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« Mars 2024 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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10 Mars 2024 (44)

1: Internship Wrap-Up: Reflecting on My Three-Month Internship at OpenStack

Hashnode - python (python)

During my three-month internship at OpenStack, I had the chance to dive into the world of open-source software development. I focused on Manila-UI, Manila and Python-manilaclient projects. Join me as I share the ups and downs of this adventure, highl...

2: Crea un infinite scrolling sin librerias con ReactJS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hoy les compartire una manera para crear un infinite scrolling de manera muy sencilla con Reactjs. En esta ocasion no sera necesario de ninguna libreria. Utilizaremos la API de IntersectionObserver Pero antes es necesario conocer un concepto fundamen...

3: JavaScript Functions: A Beginner's Guide to Functions(lt.34)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to functions in js Functions in JavaScript are blocks of reusable code that perform a specific task. They are one of the fundamental building blocks of JavaScript programming, by using functions we can make the code more readable and eas...

4: Learn Event Loop And Asynchronous JavaScript.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the dynamic world of web development, the ability to leverage the power of asynchronous JavaScript is essential. This piece of writing takes you on an educational trip, exposing the complexities of Asynchronous JavaScript and simplifying the frequ...

5: Example of writing wiki: Using Virtual Environments with pip on Windows 10 and VS Code(English)

Hashnode - python (python)

1. Main topic What are Virtual Environments' Create a Virtual Environment Activate the Virtual Environment Install package with pip Check the installation Disable the Virtual Environment Using Virtual Environment in VS Code Additional tips ...

6: Day 65 - Working with Terraform Resources '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Yesterday, we delved into the basics of Terraform script creation with Blocks and Resources. Today, let's deepen our understanding of Terraform resources and unleash their potential. Understanding Terraform Resources In Terraform, a resource symboliz...

7: Day 64: Exploring Terraform with AWS! '

Hashnode - python (python)

Provisioning infrastructure on AWS has never been easier! Today, I embarked on a journey to harness the power of Terraform for seamless AWS provisioning. Here's a step-by-step guide to get started: Prerequisites: Before diving in, ensure you have the...

8: Difference Between Reduce(), Map() and Filter()

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Have you ever found yourself tangled in the web of map(), filter(), and reduce() in JavaScript' Don't worry; you're not alone. These three array methods are powerful tools for manipulating data, but understanding when and how to use them can be a bit...

9: Functions in js:

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Functions are nothing but a block of reusable code. used to simplify the whole codebase. let us discuss with an example and realize the syntax. //write a function to geet someone: const greet = function(name) { console.log("Hello, " + name + "!"...

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10: Getting over different Python versions using pyenv

Hashnode - python (python)

If you are an open-source contributor working with technologies such as Django, Flask, Python, etc then you know how tedious it gets to manage different Python versions. Every time you need to replicate some issue you will need to set up the environm...

11: Day 21: Map() , Filter() , Reduce() and Lambda Function in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Functional programming is a programming prototype that emphasizes the use of functions that take inputs and produce outputs without altering the state of the program. Python supports functional programming features such as lambda functions, map, filt...

12: Day 24: Concurrency and Parallelism (Threading, Multiprocessing)

Hashnode - python (python)

Today, we're diving into the critical concepts of Concurrency and Parallelism, pivotal elements in real-world project development. These topics are indispensable, offering significant enhancements to project efficiency. Given their importance, we'll ...

13: Day - 42 of DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

File handling is a cornerstone of programming, and its importance cannot be overstated. It's the process of working with files, which can store various types of data, from text and numbers to images and videos. Types Of Files Supported By Python Can ...

14: Ideogram 1.0 : la meilleure IA pour créer des images avec du texte '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le monde de la création visuelle est en constante évolution, et l'intelligence artificielle (IA) y joue un rôle de plus … Cet article Ideogram 1.0 : la meilleure IA pour créer des images avec du texte ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

15: How to make System Android Navigation Bar Background Transparent in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hey there! I'm new to Flutter world but I've got a real soft spot for sleek UI and obsessing over those tiny details. So, right from day one of tinkering with Flutter, I couldn't resist the urge to figure out how to make that default Android system n...

16: Google Interaction to Next Paint coming to Core Web Vitals this Tuesday

Search engine land (Référencement)

Don't confuse this with the Google Core Update - they are two very different things.

