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« Janvier 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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Mardi 10 Janvier 2023 (436)

1: IA3 ' si on demandait à Chat GPT de tricher aux examens '

Tribune de Richard Carlier (Internet)

Euh... Il ne va pas oser écrire ça ' Un formateur ' Non. Si je donne des cours sur les chatbots, ce ne sera pas pour apprendre à tricher. Mais n'empêche, je ne peux ignorer le problème.

2: How to create a counter application using React and some React standard libraries

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

One good way to consolidate your knowledge on React concepts is by building applications that will require you to apply those concepts. In this article, you will learn how to build a counter page with an Increment, Decrement, Resetvalue, and Setvalue...

3: Building A Simple Blog Using Flask

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Flask is a web framework. It's a Python module that provides tools, libraries, and technologies that allow you to build web applications quickly. Flask is a microframework, meaning it is a lightweight framework that does not include an O...

4: Mobile App Development Team Structure Guide

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Mobile App Development Team Structure Guide Want to know how to create the perfect mobile app development team' Follow this simple guide to recruiting developers, assigning roles & increasing productivity! Mobile App Development Team Structure Guide Brian Wallace

5: Creating A Simple Blog Using MongoDB, Node-Js and Express

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hello guys, today with going to build a simple blog api from scratch using a Web Development Framework for Node Js which is Express Js and also MongoDB as our Database Management System(D.M.S), in this article you will see how the files ...

6: Easy steps to create an ExpressJs application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In our previous post, we learned how to set up an ExpressJS development environment and installed the Express library. Today, we will cover the steps in creating an ExpressJS application. By the end of this article you should be able to:...

7: How to build a blog api with Nodejs, ExpressJs and Mongodb.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I am part of Altschool Africa software engineering backed student for 2021; as a second-semester project we were asked to build a blog api from start to finish with what we have learnt. Let's go through the structure of the api so we could understand...

8: Building a React App that gets all repositories for a single user with GitHub API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I built an app that gives me an overview of all my GitHub repositories and I also added a feature that helps me find Github Repo for various users. It uses GitHub API. This app implements an API fetch of my GitHub portfolio, and also shows a page wit...

9: Building a Blogging API with NodeJs/Express

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, I will be going through a detailed implementation of a blogging application (API) using NodeJs and the Express framework. The application would have basic read/write functionality, like the ability to create a blog post...

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10: Mastering Flask: A Guide to Building a Blogging App

Hashnode - python (python)

Flask is a lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features for creating web applications. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. It has no database abstraction layer, f...

11: Getting the Gist: Avoiding Function Side Effects

Hashnode - python (python)

One day the team got into a virtual discussion about mutable argument defaults in Python. This GtG is not about that, but you can read one of the numerous articles about it here. The common thread in all the articles/blog posts about the danger is th...

12: How To Create a Simple Blog API Using Nodejs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction This article will be showing you how to create a simple blog api using Node. This API will be able to register users and log them in. The users will be able to carryout CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE) functionality on the post. A few...

13: The Ultimate Python Programmer Roadmap (2023)

Hashnode - python (python)

At HackerCulture, we're all about Python. Our mission is to get more people familiar with the Python programming language, and we teach you how to use python to write better programs. Python is the most loved programming language by both beginners an...

14: Tinuola Boroni's Blog

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Am so happy and motivated as I write my first official blog, this will be the 1st of many to come, am a frontend Engineer, did I just say that yeah!! I did, am a student of At school Africa in the FrontEnd track hoping to be a badass developer someda...

15: How I created a set counter, using React Custom Hooks (useState and useReducer)

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Table of contents Introduction Custom hooks Hooks with useState Hooks with useReducer React Router Error boundaries Conclusion Introduction: React is a flexible and powerful open-source library for developing rich client-side applications, It takes c...

16: How to build a counter app with useReducer Hook

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this post, we will learn how to create a simple counter component that can INCREMENT DECREMENT RESET and SET-VALUE using the React useReducer hook. Getting Started Step 1: Build React App Step 2: Make Counter Component File Step 3: Build Counte...

17: NodeJS(Express) + MongoDB: How To Create A Blog API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction A blog is a website or page that is a part of a larger website. Typically, it features articles written in a conversational style with accompanying pictures or videos. Various types of blogs include tech, lifestyle, fashion, beauty, heal...

18: Diferencias entre "var", "let" y "const" | Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introducción Con la llegada de ES6, llegaron nuevas caracteristicas a javascript que ayudaron con algunos problemas existentes en versiones anteriores. Uno de esos problemas era la declaración de variables, las cuales podian accederse e incluso reasi...

19: Webinar: Keep customers engaged post-holidays and all year long by Cynthia Ramsaran

Search engine land (Référencement)

Build rich customer profiles that you can use to engage customers with highly personalized campaigns. The post Webinar: Keep customers engaged post-holidays and all year long appeared first on Search Engine Land.

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20: Become Full Stack Developer Only With This Programming Language

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

With lots of programming language out there everyone here is getting confused about what to follow and what not to. All programming languages having their own limitations and their own pros and cons. At the beginning of this article, I will say tha...

21: Easy Routing in Flutter with go_router

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Navigation is an essential part of any mobile application. A well-architected application provides users with consistent navigation which further enhances user experience and helps keep the app organized. Flutter provides several classes and methods ...

