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« Juillet 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 25 Juillet 2023 (155)

1: Understanding Closures in JavaScript: A Friendly Guide with Intuitive Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Closures are a powerful and often misunderstood concept, but fear not, as we will demystify them with simple explanations, intuitive examples, and helpful diagrams. By the end of this blog, you'll have a clear understanding of closures and how they c...

2: Why the FIPS 140-2 is an industry requirement in Java, HTML, and C++

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The world is constantly evolving especially in the cryptography and security spaces, one of which is the FIPS 140-2 which is constantly being upgraded to meet the new security demands of both Governments and industries. This article summarizes the e...

3: How to create a functional copy button in flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

To create a functional copy to clipboard button we are going to make use of the package called "clipboard: ^0.1.3" to handle our button functionality. You can go ahead and add the package to your pubspec.yaml file in your Flutter project. clipboard: ...

4: Don't underestimate the power of content management by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

In this webinar, learn how to organize, distribute and control digital assets. The post Don’t underestimate the power of content management appeared first on Search Engine Land.

5: Understanding setTimeout and setInterval in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a synchronous and single-threaded language, which means it can only execute one task at a time. However, sometimes we need to perform some tasks that are asynchronous, such as fetching data from an API, updating the UI, or running some ...

6: How to convert a specified number into an array of digit's.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Example - I/p - const number = 12345 O/p - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] before getting into the solution let's first understand a few methods in javaScript- String ()- this method returns its input value in the form of a string. const number = 12345; const str = ...

7: What is the ternary operator in JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Conditional (ternary) is a shorthand way of writing simple if-else statements in JavaScript. It's denoted by the ' : syntax and takes the following form: condition ' expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse; Here's how it works: The condition is an...

8: Passing Data from Child to Parent Components in React using Callback Functions''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The concept of passing data from a child component to its parent component in React using callback functions. This crucial technique allows effective communication between components, enabling you to build powerful and interactive applications. We'll...

9: Typescript: Tips and Tricks for Aces

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Typescript has rapidly gained popularity among developers due to its ability to bring type safety and static analysis to Javascript code. It helps catch errors during development and improves code quality, making it a powerful tool for building robus...

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10: Issue 587 (July 25, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#587 ' JULY 25, 2023 View in Browser » Creating Web Maps From Your Data With Python Folium You’ll learn how to create web maps from data using Folium. The package combines Python’s data-wrangling strengths with the data-visualization power of the JavaScript library Leaflet. In this video course, you’ll create and style a choropleth world map showing the ecological footprint [...]

11: Flutter day19

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

dart maps: a set of keys and values, map is an unordered group of objects, unlike lists. ex:- Map mapName { key:value };

12: The Power of DOM Manipulation: A Guide with Examples

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: DOM manipulation is a fundamental skill in web development, enabling developers to dynamically modify and interact with the content of a web page. The Document Object Model (DOM) represents the structure of an HTML document, and by mani...

13: JavaScript Async & Await : inDepth

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Asynchronous programming in JavaScript has always been a critical aspect of web development, especially when dealing with time-consuming tasks like API calls, file operations, or network requests. In the past, handling asynchronous opera...

14: How to build a Chrome extension that makes API calls

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Chrome extensions' Chrome extensions are software programs that can be installed into the Google Chrome web browser to enhance its functionality. Extensions offer the ability to interact with the browser, access web pages, modify content, ha...

15: How to Create a Free WordPress Website for Small Business in 8 Easy Steps

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

Creating a free WordPress website for small business can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right tools and knowledge, you can create a professional-looking free Wordpress website that will help you attract and retain customers. In this article, we'll show you how to create a WordPress website for your small business.

16: Understanding Props Drilling in ReactJS: Simplifying the Concept with an Intuitive Example''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you have ever worked with React, you might have encountered a situation where you need to pass some data or state from a top-level component to a deeply nested component. One way to do this is by using props drilling. This is a term used to descri...

17: Instagram rolls out subscription feature to 10 more countries

Search engine land (Référencement)

Content creators outside of the US will be able to set up subscription services on their accounts for the first time. The post Instagram rolls out subscription feature to 10 more countries appeared first on Search Engine Land.

18: A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started with React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there! Are you excited to dive into the exciting world of React, the popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, that offers a powerful and efficient way to create Dynamic web applications. But wait, are you wondering what a dynamic ...

19: Python Arguments: Passed by Reference or Value' A Brief Explanation.

Hashnode - python (python)

This is one aspect of Python that may not be straightforward, particularly for beginners. When passing a parameter to a function, is it passed by value (a copy of the variable) or by reference (a pointer/reference to the variable)' It depends on the ...

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20: React Props: Your Gateway to Component Communication''''''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Are you ready to dive into one of the awesome concepts of ReactJS' Today, we'll talk about one of the core concepts of React: Props (which stands for properties). Don't worry; we'll keep it fun and easy to understand! What are Props'' In React, we b...

