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« Mars 2024 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Lundi 11 Mars 2024 (150)

1: How to send emails from your website using Twilio SendGrid

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Today we are going to learn how to send informational emails from our website to one of our email addresses. For this project, we will be creating a working example using the popular email send platform, Twilio SendGrid. Sending informat...

2: Working with Docker Containers

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

In this tutorial, we'll provide a brief overview of the relationship between Docker images and Docker containers. Then, we'll take a more detailed look at how to run, start, stop, and remove containers.

3: Lessons from open-source: Can you use "require" and "import" in the same file in NodeJs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This lesson is picked from next.js/packages/next. In this article, you will learn how Next.js uses require and import in the same file. Can you use 'require' and 'import' in the same file' Yes, you can. Here is the proof from next.js source code. I f...

4: Conquer the Binary Search: Mastering LeetCode's Classic Challenge

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello, fellow code enthusiasts and future software engineering interview masters! Today, I'm diving deep into one of the fundamental problems that not only frequently pops up in technical interviews but also serves as a cornerstone for understanding ...

5: JS Engine Details in Google's V8 Architecture Explained

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the ever-changing world of web development, understanding the complexities of Javascript (JS) and its engines is essential. Today, we'll look at the Javascript Runtime Environment (JRE), which is at the heart of JS execution, as well ...

6: Navigating the MongoDB Ecosystem: A Guide to MongoDB, Compass, and Atlas

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In today's data-driven world, managing and leveraging data efficiently is paramount for businesses of all sizes. MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, has emerged as a powerful solution for developers seeking flexibility, scalability, and performance. I...

7: It is time to build your portfolio website

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Answer honestly, how many times did you think of building a portfolio and kept delaying' Building and updating a portfolio is one thing that every dev wants to do, but keeps contemplating and nobody knows why. My guesses are: Being very picky with t...

8: Mastering LeetCode's "Implement Queue using Stacks": A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Software Engineers

Hashnode - python (python)

As someone passionate about helping fellow developers and aspiring software engineers navigate the often daunting world of technical interviews, I'm excited to tackle a classic problem that frequently pops up in interviews: implementing a First In Fi...

9: Enhancing Error Handling: 'Leveraging Logging and Effective Error Management in Your Codebase

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Everything in this blog post is written from my point of view. If I am wrong at any point, please correct me. Good error handling can give you an advantage in bug fixing. You might be thinking, how' Let's suppose you are working on a codebase with hu...

10 / 150

10: Sean Greene, Los Angeles Times, will speak about their use of the Datawrapper API to power a drought tracker

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

We’re excited to announce that Sean Greene, Los Angeles Times, will speak at our Unwrapped...

11: Understanding the Basics Of Python Decorators :

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, decorators are a mechanism for dynamically altering the behavior of functions or methods. They provide a concise syntax for applying functions to other functions, typically enhancing or modifying their functionality. Decorators are often u...

12: Vue's reactivity is a trap

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Vue's reactivity is awesome, but it has a "little" drawback: it messes up with the references. Things that should work, that TypeScript says is fine, suddenly isn't fine. I won't even talk about nested Refs with enforced typing, it's complete chaos y...

13: 'There is no Array in Javascript', I was told

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

It was lunch break in my college, me and my friend were having tea looking at the rain outside the cafeteria window. That was when he asked me, 'Do you know that JS doesn't have array''. I was shocked. It had been a few weeks now since I started lear...

14: TypeScript Enums: 5 Real-World Use Cases

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you're looking to make your TypeScript code more organized, enums are a powerful tool. They group related values together, giving your code better structure and readability. Let's dive in and explore how to use them! In TypeScript, enums are decla...

15: Microsoft Ads expands Copilot to more advertisers

Search engine land (Référencement)

Copilot allows marketers to instantly generate assets for campaigns, such as images, headlines, and descriptions.

16: Day 25: Concurrency and Parallelism (Threading, Multiprocessing) with practical

Hashnode - python (python)

This is the twenty-fifth blog in my Python learning journey, and it's the second one discussing Concurrency and Parallelism in Python. In the previous blog, we covered the theoretical aspects of these topics, and now we'll dive into their code implem...

