Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
I was browsing r/ProgrammerHumor when I came across this post: :(){ :|:& };:. This is a fork bomb in Unix/Bash shell command. This logic will continually replicate itself via recursion until the system is out of resources (either CPU or memory depend...
Les experts de CloudSEK, une société de cybersécurité indienne, a observé un déploiement de malwares via des vidéos générées par … Cet article Comment ces vidéos générées par l’IA propage des malwares ' a été publié sur
WebSockets are useful for building real-time, interactive web applications such as chat, gaming, real-time notifications and more. JavaScript enables the client-side logic that allows web applications to take advantage of WebSockets' real-time capabi...
Hello guys! In the previous tutorial, Part 1, we learned how to save and get data from Firestore, which is a cloud-hosted, Firebase NoSQL database. We also learned how to create and integrate a Firestore database to React. In this part 2, we will lea...
Martech experts Scott Brinker and Juan Mendoza discuss the future of martech and more. The post The next big thing in martech: The data warehouse appeared first on Search Engine Land.
In this blog, we are going to learn about CallBack Functions and event listeners. Callback Functions : As we know in javascript functions are First Class Citizen or also known as First Class Function and what that mean is that in javascript we can pa...
#568 ' MARCH 14, 2023 View in Browser » Sharing Your Python App Across Platforms With BeeWare Are you interested in deploying your Python project everywhere' This week on the show, Russell Keith-Magee, founder and maintainer of the BeeWare project, returns. Russell shares recent updates to Briefcase, a tool that converts a Python application into native installers on macOS, Windows, Linux, a [...]
You've worked hard to learn JavaScript. Are you now ready to start learning React' This article teaches how to create a local environment using Vite, providing a practical approach to practicing React! Introduction If you're looking to take your J...
Introduction 'Jamstack', what comes into your mind when you hear this word' Maybe you have heard it somewhere and did not understand it. The first time I heard the word, I split it into two words 'Jam' and 'stack'. I pictured 'Jam' as a thick sweet f...
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OpenAI présente officiellement GPT-4, son modèle d'intelligence artificielle... capable d'interpréter du texte, mais aussi des images.
Setup of C++ and Python on Windows Hey there, coding club members! Today, I'm excited to walk you through the steps to install the necessary software for us to start coding in Python and C++. We'll be using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as our code edi...
Overview Hooks are a powerful feature introduced in React 16.8 that allows developers to use state and other React features in functional components. Before the introduction of hooks, state management in React was done using class components and the ...
Introduction Welcome, fellow data wranglers and SQL enthusiasts! If you've ever tried to query a MySQL database, you've probably heard of the WHERE clause. But what exactly is it, and why is it important' Well, think of the WHERE clause as your trusty lasso in the wild west of data.
Tech-letter #13 | March 14, 2023 Does the market need another URL shortener' Probably not! But, why build it' A simple reason is to understand the complexities, along with the programming concepts, and deal with the problems that we face along. The ...
The best of last week's big and small data visualizations
Welcome to my first blog! Join me whilst I document my coding journey and share my thoughts. I have been learning about Javascript, using FCC and Jona's course on Udemy so far. These resources along with MDN docs and youtube have been a tremendous he...
This a continuation of our Todo web app. So far we have been adding just one task at a time to our to-do app. However, we want to give the user more power and the flexibility to add more than one task at once. In our app, we are going to use a comma ...
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment which developers use to build scalable network applications. You can use it in various software, including ecommerce platforms. To deliver high performance and speed for ecommerce applications, Node.js is o...
Google annonce plein de nouvelles fonctionnalités d'IA générative pour Gmail, Docs mais aussi sur ses autres applications. On fait le point !
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In Javascript, we can declare variables using 3 ways, and each variable declaration is having different use cases. Below I'm going to explain how they are different from each other. To understand the difference between var, let, and const we should f...
This version promises greater accuracy and broader general knowledge and advanced reasoning. The post OpenAI releases GPT-4 and Bing Chat upgraded appeared first on Search Engine Land.
-Meta supprime 10 000 postes en plus. La rumeur courait depuis la fin de semaine dernière. Elle se confirme avec l'annonce par Mark Zuckerberg (...)