21: The V8 Engine: Powering JavaScript Performance

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: The V8 engine, developed by Google, plays a pivotal role in executing JavaScript code efficiently and powering modern web experiences. In this blog, we'll see the inner workings of the V8 engine, its key features, and its impact on the ...

22: How to use a Kanban to smoothly manage your discovery process

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A Kanban visualizes work and work status to create transparency between development teams and the rest of the organization. The post How to use a Kanban to smoothly manage your discovery process appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

23: How To Reverse a Linked List.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today, we are going to learn how to reverse a linked list in both python, Javascript and Java. For those still learning data structures and algorithms like me, keep pushing one day at a time till it becomes a part of you. With Python, # Definition f...

24: Data Vis Dispatch, July 25

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

25: Day 34 - Enumerate function in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

The enumerate function is a built-in function in Python that allows you to loop over a sequence (such as a list, tuple, or string) and get the index and value of each element in the sequence at the same time. Here's a basic example of how it works: #...

26: Aprende a crear aplicaciones con Flutter - Parte 1:

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Esta serie está enfocada en personas que apenas están entrando en el mundo de la programación y quieren enfocarse en programación móvil, les estaré dando desde las bases, hasta que comprendan como pueden llevar una aplicación de cero a producción, es...

27: Ruta de aprendizaje para crear aplicaciones móviles con Flutter - Parte 1:

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Esta serie está enfocada en personas que apenas están entrando en el mundo de la programación y quieren enfocarse en programación móvil, les estaré dando desde las bases, hasta que comprendan como pueden llevar una aplicación de cero a producción, es...

28: Learn How to Build a Sign in Authentication flow with Solana wallets

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a simple Authentication flow with Solana wallets. while building this program we will learn how to interact with Solana wallets, we also talk about NextAuth.js. Who this article is for This w...

29: How to undo a component in Figma

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

There's more than one way to undo a component in Figma ' you have several choices depending on the situation. The post How to undo a component in Figma appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

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30: The Almighty JavaScript Reduce method

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is reduce reduce() is an array method that iterates through the elements of an array and executes a reducer function for every element in the array. reduce() is the most versatile array method in JavaScript. A quick review of how reduce works Le...

31: A Study in Flutter: Dynamic Forms

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

A recent requirement came up for configurable dynamic forms in a mobile application. There are a few dynamic form packages for Flutter, but I wanted a bit more control over the schema and behavior of the form. Here follows my attempt at creating dyna...

32: Git log ' A Comprehensive Guide for Git Users (Développement)

In the world of version control systems, Git has turned into an essential tool for developers to manage and track changes made to their projects. Git provides a variety of commands, each serving a specific purpose. In this article, we will explore deep into the git log command, which allows users to access and explore […] The post Git log – A Comprehensive Guide for Git Users appeared [...]

34: Python Data Structures and Algorithms: Unraveling the Building Blocks of Efficient Code

Hashnode - python (python)

In the world of programming, data structures, and algorithms are the fundamental building blocks that empower developers to write efficient and optimized code. Just like architects designing sturdy structures, programmers use data structures to organ...

35: Chiffrement affaibli pour la norme de radiocommunication Tetra

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Beaucoup moins connu que les réseaux mobiles à destination du grand public (GSM, UMTS, LTE ou 5G aujourd'hui), le réseau de (...)

36: Les saisonniers remplacés par l'IA ' Ces robots cueillent les fruits en un éclair

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les technologies d'automatisation semblent gagner tous les secteurs de production et l'agriculture ne fait pas exception. Il en est de … Cet article Les saisonniers remplacés par l’IA ' Ces robots cueillent les fruits en un éclair a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

37: PACKAGEJS: Installing & Setting Up PostgreSQL In WSL

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I'll walk you through the entire process of installing and setting up PostgreSQL on WSL, so you'll have a handy guide when you decide to get the PostgreSQL expansion bundle for PackageJS. We'll cover everything step-by-step: starting from the install...

38: 7 Web Development Steps

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Web development steps are the procedures taken to create a website with ease and care. Web development is not always about writing code in a code editor; there is more to it than that. A carefully crafted web development plan makes the developer's jo...

39: Comparing Elixir with Rust and Go

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Compare the three programming languages Elixir, Rust, and Go across criteria such as memory usage and time in concurrency projects. The post Comparing Elixir with Rust and Go appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

40 / 155

40: How to apply the iterative process

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The iterative process involves building out a new feature or function for the product one step at a time to maximize resources. The post How to apply the iterative process appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

41: ' Mastering req.body in Express '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Express.js is a popular web framework for Node.js, known for its simplicity and flexibility. When building web applications with Express, one of the most crucial aspects is handling incoming data, such as form submissions or API payloads. ' This is ...

