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« Décembre 2023 »

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Vendredi 22 Décembre 2023 (193)

1: EditorDebuggerPlugin in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to today’s tutorial, where we’ll explore the powerful capabilities of the EditorDebuggerPlugin class in Godot 4. When developing games, having the right tools for debugging is crucial. Godot, being ... Read more

2: EditorCommandPalette in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Mastering the Godot Engine involves not just understanding how to make games, but also being familiar with tools that make the process more efficient. The EditorCommandPalette in Godot 4 is ... Read more

3: ZIPReader in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Mastering the use of ZIP files is a crucial skill for developers, particularly when managing resources and data packaging. In Godot 4, a powerful game engine known for its flexibility ... Read more

4: ZIPPacker in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this engaging tutorial where we unravel the intricacies of creating ZIP archives within Godot 4 using the ZIPPacker class. Zipping files is an essential skill for game developers, ... Read more

5: XRServer in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When we talk about the frontier of game development, few areas are as exciting and rapidly evolving as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). These immersive technologies not only promise to ... Read more

6: XRPositionalTracker in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to a deep dive into the world of XR positional tracking in Godot 4. In this tutorial, we will unravel the capabilities of the XRPositionalTracker class. Understanding how to ... Read more

7: XRPose in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Venturing into the virtual realm becomes a tangible prospect with the understanding of XRPose in Godot 4. This class plays a fundamental role in the mechanics behind virtual reality (VR) ... Read more

8: JavaScript's Cache API is Underrated

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Did you know the Cache API is available outside of Service Worker' It is and that means your app doesn't need to be a PWA to benefit from this feature. Let's look at a quick intro of the API then some examples for inspiration. Cache API Intro The Cac...

9: XRInterfaceExtension in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Diving into the realms of Extended Reality (XR) can be a captivating adventure. With virtual, augmented, and mixed realities gaining traction, understanding the backbone of XR development is essential for ... Read more

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10: XRInterface in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Dive into the realm of immersive experiences with Godot 4’s XRInterface class! Envision a game development canvas that not only breathes life into 3D worlds but also superimposes, extends, and ... Read more

11: XMLParser in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Parsing XML files is an essential skill for any game developer, and Godot 4 provides a powerful yet low-level interface for this task: the XMLParser class. This tool is your ... Read more

12: 100DaysOfCode - Day 06

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Today, I did a to-do list app using React and local storage. I also fixed the hover effect on a project I was stuck on yesterday. Plus got halfway through another fem project. Feel free to connect with me through my social links below. Let's code, le...

13: Passwordless login in Flutter via email OTP with Supabase Auth

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction If your mobile or web app requires user management, you're going to need a way for your users to sign up. By now, developers do not try to reinvent the wheel and write their own auth solutions, and can either use self-hosted or managed a...

14: CompressedCubemapArray in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our exploration of the CompressedCubemapArray class in Godot 4, an exciting feature for game developers and programmers alike! If you’re venturing into the world of 3D rendering or ... Read more

15: CompressedCubemap in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our tutorial on utilizing the CompressedCubemap class in Godot 4! If you’re venturing into the world of 3D rendering within Godot, understanding cubemaps is an essential skill. This ... Read more

16: CodeHighlighter in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our exploration of the CodeHighlighter class in Godot 4! If you’ve been dabbling in game development, or you’re intrigued by the idea of bringing your code to life ... Read more

17: CircleShape2D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on CircleShape2D, an essential class in the Godot 4 engine. If you’re diving into game development, or looking to expand your knowledge in physics collision, ... Read more

18: CapsuleShape3D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to a journey through the use of the CapsuleShape3D class in the Godot 4 game engine. As you delve into this tutorial, you will find yourself equipped with the ... Read more

19: CapsuleShape2D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Understanding CapsuleShape2D in Godot 4 When diving into the immersive world of game development, understanding the physics of your environment is crucial. The CapsuleShape2D class in Godot 4 is a ... Read more

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20: CapsuleMesh in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our exploration of the CapsuleMesh class in Godot 4! If you’re stepping into the world of game development or you’re an experienced developer looking to brush up on ... Read more

21: CanvasTexture in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When delving into game development, especially within 2D realms, textures play a vitally important role in bringing visuals to life. They are not just simple images; textures help define the ... Read more

22: CanvasItemMaterial in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Canvas items in game development can be as essential as brushes to a painter. These are the elements through which all of the 2D magic happens on the screen, from ... Read more

23: CameraTexture in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Cameras are integral to the fabric of modern gaming, providing a window to virtual worlds where stories, battles, and puzzles come to life. For anyone intrigued by the prospect of ... Read more

24: CameraAttributesPractical in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Understanding intricate camera controls is essential for any game developer looking to create immersive and visually compelling experiences. In this tutorial, we'll take a deep dive into the world of ... Read more

25: Decoding Android Layouts: Unveiling the Blueprint of User Interfaces

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Layout defines the structure of the User Interface in our application. Layout in Android is built using combination of Views and ViewGroup. View - acts as an element, which can display something at the interface or handle and event . Objects of view...