100 tips to write clean code: I gathered how to write clean code in programming 1. Use intention-revealing namings 2. Capture business knowledge 3. Avoid encoding and technical details 4. Use pronounceable names 5. Use searchable names 6. Avoid noise...
Cerebral, une startup de télésanté axée sur la santé mentale, avoue avoir partagé les données des patients avec quelques-uns des … Cet article Cette appli livre vos données de santé mentale à Google, TikTok et Meta : pourquoi c’est grave ' a été publié sur
This graphic charts over 560 U.S. bank failures since 2001, including the two most recent additions: Silicon Valley Bank and Silvergate. The post The Largest U.S. Bank Failures in Modern History appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
var Using var we can reassign and redeclare the value of a variable with the same name. var myName = "Akshay"; console.log(myName); //Akshay //Redeclaring the value var myName = "Fasale"; console.log(myName); //Fasale //Reassigning the value myName...
Bousculé par la vague ChatGPT, Google est obligé d'accélérer la cadence pour répondre à l'engouement (...)
La start-up franco-américaine Respaid, spécialisée dans le recouvrement d'impayés, annonce une levée de fonds en amorçage de 2,5 millions d'euros. Objectif : renforcer ses outils technologiques, recruter et poursuivre le déploiement de sa solution en Europe et aux États-Unis.
Create a dynamic QR code generator in the Vue framework that allows you to better brand and customize codes for users. The post Creating a dynamic QR code generator in Vue appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Design systems are meant to enable design teams to create consistent experiences more efficiently for all types of users. The post How to build an accessible design system appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Perhaps more than any other person in history, Leonardo da Vinci showed the kind of magic that can happen in the overlap between art and science, where much of web development lives. His methods and outlooks are just as applicable to the web today as they were in Renaissance Italy.
In programming, contracts refer to agreements between various parts of the code that permit a function to describe its behavior explicitly and be comprehended by the compiler. Kotlin contracts, which were introduced in version 1.3.60 of Kotlin, are a...
Hey guys! I am Dineth. Recently I started to learn to program. I am beginning to love it. At present, I am learning flutter...I have a basic knowledge of python because it was included in our Advanced Level IT syllabus. I am hoping to share my progre...
You should be explicit about the name of the exceptions you will catch for more precise error handling. Catching any exceptions can cause unintended consequences. For example, in the code above, the error message returned is “Cannot divide by zero,” even though the actual error is TypeError. My previous tips on good Python practices. The post Never Catch All Exceptions appeared first o [...]
Préambule : Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre des réflexions collectives menées dans le cadre du projet Tribute to Tobler ' TTT. pour redévelopper les méthodes de Tobler dans des environnements contemporains de géovisualisation. Ce billet présente le Notebook Autocorrélation Spatiale [accéder] – English version : Spatial Autocorrelationréalisé par Laurent Jégou (Univ. de Toulous [...]
Problem Statement:- You are given the root of a binary tree containing digits from 0 to 9 only. Each root-to-leaf path in the tree represents a number. For example, the root-to-leaf path 1 -> 2 -> 3 represents the number 123. Return the total sum o...
Les chercheurs en sécurité d'Halborn ont fait une belle découverte. Ses derniers ont détecté de multiples failles (...)
Les chercheurs en sécurité d'Halborn ont fait une belle découverte. Ses derniers ont détecté de multiples failles (...)
Collaborating with open source is a great way to gain experience in a real-life scenario. It is a win-win. You learn either way, you gain new skills, and you get the possibility of contributing to other people's projects and being acknowledged for it...
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JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages used today, and for good reason. It allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications that can be used across multiple platforms. However, to truly master this language, i...
Bonjour à tous, Promis je ne vais pas vous montrer comment ChatGPT peut répondre aux utilisateurs à votre place mais plutôt une manière plus conventionnelle de le faire en Ruby on Rails. En revanche je ne manquerais pas de faire appel à lui pour m'aider à vous expliquer les structures de données récursives ! Commentaires L'article Implémente un formulaire qui répond à ta place a été [...]
