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« Janvier 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Samedi 7 Janvier 2023 (102)

1: Supercharge Your Skills: 7 Tips for Writing Clean and Efficient JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Writing clean code is essential for every developer as it makes the code easy to read, understand and maintain. A clean code makes the life of everyone in the team easier, your code less prone to errors, and adding new features easier. In this tutori...

2: let's talk about let keywords in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi there, Know that I'm filled with joy having you today! Your presence brings warmth to my heart' so let's dive in '... What are Keywords' what are keywords to begin with' Keywords are reserved words that are part of the syntax in the programming ...

3: Python booleans

Hashnode - python (python)

Boolean values are some of the most important and fundamental concepts in programming. They are used to represent the true value of a statement, and they can be either True or False. In Python, boolean values are represented by the keywords True and ...

4: Passing params from an Apache Airflow DAG to triggered DAGs using TriggerDagRunOperator

Hashnode - python (python)

So I was in this situation, struggling for like 5 hours yesterday (yes, the last 5 Friday work hours, the best ones to get stuck with some code) trying to pass parameters using the TriggerDagRunOperator, and wanting to die but at the end achieving it...

5: The difference between functional and object orientated programming

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you enjoy this topic, you will probably like my articles, tweets, and stuff. If you're wondering, check out my social media profiles and don't forget to subscribe and follow since I'm offering programming and motivating tools and information to he...

6: Integration of Vuex into Nuxt Js - multiple ways

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is NUXT JS ' Nuxt JS is a front-end framework built on top of Vue JS which simplifies a lot of things for you out of the box like routing, importing components, adding plugins and more stuff. Among the many advantages it offers to seasonal Vue J...

7: Important JavaScript Topics and Concepts

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you are new to programming and haven't yet made up your mind on what programming language to learn, and you go online to read about programming languages and which to learn, most online forums will point you to one, JavaScript. WHY' Because JavaSc...

8: Creating a blogging API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Okay guys, in this article we are going to be building a blogging API. We will be covering a lot of concepts in this article. In case there are areas you are unclear about, I have included links to external resources throughout the artic...

9: How To Build A Blog App With Python-FLASK And SQLAlchemy

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Flask is a microframework written in Python for the web. It is simple but highly extensible. It provides useful tools and features for creating web applications. It allows developers to create web apps more quickly and easier. In this ar...

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10: JS Decorators in GraalJS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are the JS decorators' Decorators in JavaScript could be thought of as a mechanism of wrapping one "block" of code with another adding additional behavior. People familiar with the Decorator pattern should easily grasp the idea of decorators. As...

11: Recognize dates from documents using Sliding Window Algorithm & Python OCR.

Hashnode - python (python)

Hey there ', Today, let's solve a text processing problem that asks us to find any 'date' present in a text extracted from an image. We are using 'easyocr', a python OCR library to find the text from the images. Let's move on with the code. Extracti...

12: CSS vs JavaScript Animations

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

CSS or Cascading Style Sheet as the name suggests is used to add style to a web page. Amongst other things, it can also be used to create animations as well as transitions effortlessly. On the other hand, JavaScript is used to make a web page or webs...

13: Learning ES6 JS Promises Day 82

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today #Day82 of #100DaysOfCode, I am learning ES6 JavaScript Promises and explaining by forming my own example. JavaScript Promises JavaScript promises have to arguments and these arguments function type like the resolve function and error function. ...

14: F-String In Python - A Modern Way To Perform String Interpolation

Hashnode - python (python)

String interpolation can be performed using multiple ways in Python. There are several methods provided by Python that can help us interpolate strings. Some of them are known as an old school or traditional way of formatting the string and some are a...

15: Estimating the importance of your vote with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction People are often told that voting is incredibly important, and many people proudly boast about the fact that they voted in an election. People who do not vote are often frowned upon as being lazy or uninterested in important matters. In ...

16: Data types in JavaScript you must know...

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello coders... Welcome back again. Giving some time to Programming is a really pleasant thing. Fortunately, I got this thing in my later thirties. Currently learning these things and yes, learning has no limits. Ok... Let's move on to our topic. Tod...

17: Como aprender a programar em 2023'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Com a programação você pode ampliar suas oportunidades de trabalho, pois a programação é uma habilidade altamente valorizada em muitas indústrias e pode abrir portas para uma ampla variedade de carreiras. Desde cientistas de dados e desenvolvedores d...

