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« Décembre 2023 »

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Samedi 16 Décembre 2023 (79)

1: Understanding the 'data-no-turbolink' Attribute in HTML

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In web development, you might encounter situations where you need to control how links or elements behave during navigation. One way to do this is by using the data-no-turbolink attribute in your HTML. In this post, we'll explore what this attribute ...

2: Setup VITE + React + Typescript in 3 steps

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In this quick guide, we'll walk through the steps to set up a Vite project with React and TypeScript. Step 1: Create a Vite Project Open your terminal and run the following commands: npx create-vite my-react-app --template react-ts cd my-react-app S...

3: ResourceLoader in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our hands-on tutorial exploring the ResourceLoader class in Godot 4'an essential aspect of game development within the powerful Godot Engine. Whether you’re just starting off on your game ... Read more

4: ResourceImporter in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to your next step into the world of game development with Godot Engine 4! As developers, the power to craft experiences relies heavily on our ability to import and ... Read more

5: ResourceFormatSaver in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Just like an artist has a palette of colors to paint masterpieces, game developers have a suite of tools to craft unforgettable gaming experiences. One such tool, key to preserving ... Read more

6: ResourceFormatLoader in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Resource management is a critical component in game development. Managing how game assets such as textures, models, and audio files are loaded into the game engine can significantly impact the ... Read more

7: Resource in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the world of game development and the engine that’s making waves across the indie and professional scene alike – Godot 4. Exploring the powerhouse behind any game engine, ... Read more

8: RenderingServer in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Unlocking the Power of Rendering in Godot 4 When you’re ready to take your games from concept to reality, understanding rendering processes is key to bringing dynamic visuals to life. ... Read more

9: RenderingDevice in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our coding voyage into the fascinating world of low-level graphics with Godot 4’s RenderingDevice class. Whether you’re a budding game developer or an experienced coder looking to deepen ... Read more

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10: RegExMatch in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Navigating the complexities of regex (regular expressions) can be akin to learning a new language, but it’s a language that offers a powerful tool for developers, especially when it comes ... Read more

11: RegEx in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Regular expressions, or RegEx, might seem daunting at first glance, but they’re an incredibly powerful tool for developers in game development and beyond. By mastering RegEx, you’ll be able to ... Read more

12: RefCounted in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to an exciting exploration of one of Godot 4’s elegant systems, the RefCounted class! If you are diving into the depths of Godot’s game development capabilities or simply looking ... Read more

13: Diving into Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup in Python: Making a Database of Oscar awarded Movies

Hashnode - python (python)

A QUICK INTRO OF SCRAPERS (Beautiful Soup) Web scraping allows to extract data from a webpage. Many web scraping tools and libraries crawl through websites: BeautifulSoup, Selenium, Scrapy, etc. What is BeautifulSoup' BeautifulSoup is a Python librar...

14: Unlock The Power Of Aesthetic Code Style: Elevate Your Programming With Visual Elegance

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey, friends'' I am Aryan Sharma and I hope you all are doing great! This is another blog in the JavaScript course for absolute beginners.''I hope this blog course will help you become good at JavaScript. So, I am starting this blog. Let's get st...

15: Python Basics - Part 1

Hashnode - python (python)

Displaying Output To display output in the terminal we use the print() function. Syntax: print(text to display) Example: print("Hello World") Taking Input For taking input, we use the input() function. Syntax: input(text to display for input) Exampl...

16: Why JavaScript Is My One and Only: A Senior Developer's Perspective

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you the answer to the never-ending question Why do I work with JavaScript' As a senior software developer with years of experience in the ever-evolving landscape of programming languages, one language stands...

17: Demystifying Copying in Python: Shallow vs. Deep

Hashnode - python (python)

In the realm of Python, assigning one variable to another may not always be as straightforward as it seems. When dealing with mutable objects like lists and dictionaries, a mere assignment creates a reference, not a true copy. The impact' Modificatio...

18: Weekend Reading ' ' War and peas

Lab notes (Développement)

This week we solve an SQL murder mystery, watch the mother of all demos, explore the creative playground, cry over some dead startups, list a couple of new cool AI tools, and praise our Neanderthal genes.