TypeScript is a popular programming language that builds on JavaScript by adding types and type-checking. TypeScript can help you write more reliable, maintainable, and scalable code for your web applications. But what exactly are the benefits of usi...
Welcome to my first tech blog! ' In this one, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about constructor functions, factory functions, and classes in JavaScript. So let's get started ' Imagine you are a pastry chef, and you need to create...
Introduction JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used in web development to create interactive and dynamic user experiences on websites. It is very versatile and can be used to create everything from simple scripts to complex web, mob...
A mockup is a visual representation of an idea. In software development, mockups are often used to communicate the product vision across teams. The post What is a mockup' Definition, types, and how to create one appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Introduction Setting up a project from scratch can be a daunting task, especially if you are new to the world of web development. But fear not, with the right tools and guidance, you can create a production-ready webpack configuration that will help ...
See how Contentful and Gatsby can be paired to deliver a modern, rich experience for building a headless CMS, including dynamic previews. The post Contentful and Gatsby: Build a static site with a headless CMS appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Google will soon add ChatGPT-like prompts to help you draft in Docs and Gmail, including brainstorming, proofreading, writing and rewriting. The post Google: Generative AI coming to Docs, Gmail in Workspace appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Fin de la sanction pour Wish en France ! Le site e-commerce est de nouveau référencé sur Google et les autres moteurs de recherche.
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In this blog, I will walk you through a step-by-step process to create a simple BMI Calculator. I assume you can create HTML and CSS File for this, so I am not making it for you. Although, I will provide my version of the HTML and CSS code below for...
L'autisme se caractérise par des troubles de l'interaction sociale et de la communication ainsi que des anomalies comportementales comme une réticence au changement ou une tendance à la répétition des comportements. Les mécanismes de l'autisme restent encore assez mystérieux. Toutefois, une équipe de l'Hector Institute for Translational Brain Research (HITBR) vient de faire une découverte [...]
Fight Back VR est une expérience de réalité virtuelle gratuite qui vise à enseigner les […] Cet article Cette expérience VR gratuite sur l'autodéfense est disponible sur Quest a été publié sur Réalité
Des chercheurs de l'Université de Caroline du Nord ont mis au point un matériau souple conservant une telle propriété, grâce à un alliage de gallium et d'indium baptisé EGaIn. Normalement solides à température ambiante, ces deux métaux deviennent "eutectiques" lorsqu'ils sont mélangés : leur point de fusion baisse, les rendant liquides. [...]
Introduction Web development refers to building, creating and maintaining of website, it includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming and data management. In the web development world, the terms web developer and web designer ...
L'année 2022 a été particulièrement chaude et sèche en Europe. Et le changement climatique est à l'origine de l'amplification de cet épisode de sécheresse. Une étude scientifique conduite par une équipe de chercheurs du CNRS publiée récemment vient de le démontrer. Ce n'est pas tout à fait une surprise, mais le fait est désormais prouvé : la sécheresse qui s'est emparée de l'Euro [...]
La Silicon Valley Bank n'est plus, et déjà, les vautours rôdent autour des restes. Ce lundi, les marchés des quatre coins (...)
Introduction Many front-end developers endlessly make blunders that they do not analyze strategies before replicating designs. Because of this, web developers usually get stuck and frustrated along the line and the structure might not turn out as exp...
Alors que ses origines sont lointaines, le biochar est à nouveau utilisé depuis quelques années afin d'améliorer des sols agricoles dans divers pays tropicaux ' notamment très acides et très altérés. Il s'agit principalement d'accroître la qualité des sols et ainsi leur productivité. Néanmoins, le Laboratoire fédéral d'essai des matériaux et de recherche (EMPA) en Suisse évoque cet [...]
Engagée dans une "année de l'efficacité", la maison mère de Facebook mène un deuxième plan social en quatre mois. Elle avait déjà licencié 11 000 employés en novembre.
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Vous vous souvenez peut-être de cet anniversaire où vous vous étiez cassé le bras en sautant de la balançoire. Mais comment notre cerveau fait-il pour mémoriser de nouveaux événements aussi rapidement et se les rappeler tout aussi précisément des années après ' Cette question est devenue importante en intelligence artificielle et dans les réseaux de neurones artificiels actuels. [...]
