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« Mars 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Lundi 6 Mars 2023 (143)

1: Python Booleans

Hashnode - python (python)

Python Booleans What are python booleans' Python Booleans are data types that are used to represent True or False values. They are key in decision-making processes, such as if statements. By executing a boolean statement, a program can make a decisio...

2: Variables

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Variables' Variables are containers for pieces of data. That data can be one of many different data types. It's important to know and understand those data types and we will go over them in the next lesson, but right now, we are just going t...

3: Coding Kenta Toshikura's Glass Effect with Three.js

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Learn how to recreate the glass effect seen on Kenta Toshikura's website using postprocessing in Three.js.

4: Pourquoi les gens regardent du porno VR selon les psy (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le porno VR aurait de nombreux bienfaits sur la santé humaine selon les psy comme […] Cet article <strong>Pourquoi les gens regardent du porno VR selon les psy</strong> a été publié sur Réalité

5: The SOLID Principles - Dependency Inversion

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) states that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, but both should depend on abstractions. In other words, the principle suggests that the design of a software system should depend on abstr...

6: The SOLID Principles - Interface Segregation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) states that clients should not be forced to depend on interfaces that they do not use. In other words, interfaces should be designed in a way that clients can use only the methods that are relevant to them, w...

7: Day -14 Task: Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOp

Hashnode - python (python)

Data Types Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data. Since everything is an object in Python programming, data types are actu...

8: The SOLID Principles - Liskov Substitution

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) states that if a function or method takes an object of a certain class as a parameter, it should be able to use any subclass of that class without knowing it. In other words, a subclass should be able to substi...

9: The SOLID Principles - Open-Close

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Open-Closed Principle (OCP) states that software entities, such as classes, modules, or functions, should be open for extension but closed for modification. This means that you should be able to add new functionality to a software system without ...

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10: The SOLID Principles - Single Responsibility

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What does Single Responsibility mean' The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) states that a class should have only one responsibility, meaning it should have only one reason to change. In other words, a class should do one thing and do it well, rat...

11: React/Python Serverless B2B Starter App with Chalice

Hashnode - python (python)

In this guide, we'll build an example B2B application in React where users can sign up, login, manage their accounts, and view organization and member information, PropelAuth, React, Python, and Chalice. We're going to use the following technologies...

12: Ranked: Who Are the Richest People in Africa'

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

This infographic ranks the wealthiest 15 billionaires on the African continent. The post Ranked: Who Are the Richest People in Africa' appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

13: Webinar: Maximize your ROAS with first-party data by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

Increased visibility into your customer base can drive your campaign decisions (and reactions). The post Webinar: Maximize your ROAS with first-party data appeared first on Search Engine Land.

14: 6 Best SMTP WordPress Plugins

WP Explorer (wordpress)

Sending emails is essential for any online business or website, and ensuring proper deliverability of those is very crucial. While there may be plenty of reasons why an email might not get delivered, you surely won't enjoy seeing the default PHP mail function as a reason. And that's where an SMTP plugin. It allows you […] The post 6 Best SMTP WordPress Plugins appeared first on WPExplorer.

15: Microsoft Outlook for Mac Is Now Free for All

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Outlook for Mac Is Now Free for All Microsoft has surprised Mac users by making its Outlook email and calendar app free, with no license or Microsoft 365 requirement. Microsoft Outlook for Mac Is Now Free for All Staff

16: Guide to Tuples in Python

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome to the world of Python tuples, where parentheses are the key to unlocking the power of data organization and manipulation! As a Python programmer, you might already be familiar with lists, dictionaries, and sets - but don't overlook tuples! They are often overshadowed by more popular data types,

17: ' How I chose my first programming language

Hashnode - python (python)

"Making the first step" is easy to say but hard to do. And not just in programming but in any field of daily life. Whatever your job, college career, or hobby: starting is tough. But what it's beautiful about starting with something is seeing how you...

18: Recursion in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Question 1: Sum all numbers Write a function called sumRange. It will take a number and return the sum of all numbers from 1 up to the number passed in. Sample: sumRange(3) returns 6, since 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. let count = 1; let data = 0; function sumRang...

19: Visualized: The State of the U.S. Labor Market

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The U.S. labor market is remarkably strong, with a 3.4% unemployment rate. Which sectors are seeing the highest job gains in 2023' The post Visualized: The State of the U.S. Labor Market appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

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20: LinkedIn utilise un générateur de texte pour inciter les experts de sujets donnés à co-écrire des articles

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'équipe éditoriale de LinkedIn se sert d'un système de génération automatique de texte pour écrire de courts articles "déclencheurs de conversations". Le réseau social invite ensuite des experts du sujet abordé à étoffer les articles de façon collaborative.