17: How To Create React Elements with JSX

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

JSX is an abstraction that allows you to write HTML-like syntax in your JavaScript code and will enable you to build React components that look like standard HTML markup. Since you are also writing JavaScript, you'll be able to take advantage of JavaScript functions and methods, including array mapping and short-circuit evaluation for conditionals. In this tutorial, you'll build a working applicat [...]

18: Mastering String Manipulation in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: String manipulation is a fundamental aspect of JavaScript programming, allowing developers to transform and manipulate text efficiently. In this blog post, we'll explore various techniques and methods for working with strings in JavaScr...

19: How does Webpack work'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Webpack is a commonly used library among modern frontend-based applications. It is one of the popular javascript bundlers. It is now a decade-old and battle-tested library. Many full-fledged frontend frameworks like NextJS, and Gatsby us...

20 / 150

20: Joe Biden supports bill to ban TikTok in the U.S.

Search engine land (Référencement)

TikTok is accusing U.S. senators of staging a pre-determined vote to ban the platform in America.

21: Day 22: Generators and Iterators in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Welcome back to our Python journey! Today, we're learning iterators and generators. In Python programming, iterators and generators play a crucial role in facilitating efficient iteration over data sequences.These are powerful constructs...

22: Certains services de l'État ciblés par une cyberattaque, des hackers pro-russes revendiquent

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Plusieurs services informatiques de l'État font face à des cyberattaques d'une 'intensité inédite' depuis le 10 mars. Le groupe de hackers pro-russes Anonymous Sudan revendique les perturbations et aurait mené une attaque par déni de service. Le gouvernement assure que l'impact des cyberattaques a été réduit et l'accès aux sites rétabli.

23: TCL démarre une campagne pour RayNeo X2 ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Les lunettes AR autonomes RayNeo X2 de TCL font l'objet d'un soutien financier via une […] Cet article TCL démarre une campagne pour RayNeo X2 ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

24: Formatting Strings in Python: The Easy Way

Hashnode - python (python)

Python allows you to insert text and variables into strings to create informative messages. There are two main ways to do this: Old Style Formatting (Less Flexible) Uses a percent sign % and numbers to specify placeholders for your data. Not eas...

25: How To Create A New Sudo Enabled User on Ubuntu

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Introduction When managing a server, you'll sometimes want to allow users to execute commands as 'root,' the administrator-level user. The sudo command provides system administrators with a way to grant administrator privileges ' ordinarily only available to the root user ' to normal users. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a new user with sudo access on Ubuntu without having to modify [...]

26: RxJS - Subject vs. BehaviorSubject vs. ReplaySubject

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Subject, BehaviorSubject, and ReplaySubject are all supersets of the RxJs Observable that allow us to push new values through the observable pipe via the next function. Subject Subject doesn't hold a value, so it doesn't emit any value to new subscri...

27: Vidéo : le 1er robot arabe claque les fesses d'une journaliste, malaise à la TV

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Fiasco complet pour l'Arabie Saoudite ! Le premier robot humanoïde développé dans le royaume, censé démontrer son niveau d'avancement dans … Cet article Vidéo : le 1er robot arabe claque les fesses d’une journaliste, malaise à la TV a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

28: Mastering LeetCode's "Max Stock Profit": A Guide for Aspiring Software Engineers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to this tutorial, where I aim to demystify one of the most intriguing and commonly encountered problems in software engineering interviews: the "Max Stock Profit" challenge from LeetCode (LeetCode 121). This problem is not just a test of your...

29: Telex : Piratage des services de l'Etat, Grok bientôt en open source, Linux 6.8 disponible

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

-Piratage des services de l'Etat. Depuis dimanche soir, plusieurs services de l'Etat, ministères ainsi que du Premier Ministre sont touchés (...)

30 / 150

30: Component Composition in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We all know the best and easy feature in react to render heavy amount of datas in to the screen using component compositing coding them normally can take upto days if the components are more than 100 and manual labour work here isnt appreciated so he...