Verrons-nous bientôt le prochain casque de réalité mixte d'Apple ' En tout cas, c'est ce que […] Cet article Du nouveau sur le casque de réalité mixte d’Apple a été publié sur Réalité
Hi everyone I am Rhythm and this is my first blog. A quick intro about me and then we will jump into today's topic. I am a student currently learning various tech skills Python, Pandas, Machine Learning, MySQL, Power BI etc. Right here, I would be ta...
Hi everyone I am Rhythm and this is my first blog. A quick intro about me and then we will jump into today's topic. I am a student currently learning various tech skills Python, Pandas, Machine Learning, MySQL, Power BI etc. Right here, I would be ta...
De nouvelles fonctionnalités permettront d'écrire automatiquement un e-mail à partir de quelques instructions. Ou encore de résumer une conversation comprenant plusieurs messages.
If you're a PPC advertiser, chances are your company is throwing money away on brand terms. The post How to get 1 in 5 dollars back on brand search appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Fetching and manipulating data without using a global state was something out of the ordinary. TanStack Query gives us this opportunity. The post A deep dive into mutations in TanStack Query appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Every project needs a goal or outcome for the team to understand what they are supposed to do. Project planning helps achieve that. The post A guide to project planning (with template and examples) appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Problem Description Given n non-negative integers a1, a2, ..., an, where each represents a point at coordinate (i, ai). n vertical lines are drawn such that the two endpoints of the line i is at (i, ai) and (i, 0). Find two lines, which, together wit...
Avec votre Apple TV, vous pouvez regarder une variété de contenus en qualité HD et profiter d'une expérience de jeu … Cet article Top des meilleurs VPN pour l’Apple TV a été publié sur
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With more levers to ensure brand safety and profitable ad spend, it's a great time for DTC brands to test Performance Max. Here's how. The post Why Facebook advertisers should test Performance Max appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Hello '' everyone, Welcome, in this post we'll continue our learning about data types in JavaScript specifically number type. In the part2 we discussed comparing numbers with JavaScript. This post discusses some useful number methods available in J...
Introduction Hello ', I am Zord Coder a software developer and part-time freelance developer. Recently I was given a task to minimize the React bundle size and optimize the whole application as much as possible. Well, this might seem like an easy jo...
' Introduction: If you're a developer or a DevOps engineer, you must be familiar with GitHub's REST API. GitHub's REST API enables you to automate various tasks such as creating a new repository, fetching information about a repository, creating iss...
Digital assets are gaining popularity due to their return potential and decentralized nature. How can institutional investors get exposure' The post How Institutional Investors Can Approach Digital Assets appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Les web workers sont des threads JavaScript qui permettent de déléguer des tâches longues et/ou intensives en CPU à des processus en arrière-plan, afin d'éviter de bloquer l'interface de l'application web. Cela signifie que vous pouvez exécuter du code JavaScript qui prend du temps à s'exécuter, comme des calculs complexes, des opérations de traitement de données ou des téléchargemen [...]
Les web workers sont des threads JavaScript qui permettent de déléguer des tâches longues et/ou intensives en CPU à des processus en arrière-plan, afin d'éviter de bloquer l'interface de l'application web. Cela signifie que vous pouvez exécuter du code JavaScript qui prend du temps à s'exécuter, comme des calculs complexes, des opérations de traitement de données ou des téléchargemen [...]
Whether you are a novice or experienced trader, it is important to decide which financial assets to focus on before getting started. How about cash indices' In this article, we will explore the various advantages of trading cash indices and how they can help traders to build a robust portfolio through greater diversification, to better […] The post Exploring the Benefits of Trading Cash Indi [...]
Undefined: It occurs when a variable has been declared but has not been assigned any value. var technology; // not assign any value console.log(technology) //undefined Using of typeof operator in javascript the error handling for undefined variati...
Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, Pico 4, PlayStation VR 2, etc., les casques VR […] Cet article Quel est l'avenir des casques VR ' a été publié sur Réalité
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J'ai toujours eu un peu de mal avec cette convention en Js, alors voilà une exhaustivité d'example afin de mieux comprendre comment ça marche: const myThings = { teddyBear: { color: 'brown', name: 'tedd' }, backpack: { capacity: '20L', make: 'Th...
