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« Mars 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

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Mardi 7 Mars 2023 (160)

1: Manipulating The DOM Pt.1: 100DaysOfCode Day 2

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to day 2 of my #100DaysOfCode blogging journey! In today's blog we will be delving into the Document Object Model (DOM) and its manipulation using JavaScript. The DOM methods are not only exclusive to JavaScript, but are also part of the brow...

2: How to create and publish a TypeScript library with ease

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript) TypeScript is a popular and influential language that extends JavaScript with static typing and other features. It can help you write more reliable, maintainable, scalable code for your proj...

3: Web Development for Beginners: A Step by Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Recently a friend of mine ask me how to get started with programming and the software to have on his laptop to begin learning web development. As someone who has been in the field for a while, I understand how overwhelming it can be to start from scr...

4: A Quick and Simple Explanation of the Event Loop

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When you write a program in JavaScript, the computer has to do a lot of things all at once, like showing images on the screen, playing sounds, and responding to things you click on. The event loop is what helps the computer do all these things in the...

5: My journey of learning Flutter as a GDSC lead, seeking guidance, and embracing opportunities.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

As I stepped into my role as a GDSC Lead at my university campus, I knew that I had a lot to learn. One of the biggest challenges was mastering Flutter, the popular mobile app development framework. Little did I know that this journey would take me f...

6: A Guide to Using the OpenAI API with Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Getting started To use the OpenAI API with Node.js, you will need to sign up for an API key. You can do this by visiting the OpenAI website and filling out the registration form. Once you have your API key, you can start making requests to the API...

7: Interface implementation within boundaries of JavaScript (ECMAScript)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Interfaces come in hand then you have strongly typed programming language whereas you have a struct (consider struct as a rough equivalent of an object but with custom types) and you want those types to have "psychology" metaphorically i.e. give it s...

8: How NodeJS Interacts with the C language

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Why node.js in the first place' In the era of fast-growing technologies, Node.js plays a massive role in making enterprises more effective and productive. Here is an example: In moving from a monolithic JAVA server architecture to Node.js, NETFLIX im...

9: Create a modular SVG with Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Not long ago I started working on a new project at my workplace that involved developing a Shiny application. For those who don't know, Shiny is a framework for developing lightweight web applications written in R. However, Shiny can do much more tha...

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10: TikTok introduces a 'Series' feature enabling creators to sell premium episodes

Search engine land (Référencement)

Each individual Series can include up to 80 videos, each up to 20 minutes long. The post TikTok introduces a “Series” feature enabling creators to sell premium episodes appeared first on Search Engine Land.

11: setTimeout + Closures Interview Question '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this blog, we are going to learn about a few interesting questions related to set timeout and closure. So let's start directly with an example. function x(){ var i = 1; setTimeout(function(){ console.log(i); },1000) } x(); From the abov...

12: Koe Recast

The Starter Kit ()

Transform your voice using AI. Edit the core characteristics of your voice to sound however you'd like. Koe Recast posted by @Skeku on

13: Issue 567 (March 7, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#567 ' MARCH 7, 2023 View in Browser » PEP 709: Inlined Comprehensions Python Enhancement Proposal 709 covers a change to how comprehensions are handled. Currently they are compiled as nested functions. Benchmarking shows that treating list, dict, and set comprehensions as in-line code can result in a 2x speedup on the comprehension. PYTHON.ORG Iterators and Iterables in Python: Run Effic [...]

14: Demystifying Asynchronous JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Before delving into the topic of asynchronous JavaScript, it is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of JavaScript. As a popular programming language, JavaScript is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages....

15: Demystifying Asynchronous JavaScript: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Before delving into the topic of asynchronous JavaScript, it is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of JavaScript. As a popular programming language, JavaScript is widely used for creating dynamic and interactive web pages....

16: Integrating WhatsApp Into Shopify

Facebook dev. (PHP)

A hands-on guide showcasing how to build an integration that allows users to send WhatsApp Messages from a Shopify installation.

17: How to Create a HTTP request in JavaScript, React, and Angular

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As you know, HTTP is the main protocol used to structure the transmission of data across the internet, primarily between a web browser and a web server. An HTTP header is the part of the HTTP request or response that carries specific information abou...

18: Making smarter UX design decisions with the Cynefin framework

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The Cynefin framework allows you to classify problems into five domains: clear, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder. The post Making smarter UX design decisions with the Cynefin framework appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

19: Day-15 Task: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Reading JSON and YAML in Python As a DevOps Engineer, you should be able to parse files, be it txt, json, yaml, etc. You should know what all libraries one should use in Python for DevOps. Python has numerous libraries like os, sys, json, yaml, et...

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20: Google expands Local Service Ads to more than 70 new businesses

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new categories include education, people care, pet care, wellness and health care. The post Google expands Local Service Ads to more than 70 new businesses appeared first on Search Engine Land.

21: Google February 2023 product reviews update is finished rolling out

Search engine land (Référencement)

This update took 14 days to fully roll out and is now complete. The post Google February 2023 product reviews update is finished rolling out appeared first on Search Engine Land.

22: Full Stack Web Development Roadmap 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Full-stack web development is the process of designing, building, and maintaining a website or web application. It involves working with a variety of technologies, including front-end frameworks, back-end languages, and databases. As a full-stack web...