42: Principles of design emphasis for standout design

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Design emphasis is a basic concept every designer picks up rather quickly, but what principles can you follow to create standout designs' The post Principles of design emphasis for standout design appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

43: Google Display Ads and Dynamic Search Ads upgrades rolled out in PMax

Search engine land (Référencement)

The voluntary upgrades enable advertisers to fully optimize performance across channels with the aim of improving campaign ROI. The post Google Display Ads and Dynamic Search Ads upgrades rolled out in PMax appeared first on Search Engine Land.

44: Exploring Chandrayaan 3 Satellite Data: Tracking Altitude with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Space exploration has always captivated human imagination, and advancements in technology have made it possible to track satellites orbiting our planet. Chandrayaan 3, India's lunar mission, is an exciting endeavor that has garnered glob...

45: Multiple Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a powerful paradigm that allows developers to model real-world entities as objects with attributes and behaviors. One of the fundamental concepts in OOP is inheritance, where a class can acquire the p...

46: JavaScript Notes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Variable Declaration in JavaScript In JavaScript, we have three keywords for variable declaration: var, let, and const. var --> This keyword is used to declare a variable and optionally initialize it with a value. let --> his keyword is used to dec...

47: 7 - Integrated Django and Vue in Wobu

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

Quite some gap since my previous post, isn't it' Making a change like what I planned (see title of the post ') to is easier said than done, for two reasons: Without getting a decent hold on Vue Js, it is not a good idea to proceed in my opinion. Fo...

48: L'Autorité de la concurrence épingle les règles d'Apple sur le pistage publicitaire

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Selon le gendarme de la concurrence français, Apple a abusé de sa position dominante dans le secteur de la publicité sur les mobiles, en imposant des "conditions discriminatoires, non objectives et non transparentes".

49: Efficient SQL Operations with DuckDB on Pandas DataFrames

Math Data Simplified (data)

Using SQL with pandas empowers data scientists to leverage SQL's powerful querying capabilities alongside the data manipulation functionalities of pandas. However, traditional database systems often demand the management of a separate DBMS server, introducing additional complexity to the workflow. With DuckDB, you can efficiently run SQL operations on pandas DataFrames without the need to manage a [...]

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50: iOS 16 et MacOS Ventura profitent d'une ultime mise à jour de sécurité

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

iOS 16 d'Apple est disponible pour être installé sur les iPhone depuis le 12 septembre 2022, mais alors que plusieurs fonctionnalités (...)

51: Oppo France disparaît, malgré une bataille remportée contre Nokia dans les brevets

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Oppo perd son distributeur français, Yang Technology, qui représente la marque chinoise dans l'Hexagone. Oppo avait atteint la quatrième place sur le marché français des smartphones.

52: What is Lean Six Sigma' Certifications, belts, principles, examples

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Lean Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology designed to help you identify and eliminate process inefficiencies while reducing variation and enhancing quality ' all with an eye towards achieving operational excellence. The post What is Lean Six Sigma' Certifications, belts, principles, examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

53: Optimizing CI/CD pipelines in your Rust projects

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We review different strategies for optimizing CI/CD pipelines in Rust projects and compare the performance gains from each approach. The post Optimizing CI/CD pipelines in your Rust projects appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

54: La faille Zenbleed rend indiscrètes les puces Ryzen et Epyc d'AMD

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Spectre, Meltdown, ces noms de vulnérabilités touchant les puces Intel et AMD résonnent encore dans la tête des spécialistes (...)

55: Organic SEO industry benchmark report by Digital Marketing Depot

Search engine land (Référencement)

This overview of organic SEO traffic and SERP trends across industries includes an analysis of over 82,000 searches. The post Organic SEO industry benchmark report appeared first on Search Engine Land.

56: Exploring the Objects in JavaScript BOM: In-Depth Tutorial

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As web developers, we are constantly immersed in the world of JavaScript and its various components. Among these, the Browser Object Model (BOM) plays a crucial role in interacting with the browser and enhancing user experience. In this blog post, we...

57: Son fils de 8 ans commande une kalash sur le Dark Web : voici sa réaction

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Cette mère de famille néerlandaise a découvert avec effroi que son fils âgé d'à peine huit ans avait réussi à … Cet article Son fils de 8 ans commande une kalash sur le Dark Web : voici sa réaction a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

58: LeetCode 26 Solved: Remove Duplicates

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The key to solving problems on LeetCode is looking for patterns and keywords that give you a hint as to what you should do. One example of a question with a keyword that makes it easy to come up with a solution is LeetCode #26: Remove duplicates from...

59: Information gain in SEO: What it is and why it matters

Search engine land (Référencement)

Explore the potential impact of unique content on your search rankings and adapt your content approach to stay ahead. The post Information gain in SEO: What it is and why it matters appeared first on Search Engine Land.

60 / 155

60: HOF in Javascript ' What is higher order function in Javascript '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, a higher-order function is a function that can take other functions as arguments or return functions as results. This feature allows developers to create more versatile and reusable code, leading to better website performance and user ...