19: Unveiling the Power of Asterisk (*) in Python

Hashnode - python (python)

The asterisk (*) symbol in Python is no ordinary character, it holds a multitude of capabilities, making it a versatile tool in your coding arsenal. In this blog post, we'll uncover the magic behind the asterisk, exploring its various use cases that ...

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20: Demystifying Python Function Parameters and Arguments

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to the world of Python functions, where the intricacies of parameters and arguments unfold like a captivating story. In this blog post, we'll delve into the nuances of these fundamental concepts and explore various scenarios that showcase the...

21: ' Mastering the Connection: A Guide to Integrating MongoDB with Django '

Hashnode - python (python)

In the dynamic landscape of web development, the integration of powerful databases is crucial. When it comes to harnessing the flexibility and scalability of NoSQL databases, MongoDB stands out. In this guide, we'll embark on a journey to seamlessly ...

22: Jargons In The World Of Web Development

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome back, dear readers! In this blog post, we're going to dive into the world of web development jargon. Understanding these key terminologies is crucial as you embark on your journey in the exciting realm of web development. Let's unravel the my...

23: Day 13 - Data Types in Python - Part 1

Hashnode - python (python)

As we have seen various data types in previous blog. We will look in details about Sequenced Data Type. LISTS Lists are an ordered and mutable collection of items separated by comma and enclosed within square brackets [ ]. They can store multiple ite...

24: Intro: Simply Lucia

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hey there everyone, my name is Lucia and I'm a newbie in front-end development and still building my skillset. I decided to start writing so l can document my journey into front-end development and to hopefully inspire another newbie out there. I wil...

25: Frontend Rewind 2023 ' Day 16

Codrops (Design / Internet)

Discover more frontend flashbacks as we open the 16th door in "Frontend Rewind 2023"!

26: JavaScript to Automate "Claps" on Medium

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Did you know you can clap for someone's content up to 50 times on Medium' Well, you can. And to protect you from carpal tunnel syndrome, I packaged that behavior into a little extension for Chrome. It works like this:'v...

27: Ditch the Passwords! Building a Passwordless Web Application in Django

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction Passwordless Authentication is a method of verifying a user without requiring the entry of a password. It offers a more secure and convenient alternative to traditional password-based authentication, which is susceptible to various attac...

28: Zod'-'TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library 11

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Transform Data from Within a Schema ' Another useful feature of Zod is manipulating data from an API response after parsing. We are going back to our Star Wars example: import { z } from 'zod'; const StarWarsPerson = z.object({ name: z.string(),...

29: Day 14: GitHub-JIRA Integration Project - (Project-4) - (Part-1)

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome back to our Python for DevOps series! In today's session, we're diving into a practical project that explores the integration of GitHub and JIRA using RESTful APIs. This project aims to streamline your workflow by automatically creating JIRA ...

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30: 2.variables in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Certainly! In JavaScript, variables are used to store and manage data. Here's a basic overview of how to declare and use variables: Declaration: You declare a variable using the var, let, or const keyword, followed by the variable name. // Using va...

31: variables in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Certainly! In JavaScript, variables are used to store and manage data. Here's a basic overview of how to declare and use variables: Declaration: You declare a variable using the var, let, or const keyword, followed by the variable name. // Using va...

32: Side-Project Tips for 2024

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

In the summer of 2022 I started working on my side-project, Scavenger Hunt Plus, an app for creating, sharing and playing Scavenger Hunts, which I plan to release early 2024. During my time working on this project, I've learned a lot about how to 'ma...

33: First JavaScript program'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

console.log("my first JavaScript program") // first JavaScript program output >>my first JavaScript program console.log() will just print whatever you type in that . Of course inside quotations (" ") .you can also use single quotations. It will wor...

34: A Guide to Customizing Websites with Page Manipulator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Have you ever wished to customize the appearance of a frequently used website' If so, this article will guide you on how to do it. As a practical example, our goal will be to modify the position of the table of contents in the Laravel framework docum...

