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« Mars 2024 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

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Jeudi 7 Mars 2024 (155)

1: Mastering LeetCode's "Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST": A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the realm of software engineering interviews, understanding data structures and their related algorithms is paramount. A common question that arises is finding the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two nodes in a binary search tree (BST...

2: Lessons from open-source: Convert an array-like HTML NodeList to a standard javascript array.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This lesson is picked from next.js/packages/next. In this article, you will learn how to convert an array-like HTML Nodelist into a standard javascript array. looseToArray Function: The following code snippet is from

3: Day 60 - Exploring Terraform: Your Key to Automated Infrastructure '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there, fellow learners! Today, we're diving into the world of Terraform ' your go-to solution for automating infrastructure provisioning. Let's streamline our processes and make life easier with this powerful tool! '' What is Terraform' Terrafo...

4: Day 39 of LeetCode

Hashnode - python (python)

Documenting LeetCode solving. Q110 207. Course Schedule Medium. Graph class Solution: def canFinish(self, numCourses: int, prerequisites: List[List[int]]) -> bool: # {crs : [pres]} preMap = {i : [] for i in range(numCourses)} ...

5: Day 59: Deploying a Simple Web App with Ansible '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Welcome to Day 59 of our Ansible journey! After mastering Ansible playbooks, it's time to put our skills to the test with an exciting project. Today, we'll embark on the journey of deploying a simple web app using Ansible. Get ready to ...

6: ' Baseline Point of View

Flowing data (dataviz)

Welcome to The Process, the newsletter for FlowingData members that looks closer at…Tags: baseline, point of view, questions

7: Mastering LeetCode's Palindrome Challenge: A Guide for Engineering Interviews

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the realm of software engineering interviews, the ability to dissect and conquer algorithmic challenges is paramount. Today, I'm delving into a classic yet intriguing problem often encountered on platforms like LeetCode: determining whether a give...

8: PostgreSQL + Python for Beginners '' (Part 1)

Hashnode - python (python)

Setting up a PostgreSQL database and connecting to it from Python involves installing PostgreSQL, setting up a database, installing the necessary Python library for PostgreSQL, and writing Python code to connect to the database and execute queries. S...

9: Day 21: Database Access (SQLite, SQLAlchemy) in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In this blog, we'll delve into the realm of database access in Python, focusing on SQLite and leveraging SQLAlchemy. As databases play a pivotal role in most projects, mastering database access is crucial. We'll explore the fundamentals of databases ...

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10: Day 18: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to Day 18 of our Python blog series! Today, we'll explore Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Python. OOP is a powerful programming principle that allows you to structure your code in terms of objects, which represent real-world ent...

11: Why Flutter in 2024'

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In the fast-paced world of app development, choosing the right technology is more crucial than ever. Flutter, with its ability to deliver efficient, visually appealing, and rapidly developed applications, stands out as a cutting-edge option. In this ...

12: The cutting-edge AI strategies you need for landing page success by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

In this webinar, learn how to create landing pages that deliver seamless, personalized experiences end to end.

13: Google Ads now limits country-level location exclusions

Search engine land (Référencement)

The platform is limiting advertisers to an exclusion list of 120 countries.

14: Sync vs Defer in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Sync and defer are two attributes that can be used to modify the behavior of script tags in HTML. They affect how and when the browser downloads and executes the JavaScript code. By default, when the browser encounters a script tag, it stops parsing ...

15: Compose - Bill of Materials(BOM)

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

In this article , lets discuss about Bill of Materials Lets understand why we need BOM , then we will discuss what is BOM Why BOM' Compose libraries are version independently that is version number are maintained different for each library . For de...

16: Sama 2.0, la première hôtesse de l'air virtuelle

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Découvrez la révolution dans le ciel, Sama 2.0, une avancée remarquable dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle. Cette hôtesse de … Cet article Sama 2.0, la première hôtesse de l'air virtuelle a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

17: React Best Practices for Front-End Developers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React Best Practices for Front-End Developers React, a vital tool in modern web development demands an organized approach for enhanced readability and maintainability. This guide, inspired by K. Thamodaran's insights and updated with current practice...

18: Mastering Currying in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Currying is a powerful concept in JavaScript that allows you to create functions that can be partially applied, leading to more modular and reusable code. In this blog post, we'll explore what currying is, how it works, and how you can ...