21: Microsoft Edge Brings Video Upscaling With to Low-Quality Videos

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Edge Brings Video Upscaling With to Low-Quality Videos Microsoft Edge users are getting a useful new feature that will allow them to upscale old, low-quality videos Microsoft Edge Brings Video Upscaling With to Low-Quality Videos Staff

22: How to properly clone a JavaScript object

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we'll explore two common approaches to cloning an object: shallow cloning and deep cloning. We'll explain the differences between these methods, the benefits, and limitations of each, and provide examples of how to implement them in ...

23: Automate Starting Up the Internet Browser in Windows by using Task Scheduler and Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview This short article will show how to automatically start the internet browser when powering on a Windows computer. This is done by configuring a Windows program called "Task Scheduler" to run a Python script that automatically opens the inter...

24: Day 14 - If Else Conditional Statements in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome to my 14th blog post. On day 14 of my python coding journey, I learnt about conditional if else statements and their categories. Let's dive deep into the details So let's get started...... Conditional statements Suppose we want t...

25: Twitter encore en panne : le réseau social ne fonctionne pas

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les jours se suivent et se ressemblent pour Twitter : le réseau social est encore en panne...

26: Twitter services are offline, including clicking on links, viewing images and more

Search engine land (Référencement)

Since 11:50am ET, Twitter has been having major issues with its services. The post Twitter services are offline, including clicking on links, viewing images and more appeared first on Search Engine Land.

27: Permis de conduire numérique : tout savoir sur la proposition de l'UE

Blog du Moderateur ()

Ce permis dématérialisé serait valable dans tous les pays de l'Union européenne.

28: Revolutionizing Web Development with Progressive Web Applications

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As web technology advances, so does the need for faster, more reliable, and more engaging web experiences. One solution that has been gaining traction in recent years is Progressive Web Applications (PWAs). PWAs are web applications that provide an a...

29: How to draw ZENTILO

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Catherine Rousseau's Zentangle® pattern: Zentilo. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

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30: ARIA-live regions for JavaScript frameworks

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We give available options for creating ARIA-live regions and demonstrate tools for creating ARIA-live regions in React, Angular, and Vue.js. The post ARIA-live regions for JavaScript frameworks appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

31: Dev Diaries: Stories from Inspiring Women Developers

Facebook dev. (PHP)

Across the globe, women in game development are making a difference in the industry every day. To celebrate Women's History Month, we'll hear from some of these inspiring women, who have shared their experiences and what motivates them to build the games we love.

32: Telex : WhatsApp plus transparent en Europe, Microsoft dope à l'IA Dynamics 365, Un bug de driver Radeon casse les PC

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

-WhatsApp plus transparent en Europe. Le service de communication (messagerie instantanée, appels visio, messages de groupe...) WhatsApp de (...)

33: Generators in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Python generators are functions that generate an iterable sequence of values. Unlike regular functions, generators use the "yield" keyword instead of "return" to return a value and suspend the execution of the function. This allows generators to prod...

34: February 2023: The Month in Review

Hashnode - python (python)

'Introduction The best way to reflect on a month's activities is to summarize them. This not only helps to give an overall idea of how the month passed but also assists to figure out the unfinished tasks or setting new goals for the next month. This...

35: Google: 'Bard is not Search'

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google wants to be clear: Bard is separate from Search. Yet it has become synonymous with generative AI features coming soon to Search. The post Google: ‘Bard is not Search’ appeared first on Search Engine Land.

36: Get Styling With Css

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is CSS Selectors' CSS selectors are implemented for selecting the substance of your web page you wish to style. These selectors act as the components of the rule set of CSS. CSS selectors choose elements in HTML based on the class, id, attribute...

37: Catch up on JavaScript 2: Easepick, magic-regexp, Token CSS, and more

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Easepick Adding a date picker to an application is always a pain. Recently I found this library and its react wrapper ' it's amazing. Easy to use and customize also have an excellent design out of the box. React-Transition-State react-transition-gro...

38: L'Arcep et l'Ademe plaident pour un numérique durable chimérique

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Et de trois. Après deux volets consacrés à la mesure de l'empreinte environnementale du numérique en France, l'Ademe (...)