22: Import maps 101

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As web developers, the use of external libraries saves a lot of time and effort, allowing us to build apps faster and more efficiently. In this article, I will be introducing you to a spec called import maps, which we can use to control the behavior ...

23: 7 Must-Have Tools for Developers to Boost Productivity that nobody told you about !!

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

As a developer, remaining productive and efficient is critical to completing your job on time. However, with so many tools and resources accessible, it may be difficult to determine which ones are genuinely worth your time. In this post, we'll look a...

24: Mastering JavaScript Functions: Regular Functions vs. Arrow Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Hey there! Welcome to another amazing article in the JavaScript Series. In this article, we'll be focusing on two types of JavaScript functions: regular functions and arrow functions. Understanding the differences between these two types...

25: Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey folks, hope you all are doing well! In today's article, we're gonna discuss prototype and prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript. Introduction : Prototypal inheritance in javascript is the linking of prototypes of a parent object to a child object ...

26: Building a Simple Blog Web Application Using Flask

Hashnode - python (python)

Why Flask' Flask is a micro-framework of the Python programming language. Being a framework, this means that it is lightweight and there are few dependencies to update and watch for security bugs. It has little to no dependencies on external librarie...

27: Issue 559 (Jan. 10, 2023)

pycoders (python)

#559 ' JANUARY 10, 2023 View in Browser » Discover bpython: A Python REPL With IDE-Like Features In this tutorial, you’ll learn about bpython, an alternative Python REPL that brings code suggestions and many other IDE-like features to the terminal. Once you discover how much bpython can improve your productivity, you’ll never want to return to using the vanilla Python REPL again. [...]

28: Visualizing the Changing World Population, by Country

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

These charts highlight the changing world population between 2022 and 2050, showing which countries are growing'and shrinking'the fastest. The post Visualizing the Changing World Population, by Country appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

29: Leveraging Dart Lint Rules for Your Flutter Applications

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

It has been a while since I created a Flutter content that could benefit engineers from different levels. So I thought this should be a nice, conversational blog post about Dart's static analysis tools. I have been developing Flutter applications for...

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30: Building a Simple Webapp to Validate, Format, and Query your JSON

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

tl;dr - I made At the company I currently work at, we have a lot of APIs that receive and respond with JSON. I made because often I would watch my non-engineer peers on a screenshare trying to make sense of some ...

31: Ranked: Harmful Tariffs by Economy

Visual Capitalist (dataviz)

The U.S. has by far the most harmful tariffs, with nearly 5,000 in force. Which economy has the least tariffs' The post Ranked: Harmful Tariffs by Economy appeared first on Visual Capitalist.

32: Using msal-react for React app authentication

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Integrate a React app with msal-react, the Azure AD B2C authentication service, for smooth user authentication in React applications. The post Using <code>msal-react</code> for React app authentication appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

33: Microsoft est-il devenu fou ' Le géant mise 10 milliards $ sur ChatGPT

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Microsoft prévoit d’investir 10 milliards de dollars sur ChatGPT, décuplant la somme misée en 2019 sur la startup OpenAI. Le … Cet article Microsoft est-il devenu fou ' Le géant mise 10 milliards $ sur ChatGPT a été publié sur

34: How to Implement and use Feature Flags in a Svelte Application

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When deploying code, one of the best ways to ensure it's high quality, meets user or business requirements, and works as it should is by feature flagging it. Feature flags are a great way to control the release of new code or features in your softwar...

35: Create a Blog Application with Python using Flask framework

Hashnode - python (python)

Flask is a microframework for developers, designed to enable them to create and scale web apps quickly and simply. Let's use Flask to create a blog application that anyone, including family and friends, may use to post blogs. Information on this Blog...

36: How To Open a Port on Linux

Digital Ocean Tutorials (Internet)

### Introduction A _port_ is a communication endpoint. Within an operating system, a port is opened or closed to data packets for specific processes or network services. Typically, ports identify a specific network service assigned to them. This can be changed by manually configuring the service to use a different port, but in general, the defaults can be used. The first 1024 ports (port number [...]

37: How to build a blog API with nodejs

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In this article, we are going to create a blog API using Node.js. A Blog API in which users can signup, create, read, update and delete blogs, and even filter blogs with various parameters. Technology Stack Back-end: Node.js, Express D...

38: What is Javascript Promise and how can create a new Promise and Handle It'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

A JavaScript promise is an object that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Promises are a way to handle asynchronous code in JavaScript, and they were introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) ...

39: Prototype chaining in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

All the objects in JavaScript have a built-in property which is termed its prototype. The amazing thing here is that the prototype itself is an object so it has its own prototype, this phenomenon is termed prototype chaining or prototype chain. When ...

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40: Day21 - Promises in JavaScript: Understanding, Implementing and Overcoming Challenges

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Welcome to my 21st blog post on Backend Mastery! In my previous blogs, we talked about using callbacks and an introduction to async programming. Today, we are going to dive deeper into a powerful tool for handling async operations in Jav...

41: Want to Setup and Configure TailwindCSS in React, Here's How You Can

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TailwindCSS is a modern CSS framework that was created to provide developers with a set of utility classes that can be used to quickly style and layout web applications. It differs from traditional CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Material-UI, which...

