Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).
La veille Haut de page Lendemain
Python comments are used to provide descriptions that help programmers understand the functionality and intent of a program. These comments are denoted by the hash symbol (#) and are ignored by the Python interpreter. Python docstrings, on the other ...
In this blog, we will walk you through the process of building a Todo application using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. We will adopt the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to ensure a clean and organized code structure. By t...
In this blog, we will walk you through the process of building a Todo application using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. We will adopt the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to ensure a clean and organized code structure. By t...
We've come a long way since the old days of JavaScript, haven't we' Remember when everything used to be dumped into a single .js file' Talk about an organizational nightmare. Well, thankfully, the JavaScript ecosystem has evolved, and we have tools t...
In this blog series, I will be sharing my experiences, challenges, and achievements as I embark on this GSOC adventure. Join me as I dive into Week 8, where I kickstart my work and make significant strides toward my project goals. How the week start...
Monitoring System Blog Post: Building a Python-based Host Monitoring System Note: This project is a test implementation and lacks certain security features, such as password encryption. Please do not use it for production purposes without proper secu...
Introduction Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts''''''! It's time for my weekly progress update for GSoC. As always, I'm thrilled to share the latest developments and advancements in my project with all of you. My Progress This Week This week, I h...
How much water do we have, and which countries use the most' This visual breaks down global water distribution and withdrawals by countries. The post Understanding the Global Supply of Water appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Introduction: Understanding the Basics of Cloud Technology Cloud technology for businesses has revolutionized the way […]
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In this article, you will learn to check a given number is an Armstrong number or not using the c program. What is an Armstrong Number' An Armstrong number is a number that is equal to the sum of the cubes of its digits. For example, 371 is an Armstrong number because 3^3 + 7^3 […] The post C Program to Check Armstrong Number appeared first on CodingTute.
There are certain criteria that brands must meet if they want their offers and products to be featured on Google. The post Google updates Misrepresentation policy with key information on building trust appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Advanced Server Routes in Nuxt 3 In order to understand how to create advanced server routes in Nuxt 3 we must first understand the basics of server routes. Check out my previous post on Server Routes to get a better understanding of the basics. The ...
Stability AI a annoncé le lancement de Stable Doodle, un service innovant qui transforme les gribouillages en images artistiques. Dans … Cet article Stable Doodle : cette IA gratuite transforme vos gribouillages en dessins a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Introduction: In the vast realm of programming languages, one name stands out as a true polymath - Python. With its simplicity, elegance, and versatility, Python has earned its place as the Swiss Army Knife of the coding world. In this blog, we'll ta...
Learn how to use and manage assets easily and without hassle. Introduction, If you are a developer, you know what I am talking about. Assets are any fonts, icons, images, or files that are used inside the app. When the app gets large and assets will ...
Google toque aux portes des médias américains avec la présentation d'une arme redoutable : un outil rédactionnel d'IA, du nom de Genesis. Sa promesse ' Transformer des informations brutes en un récit journalistique, avec l'intention de devenir soit un assistant personnel du rédacteur traditionnel ou' carrément un remplaçant. Pour l'heure,... The post Liens vagabonds : Google présente sa n [...] is an open-source framework for building background jobs in your existing codebase. Right now we have support for Next.js and serverless. We're adding support for more JavaScript platforms soon. This post will explain how it works and div...
'Introduction Hello folks, ', ' Exciting News! ''' Just received my ''''''''''' ''' ''' ''''' ' course byShubham Londhe, TrainWithShubham! '' I am extremely grateful to Shubham sir for recognizing my skills, interests, a...
Grâce aux Custom Instructions, ChatGPT peut désormais se souvenir de vous et de toutes les informations que vous souhaitez qu'il … Cet article ChatGPT peut maintenant se souvenir de vous : comment activer l’option ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
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Programming is one of the most in-demand and rewarding skills in today's world. Whether you want to build a career as a software developer, create your own apps or websites, or explore the fields of data science and machine learning, you need to mast...