18: Configurando o ambiente de desenvolvimento: Interpretador Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Instalando o interpretador Python Além de uma linguagem de programação, com suas próprias regras gramaticais e sintáticas (que nem o português), Python também é um programa que deve ser instalado em seu computador. Chamamos esse programa de interpret...

19: JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is JavaScript - JavaScript is a programming language. It is also known as a scripting language used primarily by web browsers to create a dynamic and interactive experience for the user. JavaScript allows users to interact with content in many i...

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20: HTTP Just Got a Little Easier: A Beginner's Guide to Ky

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

HTTP Just Got a Little Easier: A Beginner's Guide to Ky was initially published on Saturday January 07 2023 on the Tech Dev Blog. For the latest up-to-date content, fresh out of the oven, visit and subscribe to our newsletter! ...

21: My Journey as a Full Stack Developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hai There, This is my first blog in "hashnode" before I share any content here I would like to introduce myself and share my journey I become a full-stack developer. Career Beginning My name is Naveen Kumar, I'm a computer science gradua...

22: My 2022' Reflections (Dev Retro 2022)

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction '' My name is Fatuma and my journey toward tech and learning to code has been one of many false starts and sudden stops that have always felt unanticipated. This is a reflection piece on the ebbs and flows of that journey in 2022 speci...

23: JS Objects - A perfect storage of browser

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Object - The Introduction The object is a type representing one of the JS data types. It is used to store various keyed collections and more complex entities. These Objects can be created using the Object() constructor or the object initializer. Near...

24: Documentation for your Event-Driven API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we'll cover the tool named AsyncAPI for documenting your event-driven APIs in a detailed and creative way. Companies widely use event-driven services in terms of performance. It's a publisher-consumer mechanism which allows services ...

25: Analytics As Commands: An Opinionated Approach To Robust Analytics Data Gathering In Flutter - Part Two

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

This is the second part and continuation of the 2-part article that discusses the limitations of common approaches to analytics data gathering, especially in large projects, and proposes a robust solution for projects of all sizes. While you can read...

26: Leetcode Daily Problem - 7 Jan 2023

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Problem Name - Gas Station Problem Link - Solution 1 /** * @param {number[]} gas * @param {number[]} cost * @return {number} */ var canCompleteCircuit = function(gas, cost) { const sum1 = gas.reduce(...

27: Expressions And Variables in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Python Expressions Expressions are operations the python performs for example basic arithmetic operations like addition, division and multiplication of multiple numbers. The operation is called operands and the mathematical symbols used are called op...

28: 10 MUST Have VS Code Extensions for Web Developer

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When working in visual studio code there are certain extensions that can make life easier and can make you complete a task in a short period of time. Welcome to 10 visual studio code extensions that simply make your life way easier. Live Server Thi...

29: Web Components in Vanilla JavaScript (WebC)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Web Components' Web Components are simply reusable, custom HTML elements where the functionality is strongly encapsulated from the rest of your code. Isn't this amazing' ' That's not even the best part, web components are library-agnostic w...

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30: [object Object]

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To handle this kind of error let's step back and understand the ToPrimitive Abstract Operation. The ToPrimitive abstract operation is a fundamental concept in the ECMAScript language specification, which is the standard for modern JavaScript. It is u...

31: Analytics As Commands: An Opinionated Approach To Robust Analytics Data Gathering In Flutter - Part One

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction Analytics is an integral part of any project because it is essential to know how users interact with the product in order to improve their experiences in future releases. It is also important to gather data for business insights and vari...

32: Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway with Vue 3 and Laravel

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

This article is the second part of the payment gateway integration with Vue 3 & Laravel. This time we will discuss integrating Stripe Payment Gateway without using any external package. Stripe Payment Gateway There are many Vue 3 components available...

33: Asynchronous message handling with RabbitMQ, MongoDB and Python

Hashnode - python (python)

In this post, we'll go through how to process RabbitMQ messages in an asynchronous way and save them in MongoDB with an asynchronous connection. Real Case Scenario We have to build a distributed service, that needs to be scaled quickly and processed ...