23: Day 15 - Exercise 2 : Time Module

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome to my 15th blog post. Today I learnt some very cool stuff on the TIME module of my python coding journey. I also built a small python project using TIME modules and learnings from the past few days. Now let's dive deep into the ...

24: Guerre en Ukraine : le retour du des reportrices

Meta Media (Internet)

Par Hervé Brusini, Président du Prix Albert Londres, ancien rédacteur-en-chef de France Télévisions Ils -- elles, surtout désormais -- sont aujourd'hui aux avant-postes des médias d'information. Par leur truchement, les séquences se succèdent, auprès des populations, des combattants, des officiels. Tantôt visions d'horreur, tantôt moments d'humanité. Reportrices et reporters accompag [...]

25: Apple's Mac App Store Rejected 'Untitled Goose Game'

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple’s Mac App Store Rejected 'Untitled Goose Game' 'Untitled Goose Game,' the popular macOS game by Panic, was rejected by Apple's Mac App Store reviewers ' twice. Apple’s Mac App Store Rejected 'Untitled Goose Game' Matt Milano

26: Implementing Local Authentication in NodeJS with PassportJS library.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Authentication is an essential part of building secure applications. NodeJS, with its extensive set of libraries and frameworks, makes it easy to implement authentication using different strategies. In this blog, we will explore how to use the local ...

27: How to create a wavy background using CSS and SVG

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Nowadays, wavy backgrounds are a popular trend in web design, however, the wave is a notoriously difficult shape to implement. The post How to create a wavy background using CSS and SVG appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

28: Telex : Atlassian supprime 5% de ses effectifs, Violation de données chez Acer, Des mini-datacenters sur la lune

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

-Atlassian supprime 5% de ses effectifs. Les co-fondateurs du groupe, Mike Cannon-Brookes et Scott Farquharson, appellent cela « un rééquilibrage (...)

29: TikTok lance des vidéos payantes pour mieux lutter contre YouTube

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'application de vidéos courtes cherche à fournir une nouvelle source de monétisation pour les créateurs, l'un de ses principaux points faibles, en particulier face à la concurrence de YouTube.

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30: Free lance une offre de VOD gratuite avec de la publicité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'opérateur Free propose à ses abonnés une plateforme de vidéo à la demande illimitée, gratuite mais avec des coupures pub. L'offre, OQEE Ciné, démarre avec un catalogue de 300 titres.

31: Use UseState like a Pro in React.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React Hooks has been around for a while and continues to gain popularity. Seeing how simple it is to understand and create with React Hooks after using it on a few projects. There are a lot ways to update usetate hook, like by passing values by getti...

32: How I learned JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I will be taking you through my journey of learning javascript in my freshman year of my college. So, here is a list of points that will be talked about in this blog Research and Finding resources Getting the basics of that language Making small p...

33: Fitbit Is Axing Popular Community-Focused Features

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Fitbit Is Axing Popular Community-Focused Features Fitbit is angering users, announcing it will kill off a number of community-focused features toward the end of March. Fitbit Is Axing Popular Community-Focused Features Staff

34: Use of AI for SEO and content to grow 5x this year

Search engine land (Référencement)

Plus, 90% of organizations say they are prioritizing SEO in 2023 due to compounding benefits, new BrightEdge research finds. The post Use of AI for SEO and content to grow 5x this year appeared first on Search Engine Land.

35: 136. Single Number

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Given a non-empty array of integers nums, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one. You must implement a solution with a linear runtime complexity and use only constant extra space. Example 1: Input: nums = [2,2,1] Output: 1 ...

36: Name Complex Conditions to Make Your Code More Readable

Math Data Simplified (data)

Consider naming your conditions if your if-else statement is too complex. Doing so will improve the readability of your code. My previous tips on good Python practices. The post Name Complex Conditions to Make Your Code More Readable appeared first on Data Science Simplified.

37: KCD 2023 : Kubernetes fait son show à Paris

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Ni la grève des transports, ni les frimas hivernaux n'ont eu raison de la première Kubernetes Community Days (KDC) en France. Les participants (...)

38: Building a Simple Flask Application

Hashnode - python (python)

Flask is a popular Python web framework used for developing web applications. It is lightweight, flexible, and easy to use, making it an excellent choice for building small to medium-sized web applications. In this article, we will walk through build...

39: Inheritance in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Inheritance is a key concept in object-oriented programming that allows classes to inherit attributes and methods from other classes. In Python, inheritance is a powerful tool that can help you write more efficient and maintainable code ...

40 / 160

40: Supercharge Your Functions with an Optimized call() Polyfill

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is anyway' is a built-in JavaScript function that allows developers to call a function with a specific this value and arguments. However, there might be instances where this function is not suppo...

41: Salesforce s'associe à OpenAI pour doper son outil d'IA prédictive Einstein

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Baptisé Einstein GPT, ce nouveau système sera capable de rédiger des e-mails personnalisés, des résumés, des présentations marketing et même du code informatique.

42: What is Reconciliation in React'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Reconciliation is the process to update UI in React. React uses The Diffing algorithm to differentiate one tree with another tree to determine which parts need to be changed. and that's why is so fast because it won't update the entire UI, it updates...