31: How to draw VERRERIE

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing Cyndi Knapp's Zentangle® pattern: Verrerie. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

32: Chai aur Python :)

Hashnode - python (python)

Finding the right content tailored to your needs can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. However, amidst the vast sea of online resources, there shines a beacon of clarity and simplicity - Chai aur Code. Renowned for their engaging tutorials o...

33: Brands unknowingly wasting ad dollars on Made for Advertising sites, claims report

Search engine land (Référencement)

An Adalytics study found that ads are being placed on MFA sites through programmatic and non-programmatic channels.

34: Android 15 Could Finally Bring Satellite Texting

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Android 15 Could Finally Bring Satellite Texting Android 15 could be gaining a major new feature, one that will help it leapfrog iOS by removing a key limitation Apple users deal with. Android 15 Could Finally Bring Satellite Texting Matt Milano

35: Adaptive ML lève 20 M$

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Il n'y a pas que Mistral AI. Dans le paysage hexagonal de l'IA, il existe d'autres pépites. C'est le cas d'Adaptive ML, une discrète jeune (...)

36: Vertical Viewport Was Given Unbounded Height In Flutter Hell

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

If you've ever done and Flutter UI development, you'll eventually encounter the Error: "Vertical Viewport Was Given Unbounded Height". And it won't be pretty. You'll see a long stack trace, and lots of text to read. I don't know about you but I usual...

37: How to draw VITRAUX

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing Cyndi Knapp's Zentangle® pattern: Vitraux. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

38: Alerte aux utilisateurs : votre licence Microsoft pourrait être en danger !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Actuellement, les utilisateurs de Microsoft s'inquiètent parce que leur licence Microsoft pourrait être menacée. Ce ne sont pas juste des … Cet article Alerte aux utilisateurs : votre licence Microsoft pourrait être en danger ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

39: IA et quantique: la Défense lance ses grandes manoeuvres IT

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

En visite à l'école Polytechnique, Sébastien Lecornu, ministre des Armées a fixé le cap dans le domaine de l'intelligence (...)

40 / 150

40: Building a Comprehensive Monitoring Dashboard with Grafana, Loki, and Promtail

Hashnode - python (python)

In today's fast-paced world of software development and deployment, monitoring and observability have become paramount. Understanding how our applications behave in real-time, diagnosing issues swiftly, and proactively addressing potential problems i...

41: Inflection déclare que son modèle d'IA peut désormais rivaliser avec GPT-4

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Inflection AI vient de publier une mise à jour majeure du grand modèle de langage qui alimente son assistant personnel Pi. La start-up promet des performances qui se rapprochent de celles de GPT-4, le modèle utilisé par ChatGPT.

42: Understanding Build Systems with Bazel

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To fully appreciate the value of build systems in managing multi-file projects, let's explore a scenario that highlights the complexities of manual management versus using a build system. We'll use a simple Java project as an example to illustrate th...

43: 5 Top React Native Video Editor Software for Mobile App Development

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews 5 Top React Native Video Editor Software for Mobile App Development Check out the following 5 top react video editor software for mobile app development choices in the article below. 5 Top React Native Video Editor Software for Mobile App Development Brian Wallace

44: Microsoft reconnaît que des pirates russes lui ont volé du code source et des documents sensibles

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Après un premier piratage en novembre, Microsoft révèle que le groupe de hackers Midnight Blizzard, soupçonné d'être affilié aux services de renseignement russe, continue de s'en prendre à ses systèmes. Une attaque d'ampleur, les cybercriminels ayant eu accès à 'certains référentiels de code source et systèmes internes de l'entreprise'.

45: Google Marketing Platform launches new API with enhanced capabilities

Search engine land (Référencement)

The new API allows marketers to move properties between standard and Analytics 360, providing flexibility for deeper insights.

46: Leader Spotlight: Taking advantage of how humans behave, with Oji Udezue

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Oji Udezue shares the importance of understanding the psychology behind customer onboarding and carrying that through the experience. The post Leader Spotlight: Taking advantage of how humans behave, with Oji Udezue appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

47: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

48: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

49: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

50 / 150

50: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

51: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

52: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

53: Next.js and Tailwind CSS Setup Complete Guide (2024)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework that helps to rapidly develop a modern website with ease. Today in the current Developer market a Developer with Tailwind CSS can develop Websites with custom elements faster when compared with Bootstrap. Developers pr...