19: Sony innove avec des contrôleurs « pro », mais qu'en est-il du Vision Pro' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le Vision Pro n'a pas de contrôleurs dédiés. Mais de son côté, Sony propose des […] Cet article Sony innove avec des contrôleurs « pro », mais qu’en est-il du Vision Pro' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

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20: Make working with Python easy with these 5 tricks

Hashnode - python (python)

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of Python' Python is not just a programming language; it's like a magical wand that can make your code elegant and efficient. In this beginner-friendly guide, we'll explore five enchanting Python tricks that will m...

21: O by OCTO : la tech, la sustainability, vous et nous

Octo (Internet)

Présentation d'O by OCTO, l'initiative stratégique d'OCTO au service de la transformation sustainable des organisations.

23: The Brick Survivors: Player input reader

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

In this module, we will create a scriptable object with an input reader for the player input to abstract away the logic of our player input actions with our necessary methods and fields to handle input in our game. But first off, before we get to cre...

24: Day - 39 of DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Polymorphism is a commonly used programming concept that relies on different forms to deliver different functionalities. Python is an Object-oriented programming language that supports polymorphism. In this tutorial, we take a closer look at polymorp...

25: Google launches privacy-focused measurement tool for advertisers

Search engine land (Référencement)

Meridian, an open-source Marketing Mix Model (MMM), is available now to select marketers and data scientists.

26: This Month In Solid: SolidStart 0.6.0, Solid Docs Beta, and more '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello friends, as I've been thinking about my next blog post, I had what felt like a lightbulb moment. I thought: "What If I did a curated list of what happened in the SolidJS in the past month'" So I did! The format Inspired by Ryan Carniato This We...

27: Beware the New Teams Update

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Beware the New Teams Update Microsoft's upcoming Teams update could be a minefield for users, leading to a host of embarrassing situations. Beware the New Teams Update Staff

28: AWS supprime les frais de transfert de données

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) a décidé de ne plus appliquer de frais de transfert aux entreprises clientes qui déplacent leurs données (...)

29: Prevent global `pip install`

Hashnode - python (python)

PIP_REQUIRE_VIRTUALENV=truein your .zshrc (or env variables) prevents you from pip installing globally so that you only run pip install in a venv Only use pipx for global installs

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30: From Site to App Sensation: A Guide to Elevating Your Web Presence with PWAs '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ever wondered how to make your website not just another URL in the vast ocean of the internet but a standout digital experience' Well, say hello to Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)'your website's ticket to the big leagues of mobile apps, without the hassl...

31: Adobe Firefly tutorial: How to use Adobe Firefly in UI design

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Adobe Firefly is a product that uses generative AI and machine learning to create and edit images. Here's how to use it for UI design. The post Adobe Firefly tutorial: How to use Adobe Firefly in UI design appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

32: Alors que le DMA entre en vigueur, Apple ferme le compte développeur d'Epic Games

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Apple a décidé de résilier le compte développeur du studio derrière les jeux Fortnite ou Unreal Engine. Une mesure empêchant Epic Games de créer son magasin d'applications, même si le Digital Markets Act lui en donnait la possibilité. Tandis que la marque à la pomme estime être dans son droit, la Commission européenne a annoncé se saisir de l'affaire.

33: GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12 ajoute des contrôles de déploiement

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Désormais proposée à tous les utilisateurs (disponibilité générale) GitHub Enterprise Server 3.12 introduit (...)

34: livre sa méthodologie pour une IA industrielle sûre

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Dans les discussions avec les DSI sur l'IA, le terme de confiance est récurrent. Néanmoins cette confiance ne se décrète (...)

35: La politisation de l'IA est inévitable

Cavazza, Fred (Internet / Web 2)

Plus les usages de l’IA générative s’intensifient et plus nous comprenons que son impact va bien au-delà des précédentes innovations technologiques, car cela amène maintenant des questions politiques et sociétales. Était-ce prévisible ' Peut-être. Est-ce inévitable ' Certainement. Saura-t-on y répondre ' Pas pour le moment. Autant de questionnements qui me font dire que nou [...]

36: How I handle errors in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

I've seen many different approaches on handling errors in Flutter projects, some even involves functional programming paradigm... Here I will show my take on how I handle errors while taking care of internationalisation (nope I'm not using easy_local...