34: About V8 engine (JavaScript Engine)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is JavaScript Engine' A JavaScript engine is a computer program that executes the JavaScript code you write. It translates your code into what computers understand. There are many JavaScript Engines out there and typically they are created by ...

35: Getting Started with a Web Scraping Project

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction I have worked on and maintained a good number of web-scrapers in the past. I have also written a few articles on web-scraping. However, I have never written a step by step guide on how to build a web scraper. This post will aim to serve ...

36: Basics of Python

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python' Python is a General Purpose High-Level programming language. Python was developed by Guido Van Rossum in 1989. But officially Python was made available to the public in 1991. Python is recommended as the first programming language ...

37: Design Pattern: Software abstractions

Hashnode - python (python)

Tom is a very hardworking delivery man working for Ryder, a very large delivery company in Uganda. He was posted in the eastern part of the country and has been making deliveries there for 7 years now. By now, he knows the entire region and neighborh...

38: JavaScript: Guide to Event Bubbling and Capturing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Events are the "signal" that represents some action that has happened. In Javascript, such signals can be triggered by DOM events(other types of events also exist like document level, and CSS transitions). Event handlers can be attached to these node...

39: Understanding Javascript functions as a Beginner.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Functions are one of the very important and essential parts of JavaScript and programming in general. They are among the fundamental concepts a beginner needs to learn and understand before moving ahead with others. This article answers four (4) ques...

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40: Understanding Javascript functions as a Beginner.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Functions are one of the very important and essential parts of JavaScript and programming in general. They are among the fundamental concepts a beginner needs to learn and understand before moving ahead with others. This article answers four (4) ques...

41: JavaScript Function Return Keyword Explained For Absolute Beginners

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

in this article, I will try my best to explain the JavaScript return keyword in such a way an absolute beginner can easily understand. just as the word implies; the return keyword returns a value, the value could be a number a string, or any other da...

42: Une avancée dans les champs magnétiques pourrait accélérer la maîtrise de la fusion nucléaire ()

Récemment, des chercheurs américains, du National Ignition Facility, ont démontré qu'une avancée concernant les champs magnétiques a permis de tripler la production d'énergie propre d'une de leurs expériences de fusion. Le National Ignition Facility (NIF) a la taille d'un stade de sport. L'énergie et la puissance uniques du NIF permettent d'explorer de nouvelles frontières de la sci [...]

43: La vision derrière le framework web Marten

Humancoders ()

Commentaires L'article La vision derrière le framework web Marten a été posté dans la catégorie Développement de Human Coders News

44: Comment coder un serveur web avec NodeJS

Humancoders ()

Une bonne méthode pour apprendre et progresser en programmation est d'essayer de recoder des projets existants. C'est ce que je vous propose dans cet article pour en savoir plus sur Node.js. Cet article s'adresse aux débutants, sans s'attarder plus que nécessaire sur les notions de base de l'environnement NodeJS. Commentaires L'article Comment coder un serveur web avec NodeJS a été posté d [...]

45: Je travaille pour une entreprise libérée et j'ai choisi mon salaire

Humancoders ()

Travailler pour une entreprise libérée en France n'est pas encore quelque chose de très commun. Je souhaite donc dans cet article vous faire part de mon expérience. Commentaires L'article Je travaille pour une entreprise libérée et j'ai choisi mon salaire a été posté dans la catégorie Startups de Human Coders News

46: tutorial Ruby-on-Rails sur la gem bullet

Humancoders ()

Le fameux problème de la requête 'N+1' peut être résolu grâce à une gem en Ruby-on-Rails. Commentaires L'article tutorial Ruby-on-Rails sur la gem bullet a été posté dans la catégorie Ruby de Human Coders News

47: How to Use Morgan in Your Node.js Project.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Logging is an essential element of writing software as it helps us to see the software operations, debug and catch errors. Morgan is a logging tool (middleware) that can be used in HTTP servers implemented using Express & Node.js. It can be used to l...

48: Debouncing in React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Debouncing ' Debouncing is the process of removing unwanted user input. For example, you want to run a function only once in spite of it being triggered multiple times. The most common use case of debouncing is when you want to trigger an API...

49: Introduction to Next.js: Streamline Your Front-End Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What Is Next.js' Next.js is an open-source React framework created by Vercel (formerly ZEIT) that makes it easier to build production-ready React applications. It provides a modern and easy-to-use development environment, server-side rendering, stati...