43: Lessons learned in project management: Template and guide

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Lessons learned are insights and knowledge gained from experiences, both positive and negative, that you can use to improve future performance. The post Lessons learned in project management: Template and guide appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

44: Migrating from Prettier to Rome

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

As Rome matures after its rewrite in Rust, we take a look at how to migrate from Prettier to Rome to gain performance speed and structure. The post Migrating from Prettier to Rome appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

45: How To Create Dynamic Donut Charts With TailwindCSS And React

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

In this article, Paul Scanlon shares a super lightweight approach to creating a Donut chart using conic-gradient() to create a Donut chart. There are no additional libraries to install or maintain, and there's no heavy JavaScript that needs to be downloaded by the browser in order for them to work.

46: IPO en vue pour ARM

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le Britannique ARM aurait l'intention de s'introduire en bourse à New York cette année, dans le but de lever au moins 8 milliards de dollars (...)

47: JavaScript Hoisting

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a programming language that is widely used on the web, both on the front end and back end. It is known for its ability to make websites more interactive, dynamic, and responsive. One of the key features of JavaScript is hoisting. Hoisti...

48: Javascript Functions: A complete guide for everyone.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview what are Functions' A JavaScript function is a block of code used to Instruct the Javascript engine to do something or execute a particular Instruction, it could be to Add, Subtract, Delete,Print etc. To further simplify what a function is, ...

49: What is SEM ' Search Engine Marketing'

Search engine land (Référencement)

Search marketing combines SEO and PPC to create a holistic internet marketing strategy. But is today's SEM really just PPC' Read on. The post What is SEM ' Search Engine Marketing' appeared first on Search Engine Land.

50 / 160

50: Figma veut mieux rémunérer les créateurs de contenus sur sa plateforme

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La plateforme collaborative de design Figma fait évoluer ses outils à destination de la communauté pour aider les créateurs de contenus à récolter les fruits de leur labeur. Ceux souhaitant vendre des ressources pourront désormais le faire directement sur la plateforme, tandis que des subventions seront allouées chaque mois aux meilleurs contenus gratuits.

51: Applications Fintech : Attention à vos données financières !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Plus de 90 % des applications de Fintech permettent aux pirates d'extraire facilement les données financières les plus sensibles des … Cet article Applications Fintech : Attention à vos données financières ! a été publié sur

52: Displaying Images On The Frontend Using FastAPI

Hashnode - python (python)

In this tutorial, we'll look at how to use FastAPI to display static and dynamic images on the frontend. Displaying images on the frontend can be a time-consuming operation; it takes a significant amount of time and effort to create logic to show sta...

53: Réseaux 5G : l'Allemagne bientôt forcée de se sevrer de Huawei '

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le gouvernement allemand serait sur le point de bannir les équipementiers chinois du marché des composants radio 5G, alors que Huawei fournit aujourd'hui la majorité de ces équipements dans le pays.

54: My first small basic terminal using Oclif & TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Few days ago I was thinking what I love to do and can I pull it off' I had this thought because I realize that I suck at frontend and it's fine because I don't like to design websites or anything. But I love to do backend. So I was just browsing and ...

55: Getting into Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It was created by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and is maintained by the Node.js Foundation. Node.js is used to build fast, scalabl...

56: Qualtrics bientôt racheté plus de 2,5 Md$ par Silver Lake '

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Silver Lake va-t-il encore faire parler la poudre ' Le fonds d'investissement américain loin d'ên être à son premier coup d'essai (...)

57: Nous en savons un peu plus sur le prochain appareil XR de Samsung (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le mois dernier, Samsung a annoncé un partenariat avec Google Et Qualcomm. Ensemble, l'objectif visé […] Cet article Nous en savons un peu plus sur le prochain appareil XR de Samsung a été publié sur Réalité

58: 5 Essential Front End Development Skills You Need In 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Front-end development is a crucial aspect of web development, as it is responsible for the interface and user experience of a website. A front-end developer must have a wide range of skills to create visually appealing and responsive des...

59: How to improve productivity as a developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Boosting Productivity as a Developer: Tips for Staying Focused and Productive in a Fast-Paced Industry As a developer, you're likely working in a fast-paced industry where deadlines and constant changes can make it difficult to stay focused and produ...

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60: A complete guide to declarative diagramming with D2

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Declarative diagramming creates diagrams using a declarative approach, from flowcharts to organization charts. In a declarative approach, the user specifies the relationships and logic of the diagram's element using formal language rather than manually placing and connecting shapes on a canvas. The resulting diagram is generated automatically based on the user’s input. Declarative diagrammin [...]

61: What is a market development strategy'

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Market development is the actions taken to grow your business across new markets ' either by scaling your current product or diversifying its portfolio. The post What is a market development strategy' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

62: Google announces Performance Max for travel goals

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new ads will be available globally over the next few weeks. The post Google announces Performance Max for travel goals appeared first on Search Engine Land.

63: How to link JavaScript files to HTML'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's learn about ways to connect javascript with HTML What is the role of JavaScript in a Web Page' JavaScript helps in the implementation of features like submitting a form when the user clicks on the 'Submit' button. We can add JavaScript to HTML ...