42: Casque d'Apple : les développeurs y ont désormais accès ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Selon un rapport, des développeurs tiers ont désormais accès aux prototypes du casque de réalité […] Cet article Casque d'Apple : les développeurs y ont désormais accès ' a été publié sur Réalité

43: Data Vis Dispatch, January 10

Data Wrapper ()

The best of last week's big and small data visualizations

44: Difference between LET, CONST, VAR' What are Variables in JavaScript' What is Scope' When to use Let, Const, Var'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What are Variables' Variables in any programming language are containers of information. It is the name given to the address/location of information that is stored in the memory. Just like in mathematics, x=10 or t=10x+c, etc, the same is in programm...

45: Currying And Infinite Currying

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Currying And Infinite Currying Currying: Currying is a function that takes one argument at a time and returns a new function expecting the next argument. function currying(a) { return function (b) { return function (c) { return a + b + c;...

46: Maladie d'Alzheimer : vers un test sanguin fiable détectant des oligomères toxiques des années avant le diagnostic ()

Quelques semaines après l'annonce de l'équipe de Thomas Karikari et de ses collègues de l'Université de Pittsburgh, des chercheurs de l'Université de Washington ont, à leur tour, présenté un test sanguin - appelé Soba (pour Soluble Oligomer Binding Assay) - capable de détecter un oligomère toxique de la protéine bêta-amyloïde des années avant l'apparition des symptômes de [...]

47: Maladies métaboliques : le mode de vie l'emporte largement sur la génétique ()

Une étude de l'Université de l'État de Washington montre que la pratique d'un exercice régulier améliore non seulement le fonctionnement métabolique de l'organisme, mais modifie également en profondeur le "comportement" des gènes, en favorisant l'expression des gènes bénéfiques à notre santé et en bloquant l'activité de ceux qui prédisposent à certaines maladies. [...]

48: Conditional Statements in Javascript - if, if... else, if... else...if, switch case and ternary

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello Coders... Again as always welcoming you back. Bringing another article for you all. This time a pretty important one. Let's discuss it below... The conditional operator in Javascript first evaluates an expression for a true or false value and t...

49: Réduction des triglycérides et risque cardiovasculaire : le débat rebondit ! ()

Un vaste essai menée par une équipe du Brigham and Women's Hospital(BWH) montre qu'une réduction des triglycérides n'a aucun effet significatif de réduction des événements cardiovasculaires, crise cardiaque, accident vasculaire cérébral ou décès de cause cardiovasculaire. Ces conclusions publiées dans le New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), et présentées lors de la Réunion annuel [...]

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50: La Terre aurait déjà connu, non pas cinq, mais six extinctions massives' ()

Une extinction de masse désigne un événement ayant entraîné la disparition d'au moins 75 % des espèces présentes sur Terre. Les paléobiologistes affirment que notre planète a déjà connu cinq principaux épisodes de ce type ; certains estiment que nous sommes en train de vivre la sixième extinction. Mais la liste ne s'arrête pas là : des chercheurs de Virginia Tech ont découvert que [...]

51: How to create a shopping app with React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello, I'm Doris and I've always wanted to learn how to implement third-party Authentication. Then I thought about creating a shopping app which uses google sign-up for the authentication of users. I took all lessons from Alt-School Africa which has ...

52: Le Covid sévère entraîne un vieillissement considérable du cerveau ()

Des chercheurs du Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), affiliés avec l'Université de Harvard, ont montré que de nombreuses voies biologiques, qui changent lors du vieillissement naturel du cerveau, présentaient des modifications similaires chez les patients ayant eu une Covid-19 sévère. « Notre étude est la première à montrer que la Covid-19 est associée aux signature [...]

53: La défense antivirale régule la fonction intestinale et la santé intestinale globale ()

Outre la peau, le tube digestif est le tissu le plus exposé aux influences environnementales telles que les bactéries et les virus. Par conséquent, les cellules qui forment ces barrières à l'intérieur du corps ont également des mécanismes de défense spéciaux. Une équipe de recherche dirigée par le professeur Thorsten Hoppe a maintenant montré que l'interférence ARN, ou ARNi en abrég [...]

54: La lutte contre le cancer est plus efficace à l'aube ()

Des scientifiques de l'UNIGE et de l'Université de Munich ont montré que l'activité antitumorale du système immunitaire ' et l'efficacité des immunothérapies contre le cancer ' varie selon l'heure de la journée. La capacité des tumeurs à s'implanter et à croître dépend notamment de l'efficacité du système immunitaire à les combattre. [...]

55: JavaScript Variables Under the Hood: How var, let, and const impact hoisting, scoping, and shadowing

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

"Get ready for an in-depth and engaging journey through var, let, and const in JavaScript! This comprehensive guide will cover everything from the basics to advanced topics such as scoping, hoisting, and execution context. So please sit back, gear up...

56: Unlock the ' key to Prototype and Prototype Chaining ' in JavaScript ''.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a prototype and prototype chaining' '' In MDN, it mentions that "Prototypes are the mechanism by which JavaScript objects inherit features from one another". This single line will tell very much about it in the coming examples to us. Let's...