35: My cheat-shiet Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

1. Destructuring Magic Cái j mà unpack values from arrays or objects, th'c t' mình ít dùng cái này. const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 30 }; const { name, age } = person; console.log(name); // Output: Alice console.log(age); // Output: 30 ...

36: AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Managing animations in a game can be as crucial as the gameplay itself. They convey the movement and emotion of characters, the dynamics of the environment, and the impact of ... Read more

37: AnimationNodeStateMachine in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Animating games can be like bringing a static painting to life; it’s the process that infuses a sense of dynamism and personality into your game’s characters and environments, turning a ... Read more

38: AnimationNodeOutput in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When it comes to creating engaging and dynamic video games, animation plays a pivotal role – it’s the soul that brings motion to the characters and objects in a game, ... Read more

39: AnimationNodeOneShot in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on the AnimationNodeOneShot class in Godot 4, a powerful engine for creating engaging and interactive game experiences. If you’re looking to spice up your game ... Read more

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40: AnimationNodeBlendTree in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

In the realm of game development, animation plays a critical role in bringing our virtual worlds to life. Whether it’s the gentle sway of leaves in the wind or the ... Read more

41: AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome fellow creators and aspiring game developers! In this article, we’re diving deep into the world of animation within Godot 4, focusing specifically on the AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D class. Unlocking the potential ... Read more

42: AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this deep dive into the world of the AnimationNodeBlendSpace1D in Godot 4. Whether you’re a budding game developer or a seasoned pro, understanding how to work with animation ... Read more

43: Supprimer 50 000 lignes de code en 3 jours

Humancoders ()

Comment un développeur a supprimé 50 000 lignes de code de l'application frontend sur laquelle il travaille, en 3 jours : mesurer l'usage des features, modules et pages pour décider qu'est-ce qui peut être supprimé avec un impact minimum. Commentaires L'article Supprimer 50 000 lignes de code en 3 jours a été posté dans la catégorie Développement de Human Coders News

44: AnimationNodeBlend3 in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on the `AnimationNodeBlend3` class in Godot 4, a powerful game development engine that’s won hearts with its open-source dedication and user-friendly approach. Animation plays a ... Read more

45: AnimationNodeBlend2 in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to today’s tutorial, where we dive into the world of Godot 4 and explore the capabilities of the AnimationNodeBlend2 class. Animations can breathe life into your game, making it ... Read more

46: Exploring the Power Duo: Express.js vs. Node.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the dynamic realm of web development, choosing the right tools and frameworks is crucial to building robust and scalable applications. Two popular players in this arena are Express.js and Node.js. Despite the apparent similarity in their names, th...

47: What the heck is Numpy' - A Complete Tutorial

Hashnode - python (python)

NumPy' It's like the superhero of Python libraries for handling arrays and more. Besides arrays, it's got your back for diving into stuff like linear algebra, Fourier transforms, and matrices. This cool tool was born in 2005, thanks to Travis Oliphan...

48: AnimationNodeAnimation in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our comprehensive tutorial on the AnimationNodeAnimation class in Godot 4. If you’ve ever wanted to breathe life into your game characters and objects with smooth, dynamic animations, diving ... Read more

49: localStorage property in JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: JavaScript provides a powerful and convenient way to store data on the client side through the use of web storage APIs. Local storage, a key component of web storage, allows developers to store key-value pairs persistently within the us...

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50: Server Side Kotlin-07

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Flatten':- It provides flat access to nested collection elements .flatten () is a collection of collections, for example, array of array, a List of Sets or List of List. The function returns a single collection of all the elements of the nested colle...

51: Server Side Kotlin-06

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction:- In the last post of this series, I discussed the Kotlin Collection zip API. In this post, I will share how associate APIs work. Association transformations make build maps for collection elements with some certain values ...

52: Server Side Kotlin-05

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Introduction:- In the last post of this series, I discussed the Kotlin Collection Map API. In this post, I wil share how zip APIs work. Zipping transformation(zip() extension function) is used to build pairs from different collection with ele...

