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« Janvier 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 24 Janvier 2023 (717)

1: My ReactJs Journey

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a recent graduate in chemical engineering, transitioning fully into the tech industry, my decision to learn ReactJS was driven by my passion for software development. Learning a new technology can be intimidating, especially for someone who is new...

2: Understanding Functional components in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Functional components in React are a way to define a component using a plain JavaScript function. Unlike class components, which have a more complex structure, functional components are simply functions that accept props as an argument and return JSX...

3: Personal Project Management Web App

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi readers, welcome to a new year and with a new year comes a year full of new possibilities. With that comes a new project for me: a personal project management web app. This app will make use of React, Redux, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript on the front ...

4: Webinar: Your ultimate paid search evaluation checklist by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

Attend and get your comprehensive guide. The post Webinar: Your ultimate paid search evaluation checklist appeared first on Search Engine Land.

5: Javascript- The Versatile Language Of the Web

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

New to the world of JavaScript' Don't worry, you're in the right place! #fullstackdevelopment #JavaScript: The Programming Language of the Web JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used on the web for building interactive applic...

6: Do You Know The ~~ Shorthand'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I've been working on coding challenges daily for a while now, and I'm always discovering new ways to solve problems, new tricks, and shorthand techniques. Recently, I came across this handy shorthand for Math.floor() and it totally, wait for it, floo...

7: Flutter's Trees

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter has three trees: Widget Tree Element Tree Render Tree You (the developer) with your code, control the Widget Tree. The other two trees are controlled internally by Flutter but are based on your Widget Tree. Your Widget Tree is just a con...

8: Web Scraping with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Web scraping is a technique used to extract data from websites. It involves making HTTP requests to a website's server, downloading the HTML of the web page, and then parsing that HTML to extract the data you're interested in. Python is a popular lan...

9: Low Bitrate Speech Codec powered by ML

Hashnode - python (python)

Motivation Neural networks have always been something I was interested in, but I never actually got to use them in a personal project. The thought always lingered inside my mind, so as soon as I got the idea of using one to create (or as I later foun...

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10: Why you shouldn't be taking CS50 as a beginner learning to code!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I know what you're thinking, but hear me out because I made this mistake. Of course, this advice is for web developers, if you don't want to be a web dev, this might not be for you. When I first wanted to learn to code I didn't know much, I knew that...

11: Issue 561 (Jan. 24, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#561 ' JANUARY 24, 2023 View in Browser » How to Get and Use the Current Time in Python In this tutorial, you’ll be getting the current time in Python. You’ll get your hands on a datetime object that represents the current time. You’ll see how to format it according to international standards, and you’ll even check out how computers represent time. REAL PYTHON Prop [...]

12: How To Install Ruby on Rails with rbenv on Ubuntu 22.04

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Introduction Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular application stacks for developers looking to create sites and web apps. The Ruby programming language, combined with the Rails development framework, allows you to build and deploy scalable apps quickly. You can install Ruby and Rails with the command line tool rbenv. Using rbenv provides you with a solid environment for developing your Ruby on [...]

13: Pocket JavaScript topics.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This article contains some information about some little javascript topics such as map, filter, find and reduce. This can be a handy tool for you when needed the most. I have tried to explain these topics in very simple terms. It will be easy to deal...

14: Angular 15 New Features | Angular v15 is now available!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Angular 15 is released this month (November 2022) with a couple of features including performance improvement. Previously we saw an experimental new feature added to Angular 14. The released Angular 15 version is stable. In this article, we are going...

15: Different Ways to fetch data from API in Reactjs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Using the fetch() method: import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; function Example() { const [data, setData] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) ...

16: Moonly weekly progress update 33

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A very busy and productive week and a lot of UI/UX and SEO changes. We tried to focus on changing things on our app that will speed it up significantly.The user interface on some pages changed on Moonly for SEO optimization, on every page is added a ...

17: Using Rust with Axum for error handling

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Get a refresher on using Rust and Axum to build a web service, along with how to use this framework to handle error responses. The post Using Rust with Axum for error handling appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

18: US Justice Department sues Google again, aims to dismantle its ad division

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google is accused of violating antitrust laws in acquiring or maintaining dominance. The post US Justice Department sues Google again, aims to dismantle its ad division appeared first on Search Engine Land.

19: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'crypto' - React Error [Solved]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I was doing a project in ReactJS and needed to install jsonwebtoken module for the authentication part. After installing jsonwebtoken I faced some issues regarding crypto and other library modules. The error was like this:- Module not found: Error: ...

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20: How to understand coding concepts and make them stick with you

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello guys! Coding concepts can be a pain to deal with in the start, most beginners like myself usually end up in this thing called "tutorial hell" where we feel like we're learning a lot, but in reality, nothing is sticking and we're still very conf...

21: Data Vis Dispatch, January 24

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

22: Formatting Strings in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Formatting strings is one of the most common operations in Python. Anytime you want to print a variable to see its value, you'll need to know how to format strings to display those values. Therefore it is vital you know how to properly format strings...

