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« Juillet 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Samedi 22 Juillet 2023 (71)

1: Enhanced Paginated View: Simplifying Pagination in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

As developers, we often come across scenarios where we need to implement paginated views in our Flutter apps. Pagination is essential when dealing with large datasets to optimize performance and provide a better user experience. However, managing the...

2: Let's Learn Django 6: Using Database & Admin Panel

Hashnode - python (python)

In the last blog, we discussed how can we use Django templating to the fullest. In this blog, we will discuss how can we use databases and handle our data in Django. Introduction to Django databases I am hoping everyone knows what a database is, but ...

3: Building Interactive CLI Package with React: A Practical Tutorial

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this tutorial, we will embark on an exciting journey to explore how we can utilize React, the popular JavaScript library known for building user interfaces, to craft our very own interactive CLI commands. By the end of this tutorial, you will have...

4: Unraveling the Magic of File Input and Output in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Have you ever wondered how your favorite programs remember your settings and files across different uses' It's all thanks to the fascinating concepts of file input and output. These magical processes enable data to be stored persistently and retrieve...

5: My Journey Creating an App With Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Background I'm into fitness, like, REALLY into fitness. I frequently go to the gym and track every workout. I've used a few different apps for tracking, and none of them are really what I want out of a tracking app. I want to be able to choose from a...

6: Mastering the Magic of JavaScript Numbers: A Deep Dive into the Number Data Type

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In JavaScript, numbers are the fundamental building blocks for countless computations and operations. They enable developers to manage quantities precisely, make mathematical computations, and alter data. Understanding the JavaScript num...

7: Flutter day16

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

rawMaterialButton: started with four needed floating action buttons for my interface, but then dropped it and used rawMaterialButton, modified its code and used it to develop my own, and added onPressed functionality to decrement and increment the va...

8: Javascript Code 3

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The comments in the code explain it all // alert("hello world"); // console.log(1);//a function we can use to log out vaues to the console. //a way to create variables is by using "let" let age = 25; console.log(age); let year = 2021 // u can use ...

9: Learning NumPy

Hashnode - python (python)

Data Science and Python A field of programming that is in high demand in recent years is data science. It's used in many areas, including machine learning. Python is one of the most popular languages for data science, and one of the most useful libra...

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10: Unraveling the Mystery: Angular Project Setup & its File Structure Made Simple!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Angular, a powerful front-end framework, has rapidly gained popularity among developers for building dynamic and feature-rich web applications. As with any technology, understanding the project file structure is crucial for efficient development and ...

11: Python: Force a Variable to be a Certain Data Type

Hashnode - python (python)

Overview This article will explain how to create a variable in Python that can be specified, to take a certain data type. This tutorial showcases the variable will always accept an integer. Materials Computer Python IDE Procedure First, declare ...

12: I need someone who can teach me coding for web developers and programmers.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi guy call me "Farely" in this moment I'm interested to learn about coding for website dev and programming because I am good at analyzing and like to solve problems so coding is interesting for me now i know about basic js, Html , css and python but...

13: 30 Essential JavaScript Snippets You Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language that plays a critical role in web development. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting with JavaScript, using code snippets can significantly enhance your productiv...

14: Git mv: Simplify File Movements in Git (Développement)

In the world of version control systems, Git has revolutionized the way developers manage their codebases. Git provides a wide range of powerful commands that enable seamless collaboration, tracking changes, and simplifying project management. One such command is ‘git mv‘, which allows us to efficiently move or rename files within a Git repository. In this […] The post Git mv: Si [...]

15: Creating CICD Pipeline

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey People, I wish to start this blog with a quote from my inspiration Steve Jobs(Co-founder of Apple) - "The only way to do great work is to love what you do and continuously learn in the field you're passionate about." I am constantly learning new ...

16: 30 Essential Snippets in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language that plays a critical role in web development. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting with JavaScript, using code snippets can significantly enhance your productiv...

17: Profiling ReactJS Applications for Optimal Performance using Profiler API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In modern web development, creating performant and efficient applications is crucial for providing users with a smooth and seamless experience. ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, offers developers a power...