39: GETTING STARTED WITH TECHNICAL WRITING: Trending topics in frontend development.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Background One of the biggest challenges for individuals starting out in technical writing is the constant worry about how to come up with ideas or brainstorm topics to write about in their technical blog(s). This article does not only provide a well...

40 / 143

40: Classement des langages informatiques : Go fait son entrée dans le top 10

Blog du Moderateur ()

Python conserve sa place de n°1 devant le langage C. Java complète le podium.

41: Save Time with Python: Automating WhatsApp Messages in Just 3 Steps

Hashnode - python (python)

Are you tired of sending the same old boring WhatsApp messages' Do you want to impress your friends with a hand-written note without actually writing it' Well, my dear readers, have no fear because pywhatkit is here! I use it to send monthly reminder...

42: Inspiring Web Design And UX Showcases

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

Do you sometimes feel that all websites look the same' In this post, we compiled web design showcases that prove differently. They highlight some of the finest web designs, well-crafted experiences, and delightful interactions from across the web. Inspiration is guaranteed.

43: Activision : pourquoi les gamers corrigent-ils eux-mêmes les bugs '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Call of Duty : Black Ops III, un jeu très populaire de chez Activision, présente de graves vulnérabilités. Sans intervention … Cet article Activision : pourquoi les gamers corrigent-ils eux-mêmes les bugs ' a été publié sur

44: Short Circuiting Operators && and ||

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Short-Circuiting method in JavaScript helps us to avoid unnecessary processing and leads to more efficient work. JavaScript will evaluate the expression from left to right and short circuits and the result. It can use any data type, return any data t...

45: Common Beginner Mistakes with React

Josh W Comeau (CSS / Javascript)

I used to teach React at a local coding bootcamp, and I noticed that students kept getting tripped up by the same handful of things. In this article, we're going to go through 9 of the most dastardly gotchas. I'll show you how to solve these common problems, so you can avoid a lot of potential frustration!

46: Empreinte environnementale du numérique : l'impossible sobriété

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'Ademe et l'Arcep ont remis à Bercy le dernier volet de leur étude sur l'impact environnemental du numérique. À horizon 2050, si rien n'est fait, les perspectives en matière d'émissions carbone et de consommation d'énergie sont un signal d'alerte, notamment à cause de la croissance des objets connectés. À moins d'espérer que la digitalisation contribue à la neutralité carbone de l'en [...]

47: What is a story map' Definition, template, and examples

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this guide, we'll define what a story map is, look at a practical example, and provide a step-by-step guide and template to help you create your own story map. The post What is a story map' Definition, template, and examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

48: Using React with Appwrite to set up user authentication

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

User authentication is an essential part of any web application, and setting it up can be a daunting task for many developers. However, with the help of Appwrite, this process can become much easier and more streamlined. This tutorial will cover how to use Appwrite Web SDK to interact with Appwrite’s new Graphql API to […] The post Using React with Appwrite to set up user authenticatio [...]

49: Python Modules, Packages, and Conventions

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a powerful and flexible programming language that has been widely adopted in many industries. One of the reasons for its popularity is its rich ecosystem of modules and packages. In this tutorial, we'll discuss how to use modules and packag...

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50: Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes

css-tricks (CSS)

Fonts are a defining characteristic of the design of any site. That includes WordPress themes, where it's common for theme developers to integrate a service like Google Fonts into the WordPress Customizer settings for a 'classic' PHP-based theme. That hasn't … Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should ge [...]

51: K-Means algorithm from scratch

Hashnode - python (python)

Clustering is a data analysis technique whose goal is to partition a dataset into groups of similar samples. In machine learning terms, we would call clustering algorithms unsupervised, since these techniques are applied to unlabeled data points. Typ...

52: Automating Data Labeling for Machine Learning with Snorkel

Math Data Simplified (data)

Many companies lack labeled datasets essential for utilizing machine learning. However, it is time-consuming to label your data manually. What if there was a way to create training datasets without manual labeling' In this article and video, you will learn how to use Snorkel, an open-source Python library, to label your data programmatically. Article. Video. The post Automating Data Labeling for M [...]

53: Unlock the Secrets of Array Manipulation'Learn How to Add and Find Elements with Ease!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There, are multiple ways to add and find elements in an array. In this article, we will take a deep dive into arrays. This article will take you through all kinds of operations that can be performed on arrays, such as adding new elements to an array,...

54: Efficiently Handle Large task with Ease: A Guide to Async Generator Functions for Batch Processing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Batch process is a common task when we are working with a large dataset and especially when every single unit of the process is time-consuming. Async generator functions in JavaScript offer an efficient way to process huge datasets asynchronously, wh...