23: The Top Google Searches Related to Investing in 2022

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

What was on investors' minds in 2022' Discover the top Google searches and how the dominant trends played out in portfolios. The post The Top Google Searches Related to Investing in 2022 appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

24: Unlocking the Power of OOP in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that organizes code into objects, which have properties and methods that can be used to perform specific tasks. JavaScript is a versatile programming language that can be used to create both...

25: Datatypes in JavaScript for beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There are 2 types of data types in javascript. Primitive datatype. Reference datatype. Lets talk about primitive datatypes first. The predefined data types provided by JavaScript language are known as primitive data types. Primitive data types ar...

26: Les cyberattaques visent des cibles plus faciles, comme les TPE ou les sous-traitants, d'après l'Anssi

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les petites entreprises, les collectivités territoriales et les établissements publics de santé sont les premières cibles des cybercriminels, constate l'Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d'information dans son rapport annuel 2022. Les attaquants se veulent de plus en plus discrets, en visant les équipements périphériques, comme les pare-feux ou les routeurs.

28: Mass shootings calendar

Flowing data (dataviz)

A shooting in Monterey Park, California on Lunar New Year’s eve left 11…Tags: Monterey Park, shootings, Washington Post

29: GRWM says "Python" :Episode-1

Hashnode - python (python)

Python yes in double quotes! The most happening thing in life currently. Students who are pursuing their engineering are often told to choose one language as their professional language, Yes, even I am told to do so... So I just picked up this most p...

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30: integration in vue js

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

To use in a Vue.js application, you will first need to install the library by running the command npm install in your project's directory. Once you have installed the library, you will need to import it in your m...

31: JavaScript Fact.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Do You know, What is the first name of Javascript ' "MOCHA" is the first name of Javascript. "LIVESCRIPT" is the second name of Javascript. Finally we called "JAVASCRIPT". Follow for more.....

32: How to analyze your Next.js app bundles

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Learn how to analyze your Next.js app bundles to identify areas for optimization, reduce your codebase, and improve app performance. The post How to analyze your Next.js app bundles appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

33: [Interview] En 2023, quelles stratégies doivent adopter les start-up pour espérer lever des fonds '

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le contexte macro-économique semble signer la fin de la course à l'hypercroissance dans l'écosystème des start-up. Bertrand Dufour, expert-comptable spécialisé dans l'économie du numérique au sein de RSM, 6e réseau mondial d'audit, d'expertise et de conseil, offre des pistes pour limiter les défaillances de ces jeunes entreprises en 2023.

34: Datacore acquiert Object Matrix pour étoffer son stockage objet

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Et de trois' après le rachat de Caringo et le partenariat avec Simply pour développer l'appliance Perifery, Datacore rajoute (...)

35: Étude : 5 bonnes pratiques SEO pour optimiser ses contenus sur Google

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez des bonnes pratiques à adopter pour optimiser vos contenus sur Google.

36: Python for beginners

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is used for: web development (server-side), software development, mathematics, and system scripting. Create Python by using ".py" in ...

37: Ransomware, espionnage, failles à un niveau élevé en 2022 selon l'Anssi

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Le niveau des cybermenaces en 2022 reste élevé, souligne l'Anssi pour résumer son rapport annuel sur ce sujet. L'occasion (...)

38: Les robots-majordome arrivent' ()

Il s'appelle "Yokobo" et a l'apparence d'un simple appareil ménager. Il est pourtant le fruit d'un très savant travail de recherche mené pendant cinq ans par les scientifiques de Carnot Télécom & Société numérique (TSN) réunissant Strate Ecole de design, Orange, l'Université de Nantes et le GV Lab de l'Université d'agriculture et de technologie de Tokyo. La thèse menée par Dominiq [...]

39: Quick Guide On How To Integrate Paystack Payments API Into A Website Using Nextjs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This technical article provides a step-by-step procedure for integrating the Paystack payment API into a NextJs-powered website. In this article, we are going to utilize Paystack's pop-up display payments feature. However, there are additional featur...

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40: 10 Tips That Will Increase Your Flutter App Performance By 10X

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Flutter apps are known for their beautiful designs and smooth functionality, but performance issues can quickly ruin the user experience. Take your app to the next level with these 10 expert tips for optimizing performance. Use the WidgetsBindingObse...

41: Un nouvel antibiotique efficace contre les bactéries multirésistantes ()

Des chercheurs ont conçu et synthétisé des analogues d'un nouvel antibiotique efficace contre les bactéries multirésistantes, ouvrant un nouveau front dans la lutte contre ces infections. Les antibiotiques sont des médicaments essentiels dans le traitement d'un certain nombre de maladies bactériennes. Cependant, en raison d'une utilisation excessive et abusive continue, le nombre de souches [...]

42: Guide to NPM and Yarn

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Package Manager Introduction A package manager or package-management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer in a consistent manner. A pa...

43: Web Developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There is three types of developer. The first one is FRONT-END DEVELOPER and the second is BACKEND DEVELOPER and the last is FULL STACK DEVELOPER. FRONT-END DEVELOPER Front-end development is also known as clint-site development. With the help of HTML...