18: How to compare two objects in Javascript to determine if first contain the equivalent property value to second one.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Before diving into the solution first know about the three Javascript Methods : Object.keys() : this method returns an Array Iterator Object of the keys of the objects. this method does not change the original array. const product = { item : "shoes...

19: Consommer les messages de Symfony Messenger avec Go pour des performances optimales

Humancoders ()

Gosumer : Consommer les messages Symfony Messenger avec Go. Inclut le support de PostgreSQL et AMQP. Libérez la puissance de Go pour une gestion efficace des messages ! Commentaires L'article Consommer les messages de Symfony Messenger avec Go pour des performances optimales a été posté dans la catégorie Go de Human Coders News

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20: OpenWISP, le contrôleur Wi-Fi universel pour OpenWRT '

Humancoders ()

Il y a pas très longtemps sur Twitter, j'annoncais avoir installé OpenWRT sur des bornes Cisco Meraki MR42 (non pas sans mal). ' Lien du Tweet en question :'s=20 Avant de commencer, j'imagine que le projet OpenWRT ne parle pas à tout le Commentaires L'article OpenWISP, le contrôleur Wi-Fi universel pour OpenWRT ' a été posté dans la c [...]

21: Une super analyse de plusieurs gros outages chez Github, Reddit

Humancoders ()

Une super analyse de plusieurs gros outages chez Github, Reddit : comment faire un bon postmortem, monitoring de DNS, Disaster recovery procedures, restaurer un backup en prod, la difficulté de synchroniser plusieurs teams autonomes en cas d'outage. Commentaires L'article Une super analyse de plusieurs gros outages chez Github, Reddit a été posté dans la catégorie DevOps de Human Coders News

22: Les nouvelles fonctionnalités de React 18 pour gérer la concurrence

Humancoders ()

Comment améliorer les perfs de vos apps front avec les nouvelles fonctionnalités de React 18 pour gérer la concurrence : Transitions, Suspense et React Server Components. Commentaires L'article Les nouvelles fonctionnalités de React 18 pour gérer la concurrence a été posté dans la catégorie Dev. Front de Human Coders News

23: Understanding Infix Functions in Kotlin

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Kotlin, one of the most popular languages for Android development, is loaded with a plethora of features designed to ease the life of developers. One such feature that can significantly improve code readability and user-friendly interfaces is the Kot...

24: Automate Python Linting and Code Style Enforcement with Ruff and GitHub Actions

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Maintaining a consistent code style and following best practices are important for any Python project. However, manually fixing linting issues can be tedious and easy to forget. In this tutorial, we'll see how to set up GitHub Actions to...

25: Querying SQL DB with GPT Prompt

Hashnode - python (python)

LLMs appear to have boundless possibilities, and it seems like they can be used in all tasks. We can craft prompts for composing emails in a given context as well as write creative prompts to generate code in any programming language. Image a situati...

26: Redis Basics and Python Integration

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction. Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is widely used for caching, real-time analytics, and managing high-performance applications. Let's explore the fundamentals of Redis and its integration with Python. Whether y...

27: ' Day 13 of 100DaysOfCode: Exploring JavaScript Logic and Python Fun ''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Greetings, fellow coders! Web Development Adventures:Today has been an eventful day of coding, where I delved deeper into JavaScript and continued my journey of mastering this dynamic language. Here's what I accomplished so far: ' Boolean LogicUnder...

28: "new" Keyword, Decoded''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome'''' to the Interactive' Blog on the "new" Keyword! In this blog post, we'll explore the "new" keyword in JS and understand its usage with code examples. The purpose of this article is to show how the 'new' keyword makes our lives much easie...

29: Building a Secure Password Generator in Python with Secrets

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In today's digital world, strong and secure passwords are essential to protect our sensitive information. A reliable password generator can help us create complex passwords that are difficult for attackers to guess. In this blog post, we...

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30: The Lost Tutorial of Kafka '

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Intro What I mean by the title is that I had a blog post that I started a year ago (July 14, 2022, was my first draft). First tip of the day: follow through kids. The reason I had this catching dust was probably because I was playing Zelda or somethi...

31: Introduction to Natural language processing

Hashnode - python (python)

Are you looking for a source that will provide you with all the information you require regarding natural language processing' If so, let me inform you that I will begin an NLP blog series today, with this post serving as the introduction to the seri...

