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« Décembre 2023 »

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Webriche: les veilleurs ne dorment jamais...

Ci dessous, les actualités de quelques sites qui ont tout mon intérêt (à différents niveaux).

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3 Décembre 2023 (59)

1: DOM Manipulation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey Guys! Today I'm going to talk about some of the ways to extract an element from the DOM. The methods talked about will be getElementById(), getElementsByClassName(), and querySelector()'which one to use when'' All of these can provide you with th...

2: How Integrate Instagram media to your Web App Using Facebook API & JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Dependencies: Node.js / Astro.js ( if you don't have node follow this guide to get it installed. Astro will be installed later in this artcile) Facebook developer account Access to an Instagram account To create a web app that displays Instagram...

3: 10 JavaScript Handy Tips & Tricks - Part 1

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Here is the Part 1 of some of the helpful JavaScript Handy Tips and tricks that I have compiled from my personal experiences and some great sources. The last point is very helpful when debugging your code: 1. Add default values to variables destructu...

4: How to Use the JavaScript Fetch API to Retrieve Text From TXT and JSON Files

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Fetch API is usually used for fetching resources across the network with its global fetch() method. But did you know you can use it to read the contents from local JSON and TXT files too' When we are presented with a large set of data that we nee...

5: 7 Topics to Know in React To Get Started.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction React is a gamechanger for web developers. It's a special toolbox in JavaScript that helps create amazing things on websites. Imagine it as a set of building blocks'small, smart, and easy-to-use pieces'that can be combined to make anythi...

6: Comment installer un VPN sur Linux sans se prendre la tête '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Même un système d’exploitation sécurisé comme Linux peut bénéficier des avantages d’un VPN. Bien que l’installation sur Linux puisse sembler … Cet article Comment installer un VPN sur Linux sans se prendre la tête ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

7: [VENTE FLASH] ' Remise sur le Pack VR2 + HORIZON Call Of The Mountain (Réalité Virtuelle)

Cet article [VENTE FLASH] – Remise sur le Pack VR2 + HORIZON Call Of The Mountain a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

8: Code With Your Phone

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Software continues to eat the world, and everyone needs to learn to code. In 1995, Steve Jobs, in an interview with Robert Cringley stated, 'Everybody should learn to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.' Learning to p...

9: Slush 2023, la persistance à l'ère de l'IA

Meta Media (Internet)

À Helsinki, le thermomètre plonge mais l'innovation technologique ne connaît pas de gel. Slush 2023, loin de n'être qu'une simple rencontre hivernale, se révèle être une épopée de la persévérance technologique où l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et l'entrepreneuriat se confrontent aux réalités économiques contemporaines, sur fond d'ambiance toujours aussi sombre, parsemée... The po [...]

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10: Exploring Abstract Classes in TypeScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Abstract Class: An abstract class in TypeScript is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own and is designed to be sub-classed by other classes. It can contain a mix of abstract and concrete methods. Example: abstract class Shape { abstract ca...

11: The DOM: Light & Shadow DOM

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello there' I was reading an article on scoping CSS in Vue recently and came across this sentence "This is similar to the style encapsulation found in the Shadow DOM". My idea of what the shadow DOM meant was too vague to work with so I did some re...

12: Full-Stack Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Full-stack development involves working on both the front-end and back-end aspects of a web application, allowing developers to handle the entire development process. Here's a more detailed breakdown: Front-End Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScri...

13: Stellantis et LS GROUP intègrent la réalité virtuelle dans le retail automobile (Réalité Virtuelle)

Le retail automobile vit une transformation numérique majeure. Stellantis, autrefois PSA, en collaboration avec LS […] Cet article Stellantis et LS GROUP intègrent la réalité virtuelle dans le retail automobile a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

14: Breaking the Myth: Object Detection Isn't Hard as Thought

Hashnode - python (python)

Hearing about AI and object detection can create an illusion among developers that doing such things is far beyond the reach of traditionally trained programmers. But that's not the case. Object detection is easy to set up and only requires a few min...

15: EditorResourceConversionPlugin in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Navigating the world of game development can often feel like a voyage through a dense, mysterious forest. But with the right tools at your disposal, turning the seemingly complex into ... Read more

16: EditorPaths in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When developing games, certain aspects can be quite abstract, especially when it comes to handling files and directories. Thankfully, Godot 4 introduces the EditorPaths class, a helpful system for managing ... Read more

17: EditorNode3DGizmo in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Understanding the power of EditorNode3DGizmo in Godot 4 can be a game-changer for developers seeking to create sophisticated and interactive 3D games. Gizmos are essential tools for providing visual feedback ... Read more

18: EditorInterface in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When it comes to developing games, especially when using a comprehensive engine like Godot, the working environment'or editor'can play a critical role. Imagine having the power to tailor this environment ... Read more

19: Python Data Types & Data Structures

Hashnode - python (python)

Data types In programming, data type is an important concept. Variables can store data of different types, and different types can do different things. Python has the following data types built-in by default, in these categories: You can get the data...