Management by objective is a style of leadership that empowers teams and individuals by setting goals collaboratively. The post 4 steps for management by objectives (MBO) appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Online instructions for drawing CZT® Ria Matheussen's Zentangle® pattern: Turtra. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them
Alors que les français se laissent porter par l’effervescence des vacances d'été, les escrocs eux-aussi sont dans le rush. Ils … Cet article Arnaque LeBonCoin : il loue une maison, débarque et les propriétaires sont là a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Vendredi, un juge hongkongais a entendu la demande du gouvernement chinois qui souhaite censurer sur les réseaux sociaux la chanson populaire "Gloire à Hong Kong".
OpenAI, Google ou encore Meta prennent des engagements pour encadrer le développement de l'intelligence artificielle générative. Ils s'engagent notamment à mettre en place un système de marquage des contenus.
In the world of modern web development, React has undoubtedly established itself as one of the most popular and powerful front-end libraries. Its component-based architecture and virtual DOM have revolutionized the way developers build web applicatio...
Have you used a product so intuitive you can use it with both eyes closed' This is the power of affordance in UX design. The post What are affordances in UX design' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Building a robust API is essential for modern web applications, enabling seamless data exchange between the backend and frontend. Django Rest Framework (DRF) is a powerful toolkit that simplifies the process of creating APIs in Django, a popular Pyth...
- Le supercalculateur Condor Galaxy avec Cerebras. La start-up spécialisée dans les puces et systèmes IA s'est associée (...)
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What is Node JS' Node js is nothing but a JavaScript runtime, Which is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine. And is mainly used for running javascript on a server. You can relate Node js to a compiler for JavaScript. History of Node JS Earlier in W...
The Valid Parentheses problem on LeetCode is actually pretty fun to solve. Initially, it seems a little tricky, but once you break down the problem into smaller chunks, the solution seems pretty straightforward. Understanding the problem The problem ...
Emily Hanley, rédactrice publicitaire, indépendante et comédienne, partage son expérience de la perte de son emploi due à l’essor de … Cet article Elle a perdu son travail à cause de ChatGPT, et nous raconte son histoire a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Introduction A to-do list is an essential tool to organize and manage tasks effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a basic to-do list using Python. The implementation will be a command-line application that allows users to add ta...
L'an dernier, Quobly, anciennement Siquance, est sorti des laboratoires du CEA et du CNRS. Aujourd'hui, pour soutenir le développement (...)
Le fournisseur allemand de services de communication vidéo Alfaview a déposé une plainte formelle auprès de la Commission européenne (...)
Analysis paralysis occurs when the decision-making process gets bogged down by the inability to make a decision. The post Overcoming analysis paralysis through effective decision-making appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that enables machines to interpret and convert images of text into editable and searchable data. OCR has found widespread applications in various domains, including document digitization, text extra...
Acquis par la start-up émiratie G42 qui souhaite développer un équivalent arabe à ChatGPT, le supercalculateur Condor Galaxy 1 a été construit par Cerebras à partir de ses puces de très grande taille.
Semantic search uses embedding to understand the meaning of search queries instead of relying solely on keyword matches to locate documents. Embedding is like a translator converting words into numbers so that computers can understand. Chroma makes it easy to create embeddings from documents and find similar results with a few lines of code. In the code above, the documents with IDs 1 and 2 closel [...]
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Align content with different stages of a searcher's journey and leverage intent-based strategies for better SEO results. The post An SEO guide to understanding user intent appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Des escrocs soumettent de faux numéros d’entreprises à Google Maps pour arnaquer les utilisateurs. Selon le tweet de Shmuli Evers … Cet article Google Maps : attention aux adresses et numéros remplacés par des voleurs ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
In JavaScript, callbacks, async/await, and promises are all related to handling asynchronous operations. They provide ways to write asynchronous code that is easier to read, write, and maintain. Let's take a closer look at each of them: Callbacks: C...
As Python developers, we know that clean and well-organized code enhances readability, maintainability, and collaboration. Properly formatted code follows consistent style guidelines, making it easier for developers to understand, modify, and contrib...