37: Fedora Workstation to Drop X11 In Fedora 41

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Fedora Workstation to Drop X11 In Fedora 41 Fedora maintainers have decided to drop X11 in Fedora 41, no longer installing the aging windowing system in favor of Wayland. Fedora Workstation to Drop X11 In Fedora 41 Matt Milano

38: L'exploitation des données "pluripersonnelles" issues des tests génétiques récréatifs inquiète la Cnil

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les tests génétiques récréatifs ne sont pas anodins en matière de collecte de données personnelles, avertit la Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés. Leur utilisation ' interdite et sanctionnée en France ' comporte des risques liés à la fiabilité des résultats et à l'absence de transparence sur l'utilisation des informations recueillies.

39: Data Freshness Experiment: A Blueprint for Model Update Frequency

Math Data Simplified (data)

There's a common belief that fresher data yields better results, but how frequently should you update your models' To figure this out, train models on different past timeframes and test them on current data. For instance, train model A on …

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40: Le futur de l'indexation avec IndexNow Insights : Analyses et rapports détaillés !

Abondance (Référencement)

IndexNow Insights, nouvellement intégré à Bing Webmaster Tools, offre des analyses et des rapports détaillés sur l'indexation des URL. Cette fonctionnalité permet aux propriétaires de sites de mieux comprendre et optimiser leur présence en ligne. Ce qu'il faut retenir :  Cette fonctionnalité permet aux propriétaires de sites de recevoir des rapports complets sur les URL […] L'arti [...]

41: Le Campus Cyber élargit ses formations en cybersécurité aux écoles

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Chef de file du projet « Tal-Cyb ' Talents Cyber », le Campus Cyber ambitionne de contribuer à faire face à la pénurie (...)

42: Avec Tal-Cyb, le Campus Cyber élargit ses formations aux écoles

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Chef de file du projet « Tal-Cyb ' Talents Cyber », le Campus Cyber ambitionne de contribuer à faire face à la pénurie (...)

43: No link between social media engagement and content readership, study finds

Search engine land (Référencement)

New research suggests that publishers may not derive the same benefits from using social media as they did previously.

44: Scaling Node.js Applications with the Cluster Module: A Developer's Symphony

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: In the dynamic realm of web development, creating applications that not only meet but also gracefully dance with user demand is an art. Node.js, with its asynchronous prowess, has emerged as a darling for developers seeking high-perform...

45: Fastify Fundamentals: Quick-starting Hooks And Decorations

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Great code should be clean, understandable, and easily modifiable. This is why every Node.js developer should learn how to add hooks and decorators to their code. Decorators enable you to enhance the functionalities of your routes. Hooks, on the othe...

46: How to run synchronous working sessions

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

With synchronous working sessions, you meet with your team on a video call for a short period every day, just like you would do in the office. The post How to run synchronous working sessions appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

47: JavaScript Array Mastery: 25 Top Methods to Streamline Your Code

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript array is a data structure used to store multiple data types such as string , numbers , bigInt , boolean , objects and even another array in a single variable which can help in condense and organize your code . Javascript array is a dynamic...

48: Google Search Console recipe rich result report adds two new properties

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google added recipeInstructions and recipeIngredient and thus you may see an increase in warnings for recipe items.

49: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

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50: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

51: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

52: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

53: Prisma ORM adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Prisma makes working with databases easier and more streamlined. Let's discuss why you should start using Prisma in your next project. The post Prisma ORM adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

54: ULTRARAM : c'est quoi cette tech surpuissante qui va bouleverser le stockage''

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Quinas Technology vient de reprendre la place de leader dans son secteur. Avec son innovation, l'ULTRARAM, cette entreprise va amasser … Cet article ULTRARAM : c'est quoi cette tech surpuissante qui va bouleverser le stockage'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

55: How to improve site performance with user testing

Search engine land (Référencement)

Gather insights from your target audience about their experience, pain points and expectations to inform your SEO and content efforts.

56: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

57: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

58: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

59: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

60 / 155

60: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

61: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

62: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

63: Unlock the Power of Data Manipulation: Master Slicing and Dicing in Python!

Hashnode - python (python)

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data at your fingertips' As a data analyst, you're tasked with turning raw data into actionable insights. But where do you even begin' Fear not, for Python, the versatile programming language, hol...