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20: EditorInspectorPlugin in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Are you looking to extend the functionality of the Godot Editor to fit your game development needs' Well, adding custom property editors to the Inspector panel just became a bit ... Read more

21: EditorImportPlugin in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our latest tutorial where we delve into the fascinating world of Godot 4 and its powerful feature, the EditorImportPlugin class. If you’ve been eager to flex your coding ... Read more

23: EditorFileSystemDirectory in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Creating complex projects in Godot often requires managing numerous resources and ensuring they are efficiently organized. Whether you’re just beginning your coding journey or you’re an experienced developer looking to ... Read more

24: EditorFeatureProfile in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Diving into the world of game development can sometimes feel like an overwhelming endeavor, especially when navigating complex tools and software that offer countless features. For newcomers, this wealth of ... Read more

25: Kotlin Lambda Operations Cheatsheet

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction Kotlin lambda operations, often combined with higher-order functions, allow for concise and expressive coding by enabling the manipulation of collections and functional transformations. They leverage lambda expressions to perform various...

26: EditorExportPlugin in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to an exploration of the EditorExportPlugin class in Godot 4, a powerful yet sometimes underappreciated tool that can significantly streamline your game development workflow. Exporting projects is a fundamental ... Read more

27: Ils ont créé la PS5 Tiny qui est encore plus petite que la Slim : Voici la vidéo

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Parce qu'ils trouvent la PS5 Slim encore trop grande, ils ont monté la PS5 Tiny. Ce modèle inédit de la … Cet article Ils ont créé la PS5 Tiny qui est encore plus petite que la Slim : Voici la vidéo a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

28: Advent of Code 2023: Day 01

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Advent of Code is an annual series of fun programming puzzles that serve as a great way to practice coding skills. Developed by Eric Wastl, a new puzzle is released each day in December leading up to Christmas. The puzzles start simple but get progre...

29: Arnaque au proche décédé : les hackers sont sans pitié, faites très attention

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Méfiez-vous de cette arnaque qui vous annonce qu'un de vos proches (ou une célébrité) est décédé, avertissent des experts en … Cet article Arnaque au proche décédé : les hackers sont sans pitié, faites très attention a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

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30: Elevating Inter-Service Communication

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In today's tech-driven world, building microservices is a popular choice for maximizing advantages. Yet, communication hurdles, especially concerning delays, pose a challenge. Selecting the right architectural style is a crucial decision. In this blo...

31: Frontend Rewind 2023 ' Day 03

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Day 3 of "Frontend Rewind 2023" awaits! Dive with us into another day of revisiting the standout highlights of 2023.

32: JavaScript fundamentals before learning React

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

After all my teachings about React, be it online for a larger audience or on-site for companies transitioning to web development and React, I always come to the conclusion that React is all about JavaScript. Newcomers to React but also myself see it ...

33: Async Programming Like a Pro

Hashnode - python (python)

See, we all have to wait for different things in our day-to-day lives. For instance, it can be waiting for a pizza order to be delivered. While waiting in such instances, we do other tasks to make the most of our time. This is pretty much the same fo...

34: Looking for Early Feedback and Testers

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey Javascript enthusiasts! I'm building a new kind of code editor which I'm calling and I'd love some feedback, criticism, and general thoughts on the project, idea, and implementation. Djot in a sentence: A Code Editor with real-time compi...

35: Understanding Bubble Sort - Sorting Algorithm.

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In this world, in our day to day life, we deal with data, and these data comes in form of numbers and words. These data can be ordered or unordered, and sometimes there is a need to make these data be in an orderly manner(ascending or de...

36: Difference b/w Module and Library . How to Import a "Module" in Python.

Hashnode - python (python)

What is "Module" ' Module is nothing but a "Python File" . Now , how to identify which one is the python file it's a question which people often think of themselves. A python file is that file which has created with (.py) extension. In simple words i...

37: How JSDoc Transforms Your JavaScript Projects

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is JSDoc ' ' It's a API documentation generator for JavaScript. And make Code editor super intelligent ''. (How part I will explain.) Why you should use JSDoc ' When you can't use (Or don't) want to use Typescript in project. Legacy codeba...