61: Freeflo: Free, Curated AI Images and Prompts for Creative Projects

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Freeflo is a comprehensive library of curated AI-generated images and prompts enabling accessible and professional AI image creation for creative projects.

62: From Novice to Ninja: Your Ultimate Guide to Handling Strings in JavaScript!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this ultimate guide, we'll take you on a journey from being a novice to becoming a ninja in handling strings in JavaScript! Strings are an essential part of programming, and mastering their manipulation will significantly enhance your...

63: The Launch of Standards Just Made Creating Brand Guidelines a Breeze

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Standards, a browser-based platform, makes it easier to design, update, and share brand guidelines. Is this the software that replaces PDFs'

64: Microsoft offre un aperçu des fonctions dans Windows 11 23 H2

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Microsoft intègre aujourd'hui plusieurs fonctionnalités importantes dans les dernières versions de Windows 11 Insider Beta Channel (...)

65: User input in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To receive user input in JavaScript, you can use the prompt() function or interact with HTML elements. Here's an example of both approaches: Using prompt(): let userInput = prompt("Please enter your name:"); console.log("Hello, " + userInput + "!")...

66: Using react-intersection-observer to create a dynamic header

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

With the react-intersection-observer package, we can create a dynamic header and improve the navigation experience within content-rich pages. The post Using <code>react-intersection-observer</code> to create a dynamic header appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

67: A guide to observability

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Observability provides insights into the performance of your product based on the logs, traces, and metrics generated by your systems. The post A guide to observability appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

68: Open Source Software vs. Closed Source Software: Understanding the Differences

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the world of technology, software plays a crucial role in our daily lives. But have you ever wondered about the differences between open source software and closed source software' In this article, we will explore the distinctions between these tw...

69: How to 10x rankings in competitive spaces using the 'beachhead principle'

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn how this military-inspired strategy can help you prioritize keywords wisely and set the stage for long-term SEO success. The post How to 10x rankings in competitive spaces using the 'beachhead principle' appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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70: Intelligence artificielle : la Cnil lance un appel à projets pour les services publics

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

"Bac à sable", l'appel à projets annuel de l'autorité française de protection des données personnelles, sera pour sa troisième édition dédié à l'intelligence artificielle.

71: Understanding Generative models and its applications

Hashnode - python (python)

Recently you might've come across the terms ChatGPT, dall-e and stable diffusion and more specifically the term "Generative AI". Generative ai refers to the field of artificial intelligence that focuses on the development of algorithms and models cap...

72: Introduction to Android Development

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Why Android Development Android is one of the most popular operating systems in the world, with over 2.5 billion active devices worldwide. With such a large user base, developing applications for Android can be a great way to reach a massive audience...

73: Face à la demande de puces pour l'IA, TSMC va construire une nouvelle usine à Taïwan

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le fondeur taïwanais a promis d'augmenter ses capacités de production pour satisfaire les besoins de ses clients dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle, notamment Nvidia.

74: Jouer à des jeux PC VR avec le PSVR 2 : Sommes-nous près du but ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Un projet visant à contourner le système de sécurité du PSVR 2 en le connectant […] Cet article Jouer à des jeux PC VR avec le PSVR 2 : Sommes-nous près du but ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

75: Voici pourquoi Netflix ne s'intéresse pas au Vision Pro (Réalité Virtuelle)

Apparemment, l'application native Netflix sera absente au moment du lancement de l'Apple Vision Pro. L'idée […] Cet article Voici pourquoi Netflix ne s'intéresse pas au Vision Pro a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

76: Bing Chat not yet available on Chrome or Safari browsers

Search engine land (Référencement)

But it should be coming any day now - so stay tuned. The post Bing Chat not yet available on Chrome or Safari browsers appeared first on Search Engine Land.

77: How to optimize your content strategy for Google SERP features

Search engine land (Référencement)

Enhance your brand's presence with Google SERP features. Optimize for featured snippets, knowledge panels, rich results, and more. The post How to optimize your content strategy for Google SERP features appeared first on Search Engine Land.

78: Comment l'IA va bouleverser la finance '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'intelligence artificielle intéresse beaucoup les institutions financières. L'utilisation de l'IA dans la finance peut radicalement changer leurs habitudes à long … Cet article Comment l’IA va bouleverser la finance ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

79: Tag Heuer's Website Easter Egg is Equal Parts Interactive Fun and Ingenious Marketing

Webdesigner depot (Design)

Swiss Watchmaker Tag Heuer's website allows you to test out their watches interactively, and they even tell the right time.

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80: How to create a color flipper using Vanilla Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Javascript is used in creating web pages. Javascript allows adding dynamic behaviour and interactivity user experience. A colour flipper is a simple interactive tool that changes the background color of the HTML element by clicking a bu...

81: L'éolienne marine la plus puissante du monde est chinoise ()

La Chine confirme une nouvelle fois son leadership dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables avec l'installation récente de la plus grande éolienne du monde au large de la province de Fujian. Cet exploit a été rendu possible grâce à une collaboration entre le développeur China Three Gorges (CTG) Corporation et le fabricant d'éoliennes Goldwind. L'éolienne, d'une capacité de 16 MW, sera [...]