26: How to draw WINDSOR

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Chrissie Frampton's Zentangle® pattern: Windsor. With warmest wishes, may happiness be yours this holiday season! Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

27: 7 Key Software Trends Shaping the Future of Technology

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews 7 Key Software Trends Shaping the Future of Technology See the article below for 7 key software trends shaping the future of technology to help your business get to the next level. 7 Key Software Trends Shaping the Future of Technology Brian Wallace

28: Using interpolation to replace values in a dataframe.

Hashnode - python (python)

When using some machine learning methods, replacing NaN values in a data frame is required. In my previous projects I utilized different methods like dropping the rows or columns with NaN .dropna(), or replacing them with zero or .mean(). While worki...

29: Using interpolation to replace values in a dataframe.

Hashnode - python (python)

When using some machine learning methods, replacing NaN values in a data frame is required. In my previous projects I utilized different methods like dropping the rows or columns with NaN .dropna(), or replacing them with zero or .mean(). While worki...

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30: Importing Adobe Illustrator files into Figma

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Through this step-by-step guide, you can learn how to easily import files from Adobe Illustrator to Figma. The post Importing Adobe Illustrator files into Figma appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

31: How the f*ck do I handle Time Series in Python' - A Complete Tutorial

Hashnode - python (python)

Time series data is an important form of structured data in many different fields, such as finance, economics, ecology, neuroscience, and physics. Anything that is observed or measured at many points in time forms a time series. Many time series are ...

32: Tracking operations in an online scam labor camp

Flowing data (dataviz)

Neo Lu was scammed into a labor camp. In an effort to escape…Tags: labor camp, New York Times, scam

33: Plongez dans l'horreur : Essayez gratuitement la démo VR de Resident Evil 4 sur PSVR 2 ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le mode VR tant attendu du remake de Resident Evil 4 (sorti en 2023) est […] Cet article Plongez dans l’horreur : Essayez gratuitement la démo VR de Resident Evil 4 sur PSVR 2 ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

34: Frontend Rewind 2023 ' Day 22

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Discover more frontend highlights on Day 22 of our special calendar!

35: Using TypeScript to build HTML5 games with Phaser, webpack and Visual Studio Code

Emanuele Feronato (.GAME / Javascript)

Moving from JavaScript to TypeScript to build HTML5 games has never been so much easy with this complete tutorial covering Node.js, npm, npx, Visual Studio Code and Phaser.

36: Tips for styling React apps in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

While many developers still use CSS to style their React apps, writing styles in JavaScript has become an increasingly popular practice as it gives all of the conveniences of CSS preprocessors without the need to learn a new language. Most CSS-in-JS ...

37: Star Wars Holiday Special : Prédiction incongrue du porno en VR (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le Star Wars Holiday Special, cette émission pour les fêtes de fin d'années, a souvent […] Cet article Star Wars Holiday Special : Prédiction incongrue du porno en VR a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

39: nbgather: Organize Jupyter Notebook Output with a Single Click

Math Data Simplified (data)

Jupyter Notebook provides an interactive environment for exploratory analysis and proof of concept but can become disorganized. nbgather allows you … nbgather: Organize Jupyter Notebook Output with a Single Click Read More »

40 / 193

40: Nintendo Switch 2 : la date et le prix se confirme, ça ne va pas vous plaire

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’arrivée imminente de la Nintendo Switch 2 suscite un mélange d’excitation et d’appréhension. Cette console, attendue avec impatience, promet de … Cet article Nintendo Switch 2 : la date et le prix se confirme, ça ne va pas vous plaire a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

41: Mastering Functions in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to the next instalment in our JavaScript series! Today, we'll delve deep into the world of functions ' a crucial aspect of JavaScript programming. Let's explore how functions work, their syntax, types, execution, parameters, scope, and more. ...

