep your instincts. Change your behavior. (3) Communicate 'why' more than 'what' and 'how.' (4) Culture is a real thing. And you're responsible for it. And more.
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Some of the most popular OSS options available for creating Python SDKs go head to head with Speakeasy's managed pipeline. Find out what the pros and cons of each approach are.
'The animations panel lets you slow down the animations happening in the browser so you watch them play out at much slower speeds and troubleshoot the mechanics of the animation.'
'In 2020, Figma's infrastructure hit some growing pains due to a combination of new features, preparing to launch a second product, and more users - database traffic grows approximately 3x annually.' Tim discusses the infrastructure changes the team implemented.
New language bridging the gap between research and production.
'This article is the first in a series where we'll delve into the fascinating world of compression algorithms, starting with LZ77 - a lossless data compression algorithm.'
Deliberate problem solving with LLMs.
Some of the most popular OSS options available for creating Python SDKs go head to head with Speakeasy's managed pipeline. Find out what the pros and cons of each approach are.
Co warto wiedzie' na temat zak'adach on-line i zw'aszcza ' jak je obstawia'' Odpowiedzi na ów, ale i wiele innych testowa' znajdziesz po poni'szym artykule. Wed'ug naszych opinii STS to jeden spo'ród czo'owych bukmacherów w Polsce. Jego najwi'ksze warto'ci to bardzo dobrze dzia'aj'ca aplikacja mobilna, mnogie transmisje live oraz wy'mienicie dzia'aj'ce zak'ady na energicznie. Bardzo […]
The app requires spots to be the first to send a message. This cuts down on those inboxes stuffed with messages from strangers; particularly those, shall we say, more forward messages. Of course, you need to still be smart about meeting up with strangers, but for no-strings-attached relationships, Pure is a fairly good place to […]
Content Tips On How To Discover Out Whenever Someone Incorporates a Courting Account Nicaragua Christian Latin Catholic Brides Chubbybunnie is work by CurveyBBWriends but includes fewer features than their web site. You are able to fill out the profile, however you’re restricted in the variety of pictures you can share with potential matches. Chubbybunnie promises […]
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Apple fait enfin son entrée sur le marché de l'informatique spatialisée avec le Vision Pro, un casque aux caractéristiques techniques très impressionnantes, mais vendu à prix d'or. S'il fera date, il n'est cependant pas sans compromis.
Asset classes vary widely by returns so far in 2023. Which ones are the best-performing, and is a bull market on the horizon' The post The Fastest Rising Asset Classes in 2023 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
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Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.