53: Decoding Android Architecture from Linux Kernel to System Apps

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Android is an open-source, Linux Kernel-based software stack having a collection of several C/C++ libraries. Among all these components, Linux Kernel provides the main functionality of the Operating System to our device. ' Linux Kernel Linux Kerne...

54: "Mastering TypeScript: From Loose to Strong Typing" Part: 01

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Understanding TypeScript: A Brief Introduction Programming languages like JavaScript are popular for having a loose typing system that allows for flexibility but frequently results in runtime mistakes. In contrast, TypeScript offers a sophisticated t...

55: [TIL] Javascrip Dev 1 - Summer '23 Review Notes

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Synchronizing component data without a page refresh using RefreshView API lightning/refresh module and RefreshView API provides a way to refresh component data in LWC. Updates the data for a specific hierarchy of components. Can refresh data for Sale...

56: Getting Started with Python for DevOps Day-13

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to the world of Python, a versatile and powerful programming language that's not only popular among developers but is also a must-have skill for DevOps engineers. In this blog post, we'll take you through the basics of Python, including insta...

57: Kotlin Guide to Code, Conditions, and Null Safety

Hashnode - Kotlin (Mobiles)

Kotlin is considered the official Android Language, and Android development in today's time takes a Kotlin-First Approach. Concise and Safer Code Interoperable with Java ' Print print(42) print("hello world") val i = 10 val j = "as" println(i) ...

58: Implementasi REST API dengan FastAPI, Lambda dan API Gateway

Hashnode - python (python)

Pendahuluan Artikel ini ditulis dalam Bahasa Melayu bagi memudahkan pemahaman dalam masa yang sama mengekalkan beberapa perkataan Inggeris yang digunakan secara global. Penulis telah terpanggil untuk menulis artikel ini dalam proses membuat REST API ...

59: Mes 10 prédictions pour 2024

Cavazza, Fred (Internet / Web 2)

Voilà presque 20 ans que je publie mes prédictions pour les usages numériques, et rarement je n’avais ressenti une telle excitation pour un sujet en particulier. L’intelligence artificielle va donc éclipser les autres sujets et monopoliser toute l’attention. Ceci étant dit, le potentiel et les enjeux des modèles génératifs justifient une telle sur-exposition, même de  [...]

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60: Object Property Descriptor

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Do you know there are certain ways you could protect your objects from external influences like reading, writing, or even deletion in JavaScript'. In this article, the object property descriptor which are responsible for the various actions that can ...

61: Ils ont réussi à faire pousser des plantes dans l'espace'! Quelles conséquences''

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Un environnement hostile pourrait-il devenir une zone fertile'' En tout cas, ces équipes de chercheurs analysent plusieurs options pour pousser … Cet article Ils ont réussi à faire pousser des plantes dans l'espace'! Quelles conséquences'' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

62: PS5 Pro : Prix, CPU, carte graphique' Faut-il attendre ou acheter la Slim '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les spécifications techniques de la PS5 Pro se font de plus en plus précises. Les joueurs ne savent plus s'il … Cet article PS5 Pro : Prix, CPU, carte graphique… Faut-il attendre ou acheter la Slim ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

63: ChatGPT en pleine déprime hivernale ' La folle théorie sur sa baisse de performances

Le Big Data (dataviz)

ChatGPT, le modèle linguistique d’OpenAI, est connu pour son efficacité et sa réactivité. Cependant, une tendance étrange récemment observée est … Cet article ChatGPT en pleine déprime hivernale ' La folle théorie sur sa baisse de performances a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

64: Kelsey Russel, le nouveau visage de l'influenceuse info sur TikTok

Meta Media (Internet)

Kelsey Russel, 23 ans, est étudiante en sociologie à Columbia - et pendant son temps libre, elle lit le journal à ses 90 000 abonnés sur TikTok. Armée d'un surligneur, elle décrypte l'actualité avec son regard et sa compréhension des événements. De manière très décomplexée, elle n'hésite pas à exprimer... The post Kelsey Russel, le nouveau visage de l'influenceuse info sur TikTok f [...]