82: Un matériau qui change de couleur et est imprimable en 3D ()

Un matériau élastique qui change de couleur, qui conduit l'électricité, qui peut être imprimé en 3D et qui est en outre biodégradable ' Ce n'est pas seulement un v'u pieux de la science, c'est précisément cette solution miracle que les chercheurs de l'Empa du laboratoire "Cellulose & Wood Materials" à Dübendorf (ZH), en Suisse, ont fabriqué à base de cellulose et de nanotubes de c [...]

83: Cytomégalovirus : un vaccin ARN testé dans plusieurs hôpitaux ()

Le cytomégalovirus (CMV) est une infection virale très contagieuse qui se transmet le plus souvent par les sécrétions respiratoires (postillons, éternuements, larmes, etc...), selon le Ministère de la Santé. Elle est due à un virus appartenant à la famille des herpès. Chez la majorité de la population, elle se manifeste par de la fièvre, une fatigue généralisée, des maux de tête, d [...]

84: Adding firebase to flutter project

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

A problem I faced today was configuring Firebase onto a new Flutter project. My company is migrating an existing Android and iOS app into Flutter, and I needed to attach existing Firebase apps to the Flutter project. The main problem was that both na...

85: Vers un vaccin contre la maladie d'Alzheimer ' ()

La maladie d'Alzheimer se manifeste par l'accumulation anormale de deux protéines dans le cerveau : le bêta-amyloïde et la tau. La première forme des plaques entre dans les neurones, tandis que la seconde forme des agrégats à l'intérieur des cellules nerveuses. Ces protéines toxiques sont la cible de nouveaux médicaments appelés anticorps monoclonaux. Ces molécules sont capables de les [...]

86: Repositionnement d'un médicament utilisé en cardiologie pour soigner le cancer du pancréas ()

Le cancer du pancréas reste un cancer réfractaire aux approches thérapeutiques en raison d'un diagnostic tardif et de la résistance aux thérapies. Des progrès récents dans la connaissance de sa biologie ont notamment mis en lumière une forte reprogrammation métabolique sous-jacente à cette résistance. Le domaine de recherche d'étude des dépendances métaboliques des cancers a regagné [...]

87: Première mondiale : de l'hydrogène produit grâce à une éolienne flottante ()

La start-up Lhyfe, basée à Nantes, a annoncé avoir produit pour la première fois à l'échelle mondiale de l'hydrogène vert à partir de l'électricité fournie par une éolienne flottante au large du Croisic (Loire Atlantique). Installé à 20 km des côtes, ce site de production d'hydrogène offshore appelé SeaLhyfe a fait l'objet de huit mois de tests à terre avant d'être acheminé en m [...]

88: Vers une production de l'hydrogène bon marché ()

Des chercheurs de l'Université d'Umeå, en Suède, viennent de mettre au point une nouvelle technique pour améliorer la production d'hydrogène par électrolyse. La production d'hydrogène par électrolyse nécessite un électrocatalyseur. La technologie la plus efficace fait appel à une membrane échangeuse de protons (MEP), qui nécessite des métaux nobles comme le platine, le ruthénium et [...]

89: How to unlock new efficiency and results with process automation by Fluency

Search engine land (Référencement)

Struggling to keep up with growing demands' Learn the latest in agency ad automation. The post How to unlock new efficiency and results with process automation appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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90: Inkscape 1.3 Released

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Inkscape 1.3 Released Inkscape, the open-source alternative to Adobe Illustrator, has been updated to 1.3, bringing a number of performance improvements. Inkscape 1.3 Released Staff

91: Réseaux sociaux : l'Arcom juge les plateformes sur leurs efforts pour lutter contre la haine en ligne

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'Arcom a obtenu de 11 grandes plateformes, qui seront soumises à la nouvelle réglementation européenne dite "DSA", des réponses concernant leur dispositif de lutte contre les contenus haineux. L'Autorité dresse un bilan mitigé et certaines données concernant les signalements ne sont pas publiques.

92: JavaScript Notes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Data Types in JavaScript JavaScript supports various data types that are used to store different kinds of values. Understanding these data types is essential for writing robust code. Let's explore each data type and how to determine the type of a var...

93: Thales rachète l'éditeur Imperva pour 3,6 Md$

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

En quelques jours, Thales a montré son appétit en termes de croissance externe. Après Cobham spécialiste des systèmes (...)

94: Twitter perd son nom et son oiseau bleu : quelles véritables conséquences '

Blog du Moderateur ()

L'heure est aux adieux pour Twitter et son oiseau bleu. Avec son X imposé, Elon Musk bouleverse les codes de la plateforme. De quelles manières ' On fait le point !