Cette année, le célèbre jeu rétro « Space Invaders » fête ses 45 ans. Aujourd'hui, il voit […] Cet article Google et Taito font un pari risqué en lançant ce jeu AR a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
D'après une étude parue, les jeunes ados sont confrontés à des contenus choquants reçus directement […] Cet article Comment surveiller les SMS de mon enfant gratuitement a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
In JavaScript, two objects may not be equal even though they appear to be similar. Why is that the case' ' Let's understand why. For example: const obj1 = { name: "Dillion" } const obj2 = { name: "Dillion" } console.log(obj1 === obj2) // false ...
Après de nombreuses années de développement et d'amélioration, la version 3.0 de Cython, la bibliothèque Python qui (...)
The OODA loop strategy is a decision-making process designed to facilitate quick and efficient problem-solving before your competitors can. The post The OODA loop decision making model: Meaning, process, examples appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Product requirements documents act as a bridge between what stakeholders envision for the product and what the development teams can realistically execute. The post What is a product requirements document (PRD)' appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
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Sveltris is a powerful framework for building interoperable React and Svelte applications that harness the power of both frameworks together. The post Using Sveltris to build interoperable React and Svelte apps appeared first on LogRocket Blog.
Boost your page's relevance, rankings and traffic by using ChatGPT to generate all the various ways people search for your topic. The post How to use ChatGPT to uncover keyword variations other tools miss (prompts included) appeared first on Search Engine Land.
L'application de courtes vidéos met en ligne une bibliothèque regroupant l'ensemble des annonces publicitaires publiées en Europe. Elle ouvre aussi une API destinée aux chercheurs du continent.
L’innovation numérique tourne à plein régime depuis de nombreuses années. Stimulée par les taux d’intérêt négatifs, la tendance est plus de chercher l’innovation de rupture que l’amélioration incrémentale. Des entrepreneurs aux big techs en passant par les médias et cabinets de consulting, tous glorifient l’innovation technologique à tout prix, d’aut [...]
L’innovation numérique tourne à plein régime depuis de nombreuses années. Stimulée par les taux d’intérêt négatifs, la tendance est plus de chercher l’innovation de rupture que l’amélioration incrémentale. Des entrepreneurs aux big techs en passant par les médias et cabinets de consulting, tous glorifient l’innovation technologique à tout prix, d’aut [...]
Meta Quest a dévoilé sa version v56. La mise à jour apporte une série de […] Cet article La version v56 de Meta Quest : Découvrez les nouvelles fonctionnalités a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
At Wundermart we started saving monetary amounts in Django, we naively started with DecimalField(decimal_places=2) for our financial data. After some time we realized that you will lose data this way when applying calculations, for example: '100 * 0....
' Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode: Adventures in JavaScript and Python Programming '' Greetings, fellow coders! JavaScript Exploration: Today, I embarked on my JavaScript journey, a dynamic and versatile programming language that breathes interactivity i...
Businesses constantly face new challenges and opportunities. Over the last few years many companies have had to adjust their operations to accommodate the new remote working environment, while others have had to make drastic changes to their business models to stay afloat.
In January 2020, Google announced its ambitious plan to eliminate third-party cookies from Chrome. Now, after over three years (and countless delays), the first phase of Google's cookie-killing strategy is almost complete.
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Tourism logos are all about universal appeal. To be successful, they must be impactful, memorable, and, above all, inclusive of people from different regions. Some countries simply create separate logos for different parts of the world. Others choose to eliminate typography altogether, instead opting for a simple icon or graphic. Unfortunately, this approach often results in an unrecognizable logo [...]
En plein bras de fer avec les scénaristes et acteurs américains, le géant du streaming Netflix a émis un bilan trimestriel particulièrement prospère pour le deuxième trimestre de l'année.
La sortie de Beyond, le plus petit casque de réalité virtuelle (VR) au monde, est […] Cet article Bigscreen : Tout sur l'entreprise et la plateforme VR a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.
Uncover the disturbing trend of AI-generated authorities and scammy link building tactics, plus its detrimental impact to the SEO industry. The post Why using AI to create YMYL experts is a REALLY bad idea appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Discover the importance of critical reflective practice and challenge some beliefs about reflection and its role in our work and growth. Kristian Mikhel suggests a critical reflective routine for individual contributors and gives some practical recommendations that will make reflection meaningful and actionable.