55: Data Transformations: map(),filter(),reduce()

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Though there are many array methods in javascript then what's so special about these methods' Map, filter, and reduce are powerful Array methods to loop over Arrays and perform a calculation on the array elements. In this article, you wi...

56: Coup de filet majeur contre le groupe de ransomware DoppelPaymer

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les polices allemandes et ukrainiennes ont arrêté plusieurs personnes soupçonnées d'avoir lancé plus de 600 cyberattaques depuis 2019.

57: Visualizing Asia's Dominance in the Titanium Supply Chain

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The global titanium supply chain is heavily dependent on Asian countries, including China. See where titanium comes from in this infographic. The post Visualizing Asia's Dominance in the Titanium Supply Chain appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

58: Google featured snippets gain blue highlighted text

Search engine land (Référencement)

Not all featured snippets will see text highlighted in blue, but many now do. The post Google featured snippets gain blue highlighted text appeared first on Search Engine Land.

59: Dîner des décideurs IT du CIP Med à Aix le 16 mars axé sur les talents

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le CIP Med qui fêtera le 30 juin prochain ses 50 ans, organise la prochaine édition de son dîner des décideurs de l'informatique (...)

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60: Firebase GitHub Authentication

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is part - 3 of the firebase authentication series, previously we have seen how we can use Google and Facebook authentication in our application. This is a continuation of the previous blogs, so it'll be connected, here we'll just add another met...

61: Que se cache-t-il derrière la remarquable baisse des prix des casques Quest ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Meta vient d'annoncer la baisse des prix des casques de réalité virtuelle Quest 2 et […] Cet article Que se cache-t-il derrière la remarquable baisse des prix des casques Quest ' a été publié sur Réalité

62: New Action Plan for next 40 Days of 90Days challenge

Hashnode - python (python)

' Introduction: It's Day 50 and I am excited to announce my next 40 days plan of action for the #90days challenge. Over the past few weeks, I have been actively learning and implementing various aspects of DevOps in my work. In the next 40 days, I p...

63: Conducting UX design critiques for helpful insights

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Creating the best UX can be challenging, which is where design critiques, user tests, and research can help create a user-friendly concept. The post Conducting UX design critiques for helpful insights appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

64: What is low-code/no-code app and product development'

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The fundamental value of low-code/no-code platforms is expanding the delivery power of a niche workforce ' aka engineers ' to everyone. The post What is low-code/no-code app and product development' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

65: 'Link in bio' platforms: Which is best for SEO'

Search engine land (Référencement)

Some people treat link-in-bio pages as website replacements. But are they good for ranking in search engines' Find out here. The post ‘Link in bio’ platforms: Which is best for SEO' appeared first on Search Engine Land.

66: Samsung Is Reportedly Developing a Custom Mobile CPU Core

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Samsung Is Reportedly Developing a Custom Mobile CPU Core Samsung is reportedly developing its own custom CPU core in an effort to better compete in the mobile space. Samsung Is Reportedly Developing a Custom Mobile CPU Core Staff

67: VRChat apporte une amélioration majeure pour le Quest Pro et PC (Réalité Virtuelle)

VRChat prévoit d’ajouter un support natif pour le suivi des yeux ou Eye tracking, sur […] Cet article VRChat apporte une amélioration majeure pour le Quest Pro et PC a été publié sur Réalité

68: Kotlin is `fun` - Some cool stuff about Kotlin functions

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

About the Series Let's deep dive into Kotlin functions, from the simple theory to the more advanced concepts of extension functions and lambda receivers. After reading this series, constructs such as the following should not scare you off anymore: fu...

69: Building a Fast REST API with Robyn and Cockroach DB | Python

Hashnode - python (python)

This article is aimed at developers who want to learn how to build a REST API with Robyn, a fast async Python web framework coupled with a web server written in Rust, and Cockroach DB, a distributed SQL database that provides ACID transactions and au...

70 / 143

70: Flutter: Routing using GoRouter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hi reader, today I want to show you how I work with GoRouter. GoRouter is a Flutter library that currently maintains by the Flutter team. With GoRouter it can simplify our navigator. Imagine you have an application that requires the user to activate ...