64: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

65: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

66: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

67: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

68: A guide to win rate

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Win rate is the number of successful deals your sales team closes versus the total number of sales opportunities your company had. The post A guide to win rate appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

69: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

70 / 155

70: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

71: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

72: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

73: React 19 : Tout ce que vous devez savoir en un seul endroit

Humancoders ()

Cet article présente les nouveautés de React 19, allant du compilateur React aux composants serveur et aux hooks améliorés, et offre des conseils pour mettre à jour et optimiser votre processus de développement web. Avec React 19, le développement web devient plus rapide, plus efficace et moins compliqué, grâce à des fonctionnalités telles que le rendu concurrent pour un temps d'interac [...]

74: Pourquoi Google recommande-t-il les monolithes modulaires au lieu des microservices '

Humancoders ()

Dans ce tweet, Dr Milan Milanovi' explore la tendance massive à l'utilisation des microservices au cours de la dernière décennie et pourquoi Google suggère désormais une approche de monolithes modulaires. Il souligne les défis des microservices, tels que l'impact sur la performance et la complexité de gestion, et présente une méthode proposée par Google pour développer des applications [...]

75: AsyncAPI Codegen, un générateur de code pour AsyncAPI v2 et v3

Humancoders ()

Commentaires L'article AsyncAPI Codegen, un générateur de code pour AsyncAPI v2 et v3 a été posté dans la catégorie Go de Human Coders News

76: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

77: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

78: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

79: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

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80: Effortlessly Fill and Share PDF Forms using Flutter PDF Viewer

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

TLDR: Learn to fill out and share PDF forms with the Syncfusion Flutter PDF Viewer widget. Filling out PDF forms electronically is a way to digitize the manual process of filling out paper forms. It also streamlines data collection processes, enhance...

81: L'influence du Big Data sur la personnalisation des expériences de jeu vidéo

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'avènement du Big Data a révolutionné l'industrie du jeu vidéo, offrant des opportunités sans précédent pour personnaliser les expériences. Grâce … Cet article L'influence du Big Data sur la personnalisation des expériences de jeu vidéo a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

82: Why now is the most important time for nonprofit advertising

Search engine land (Référencement)

Maximize year-end donations for your non-profit by laying the groundwork early with steady advertising budgets and ongoing testing.

83: Claude 3 : mieux que ChatGPT-4, la nouvelle IA par des ex-OpenAI étonne le monde !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Anthropic a développé une IA qui semble avoir une conscience. Selon la startup, son IA Claude 3 est meilleure que … Cet article Claude 3 : mieux que ChatGPT-4, la nouvelle IA par des ex-OpenAI étonne le monde ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

84: Claroty lève 100M$ pour développer la sécurité des systèmes industriels

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Un beau coup d'accélérateur pour Claroty. La société positionnée sur la sécurité des environnements IT (...)

85: La DGA lance un programme avec 5 start-up françaises pour s'équiper en calculateurs quantiques

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

À l'occasion de la Journée nationale du quantique, Emmanuel Chiva, délégué général pour l'armement, a annoncé le lancement du programme 'Proqcima'. Basé sur des accords-cadres de 15 ans avec cinq start-up françaises, il vise à développer d'ici à 2032 deux prototypes d'ordinateurs quantiques tolérant aux fautes. Un partenariat d'innovation compétitif et sélectif : seules deux start- [...]

86: Pourquoi les casques Quest ont-ils cessé de fonctionner pendant un instant ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le mardi 5 mars 2024, aux environs de 16h30, il était impossible de se connecter […] Cet article Pourquoi les casques Quest ont-ils cessé de fonctionner pendant un instant ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

87: Microsoft unveils new tool to make cross-border advertising easier

Search engine land (Référencement)

Feed Labels will start rolling out in mid-March to simplify the process of running ads in multiple countries for retailers.

88: Python Loops Tutorial

Hashnode - python (python)

Taking a Python course can offer numerous benefits, whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer. Here are some advantages: Ease of Learning: Python is known for its readability and simplicity. It has a clear and concise syntax that makes ...

89: Call, Apply and Bind in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The call, apply, and bind are used to invoke a function with specific value and argument. This method is part of the Functional Prototype. Let's learn all these three topic one by one. Call Let us consider the following code let student...

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90: Ads in Games: How They Pay the Bills

Noupe (conception)

Mobile ads are the money-makers for games. They pay the bills and serve as the financial backbone that keeps the gaming experience alive and thriving. But it’s not just a hunch ' let’s throw in some numbers.  According to Statista, the mobile gaming content market was worth an estimated 140.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022... The post Ads in Games: How They Pay the Bills [...]