Gone are the days when employees spent their entire careers working for the same company. While 'jobs for life' have obvious upsides, an increasing number of workers are discovering the benefits of well-timed job hopping. It's not hard to see why many Gen Z and millennial employees have decided the time is now to vote... The post Could Job Hopping Benefit Your Career' appeared first on [...]
Some inspiration for clip-path animations where a fullscreen image moves into a row/grid of smaller images, morphing its shape along the way.
Introduction Welcome to my 19th blog post. Today I learned about 'break' and 'continue' statements in python. Now let's dive deep into the details So let's get started...... Break Statement While using any kind of loop, sometimes we want to break the...
Les chercheurs japonais de l'Université d'Osaka sont parvenus à entraîner une IA pour recréer les images auxquelles une personne pense … Cet article Et maintenant, cette IA lit dans vos pensées pour créer des images a été publié sur
La cour d'appel californienne a jugé que la loi sur le statut indépendant des chauffeurs VTC travaillant avec des applications comme Uber n'était pas contraire à la constitution. Le statut de salarié et les droits et protections qui en découlent ne leur seront donc pas accordés. L'Union internationale des employés de services compte faire appel.
The concept of E-E-A-T, Google's template for search quality, can help us assess and improve the quality of AI-generated content. The post How to demonstrate E-E-A-T in AI-generated content appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Traditional native apps require developers to maintain two codebases separately. But, with the popularity of React Native and Flutter, developers are able to unify the code. However, the debate between the two is still breaking the internet. Both fra...
introduction Arrays are a fundamental data structure in JavaScript, and the ability to perform complex operations on them is essential for any developer. One powerful tool for manipulating arrays is the reduce() method, which enables you to perform c...
Acheter des vues YouTube est à la fois simple et efficace lorsque vous décidez de recourir aux services d'un site … Cet article <strong>Acheter des vues YouTube : le guide complet</strong> a été publié sur
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La folie des NFT continue d’envahir le monde des jeux vidéo et Pokémon ne semble pas être en reste. Récemment, … Cet article <strong>Bientôt un jeu Pokémon NFT ' Un expert Web3 recruté</strong> a été publié sur
Introduction In this post, I will explore how to create a REST API using Spring Boot and Kotlin. We will dive into the fundamentals of Spring Boot and Kotlin, explain how to set up the project, and guide you through the process of building the API st...
Microsoft rend le modèle de langage étendu ChatGPT disponible en avant-première sous forme de composant pour les applications destinées (...)
You'll reap digital dividends when your strategies work together. The post Five ways to harmonize PPC and SEO to boost ROI appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Fournisseur majeur de matériel informatique, Dell propose depuis maintenant une quinzaine d'années des PC portables ainsi que des tablettes (...)
Un an après l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, la résistance et la défiance générales du pays sont une source d'inspiration, (...)
Le chatbot de l'application donne des conseils dangereux aux adolescents.
Clap de fin pour les NFT sur Instagram et Facebook, moins d'un an après le lancement !
In JavaScript, data types are used to represent different kinds of values that can be manipulated by the program. There are seven basic data types in JavaScript: 1) Undefined 2) Null 3) Boolean 4) Number 5) String 6) Symbol (added in ECMAScript 6) 7)...
About ThirdwebSDK is a software development kit (SDK) for building decentralized applications (dApps) on the Thirdweb blockchain. It enables you to build web3 applications with possessing abilities like: Connecting to user's wallets Deploying and i...
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In this tutorial I'll be writing about JavaScript Arrays and I'll be making use of examples to further explain the concept. Definition : A JavaScript Array is a special type of object that is used to store multiple values at once. It is a special typ...
Nouveau rebondissement dans l'affaire Wish. Un an après avoir ordonné le déréférencement de la marketplace américaine et trois jours après qu'elle ait été désignée coupable de pratiques commerciales trompeuses, la DGCCRF réautorise Wish à apparaître sur les moteurs de recherche en France.