64: How Node.js Work' | Techletter 12

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on top of the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to write server-side applications using JavaScript, a language traditionally associated with web browsers and client-side scripting. It uses an even...

65: Ranked: The World's Most Valuable Bank Brands (2019-2023)

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This infographic ranks the 10 most valuable bank brands over the past five years (Spoiler: U.S. banks aren't in the top four) The post Ranked: The World's Most Valuable Bank Brands (2019-2023) appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

66: Des lentilles pour traiter le glaucome ()

Une étude coréenne démontre pour la première fois la possibilité d'un traitement personnalisé du glaucome grâce à une lentille intelligente capable à la fois de mesurer la tension intraoculaire et d'administrer le médicament adapté en cas de son élévation. en lire plus

67: .map() method in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Sometimes all we want to do is run a procedure on an array and alter each element in the array in the same way. We only want to update the array's elements to obtain an array of modified elements; we don't want to add or remove any membe...

68: Tuberculose : le rôle clé du gène IRF1 dans la réponse immunitaire ()

Dans une nouvelle étude parue dans la revue Cell, une équipe du laboratoire de génétique humaine des maladies infectieuses de l'Institut Imagine, dirigée par le Professeur Jean-Laurent Casanova, a mis en évidence le rôle essentiel du gène humain IRF1 dans la réponse immunitaire des macrophages aux infections mycobactériennes. Un travail minutieux qui met en lumière les mécanismes molé [...]

69: Debugging: Because Writing Perfect Code is Overrated

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In my opinion, coding represents only 10% of the equation, while debugging comprises the remaining 90%. If you excel at debugging, you can effectively tackle any coding problem. As such, I would like to share some tips that I have acquired through my...

70 / 160

70: How to Compare Tuples in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction What do you do when you have two or more tuples and you need to compare them' This may seem like a pretty straightforward thing to do, but when you scratch the surface, you'll find out that there's much more to it than you initially realize. Comparing tuples in

71: Inside JavaScript's Runtime: Callstack, Event Loop, Callback and Job Queues

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview In this article, let's deep dive into how javascript works under the hood, how it executes our asynchronous javascript code, and in what order, how it generates stack trace, and much more... Let me break it down for you. When you write JavaS...

72: Bigscreen remanie ses avatars avec ce nouveau look (Réalité Virtuelle)

L'application de réalité virtuelle sociale Bigscreen a reçu sa mise à jour Avatar 2.0. Cette […] Cet article Bigscreen remanie ses avatars avec ce nouveau look a été publié sur Réalité

73: Salesforce rejoint les rangs de l'IA générative avec Einstein GPT

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

C'était attendu, Salesforce a profité de sa conférence développeurs Trailblazer DX de San Francisco les 6 et 7 mars, (...)

74: Learn the Basics of Test-Driven Development with a Focus on Data Structures

Hashnode - python (python)

Learning about Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a great place to start if you want to improve your software development skills. In this article, we'll cover the basics of TDD, focusing on data structures to make it a bit more fun '. Specifically, we...

75: How to dial in your ad messaging in an automated marketing world

Search engine land (Référencement)

Automation has leveled much of the PPC playing field. Here's how to differentiate your paid search and social campaigns with great messaging. The post How to dial in your ad messaging in an automated marketing world appeared first on Search Engine Land.

76: JavaScript '' scope '''''' ''''' '''''''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

''''' '''''' ''' javascript ''''''' '' '''' '''''' '''''' ''' progamming lanuage ''''. '' '' '''''''' ''''' ''' '''''' ''''''''''''''' Variables ''' '' scopes '''.javascipt '' variables ''''''' '''''' ''''' 03'' '''''''. 1. Using the keyword Var 2. ...

77: Create A Modal Component for Sign-in/Sign-Up using JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello, in this Article, you will learn how to create a landing page with an interactive button component for sign-in/sign-up as modals. Part of the relevance of modal in web applications is to create less bulky and compacted User interfaces, UI best ...

78: Deno, le futur de Node '

Alsacreations (CSS / Accessibilité)

Deno est un environnement d'exécution JavaScript et TypeScript qui a été pensé et conçu pour être une alternative à Node.js. Il permet à ce titre d'exécuter du code JavaScript, en-dehors d'un navigateur c'est-à-dire en ligne de commande ou en mode serveur grâce au moteur V8 de Chromium... mais il a été construit avec une série de différences clés par rapport à Node.js. Le logo [...]

79: Deno, le futur de Node '

Alsacreations (CSS / Accessibilité)

Deno est un environnement d'exécution JavaScript et TypeScript qui a été pensé et conçu pour être une alternative à Node.js. Il permet à ce titre d'exécuter du code JavaScript, en-dehors d'un navigateur c'est-à-dire en ligne de commande ou en mode serveur grâce au moteur V8 de Chromium... mais il a été construit avec une série de différences clés par rapport à Node.js. Le logo [...]

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80: Code-free custom conversion, and 5 other new Microsoft Ads updates

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new features aim to increase efficiency and help advertisers better target their campaigns. The post Code-free custom conversion, and 5 other new Microsoft Ads updates appeared first on Search Engine Land.