44: Java: Convert Int to a Byte

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

In Java, an int is a 32-bit signed integer, while a byte is a 8-bit signed integer. Converting an int to a byte can be useful in certain situations, such as when working with binary data or when sending data over a network. In this article, we will explore different

45: GTA Online : ne lancez pas le jeu ! Ce bug permet aux hackers de vous bannir

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Ne lancez surtout pas GTA Online sur PC ! Le nouvel outil d’un logiciel de triche permet aux hackers de … Cet article GTA Online : ne lancez pas le jeu ! Ce bug permet aux hackers de vous bannir a été publié sur

46: Une nouvelle méthode pour séparer efficacement l'hydrogène et le lithium de l'eau de mer pour nos batteries ()

La plus grande partie de l'hydrogène produit aujourd'hui provient de sources de combustibles fossiles, ce qui accroît considérablement l'impact sur l'environnement et l'empreinte carbone. L'électrolyse électrochimique de l'eau, c'est-à-dire séparer l'eau en hydrogène et en oxygène, utilisant des énergies renouvelables comme moteur (éolien et solaire), apparaît comme une méthode à [...]

47: From College Dropout to My First Year as a Software Developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Not gonna lie, 2021 and 2022 have been two of the best years of my whole life, if not the best... Reflecting on how my programming journey started makes me feel proud of myself and my not-so-crazy decision of dropping out of college 1 semester away f...

48: Une nouvelle combinaison de médicaments contre le cancer du col de l'utérus ()

Une nouvelle combinaison de médicaments a ralenti la croissance des cellules cancéreuses par un mécanisme inattendu qui pourrait conduire à un traitement amélioré du cancer du col de l'utérus, une étude dirigée par UT Southwestern et publiée dans Recherche moléculaire sur le cancer. Malgré les progrès du dépistage, du diagnostic précoce et de la prévention grâce à la vaccina [...]

49: How To Troubleshoot 'ReferenceError', 'SyntaxError' and 'TypeError' in JavaScript

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

Introduction JavaScript is a programming language used in frontend and backend development. When working with JavaScript, deciphering error messages can feel a bit daunting. Understanding what an error message is referring to is important when you're troubleshooting issues within an application. Fortunately, modern browsers come with built-in debugging tools that assist with this. Each browser han [...]

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50: The Big "O" of JavaScript Object Explained

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This article will cover what a javascript object is, the big "O" notation, and some basic example/illustration that describes both javascript objects and the big "O" notation. Although a couple of terms will be explained it is also very important tha...

51: A guide to visual hierarchy in UX design

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Visual hierarchy is incredibly powerful, and you can implement it just by applying some pretty common style properties. The post A guide to visual hierarchy in UX design appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

52: How to become a product manager: A 12-month plan

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

A comprehensive guide to help you identify the best books, articles, introductory courses, and activities to kick-start your product management career. The post How to become a product manager: A 12-month plan appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

53: Getting started with NumPy & NumPy Arrays

Hashnode - python (python)

We'll go through the fundamentals of NumPy arrays and other operations that relate to them in this blog. If you work in machine learning, you'll utilize these concepts frequently. Why learn NumPy' Every machine learning engineer uses the open-source ...

54: En 2023, Bpifrance continuera à soutenir le secteur de la blockchain et des cryptos

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La banque publique d'investissement finance directement et indirectement les start-up de la blockchain. Parmi ses projets, elle étudie le lancement d'un fonds Web3 qui pourrait investir en tokens.

55: Quand les IA miment l'activité cérébrale ()

Grâce à la technique de l'apprentissage autosupervisé, les réseaux de neurones artificiels sont désormais capables d'identifier par eux-mêmes ce qui est important. Une performance qui pourrait être à la base du succès de notre propre cerveau. en lire plus

56: Introduction to CSS & It's Selectors

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

1. What Is CSS' CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheet". It is a simple design language intended to simplify the process of making webpages presentable, CSS is generally used to change the style of web pages and user interfaces. It provides additional...

57: Informatique quantique : la start-up française Pasqal lève 100 M'

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Il est assez rare de voir des levées de fonds de jeunes pousses françaises crever les plafonds. C'est pourtant ce que parvient à (...)

58: Microsoft is improving its ad platform. Here's why brands should give it a shot in 2023

Search engine land (Référencement)

Microsoft Ads is one of the oldest ad platforms around but is often overlooked. Here's why brands and advertisers should rethink it. The post Microsoft is improving its ad platform. Here’s why brands should give it a shot in 2023 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

59: Une école pour former les futurs talents du web3 ouvre ses portes près de Paris (Réalité Virtuelle)

La Blockchain Business School (BBS) ouvrira ses portes près de Paris. Comme son nom l'indique, […] Cet article Une école pour former les futurs talents du web3 ouvre ses portes près de Paris a été publié sur Réalité

60 / 717

60: La Cnil lance un service dédié à l'intelligence artificielle

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Afin d'améliorer son expertise sur l'intelligence artificielle, en particulier "dans la connaissance et la prévention des risques pour la vie privée", la Cnil crée un service spécialement dédié à ce domaine technologique. Ses premières recommandations sur les bases de données utilisées pour l'entraînement des modèles seront publiées "dans les prochaines semaines".