Before Begining I have been struggling over the past two days to figure out the best way to write code in TypeScript while adhering to the SOLID principles. Specifically, I have been designing a class that uses Axios to communicate with a REST API. I...
Problem Description The problem 3Sum is given an integer array nums, return all the triplets [nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]] such that i != j, i != k, and j != k, and nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] == 0. Notice that the solution set must not contain duplica...
Hello People! This is a short, composed and simply explained blog on a brief explanation of custom hooks, which is a topic for a beginner like me a bit intimidating. But no worries I will explain it to you right here. Since you have clicked to read t...
In this article, we'll be creating a gradient bar that will show the percentage in React. There might be many packages that will be helpful in this scenario but the fun is when you can make it work from scratch. So let's begin. Here is the demo link....
Salt, opérateur suisse détenu par Xavier Niel, a signé avec la constellation de SpaceX pour offrir à ses abonnés mobile une connexion directe par satellite en 2024.
As web development becomes increasingly complex, the need for a more reliable and scalable language has become more apparent. While JavaScript has long been the go-to language for front-end web development, it has its limitations when it comes to bui...
Problem Description Leetcode problem Valid Palindrome asks you to determine if a given string is a valid palindrome or not. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence of characters that reads the same forwards and backward. For example, "racecar" an...
Une belle photo, ça marque souvent les esprits. Sur un site e-commerce, par exemple, c'est un atout indispensable pour présenter un produit, mettre l'eau à la bouche, et inciter à l'achat. Une belle photo, cela peut aussi être un cadeau'... Que vaut Smush, le plugin pour optimiser le poids de vos images ' est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.
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Javascript is Asynchronous, i.e; there will be some code blocks in your program that will wait for other functions/code to execute. Most times this "some code" will be a Callback function that waits for certain processes to finish and then execute. e...
Introduction In javascript, two comparison operators give the same answers with some code comparison and different answers with some code comparison. we are talking about "==" which is known as an abstract operator or loose equality operator and "===...
Nous vous donnons quelques conseils pour captiver votre audience grâce aux threads Twitter.
Day -10 For Loop : For loop is used to iterate a sequence of data items. let's solve some examples: Write a python program to find the factorial of a number : n=int(input("Enter the number - ")) m=1 for i in range(1,n+1): m=m*i print("The fact...
Overview In this exercise, you will create a React component that checks the strength of a password and displays the result to the user. The component will take user input and use a set of rules to determine the strength of the password. Instructions...
Alors que le déploiement de l'intelligence artificielle s'accélère, le groupe américain a mis fin aux travaux d'une équipe chargée d'en identifier les risques.
Alors que le déploiement de l'intelligence artificielle s'accélère, le groupe américain a mis fin aux travaux d'une équipe chargée d'en identifier les risques.
This article is a continuation of our to-do list app. Check out part-1 Within the li element of each task, we want to display a trash icon. And use the icon to delete that very li element. First, we need to download Heroicons which is a package or li...
Si les établissements bancaires et financiers ont toujours été historiquement des cibles privilégiées des cyberpirates, (...)
Rendez-vous le jeudi 6 avril pour participer à la 4e édition de BIG SEO organisée par l'agence CyberCité.
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How to Create a Responsive Image Gallery using CSS Grid If you're a web developer, you know that designing a responsive image gallery can be a challenge. However, with the advent of CSS Grid, it has become easier and more efficient to create a respon...
A Beginner's Guide to Web Development Web development is the process of building websites and web applications. It involves a variety of languages, tools, and frameworks. In this blog post, we'll provide a beginner's guide to web development. HTML HT...
Learn Web Development: Tips and Tricks Are you interested in learning web development' If you are, then you are in the right place. Web development is a rapidly growing field that is constantly changing, so it is essential to stay up-to-date with the...
Best Tools for Frontend Web Development Frontend web development can be a challenging task, especially when you don't have the right tools. However, with the right set of tools, you can make the process of building highly responsive and functional we...
Découvrez comment créer et gérer votre fiche d'établissement sur Google.
Les ventes mondiales d'appliances de sécurité ont fini 2022 sur une bonne note, avec toutefois une forte décorrélation entre (...)