81: Why You Should Consider Graphs For Your Next GraphQL Project

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

In this article, Adam Cowley examines the Graph behind GraphQL and demonstrates why Neo4j could be the best fit for your next project.

82: Aux États-Unis, la menace d'interdiction se rapproche pour TikTok

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Depuis deux ans, TikTok négocie des mesures pour rassurer la classe politique américaine. Mais aucun accord n'a encore été trouvé, alors qu'un nouveau projet de loi permettra à la Maison-Blanche de bannir des technologies étrangères.

83: MWC 2023 : De l'iSIM aux modems pour iPhone

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les inconditionnels d'Apple ont peut-être manqué plusieurs annonces intéressantes faites la semaine dernière dans le cadre (...)

84: Meta, Atlassian, Twilio, Docusign, Twitter' Notre récap' des licenciements dans la Tech

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Après avoir supprimé 11 000 emplois fin 2022, Meta s'apprêterait à licencier à nouveau plusieurs milliers d'employés. Sur le dernier mois, on dénombre encore de nombreux plans de licenciement dans le secteur technologique.

85: How BingAI changed the way I create apps

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As an app developer, I'm always looking for ways to improve my workflow and create better products. One tool that has had a significant impact on my work is Bing AI. In this blog post, I'll share how Bing AI has changed the way I create apps and how ...

86: Replika AI : pourquoi les internautes veulent coucher avec cette IA '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’application Replika AI permet aux utilisateurs de nouer une relation avec un chatbot personnalisé grâce au machine learning. Toutefois, beaucoup … Cet article Replika AI : pourquoi les internautes veulent coucher avec cette IA ' a été publié sur

87: Email templates with Supabase

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)'v=mDcmmh80s9E Email templates in HTML are a crucial aspect of email marketing campaigns. These templates serve as the foundation of an email and determine its overall design, structure, and content. With Supabase, busi...

88: How to implement Top-level await in Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

For junior to mid-level developers, there is a common coding method of always using the await keyword strictly inside an asynchronous JavaScript function. However Top-level await is a technique that allows us to use the await keywords inside asynchro...

89: Who Moved My Logs (Robust Node.js Console)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hero image from* Imgur Which 'Where is Waldo' image is the hardest one' The one where all the figures look like Waldo. With reading logs it is not very different. I have started my first full-stack job six years ago. Debugging Javascript programs is...

90 / 160

90: Honda dévoile une version plus performante de son robot porteur de charges lourdes

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Honda a dévoilé la nouvelle génération de son Autonomous Work Vehicle (AWV), un robot-chariot électrique permettant de transporter de lourdes charges sur les chantiers. Cette troisième version est plus rapide et performante, et le constructeur veut maintenant la tester en conditions réelles.

91: Faille corrigée dans les environnements de développement cloud Gitpod

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Des chercheurs de la société de sécurité cloud Snyk ont ''récemment découvert une vulnérabilité (...)

92: PayPal poursuivi pour négligence après une brèche de données

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le géant des paiements en ligne PayPal est dans la tourmente. Deux plaintes ont été déposées par des utilisateurs estimant (...)

93: Les technologies et langages recherchés par les développeurs en 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Selon une récente étude, les développeurs s'intéressent de plus en plus à l'intelligence artificielle et à des langages tels que Go et Rust.

94: Top 10 React Libraries You Should Know About

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable UI components and manage the state efficiently. However, to make the most out of React, developers often rely on third-party libraries. I...

95: Microsoft Outlook devient gratuit sur Mac : quelles nouveautés '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Jusqu'à présent, les utilisateurs de Mac devaient payer une licence Office ou un abonnement Microsoft 365.

96: Trailbazer DX : Salesforce crée un parcours de formation personnalisé à l'IT pour la reconversion

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

À quelques heures de l'ouverture le 7 mars à San Francisco, de sa conférence développeurs Trailblazer DX, Salesforce (...)

97: Les services RH plombés par les délais des recrutements IT

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La majorité des professionnels IT le déplorent : les processus d'acquisition de profils technologiques restent fortement axés (...)

98: Moonly weekly progress update 39

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Holder Verification Bot (HVB) is in production for some time and now the real testing begins.Very soon the other roles will be introduced for holders with more than one NFT or even specific traits!We are gonna start offering to other projects Holder ...

99: I Used JavaScript To Make Motion Graphics For A Video

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction I've been thinking a lot lately about how deadlines, budgets, and resource constraints help drive innovation and creativity. I work in Developer Relations at Bundlr, and we recently launched new branding. If you're into reading about stu...

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100: Accusée de laxisme, la Cnil irlandaise, principal régulateur du RGPD, défend son bilan

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La Data Protection Commission, l'autorité irlandaise en charge de la protection des données personnelles, a infligé cinq amendes à Meta en 2022, pour un total supérieur à un milliard d'euros.

101: Comment chiffrer son ordinateur pour protéger vos données

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Vous souhaitez protéger vos données ' Chiffrer votre ordinateur est une solution simple et efficace pour préserver le contenu de … Cet article Comment chiffrer son ordinateur pour protéger vos données a été publié sur

102: Ranked: Air Pollution by Economy

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Which economies have hazy air, and which ones enjoy mostly clear skies' Find out in this geographic breakdown of air pollution levels. The post Ranked: Air Pollution by Economy appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

103: Koan Wars: Kotlin vs TypeScript - Hamming

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

This post is the first in a series of Koan Battles, using Kotlin and TypeScript, we'll complete a Koan in both languages and then discuss the differences. By the end of this series, you'll have a good understanding of the key features and nuances of ...