61: My 2022 Wrap-Up and My Journey to Become a Self-Taught Web Developer

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: As someone interested in programming but didn't know where to start. Here is my journey of becoming a Python full-stack developer, I understand the struggles of finding the right resources and career path. I spent weeks searching on the...

62: Understanding JavaScript Event Listeners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's talk about JavaScript event listeners. Oftentimes, when you're building a web page using JavaScript or building a hybrid mobile application the type of programming, will often be referred to as event-driven programming; our program waits for ev...

63: iOS 16.3 corrige plusieurs bugs gênants de l'iPhone

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La version 16.3 d'iOS est disponible pour tous les iPhone 8 et ultérieurs et comporte quelques fonctionnalités intéressantes, notamment (...)

64: Effectively using the six thinking hats in product management

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

The best way to bring six thinking hats into your organization is to become a champion of it and gradually introduce it to your work. The post Effectively using the six thinking hats in product management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

65: Building an Android app with GraphQL

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, we will talk about GraphQL, where it shines over REST, and connect an Android application to a GraphQL server. The post Building an Android app with GraphQL appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

66: Top video marketing trends for 2023 and beyond

Search engine land (Référencement)

Learn why vertical video is the future of advertising, plus tips for getting ahead with TikTok, Reels and Shorts in your toolkit. The post Top video marketing trends for 2023 and beyond appeared first on Search Engine Land.

67: Introduction To Web & Html

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What Is Web' The World Wide Web, also known as the Web. It is a collection of Websites or Web Pages stored in Web Servers & connected to local computers through the internet. [For beginners the World Wide Web is like a Book Printing House, Where Web ...

68: My Journey from Liberal Arts Degree to Big Tech Frontend Engineering

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The post was originally published on ExplainThis with title 'My Journey from Liberal Arts Degree to Big Tech Frontend Engineering' This is a blog post on my experience from a Liberal Arts degree student to a frontend engineer at a big tech company. ...

69: My Journey from Designer to Big Tech Frontend Engineer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The post was originally published on ExplainThis with title 'My Journey from Designer to Big Tech Frontend Engineer' This is a blog post on my experience from a designer to a frontend engineer at a big tech company. I pivoted my career three years a...

70 / 717

70: Google updates image SEO best practices and Google Discover docs

Search engine land (Référencement)

The title and link elements are most important for RSS feed follow in Discover and Google parses img elements within other elements. The post Google updates image SEO best practices and Google Discover docs appeared first on Search Engine Land.

71: Editing JavaScript in Chrome: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When using Javascript, developers must alter the code more frequently than you may imagine. It's annoying to have to keep refreshing the page by jumping back and forth between Chrome and the code editor or IDE to make changes. It takes a lot of effor...

72: Web Scraping 101 -> P4

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Why CSS Selectors' Let's understand what all is about, CSS refers to the language Cascading Style Sheets which is used in styling web pages alongside HTML and JavaScript, on the other hand, Selectors refers to the pattern to select elements to which ...

73: Le contrôle de l'intégrité des API arrive chez Wallarm

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Avant le week-end, l'entreprise Wallarm, spécialisée dans la sécurité des API, a annoncé que son système d'analyse (...)

74: Une startup XR ratée fait son grand retour avec des optiques compactes qui méritent l'attention (Réalité Virtuelle)

AntVR, une startup fondée en 2014, en Chine, revient en force avec des optiques compactes […] Cet article Une startup XR ratée fait son grand retour avec des optiques compactes qui méritent l'attention a été publié sur Réalité

75: How To Build an App Like Netflix'

Noupe (conception)

Netflix has seen an exponential rise in its user base after it expanded its operations to online video streaming services. The platform currently serves around 223 million subscribers and generated revenue of around $30 billion in 2021. Even after getting tough competition from Disney, Paramount, and other key players in the market, Netflix has successfully... The post How To Build an [...]

76: Ranked: The Top 50 Most Visited Websites in the World

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

In this visualization, we rank the top 50 websites that receive the most internet traffic, from Google to CNN. The post Ranked: The Top 50 Most Visited Websites in the World appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

77: Understanding quiet quitting in SEO ' the silent exodus

Search engine land (Référencement)

By prioritizing the needs and well-being of your team, you can create a work environment that is conducive to success and retention. The post Understanding quiet quitting in SEO ' the silent exodus appeared first on Search Engine Land.

78: Rate Limiting - Different Approaches and Implementation

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In software engineering, rate limiting has so many use cases. A few examples are Limiting the number of times OTP is sent to mobile numbers. Protecting the systems from DDOS (distributed denial of service) attacks. Enterprise SaaS has...

79: Python and Big Data. Massive data analysis.

Hashnode - python (python)

Of course, we could use any notation we like; don't laugh at the notations; invent them, they are powerful. In fact, mathematics is largely an invention. of better scores. Richard P Feynman Author: Andrés Sánchez Rosal Libertador Experimental Pedago...

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80: JavaScript event handling: stopPropagation vs stopImmediatePropagation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In JavaScript, when any event like a click or mouse-over occurs on a dom element, it goes through the capturing and bubbling phases. Consider the following code: ...