La 8ème édition du Global Challenge d'Hello Tomorrow a sacré trois start-up françaises de la deeptech. Sweetch Energy, spécialiste de l'énergie osmotique, WeLinQ qui interconnecte les ordinateurs quantiques, et Touch Sensity qui développe un dispositif permettant de capter en temps réel les dégâts subis par n'importe quel matériau composite.
Quel est le lien entre Lenovo et Aston Martin vous demandez-vous ' La réponse est simple, la station de travail ThinkStation PX. Récemment (...)
Face à des cybermenaces qui ne semblent pas prêtes de se tarir, les responsables de la cybersécurité continuent à se (...)
Au rythme où va sa croissance, Blue Soft devrait atteindre, comme prévu, le cap des 100 M' de chiffre d'affaires en 2023. L'ESN créée (...)
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Lancé en 2006, le site d'e-commerce, spécialisé dans l'ameublement et la décoration, revendique plus de deux (...)
Alors que les processus métier deviennent plus complexes, les entreprises se tournent vers des tiers pour renforcer leur capacité à (...)
Flutter is a popular mobile app development framework that allows developers to build high-quality, fast-performing, and visually appealing apps for Android, iOS, and other platforms. With Flutter, developers can use various state management approach...
GeoGuessr player rainbolt is next-level good at reading Google Maps. Given a short…Tags: geolocation, Google Maps, rainbolt
The Pros and Cons of Working with Pre-made Website Templates Whether you are a web developer, designer, or business owner, the task of building a website can be both challenging and time-consuming. One solution that has become increasingly popular in...
How To Make Your Website More Accessible Accessibility is critical to make sure that people with different abilities can use and interact with your website. Making your website more accessible can increase engagement, usability, and success. Below ar...
Understanding What is Responsive Web Design In this fast-paced world of digital marketing, businesses cannot underestimate the importance of having a responsive website. With the increase in the number of devices used to browse the internet, creating...
Understanding the Basics of Responsive Web Design In today's technology-driven world, it's essential for websites to be accessible from various devices. A website that doesn't look good or perform well on a mobile device, for instance, can easily dri...
ChatGPT est un modèle de langage très avancé développé par OpenAI, conçu pour fournir des réponses précises et pertinentes à une grande variété de questions et de requêtes en langage naturel. Personnellement je trouve que l'une des façons les plus faciles et pratiques d'accéder à ChatGPT est via Telegram, une application de messagerie instantanée populaire […] L'article Crée [...]
Creating Responsive Websites Using Bootstrap In today's world, responsive web design is no longer an option, it is a requirement. With the huge variety of devices that people use to access the internet, it is important to ensure that your website loo...
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Amazon a prévu de lancer sa propre plateforme NFT le 24 avril prochain, ce qui pourrait transformer le marché des … Cet article <strong>Amazon va lancer sa plateforme de NFT : tout savoir</strong> a été publié sur
The Pros and Cons of Using JavaScript Frameworks JavaScript frameworks have been a hot topic in the world of web development for the last few years. They have revolutionized the way we build web applications, providing developers with a set of tools ...
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Building a Website Building a website is an exciting process that requires careful planning and execution. However, even the most experienced web developers can make mistakes that affect the overall success of a site. ...
Background So at the enterprise I'm working with, we are consuming messages from Confluent Cloud topics. These messages should end up in S3 to be available for further processing. Due to enterprise regulations, (network technicalities, but also allow...
Introduction The REST API principles were a perfect starting point for my foray into programming. Simply put, it appears to be the only option available. The basic answer is that every lesson I followed to learn either the backend or frontend impleme...
Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours, avec au programme, des réponses à ces questions : l'attribut nofollow peut-il aider un site à sculpter son PageRank ' Quelle redirection utiliser dans le cadre d'une migration temporaire suivie d'un retour vers […] L'article "Goossips SEO : Nofollow, Redirec [...]
Bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm to understand. It works by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order. It starts at the beginning of the array and compares each pair of adjacent elements. If they are in the wrong o...