54: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

55: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

56: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

57: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

58: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

59: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

60 / 150

60: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

61: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

62: Transform PDFs to Markdown with Marker

Math Data Simplified (data)

Markdown files are more lightweight than PDFs, integrate seamlessly with version control systems like Git, and are easier to edit. To convert PDFs to markdowns, use Marker, which provides the following features: Support for a range of PDF documents (optimized …

63: Installez SideQuest sur votre Quest plus facilement dès maintenant ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Dites adieu au processus complexe pour installer SideQuest sur votre Quest. Désormais, on a une […] Cet article Installez SideQuest sur votre Quest plus facilement dès maintenant ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

64: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

65: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

66: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

67: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

68: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

69: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

70 / 150

70: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

71: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

72: 7 JavaScript Unit Test Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TLDR: Discover the seven must-known JavaScript unit testing frameworks. Each offers unique advantages, catering to diverse project needs. Choose wisely to ensure robust, bug-free applications. JavaScript powers many modern websites' dynamic and inte...

73: Parse TOML files Using tomllib Module in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

You might have seen files with the .toml extension in programming projects. What is that TOML' TOML (Tom's Obvious Minimal Language) files can be used to store application metadata in an easily readable format. Its format is extremely simple due to i...

74: Pourquoi le succès fulgurant de Walmart dans la recherche IA devrait inquiéter Google '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'essor fulgurant de Walmart dans le domaine de la recherche générative par IA représente un développement majeur qui pourrait remettre … Cet article Pourquoi le succès fulgurant de Walmart dans la recherche IA devrait inquiéter Google ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

75: Les régions françaises recrute toujours des experts sécurité, cloud et réseaux

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Après avoir publié un classement des formations et métiers IT les plus recherchés en France en 2023, la Grande école (...)

76: L'Etat a de plus en plus la tête dans les nuages

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

A l'occasion de la deuxième édition de la conférence « l'Etat dans le nuage », la direction interministérielle (...)

77: Anthropic Claude 3 est-elle vraiment la première IA égale à l'humain '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Anthropic vient de lancer Claude 3, et affirme que cette nouvelle IA de langage rivalise avec l'intelligence humaine sur certains … Cet article Anthropic Claude 3 est-elle vraiment la première IA égale à l’humain ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

78: Avis sur

Humancoders ()

Hatchbox est un service de déploiement pour Ruby-on-Rails. L'ayant essayé récemment, voici mon avis. Commentaires L'article Avis sur a été posté dans la catégorie Ruby de Human Coders News

79: Maîtriser les types avancés en TypeScript

Humancoders ()

TypeScript c'est bien, à condition de pas avoir à dupliquer les types à travers toute la codebase. Voyons les notions qui nous évitent ces problèmes. Commentaires L'article Maîtriser les types avancés en TypeScript a été posté dans la catégorie JavaScript de Human Coders News

80 / 150

80: Accenture s'associe à Cohere pour accélérer le développement de solutions IA en entreprise

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le géant mondial du conseil mise sur la start-up Cohere et ses grands modèles de langage pour se faire une place dans le secteur de l'intelligence artificielle. En additionnant son expertise et son infrastructure cloud à l'IA, Accenture veut conquérir un large éventail de secteurs, allant de la finance au retail en passant par la santé, le tout en mettant l'accent sur la confidentialité et [...]

81: Notre choix de Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

React Native, Jetpack Compose & Swift UI, avec ou sans KMM, Flutter' voilà nos candidats ' Nous vous exposons dans cet article les critères qui ont guidés notre choix. ' Chez Primary, pour nos patients, nous développons une appli mobile compagnon ...

82: Notre choix de Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

React Native, Jetpack Compose & Swift UI, avec ou sans KMM, Flutter' voilà nos candidats ' Nous vous exposons dans cet article les critères qui ont guidés notre choix. ' Chez Primary, pour nos patients, nous développons une appli mobile compagnon ...