91: [AWS] S3Bucket - MFT + Terraform Project 05

Hashnode - python (python)

Inception Hello everyone, This article is part of The Terraform + AWS series, The Examples in this series is built in sequence, I use this series to publish out Projects & Knowledge. Overview ' This Article example is very similar to the previous ...

92: replace, len, sort, sorted, range, map, split, isdigit

Hashnode - python (python)

replace ''''' ''' '' '''' '' '''' '''' ''' str.replace('''''' ''', ''' ''', ''' '') len '''' ''' '''' '' len() sort ''' ''' '''' ''. ''' '''' '' numbers = [3, 2, 1] numbers.sort() print(numbers) # [1, 2, 3] sorted ''' ''''' ''' '' '', ''' ...

93: SAP améliore Datasphere et SAC avec la GenAI

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

SAP a annoncé hier une série de fonctionnalités de copilotage et de gouvernance de l'IA pour ses offres Datasphere et Analytics (...)

94: Pourquoi Simpliciti mise sur les innovations de GreenCityzen pour grandir

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Spécialiste des logiciels et solutions embarquées dans les déchets et la mobilité, Simpliciti vient d'acquérir Green Cityzen qui propose des technologies pour les réseaux d'eau et d'assainissement. Maxime Bérard, son dirigeant, explique ce qu'il attend de ce rachat pour son groupe.

95: Avec Nefeli Networks, Cloudflare à l'heure du réseau multicloud

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Après les services de réseaux de diffusion de contenus (content delivery network ou CDN) et de sécurité (...)

96: L'évolution de l'IA dans l'environnement du DAM

Blog du Moderateur ()

Les DAM sont des logiciels permettant la gestion de contenus marketing. Et l'arrivée de l'IA générative a offert de nouvelles opportunités aux équipes concernées.

97: Construisez votre site en un claquement de doigts avec la nouvelle IA de Wix !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Bonne nouvelle ! Wix, une plateforme de création de sites web en ligne, a introduit un chatbot doté d'intelligence artificielle (IA). … Cet article Construisez votre site en un claquement de doigts avec la nouvelle IA de Wix ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

98: L'Ademe forme ses agents au low/no-code

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'agence de l'environnement et de la maîtrise de l'énergie (Ademe) a choisi d'accompagner ses différents axes de travail avec une démarche (...)

99: Plus de 20 % de croissance des revenus pour Mailinblack en 2023

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Mailinblack fait dans la constance en ce qui concerne le dynamisme de sa croissance. En 2023, l'éditeur français de solutions de cybersécurité (...)

100 / 155

100: Twitch dévoile ses priorités pour 2024 : monétisation, application mobile, sécurité'

Blog du Moderateur ()

Dans une lettre ouverte, le CEO de Twitch, Dan Clancy, a indiqué le cap pour la plateforme de streaming en 2024. On fait le point !

101: 5+ Best Cloud Hosting Services for Small Business

Noupe (conception)

Cloud hosting is the perfect solution for websites that want to scale. If you're a small business and want to know what provider to choose, you've come to the right place. Cloud computing, in general, is a huge market. It generates more than $30 billion in 2020, and it's projected to reach $552 billion by... The post 5+ Best Cloud Hosting Services for Small Business appeared first on n [...]

102: Flow Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter's Flow widget is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and responsive layouts. It allows you to arrange child widgets in a flow-based layout, adapting to available space while maintaining a specified order. This guide will explore the Flow wid...

103: How does Java Programming differ from other languages'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the vast landscape of programming languages, each one carries its own set of principles, strengths, and quirks. Java, standing as a stalwart in the world of software development, possesses distinct characteristics that set it apart fr...

104: Cybersécurité : que cache le « bouclier cyber » lancé par l'UE '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Ce nouveau "règlement sur la cybersolidarité" vise à détecter plus rapidement les attaques et menaces informatiques au niveau de l'UE.

105: Search Quality Raters : Nouvelles directives pour démasquer les sites douteux !

Abondance (Référencement)

Google met à jour ses directives pour les Search Quality Raters, introduisant des critères plus précis pour identifier les sites non fiables. Même si les évaluateurs n'influencent pas le classement dans la recherche, c'est important de savoir ce que Google considère comme un site de confiance ou non. Ce qu'il faut retenir :  Pour la […] L'article "Search Quality Raters : Nouvelles dir [...]