81: Typescript: Type Aliases and Union

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, you will learn about Type Aliases and how you can define your own types in typescript and use that in functions or classes as well. Along with Type Aliases, I have also explained how you can use Union to create multiple type variable...

82: Egerie spécialiste des risques cyber lève 30 M'

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

« Le risque cyber est imperceptible, nous voulons le rendre visible » admet Jean Larroumets, président et fondateur d'Egerie. (...)

83: Résultats positifs pour Onyvide sur le cancer du pancréas ()

Le laboratoire français IPSEN a présenté de nouvelles données cliniques concernant l'Onivyde (irinotécan liposomal). Ce candidat-médicament phare d'Ipsen était évalué en phase III contre la forme la plus fréquente de cancer du pancréas dans sa forme avancée, l'adénocarcinome canalaire pancréatique métastatique (mPDAC). L'inhibiteur a démontré une amélioration statistiquement sign [...]

84: JavaScript String Simplified

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Have you ever felt intimidated when learning about JavaScript strings' Are you worried that you'll never understand the syntax and structure of strings in JavaScript' Don't worry, you're not alone! The string can be a difficult concept for beginners ...

85: How to make a Location Picker with using OpenLayers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this post, I'll be showing you how to make a location picker in React with OpenStreetMap using the Niwa Location Picker library. Setup the Project First of all, set up the project. I'll be using vite to do this. Run this in your terminal. npm crea...

86: Understanding useEffect in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Last week, I wrote about the useState React Hook, if you have not read it, you can click on this link. In this article, we will be talking about another react hook which is known as the useEffect React hook. What is the useEffect React Hook' The useE...

87: Diving into Delegated Properties in Kotlin

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Kotlin, the modern programming language developed by JetBrains, offers a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for building robust, efficient, and maintainable applications. One such feature is delegated properties, which allow develope...

88: Why we always start with "Hello World!"'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

when anyone starts learning any programming language, he doesn't know anything about the syntax of that programming language. so to give a basic understanding of the syntax of the programming language, we start with the "Hello World!" program. The "H...

89: Learning JavaScript Array Reduce Day99

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today #Day99 of #100DaysOfCode, Learn JavaScript Array Reduce In 10 Minutes taught by WebDevSimplified. 1. syntax of reduce() array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue) => { /* ' */ }) providing initial value, reduce((accumulator, currentValue, curren...

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90: How to mention everyone in WhatsApp Web

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction I run a large WhatsApp group and I often need to mention everyone in the group. But there are no real solutions for mentioning all members. WhatsApp does not natively do it, and there was a Firefox browser extension, but it was abandoned...

91: Copying Designs Doesn't Work, And Here's Why

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

Striking the right balance between inspiration and innovation might be hard. Let's explore how to effectively get inspiration from others without losing that magic spark, including some do's and don'ts along the way.

92: ChatGPT : un développeur utilise GPT-3 pour concevoir une super Siri

Le Big Data (dataviz)

En utilisant la puissance de ChatGPT, ce développeur a créé une version super intelligente de Siri qui s’adapte à vos … Cet article ChatGPT : un développeur utilise GPT-3 pour concevoir une super Siri a été publié sur

93: Understanding the Python Function Better

Hashnode - python (python)

Using the Python Function Before we discuss the process of creating and using functions, we should mention a few things about function names. Just as you name the variables that you use in a program, you also name the functions. A function's name sho...

94: Yoast SEO version 20 with a new interface for settings

Search engine land (Référencement)

Today, Yoast SEO is rolling out a large update that revamps the user interface. The post Yoast SEO version 20 with a new interface for settings appeared first on Search Engine Land.

95: Comment détecter un texte généré par une IA comme ChatGPT : outils et méthodes

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez 2 outils gratuits et des méthodes pour repérer les textes générés par une intelligence artificielle comme ChatGPT.

96: Formations France Num pour PME/TPE : Bpifrance lance un 4e appel à projets

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Former 100 000 entreprises au numérique. C'est l'objectif de l'initiative France Num qui a déjà accompagné (...)

97: Partenariats rémunérés : 6 influenceurs sur 10 ne respectent pas la loi

Blog du Moderateur ()

La direction de la répression des fraudes a ciblé une soixantaine d'influenceurs avec des sanctions graduées à la clé, allant de l'avertissement au procès-verbal d'infraction.

98: Microsoft étend son partenariat avec OpenAI : les contours du projet dévoilés

Blog du Moderateur ()

Microsoft investirait jusqu'à 10 milliards de dollars dans OpenAI pour devenir le fournisseur cloud exclusif de la startup spécialisée dans l'IA.

99: Protection des données personnelles : pourquoi les Français s'en fichent '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

À l’ère du numérique, la protection des données personnelles est un enjeu majeur. Pourtant, une étude révèle que la plupart … Cet article Protection des données personnelles : pourquoi les Français s'en fichent ' a été publié sur

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100: My First Blog Post

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to my First Blog Post. I am excited to share a little bit about myself with you. My name is Sennuga Seyi and I am a graduate of Tai Solarin University of Education with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. I am a Crypto Enthusiast and a P...