38: From Node to Bun: A New Dawn for JavaScript Engines'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello developers. 'Recently, there was a discussion of the new Nodejs engine in the market that might change the future of how JavaScript & TypeScript work on the servers. So, I got curious about what is that and how will it change Nodejs, but after...

39: Advent Calendar 3 - The builder pattern

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You've used it and I think you were as impressed as me, the first time you've seen it. This post is about the builder pattern and I want you to know how to implement it. What is the builder pattern The builder pattern is a creational pattern and is u...

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40: Writeup - Bocchi The RPC Server

Hashnode - python (python)

Bocchi is in the process of learning to create a basic RPC server for her Kessoku Band. She has made some modifications to It's important to note that this framework is known to have vulnerabilities. Given Bocchi's timid and introverted natur...

41: Virtual Machine (VM'a) - A short Intro

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

before we get into VM's, Let's talk about CPUs You know how your phone or computer sometimes gets bogged down when you have too many apps and browser tabs open' Or when you're streaming video and it starts buffering like crazy' This happens because o...

42: Mastering DOM in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The Document Object Model is a crucial aspect of web development, providing a representation and structure of HTML and XML documents. Javascript, often regarded as the oracle of web development, serves as a toolkit for DOM manipulation, enabling the ...

43: Distributed Processing: Starting with RQ

Hashnode - python (python)

Intro What is this about' This is about leveraging the extremely fast in-memory database Redis to act as a job coordinator for long-running Python jobs. Specifically, I am speaking about a convenient package called rq. Does it apply to my use cases' ...

44: Exploring Pandas Data Structures '

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Pandas offers three primary data structures: Series, DataFrame, and Index Objects. Each plays a crucial role in handling and manipulating data efficiently. Series ' A Series is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data...

45: HScrollBar in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Navigating through content that extends beyond the confines of our screens has become an essential part of interacting with digital environments, whether we’re browsing through a long webpage or exploring ... Read more

46: HingeJoint3D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of the HingeJoint3D in Godot 4. If you’ve ever been curious about bringing physics into your 3D games or applications, you’re in ... Read more

47: HFlowContainer in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our tutorial on the HFlowContainer class in Godot 4, a powerful component that can greatly enhance the user interface of your game or application. Creating intuitive and responsive ... Read more

48: HBoxContainer in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Managing the layout of elements on the screen is crucial for creating an intuitive and polished interface in your games or applications. Today we dive into the world of Godot ... Read more

49: TrenDemon CEO: We Connect Content Marketing to Sales

WebProNews SEO (Développement)

WebProNews TrenDemon CEO: We Connect Content Marketing to Sales The CEO of TrenDemon, Avishai Sharon, says that they created their cloud-based software solution in order to help companies prove that the marketing content they produced also achieved business goals and sales. TrenDemon CEO: We Connect Content Marketing to Sales Staff

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50: GrooveJoint2D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this exciting exploration of the GrooveJoint2D class in Godot 4, where we’ll be diving into the mechanics of this powerful joint type and its applications in game development. ... Read more

51: GridMap in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the world of 3D game development with Godot 4, an engine known for its user-friendly approach and versatility. Today, you’re going to learn about one of its exciting ... Read more

52: GridContainer in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this tutorial on the GridContainer class in Godot 4, the popular open-source game engine. If you've been looking to organize your UI elements neatly or just want to ... Read more

53: GraphNode in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our exploration of the GraphNode class in Godot 4 ' a cornerstone for creating customizable, complex, and interactive node-based systems. Whether you’re a game developer seeking to design ... Read more

54: GraphEdit in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

GraphEdit is a versatile feature in Godot 4, a popular open-source game engine. It is a powerful control that allows developers to create, manipulate, and visualize graph-like structures. These can ... Read more

55: GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the captivating world of particle collision in Godot 4! If you’re ready to take your game development skills to the next level, understanding GPUParticlesCollisionSphere3D is a fantastic starting ... Read more

56: Debugging in the Browser

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Namaste, this is Aryan Sharma's blog, and I hope you're all doing well & great. Welcome to another blog of this JavaScript course. 'You can find my blogs here'' Let's get started! Debugging As we move forward with our course!It's necessary to learn...

57: Weekend Reading ' US politics in a nutshell

Lab notes (Développement)

This week we revisit the PDP-11, learn some CSS, pick some cool apps, take note of AI and ad blockers, and square some politics.

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