83: Enabling multi-select dropdowns in React Native

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The react-native-sectioned-multi-select package is easy to use, but we can also implement multi-select dropdowns from scratch if needed. The post Enabling multi-select dropdowns in React Native appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

84: Suno AI : le studio de musique basé sur l'IA

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Écrire les paroles, créer les mélodies, arranger le tout, avec un seul et même outil. Oui, ces étapes complexes ne … Cet article Suno AI : le studio de musique basé sur l'IA a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

85: Entity-based competitor analysis: An SEO's guide

Search engine land (Référencement)

Here's how a competitor entity analysis can help you pinpoint content opportunities and build topical authority to stay ahead of competitors.

86: Python Revision Project - 2

Hashnode - python (python)

Project Description This is a CLI based simple inventory management system. Users can view, find, create, restock, buy and return items. It also manages a till balance that is used in a POS system that is required while making transactions like buyi...

87: LinkedIn livre son outil lakehouse OpenHouse en open source

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le réseau social professionnel LinkedIn a décidé de livrer son outil de gestion de données OpenHouse en open source. La filiale (...)

88: How to work from home: Strategies to optimize remote work

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, you'll learn how to prioritize productivity, work-life balance, collaboration, and staying healthy, while working from home. The post How to work from home: Strategies to optimize remote work appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

89: 20 Best New Websites, March 2024

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Welcome to our pick of sites for March. This month's collection tends towards the simple and clean, which goes to show that minimalism never truly goes out of style. Whether it's about getting a lot of information across, or using space to create a sense of luxury, keeping things appear simple is an approach that solves many design challenges. Enjoy!

90 / 150

90: Leak chez Apple : voici à quoi ressemble la nouvelle caméra de l'iPhone 16 !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Apparemment, Apple a mis le point final sur le design de son futur iPhone. Des leaks récentes de fichiers CAO … Cet article Leak chez Apple : voici à quoi ressemble la nouvelle caméra de l’iPhone 16 ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

91: Elana Levin Schtulberg, Datawrapper, will speak about how we decide what features to add

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

We’re excited to announce that our very own Elana Levin Schtulberg will speak at the...

92: Protection des données : La CE pris en faute avec Microsoft 365

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Faites ce que je dis, pas ce que je fais ' La Commission européenne a été épinglée par l'organisme de contrôle (...)

93: AI-powered content management: How to make your workflows more efficient

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how AI transforms content management by streamlining workflows, personalizing content and optimizing performance.

94: Macos Installation

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Install Homebrew From Here. Type brew tap dart-lang/dart in the terminal. Type brew install dart in the terminal. If you have any issues installing the dart. Homebrew Install Command Copy and paste this command on your terminal to install Homebr...

95: computed vs method (options api)

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Agar'da vue.js'ni o'rganishni yaqinda boshlagan bo'lsangiz va options api bilan o'rganayotgan bo'lsangiz computed va method sizga bir xil tuyulishi mumkin. Chunki ikkalasi ham funksiya ko'rinishida yoziladi. Mana bunday: // computedcomputed: { double...

96: Windows Installation

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Download Dart Sdk form Here select os:-Windows. Copy Dart sdk from Your C Drive. Add C:dart-sdk/bin to your environment variable. open the command prompt and type dart --version to check it. Install vs code and Add Dart Extension.

97: A Guide on Dependency Injection in NestJS

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

In this article, you will learn what Dependency Injections are and how to use them in a NestJS application. You will also understand various scenarios covering different core decorators in NestJS.

98: Adaptive ML lève 20 millions de dollars pour proposer aux entreprises des modèles d'IA générative sur mesure

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Créée à l'automne dernier, la start-up basée en France et aux États-Unis conçoit des modèles de langage adaptés pour chaque entreprise et les améliore en continu avec les interactions utilisateur. Elle souhaite ouvrir un centre de R&D à Paris, mais aussi améliorer sa technologie, pour varier les interactions et permettre aux modèles de langage de s'autocritiquer.