57: Latest Technology Innovations That Can Help You Do More with Less

Noupe (conception)

Getting up to date with the latest technology trends and innovations is important for any business. The latest technology innovations can help improve your productivity, cut costs, and make your work easier. Here are some examples of the latest innovations that can help you do more with less. AI Whether it is digital assistants, ride-sharing... The post <strong>Latest Technology [...]

58: Kotlin : Introduction

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Kotlin is a relatively new programming language developed by JetBrains for modern multiplatform applications. Nowadays, Kotlin is widely used for Android development instead of Java. It is because Kotlin is safe, concise, and fun to read and write. W...

59: Array Methods In-Depth, JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Array Methods so let's see the array in a bit more detail. so the definition of the array is quite simple whenever you see the [ ] in js that's nothing but are array and the definition is like in js array is a non-primitive data type that basically c...

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60: 5 product management trends to monitor in 2023

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We discuss five product management trends to keep your eye on in 2023, including an increased focus on monetization, data, remote work, and specialized PM roles. The post 5 product management trends to monitor in 2023 appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

61: Different ways to truncate text with CSS

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

In this article, we will review different ways to truncate text in CSS using several CSS and JavaScript techniques. The post Different ways to truncate text with CSS appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

62: Date and time

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Let's talk about Date. It is a built-in Javascript object, and it stores date, time, and provides methods for managing date/time. It can be used to store creation/modification time, measure time, or simply just print out the current time...

63: Faking Min Width on a Table Column

css-tricks (CSS)

The good ol' <table> tag is the most semantic HTML for showing tabular data. But I find it very hard to control how the table is presented, particularly column widths in a dynamic environment where you might not know how … Faking Min Width on a Table Column originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

64: Beginner's Guide to React Router

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a javascript library used for building user interfaces based on UI components. It's also used for building multi-page applications with the help of React

65: Le gouvernement veut accélérer sur le cadre législatif entourant les influenceurs

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le gouvernement vient de lancer une consultation publique en ligne sur une série de mesures visant à combler le vide juridique qui encadre l'activité des influenceurs en France.

66: Des rumeurs sur une possible arrivée de Roblox sur Meta Quest pour cette année (Réalité Virtuelle)

The Verge, un site américain traitant l'actualité de la technologie, rapporte avoir « entendu » […] Cet article Des rumeurs sur une possible arrivée de Roblox sur Meta Quest pour cette année a été publié sur Réalité

67: Say Goodbye to Chrome: Build Your Own Browser with PyQt5 and Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Alright folks! Let's build a browser so unique and wild that even Chrome would be envious! We'll be using Python and PyQt5 to build this browser, so make sure you have both installed on your computer. If not, you can use the following command to inst...

68: Départ des soldes d'hiver jusqu'à -65 % de remise chez NordVPN (Réalité Virtuelle)

Les soldes d’hiver 2023 sont le moment idéal pour économiser et faire de bonnes affaires. […] Cet article Départ des soldes d’hiver jusqu’à -65 % de remise chez NordVPN a été publié sur Réalité

69: Les Data Centers bientôt équipés de mini-réacteurs nucléaires '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une nouvelle étude révèle que l’utilisation des mini-réacteurs nucléaires pourrait être une alternative viable pour fournir de l’énergie propre à … Cet article Les Data Centers bientôt équipés de mini-réacteurs nucléaires ' a été publié sur

70 / 436

70: NordVPN casse les prix jusqu'à -65 % pour les soldes d'hiver

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Cet hiver, le réseau privé virtuel (VPN) le plus populaire et le plus sécurisé du marché vous offre jusqu'à 65 … Cet article NordVPN casse les prix jusqu'à -65 % pour les soldes d'hiver a été publié sur

71: Understand users better with customer journey mapping

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Customer journey mapping is when you create a map of the stages customers undergo while choosing and using your product. The post Understand users better with customer journey mapping appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

72: panic! vs. error in Rust

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

All in all, Rust has two kinds of errors, an error value returned from the Result type, and an error generated from triggering the panic! macro. The post panic! vs. error in Rust appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

73: Step-by-Step Guide to Start a Blog in 2023

WP Explorer (wordpress)

I still remember coming across WordPress for the first time. I decided I was going to start a blog – I had barely read a blog before, let alone created one of my own. Although I had some old school HTML and CSS knowledge dating back to the late 90s (when I built a website with […] The post Step-by-Step Guide to Start a Blog in 2023 appeared first on WPExplorer.

74: Storage API in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The storage API is convenient for us developers to store data on the client-side. Previously, cookies were used for this purpose which had its own drawbacks. Compared to cookies, Storage API is more secure and allows us to store large amounts of data...

75: Getting familiar with "let", "var", and "const".

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

I started learning to program a few months ago. When I start to code the first hurdle I faced is when to use which variable declaration in javascript as I have no prior knowledge about it. So, I decided to learn about the usage of these variable decl...

76: How to create a Simple React Counter App using useReducer Hook

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

This article is focused on how I created a React Counter Application using useReducer Hook, it focuses on the hows, implementation, and difficulties encountered when creating it. The Why' You might be wondering why you need this or why you should b...