42: Maîtrisez la capture d'écran sur le Meta Quest 2 (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le casque de réalité virtuelle Meta Quest 2 offre une expérience immersive impressionnante, que ce […] Cet article Maîtrisez la capture d’écran sur le Meta Quest 2 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

43: Cette IA prédit les grands événements de votre vie' et la date de votre mort

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'intelligence artificielle life2vec est capable de prédire la date de votre décès grâce à la même technologie que ChatGPT ! … Cet article Cette IA prédit les grands événements de votre vie' et la date de votre mort a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

44: Le FBI saisit le site du groupe de pirates BlackCat, qui promet des représailles

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La police américaine a mis la main sur des clés de déchiffrement, ce qui va permettre à des entreprises de débloquer leurs données. Le groupe promet de frapper encore plus fort.

45: Comparing Next.js testing tools and strategies

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

We compare four popular testing tools for Next.js in this article: Playwright, Cypress, Jest, React Testing Library, and Vitest. The post Comparing Next.js testing tools and strategies appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

46: Accompagnés par Thales et Docaposte, quatre hôpitaux lancent un hub de données de santé

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le Centre hospitalier universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand, le CHU de Grenoble Alpes, les Hospices Civils de Lyon et le CHU de Saint-Etienne s'allient pour lancer un entrepôt de données de santé "partagé et interopérable". Lauréats d'un appel à projets, ils bénéficient d'un soutien financier de l'Etat couvrant la moitié des dépenses engagées pour la construction de ce hub. Ils seront acco [...]

47: MidJourney V6 est dispo et va tout changer ! Voici comment l'utiliser et la maîtriser

Le Big Data (dataviz)

MidJourney V6 est disponible pour tout le monde en version alpha, et apporte des nouveautés très importantes comme la possibilité … Cet article MidJourney V6 est dispo et va tout changer ! Voici comment l’utiliser et la maîtriser a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

48: The best project management conferences in 2024

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

To make sure you don't miss any opportunities, here's a list of the most interesting project management conferences happening in 2024. The post The best project management conferences in 2024 appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

49: L'IA vient de découvrir le premier antibiotique depuis 60 ans : c'est une révolution

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Malgré les inquiétudes liées à l’intelligence artificielle, telles que les deepfakes et les fake news, il y a aussi de … Cet article L’IA vient de découvrir le premier antibiotique depuis 60 ans : c’est une révolution a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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50: LMI vous souhaite de joyeuses fêtes de Noël

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La rédaction du Monde Informatique vous souhaite un très bon et agréable Noël. Nous vous retrouverons le 26 décembre. (...)

51: Choosing Between Python and Golang: What You Need to Know

Hashnode - python (python)

In the dynamic landscape of programming languages, making the right choice between Python and Golang is crucial for the success of your project. As a provider of leading Python development services, we understand the nuances of both languages and can...

52: Avec "CaRE", le gouvernement veut protéger efficacement le secteur de la santé contre les attaques

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Doté d'un budget de 250 millions d'euros jusqu'en 2025, le programme gouvernemental CaRE vise à accélérer la mise à niveau des systèmes d'informations hospitaliers face à la menace de cyberattaques. Il repose sur quatre axes : gouvernance et résilience, ressources et mutualisation, sensibilisation et sécurité opérationnelle.

53: Microsoft affine les LLM avec GPT-RAG

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Avec l'essor de l'IA, les entreprises s'approprient progressivement les grands modèles de langage (LLM). Toutefois, l'intégration (...)

54: Delightful UI Animations With Shared Element Transitions API (Part 1)

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

The View Transitions API is a new — but game-changing — feature that allows us to do the types of reactive state-based UI and page transitions that have traditionally been exclusive to JavaScript frameworks. In the first part of this mini two-part series, Adrian Bece thoroughly explains why we need the API and demonstrates its basic usage.

55: Test de Arizona Sunshine 2 : Le jeu est-il à la hauteur de nos attentes ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le tant attendu jeu de tir et d'aventure Arizona Sunshine 2 de Vertigo Games a […] Cet article Test de Arizona Sunshine 2 : Le jeu est-il à la hauteur de nos attentes ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

56: The View Transitions API And Delightful UI Animations (Part 1)

Smashing magazine (CSS / Web 2)

The View Transitions API is a new — but game-changing — feature that allows us to do the types of reactive state-based UI and page transitions that have traditionally been exclusive to JavaScript frameworks. In the first part of this mini two-part series, Adrian Bece thoroughly explains why we need the API and demonstrates its basic usage.