99: TypeScript 5.4 : Une nouvelle version est sortie

Humancoders ()

Une nouvelle version de TypeScript est arrivée. TypeScript 5.4 améliore la gestion des types avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités comme le suivi plus précis des types dans les fermetures, un type utilitaire NoInfer, et le support des méthodes groupBy. Elle optimise aussi les imports et prépare le terrain pour des changements futurs, avec une attention particulière sur la compatibilité et les [...]

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100: Using nornir and scrapli to get devices available ports

Hashnode - python (python)

This post will be based on a true scenario where we got a request to gather information about one of our customer sites and check for available ports on the switches. We have a database inventory of every device on this site. We also know that the cl...

101: What is Payroll Outsourcing'

Noupe (conception)

Are you stressing out over a pay period' Instead of being worried, imagine, instead, you are relaxed and enjoying your coffee during this pay period. Such outsourcing in businesses is not a fiction but a reality. If you'd like to be informed about an option that saves time (and possibly money!) read on, as we'll... The post What is Payroll Outsourcing' appeared first on noupe.

102: Sam Altman réintégré : les coulisses de son retour au conseil d'OpenAI

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Ces derniers temps, les entreprises d'IA ne font que se battre, mais aujourd'hui, il y a une bonne nouvelle ! … Cet article Sam Altman réintégré : les coulisses de son retour au conseil d’OpenAI a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

103: Le conseil d'administration d'OpenAI réintègre Sam Altman et annonce trois nouveaux membres

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le conseil d'administration d'OpenAI s'agrandit : il accueille Sam Altman ' évincé quelques mois plus tôt ' et trois autres membres. Ils travailleront donc avec Adam D'Angelo, Larry Summers et Bret Taylor. Reste à savoir si cette diversité des profils suffira à apaiser les tensions en interne et à faire barrière contre les critiques externes.

104: Defining the greatest albums of all time

Flowing data (dataviz)

Rolling Stone published a list in 2003 that ranked the 500 greatest albums…Tags: Chris Dalla Riva, Matt Daniels, music, polling, Pudding

105: Tutorial: Facial Emotion Recognition with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

To use the REST API, you need to install any of the frameworks for making HTTP requests to the API. In this example, we will use the requests module because Python Requests is a library that is designed to make working with requests quic...

106: IgnorePointer widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The IgnorePointer widget in Flutter is used to make its subtree completely insensitive to user gestures, making it "ignore" any taps, drags, or other gestures. Attributes: ignoring (bool): Determines whether the subtree should be ignored or not. I...

107: Les 20 langages informatiques les plus populaires en mars 2024

Blog du Moderateur ()

Déjà largement en tête, Python continue de creuser l'écart sur ses poursuivants en mars, tandis que Scratch réintègre le top 10.

108: La fonction cache de Google sur le départ, quelle alternative '

Abondance (Référencement)

La fonctionnalité cache, l'une des plus anciennes et des plus emblématiques de Google, est sur le point de tirer sa révérence avec une probable future suppression de l'opérateur de recherche historique. Quelle alternative pour cette fonction très appréciée des SEO ' Ce qu'il faut retenir Bien que la fonctionnalité de cache de Google ait été […] L'article "La fonction cache de Goog [...]

109: Scandale : Stability AI accusé de vol par Midjourney, les tensions à leur comble !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les générateurs d'images IA font l'objet de vives critiques depuis leur création, surtout de la part des artistes. On les … Cet article Scandale : Stability AI accusé de vol par Midjourney, les tensions à leur comble ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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110: Tech for Good : 5 applications françaises à impact positif

Blog du Moderateur ()

De MYdys à Too Good to Go, focus sur des applications françaises adoptant une démarche vertueuse, durable ou inclusive.

111: IA Act : comment anticiper et décrypter les transformations à venir

Octo (Internet)

L'objectif principal de cet article est de vous fournir un éclairage clair sur la réglementation à venir qu'est l'IA Act. Il est crucial de reconnaître que cette réglementation, s'imposera bientôt à nous et aura des conséquences tangibles sur la manière dont nous opérons et intégrons l'intelligence artificielle dans nos activités.