32: An introduction to documenting code

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this post, I will try to explain the basics of how to start documenting your code to everyone to understand it or will try ;). Why is it important' When embarking on a collaboration or working with a team, especially involving multipl...

33: My experience with Bootcamps

Hashnode - python (python)

So as many will probably know, I started a fully funded software engineering bootcamp back in April, in this blog post, I will explain how I felt doing this bootcamp, what I achieved, and whether it is really worth it The bootcamp, I joined was a ful...

34: Flutter Convert Widget to Image

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

I get this question a lot if I am also a flutter developer and most recruiters ask me if I have equal proficiency in both, and most of the time my response to this is yes I do have equal proficiency in both and I am on the journey of adding more tech...

35: Print function in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

The function of the print() statement in Python is indeed to display specified messages or values on the screen. The values can be strings, numbers, or any other data type. When using print(), the parameters are automatically converted to strings bef...

36: Execution Context in JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, an execution context is the environment in which JavaScript code is executed. It includes the following: The variables and functions that are accessible to the code. The value of the this keyword. The code that is currently being ex...

37: Steps to creating Azure virtual machines.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a virtual machine' A virtual machine (VMs) can be described as a solution that provides a virtual instance of a physical computer that runs on an isolated partition of a host computer, i.e. each virtual machine functions separately from other...

38: 5 ways to make HTTP requests in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Modern JavaScript provides a number of ways to send HTTP requests to remote servers. From the native XMLHttpRequest object to third-party libraries like Axios, having such a varied collection of picks has made requesting and dynamically loading conte...

39: JS Tips: nullish coalescing operator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The nullish coalescing operator '' in JavaScript is used to provide a default value when a variable is null or undefined. It is an alternative to using the logical OR || operator, which provides a default value for any falsy value, not just nullish v...

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40: Implementing Access Control for RBAC & ABAC in Node.js '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When creating software or web/mobile application, keeping it secure is crucial. There are two common ways to control who can access certain parts of the software: one is based on people's roles (RBAC), and the other is based on specific attributes (A...

41: How to get started with HTML5'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is HTML' HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the foundation of web development. It's the markup language used to create websites and is responsible for the structure, content, and layout of web pages. If you're interested in web development o...

42: Understanding the JavaScript Runtime Environment

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is used to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites. But for JavaScript code to execute, it requires a runtime environment. In this post, we'll take a look at what the JavaScript runtime ...

43: Unraveling the Enigma: Exploring Object Equality in JavaScript and Beyond

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript is a widely used programming language known for its flexibility and dynamic nature. However, when it comes to object comparison, JavaScript can behave in unexpected ways. One peculiar aspect is that two seemingly similar obje...

44: La Russie a son premier ordinateur quantique : quel impact sur la guerre '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le premier ordinateur quantique russe vient d'être présenté à Vladimir Poutine. En exploitant cette puissante machine, la Russie pourrait bénéficier … Cet article La Russie a son premier ordinateur quantique : quel impact sur la guerre ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

46: Random Password Generator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Math.random() function to generate random password Random Password Generator

47: Autoplay YouTube embed with sound

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I have always wondered how can I autoplay youtube embed with sound in my website from the start of my software development career. And I am wondering if you have stumbled upon this article, you might be wondering the same. So I was fiddling around wi...

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50: How to Containerize a Python web app

Hashnode - python (python)

Containers keep rising in popularity and usage, and to be honest, It really solves a big problem which is why everyone keeps loving and adopting them. One of the biggest problems in moving our apps from one environment to another has been solved with...

51: Exception Handling in Flows

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Coming Soon! Should talk about Flow Emissions in this one!

52: Vous maîtrisez ChatGPT et MidJourney ' Ce concours peut vous rendre riche

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Bonne nouvelle pour les utilisateurs des générateurs d’art ! Forum3 lance Hive3, un concours d’IA générative. Utilisant ChatGPT et Midjourney, … Cet article Vous maîtrisez ChatGPT et MidJourney ' Ce concours peut vous rendre riche a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

53: Building zed-news ' an automated news podcast

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I have always been terrible when it comes to staying up to date with the latest news. One day, while reading the Hacker Newsletter, I came across Hackercast ' an AI-generated podcast summary of Hacker News. I was deeply fascinated, and this triggered...