77: Building responsive UI in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Building responsive UI in Flutter is an important aspect of app development as it ensures that your app looks and feels great on a variety of screen sizes and resolutions. With the rise of mobile devices and different screen sizes, creating responsiv...

78: inline function in Kotlin

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

I am Amit Shekhar, a mentor helping developers in getting high-paying tech jobs. Before we start, I would like to mention that, I have released a video playlist to help you crack the Android Interview: Check out Android Interview Questions and Answer...

79: The AI Logic - What you should know

Hashnode - python (python)

One of the reason why AI is so commonly used is that most of the manual calculations run done by humans can be done by computers. If it takes an analyst 1 minute to run the valuation for a company, the computer can run the valuation model for thousan...

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80: State management in Flutter- Dart

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

State management is an important aspect of any app, and Flutter provides a few different options for managing state in your app. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the most popular options for managing state in a Flutter app. First, let's tal...

81: How to Prevent Cyber Attacks and Keep Your Business Safe

Noupe (conception)

It has never been more important to prevent cyber attacks. Every company relies on the internet at some point in their business model, so it is vital to protect your technology. We'll explain the best simple security measures that will help you prevent cyber attacks and keep your business safe. Why is Cybersecurity Essential' No... The post How to Prevent Cyber Attacks and Keep Your Bu [...]

82: CES 2023 : Brelyon nous dévoile une véritable technologie 3D immersive révolutionnaire (Réalité Virtuelle)

Lors du CES 2023, le salon de l'électronique qui s'est tenu à Las Vegas, l'entreprise […] Cet article CES 2023 : Brelyon nous dévoile une véritable technologie 3D immersive révolutionnaire a été publié sur Réalité

83: Console.trace in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In yesterday's article, I showed you two ways to format your output to the console in JavaScript. If you have not read it, check it out here. Today I wanted to show you another console command: console.trace(). console.trace() The console.trace() met...

84: 3 PPC marketing trends to keep a pulse on in 2023

Search engine land (Référencement)

Make sure to consider these key PPC trends as you build out your 2023 search marketing strategies. The post 3 PPC marketing trends to keep a pulse on in 2023 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

85: Licenciements, travail hybride, exode de Twitter... LinkedIn pourrait-il en profiter '

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La crise que traverse le secteur de la tech pourrait bénéficier au réseau social professionnel LinkedIn, qui, de son côté, affiche les chiffres d'une belle progression.

86: Making YouTube Mentions Tracker in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Intro This blog post is created to show you how SerpApi was integrated into this small app with an explanation of how the app functionates and SerpApi's role in it. We'll go from top to bottom of the code shown below. What about the demo itself, this...

87: Creating a RESTful Blog API with NodeJS, Express, MongoDB and JWT

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction This is a follow-up for my second Semester Exam BLOG API project at AltSchool Africa. You can fork the repo from here to follow up with the tutorial, and you can also view the live App here. In this article, we are going to build a Blog ...

88: Mastering Sets in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

INTRODUCTION JavaScript's Set was introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6) because it provides a useful and efficient data structure for storing and manipulating a collection of unique values. By introducing Set in ES6, the JavaScript language was enhanced w...

89: Building a simple portfolio using React and GitHub API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Portfolios are essential for developers to display their work and projects. In most recruitment processes, having a portfolio sets candidates apart and gives them an edge. In this article, I will walk you through building a portfolio with Javascript ...

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90: Introduction to React: Setting up Your First React Project

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Original Blog Post : Link We will also go over some basic concepts of React, including components, JSX, and state. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a basic React project up and running and be well on your way to building amazing things w...

91: Google Docs Adds Option to See Non-Printing Characters

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Google Docs Adds Option to See Non-Printing Characters Google Docs has added an important feature to help fine-tune the layout of documents with the option to view non-printing characters. Google Docs Adds Option to See Non-Printing Characters Matt Milano

92: Making Your Collaboration Problems Go Away By Sharing Components

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

Recently UXPin has extended its powerful Merge technology by adding npm integration, allowing designers to sync React component libraries without requiring any developer input. This new step aims to improve collaboration between designers and developers.

93: What Does "2>&1" do on the Command Line'

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

In this short tutorial, learn what "2>&1" does in the Command Line on Linux.

94: Git View

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Git View is an application built using React.js, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows users to view all of their repos on the Git Repo platform, which is a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. Implementation Navigat...

95: Trust Analysis Azure Hand Casino Is the Best One to Play At'

Cats who code (PHP / Javascript / wordpress)

  Table of Contents Trust Analysis Azure Hand Casino Totally reliable and honest gaming Where can I sign up for the live dealer games' Australians looking for online casinos with a $5 minimum deposit Mobile gambling establishments Assurances of complete security, justice, and harmony in all respects Online Gambling and Tablets Bonuses for casinos with […]

96: 5 times you'll need an expert SEO in 2023

Search engine land (Référencement)

If you don't enlist the help of a true professional for these five scenarios, you are risking rankings, traffic and revenue in 2023. The post 5 times you'll need an expert SEO in 2023 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

97: Apple Plans to Drop Broadcom & Qualcomm With In-House Chips

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews Apple Plans to Drop Broadcom & Qualcomm With In-House Chips Apple is continuing with its goal to bring its modems in-house, reportedly planning to replace both Broadcom and Qualcomm. Apple Plans to Drop Broadcom & Qualcomm With In-House Chips Staff

98: Cloud : Microsoft acquiert les DPU de Fungible

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Microsoft renforce ses solutions d'infrastructure pour les datacenters en rachetant pour un montant non communiqué la start-up Fungible, qui développe des processeurs conçus spécifiquement pour accélérer le traitement des données.