57: Asgard's Wrath 2 : Ce qu'apporte sa première mise à jour (Réalité Virtuelle)

Asgard's Wrath 2 obtient sa première mise à jour qui apporte des améliorations sur Quest […] Cet article Asgard’s Wrath 2 : Ce qu'apporte sa première mise à jour a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

58: IA générative, pannes, réseaux sociaux : le trafic Internet explose en 2023

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Selon un rapport de Cloudflare, spécialiste en réseau de diffusion de contenu (CDN) et sécurisation du trafic dans le cloud, (...)

59: The Importance of CFD Data for Developers: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Hashnode - python (python)

In financial markets, a Contract for Difference (CFD) is a versatile instrument that allows market participants to quote on price movements without actually purchasing the underlying asset. For developers, understanding and leveraging CFD data holds ...

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60: Exploring Hive Flutter CRUD Operations

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In this tutorial, we'll create a Flutter application that utilizes Hive for local data persistence. The application will demonstrate basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a simple "Item" model. Follow the step-by-step guide below to...

61: Exploring Hive Flutter CRUD Operations

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In this tutorial, we'll create a Flutter application that utilizes Hive for local data persistence. The application will demonstrate basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a simple "Item" model. Follow the step-by-step guide below to...

62: Refactor Playwright Locators Like a Boss

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Your first Playwright automations are likely to be a little... messy. After all, the web is a messy place. But taking automations to production means untangling that ball of spaghetti code, and transforming it into something more clear, performant, a...

63: Collective 801

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Gaussian-SLAM * BrandGuide * HTML: The Bad Parts

64: La règlementation européenne à suivre en matière de protection des données en 2024

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

En cette fin d'année, le Club des DPO de l'Usine Digitale vous propose faire le tour des règlementations européennes qui touchent de près ou de loin à la protection des données. On peut citer le paquet DSA/DMA avec son calendrier échelonné, le schéma européen de certification du cloud ou encore la révision du règlement eIDAS. Les discussions autour de l'application concrète de l'AI Ac [...]

65: Historical News Extraction: Using Keyword

Hashnode - python (python)

There are several ways to extract data, especially historical news, it can be either a tiresome task or a quick task all of it relies on the efficiency of the user and the method they choose. This blog familiarizes the reader with the concept of hist...

66: LMI Mag 20 : Spécial Personnalité IT 2023

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Pour terminer l'année, nous vous invitons à découvrir le 20e numéro du magazine du Monde Informatique. Au programme (...)

67: Server Side Kotlin-11

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

slice() returns a list of the collection elements with given indices. Range or Integer values, both can be used for passing Indices. val games = listOf("unity", "unreal", "godot", "bevy", "monogame", "supe rgame" ) println(games.slice(1..3)) ...

68: Typing is Outdated, Add this to your Android Application

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction In today's tech-savvy world, speech recognition has become an integral part of various applications, providing users with a more natural and convenient way to interact with the app. Adding a Speech-to-Text (STT) feature to your Android a...

69: Understand Bloc in 5 Minutes.

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Definition: BLoC is a design pattern for managing state and handling business logic in Flutter applications. Key Components: It involves separating the presentation layer from the business logic layer and uses streams to communicate state changes. ...

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70: Why Js DOM Manipulation'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What Is The DOM' Imagine a web page as a house with rooms and furniture. The DOM, is like a blueprint or map of that house. It helps JavaScript understand and interact with the elements of a web page, such as text, images, buttons, and forms. In the ...

71: How the f*ck do I prepare my data for analysis'

Hashnode - python (python)

During data analysis and modeling, a significant amount of time is spent on data preparation: loading, cleaning, transforming, and rearranging. Such tasks are often reported to take up 80% or more of an analyst's time. Today, we will learn how to cle...

72: Midjourney V6 génère mieux les textes : comment tester la nouvelle version

Blog du Moderateur ()

Le générateur d'images par IA Midjourney teste sa version 6, dotée de nouvelles capacités pour la génération de texte.

73: Optimisez votre connexion internet : conseils pratiques pour une expérience améliorée (Réalité Virtuelle)

Pour être sur la voie d’une connexion internet fluide et sans accroc, il faut choisir […] Cet article Optimisez votre connexion internet : conseils pratiques pour une expérience améliorée a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

74: TypeScript vs JavaScript - A Detailed Comparison

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript, the inherently dynamically typed, high-level scripting language of the web. It bases itself on the core features of JavaScript and -- as the primary mission -- extends them with co...