71: Firewall : tout savoir sur l'outil de sécurité informatique

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le Firewall est comme un garde du corps numérique qui protège votre ordinateur. C'est un outil essentiel pour éviter les … Cet article <strong>Firewall : tout savoir sur l’outil de sécurité informatique</strong> a été publié sur

72: Exciting New Tools for Designers, March 2023

Webdesigner depot (Design)

<p>This month's edition of Exciting New Tools for Designers and Developers focuses on getting work done smarter.</p> <p>We have invoicing apps and scheduling tools. Some resources will save you the trouble of hiring a designer or developer. And there are some really helpful testing and prototyping tools.<br /></p> <h1>Glaze</h1> <p><a href="h [...]

73: Getting Started with TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to TypeScript TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking to the language. It provides additional features and benefits over vanilla JavaScript, such as better error checking and better tooling. Here are some st...

74: Explosion des arnaques à la Ponzi en 2022, alimentée par les cryptos

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Une pyramide de Ponzi sur quatre découverte l'an passé aux États-Unis était liée aux cryptomonnaies, selon un blog spécialisé qui suit de près ces montages financiers frauduleux. Ces fraudes ont atteint 3 milliards de dollars.

75: Headstart With Apache Superset

Hashnode - python (python)

Apache Superset: Apache Superset is a modern data exploration and visualization platform that makes it easier to visualize data and make different types of charts. It is one of the few free open-source tools available for data visualization and in th...

76: JS Hot Question

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

1. Check if an object is an array. let arr = [1,2,3,4,5] // METHOD 1 console.log( === "[object Array]"); // true console.log(toString.apply(arr) === "[object Array]"); // true console.log(toString.apply(arr) === "[object Array]"); ...

77: Microsoft Is Bringing iMessage to Windows

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Microsoft Is Bringing iMessage to Windows Microsoft plans to bring iMessage support to Windows 11 via Phone Link for iOS, although it will have some limitations. Microsoft Is Bringing iMessage to Windows Staff

78: How to document your content strategy

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's what you should include in your content strategy document to guide your content marketing toward success. The post How to document your content strategy appeared first on Search Engine Land.

79: Iron Tiger actualise son malware pour cibler la plateforme Linux

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Rester à jour, voir étendre son périmètre d'action. C'est la stratégie du groupe APT (Advanced Persistent (...)

80 / 143

80: Firebase Facebook Authentication

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This is part - 2 of the firebase authentication series, previously we have seen how we can use Google authentication in our application. This will be connected to that as well, here we'll just add another method of authentication to our app. So, do c...

81: Props In React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We all know what are the components in react. A component is just like a JavaScript function which helps in building the UI of a page. Now suppose you built a product called 'Twitter' and you want to show it on your portfolio that you have built this...

82: How to develop object detector using AI model.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is object detection' Object detection is a computer vision task in machine learning that involves identifying and localizing objects within an image or a video. Object detection is a crucial task for many applications, such as autonomous driving...

83: Ternary Operators In JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

INTRODUCTION In Javascript, ternary operators are a shorthand way of writing conditional statements. Ternary operators involve three operands: A condition An expression that is to be executed if the condition is true An expression that is to be ex...

84: Ford crée Latitude AI pour développer un système de conduite semi-autonome

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Après avoir mis fin à son investissement dans Argo AI, Ford annonce la création de Latitude AI, une filiale destinée à développer ses systèmes de conduite automatisée. L'entreprise confirme son virage stratégique : laisser de côté le gouffre financier que représentent pour le moment les robot taxis pour se concentrer sur les systèmes avancés d'assistance à la conduite, qui peuvent r [...]

85: openSUSE Begins Enforcing Secure Boot Kernel Lockdown

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews openSUSE Begins Enforcing Secure Boot Kernel Lockdown Linux distro openSUSE has begun enforcing Kernel Lockdown when Secure Boot is enabled, creating issues for many users. openSUSE Begins Enforcing Secure Boot Kernel Lockdown Matt Milano

86: Python Variables

Hashnode - python (python)

Before we delve into what Python variables are we would take a general life approach to understand what ordinary variables are; because by this method you will be able to effectively understand every concept that would be outlined in this article. Th...

87: Pour recevoir des subventions américaines, les fabricants de puces ne pourront pas investir en Chine

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Pour recevoir des subventions publiques de la part de Washington, les fabricants de semi-conducteurs devront s'engager à ne pas investir pendant dix ans dans des "pays préoccupants".

88: LinkedIn lance les articles collaboratifs pour les experts : comment ça marche '

Blog du Moderateur ()

L'objectif de cette fonctionnalité est de favoriser le partage d'expertise de la communauté LinkedIn.