65: Fluttering Ahead: Unveiling the Fort Knox of Data Security Practices for 2023

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Introduction: As the world of mobile app development hurtles forward, the need for robust data security has never been more critical. Flutter, with its cross-platform prowess, is at the forefront of this revolution. In this blog post, we'll delve int...

66: Open AI et Springer : des liaisons dangereuses '

Meta Media (Internet)

Springer, le géant de l'édition allemand, a conclu un accord financier historique en matière d'IA avec OpenAI. Dans le cadre de cet accord, Axel Springer autorisera OpenAI à utiliser le contenu de ses médias, notamment Bild, Politico et Business Insider, pour entraîner des modèles d'intelligence artificielle (IA). Mais quelles en... The post Open AI et Springer : des liaisons dangereuses ' [...]

67: Depths of Express.js: Unraveling Advanced Concepts

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction: Embark on a thrilling journey into the realm of backend and full-stack web development with the guidance of John Smilga's immersive teaching approach. This blog post is your gateway to mastering the intricacies of Node.js and Express.js...

68: [Promotion Holiday Bundle] ' Casque VR Pico 4 + Arizona Sunshine 2 (Réalité Virtuelle)

Cet article [Promotion Holiday Bundle] ' Casque VR Pico 4 + Arizona Sunshine 2 a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

69: Google Maps : comment enregistrer une carte pour l'utiliser hors connexion

Blog du Moderateur ()

Sur Google Maps, il est possible de télécharger un plan à l'avance, puis de le consulter hors-ligne. Voici comment procéder.

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70: Selecting organisations for gsoc

Hashnode - python (python)

Heyy , its my first blog , I am a second year engineering student .I want to contribute to open source and gsoc particularly ,I know java and python, so yesterday i was scrolling through all the organisations , I found this one called sympy , its a p...

71: Test your JavaScript Skills : Boolean() function

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Namaste, In this blog I will discuss 10 code scenarios on the Boolean() function. Identify the output of the below program let v = Boolean(undefined); console.log(v); a.true b.false c.undefined d.null e.error Answer: b Reason:...

72: Test your JavaScript Skills : Double not operator

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Namaste, In this blog I will discuss 10 code scenarios on double not operator. Identify the output of the below program let v = !!10; console.log(v); a. true b. false c. 10 d. undefined e. null Answer: a Reason: The double not...

73: Efficient Workflow in Frontend development with React.js

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Project Initialization: Create a new project directory. Initialize a Git repository. Install Node.js and npm. Install Create React App (CRA) or Vite globally. Project Setup: Use CRA or Vite to create a new React project. Add essential depend...

74: Ansible Playbooks: A Journey through the Red Hat Certified Engineer (EX294) Course '

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction ' Embarking on the exciting journey of the Red Hat Certified Engineer (EX294) certification has been both challenging and rewarding. Led by the expert guidance of Prasad Suman Mohan, the "Cert Prep: 2 Using Ansible Playbooks" course has...

75: A JavaScript Developer Must know these Number & Maths Methods

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Number in JavaScript When learning or working with JavaScript, familiarity with number-related methods and mathematical operations proves invaluable. This article will explore key methods in this domain. To define a Number the most simple syntax is c...

76: What is Blender ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Blender, a powerful open-source software used widely for 3D creation, is an essential tool to create 3D visualizations, animations, and even edit videos. A tool relied upon by professionals, hobbyists, ... Read more

77: What is JavaScript ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our complete guide on JavaScript! If you have ever wondered what JavaScript is, why it’s such a hot topic among developers, or how you might get started with ... Read more

78: How to Code Apps in Unity ' Best Learning Tutorials

Game dev academy (Jeux)

If you’ve found yourself asking, “How can I code apps in Unity'” you’re in the right place. This article aims to guide you on the path to building your own ... Read more

79: How to Code Apps in C ' Best Learning Tutorials

Game dev academy (Jeux)

In the age of mobile applications and advanced online gaming, the demand for skilled developers versed in languages like C# has never been higher. Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking ... Read more

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