101: Sumo Logic dans le viseur de plusieurs fonds d'investissements

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Avec le ralentissement économique, les opportunités de rachat existent comme le montre l'intérêt de plusieurs fonds d'investissements (...)

102: Iconosquare : 5 conseils pour mieux gérer et analyser vos réseaux sociaux

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez les avantages d'Iconosquare, la solution française spécialisée dans l'analyse et la gestion des réseaux sociaux, pour gagner du temps et améliorer votre productivité.

103: iPhone : la mise à jour iOS 16.3 est disponible, voici les nouveautés

Blog du Moderateur ()

Vous pouvez désormais télécharger la mise à jour iOS 16.3 sur votre iPhone : découvrez les dernières nouveautés !

104: 10+ Best Tools & Resources for Web Designers in 2023

Codrops (Design / Internet)

This article highlights the top tools and resources for web designers in 2023 to help improve productivity.

105: Ordinateur quantique : Pasqal entre dans une nouvelle dimension en levant 100 millions d'euros

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le français Pasqal a obtenu une augmentation de capital réalisée entre autres auprès du fonds souverain de Singapour, qui lui permettra d'accélérer sa R&D et de développer ses activités à l'international. La start-up vise le lancement d'un produit de rupture en 2024.

106: Why Choose Flutter for MVP App Development''

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Choosing the right tool for MVP development is essential, and the decision is more complicated than it seems. You need to make sure that your app is going to be successful and is going to be able to grow. You need to ensure that it will be easy to de...

107: Forecasting methods in Time Series

Hashnode - python (python)

When working with time series data, it is important to assess the quality of a model in a way that accurately reflects real-world situations. Generally, the simplified process of building a Machine Learning model is the following: Process and clean ...

108: Exploring the Power and Flexibility of Django: A High-Level Python Web Framework

Hashnode - python (python)

Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables developers to build robust and reliable web applications quickly and easily. It follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and is built on top of Python's standard library. T...

109: If You're Learning Back-end, Don't Start with Frameworks

Hashnode - python (python)

Look, I don't hate frameworks. I'm not as starry-eyed as some other developers, especially when it comes to back-end frameworks, but I don't think there's anything wrong with using tools that make you productive. On the contrary, I'm always trying to...

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110: Unreturned Native American remains

Flowing data (dataviz)

A law was passed in 1990 that allowed Native American tribes to request…Tags: history, Native American, ProPublica

111: Nouveaux licenciements chez Prime Air : le projet de livraison par drones d'Amazon bat de l'aile

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Parmi les 18 000 licenciements annoncés par Amazon début janvier, le groupe a taillé dans les effectifs de Prime Air, sa division dédiée à la livraison par drones, dont le projet bat de l'aile depuis plusieurs années.

112: Le monde de l'éducation face à ChatGPT

Naugès, Louis (Internet)

Le secteur de l'éducation est très présent dans mon blog, en ce moment! Il y a quelques jours, j'ai fortement critiqué dans ce billet une note du MEN, ministère de l'Education Nationale, sur les 'bonnes pratiques' numériques. J'avais aussi, en...

113: Comment Orca Security veut protéger le Cloud avec l'IA ChatGPT '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Orca Security a annoncé l'intégration de ChatGPT pour mieux gérer la sécurité des données en cloud. L'utilisation d'un IA aidera … Cet article Comment Orca Security veut protéger le Cloud avec l’IA ChatGPT ' a été publié sur

114: Getting starting with Jupyter Notebook - Beginners tutorial

Hashnode - python (python)

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. It is widely used for data science, machine learning and scientific computing. Here...

115: Le plein écran facile avec l'API Fullscreen

Alsacreations (CSS / Accessibilité)

L'API Fullscreen standard maintenu par le WhatWG vous permet de faire en sorte qu'un élément de votre page web, quel qu'il soit, occupe tout l'espace disponible de l'écran. Cela peut être utile pour les vidéos en plein écran bien entendu mais également les jeux, ou toute autre application qui nécessite un affichage en plein écran sans nécessairement être constituée de vidéo. Pour u [...]

116: Le plein écran facile avec l'API Fullscreen

Alsacreations (CSS / Accessibilité)

L'API Fullscreen standard maintenu par le WhatWG vous permet de faire en sorte qu'un élément de votre page web, quel qu'il soit, occupe tout l'espace disponible de l'écran. Cela peut être utile pour les vidéos en plein écran bien entendu mais également les jeux, ou toute autre application qui nécessite un affichage en plein écran sans nécessairement être constituée de vidéo. Pour u [...]

117: En attendant une meilleure régulation du secteur, la justice invitée à faire le ménage chez les influenceurs

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Deux nouvelles plaintes ciblent un couple star d'influenceurs déjà controversé. L'illustration d'une pression judiciaire de plus en plus forte sur les influenceurs, un secteur d'activité en mal de régulation.

118: La prévision d'achat de logiciels reste élevée en France

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

La très grande majorité des entreprises devrait contribuer à la croissance de 9,4 % en valeur promise aux éditeurs et aux plateformes (...)