99: Hips ! Cette IA sait si vous êtes ivre au son de votre voix

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une nouvelle technologie d’IA peut déterminer instantanément si une personne est au-dessus de la limite légale d’alcoolémie. L'IA procède en … Cet article Hips ! Cette IA sait si vous êtes ivre au son de votre voix a été publié sur

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100: Les dirigeants d'entreprises ne comprendraient pas toujours bien le langage de la cybersécurité

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La dernière étude de Kaspersky révèle que, si les enjeux liés à la cybersécurité d'une entreprise sont bel et bien pris au sérieux, le langage utilisé pour décrire les menaces échappe encore parfois aux cadres dirigeants et peut constituer un obstacle pour y faire face.

101: Carte Vitale numérique : lancement, fonctionnement, avantages, sécurité'

Blog du Moderateur ()

Après une phase de test concluante dans 8 départements, la carte Vitale dématérialisée arrive pour tous en 2023.

102: ChatGPT sur Word : Microsoft travaille sérieusement sur ce projet

Blog du Moderateur ()

Microsoft envisagerait d'intégrer ChatGPT sur Word mais aussi sur PowerPoint et Outlook.

103: Best 10+ WordPress Themes to Consider in 2023

Codrops (Design / Internet)

This article features 12 of the best WordPress themes for 2023 that are designed to beautifully present content, engage visitors, and boost your brand's online presence.

104: What I learned so far

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

It was November 16, 2022, and I had just decided to embark on a journey to learn web development. I had always been interested in computers and technology, but I had never really tried to learn how to code. At first, I wasn't sure what path to take. ...

105: 10 Node.js Frameworks Every Developer Should Know

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Newer and more specialized software frameworks keep emerging. While developers often struggle to keep track of so many different options, each one of them targets a specific audience and requires a very specific skill set. That's why the market is sa...

106: Using `.env` file in a Django Project

Hashnode - python (python)

A .env file is a file that resides at the root of a Django project. It is used to store environment variables. Environment variables are stored in key-value pairs. Sensitive information such as passwords, secret keys, client IDs, or API keys is advis...

107: How I Built A Web App That Fecthes Github Repos Of Any User Using The Github Username In React.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

TASK Implement an API fetch of your GitHub portfolio, show a page with a list of all your repositories on GitHub(the page should implement pagination for the repo list), and create another page showing data for a single repo clicked from the list of ...

108: Tom Brady of other jobs

Flowing data (dataviz)

Tom Brady, the quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, is 45 years old,…Tags: age, Tom Brady, Upshot, work

109: Welcome to the blog

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi there ' This is the first post in the development blog. If you are not familiar we list resources for finding remoet engineering jobs, where the emphasis right now is to build out the functionality around the remote companies' listings...

110 / 436

110: New Normal Digital Day : 7 conférences en ligne sur le SEO, SEA, content marketing, social media'

Blog du Moderateur ()

Rendez-vous le 2 février avec CyberCité pour une journée de conférences en ligne sur les grandes tendances du digital.

111: Comment le marché des crypto a perdu 3,9 milliards de dollars en 2022 '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le marché des cryptomonnaies a connu un crash majeur pendant une grande partie de l’année 2022. Un rapport publié le … Cet article Comment le marché des crypto a perdu 3,9 milliards de dollars en 2022 ' a été publié sur

112: Deeptech : le gouvernement engage 500 millions de plus dans son plan de soutien

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les ministres de l'Industrie et de la Recherche ont annoncé l'extension des aides au développement de start-up issues de la recherche et des laboratoires d'innovation, pilotées par Bpifrance et l'ANR.

113:  Chip War : la guerre des composants électroniques - Première partie

Naugès, Louis (Internet)

J'ai profité d'une activité professionnelle plus calme pendant les derniers jours de l'année 2022 pour terminer la lecture du livre de Chris Miller, CHIP WAR. Je lis beaucoup, et ce livre est l'un de ceux qui m'a le plus impressionné...

114: How to create successful blog

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Sale More Info Dashboard Navigation ChatGenie An AI-powered assistant to help you with your writing tasks Online Now How to create a blog     11:28 AM 1. Choose a blogging platform: There are many blogging platforms available, such as WordP...

115: Doublons des données clients : comment remédier à ce problème '

Blog du Moderateur ()

Découvrez des méthodes pour identifier facilement vos doublons clients.

116: Php or JavaScript'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

When it comes to web development, the choice between PHP and JavaScript is an age-old debate. Both languages have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for a particular project will depend on a variety of factors. PHP, previously kn...

117: Chiffres WeChat ' 2023

Blog du Moderateur ()

Retrouvez tous les chiffres liés à WeChat, la plateforme sociale chinoise.