89: Dremio ajoute des fonctions Apache Iceberg à son datalake

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'engouement pour Apache Iceberg ne se dément pas. Plusieurs fournisseurs de solutions analytiques intègrent ce format de table ouverte (...)

90 / 143

90: Nouveautés Apple attendues avant l'été 2023 : iPhone 14 jaune, MacBook Air, Mac Pro, iOS 16.4'

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les prochaines sorties d'Apple, qui devraient être annoncées dans les prochaines semaines !

91: Why Choose Vue.js For Web Development Projects'

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

The meteoric rise of JavaScript in web development has been driven by incredibly powerful frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue, allowing developers to quickly develop powerful and interactive digital products. Moreover, the Node.js technology r...

92: How to make API calls in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A good API call requires more than just making a network request, getting the data and using the data. There are more subtle things that need to be put in place to provide a good user experience to your customers. The code below illustrates how you m...

93: Réorganisation chez Wipro autour de quatre branches d'activité

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le fournisseur de services et de conseils IT Wipro a annoncé une nouvelle organisation articulée autour de quatre branches d'activité (...)

94: IT Partners 2023 : exposants et visiteurs annoncés en hausse

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les organisateurs d'IT Partners 2023 se montrent sereins. La 17ème édition du salon, qui se tiendra les 15 et 16 mars prochains au sein (...)

95: 100DaysOfCode Day 1: Small Business Figma Design

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there! Welcome to my first blog! I decided to start doing my 100 days of code challenge straight here on Hashnode. I think it's a nice challenge for me to actually write out full articles on the things that I'm learning in comparison to that of t...

96: Le multicloud : à la croisée de la souveraineté et la réduction des coûts

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Quatre fournisseurs de cloud prenant en charge environ 15 % de son SI et aucune stratégie claire pour les gérer. La situation vécue (...)

97: What are the data types used in JavaScipt

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There are 2 types of data types Primitive data type Non-Primitive Data type Primitive Data type: Primitive Data types are those whose data is not an object or a method or properties Following are the types of Primitive Data type: String Number ...

98: MWC 2023 : Dell annonce des serveurs PowerEdge et des partenariats privés 5G

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

A l'occasion du MWC 2023, Dell a annoncé la semaine dernière la disponibilité prochaine d'une nouvelle gamme de serveurs (...)

99: Mastering JavaScript with One-Liners: Top 20 Examples for Efficient Coding

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here are some examples of top JavaScript one-liners: Find the maximum value in an array: const max = Math.max(...array); Filter an array to remove duplicates: const unique = [ Set(array)] Convert a string to title case: const titleCase = str ...

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100: Ternary operators in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ternary operators in JavaScript are a shorthand way of writing conditional statements. They are called "ternary" because they involve three operands: a condition, an expression to be executed if the condition is true, and an expression to be executed...

101: Python Programming for Beginners

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python Programming Language' Python programming language is a high-level programming language that was designed to improve code readability with the use of significant indentation and close to English-like syntaxes which makes coding with thi...

102: How to Create 2D Games Quickly and Easily with Flutter Flame

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. It's a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way developers create cross-platform...

103: Building Vue 3 components with Tailwind CSS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Vue is a popular JavaScript framework for building versatile web interfaces. Some of its most compelling features are its easy integration into existing code-bases and lightweight framework, making it easy for developers to start using in their front...

104: Le numérique, priorité de l'Autorité de la concurrence pour les deux prochaines années

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'Autorité de la concurrence ne compte pas lâcher la bride au secteur du numérique. La régulation du domaine des données et du cloud sont des dossiers en haut de sa pile.

105: Making API Call in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In a typical web application, the frontend and backend communicate through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). APIs are used to streamline communication and data exchange between different systems. It specifies how the communication should tak...

106: Amazon ferme une partie de ses magasins sans caisse

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

En quête d'économies, le géant du commerce en ligne va fermer un tiers de ses supérettes Go aux États-Unis. Mais il assure ne pas avoir abandonné ses ambitions dans le commerce physique.

107: Understanding JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's learn about the most popular and widely used scripting language for the web, JavaScript. The Targeted audience for this article is as follows; Newbies to coding Javascript beginners Experienced developers Let's start with the fundamentals ...

108: Why South Koreans grew taller so quickly

Flowing data (dataviz)

As a world population, we’re growing taller, but South Koreans seemed to grow…Tags: height, South Korea, Vox

109: Understand Debouncing and Throttling in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Debouncing and throttling are both used to enhance the website performance by limiting the number of times the events are triggered. Debouncing and throttling are not provided by JavaScript. They're just concepts that can be implemented using the set...