What is Document Object Model' Let's first understand what is DOM. Document Object Model is also known as DOM. It is a structured HTML representation in a webpage or application. As a tree data structure, it represents the web application's whole UI ...
Introduction to React Router React Router is a library that allows you to handle routing in single-page applications built with React. It's a popular open-source library that provides declarative routing for React applications. Routing is the process...
What is an IIFE' IIFE stands for "Immediately Invoked Function Expression". In this article, I will give a practical example of how I use IIFEs in my daily work. If you'd like to see other use cases for them or see different ways of formatting them, ...
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React is a popular JavaScript library widely used for building web applications. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, there is always room for improvement when it comes to React skills. This article will provide you with the top 10...
Introduction If you have been using ReactJS for making any form then you must have encountered an error regarding the uncontrolled component and went back to handle it. In this article, we will see all about the Controlled & Uncontrolled component in...
Converting between timezones may seem like a straightforward task involving the calculation of the time difference between a location and UTC. However, this is not the case because firstly, timezones are not uniformly divided, and secondly, the dayli...
This blog focuses on best-practice guidance on implementing accessibility in the menu components by using Headless UI from the creator of tailwind Labs using TailwindCSS. Why accessibility is important' By 2023, it is expected that the Web will offer...
Este é um pequeno exercício, de aprendizado, no qual a tarefa é criar um CRUD de arquivos locais, coma a capacidade de criar, ler, atualizar e deletar informações de um determinado arquivo. Nesse caso, o será um arquivo JSON. Um software com operaçõe...
Este é um pequeno exercício, de aprendizado, no qual a tarefa é criar um CRUD de arquivos locais, coma a capacidade de criar, ler, atualizar e deletar informações de um determinado arquivo. Nesse caso, o será um arquivo JSON. Um software com operaçõe...
Cette opération, finalisée en novembre 2022, vise à lancer une application de paiement fractionnée s'adressant directement au grand public.
'CEOs don't know or care about the technicalities of engineering measurement; what they really want is a way to have confidence that you're accountable for the millions of dollars they are spending on engineering.' Abi argues that you should be concerned about 3 types of metrics as an engineering leader: (1) Business impact: Current or planned projects, and project roadmap. (2) System performance: [...]
Will focusses on reading and acting upon survey data from the perspective of an engineering leader. In this post he works through: (1) Reading survey results. (2) Taking action on survey data. (3) Whether to modify survey questions. (4) When to start and how frequently to run.
OS base to create chatbots for various applications.
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Single Sign-On via SAML or OAuth is often one of the first features an engineering team needs to build as a product gains traction among larger customers. We explore how it works, how to add it to your app, and best practices for implementation.
'If you don't have time to read the Vim User Manual, I sifted through it for you with a focus on IDE users.' A deep dive into all aspects of VIM.
This article is divided into 2 chapters: (1) 'Introduction to naming in programming': A review of scientific literature present on the topic to deepen your understanding of the current body of knowledge on naming things. (2) 'Guidelines for naming conventions in programming': recommendations to improve your skills in choosing thoughtful class, function or variable names.
Reverse engineering the chat feature of the new version of Bing.
'An application with good code and a bad UI is still useless.' Paul looks at software design from both the application and UI perspective, illustrated with examples.
ML compiler for GPUs, CPUs, and ML accelerators.
Andy discusses various free and commercial products as examples to raise awareness and challenge the popular belief that 'debuggers are useless' discussing modern tools that manage issues around breakpoints, data visualization, express evaluation, concurrency, hot reload, and more.
Lightweight alternative to Elasticsearch that requires minimal resources.
Dropbox had a data validation problem, and this post discusses how they implemented a new quality check system in their big data pipelines that achieves a 'balance of simplicity and coverage - providing good quality data, without being needlessly difficult or expensive to maintain.'
Asynchronous JavaScript is a crucial concept that every JavaScript developer should be familiar with. In this blog post, we'll take a deep dive into asynchronous programming in JavaScript and explore various techniques that will help you master it. W...
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Introduction As a JavaScript developer, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date with the latest language features and tools. That's why ES6 (also known as ECMAScript 2015) is such a game-changer. With its powerful new features and improved sy...
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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.
Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.