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« Mars 2024 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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3 Mars 2024 (41)

1: Asynchronous Nature of JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is the Asynchronous Nature of JavaScript' In the world of web development, JavaScript stands out as a supreme language with a range of powerful features. One of its most remarkable attributes is its asynchronous nature. Essentially, this means t...

2: Reactive programming with Kotlin flow

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Hey developers! Super excited to share my first-ever post with you. I'd love your feedback in the comments below so I can learn and improve! In this post I will talk about: Intro about reactive programming. Theoretical difference between traditiona...

3: The Brick Survivors: Creating player model, animations and an input actions asset

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

In this module, we will create from our test player a Lego minifig, which will be properly animated and we will create an input actions asset for our player movement input using the Input System module in the project. Import a Lego minifig and replac...

4: The Brick Survivors: Creating player model, animations and an input actions asset

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

In this module, we will create from our test player a Lego minifig, which will be properly animated and we will create an input actions asset for our player movement input using the Input System module in the project. Import a Lego minifig and replac...

5: First program in javaScript (lt.30)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

We will run the JavaScript programs in node.js which a run time environment for JavaScript , please try to avoid the window console as it can hamper the result and your ability to learn js in long run. so install node.js and code with me : just like ...

6: D'acier et de béton

Visions Carto (dataviz)

Ici poussait du blé, là des tournesols, ailleurs des patates, des framboises et des oignons. Des arbres fruitiers, des fossés, des haies sculptaient des paysages ruraux vivants, garants de la vitalité des campagnes. Les terres ont été rasées. Des routes tracées, des dalles de béton coulées, des tonnes de ferrailles dressées sur des milliers de m2. Des rampes d'accès numérotées à int [...]

7: REST API to MySQL database using Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Preface' In the previous blog post to this, we created a data pipeline that scrapes football data from a website and loads it to an AWS S3 bucket as a CSV file, all through Python. This time, we'll be sending HTTP requests to a REST API endpoint, fo...

8: Day 14: Virtual Environments and Dependency Management

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to Day 14 of our Python blog series! Today, we'll explore virtual environments and dependency management in Python. These are crucial tools for managing project dependencies and ensuring reproducibility across different environments. Virtual ...

9: Day 17: Advanced Data Structures (sets, collections) in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Today marks the seventeenth day of my Python learning journey, and I'm excited to delve into advanced data structures such as sets and collections. In this blog post, I aim to showcase my understanding of these concepts and how they can be effectivel...

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10: Unraveling the Magic of JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's Start , Introduction: JavaScript, the language behind dynamic and interactive web pages, has a lot to offer. It's not just for making things move on the screen but has grown into a powerful tool for both front-end and back-end development. Let'...

11: Day - 35 of DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

Object-oriented programming allows for variables to be used at the class level or the instance level. Variables are essentially symbols that stand in for a value you're using in a program. In Python, class variables (also known as class attributes) a...

12: Web Programming with Django - An Introduction

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Building a website using HTML and CSS is pretty trivial. Just build a structure implement some styling and voila. But a website or a webpage built using just HTML and CSS is a static web page i.e., Every time a user visits a page it will...

13: Building your own wc tool in Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today, we are going to make an attempt to develop a simple but extremely useful CLI application, known as wc. But, what is this 'wc'' According to Wikipedia - "wc (short for word count) is a command in Unix, Plan 9, Inferno, and Unix-like operating s...

14: Dive into Our Exclusive Machine Coding Challenge!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Create a simple landing page with navbar and hero section using HTML and CSS body { margin:...

15: Yup Validation and Formik Form Control in React/VITE

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the vast realm of web development, handling form data is a common yet crucial task. With the advent of powerful tools like React and VITE, developers have access to efficient libraries such as Yup and Formik to streamline the form val...

16: Why Experts Are Ditching C++ for These Memory-Safe Alternatives

Hashnode - python (python)

Amidst this quest, the National Security Agency (NSA) has cast a spotlight on a beacon of hope: memory-safe programming languages. As digital fortresses grow ever more intricate, the NSA's recommendation to pivot towards languages such as C#, Go, Jav...

17: Better hydration errors are coming to Next.js!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hydration errors have been a complete meme in the web development space. Developers usually criticize the lack of good developer experience when it comes to hydration errors as they didn't use to provide useful errors.... until now. ' If you prefer...

18: React Unveiled 4 - Hooks...

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React Hooks, have changed the way we create functional components. They allow you to look into state and other React features without class components, leading to cleaner code. This blog talks about the world of Hooks, their purpose, commonly used Ho...

19: Django for Beginners: Build websites with Python and Django

Hashnode - python (python)

Embarking on the journey to learn Django as a beginner may initially seem daunting, given its robust framework and the intricacies of web development. However, the experience can be transformed into an exciting and manageable endeavor with the aid of...

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20: ALM - Respect au niveau SQL des cardinalités 1,n du MCD merisien, un article de fsmrel

sgbd ( (base de données / Informatique)

Bonsoir,Je traite ici des cardinalités 1,n de Merise, lesquelles ne sont pas souvent respectées quand on déboule au niveau logique, c'est-à-dire dans l'univers des tables SQL. Prenons l'exemple suivant dans lequel des professeurs enseignent des matières, avec les contraintes suivantes :   ' un professeur enseigne au moins une matière ;   ' une matière est enseignée par au [...]