75: Hyperloop One met la clé sous la porte

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up, connue jusqu'à l'an passé sous le nom Virgin Hyperloop, avait levé plus de 400 millions de dollars pour donner vie au projet de transport futuriste présenté il y a dix ans par Elon Musk.

76: Creating a RAG chatbot with Supabase, OpenAI, Python & Langchain

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Imagine a chatbot customized to your needs, answering questions, and perhaps even telling tales of how the Developer Hero fought off the Bug Monster. Sounds interesting' If so, then you're at the right place! Today, we're gonna create a ...

77: Récap Instagram 2023 : comment créer le résumé de votre année

Blog du Moderateur ()

C'est l'heure du récap' 2023 ! Découvrez des modèles de Reels pour compiler vos plus beaux moments de l'année.

78: Utility Types in TypeScript: Omit

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Intro Hello everyone, I hope you are finding this article in piece not in a rage mode :))! Today we are going to start a series of articles on utility types theme. First of all, let's learn what are Utility Types in TypeScript. In TypeScript, utility...

79: Opérateur internet en Belgique : comment trouver la meilleure offre '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Pour dénicher la meilleure offre d’opérateur Internet en Belgique, vous avez intérêt à suivre certaines étapes clés. Ainsi, vous serez … Cet article Opérateur internet en Belgique : comment trouver la meilleure offre ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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80: StyleX: StyleX: A new perspective towards Styling Web Apps

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Have you ever wondered how Meta manages to create a consistent and beautiful user interface across its web platform' How does it handle the complexity of styling hundreds of components and thousands of variations' How does it ensure that...

81: 12 podcasts tech français à écouter absolument en 2024

blogduwebdesign (Design)

Plongez dans l'univers de la technologie avec notre sélection exclusive de podcasts ! De l'exploration des dernières tendances et innovations à des discussions approfondies sur les enjeux éthiques, cette liste soigneusement élaborée vous offre un billet d'entrée vers des conversations passionnantes animées par des professionnels d [...]

82: L'IA est nourrie d'images pédocriminelles : Stanford accuse

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’intelligence artificielle, une technologie révolutionnaire, fait face à une grave accusation de la part de Stanford. Tout cela à cause … Cet article L'IA est nourrie d’images pédocriminelles : Stanford accuse a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

83: How To Create GUI Window Using Python's Tkinter

Hashnode - python (python)

You can create GUI (Graphical User Interface) based applications using Tkinter (Tkinter is a graphical user interface (GUI) library for Python scripts. It's the only framework built into the Python standard library and is included in all standard Pyt...

84: The Day Before : révélations sur la pire arnaque de l'histoire du gaming

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Comment The Day Before est passé de jeu le plus attendu de l'année à fiasco monumental ' Beaucoup le considèrent … Cet article The Day Before : révélations sur la pire arnaque de l’histoire du gaming a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

85: Mastering Conda Environments: A Comprehensive Guide for Python Development

Hashnode - python (python)

Python virtual environments are one of the most useful development tools for python development. You can have multiple Python virtual environments on the same machine and you could setup different python dependencies in these virtual environments to ...

86: Selon la Cour Suprême britannique, l'IA ne peut pas détenir de brevet

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

La plus haute juridiction du Royaume-Uni a statué que les systèmes d'intelligence artificielle ne pouvaient pas être détenteurs (...)

87: My first post using Github as source

Hashnode - python (python)

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It h...

88: Log4Shell : un exploit toujours populaire grâce au gang Lazarus

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Corrigée il y a deux ans, la vulnérabilité Log4Shell reste un vecteur d'attaque populaire, même pour les attaquants. C'est (...)

89: Top 100 Python Interview Questions for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide (Part 1)

Hashnode - python (python)

Python has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It's cherished for its simplicity, readability, and a vast array of applications. In this blog, we'll explore some key concepts and features of Python, which are crucia...

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90: Top 100 Python Interview Questions for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide (Part 1)

Hashnode - python (python)

Python has emerged as one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It's cherished for its simplicity, readability, and a vast array of applications. In this blog, we'll explore some key concepts and features of Python, which are crucia...

91: Un jumeau numérique au service de l'institut R&D des laboratoires Servier

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Depuis l'automne 2022, les laboratoires pharmaceutiques Servier hébergent leurs équipes de R&D dans des nouveaux bâtiments de 45000 (...)

92: Guichet unique: les germes d'un fiasco scrutés par la Cour des comptes

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le portail guichet unique électronique des formalités des entreprises est-il en train de tourner au fiasco. C'est l'opinion de (...)