104: Introducing Fresh: The Future of JavaScript Web Frameworks '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Are you looking for a new JavaScript web framework to streamline your development process' Look no further than Fresh! This next-generation framework is quickly becoming a popular choice among developers for its simplicity, speed, and flexibility. Fr...

105: Asian representation at the Oscars

Flowing data (dataviz)

Asian characters in American films are historically less integral to the stories and…Tags: Asian, movies, New York Times, Oscars, representation

106: Vol de données : combien ça rapporte vraiment aux hackers ' Vous n'êtes pas prêt

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le vol de données est une préoccupation croissante dans le monde numérique actuel. Les pirates informatiques peuvent vendre les données … Cet article <strong>Vol de données : combien ça rapporte vraiment aux hackers ' Vous n'êtes pas prêt</strong> a été publié sur

107: Callbacks in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the Programming world, there are simple functions, a separate piece of code, which performs on the logic we provide them and gets called when we need them. And then there are Callback functions of Javascript that go the extra mile with their funct...

108: Un nouvel agent hormonal contre le cancer de la prostate ()

Ce nouvel agent hormonal, combiné à la stratégie de surveillance active aujourd'hui largement adoptée pour la prise en charge des cancers de la prostate peu agressifs et peu évolutifs, pourrait apporter une sécurité supplémentaire aux patients : les chercheurs pharmacologues et oncologues de l'Université de Washington démontrent ici, dans le Journal of Urology, l'efficacité de cet [...]

109: Top 5 JavaScript tools for Ecommerce Platforms

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ecommerce platforms are online systems that allow businesses to sell products and services to customers over the internet. Ecommerce platforms have grown in popularity in recent years as more and more people shop online. By 2023, online retail sales ...

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110: Micro-entreprise : les règles à respecter et conseils pour la facturation

Blog du Moderateur ()

Décryptage des règles à respecter en matière de facturation pour les micro-entreprises.

111: Adapter les médicaments aux gènes des patients ()

Des chercheurs suédois et néerlandais ont mis au point le principe d'un "passeport ADN" pour adapter les médicaments aux gènes des patients. En effet, comme nous sommes tous porteurs d'un ensemble unique de gènes, nous réagissons différemment aux mêmes médicaments. en lire plus

112: Microsoft dévoile un copilote basé sur ChatGPT pour les professionnels du marketing et CRM

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le géant de Redmond a annoncé de nouvelles fonctionnalités permettant entre autres de rédiger des e-mails et autres campagnes marketing en utilisant des générateurs de texte.

113: Déclin de la mémoire avec l'âge : l'importance du mode de vie ()

Une étude chinoise conduite par le Professeur Jianping Jia (Xuanwu Hospital), établit une association longitudinale entre mode de vie et déclin de la mémoire, chez des sujets âgés sans troubles cognitifs à l'inclusion. Au cours des 10 années de suivi, ce déclin est apparu plus lent chez des sujets ayant un mode de vie sain par rapport à ceux ayant une hygiène de vie défavorable, y comp [...]

114: Avec Twilio, Sanofi optimise ses échanges avec ses prestataires

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Avec une vingtaine de sites de R&D et près de 70 sites de production dans le monde, Sanofi développe et produit des traitements, vaccins (...)

115: Des micro-robots pouvant sauter comme des insectes ()

Des chercheurs de l'Université de l'Illinois et de l'Université de Princeton ont fait un grand pas en avant dans la mise au point de robots sauteurs de la taille d'un insecte, capables d'effectuer des tâches dans les petits espaces que l'on trouve souvent dans les secteurs de la mécanique, de l'agriculture et de la recherche et du sauvetage. [...]

116: Jean-Baptiste Courouble, DSI de l'Urssaf : « La couche IaaS de notre cloud privé mutualisé est pour 2024 »

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

A la tête de la DSI d'Urssaf Caisse nationale, Jean-Baptiste Courouble s'est lancé dans la construction d'une plateforme de cloud privé (...)

117: L'intégrateur Partitio passe sous le giron de Konica Minolta France

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Après les rachats de Serians en 2012 et de Numerial en 2017, Konica Minolta France poursuit sa diversification dans l'IT en acquérant Partitio. (...)

118: Les ventes SaaS portent les résultats 2023 de VMware

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Attendu à 3,66 Md$ par les analystes, le chiffre d'affaires de VMware a finalement représenté 3,71 Md$ pour le compte du quatrième (...)

119: Les 10 manières d'accélérer la transformation numérique

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les efforts déployés pendant la pandémie pour développer les points de contact avec les clients et les services numériques (...)

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120: Webinar : 5 conseils pour optimiser vos campagnes DPA Facebook Ads

Blog du Moderateur ()

Rendez-vous mardi 21 mars à 11h30 pour un webinar de l'agence Kamp'n. Au programme : des conseils pour des publicités dynamiques Facebook optimisées.