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50: Comparison of Libraries: Web3js Vs. Ethers.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Every programmable blockchain has a set of SDKs or libraries that aid in connecting and communicating with the particular blockchain. Most blockchains today depend on the Ethereum network, making them EVM-compatible. If an ETH library is created, it ...

51: Two Sum

Hashnode - python (python)

Leetcode problem: Problem Statement Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one...

52: A React Counter App Setup Implementing Custom Hooks with useReducer On Vercel With Good SEO.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

For the second-semester examination project, AltSchool Africa required its student to choose from a list of options and make project. From the options given, I chose to work on a counter app using ReactJs framework. Based on this, the project chosen ...

53: Day18 - Understanding NPM (Node Package Manager)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction to NPM NPM stands for Node Package Manager. It is a command-line tool that is used to install and manage packages (libraries or modules) in the Node.js ecosystem. NPM is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment ...

54: Series | Web frameworks in Python - Bottle

Hashnode - python (python)

Bottle is a lightweight web framework for Python. It is designed to be fast and easy to use, and it is well-suited for developing small to medium-sized web applications. Some of the key features of Bottle include: A built-in WSGI web server, which a...

55: Altschool Blog Project Implementation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, we are going to be covering the full implementation of the REST API BLOG PROJECT from start to finish. Expect loads of concepts to be uncovered and links to external resources will be provided as we proceed throughout th...

56: JavaScript Modules - How to Import & Export Code

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction When JavaScript was first introduced in the late 90s, its only purpose was to run basic scripts on the client side and add a sprinkle of interactivity on web pages. It has since undergone massive changes and become synonymous with web de...

57: Develop Your Mindset, Not Just Your Codebase: Understanding the Psychology of Coding

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Coding is an incredibly rewarding field, however, if the mental and emotional components of it are disregarded, this can lead to frustration, anxiety and even burnout. In this blog post we explore the psychology of coding by taking a deep dive into w...

58: How website works'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here I'm going to discuss some points about how the website actually works. The basic requirement to build a website is Front-End logic. You need to learn the following languages. HTML: work as a body of the website. CSS: work as a makeup of the we...

59: Getting Started with OpenCV - Reversing a Video

Hashnode - python (python)

OpenCV's documentation is the best place to learn OpenCV, check it out. Learn the basics of Image and Video Handling and then try reversing a video by yourself. If you are stuck here is the code for your reference. Make sure you are comfortable with ...

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60: How To Master Web Development In 2023 '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Mastering web development involves learning a variety of skills, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks and libraries such as React and Angular. Here are some tips for mastering web development: Start with the basics: Begin by le...

61: Creating a Menu using React.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Menus are an essential tool for helping customers decide what to order and are a necessary part of the dining experience. It is typically displayed on paper or digitally, and it includes the names and prices of each dish along with a brief descriptio...

62: Liens vagabonds : 2023, année difficile pour la télévision, et le streaming

Meta Media (Internet)

A RETENIR CETTE SEMAINE :  Une année difficile en perspective pour la télévision et le streaming - 2023 devrait mettre un terme à la forte croissance des dépenses dédiée aux programmes de télévision originaux. Une mauvaise conjoncture économique et une baisse du nombre de nouveaux abonnés force les différents acteurs... The post Liens vagabonds : 2023, année difficile pour la télév [...]

63: Integrating Machine Learning Model with Rest API in Flask

Hashnode - python (python)

In this blog, I will show how to use Flask to combine a Rest API and a machine learning model. Flask is a micro web framework for back-end. By integrating the machine learning model with a Rest API in Flask, we can deploy the model for use in a produ...

64: Applications of CrowdSourcing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Definition Crowdsourcing involves a large group of dispersed participants contributing or producing goods or services'including ideas, votes, micro-tasks, and finances'for payment or as volunteers. In science Energy system research Energy system mod...

65: Week 1 - 2023

Hashnode - python (python)

Books Refactoring: Interesting strategies to deal with 'big' refactorings Interesting concept in the NullObject (Blog post pending) I am left pondering how I would actually refactor the db in something as tightly coupled as Rails Domain driven d...