93: Understanding Switch Statements in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Switch statements in JavaScript offer a concise way to handle multiple conditions based on the value of an expression. They are particularly useful when you need to compare a single value against several possible cases. In this blog post, we'll explo...

94: Cartographier pour le web avec bertin

Neo Carto (dataviz)

Camarades cartographes, vous connaissez bien évidemment le célèbre Jacques Bertin. Mais connaissez-vous la bibliothèque bertin ' bertin.js est une bibliothèque JavaScript consacrée à la réalisation de cartes statistiques vectorielles dont le développement a débuté en novembre 2021. La bibliothèque a été nommée ainsi en hommage au géographe français Jacques Bertin (1918 – 201 [...]

95: Exploring the World of APIs: A Deep Dive into Node.js Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Node.js, with its asynchronous nature and event-driven architecture, is a powerhouse for building scalable and high-performance APIs. In this blog post, we'll embark on a journey to explore the depths of Node.js development, with a special focus on h...

96: Cet astéroïde menace la Terre, et seule une explosion nucléaire pourra le dévier

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Une équipe de chercheurs du Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory a mené une étude très intéressante. Ils ont mis au point … Cet article Cet astéroïde menace la Terre, et seule une explosion nucléaire pourra le dévier a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

97: Creating a Polyfill for Array Method: reduce()

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction In the world of JavaScript, the reduce() method stands tall among array manipulations. However, what if you want to implement this functionality yourself' This article dives into the process of creating a polyfill for the reduce() method...

98: My fourth post using Github as source

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen bo...

99: Observable pour les géographes

Neo Carto (dataviz)

Camarades cartographes, vous la savez tous, de nombreux langages informatiques ont le vent en poupe pour faire de l'analyse de données et de la cartographie. On parle beaucoup de Python et de R. Il y a pourtant un autre candidat sérieux : le JavaScript. Certes, ce langage vieux de 30 ans n'a pas été inventé du tout dans ce but. Mais il dispose de nombreux avantages. Ce langage est mature. C'e [...]

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100: The A-Z of AWS Lambda: Unwinding Execution Environment, Configurations, Layers & Function URLs

Hashnode - python (python)

In this blog, we will embark on a journey to explore the intricacies of AWS Lambda, diving deep into its execution environment, configuration options, the power of Lambda Layers, and the significance of Lambda Function URLs with practical implementat...

101: Helpful Content Update : qu'est-ce que c'est '

Abondance (Référencement)

Si vous êtes un référenceur chevronné ou un SEO à vos heures perdues, vous êtes forcément déjà plus ou moins familier avec le principe de la mise à jour Helpful Content de Google, conçue pour favoriser les contenus utiles et pertinents dans les résultats de recherche. Si ce n'est pas encore le cas, un rappel […] L'article "Helpful Content Update : qu’est-ce que c’est [...]

102: Publish post using Github as source

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen bo...

103: The Complete Web 3 Python Stack - Part 1 (Vyper, Ape,

Hashnode - python (python)

' I've been dying to write this series. As a Pythonista, this is just'chefkiss If you don't want to read, but watch a video CLICK HERE OK. You're a Pythonista. You're in web3 or looking at web3. You want to use them Python skills. Lets get started....

104: Unsupported Metadata Version: Hilt Dependency Error

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Photo Credit by I encountered this error while I was working with hilt dependencies in my Android project error: [Hilt] 91 Unsupported metadata version. Check that your Kotlin version is >= 1.0: java.lang.IllegalStateExceptio...

105: Mastering JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Web Development || Part 11

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the dynamic realm of web development, staying ahead of the curve requires a mastery of various tools and techniques. As developers, we navigate through a landscape marked by asynchronous paradigms, interconnected APIs, and data interchange formats...

106: Django 101

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Django' Purpose: Django is used for building web applications, emphasizing reusability, rapid development, and the principle of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). Components: It includes an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) layer, a template system...

107: Publish post using Github as source

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen bo...

108: Publish post using Github as source

Hashnode - python (python)

Example Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen bo...

109: Applis bancaires : Ce malware capte vos codes uniques, déjà 50 000 vols

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Des hackers ciblent les applis bancaires avec un malware voleur de codes à usage unique. C'est une vaste campagne de … Cet article Applis bancaires : Ce malware capte vos codes uniques, déjà 50 000 vols a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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110: Custom ESLint rules 5/5: use our plugin

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the previous bite, we crafted our plugin and we are ready to save your teammates from earing pineapple pizza! Here's how you can activate the rule in your project. Use our custom ESLint plugin Install your plugin along with eslint in your app pack...