121: 11 Best WooCommerce Themes for 2023

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Discover the best WooCommerce themes to help create an intuitive and seamless on-brand buying experience for your visitors.

122: Dockerizing Your React App: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Docker is a popular tool for software developers and engineers looking to streamline the process of building, testing, and deploying applications. With its ability to create lightweight, portable containers that can run on any platform, Docker has si...

123: Animation UI : du bon usage du design d'interaction

Usabilis (ux)

Alors que nous passons en moyenne 4h48 par jour sur Internet, il apparaît crucial d'optimiser la navigation sur les différentes plateformes afin d'offrir à l'utilisateur une ... Cet article Animation UI : du bon usage du design d'interaction est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.

124: Deepki ajoute l'énergie finale et l'empreinte carbone à ses critères d'évaluation énergétique des bâtiments

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up Deepki, qui édite un logiciel d'audit énergétique des bâtiments et un référentiel européen sur le sujet, dote son "Index ESG" de deux nouveaux critères : l'énergie finale consommée par les bâtiments et leur empreinte carbone (CO2 par m2).

125: Conditionals In Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Conditional statements are used for making decisions based on different conditions. Conditionals in JavaScript allow you to execute different blocks of code based on whether a certain condition is true or false. Conditions can be imp...

126: Creating an updating FlatList in React Native with TextInput

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I took far too long to figure out how to do this. Say you want to make a list in React Native that updates upon you pressing a button. This is very easy to do in Vanilla JavaScript and HTML, but since in React and React Native there is no DOM object,...

127: Masteos lève 12 millions d'euros pour renforcer sa solution d'investissement locatif

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Masteos a vu le jour pour permettre aux particuliers de se lancer dans de bonnes conditions dans l'investissement locatif. La plateforme et l'application accompagnent les investisseurs dès la recherche du bien, jusqu'au contrat locatif, en passant par les travaux nécessaires. Actrice de la rénovation énergétique, la start-up finalise une nouvelle levée de fonds de 12 millions d'euros à laqu [...]

128: A gentle introduction to Vitest

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Vitest is a new Javascript Unit testing framework that describes itself as blazing fast and Vite-native.In this post, we will try and understand the basics of this framework while building an understanding of what makes Vitest different from existing...

129: DOM (DOM Selectors)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Document Object Model When HTML and CSS get requested the browser creates DOM, When the webpage has loaded, the browser creates DOM which stands for Document Object Model. DOM is something a browser creates to allow us to modify the HTML and CSS. ...

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130: Flutterwave : l'appli de fintech africaine dévalisée, quel impact pour les usagers '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Flutterwave, la startup de paiement en ligne en Afrique, a été piratée, entraînant la perte d'un fonds considérable de ses … Cet article <strong>Flutterwave : l’appli de fintech africaine dévalisée, quel impact pour les usagers ' </strong> a été publié sur

131: Exploring .txt file using Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to the first article in the Series "Python and Files" where I will be using Python to open, read and write different file formats. In this episode, We will be reading and writing text files in Python. Python provides in-built standard librari...

132: Promises in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Promises in JavaScript A promise in JavaScript is like a promise in real life. If you promise to do something, that promise may have actually two result: Promise is completed (resolved) Promise is failed (rejected) For example: If I promise to wr...

133: Mapped: Asia's Biggest Sources of Electricity by Country

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Asia is on its way to account for half of the world's electricity generation by 2025. How is this growing demand currently being met' The post Mapped: Asia's Biggest Sources of Electricity by Country appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

134: React Credit Card Validator - JavaScript Exercise 10

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview In this exercise, you will build a React component that validates credit card numbers using Luhn's algorithm. The component will allow users to enter their credit card number and display whether the number is valid or not. Luhn's Algorithm L...

135: How DevOps came into existence!

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction: DevOps is a culture to improve the application delivery process by ensuring Automation, maintaining code quality, Continuous monitoring and continuous Testing to meet the needs of the end-user and the stakeholders... In a traditional...

136: Minimum Time to Complete Trips

Hashnode - python (python)

Problem Statement:- You are given an array time where time[i] denotes the time taken by the ith bus to complete one trip. Each bus can make multiple trips successively; that is, the next trip can start immediately after completing the curr...

137: Practical Frontend Interview Questionnaire for Junior Engineers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Web Development Basics Would give a basic understanding of candidate's overall web dev concepts & knowledge Concept of modules Idea of Code Bundling, why needed, webpack concepts Transpilation Process, the need for transpilers - Babel Touch u...

138: Starting with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

So I am an undergrad student studying Javascript from none other than Akshay Saini and there are some concepts that I got to know are very much important to learn for a better understanding of our javascript language. Starting with the first concept ...

139: 5 React Performance Hacks: Turbocharge Your App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there! If you're like most developers, you're probably always looking for ways to improve the performance of your React app. After all, nobody wants to use a sluggish app that takes forever to load. But with so many performance optimization techn...

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140: Announcing the CrUX Site Validator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Over the past few years, I have worked closely with various performance tools. One issue I often encounter is whether a website is in the CrUX. To clarify, one can run a PageSpeed Insights report to determine this. However, this can be problematic fo...