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110: One month of creating Vue content

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Just do it I have always been interested in Vue and its ecosystem, but never actually got the courage and motivation to start my own content creation journey. Now it's been just over a month since I decided to start creating Vue-related content and b...

111: Métiers de la data : se former en alternance pour répondre aux besoins des entreprises

Blog du Moderateur ()

Quels sont les principaux métiers de la data qui recrutent en 2023, les compétences attendues et comment développer son employabilité '

112: Is solidJs better than reactJs'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

SolidJS is a front-end JavaScript framework that has been gaining quite some attraction and popularity over the last couple of months. So, that, of course, brings up two important questions.What is SolidJS' Why do we need another front-end JavaScript...

113: La carte des absent·e·s : Téhéran 1979-1988

Visions Carto (dataviz)

Bahar Majdzadeh cartographie l'absence des militant·e·s de la Révolution de 1979 dans la capitale iranienne. Sa carte interactive et participative fait remonter à la surface la répression sanglante qu'ont subi les partis politiques opposés à la république islamique pendant les années 1980. Cette destruction politique a été suivie par celle de la mémoire de ces révolutionnaires, une mà [...]

114: What will the code below output to the console and why'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

(function (){ var a = b = 5; })(); console.log("a define ' :- "+ (typeof a !== 'undefined')) console.log("b define ' :- "+ (typeof b !== 'undefined')) Since both a and b are defined within the enclosing scope of the function most JavaScript developer...

115: Limites de ChatGPT : 7 inconvénients à connaître

Blog du Moderateur ()

ChatGPT est un outil efficace pour un grand nombre d'utilisations. Cependant, certains défauts du chatbot sont à prendre en compte.

116: Supercharge Your JavaScript Skills with These Object Methods: A Beginner's Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a programming language that has become an integral part of modern web development. One of its fundamental data types is the object. Objects are collections of properties and methods that can be accessed and manipulated in various ways. ...

117: Les résultats de HP dévissent au premier trimestre 2023

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'année commence mal pour HP dont le bénéfice net a chuté de 55 % pour le compte de son premier trimestre 2023. À titre (...)

118: Krys monte en gamme pour piloter ses processus critiques

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Groupe spécialisé dans l'optique et dans l'audition depuis 2014, Krys compte aujourd'hui près de 1500 magasins dans le monde, pour (...)

119: Mario Harik, CEO de XPO Logistics : « L'innovation est dans notre ADN depuis le premier jour »

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Depuis le moment où il a rejoint XPO en 2011 en tant que DSI, Mario Harik a travaillé aux côtés du fondateur Brad Jacobs pour (...)

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120: Les ventes de smartphones en baisse en 2023 selon IDC

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Du fait de « la faiblesse de la demande et des défis macroéconomiques actuels », les attentes concernant les expéditions (...)

121: Debugging Success Story: How the Latest Technology Helped Me Solve a Tricky Search Algorithm Problem in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a developer, there's nothing quite as satisfying as finally solving a tough debugging problem. Recently, I had one such experience that I'd like to share with you. In this tale, I'll walk you through the problem I faced, the debugging tools I used...

122: La psychologie de l'apprentissage de la lecture ' conférence de Johannes Ziegler

Macternelle (Formation / enfant)

Depuis sa création comme discipline scientifique, la psychologie s'est toujours intéressée à l'étude de la lecture, ses automatismes, son apprentissage. Nous connaissons aujourd'hui ses composantes et ses rouages tel un mécanicien connaît les pièces et voies de transmission qui font tourner les moteurs. Au-delà des clivages maintenant dépassés, il existe aujourd'hui une véritable scie [...]

123: Xml 1.0

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey y'all! If you're here, then you must be as excited about XML 1.0 as I am! I'm your go-to gal for all the latest and greatest news about XML 1.0. From the latest updates to quirky little tidbits, I'll have it all for you. So if you're looking for ...

124: Goossips SEO : Sitemap XML, Avis locaux, Authorship, Désaveu, Liens externes, ChatGPT

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours, avec au programme, pour cette semaine relativement chargée, des réponses à ces questions : quel est l'impact des avis intégrés sur la performance d'un site ' Est-il judicieux d'utiliser ChatGPT pour réécrire un contenu ' […] L'article "Goossips [...]