111: Functions in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

This is the third article of the series. If you haven't read the previous two articles yet, I recommend you to go and read them first to have a better understanding of this one. Make sure to read till the end as I have added a few questions for you g...

112: Understanding Middleware in Django - Complete Handbook

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction to Middleware TL;DR - Middleware is a piece of software or a program that acts as a communication bridge between other sets of software or programs. Middleware is an application/set of applications that allows an application/set of appli...

113: Camif, Singulier, Fasst... Les levées de fonds de la French Tech cette semaine

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les start-up de la French Tech ont levé 19,5 millions d'euros cette semaine, d'après le décompte hebdomadaire d'eCap Partner pour L'Usine Digitale.

114: GTA 6 : attention à cette arnaque qui cible les impatients et peut vous ruiner

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Rockstar Games vient de publier le trailer de son titre phare. Ce jeu promet une immersion totale dans Vice City. … Cet article GTA 6 : attention à cette arnaque qui cible les impatients et peut vous ruiner a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

115: Computer Network - Overview

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Computer Network - Overview A system of interconnected computers and computerized peripherals such as printers is called computer network. This interconnection among computers facilitates information sharing among them. Computers may connect to each ...

116: Day 3: Exploring EC2 Instances and Launching Your First Instance '

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to Day 3 of our AWS Solutions Architect journey! Today, we're diving into the core of AWS compute services - EC2 instances. Understanding EC2 instances is fundamental to designing and deploying applications on the AWS Cloud. Get ready to expl...

117: Unity Series - Part 3:Player Animations

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Animations In Unity Animations in Unity is one of many features Unity has to offer. Being one of the most fundamental skills developers need to learn, it is one of the most important aspects of building a game. Unity provides an animation manager an...

118: My first experience with Docker

Hashnode - python (python)

So it all started with a pretty basic project of mine. I needed the data for Indian Stock Indices such as SENSEX or NIFTY. I have came accross multiple resources such as two free apis from Upstox and Angelone. But the issue was they were asking for r...

119: NodeJS Runtime

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ECMAscript It is a scripting language spec which defines the core features and implementation of a scripting language. JS is a implementation of ECMAscript standard. NodeJS It is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It is bu...

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120: ' 5 Cool JavaScript Physics Libraries '

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Yesterday i was doing some research on cool physics libraries that can be used in JavaScript games and websites. Here are my top 5 picks with a little intro on each . And Don't Forget to Drop a "''''" and Save it '. Let's Begin with ' 1. Box2D ...

121: Building Text to Speech App using JavaScript Web Speech API

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Ever wondered how audiobooks worked' I remember the first time I came in contact with one, I was intrigued as to how the computer was able to read texts and convert it to speech. I am sure most of us were just like me when we came across applications...

122: Simplifying Healthcare Workflow: 6 Ways Technology Enhances Workforce Efficiency

Best Free Web Resources (Veille)

The healthcare industry has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with technology playing a pivotal role in streamlining workflows and improving overall efficiency. Integrating innovative technologies has not only enhanced patient care but has also simplified the complex workflows of health workers. This article will explore six ways technology has revolutionized the healthcare w [...]

123: GTA 6 : l'ado qui a leak le trailer condamné à perpétuité

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le hacker de 18 ans, qui a attaqué Rockstar, Nvidia, Uber et d'autres entreprises vient d'être condamné à la prison … Cet article GTA 6 : l'ado qui a leak le trailer condamné à perpétuité a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

124: Object Oriented Programming

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

4 Pillars of OOPS lnheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Encapsulation

125: Just over half of U.S. residents can leave the U.S.

Data Wrapper (dataviz)

Hi there, it’s Rose. I’m a writer at Datawrapper, and today I’m following up on...