17: Ansible: A Guide to Basic Terms

Hashnode - python (python)

Ansible has emerged as a powerful automation tool, streamlining IT operations and simplifying configuration management. However, for beginners, the abundance of terminology can be overwhelming. In this blog post, we'll break down some basic Ansible t...

18: Rust vs Python: Will Rust Be Python's Successor'

Hashnode - python (python)

In the ever-evolving world of programming languages, two titans stand out: Rust and Python. Both languages empower developers to create incredible applications, but they cater to distinct needs and possess unique strengths and weaknesses. This compre...

19: Python Libraries for DevOps: Your Path to Efficiency and Automation

Hashnode - python (python)

As a DevOps engineer, you're the bridge between development and operations. Your mission' To streamline processes, automate tasks, and keep the software delivery pipeline flowing smoothly. And guess what' Python is your trusty sidekick on this journe...

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20: Preventing Duplicate API Requests Across Multiple Vue Components (Part 2)

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Several months ago, I addressed a problem in my Vue application, which I shared through my article titled 'Preventing Duplicate API Requests Across Multiple Vue Components'. Whilst this provided a practical solution for a single API request, I quickl...

21: Prophesee veut pénétrer le marché XR dès cette année avec son capteur GenX320

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La deep tech française Prophesee part à l'assaut du marché de la réalité virtuelle et augmentée avec son nouveau capteur évènementiel. Elle le destine au suivi du regard et au suivi des mouvements des mains, deux fonctionnalités très mises en avant par la star actuelle du secteur : l'Apple Vision Pro.

22: Automating Amazon EBS Volume Type Modification with AWS Lambda and Boto3

Hashnode - python (python)

Imagine a world where managing your AWS infrastructure is as simple as setting it and forgetting it. No more manual tweaks, no more wasted time. With AWS Lambda and Boto3, that world becomes a reality. In this blog post, we'll explore how to automate...

23: AI Innovators Share Insights on Transforming Industries: A Nasdaq Trade Talks Discussion

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews AI Innovators Share Insights on Transforming Industries: A Nasdaq Trade Talks Discussion In an era defined by technological advancements, the intersection of AI and human-centric values promises to redefine industries, empower businesses, and elevate the quality of customer interactions in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. AI Innovators Share Insights on Transforming Industries: A N [...]

24: The 3 Most Powerful Functions in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The map(), filter() and the reduce() are the most powerful and important higher order functions in JavaScript that generally operates on arrays. Being the part of the functional programming paradigm of JavaScript, these functions allow u...

25: Day 7 : Converting Variable to Numbers  And Date Set Methods '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Converting Variable to Numbers There are 3 JavaScript methods that can be used to convert a variable to a number: Method DescriptionNumber() Returns a number converted from argument.parseFloat() Parse its argument and returns a floating point number...

26: Just In Time Compilation in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You may have come across this question: Is JavaScript compiled language or interpreted language' Interpreters read and execute the code line by line. Compilers translated human-readble code into machine code. Well the answer is that JS uses the b...

27: How to decode base64 in python

Hashnode - python (python)

In Python, you can decode a Base64 encoded string using the base64 package. Using base64.b64decode() This is the standard and most straightforward method using the base64 module. import base64 encoded_data = 'SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ==' decoded_data = bas...

28: Migration of the blog to another blog service

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Hello community. I did research yesterday on other services for creating blog and devlogs strictly in gamedev area. I stumbled first time quite a while ago on the Hashnode service as a suitable service for gamedev beginners, but I didn't know how I s...

29: Unlocking Creativity with AI: Five Ways for Creators to Enhance Their Craft

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Unlocking Creativity with AI: Five Ways for Creators to Enhance Their Craft With the power of AI at their fingertips, artists and content creators can unleash their creativity, explore new possibilities, and confidently achieve their goals. Unlocking Creativity with AI: Five Ways for Creators to Enhance Their Craft Staff

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30: Rifi's Groundbreaking Approach to Data Observability and Rapid Issue Detection

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Rifi’s Groundbreaking Approach to Data Observability and Rapid Issue Detection By combining cutting-edge technology with a customer-centric approach, Rifi empowers data teams to navigate the complexities of today's digital world with confidence and agility. Rifi’s Groundbreaking Approach to Data Observability and Rapid Issue Detection Staff

31: Unlocking the Web: What Does a Web Developer Do' [2024 Guide]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the world of digital technology, the role of a web developer is crucial in shaping the online landscape. A web developer's primary responsibility is to design and create websites that are not only visually appealing but also functional and user-fr...