106: React Unveiled 7 - Routing & Navigation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Routing plays a pivotal role in managing navigation between different views of your application. It enables users to seamlessly transition between content by clicking links or using the browser's back/forward buttons, mimicking the behavior of tradit...

107: TabPageSelector Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In Flutter, the TabPageSelector widget is a handy tool when working with tabbed navigation. It provides an elegant and customizable way to visually represent and navigate between pages within a TabBarView. Let's explore the TabPageSelector widget and...

108: Complete Python Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: Are you ready to embark on an exhilarating journey into the realm of programming' Whether you're an enthusiastic beginner or a seasoned professional seeking to expand your repertoire, Python offers an unparalleled gateway. In this compr...

109: Theme Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In Flutter, the Theme widget is a powerful tool that allows developers to maintain consistent styling across their applications. By encapsulating a set of design choices within a Theme widget, you can effortlessly apply a consistent visual identity t...

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110: GestureDetector Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter's GestureDetector widget is a versatile tool that empowers developers to capture a wide range of gestures, from taps and double taps to swipes and long presses. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the GestureDetector widget and its...

111: Analysis of when movies use their own names in the dialogue

Flowing data (dataviz)

A title drop is when a movie mentions its own name during the…Tags: Alice Thudt, dialogue, Dominikus Baur, movies, title

112: Scalable REST APIs with NestJS: A Testing-Driven Approach

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Why NestJS' ' NestJS, a powerful and scalable framework, is here to revolutionize the way we build APIs. It leverages TypeScript, ensuring your code is clean, easy to debug, and, most importantly, reliable. The Power of Modularity ' NestJS is built...

113: Props, props drilling and useContext Hook

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Props' Props stands for properties. Props are used to transferdata from one component to other another. Props are read-only. Props are just like a function in JavaScript. Example of Props: App.jsx import React from 'react'; import './Ap...

114: Culture MLOps : le Machine Learning est un logiciel qui se délivre comme les autres

Octo (Internet)

Découvrez notre nouveau livre blanc Culture MLOps : Don't panic : le Machine Learning est un logiciel qui se délivre comme les autres

115: Culture MLOps : le Machine Learning est un logiciel qui se délivre comme les autres

Octo (Internet)

Découvrez notre nouveau livre blanc Culture MLOps : Don't panic : le Machine Learning est un logiciel qui se délivre comme les autres

116: Baseline Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter offers a diverse set of widgets to build intricate and pixel-perfect user interfaces. Among these, the Baseline widget stands out as a key player when it comes to aligning text and other widgets along a common baseline. Let's explore the Base...

117: Sur TikTok, les clones vocaux usurpent l'identité de créateurs connus

Blog du Moderateur ()

La démocratisation des outils de text-to-speech entraîne l'usurpation d'identité par clonage vocal assisté par IA. Cas d'école avec les créateurs Nota Bene et Feldup.

118: Adobe dévoile une IA pour créer ou éditer de la musique comme sur Photoshop

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Project Music GenAI Control, l'outil innovant d'Adobe. Cette innovation permet de créer des bandes-son en quelques clics. Et n'oubliez pas … Cet article Adobe dévoile une IA pour créer ou éditer de la musique comme sur Photoshop a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

119: RepaintBoundary Widget and Attributes

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter provides a powerful widget called RepaintBoundary that plays a crucial role in optimizing the rendering performance of your app. Let's delve into what the RepaintBoundary widget is and explore its attributes through a detailed example. What i...

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120: Les agents conversationnels vont-ils devenir nos futurs moteurs de recherche '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Entre l'arrivée prochaine de la SGE de Google et la démocratisation des chatbots, la recherche sur le web va changer. Pierre Calvet, expert SEO, nous éclaire sur ce futur proche.

121: Réussir sa refonte de site WordPress en 10 étapes clés

WP Marmite (wordpress)

Aaah, la refonte d'un site WordPress' Quand on pense aux différentes problématiques que cette mission implique, on a généralement tendance à stresser un peu. Qui ne rêve pas, dans ce moment-clé, de faire un simple Ctlr+Alt+Suppr sur son serveur, et... Réussir sa refonte de site WordPress en 10 étapes clés est un article de WPMarmite, le blog qui vous aide à tirer le meilleur de WordPres [...]