Le Li-Fi va enfin devenir réalité ! Découvrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur cette technologie permettant de se … Cet article Li-FI : l’internet par la lumière qui va remplacer le Wi-Fi ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Implementing a Cache in NodeJS Using Redis This article is the third in my Caching series. If you have no idea what Caching or what Redis is, please read my article on caching and Redis respectively, before proceeding. Assuming you have an understand...
Explore new workflows with AI design tools for specific use cases streamlining the design process, unlocking creativity, and making better decisions. Designers are approaching AI with hesitation. There is a big looming fear of losing creativity. A big reason is the depersonalization of their work. However, we firmly believe that AI has the power to enhance our abilities and make our designs smart [...]
Learn how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing industries, the benefits of using ChatGPT, and the potential drawbacks. See why ChatGPT-powered applications are a great idea. In recent years, businesses have shown a growing interest in integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their operations. One specific application that has been gaining a lot of attention is ChatGPT. But is building a [...]
Automating things is cooooool, right' Introduction In today's world, with remote work becoming increasingly popular, VPNs have become a crucial part of many organizations. However, connecting to multiple VPNs can be a tedious and time-consuming task....
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La filiale de Microsoft, spécialisée dans le partage de code, poursuit sa percée dans l'intelligence artificielle au sein de (...)
Leetcode Problem: Given an array of integers temperatures represents the daily temperatures, return an array answer such that answer[i] is the number of days you have to wait after the ith day to get a warmer temperature. If there is no fu...
Le fondeur taïwanais redoute un repli de 10% de ses ventes cette année, alors que la reprise attendue du marché sera moins forte qu'espéré.
Google teste un outil d’intelligence artificielle (IA) capable de rédiger des actualités. Présenté comme un assistant pour les journalistes, ce … Cet article Google crée une IA qui écrit des actualités : la fin du journalisme ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Dans les attaques par ransomware, il faut toujours être vigilant sur la portée des données dérobées et publiées. (...)
En guise de clin d''il aux 400 ans de la naissance du mathématicien et penseur universel Blaise Pascal, la start-up française (...)
In this tutorial, I will build you a responsive navigation bar for a Next.js application that incorporates user authentication using NextAuth.js. The navigation bar will adapt to different screen sizes, providing a seamless experience for both deskto...
Discover how to create a top-notch mobile app using ChatGPT and React Native! Dive into the fascinating evolution of ChatGPT, and learn why React Native is the unbeatable framework of choice. OpenAI's ChatGPT has undergone significant changes and evolution since its inception. Originally introduced as GPT-2, this language model has evolved into GPT-4, incorporating advancements in natural language [...]
Unlock the future of Flutter app development with AI. Build innovative apps using ChatGPT. Try it out live and see what it can do. Combining artificial intelligence with existing technology opens countless possibilities. The combination of Flutter an...
La technologie Amazon One débarquera d'ici la fin de l'année dans la totalité des magasins de la chaîne américaine Whole Foods Market, rachetée par Amazon en 2017.
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To find the fastest route from Philadelphia to the Jersey Shore, The Philadelphia…Tags: commute, Philadelphia Inquirer, racing
Une nouvelle fonctionnalité permet aux souscripteurs de ChatGPT Plus de fournir des éléments de contexte qui seront pris en compte à chaque nouvelle requête.
Kotlin Flow API provides a powerful tool for handling asynchronous data streams. In this article, we'll provide an introduction to Kotlin Flows, including their basic concepts and usage. This article is part of a series that covers various topics rel...
Introduction In the ever-evolving world of web development, Multi-Page Applications (MPAs) stand as the traditional approach to building websites. Unlike Single Page Applications (SPAs), which have gained prominence in recent years, MPAs take a diffe...
Unity is undeniably a powerful game engine, but there's a disheartening trend I can't ignore: Too many projects developed with Unity end up in a complete mess. In the Unity project graveyard, many ventures meet their demise in silence. Unsuccessful i...
We Are Social et Meltwater viennent de publier leur rapport sur les tendances du numérique. Découvrez les chiffres clés à retenir !