126: How to Code Survival Games in Unity ' Best Tutorials

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Have you always been fascinated by survival video games, like Minecraft, Rust, or Ark and wondered how to build one yourself' Well, you’re not alone. As a game development enthusiast, ... Read more

127: What is C ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this complete guide on one of the most renowned programming languages – C#. Whether you’re a budding developer, a gaming enthusiast, or a seasoned coder, diving into the ... Read more

128: How to Code Strategy Games in Unity ' Best Tutorials

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our guide “How to Code Strategy Games in Unity – Best Learning Tutorials”. In this guide, we will delve into the exciting world of game development, particularly focusing ... Read more

129: How to Code Games in Lua ' Best Learning Tutorials

Game dev academy (Jeux)

If you’ve ever dreamed of creating your own video games, learning how to code games in Lua can help make that dream a reality. Lua is a lightweight, dynamic programming ... Read more

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130: L'intelligence artificielle va réinventer la médecine ()

Campagne de dons 2023 : Grâce à l'émouvante mobilisation des lecteurs de RT Flash ces derniers jours, nous allons atteindre notre objectif... Il y a une semaine, nous n'étions qu'à 9.974,30 euros. Aujourd'hui, nous avons atteint 14.140,30 euros. Grace à l'émouvante mobilisation des lecteurs de RT Flash, j'ai la conviction que nous atteindrons notre objectif de 15.000 euros avant la fin de l [...]

131: Solid Queue (Développement)

Database-backed active job backend. 

132: Building A Faster Hash Table For High Performance SQL Joins (Développement)

Andrei delves into QuestDB's unique hash table, FastMap, designed to enhance SQL execution for JOIN and GROUP BY operations. FastMap employs open addressing and linear probing, optimized for high performance in database environments. It supports variable-size keys and fixed-size values, facilitating efficient data handling and updates. Notably, FastMap operates off-heap, reducing garbage collectio [...]

133: Advice For New Software Devs Who've Read All Those Other Advice Essays (Développement)

'13 bits of advice for early-career programmers. Some of it is contradictory': (1) Behind every best practice is a horror story. If you don't understand a best practice, look for the horror story that inspired it. It might make the best practice make sense. (2) Carefully think about any advice and evaluate how it applies to your situation. There is very little about software that's been scientific [...]

134: How Meta Built The Infrastructure For Threads (Développement)

The article give examples of two existing components that played an important architectural role in building Threads: (1) ZippyDB, a distributed key/value datastore that provides scalability and flexibility across data centers. (2) Async, an asynchronous serverless function platform that processes trillions of function calls daily across over 100,000 servers. Async defers computing to off-peak hou [...]

135: How To Uncover Your Users' Real Problems (Développement)

Users are like kids at Christmas. They say they really want this one thing, but that one thing won't keep them happy for long. Solving their unspoken problems will. And the best way to uncover them is to ask really good questions. This post covers what the best lessons PostHog has learned about asking user's questions.

136: Codapi (Développement)

Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun.

137: End Of Year Pay Report 2023 (Développement)

Trends from 2023: (1) Median comp for technical roles. Software engineers comp was the same in 2022 as in 2023. Compensation rose in the second half of 2023. (2) Companies that paid the most across different levels were Jane Street, Databricks, OpenAI and Facebook. (3) US and European cities where software engineers earned the most were SF and Zurich.

138: Look Back To Leap Ahead: 7 Questions For Your End of Year Reflection (Développement)

A wide-ranging retro to set yourself up for success in the new year: (1) Evaluating projects to quit earlier. (2) Revamping regular meetings. (3) Using time wisely. (4) Alignment with manager's goals. (5) Receiving and giving impactful feedback. (6) Changes in job role. (7) Readiness for career advancement. 

139: Pointer Sponsor (Développement)

This issue's sponsor is PostHog

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140: The Day I Started Believing In Unit Tests (Développement)

'The test ran hundreds if not thousands of times successfully. What a waste of time... But then, one day, we started observing test failures. Not many, maybe three over the course of a few weeks. The test actually crashed with a Segmentation Fault, so it was clear that it was a severe error. Interestingly, none of the code under test had actually changed. Well, that's definitely something we had t [...]

141: Amphion (Développement)

OS audio, music, and speech generation toolkit

142: Promptbase (Développement)

All things prompt engineering

143: A Simple Programming Productivity Trick: Leave Work Unfinished To Reach Flow (Développement)

'Stop right before a 'sticking point.' A sticking point is a task that's part of a project where I know the steps to do to complete it, but I don't know if there are hidden costs. For example, if my sticking point is deploying my ML model and HTTP server to a dev instance and verifying that it processes requests properly, then the hidden costs are deployment errors, authentication errors, resource [...]

144: Templ (Développement)

Language for writing HTML user interfaces in Go.

145: The CRUD Foundation of Appsn

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Have you ever saved a contact on your phone, updated your profile information on a social media site, or just deleted some old files from your computer' Congratulations, you've already performed CRUD operations without even knowing it! CRUD stands fo...

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Pour toutes questions, merci de contacter Richard Carlier.


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Richard Carlier

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