122: TVH Consulting croque Calliope Business Solutions

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Concentration dans le monde du déploiement de logiciels de gestion. Le 4 mars, l'intégrateur et éditeur TVH Consulting a officialisé (...)

123: Schneider Electric dope le suivi de carrière à l'IA

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

L'énergéticien français Schneider Electric a décidé de s'appuyer sur l'intelligence artificielle pour gérer l'évolution (...)

124: Dell, Lenovo et Supermicro renouvellent leurs serveurs pour l'IA et la 5G

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le marché des infrastructures, et en particuliers le segment des serveurs, a été très actif ces dernières semaines. (...)

125: 7 formations pour savoir créer un site WordPress

Blog du Moderateur ()

Envie de devenir un expert de WordPress ' Voici 7 formations pour maîtriser la création de site web avec ce CMS. 

126: Créez votre propre casque de réalité virtuelle en carton (Réalité Virtuelle)

Construire un casque de réalité virtuelle en carton est une alternative intéressante pour ceux qui […] Cet article Créez votre propre casque de réalité virtuelle en carton a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

127: JavaScript Design Patterns - Creational - Factory

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Factory pattern creates new objects delegating which class to instantiate in subclasses. In the below example, MovieFactory decides what kind of Movie to create. class MovieFactory { create(genre) { if (genre === 'Adventure') { return n...

128: GenAI streaming API with LangChainJS, Ollama and Fastify

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the previous blog post (Let's chat about programming with LangChainJS and Ollama), we saw how to use LangChainJS with Node.js to prompt Ollama. Today, we will create a streaming API from our source code with the help of Fastify. Like the previous ...

129: How to Integrate an ML model to your Flutter App

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

What is an ML Model '' A machine learning (ML) model is a mathematical representation of patterns or relationships within data, created using machine learning algorithms. These models are trained on labelled datasets to learn patterns and make predic...

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130: L'IA révolutionne l'étude des maladies neurodégénératives ()

Les maladies neurodégénératives telles que les maladies d'Alzheimer, de Parkinson et de Huntington sont un enjeu grandissant en matière de santé et touchent des millions de personnes dans le monde. Elles se caractérisent par un déclin progressif de la fonction neuronale et se manifestent par un ensemble de symptômes débilitants. Du fait de l'allongement de l'espérance de vie, l'incidence [...]

131: Les ciseaux génétiques Crispr-Cas9 guérissent une deuxième maladie mortelle... ()

C'est une formidable avancée médicale : une nouvelle maladie génétique rare mais potentiellement mortelle : des chercheurs de l'Université d'Auckland, du Centre médical universitaire d'Amsterdam et des hôpitaux universitaires de Cambridge ont traité avec succès plus de dix patients atteints d'angioedème héréditaire, une grave maladie génétique, avec la thérapie CRISPR/Cas9. [...]

132: Evaluer l'âge biologique des organes par un simple test sanguin ()

Le vieillissement des organes entraîne une détérioration de la structure et de la fonction des tissus à l'échelle du corps entier, ce qui augmente le risque de contracter la plupart des maladies chroniques. Le vieillissement accéléré d'un ou plusieurs organes majore même de 20 à 50 % le risque de mortalité. Des études sur les animaux ont montré que chaque individu et chaque organe au [...]

133: L'analyse de l'ADN ancien dévoile les secrets de nos maladies modernes ()

Pourquoi les personnes d'Europe du Nord sont-elles plus grandes que celles d'Europe du Sud ' Pourquoi les Européens sont-ils davantage touchés par la maladie d'Alzheimer que dans le reste du monde ' Ces questions ' et de nombreuses autres ' ont enfin leurs réponses, publiées dans quatre articles publiés par la prestigieuse revue Nature. [...]

134: JavaScript Fundamentals You Can't Skip Before Learning React.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Role of JavaScript in React.js: When delving into the world of React.js, understanding the pivotal role that JavaScript plays is essential. React.js, a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces, leverages the core principles of Jav...

135: WINDOW Object in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

WINDOW Object in JavaScript The window object can be considered the most vital element of a JavaScript program. It is the global object in the web browser which contains the Document Object Model (DOM). The window object provides access to the web br...