125: Media Cleaner, l'extension pour nettoyer votre bibliothèque de médias WordPress

WP Marmite (wordpress)

Savez-vous ce qui tend à s'accumuler sur un site WordPress au fil des années ou des tests de thèmes ' Les fichiers média !  Plus votre site est ancien et a connu de refontes, plus il y a à parier... Media Cleaner, l'extension pour nettoyer votre bibliothèque de médias WordPress est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPress.

126: N2F lève 24 millions d'euros pour dématérialiser la gestion des notes de frais

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française N2F, qui développe une application de gestion des notes de frais pour les PME et ETI, a bouclé un financement de 24 millions d'euros auprès de PSG Equity. Ce premier tour de table servira à aller chercher de nouvelles parts de marché à l'international, à recruter 200 salariés et à continuer de développer Keepl, un logiciel de gestion RH, dernier produit de l'entrep [...]

127: Build Your Own JavaScript Applications with These 50 Mini-Projects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here are some mini-project ideas that you can build using JavaScript: To-do List: Create a simple to-do list app where users can add, edit, and delete tasks. Calculator: Build a basic calculator app that performs basic arithmetic operations like addi...

128: This day in search marketing history: March 6

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google Webmaster Tools adds user administration, plus: no click search study, Trusted Stores program shuttering and more. The post This day in search marketing history: March 6 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

129: Cercalist, une plateforme pour référencer les industriels européens

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Pour recenser les industriels français ou européens avec un savoir-faire spécifique, la plateforme Cercalist voit actuellement le jour et espère ainsi que de nombreuses activités seront rapatriées sur le continent. Elle devrait être pleinement opérationnelle en mai prochain.

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130: Building Resilient Systems: Retry Pattern in Microservices

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Any application that communicates with other resources over a network has to be resilient to transient failures. These failures are sometimes self-correcting. For example, a service that is processing thousands of concurrent requests can...

131: React Wordle Game - JavaScript Exercise 9

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Overview In this exercise, you will be building a Wordle game using React. Players are presented with a set of hidden words that they must guess by entering letters. The game is won when all words are guessed correctly. Requirements The game must ha...

132: Microservice Architecture and System Design with Python & Kubernetes | Auth

Hashnode - python (python)

Architecture ' Tools and Languages Used ' Python Docker Kubernetes MongoDB MySQL RabbitMQ Working '' The Client uploads the video to be converted, the video will first hit our API gateway. API gateway will store the video in MongoDB and ...

133: Basics Of Python -2

Hashnode - python (python)

DAY 2: In this blog, you will get to know about the basic data types of python. DATA TYPESData types are nothing but the classification of the data items in python. Like by using data types, we get to know about the class of that particular data. Th...

134: ' Loose vs. Strict Equality in JavaScript: Why === is Your Best Friend '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Hey there! Let's dive into a topic that can sometimes trip up even the most seasoned JavaScript developers: the difference between === and == in JavaScript. Buckle up, we're in for a ride! ' == (Loose Equality) The == operator is like a mediator ...

135: Problem-solving with ChatGPT

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Every Monday morning, a new issue of rendezvous with cassidoo drops into my inbox in which the talented Cassidy Williams shares a brief roundup of what's new and cool in the world of web development. If you don't already receive it, I suggest taking ...

136: [Simple Web Apps] 3. Building a simple todo list

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, let's see how we can implement a basic version of a ToDo list using HTML, CSS, and Typescript. This is going to be something like the below: Basic To Do application ...

137: Are You Tired of Create React App' Check Out These 5 Game-Changing Alternatives!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a powerful and widely used JavaScript library for building modern web applications. However, starting a new React project from scratch can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. Although Create React App (CRA) has been widely used to ...

138: Recursion Explained: Breaking Down the Core Concepts, Benefits, and Drawbacks of Using Recursive Functions

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Recursion is a powerful technique that allows programmers to solve complex problems in efficient ways. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding recursion is a fundamental skill that can help you write better c...

139: Production-Ready OpenAI (GPT) Next.js Template

Hashnode - python (python)

OpenAI has a great quickstart template to help build applications using their APIs. Their APIs have been used for pretty much everything at this point, like generating marketing copy, procedural games, and even code. Their template uses Next.js on bo...

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140: Python tips and tricks for beginners

Hashnode - python (python)

Python is a popular and widely adopted programming language. In this article, we'll explore some tips and tricks to improve your code and get the most out of Python. Specifically for beginners, these tips will help you write cleaner, more effective c...

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Richard Carlier

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