112: Facturation électronique obligatoire : contrainte ou opportunité pour les TPE et PME '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Alexis Renard, cofondateur de Regate, nous livre son éclairage sur la généralisation de la facturation électronique, prévue à l'horizon 2026.

113: Navigating Java Mastery from Home: A Beginner's Guide to Effective Learning

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Mastering Java from the comfort of your own home offers unparalleled convenience and flexibility. Whether you're aiming to delve into web development, Android app creation, or backend programming, Java serves as a foundational pillar. Enrolling in a ...

114: Basic of react

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today I have started learning react course by Hitesh Choudhary freely on his youtube channel chai aur code. I have started this course after completing his javascript course. Today I have learnt to setup the machine and create a react project using c...

115: La CISA piratée à cause de failles Ivanti

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les cordonniers sont souvent les plus mal chaussés. C'est ce qui vient de se passer avec la CISA, l'agence nationale de la sécurité (...)

116: Transformation des entreprises par la donnée : la méthode OneData, la nouvelle entité d'Eviden

Blog du Moderateur ()

Nous avons interrogé Philippe Lang et Sylvie Nocher, respectivement head of delivery et head of sales de OneData. Ils nous présentent les contours de cette nouvelle activité d'Eviden et les opportunités d'emploi offertes.

117: Videlio nomm David Sarlabous directeur général du développement

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Spécialisé dans l'intégration et les services audiovisuels, le Français Videlio a dégagé un chiffre d'affaires (...)

118: Videlio nomme David Sarlabous directeur général du développement

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Spécialisé dans l'intégration et les services audiovisuels, le Français Videlio a dégagé un chiffre d'affaires (...)

119: L'essor des PC dopés à l'IA se précise

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

À en croire IDC, le marché mondial des PC semble bien reparti pour un nouveau cycle de croissance au dynamisme toutefois mesuré. Le (...)

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120: Microsoft lance sa GenAI pour le secteur financier

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Présenté la semaine dernière, la version de Copilote de Microsoft pour les professionnels de la finance pourra automatiser les processus (...)

121: La part des femmes dans l'IA à la traine

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Avec l'explosion de l'IA générative depuis l'arrivée de ChatGPT d'Open AI fin 2022, mais aussi plus généralement le (...)

122: Testez GeForce Now sans risque : mais attention au coût caché des pass'!

Le Big Data (dataviz)

GeForce Now, la plateforme de Cloud Gaming de Nvidia est enfin disponible. C'est alors l'occasion d'essayer cette innovation majeure de … Cet article Testez GeForce Now sans risque : mais attention au coût caché des pass'! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

123: Dio is your best friend (in Flutter projects)

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Recently I have given a talk about the dio package for Google's International Women's Day celebration. Here are the slides as promised:

124: Guide to Real-time Object Logging in Kotlin + Spring Boot using Graylog

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Overview Graylog is an open-source centralized log management platform that enables the collection and management of logs from dispersed microservices centrally. It supports the unique Key-Value based GELF log format and, from version v4.0.0, suppor...

125: CupertinoActivityIndicator widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The CupertinoActivityIndicator widget in Flutter is part of the Cupertino (iOS-style) library and is used to display an iOS-style activity indicator, commonly known as a spinner. It indicates that some operation is ongoing and provides a visual repre...

126: AnimatedContainer Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The term "Animated" in Flutter generally refers to a category of widgets and classes that allow developers to create smooth and dynamic user interfaces by applying animations. One commonly used widget is AnimatedContainer. Below are details about the...

127: CheckboxListTile widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The CheckboxListTile widget in Flutter is a combination of a ListTile and a Checkbox. It is commonly used when you want to represent a list of items with an accompanying checkbox for each item. The widget is part of the material design framework and ...

128: AboutDialog widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The AboutDialog widget in Flutter is a pre-designed dialog that displays information about an application or software. It typically includes details such as the application name, version, and other relevant information. The AboutDialog is a convenien...

129: Quantique : Le secret japonais vieux de 50 ans révélé (Vous serez surpris)!