118: Quelles sont les compétences nécessaires pour devenir un bon community manager '

New Flux ()

Devenir un community manager n’est pas une tâche facile. Cela demande beaucoup de travail, de dévouement et, surtout, de bonnes compétences. Un community manager doit posséder des compétences exceptionnelles en matière de communication, être capable de gérer des situations difficiles et de réfléchir rapidement. Ils doivent également avoir une connaissance approfondie des produits [...]

119: Maximizing Your Django Development: 6 Expert Tips

Hashnode - python (python)

Django is a powerful web framework, but there are a few things you should keep in mind to make your work smoother and more effective. Here are the top tips that will make a difference in your Django project: 1. Use virtualenv Virtualenv is a tool tha...

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120: Google explique le fonctionnement de HCU (Helpful Content Update)

Abondance (Référencement)

Google a mis en ligne dernièrement une page d'explications sur le fonctionnement de l'algorithme HCU (Helpful Content Update) : contenus visés pour la pénalité, échelle de celle-ci, délai de prise en compte des corrections, etc. sont au programme... Google a récemment publié un document (également disponible en français) qui explique comment fonctionne l'un de ses […] L'article "Go [...]

121: Android Project Structure ' In Details

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

#android #flutter #mobile #app Project Structure in Android app Folder It describes the fundamental characteristics of the app and defines each of its components. Manifest file The manifest file plays an integral role as it provides the essential i...

122: Covid cases fetching with GCP

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction This blog is all about a pipeline that fetches daily covid data as it is orchestrated by apache-airflow and saves the data into the BigQuery table. Pre-requisites You should have a GCP account with admin or privileged access, and apache-...

123: Prototypes and Prototype chaining/Inheritance in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Prototype: In JavaScript, objects have a special hidden property [[Prototype]] (as named in the specification), that is either null or references another object. That object is called 'a prototype' Prototype inheritance: When we read a property from ...

124: 004 - Hoisting

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Javascript tiene una característica bastante peculiar cuando trabaja con variables y funciones. Hablamos del Hoisting (elevamiento), el cual nos permite trabajar con funciones y variables que aún no han sido declaradas. ¿Qué es el Hoisting' Es una im...

125: Qarnot Computing lève 35 millions d'euros pour industrialiser ses data centers écoresponsables

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Qarnot Computing, pionnier français du cloud "green" grâce à une solution innovante de valorisation de la chaleur fatale informatique, dévoile ce 10 janvier une levée de fonds de 35 millions d'euros qui doit servir à l'industrialisation de son système.

126: Remote Developer Pros & Cons

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is a Remote Developer' Remote developers are software professionals who work remotely, using computer and internet access to collaborate with team members. They may work from home, a co-working space, or even while traveling. Some common tools t...

127: This day in search marketing history: January 10

Search engine land (Référencement)

Google launches Search Plus Your World, plus: subtopics ranking, Google Ads custom dimensions, links within widgets and more. The post This day in search marketing history: January 10 appeared first on Search Engine Land.

128: What Literature Do we Study from the 1990s' (data)

The turn-of-the-century literary canon, using data from college syllabi

129: Extracting Link tags from my blog Day 85

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today #Day85 of #100DaysOfCode, I wanted to extract all link tags from the Hashnode blog. Problem statement: One day I thought of extracting all link tags from the XML file. I did try directly passing the URL but I am getting a CORS error so I went w...

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130: Java Regular Expressions - Validate SSN

Stack Abuse (Javascript)

In this short tutorial, learn how to check whether an input number is a valid Social Security Number (SSN) or not.

131: How to store HTML form value in an array

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

To get input from an HTML input element and store it in an array in JavaScript, you can use the value property of the input element and the push() method of the array. Here's an example of how you can do this:

132: Python speech recognition when you are offline

Hashnode - python (python)

In the first article, we talk and building a speech recognition system it uses the internet to connect to google and use its speech recognition algorithm, today in this article we going to build a speech recognition system when you are offline. let's...

133: Building a Blog Website Using Flask-Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction to flask Flask is a lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features for creating web applications. It is classified as a microframework because it does not require particular tools or libraries. It has no databas...

134: How to build a Blog using Flask

Hashnode - python (python)

Flask is a micro web framework written in Python that speeds up application development by providing essential back-end components for programmers to build upon. Flask is simple and lightweight'one of the most manageable frameworks around'and contain...

135: Skills You Can Develop from Taking an Online Program

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

You are here and ready to obtain a qualification, which is great news! You might have an idea about what online program you want to do, and are ready to take the first step. However, you might also wonder what exactly the benefits are to taking an online program and if you will obtain the […] The post Skills You Can Develop from Taking an Online Program appeared first on Free Web Resources.

136: Surefire Ways To Enhance Your Medical Practice In 2023

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

The healthcare industry is booming since the pandemic, and medical practices are in a profitable place. Whether you run a small clinic or a large hospital, you can flourish in the domain, provided you are ready to give the best to the customers. However, establishing a practice does not automatically set you up for success. […] The post Surefire Ways To Enhance Your Medical Practice In 2023 [...]

137: A minor headache with dynamically typed programming languages

Hashnode - python (python)

Let it be said, based on the observations of this novice programmer, that the ultimate pursuit of mankind seems to be the achievement of maximum convenience, hence why I believe dynamically typed languages have taken over as much as they currently ha...