66: React Props

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you have started using React.js, you might encounter the word "props", and what's it' How does it make life easy for developers using React.js, what's its importance' So first of all "what is props'". Props mean Properties. Props are arguments pas...

67: Dev Retro 2022

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi guys, I am a newbie compared to all of you guys lol but I am sure getting on the way to the top step by step. Right now, I don't have much experience to share as I just started my web dev journey three months back but I believe that many of us don...

68: How to handle multiple queries with React-Query

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

There are two ways to handle multiple queries with React Query. Method 1: Call useQuery Twice The simplest method is just to call useQuery twice but re-assign the data variable that we're destructuring. They can't both be called data. const { data: u...

69: CES 2023 : Métavers humain, mobilité connectée et écrans immersifs

Meta Media (Internet)

Après une édition 2022 toujours marquée par la pandémie mondiale, le CES 2023 a ouvert ses portes ce jeudi avec un retour massif des journalistes et des professionnels pour partager les tendances tech qui marqueront l'année 2023. Les équipes de l'Innovation du Numérique et de Méta-Media sont sur place pour... The post CES 2023 : Métavers humain, mobilité connectée et écrans immersifs f [...]

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70: Integrating Paystack payments in Django website

Hashnode - python (python)

This article was originally published on and has been republished here with permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Prerequisites Project Setup Creating models User registration and login Implementing deposit view Conclusion Reference In...

71: Python and OpenAI for Language Translation: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - python (python)

Are you a developer looking to translate code from one programming language to another' Look no further! In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a programming language translator using Python and OpenAI's GPT-3 language model. Follow along w...

72: Dev Retro 2022 - ~1 Year of Building with Vue

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When I interviewed for and subsequently got my current role, I was going in almost blind with very little practical knowledge of Vue. The interview was a test of my current JavaScript knowledge so I was good for that phase of the process. I knew what...

73: Why Choose TypeScript Over JavaScript (or Vice Versa): A Comprehensive Comparison

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Typescript and JavaScript are both programming languages that are widely used in the development of web-based applications. While they may have some similarities, they also have some significant differences that make them suitable for different use c...

74: Comparing React, Angular, and Vue: Which JavaScript Framework is Right for Your Project'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript frameworks are an essential tool for modern web development, and there are many options to choose from. Three of the most popular frameworks are React, Angular, and Vue.js. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice fo...

75: Basic Calculator In Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Most Of the people copy and paste from the web. And most searches contain "How to make a calculator" As well I am not familiar with java, nodejs, ruby, etc. I am known to Python With much extend A simple python code to create a calculator (No Explana...

76: Basic Calculator In Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Most Of the people copy and paste from the web. And most searches contain "How to make a calculator" As well I am not familiar with java, nodejs, ruby, etc. I am known to Python With much extend A simple python code to create a calculator (No Explana...

77: Tracking Location With Python

Hashnode - python (python)

This Article is for Educational Purposes Only. If the piece of Information is misused I am not responsible for it. As Cyber Crimes increases the mysteries of stolen phone increase and there is a way possible to track your phones. With help of librari...

78: Tracking Location With Python

Hashnode - python (python)

This Article is for Educational Purposes Only. If the piece of Information is misused I am not responsible for it. As Cyber Crimes increases the mysteries of stolen phone increase and there is a way possible to track your phones. With help of librari...

79: React Developer Interviews: Be Prepared to Ace Your Next Job Interview

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a React developer, you are in high demand in the tech industry. But landing your dream job as a React developer can be competitive, which is why it is important to be well-prepared for your job interview. In this article, we'll explore some of the...

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80: 10 Bizarre JavaScript One-Liners That Will Blow Your Mind

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript is a powerful and versatile programming language, and part of what makes it so useful is the ability to write concise and expressive code. In this article, we'll take a look at some unusual and lesser-known JavaScript one-liners that can h...

81: Circle Area Finder In Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Most of the people asked me to show a way to Calculate distances and measures of various topics that are pretty complicated which I had not noticed to build a console app for. As the need of the growing population, we need to make ease of access to 1...

82: Circle Area Finder In Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Most of the people asked me to show a way to Calculate distances and measures of various topics that are pretty complicated which I had not noticed to build a console app for. As the need of the growing population, we need to make ease of access to 1...