32: Unlocking Jetpack Compose's Rendering Performance: A Comprehensive Analysis - Part 1

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

When we hear Jetpack Compose, we think it is the fastest. But the problem is to get the most responsive and fastest output from the jetpack compose UI, it should be rendered fast. But for this, we need some pre-requisites to complete to get the most ...

33: Maximize Your Coding Efficiency with JS Formatter Online Tool - Rankify Tools

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Looking to streamline your coding process' Want a tool that can help you write clearer, more efficient JavaScript' Let's talk about the JS Formatter Online Tool - Rankify Tools. This tool is a game changer for anyone wanting to write better, more eff...

34: Festival Pokémon GO 2024, un rendez-vous à Madrid (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le Festival Pokémon GO 2024, annoncé par Niantic, est sur le point de faire vibrer […] Cet article Festival Pokémon GO 2024, un rendez-vous à Madrid a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

35: JO Paris 2024 : Votre carte bancaire sera-t-elle refusée '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Il ne reste plus que 4 mois avant les JO de Paris 2024 et jusqu'à aujourd'hui, on n'a eu droit … Cet article JO Paris 2024 : Votre carte bancaire sera-t-elle refusée ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

36: Continuous Integration and Deployment to multiple environments with Terraform Cloud and GitHub Actions

integralist (Jquery / Javascript / html5)

Summary In this post I cover what CI/CD means and how you can achieve it across multiple different environments (e.g. dev, stage, prod) using the GitHub Actions platform. The infrastructure is managed using Terraform and the state is coordinated using Terraform Cloud. I detail specific issues I experienced while implementing CI/CD for a real high-scale/high-profile public API, and the workarounds [...]

37: JavaScript Arrays: Exploring the Power of Arrays in JavaScript (lt.33)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is an Array' An array in JavaScript is a fundamental data structure that allows you to store an ordered collection of items under a single variable name. These values can be of any data type, such as numbers, strings, or even other arrays. Array...

38: Libraries vs Frameworks: Decoding the Tech Battle

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When it comes to creating software, two key players are libraries and frameworks. They each have their own unique features. Let's break it down and figure out when to use each one. Getting to Know Libraries and Frameworks: Library: Think of a libra...

39: Title: Crafting an Amazon Clone Using HTML & CSS: A Frontend Triumph

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Introduce the project of creating an Amazon clone solely with HTML and CSS. Share your motivation for taking on this challenge and the significance of Amazon as an e-commerce giant. 1. Project Scope: Describe the scope of your Amaz...

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40: SXSW 2024 : Amy Webb et la « génération Transformation » face à l'IO

Meta Media (Internet)

Plus l'époque est teintée d'incertitude, plus les enthousiastes de la futurologie se hâtent de rejoindre la file d'attente à SXSW pour s'assurer une place et boire les paroles d'Amy Webb sur les tendances qui façonneront l'année à venir. En 2024, l'incertitude semble avoir atteint son paroxysme, avec des gens qui... The post SXSW 2024 : Amy Webb et la « génération Transformation » face [...]

41: What is Typescript' How to use Typescript in React js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Before going to Typescript let's understand some theory of Typescript. Why should we use Typescript and why Typescript was made to overcome issues in javascript. If you ever work with C++ and Java these are statically Typed language which means we ha...

42: JavaScript Callback Function

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Callback function introduction A callback is a programming concept where a function is passed as an argument to another function, with the intention that it will be called or executed at a later time. This mechanism is often used in event-driven or a...

43: React Unveiled 10 - Future of React...

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React, the powerful JavaScript library for building UIs, has revolutionized the way we create modern web apps. Its focus on components, declarative nature, and rich ecosystem have propelled it to the forefront of front-end development. As React conti...

44: The death of custom media queries (note)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

You know the problem: you want to reuse custom properties in media queries but can't. :root { --width: 20em; } /* this doesn't work :/ */ @media (min-width: var(--width)) { } I discovered the solution to this problem a while ago ' custom media queries. /* this isn't supported anywhere */ @custom-media --narrow-window (max-width: 30em); @media (--narrow-window) { /* narrow window styles */ } [...]

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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