138: Technical Documentation For A Counter App Project Created In React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

React is a Javascript library used for building interactive user interfaces. According to the official react website, react helps you design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right ...

139: How We implemented Audit in our SaaS Django Platform

Hashnode - python (python)

Context: what is Audit' A while back with my team when working on a project we needed to add some audit features on the platform to be able to trace what happened in the app and show it to the end users and use it also for customer support requests, ...

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140: Core Concepts Every React Developer Should Learn And Master

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this article I'm going to introduce you to React and go over the core concept I think every React developer should be able to learn, understand, and master. some of the concepts in this article are the features you will need to build a modern app ...

141: 8 Hard Truths I Learned When I Got Laid Off From My SWE Job (Développement)

(1) Getting laid off is a profoundly lonely experience. (2) It's gonna take longer than you think. (3) Interview invites are a poor proxy for your desirability. (4) You are going to have to do things that you don't want to do. (5) Most offers for help are reflexive responses. (6) Honesty can only hurt you. (7) You probably should turn down that job offer. (8) You'll learn more from getting laid of [...]

142: Book Searcher (Développement)

Create and search books index, create your private library.

143: How To Boost Code Coverage With Functional Testing (Développement)

From the DoorDash team, "We introduce a functional testing approach that doesn't need any manual setup and can be run like unit tests locally or in a CI pipeline. This approach: (1) Helps catch & reproduce more bugs during local development and greatly reduces debugging time. (2) Accelerates refactoring by testing API contracts without getting involved in implementation details. (3) Provides great [...]

144: I Scanned Every Package On PyPi And Found 57 Live AWS Keys (Développement)

"This post outlines the way I scanned PyPi, showcases a project I've built that automatically scans all new PyPi releases to notify AWS of potentially leaked keys, presents some analysis of the keys I've found and draws a few conclusions at the end."

145: Developers Are Already Responsible For Code Quality. Don't Add Blackbox E2E Tests To Their Backlog Too. (Développement)

Should developers manage end-to-end tests' No. In this post we explain why effective teams offload blackbox end-to-end tests to dedicated experts.

146: Reverse Engineering TikTok's VM Obfuscation (Part 1) (Développement)

"The platform has implemented various methods to make it difficult for reverse-engineers to understand exactly what data is being collected and how it is being used. Analyzing the call stack of a request made on tiktok can begin to paint the picture for us."

147: How To Store Your App's Entire State In The URL (Développement)

"I wanted a way for people to use it without having to sign in, or store any data on our server. I wanted to give them control over their data and to be able to store it locally to open and edit later. And also easily share it with other people. It's easy to do this by supporting file upload/download, but I wanted something simpler, like the ability to share by sending a url."

149: 3D in CSS (Développement)

"Sometimes a thing can be better communicated when shown from multiple perspectives. Below is an wireframe of a web page I used in a presentation. I needed to communicate there are 3 elements in the top-right corner, stacked on top of 1 another. By translating & rotating this wireframe in a 3D-space, I can show it from a 2nd perspective."

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150: minGPT (Développement)

Minimal re-implementation of OpenAI's GPT.

151: Logging Practices I Follow (Développement)

"There are many pitfall that can lead to useless, wasteful and confusing logs. Therefore I follow a specific set of practices which allows me to write better logs while also being consistent across the system." Eliran discusses here. 

152: Clever Code Considered Harmful

Josh W Comeau (CSS / Javascript)

As engineers, it can be really satisfying for us to implement clever, terse solutions to problems, relying on advanced tricks and techniques. As a result, we often write code that is hostile and inaccessible to the junior folks on our team. This article makes the case that we should strive to write simple, accessible code, using the dumb old primitives that everyone knows.

153: Chrome Extensions for Beginners'''Part 2: Practice

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

by Eni Onyedikachi In this part, we will create a Pomodoro timer extension using the APIs we learned about in part 1. Styling will be done using CSS. The complete code for this project can be found on GitHub. View a demo at Youtube. Manifest and Popu...

154: Building Chrome Extensions for Beginners'''Part 1: Theory

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

by Eni Onyedikachi Welcome to Chrome Extensions for Beginners! The primary goal of this series is to introduce the basic concepts of Chrome Extensions and how to build one. At the end of this series, you will have a Pomodoro timer extension built wit...

155: JavaScript Local Storage: The powerful client-side warehouse

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

If you use browsers, you should be familiar with the word 'cookies'. Cookies store key-value pairs on the client side. It then transfers this data to the server on every HTTP request. The data communicated with servers can cause security threats, esp...

156: Utiliser Behat pour écrire les tests fonctionnels d'une commande Symfony

Mon Code (Informatique)

Behat est un framework de test bien connu pour écrire des tests fonctionnels et est utilisé sur beaucoup de projet. Je l'utilise la plus part du temps pour valider le comportement d'une API ou d'une page web. Dans cet article, je vous montre comment utiliser Behat pour tester une commande Symfony.

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


Ceci est un site qui explore certains mécanismes du Web 2.0, histoire de jouer avec tout ça...
Oui, une sorte de mashup 2.0 appliqué à la veille informationnelle... Hum, rien de neuf ?

Expérimental, c'est un site collaboratif à usage d'une seule personne. Ou presque.

Richard Carlier

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