95: HASHING: A Simple Developer's Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello readers! As a developer, you often encounter the term "hashing" in the world of computer science and cybersecurity. It's an essential concept that plays a significant role in ensuring data security and integrity. Let's explore an interesting ad...

96: L'Ultra Ethernet Consortium veut dimensionner l'Ethernet aux infrastructures d'IA

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

C'est pour répondre aux exigences de performance et de capacité sans précédent que devraient imposer les charges de travail (...)

97: La ville et l'agglomération d'Angoulême victimes d'une cyberattaque

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les serveurs informatiques des collectivités ont été piratés dans la journée du lundi 25 juillet. Le lendemain, l'attaque n'était toujours pas éliminée.

98: When is Dinner, By State

Flowing data (dataviz)

These are the states that eat dinner the earliest and latest, along with everyone else in between.Tags: dinner, time use

99: Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Programmers'

Hashnode - python (python)

Since the recent emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) tools like AI chatbots and GPT-3-based applications such as ChatGPT, BARD, etc., concerns have been raised about the impact of AI in various industries, including software development and pro...

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100: iPhone : la mise à jour iOS 16.6 est disponible et corrige des bugs importants

Blog du Moderateur ()

Apportant des correctifs et des couches supplémentaires de sécurité, la version iOS 16.6 est disponible et recommandée à tous les utilisateurs d'iPhone.

101: Après les vidéos, TikTok lance les posts écrits : tout savoir sur ce nouveau format

Blog du Moderateur ()

Spécialiste du format vidéo court, TikTok ouvre la porte aux publications textuelles avec une nouvelle fonctionnalité en cours de déploiement.

102: Dossier : Des clouds dédiés pour accompagner un secteur d'activité

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Sommaire 1 - La verticalisation du cloud passe les logiciels La verticalisation du cloud pour un secteur d'activité répond souvent (...)

103: L'Europe s'apprête à lancer une enquête approfondie sur le rachat de Figma par Adobe

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le groupe américain n'a pas souhaité offrir de concessions à la Commission européenne, qui devrait donc lancer une enquête approfondie sur cette opération à 20 milliards de dollars.

104: Ces futurs robots de combat seront dotés d'une IA semi-biologique

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Des chercheurs travaillent sur l’implémentation des cellules cérébrales humaines cultivées en laboratoire aux puces pour ajouter davantage de capacités d'apprentissage … Cet article Ces futurs robots de combat seront dotés d’une IA semi-biologique a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

105: L'App Store et ses 30% de commission visé par une class action au Royaume-Uni

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

L'action collective menée au nom de plusieurs centaines de développeurs britanniques présents dans la boutique d'applications d'Apple vise à obtenir plus d'un milliard de dollars de dommages et intérêts.

106: JavaScript Array methods

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, an array is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values in a single variable. It is a fundamental part of the language and provides various methods to manipulate and interact with the data stored in the array. Here are so...

107: Cet investisseur célèbre forme déjà son fils à ChatGPT : un impératif du futur '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Marc Andreessen initie déjà son très jeune fils à ChatGPT. Pour l'homme d'affaires, la familiarisation des enfants à l'intelligence artificielle … Cet article Cet investisseur célèbre forme déjà son fils à ChatGPT : un impératif du futur ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

108: Future-proofing Your Business: 6 Trends Shaping The Future Of Platform Engineering

Noupe (conception)

The role­ of platform engineering in today’s digital landscape­ is crucial in shaping business operations and the de­livery of services. Te­chnology constantly evolves, and companies must adapt to stay compe­titive. As technology continue­s to evolve rapidly, organizations must be proactive­ in navigating the newly eme­rging trends within platform enginee­ring to remain competitive. [...]

109: Thales rachète le groupe de cybersécurité Imperva pour 3,6 milliards de dollars

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

En menant une cinquième acquisition en un an, le groupe français prend "une nouvelle dimension" sur le marché de la cybersécurité.

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110: Thales rachète le groupe de cybersécurité Imperva pour 3,6 milliards de dollars

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

En menant une cinquième acquisition en un an, le groupe français prend "une nouvelle dimension" sur le marché de la cybersécurité.

111: NativePHP veut permettre aux développeurs de créer des applications desktop natives multiplateformes avec PHP et les techs du Web, une réincarnation du framework Electron pour les développeurs PHP '

php ( (Informatique / PHP)

NativePHP veut permettre aux développeurs de créer des applications desktop natives multiplateformes avec PHP et les techs du Web une réincarnation du framework Electron pour les développeurs PHP 'NativePHP est un nouveau framework, qui selon ses auteurs, permet de créer rapidement des applications de bureau natives riches en utilisant PHP. Il offre des classes faciles à utiliser pour inter [...]

112: Les développeurs issus des métiers, un vivier de talents à mobiliser

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Compte tenu du rôle important des applications logicielles dans les processus d'entreprise et de la pénurie de programmeurs expérimentés, (...)