83: Printing Consonants in a String with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Have you ever needed to extract all the consonants from a string in Python' It's a relatively simple task that can be accomplished with just a few lines of code. First, we start by defining the string we want to work with. s = "Hello World" Next, we...

84: [CES 2023] FACIL'iti lance une nouvelle application pour aider les personnes dyslexiques

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

FACIL'iti continue de vouloir rendre le monde plus accessible et a profité du CES 2023 pour lancer sa nouvelle application, MYdys, destinée à simplifier le quotidien des personnes dyslexiques, face à la lecture et la compréhension des textes notamment.

85: RoadMap for Node.js Developers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article, we will see the node.js roadmap the learning path for node.js developers. What is Node.js' Node.js is an open-source server-side runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It provides a non-blocking (asynchronous) I/...

86: The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Tech Leadership

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions and the emotions of others, and to use this awareness to manage oneself and one's relationships effectively. While it is often associated with personal relation...

87: This day in search marketing history: January 7

Search engine land (Référencement)

The Spam Clock targets Google spam, plus: link removal request figures, loads of new tools and features, major search deals and more. The post This day in search marketing history: January 7 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

88: How programming helped me to learn "how to think'" - DevRetro2022

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

How did I start' About a couple of years ago, I was a university student (Still I am) who don't know what to do in life and what is purpose am I creating, nothing. Then I realised I wasn't making any progress in life. I wasn't even in the race while ...

89: Creating A Markdown Blog With Nextjs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hello! ' In this tutorial I will show you how to create a blog that can display Markdown posts. ' Creating and setting up the Nextjs project First we need to actually create the project, fire up the terminal and enter the following co...

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90: Mastering the Rest and Spread Operators in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

INTRODUCTION Welcome to my blog on the rest and spread operators in JavaScript! These two operators are some of the most powerful and versatile tools in the JavaScript language, and they can be used to greatly simplify and improve your code. In this ...

91: How to create a dynamic Component with Vue Composition API

Hashnode - vuejs (Javascript)

This tutorial assumes you already have some experience with vue. I was working on a project using the vue composition API and I had to build a tab that outputs different components based on a click of a button I know this is achievable with the v-if ...

92: How to learn Programming

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is Programming'' Programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing task. It involves writing code in one or more programming languages, such as Python, Java, or C++, and creati...

93: Bubble sort explained in depth!!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction The bubble sort is one of the sorting algorithms used to organize the array's elements in a particular order. Selection sort, Insertion sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Cycle sort, Radix sort, and additional sorting algorithms are availabl...

94: Making a Cart-Pole test environment

Hashnode - python (python)

Happy new year! The thumbnail is a simulation of a system first studied by Edward Lorenz aptly named the Lorenz attractor, or the butterfly attractor. It's the namesake of the famous butterfly effect and gave rise to chaos theory. This brings us to t...

95: How to effortlessly set up an Express development environment

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In our previous post, we learned about Express and some basic features of an Express app. In this post, we will set up a Node/Express development environment to enable us to start developing Express apps. Overview of an Express developme...

96: How To Monitor CPU Use on DigitalOcean Droplets

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

### Introduction Suppose your website or application is more sluggish than usual. How do you begin to investigate the problem' There are so many causes for a slow application, but sometimes it's because your server's CPUs are maxed out. This guide will help you find out whether that is the case for you. We'll start by understanding two of the most commonly referenced metrics of resource usage on [...]

97: Write JS Variables Like a Pro

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a Variable' A variable is simply the name of the storage location. Presume your computer memory as your storeroom, where you put each thing in a particular place. So when you require anything you went there and collect what you want it. So yo...

98: Write JavaScript Variables Like a Pro

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a Variable' A variable is simply the name of the storage location. Assume your computer memory as your storeroom, where you have palaced each thing in a particular place. So when you require anything you go there and collect what you require....

99: Twitter Data Pipeline with Apache Airflow + MinIO (S3 compatible Object Storage)

Hashnode - python (python)

Twitter Data Pipeline with Apache Airflow + MinIO (S3 compatible Object Storage) The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. Dr. Seuss Motivation During my journey as a Data Engineer, I...

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Note : est un agrégateur de flux RSS. C'est à dire un outil automatique qui regroupe l'accès à des informations, dont il n'est ni le rédacteur, ni l'éditeur.
Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

Des mots,
toujours des mots...

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