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Plongez au c'ur d’une découverte majeure qui redéfinit les frontières de la technologie et marque une avancée spectaculaire dans le … Cet article Quantique : Le secret japonais vieux de 50 ans révélé (Vous serez surpris)! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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130: Objects in JavaScript (lt.35)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: In JavaScript, an object is a collection of key-value pairs (key and value separated by a colon) where each key is a unique identifier and each value can be of any data type, including other objects, functions, arrays, strings and numbe...

131: An Introduction to React Native TV Apps

Geek y Ants ()

With the surge in demand for streaming services, creating intuitive and engaging television applications has never been more important. In this introductory guide, we delve into the basics of building TV apps using React Native, offering existing developers the tools and knowledge to transition their skills from mobile to the big screen effortlessly. Join us as we explore the exciting possibilitie [...]

132: SliverAppBar widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The SliverAppBar widget in Flutter provides a flexible app bar that integrates with CustomScrollView. It's commonly used in scrollable views where the app bar should expand or contract as the user scrolls. The SliverAppBar allows for smooth and custo...

133: ' Chillin' with JavaScript Promises: A Casual Chat on Async Awesomeness!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Alright, let's loosen up a bit and chat about promises in JavaScript in a more casual way! ' So, you know how JavaScript has this whole async thing going on, right' Enter promises, the cool cats that make handling asynchronous stuff a breeze. 3'' Th...

134: InteractiveViewer and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The InteractiveViewer widget in Flutter is a versatile and powerful tool for creating interactive and zoomable user interfaces. It allows users to pan, zoom, and interact with child widgets within a bounded area. The InteractiveViewer is particularly...

135: JavaScript Immediately invoked function expressions (IIFEs)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In Javascript, Functions are first-class Objects, in simple words, functions can be passed as an argument (callback) or can be returned from another function. Function Declaration and Function Expression: Function Declaration:We can declare a functio...

136: SwitchListTile and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

SwitchListTile is a Flutter widget that combines a ListTile with a Switch. It is particularly useful when you want to present a setting or an option that can be toggled on or off within a list-based user interface. This widget simplifies the creation...

137: Dell annonce un GPU Nvidia de 1000 watts qui défie les lois du refroidissement

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les cartes graphiques, ou GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), sont des éléments indispensables pour les ordinateurs dédiés au gaming et à … Cet article Dell annonce un GPU Nvidia de 1000 watts qui défie les lois du refroidissement a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

138: Advancements in Time Series Analysis: Deep Learning vs. Classical Methods

Hashnode - python (python)

Time series analysis is a crucial aspect of understanding sequential data in various domains such as finance, weather forecasting, signal processing, and more. Over the years, significant advancements have been made in time series analysis techniques...

139: A Comprehensive Guide to Image Alignment with Python and OpenCV

Hashnode - python (python)

In the vast realm of computer vision and image processing, the precise alignment of images stands as a pivotal task with far-reaching implications. Image alignment, often considered the cornerstone of numerous applications, involves the intricate pro...

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140: Mistral : le champion français de l'IA peut-il vraiment défier OpenAI '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Alors que l'intelligence artificielle (IA) est de plus en plus présente dans nos vies, un nouvel acteur français fait parler … Cet article Mistral : le champion français de l’IA peut-il vraiment défier OpenAI ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

141: Can be scraped on auto captcha sites using Python'

Hashnode - python (python)

Yes, it is possible to automate the process of bypassing CAPTCHAs on websites using Python, but it's important to understand the legal and ethical implications. Automating CAPTCHA solving can be against the terms of service of many websites. It's des...

142: A list of design inspiration lists (blogPost)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

I love a good list! Especially when it comes to design stuff, I've no clue what I'm doing and just looking around how everybody else does it. Right now, I'm cleaning up hundreds of open tabs, so let's make a list of sites that list funky designs. ' general web design [...]

143: Web Weekly 125 (blogPost)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

Guten Tag! Guten Tag! 'Do you know that flexbox comes with safe and unsafe alignment' Would you use container query units for fluid type' And how many ways are there to break up words' Turn on the Web Weekly tune and find all the answers below. Enjoy! Sébastien listens to "Matthew Dear - Wrong With [...]

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