113: Oliver Tuszik arrive à la présidence EMEA de Cisco

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Oliver Tuszik a renoncé à son poste de vice-président en charge des partenaires chez Cisco pour occuper la fonction de président (...)

114: L'imparfaite résilience des réseaux FFTH en question

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les DSI, en particulier ceux qui gèrent des sites éloignés des grands centres urbains, évoquent souvent le risque de coupure (...)

115: L'imparfaite résilience des réseaux FTTH en question

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les DSI, en particulier ceux qui gèrent des sites éloignés des grands centres urbains, évoquent souvent le risque de coupure (...)

116: Vidéo : ce chien robot est à vous pour un SMIC, alors qu'attendez-vous '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La société chinoise de robotique Unitree propose une offre qui ne manque pas d’attirer l’attention : un chien robot abordable. … Cet article Vidéo : ce chien robot est à vous pour un SMIC, alors qu'attendez-vous ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

117: Chef de projet web : 10 conseils pour bien s'organiser

Blog du Moderateur ()

L'organisation est l'un des points essentiels pour gérer efficacement ses projets. Découvrez nos conseils et outils pour aider les chefs de projet web à bien s'organiser.

118: My Web Development and Designing Internship Journey at Oasis Infobyte

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

INTRODUCTION TO OASIS INFOBYTE OASIS INFOBYTE offers a variety of website design and development services. It specialize in developing in developing interactive, scalable, brand-oriented, and business-ready custom web solutions. OASIS INFOBYTE is a c...

119: Lets dive into React JS''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to the captivating world of React! React is powerful' and widely-used javaScript library that has revolutionized the way we build user interfaces for web applications. In this interactive blog, we'll embark on a journey to explore the fundam...

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120: How to Find Followed Pages on Facebook using Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Facebook Graph api access token #python #facebook #automation

121: Après les abus des influenceurs, les mesures prises sont-elles à la hauteur des enjeux '

Blog du Moderateur ()

En quoi consistent les mesures adoptées afin de réguler le monde de l'influence, en particulier depuis le scandale "influvoleurs" ' Et sont-elles vraiment suffisantes '

122: The First Coming

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I'm literally new here and exploring to see where I could contribute and fit perfectly well on this community

123: Apple TV+ gratuit pendant deux mois

Macternelle (enfant / Formation)

Pour fêter la sortie sur Apple TV+ le documentaire »Underrated » qui raconte l’histoire de Stephen Curry, Apple offre deux mois d’abonnement à son service de streaming. Attention, l’abonnement gratuit activé grâce à cette offre est automatiquement reconduit et devient alors payant (6,99 ' par mois) à la fin des deux mois de gratuité ; il faut … Lire la suite Appl [...]

124: Python Itertools: Mastering Efficient Iteration for Enhanced Productivity

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Itertools' Itertools is a Python module used for iterating over iterable data structures using a for loop. It is a collection of tools for handling iterators and iterations in a fast and memory-efficient way. Now, before we get started explor...

125: Why do people prefer LangChain's Python agent to Python directly'

Hashnode - python (python)

There may be a few key reasons why people use LangChain's Python agent instead of running Python directly: 1. Convenience - The Python agent provides an easy way to run Python code and get the results back in a conversational format, without having t...

126: Goossips SEO : faux profils, contenus IA, UX, récompenses auteurs

Abondance (Référencement)

Quelques infos sur Google (et Bing parfois) et son moteur de recherche, glanées ici et là de façon officieuse ces derniers jours. Au programme, cette semaine : utilisation de faux profils, réception des contenus générés par l'IA, importance de l'expérience utilisateur et poids des récompenses des auteurs de contenus./ Voici une petite compilation des informations […] L'article "Goos [...]

127: setTimeout() in JS '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this blog, we will see how to use the JS setTimeout() If you're a web developer or just getting started with JavaScript, you might have come across this powerful function before. setTimeout() that sets a timer and executes a callback function afte...

128: The Rise of Minimalism in Web Design: Less is More

Noupe (conception)

Introduction In the fast-paced and ever-evolving digital landscape, web design trends come and go. However, amidst the constant flux, one design philosophy has risen to prominence and stood the test of time – minimalism. The saying “less is more” aptly captures the essence of this design approach.  Minimalist web design has gained widespread popularity due... The [...]

129: Mastering Functional Programming in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Mastering Functional Programming in Python" by Codium LTD is a comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of functional programming paradigms in Python. This book covers core concepts like immutability, higher-order functions, lambda expressions, an...

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130: Control Flow in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to the world of JavaScript's control flow! Understanding how control flow works is essential for any aspiring JavaScript developer. In this article, we'll delve into concepts like conditional statements, loops, and functions, which play a piv...

131: Arrow Function in JS'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there, fellow developers! Today', we're going to dive deep into the wonderful world of arrow functions in JavaScript. Arrow functions were introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) and have since become a popular and powerful feature. Fundamentals, Let's...