119: Web Development Roadmap Which I Follow In 2022 And Learn


Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

1 . First I start with Java and understand the basic concepts of java. Java fundamentals- Variables, Data Types, Operators, If Else, Switch, Loops- for, While, Function, Objects, Arrays, etc Using these I try to solve many coding problems to strong m...

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120: Les fusions et acquisitions en cybersécurité en retrait en 2022

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'activité de fusion et acquisition (M&A) dans le domaine de la cybersécurité a perdu de son dynamisme en 2022, mais c'est surtout (...)

121: Malgré les plans sociaux, la pénurie de compétences IT persiste

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Les vagues de licenciements se succèdent dans la tech outre-Atlantique (citons cette semaine les 10 000 suppressions de postes chez Microsoft), (...)

122: Mont de Marsan pilote sa flotte mobile avec ITS Ibelem

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

L'agglomération Mont-de-Marsan a fait appel à ITS Ibelem et à sa solution PushManager afin de sécuriser et de gérer (...)

123: JWT Token Rotation and Reuse Detection

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's consider the user authentication system as a base to explain the token rotation and reuse detection feature. What happens on a successful login' On successful login, both access and refresh tokens are generated Access Token: Last for a very sho...

124: Les 8 priorités incontournables des DSI en 2023

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Bienvenue en 2023. Pendant cette nouvelle année, les DSI seront confrontés à une série de défis dans un contexte de (...)

125: Introduction to Django

Hashnode - python (python)

Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. It follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and emphasizes reusability and "pluggability" of components. Django inclu...

126: Après l'Open RAN, Rakuten Symphony mise sur l'edge

Le monde informatique (Informatique / Internet)

Depuis son rachat en avril 2022 par Rakuten Symphony, la branche télécom du groupe japonais Rakuten,, qui proposait une plateforme (...)

127: UX des fiches produit e-commerce : la combinaison gagnante du taux de conversion

Usabilis (ux)

La fiche produit est un des éléments central d'une bonne stratégie e-commerce. Les pages qui présentent vos produits peuvent être de véritables leviers de transformation, si elles sont correctement construites et optimisées... Cet article UX des fiches produit e-commerce : la combinaison gagnante du taux de conversion est apparu en premier sur USABILIS.

128: Smashing Podcast Episode 55 With Tejas Kumar: Is Technology Making Us Redundant'

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

In this episode, we ask whether technology is making us redundant; will we all soon be replaced with AI' Vitaly Friedman talks to Tejas Kumar to find out.

129: Sparrow, l'arme anti-ChatGPT de Google

Abondance (Référencement)

Google passe à l'offensive contre ChatGPT et rappelle ses deux cofondateurs pour mettre en place une stratégie agressive autour de l'intelligence artificielle, comprenant l'intégration de Sparrow, son chatbot, au sein du moteur de recherche, au moins en version bêta en 2023... Depuis plusieurs semaines, on sait que le buzz créé par ChatGPT place Google devant […] L'article "Sparrow, l& [...]

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130: Developing a Flutter App for Every Screen: Part 1/2

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction As the Flutter community continues to expand, so does the framework's support for the various platforms we use in our daily lives, including smartphones, desktops and laptops, and embedded systems. With this growth comes the need to dete...

131: Flutter Payment Integration: Google Pay

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction In today's digital age, mobile payments have become increasingly popular as more and more consumers rely on their smartphones to make purchases. To meet this demand, many businesses are looking to integrate mobile payment options such...

132: 9 pros and cons of being an online business owner

Noupe (conception)

Most people know that being an online business owner can be lucrative, but few actually grasp just how much money is being made out there in the e-commerce world. According to a top investment firm, e-commerce in 2022 is worth a staggering $3.3 trillion worldwide, and is projected to rise to $5.4 trillion over the... The post 9 pros and cons of being an online business owner appeared f [...]

133: Getting Started with Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

So about a year ago, I started learning the Dart programming language and Flutter to build my final year project and here is how I did it. Firstly, we need to know what these tools are. Dart and Flutter are two powerful tools for creating mobile and ...

134: Shell-Scripting for beginners.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Bash-Scripting A bash shell script is a plain text file containing a set of various commands that we usually type in the command line.It can be used to automate software development tasks such as code compilation,debugging source code,change manageme...

135: This day in search marketing history: January 24

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google Ads experts managing your campaigns, plus: favicons, Google organic search CTRs decline, Bing Ads Automated Imports and more. The post This day in search marketing history: January 24 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

136: Add dynamic style tag inside Vue template tag

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

So here is a common situation I was in recently. I am building a portal using NuxtJS, NodeJS & MongoDB stack and the requirement was to store design preferences for a specific user. So a user can log in and set up their profile text color, background...

137: Mastering React: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning and Securing a Job

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

here are some points that we cover today : what is react & why its trending' how are react developers working in real industry' sample daily schedule for learning and practicing React, along with some tips on time management, practice, and confide...

138: Dev Retro 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning and Securing a Job

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

here are some points that we cover today : what is react & why its trending' how are react developers working in real industry' sample daily schedule for learning and practicing React, along with some tips on time management, practice, and confide...