21: Cecil et github actions

Humancoders ()

En commençant ce nouveau blog, je dois vous parler de Cecil : un générateur de site statique écrit en PHP. La documentation étant très fournie, je ne vais pas vous montrer comment l'installer, je vais par contre vous présenter comment je déploie ce site sur Github Actions. Commentaires L'article Cecil et github actions a été posté dans la catégorie PHP de Human Coders News

22: Atlas VPN : notre avis sur ce VPN très populaire

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Depuis son lancement en 2020, Atlas VPN s’est rapidement imposé comme l’un meilleurs VPN du marché. Il faut dire que … Cet article Atlas VPN : notre avis sur ce VPN très populaire a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

23: Code, Cloud and Coffee: Deploying a MySQL, Spring and React application on AWS Free Tier with CI/CD through GitHub Actions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Embarking on the AWS Free Tier journey, I set out to weave a tapestry of technology by deploying a full-stack application, combining the power of MySQL, Spring, and React. This blog serves as a chronicle of my exploration into the world ...

24: Building Frontend Applications across decades

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Building your Frontend applications is not the same, and will not be the same. Here we will go chapter-wise on how the whole frontend bundling experience is like Chapter 1: YOLOing tags all the way down Chapter 2: The Original "G"s : Grunt...

25: Let's chat about programming with LangChainJS and Ollama

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I feel much more comfortable with JavaScript than with Python (all the previous blog posts of this series "speak Python"). Also, I was thrilled when I discovered these two essential things: There is an Ollama JavaScript library's API designed around...

26: JS ''''''' var'let'const '''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

'''''''''''''''''''''''''' JS ''''''''''' var''''''''''''''' let'const ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''......' '''''''''''''''' JS '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' XD' '' var'let '' const ''' JavaScript ''''''''''''' JavaScript '''' var'...

27: How To Programmatically Interact With The Farcaster Decentralized Social Network Using Python

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Learn how to interact with Farcaster, the decentralized social network built on IPFS and Ethereum blockchain programmatically using Python. Automate tasks, build custom apps, and explore new possibilities.

28: Daily notes 2'''' Callback function'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

''''''' Udemy ''' JavaScript ''''''''''''''''''''''''First-class Function''''Higher-order Function''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Callback function' First-class Function JavaScript ''' First-class Function'''''''''''''' JS ' function '''''' ' function...

29: JavaScript || TypeScript : What's Better For You'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Imagine you're a software architect tasked with building a modern web application for a dynamic e-commerce platform. JavaScript, with its ubiquity and flexibility, serves as the backbone of your client-side logic, effortlessly handling interactive el...

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30: Minting Fibonacci NFTs on Algorand

Hashnode - python (python)

Let's explore how to create an Algorand smart contract that mints NFTs with Fibonacci numbers as metadata. We'll write the smart contract code in python, using PuyaPy. Fibonacci Sequence The Fibonacci sequence is defined as: F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1 F(n) =...

31: Unlocking the Power of Intersection Observer: Real-World Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello! ' Welcome back to our exploration of the Intersection Observer API. In our previous section, we delved into the details, discussing both the advantages and limitations of this powerful API. If you missed it, feel free to catch up by reading m...

32: Deep Copy and Shallow Copy

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

One of the most important concept in java-script When you are dealing with java-script objects. understanding the concepts of shallow copy and deep copy is crucial to avoid unintended side effects and unexpected behavior in your code. 1. Copying Prim...

33: Python memoryview with Example

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, memoryview is a simple tool that reveals an object's hidden bytes. It allows you to view an object's raw memory without copying it. This is useful when working with large amounts of data or modifying binary data at a low level. Here's an e...

34: Daily Notes 1'String in Modern JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

''''' JavaScript '''''' Udemy '''' Jonas Schmedtmann ''''' The Complete JavaScript Course 2023: From Zero to Expert!' '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' XD ''''''''''''...

35: Crea un sitemap dinámico con Node.js y TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Cada vez que realizo un proyecto siempre es necesario crear archivos sitemap.xml, el cual me permite indicarle a google que paginas debe indexar en su motor de busqueda. Y es beneficioso para darle mayor visibilidad al proyecto en internet. En esta o...

36: 10 Cool CodePen Demos (February 2024)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Electric Spinner The effects of this loader are a combination of electric sparks and a gooey/liquid behavior that is hypnotizing (at least, I cannot stop looking at it). Amazing job by Konstantin Denerz.

37: Closures in JavaScript - simplified

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

One of the few challenges that beginners face while learning JavaScript is the concept of closures. Although fairly simple, closures are one of the more confusing concepts to understand, especially when one tries to implement it in a project. In this...

38: What I'm Reading - February 2024

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I feel like I didn't get as much reading done in February but I am back with another list of interesting articles I read throughout the month. Starting off, here's something I read at the end of the month from Aaron Francis: Do literally anything - A...

39: Where and how to use Bridge Design Pattern '

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

The Bridge pattern is like building a bridge between two different parts of your program. It helps keep things flexible and easy to change by separating what something does from how it's actually done. Here's a simpler explanation: Abstraction: Thin...

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40: Overcoming Common Performance Pitfalls in Jetpack Compose

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Jetpack Compose has a dedicated optimization strategy, but we must remember several things while writing code. These points are like rules that we need to follow daily to improve performance and save our application from severe performance pitfalls. ...

41: Forever projects (note)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

I have the constant urge to "do stuff". My to-do and idea lists are endless collections of things I'd love to do one day. But there's a problem ' my side hustle schedule is pretty busy already. I want to keep this blog active. I run a weekly web development newsletter. I maintain some open-source projects. I collect online tools. These projects alone eat a good chunk of my free time, and [...]

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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