141: This day in search marketing history: March 7

Search engine land (Référencement)

Landing page load time added to Google Quality Score, plus: Broad Core Algorithm Updates, bogus Domain Authority pitches, and more. The post This day in search marketing history: March 7 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

142: Unleashing the power of toJSON method when serializing Objects or Class instances in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The toJSON method is used to override the default serialization behavior of an Object, Array or Function in Javascript, serialized using the JSON.stringify static method. Suppose you have a user object or class in your Node.js backend project, you wi...

143: Basics Of Python-3

Hashnode - python (python)

DAY 3 Today, you will get to know about conditional statements in python. Conditional Statement is nothing but if-else statements. format of the if-else statement: if (condition): print("--") else: print("--") so the format will look like this. now...

144: Cracking the Code: Overcoming Roadblocks in Robot Path Visualization

Hashnode - python (python)

Well, hello there, fellow techies and coding enthusiasts! Have you ever had one of those nights where you're glued to your computer screen, your eyes redder than a lobster after a hot tub session, and your keyboard is practically a part of your hand'...

145: Yes, Nvidia's Latest Driver Is Causing CPU Spikes

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Yes, Nvidia’s Latest Driver Is Causing CPU Spikes Nvidia's latest GeForce driver is the culprit in CPU spikes users have been experiencing after playing 3D games. Yes, Nvidia’s Latest Driver Is Causing CPU Spikes Staff

146: Running Your Engineering Onboarding Program (Développement)

Will discusses: (1) Fundamental components of onboarding, including examples. (2) Role of executive sponsor, orchestrator, manager and buddy in a typical process. (3) Curriculum to consider including in your onboarding. (4) Why onboarding programs fail. (5) Whether to integrate with wider company onboarding. (6) When to prioritize onboarding.

147: Llama-dl (Développement)

High-speed download of Facebook's 65B parameter GPT model.

148: Why You Should Send A Weekly Summary Email (Développement)

The weekly email has 2 headings, with 3'5 short bullets under each: (1) 'Achievements This Week' i.e. the most important things you've done this week. (2) 'Priorities Next Week:' the most important things you want to get done the following. The benefits are: it starts the week off right, ensure progress on the things that matter, enables introspection, aligns priorities, make invisible work visibl [...]

149: My Hardest Bug Ever (Développement)

Dave, a video game developer, discusses the hardest bug he's come across and how we went about debugging it. 'Among other things, I wrote the memory card code for Crash Bandicoot. For a swaggering game coder, this is like a walk in the park; I expected it would take a few days. I ended up debugging that code for 6 weeks. I did other stuff during that time, but I kept coming back to this bug - a fe [...]

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150: Why 'Product Engineer' Is The Most Fun Role I've Had In Tech (Développement)

A product engineer is someone who works with customers and data to decide what should be built, and then goes and builds it themselves. Raquel discusses how it trumps software engineering in that it allows the individual the autonomy to make important decisions, and was a more fun career path for the author.

151: RoomGPT (Développement)

Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI.

152: How To Approach A System Design Interview (Développement)

This article covers: (1) The difference between engineering problems and design problems. (2) How approaching a system design interview is different to a coding interview. (3) What it's like to walk into a system design interview. (4) What your interviewer looks for, and what they don't. (5) Green Flags, Red Flags, and other signposts.

153: Fixing The Next 10,000 Aliasing Bugs (Développement)

The author highlights 3 cases studies that reflect a common bug - 'an invariant was violated thanks to multiple aliased references to the same value' The problem comes when there are multiple references to the relevant data, and another reference observes this temporarily violated invariant.' The author discusses how this could inform future language design decisions and the emergence of alias typ [...]

154: Service Weaver (Développement)

Programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications.

155: The World's Smallest Hash Table (Développement)

Orson tackles an Advent of Code, which he optimizes 'completely beyond the point of reason' but also contains a useful technique, showing us how to store a small lookup table with small elements as a constant, indexed using shifts.

156: V Programming Language (Développement)

Compiles itself in

157: Snapshot tests in React: why they do more harm than good

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there! I have been exposed to snapshot tests recently and I am still trying to find out why they are so frequently used to test React applications. To me, they seem brittle, hard to maintain, vague and prone to false negatives. In my opinion, the...

158: Understanding the Differences Between Kotlin Properties and Fields

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction Hello, dear Kotlin lovers! Welcome to my new article. Today I want to talk to you about a subject that even many long-term developers are sometimes unfamiliar with. If you're ready, let's start! First of all, before making a comparison o...

159: Web Weekly 94 (blogPost)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

Guten Tag! 'Should the web provide native functionality to hide elements visually' What features will Node.js ship to compete with Deno and Bun' And how much code is necessary to say "Hello world" using current frameworks' All the answers and much more are included in this week's Web Weekly. ' Yeah... I had to skip a week with Web Weekly. ' The last two weeks were just way too busy. Busy [...]

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160: The problem of breaking changes and version numbers (blogPost)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

We were discussing version numbers at work the other day, and, as always, things are complicated. How do you version a beta release' Should projects start with 1.0.0, 0.1.0 or 0.0.1' And do you follow proper semantic versioning or not' I don't hold strong opinions here, but I do care about setting expectations appropriately. When I update a dependency, I'd like to know if there are expected breaki [...]

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Richard Carlier

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