54: Kotlin Code Smell 20 - Settings/Configs

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Problem Duplicated Code If Pollution Global usage Coupling Testability and the explosion of testing scenarios Complexity Solution Avoid using settings directly Create polymorphic objects and inject them externally. Sample Code Wrong class...

55: Kotlin Flows - Collect and CollectLatest

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Understanding Collect and CollectLatest in Kotlin Flow API Kotlin Flow API provides a powerful set of operators for manipulating flows. In this article, we'll take a closer look at two of these operators: collect and collectLatest. What is a Flow' Be...

56: Learning JavaScript' Here's Why You Should Switch To TypeScript As Soon As Possible.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is TypeScript' TypeScript is basically an extension of JavaScript. It's a free and open source language that's built over JavaScript which provides static typing and other new features and is typically a better choice for building large applicat...

57: Kotlin vs Java: Choosing the Right Language for Android App Development

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

When it comes to Android app development, choosing the right programming language is crucial. Now that Kotlin is a popular Java substitute, developers have more options. We will contrast Kotlin and Java in this article, examining each language's adva...

58: Understanding Method Chaining in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Method chaining is a powerful programming pattern that allows you to call multiple methods on an object in a single line of code. It enhances code readability and conciseness by eliminating the need for intermediate variables or repeated...

59: Flutter day15

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Slider: used slider, messed up with slider theme to add functionalities of my own.

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60: How to Download an Image from a URL in Node.js

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

In the world of Node.js, it's common to find yourself needing to download an image from a URL for various purposes. Be it for creating a cache, preprocessing images, or simply saving them for later use, understanding how to do this is a valuable skill for any developer working

61: Texting ToDos

Hashnode - python (python)

I recently resurrected a project which allows me to be able to send TODO items from my Apple watch. I can use Siri to say something like "Text todoist" with Twilio as the contact number. Siri handles the speech-to-text portion and sends the message t...

62: Efficient Coding with Live Code Templates in Android Studio: A Tool for Simplifying Your Programming Tasks

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction: In the realm of Android development, where time is a precious gem, one must strive for utmost efficiency. As a discerning developer, you desire to optimize your workflow and reduce redundant tasks to an exquisite minimum. Fear not, Andr...

63: Design Patterns for Fun and Profit

Hashnode - python (python)

Howdy Everyone! ' I always try to find a pattern while learning and implementing something. Patterns serve the predictability of operation, structure and behavior. For instance, If you know how academic writing structure works, you find it easy to ...

64: How to Craft a Unique Wiki

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

It may be interesting and satisfying to create a unique wiki. Meticulous preparation and attention to detail are essential to create a wiki that stands out. This is true whether you want to create a wiki for personal use, a particular project, or a community endeavor. This post will go through seven crucial stages to […] The post How to Craft a Unique Wiki appeared first on Free Web Resource [...]

65: A Guide to Machinery & Equipment Liability on Construction Sites

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

Construction workers and others working in industries involving heavy machinery can suffer serious and life-altering injuries due to equipment malfunction. Victims can file workers’ compensation claims in order to cover medical costs and lost wages from such accidents. As these injured workers may also have recourse to third-party negligence claims against manufacturers of equipment and [ [...]

66: The Power of Focus: Mastering Python, One Line at a Time

Hashnode - python (python)

Today was a revelation. As I sat down to tackle a couple of HackerRank problems and to learn about Tkinter, a Python package for GUI, I realized something significant - the value of focus. It's a simple concept, but one that's often overlooked, espec...

67: Ranked: The Top Economies in the World (1980'2075)

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

We provide a historical and predictive overview of the top economies in the world, including projections all the way to 2075. The post Ranked: The Top Economies in the World (1980'2075) appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

68: Where am learning to Code.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I have been coding or programming for a while, all I can say is it has been a rollercoaster of a journey, with a lot of pitfalls but am getting the hang of it (a bit). So in this article, I will be sharing the platforms where am learning this skill. ...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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