L’European Policy Center exhorte l’Union européenne à renforcer sa cybersécurité. Les cyberattaques quantiques contre l'UE peuvent devenir une réalité. L’EPC … Cet article Cyberattaques quantiques : pourquoi l'UE doit se préparer de toute urgence ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
La mise à jour de la bibliothèque d'annonces de TikTok permet de consulter en détails les campagnes publicitaires diffusées dans l'Union européenne sur la plateforme.
Scroll progress animations in CSS * Pines * Immich * Web-Check
La plateforme de collaboration en entreprises de Microsoft est ciblée par l'éditeur allemand Alfaview, qui remet en cause la pratique de vente liée avec la suite logicielle Microsoft 365.
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This article aims' to provide a clear explanation of what the call stack is and why' it is important in JavaScript. Understanding the call stack will help you grasp how to function hierarchy and execution order function in the JavaScript engine. Bef...
This article aims' to provide a clear explanation of what the call stack is and why' it is important in JavaScript. Understanding the call stack will help you grasp how to function hierarchy and execution order function in the JavaScript engine. Bef...
La filiale spécialiste des véhicules autonomes de General Motors démarre une phase de test dans la ville de Miami, après s'être étendue ces derniers mois à plusieurs métropoles états-uniennes.
À l'occasion d'un comité des services publics, le ministre de la Transformation et de la Fonction publiques Stanislas Guerini (...)
Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, ensuring the quality of code is essential for delivering robust and reliable applications. Unit testing plays a pivotal role in this process, allowing developers to validate individual cod...
En tant qu'expert technologique et chercheur en cybersécurité, Erik J. Huffman connaît bien les astuces des pirates informatiques. (...)
Microsoft va proposer gratuitement certains outils de cybersécurité à ses clients cloud. Cette décision intervient après la récente campagne de … Cet article Cybersécurité : Microsoft déploie des outils pour contrer les attaques chinoises a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Dans un communiqué daté du 19 juillet 2023, le groupe bancaire BPCE a annoncé la nomination de Stéphanie Cervetti en tant que (...)
Les problèmes de stockage cloud peuvent provenir du fournisseur lui-même ou d'une mauvaise manipulation de l'outil par ses utilisateurs. Quoi … Cet article Quels sont les problèmes de stockage cloud les plus courants et comment les résoudre ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Dévoilée cette semaine, la stratégie de Cradlepoint vise à associer la technologie sans fil 5G à sa plateforme SASE (...)
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introduction: In the ever-evolving world of web development, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is essential to succeed. As a developer, you must continuously refine your skills and embrace new tools to create cutting-edge web...
Introduction It's not unusual these days to hear about languages like Python, javascript and Kotlin, and many people wonder how to learn them from scratch. Where do you start if you want to get good at any programming language ' Well, we're delighted...
When we think about developing RESTful APIs, one term that often comes to mind is HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State). HATEOAS enables the API to guide the client's navigation through the application by including hyperlinks in the...
Data science is one of the hottest and most in-demand fields in the world today. It involves using data to gain insights, make decisions, and solve problems. Data science requires a combination of skills such as programming, mathematics, statistics, ...
Exceptions are a great tool to handle unforeseen situations and system states. Although you might nod your head and tell yourself: "Yes Alex I know. What do you want to tell me'" It's about so much code that I have seen, that's lacking usage of excep...
Afin de bien préparer sa retraite, il est souvent conseillé de booster son épargne et d'investir de manière responsable. Il … Cet article Quelle fintech pour préparer sa retraite ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.
Scraping should be about extracting content from HTML. It sounds simple but has many obstacles. The first one is to obtain the said HTML. For that, we'll use Python to avoid detection. That might require bypassing anti-bot systems. Web scraping witho...
Scraping should be about extracting content from HTML. It sounds simple but has many obstacles. The first one is to obtain the said HTML. For that, we'll use Python to avoid detection. That might require bypassing anti-bot systems. Web scraping witho...
When it comes to web development, developers have an array of technologies to choose from, each with its own set of advantages and use cases. Ruby on Rails vs JavaScript is two popular technologies that developers often consider. In this article, we ...