139: Create a Customer Feedback Survey for WordPress

WP Explorer (wordpress)

Every business wants to know what their customers think about them. That too not just for vanity. It's actually an actionable customer metric that tells you what's right and what's not with your business. The best way to find out how your customers perceive your business is through customer feedback surveys. Even though feedback surveys […] The post Create a Customer Feedback Survey for Word [...]

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140: Java Script:- The Programming Language of the Web

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

New to the world of JavaScript' Don't worry, you're in the right place! #fullstackdevelopment #JavaScript: The Programming Language of the Web JavaScript is a popular programming language that is widely used on the web for building interactive ap...

141: Beginner's Guide to Data Types in JavaScript'''

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a dynamic and versatile programming language that offers a wide range of data types and objects. In this article, we will explore the different types of data types and objects in JavaScript and provide examples of how to use them. There...

142: JavaScript Variables and 3commonly used methods.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JS Variables: Variables are like a container that contains some value also we can declare a variable without assigning any values otherwise, we can say a name given to memory allocation. EX: a = 18 Here 'a' is the variable and 18 is the value. Declar...

143: Thinking in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Reactjs series from beginner to advanced level ep8 Thinking in React is a methodology for building user interfaces using the React JavaScript library. It involves breaking down a UI into small, reusable components and thinking about how the data flow...

144: Day 18 - Introduction to Lists

Hashnode - python (python)

Python Lists Lists are ordered collection of data items. They store multiple items in a single variable. List items are separated by commas and enclosed within square brackets []. Lists are changeable meaning we can alter them after creation. E...

145: We Invested 10% To Pay Back Tech Debt; Here's What Happened (Développement)

Alex discusses how "Tech Debt Friday" started at his org, what was learned and how it's executed: (1) We spend 10% of our time to deal with tech debt. (2) The first rule is not to create debt in the first place. (3) The PR that creates tech debt should come paired with the issue to deal with it. And more. 

146: Modern Errors (Développement)

Handle errors in a simple, stable, consistent way.

147: How We Improved DNS Record Build Speed By More Than 4,000x (Développement)

"Our network now spans over 270 cities in over 100 countries, interconnecting with more than 10,000 networks globally. According to w3 stats, 'Cloudflare is used as a DNS server provider by 15.3% of all the websites.' This means we have an enormous responsibility to serve DNS in the fastest and most reliable way possible."

148: Git Commands You Probably Do Not Need (Développement)

Martin discusses: (1) The empty commit. (2) Pushing locally. (3) Commit ranking. (4) Cat file. (5) Orphan commits. (6) Filter branch. (7) Octopus merge. (8) Rounding off.

149: What Is Code Visibility' (Développement)

Onboarding to a new codebase often involves hours of frustration. But, it doesn't have to. Shanea explains how code visibility tooling keeps codebases from becoming untouchable black boxes. With a shared visual model that can be maintained through code iterations, developers can be more productive and ship code with fewer bugs.

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150: SRE Checklist (Développement)

Checklist of anyone practicing Site Reliability Engineering.

151: Resilience And Waste In Software Teams (Développement)

Jessica explains resiliency in the context of the Southwest Airlines software failure. "When software is brittle, it falls over in production, and that falls to people to fix. While software can be robust to anticipated conditions, only people handle unexpected events. When software can't even handle stuff that happens all the time, then people suffer the strain."

152: Examples Of Floating Point Problems (Développement)

Julia wanted specific examples of floating point bugs in real-world programs and asked folks for "examples of how floating point has gone wrong for them in real programs." This post shares 8 examples of such problems. Julia writes programs to highlight the problems and ways to solve them. 

153: Pointer Sponsor (Développement)

This issue's sponsor is CodeSee

154: A Beginner's Guide To Chrome Tracing (Développement)

Chrome tracing lets you record a performance trace that captures low-level details of what the browser is doing. It's mostly used by Chromium engineers themselves, but it can also be helpful for web developers when a DevTools trace is not enough. This post is a short guide on how to use this tool, from a web developer's point of view. I'm not going to cover everything ' just the bare minimum to ge [...]

155: Neural Networks: Zero To Hero (Développement)

Course on neural networks starts at the basics.

156: How Uber Optimizes The Timing Of Push Notifications Using ML And Linear Programming (Développement)

"We introduced a system we call the Consumer Communication Gateway: a centralized intelligence layer to manage the quality, ranking, timing, and frequency of push notifications on a user level."

157: LazyVim (Développement)

Customize and extend your config.

158: Closures in JavaScript - the Simplest Way

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Closures in JavaScript are like secret passageways for a function to remember certain variables, even after it's done running. In this article, I'll try to answer the question "how do JavaScript closures work'" in the simplest way so you can start us...

159: A CSS-based background grid generator (blogPost)

Stefan Judis (Développement)

A month ago, I was searching for a CSS generator to create a CSS grid background for a blog post component. ' I knew creating this CSS effect wouldn't be too hard, but fiddling with CSS gradients is not my strong suit. Unfortunately, my Google foo failed me. And if you [...]

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Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

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