136: Est-ce que votre enfant fait partie des 19,6% accros à l'IA '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

En France, les résultats d'une étude sur l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle viennent d'être publiés. On a maintenant le pourcentage des … Cet article Est-ce que votre enfant fait partie des 19,6% accros à l’IA ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

137: Learn Most Underrated Advance TypeScript Utility'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As developers, we often encounter a common problem when coding in JavaScript: if there's a bug, JavaScript doesn't always show or throw errors during development. However, when we move to the production environment, those errors suddenly appear, maki...

138: What Makes an Album the Greatest of All Time' (data)

Examining 30 years of Rolling Stone's 'Greatest Albums of All Time' Rankings

139: Version Control in Nodejs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Version control is a fundamental aspect of Node.js development, enabling smoother collaboration, efficient code management, and seamless rollback capabilities. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of versioning and delve into vari...

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140: IA générative : Huawei s'adresse à l'industrie avec sa famille de modèles Pangu

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Si les grands modèles de langage développés en Europe et aux États-Unis sont souvent mis en avant, il n'en reste pas moins que d'autres entreprises étrangères travaillent sérieusement sur le sujet. C'est le cas de Huawei qui a fait le pari de proposer des LLM spécifiques à des industries et de développer des cas d'usage pour le moins précis, allant des prévisions météorologiques à l [...]

141: Fortnite piraté ' Un groupe de hackers revendique l'attaque d'Epic Games

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Fraude professionnelle, attaques sur les serveurs d'Epic Games, les avis divergent en ce qui concerne un événement récent concernant Fortnite. … Cet article Fortnite piraté ' Un groupe de hackers revendique l’attaque d’Epic Games a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

142: Easy Stripe Subscription Management in Flask with Blueprints

Hashnode - python (python)

Are you looking to integrate Stripe into your Flask application but don't know where to start'.In this tutorial I'll be showing you how to integrate a payment system like Stripe into your Flask app while making the code organized, modular, and scalab...

143: A toast to Javascript Prototype

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello Dev! In this article, we're going to learn a fascinating aspect of JavaScript called the "Prototype Chain." It's like a family tree, but for objects in JavaScript. Let's learn this concept with some simple examples first. Prototype Basics: Eve...

144: Unlocking Automation: Delivering S3 Event Alerts to Discord or Slack Using AWS Lambda

Hashnode - python (python)

While preparing for my AWS Solutions Architect Professional certificate, there was mention of event delivery using SNS topics. AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service) is typically used to deliver alerts such as emails, push notifications and text messa...

145: All about JavaScript - String

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Definition of String "String is a sequence of characters used to form and represent a text. These can be alphabets, numbers, and special characters". In this article, you will learn about: String in JavaScript How to create a String in JavaScript ...

146: Authentication: Decoding Digital Defense

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user, system, or device to ensure that they are who they claim to be. Think of it as the digital equivalent of a secret handshake or a password-protected door ' a way to confirm that you ar...

147: Add "Login with Passkeys" to your React.js app in < 2 mins

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Passkeys, passkeys, passkeys! Everyone's talking about them. With Amazon rolling out passkeys last year and Google encouraging users to make them the default authentication method, it raises the question: How do I add them to my app' How do passkeys ...

148: How to Run Snapshot Tests in CI/CD with Playwright

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Visual tests are a powerful tool, but they're hell to work with in CI/CD. They're slow, flaky, a pain to debug, and difficult to maintain. Getting them going is no easy task. After all, you need some way to store the snapshots between runs, and you n...

149: From Kotlin Scripting to Python

Hashnode - python (python)

GitHub offers a way to customize one's profile by allowing one to create a README in a specific repository, named as your profile, e.g., nfrankel/nfrankel. A couple of years ago, I automated the update of my GitHub profile with up-to-date info: my la...

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150: A new challenger appears

javascriptweekly (Javascript)

#'678 ' March 7, 2024 Read on the Web JavaScript Weekly '  Eloquent JavaScript Goes Fourth ' Coming several years after the third edition, the latest version of, perhaps, the best 'all rounder' book for learning JavaScript is here: 'adjusted to the realities of 2024 and generally touched up.' You can read it on the Web, but it'll be available in print later on too. Mari [...]

151: How to Integrate YouTube Videos into React Applications

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, I continue building a React website with the help of my AI assistant! Learn how to add YouTube videos to your projects with the React YouTube library. It is easier than you'd think! Introduction In this article, I will continue to...

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Richard Carlier

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