Table of Content Introduction Lexical scoping Global scope Function scope Block scope Scope chain and lexical scoping in practice Conclusion Introduction Variables in JavaScript can be accessed depending on where they are declared. If they a...
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Dans cette étude, Semji nous partage les résultats de leur analyse de plus de 50 000 contenus publiés par des sites des secteurs de la finance, de la mutuelle et de l'assurance. L'objectif de l'étude Le but de Semji est d'étudier les comportements de Google pour aider les propriétaires de sites dans ces secteurs d'activité […] L'article "Etat des contenus SEO assurance, finance [...]
In the rapidly evolving world of web development, staying ahead of the curve is essential for creating dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly interfaces. Among the numerous front-end frameworks available, React has emerged as a dominant force, revolu...
Welcome to another mind-scratching exploration of my "Weird JavaScript" series! In my previous articles, we have already explored many enigmatic and mysterious corners of JavaScript, unravelling its peculiar behaviours and uncovering the secrets behi...
In the rapidly evolving world of web development, staying ahead of the curve is essential for creating dynamic, responsive, and user-friendly interfaces. Among the numerous front-end frameworks available, React has emerged as a dominant force, revol...
Hello readers, Let me share my personal experience in programming the Journey. First, visualize the output, don't run and see. Always, think of multiple ways and choose the best one. Write tracing on the book for how to work code line by line. Wa...
Les start-up de la French Tech ont levé près de 26 millions d'euros cette semaine, d'après le décompte hebdomadaire d'eCap Partner pour L'Usine Digitale.
We have previously discussed rest parameters and spread operators. They have a similar appearance, yet each has its functionality. We'll go over their differences and applications. Spread syntax looks exactly like rest syntax. In a way, spread syntax...
Technology is now more influential than ever before as organizations and individuals alike continue to become increasingly reliant on digital systems and data. While this has undoubtedly streamlined business operations and made our lives easier, it's hard to deny the security concerns accompanying modern technology. In 2023, it's the perfect opportunity for cybercriminals to conduct […] The [...]
Before the digital age, marketing was limited to word-of-mouth and newspaper advertisements, but luckily, now the marketing world has completely evolved. Today's marketing narrative revolves around emails, social media, paid ads, search engine optimization, and digital storefronts. As a result, every business, whether big or small, has an online presence today. But, an online presence […] Th [...]
To set up a GitHub account and create private repositories to push CFN (CloudFormation) code and Python code, follow these steps: Create a GitHub Account: Go to and click on "Sign up" to create a new account. Follow the instruc...
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A switch statement is an alternative to else if statements which allows a variable to be tested for equality against a list of values. Each value is called a case, and the variable being switched on is checked for each switch case. Wherever an expr...
A website is a significant business asset in today’s digital age. However, for many businesses and individuals, determining the cost of creating a website remains an ambiguous endeavor. Here, we aim to demystify this complexity and provide an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence website costs. How Much Does Building A Website Typically Cost' […] The post The Comprehensi [...]
Why do something like this' subprocess.check_call( ( "git", *("-c", "protocol.version=2") *("--depth", "1"), ) ) Because the black formatter will format it like this which is less readable subprocess.check_call( (...
Introduction If you have ever wanted to create a project to add to your GitHub portfolio to showcase your Python OOP skills, well here is a chance for you!! Welcome to the magical world of coding, where we'll embark on an exciting journey to create a...
Cette semaine, je voudrais voir avec vous, à la lumière de récents travaux scientifiques, comment la consommation régulière de quatre substances communes, et facilement mobilisables dans les aliments, vitamine D, fibres alimentaires, magnésium, et acides gras de type omega-3 peut avoir un impact positif tout à fait essentiel, mais encore trop sous-évalué, sur notre santé globale, notre l [...]
'How do you balance risk, novelty, production, growth, short-term certainty, and long-term viability' I learned a simple rule that has been useful to me and is often cited by my students as a key lesson from coaching: (1) 80% of your time goes to low-risk / reasonable-reward work, (2) 15% of your time goes to related high-risk / high-reward work and (3) 5% of your time goes to satisfying your own [...]