132: Simplest Example of HTMX

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

HTMX is one of the less popular libraries/adapters out there - in fact there isn't yet a wikipedia page on HTMX. Just as Interia is to Laravel, HTMX is to Django - but this is a misconception. Intertia can be used in Django as well and HTMX can be us...

133: Ranked: The World's Top Cobalt Producing Countries

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

Cobalt, an essential component for certain types of EV batteries, has seen a significant shift in its global production landscape. The post Ranked: The World’s Top Cobalt Producing Countries appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

134: User Authentication with LocalStorage.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's start by creating a new React App with vite. npm create vite@latest LoginSignup The "LoginSignup" is the App name, while react is the template. The rest is the vite starter pack for the app. After that you will be directed to choose your packag...

135: A Scalding Cup of Java in My Python Programming Picnic

Hashnode - python (python)

Java, the tech world's ubiquitous workhorse, is a language that stands tall in the realm of computer science education. Loved by some for its 'build once, run anywhere' motto, and loathed by others for its verbose syntax and boilerplate code, today, ...

136: Apple Faces Class-Action App Store Suit in the UK Seeking $1 Billion in Damages

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple Faces Class-Action App Store Suit in the UK Seeking $1 Billion in Damages Apple is facing yet another challenge to its App Store, with a new class-action lawsuit in the UK that seeks $1 billion in damages over antitrust accusations. Apple Faces Class-Action App Store Suit in the UK Seeking $1 Billion in Damages Staff

137: Road Map To Become a Web Developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Becoming a skilled web developer is an exhilarating journey that combines creativity, technical expertise, and a passion for problem-solving. In today's digital era, web development is an essential skill set, with the internet playing a major role i...

138: On Becoming A VP Of Engineering: Doing The Job (Développement)

'I said at the beginning of this post that the most important thing I deliver is alignment. It's not the hardest thing I have to deliver though: that is focus.' Emily also discusses what a VP's day to day looks like, unlearning, compensation, giving yourself more slack time, and more.

139: Briefly: The Value Of Meetings, And Some Alternatives (Développement)

Shopify's meeting cost calculator stirs debate; are meetings wasted time or vital' Alternatives emerge such as Dropbox's "Core Collaboration Hours" and's "Huddle Days", which foster spontaneous discussions, encouraging productive work and respecting individual work rhythms.

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140: FastSAM (Développement)

Fast segment anything.

141: Best Practices To Build IoT Analytics (Développement)

Best practices for building IoT analytics include storing data in a time series database, using efficient ingestion methods, cleaning data before storage, downsampling for easier analysis, monitoring data in real time, and storing historical data in cold storage or a data lake for analysis. Choosing the right tools from the start will save time and improve efficiency.

142: Why Even Let Users Set Their Own Passwords' (Développement)

Hugo argues for a rethink of the way we handle passwords, pointing out the contradictions and shortcomings of current practices. They suggest that issuing high-entropy, randomly generated passwords to users, similar to API keys or TOTP, may be more secure than the current standard of user-created passwords.

143: How Platform Teams Get Stuff Done (Développement)

'Platform teams have a unique reliance on other teams to ensure adoption of their platform - getting code changes into other teams' codebase is critical to their success. There are a variety of patterns for that cross-team collaboration, and selecting the right ones depends on both the phase of platform adoption and the ability of both teams and codebases to accept external influence.'

144: Ollama (Développement)

Setup large language models locally.

145: Pointer Sponsor (Développement)

This issue's sponsor is Influxdata

146: Allergic To Waiting (Développement)

Thorsten believes programmers may be tolerating longer-than-necessary wait times due to a lack of understanding about what computers are capable of, what is a reasonable time for a given task, and how internet-based work might be skewing their perceptions of acceptable speeds. The author encourages developers to question and understand the cause of long wait times instead of passively accepting th [...]

147: Accidentally Load Bearing (Développement)

Jeff uses the principle of Chesterton's Fence to emphasize that understanding the original and current roles of a system component is crucial before making changes. The author illustrates this through their experiences in home renovation and complex computer systems.

148: Iconbuddy (Développement)

Over 100k+ open source icons.

149: Everything That Uses Configuration Files Should Report Where They're Located (Développement)

Chris regularly interacts with various programs, each of which has its configuration files in different locations, sometimes system-wide, other times user-specific. Given the variability and their infrequent interaction with some programs, they struggle to remember the configuration file locations, which can lead to time-consuming searches through manuals or documentation. Their proposed solution [...]

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150: TypeChat (Développement)

Build natural language interfaces using types.

151: Musk Rebrands Twitter to 'X' and Removes Iconic Blue Bird Logo

Webdesigner depot (Design) has officially rebranded to 'X' following owner Elon Musk's controversial decision to remove the social media platform's famous blue bird logo.

152: Flutter day18

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

routes: a map used to map screens with the key. after declaring routes we should use initialRoute: 'key for initial route', instead of home: ScreenName(), having these two together will lead to a contradicting state.

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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