Stack to create and host your own AI companions.
The article discusses the importance of investigating and learning from outages in the industry. It explores the different types of postmortems, including internal, customer-only, and public postmortems. The article dives into 3 case studies: (1) Adevinta experienced a significant impact due to a DNS outage, (2) GitHub experienced an outage due to a network configuration issue at their secondary s [...]
Vicki shares her experience and pain points when building AI applications, highlighting several aspects often not discussed in conversations: (1) Slow iteration times, (2) Build times, (3) Docker images, and more.
The article highlights the importance of Terraform providers for SaaS platforms and how providers simplify infrastructure management, promote consistency, aid scalability, automate tasks, and enable auditing. It also mentions examples of Terraform providers for SaaS platforms and discusses the benefits and traits of good candidates for Terraform integration.
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Send emails from your terminal.
Hillel argues why a well-documented "Defense of Design" is an invaluable resource for understanding a project's history, design decisions, and constraints that shaped it. It provides insights into the thought process of the creators, developers, and maintainers, thus fostering a greater level of understanding and appreciation for the software.
'Researchers found a 5-minute break from thinking is all you need to get your concentration back. There is no need for a walk along a river, or a lengthy video of bamboo forests swaying in the wind. A five-minute total break will do the trick.'
This issue's sponsor is Speakeasy
Bfs or Breadth-First Search is a custom tool for traversing and searching through a filesystem. Tavian highlights the new features introduced in version 3.0, specifically the implementation of asynchronous, parallel directory traversal.
JS engine to drive the user's focus across the page.
'These are the tools, tips and advice I wish I had internalized when I was just starting out. Many of the details below are specific to macOS, but similar tips and tricks apply on other systems. I've broken it down very roughly into the following categories: (1) Computer setup. (2) Command-line-related things. (3) Technical but non-CS advice. (4) Potpourri.
AI framework for short video content creation.
In this behind-the-screens guide, we'll walk through the process of setting up this interactive timeline (embedded above) based on CKAN's version release history. Background While exploring new tools for developing my monthly presentation as a Data E...
Object Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that uses objects as building blocks. According to the Mozilla Developer's Network, Object Oriented Programming is defined as modeling a system as a collection of objects, where each object repre...
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Singers, athletes, actors and Kardashians'here are the most followed Instagram accounts and their estimated earnings per sponsored post. The post How Much the Most Followed Instagram Accounts Earn on Posts appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
An object, for example, a pen, has characteristics and actions. A pen has characteristics such as color, brand and ink. A pen can perform actions such as writing. Similarly, objects are collections of functions and variables. In this article, you'll ...
In today's digital world, generating PDFs is a common requirement in various applications, ranging from generating reports to creating invoices. Python, with its extensive libraries and frameworks, offers multiple solutions for generating PDFs. One p...
Visualize how U.S. vehicle production has shifted dramatically from cars to trucks, and especially to SUVs, since 1975. The post How U.S. Vehicle Production Has Shifted Over 45 Years appeared first on Visual Capitalist.
Whether you are struggling with recursion in your computer science class or you are a programmer who has never really appreciated the concept of recursion, you have come to the right place. Recursion is broken down for you in this article, and you sh...
The Commercial Content Library will give marketers access to key data that they can use to improve their campaign strategies. The post TikTok launches ads transparency library appeared first on Search Engine Land.
Did you ever wonder why visually-hidden or sr-only classes have the dimensions of 1 by 1 pixel' .visually-hidden { clip: rect(0 0 0 0); clip-path: inset(50%); /* Why this '' */ width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; white-space: nowrap; } Well, Manuel Matuzovi' investigated this topic and it's because of Safari. Safari isn't able to focus zero-size elements [...]
Here's a fun one: consider the following HTML in which the classes red, blue and green render the particular background color ' what will be rendered' <div class="blue" /> Blue <div class="red" /> Red <div class="green" /> Green </div> </div> </div> Well... did you see the self-closing divs' That's tricky, right' Have a look at it below. ' [Interactive co [...]
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Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?
Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.