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« Novembre 2023 »

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Vendredi 24 Novembre 2023 (153)

1: The method map

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The method map is an array method that allows you to perform operations on the elements of an array. Imagine you have an array like this : const nums = [2, 4, 3, 11, 19]; and for one reason or another, you want to get the double of each element of t...

2: Devlog Update: The Journey Begins with Photo Dump!

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Hello everyone! I'm excited to share the latest developments in our journey towards creating Photo Dump, an app destined to revolutionize how we share pictures at events. The Birth of Photo Dump As many of you know, I'm gearing up for my wedding next...

3: Médias en Seine : Comment réinventer l'information '

Meta Media (Internet)

Pour sa sixième édition, le festival Médias en Seine, organisé par le groupe Les Échos-le Parisien et franceinfo, a réuni près de 6000 inscrits, dont plus de 300 étudiants et 200 intervenants, autour d'un thème très large : « Média : l'ère des disruptions ». Crise de confiance, disruption par... The post Médias en Seine : Comment réinventer l'information ' first appeared on Méta-m [...]

4: Mastering Scroll Control in Next.js: A Guide to Prevent Auto Scroll to the Top

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In the dynamic world of web development, user experience is paramount. One common frustration users face is the automatic scrolling to the top of the page that often occurs during navigation. we'll explore the significance of preventing auto-scroll t...

5: DOM Manipulation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is DOM' Somewhere you know the answer if not then don't worry we're gonna discuss it in this documentation With this object model, HTML gets all the power to create a dynamic HTML page. What Will You Learn' How to change the content of HTML ele...

6: DOM Manipulation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

What is DOM' Somewhere you know the answer if not then don't worry we're gonna discuss it in this documentation With this object model, HTML gets all the power to create a dynamic HTML page. What Will You Learn' How to change the content of HTML ele...

7: Why Opt for the Versatile LAPGEAR Home Office Lap Desk to Transform Your Workspace'

Smashing apps (Internet / Design)

In today’s work landscape, where remote setups have become the norm, finding the right tools […]

8: Day 4

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Main Topics of the Day World's Most Annoying Cookie Consent is finished! I really enjoyed building this mini project and finishing the first section of Scrimba's Module 5: Essential JS Concepts. As this project was a combination of code-along and cha...

9: Mobile Responsive Website With HTML CSS - How To Make Responsive Website

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript) This tutorial video guides you through the process of creating a responsive website landing page using just HTML and CSS in Visual Studio Code. By following the comprehensive tutorial, viewers gain the skills needed to ...

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10: Immigration et insécurité : ce que révèlent les données choc des pays voisins

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L'insécurité en France est-elle directement liée à l'immigration ' Pour en avoir le c'ur net, nous vous proposons de découvrir … Cet article Immigration et insécurité : ce que révèlent les données choc des pays voisins a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

11: Liens vagabonds : OpenAI, ton univers impitoyable

Meta Media (Internet)

Cinq jours de chaos - Vendredi 17 novembre, Sam Altman, 38 ans, est évincé de sa propre entreprise. Mardi, OpenAI annonce son retour en grande pompe en tant que PDG. Dans ce laps de temps, il aura eu le temps d'être recruté par Microsoft, de se faire courtiser par le... The post Liens vagabonds : OpenAI, ton univers impitoyable first appeared on Méta-media | La révolution de l'information.

12: Doorfeed lève 12 millions d'euros pour sa plateforme d'investissement locatif réservée aux acteurs institutionnels

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up Doorfeed, qui développe une plateforme de gestion de portefeuilles d'actifs immobiliers pour les banques, les fonds d'investissements ou encore les assureurs, lève 12 millions pour accélérer son déploiement en France et commencer à se pencher sur le marché européen.

13: How to draw CHAINMAILLE

TanglePatterns (Zentangle)

Online instructions for drawing CZT® Suzanne McNeill's Zentangle® pattern: Chainmaille. And a few resources on the art of making chainmail to check out. Continue reading this - An index and graphic guide to the best Zentangle® patterns on the web and how to draw them  

14: The JavaScript Basics -NodeJS.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

The importance of taking a lesson in JavaScript in building different projects using NodeJs cannot be overemphasized. In this articles, we will be talking about getting tasks done and gaining controls over your pieces of codes or program. This is goi...

16: Create Gradient Text Colour in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The Text widget is one of the most common widgets in the Flutter framework that is used to display text elements in form of headings, paragraphs, etc. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a Text widget with gradient colours in Flutte...

17: How to Change the Position of FloatingActionButton in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

FloatingActionButton in Flutter is a floating button that act as a quick action button that is placed above the screen. It is a circular shaped button and is useful for most used actions performed in an application. The FloatingActionButton(FAB) can ...

18: SQFlite in Flutter - SQL Database for Flutter app - Offline Database

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

SQL stands for structured query language which is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. SQL is used as an offline database in Mobile applications and is popularl...

19: Navigation in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

Applications may have multiple screens and users may want to jump to different screens. Placing every element on a single screen is not a feasible solution. Hence navigation comes into the role and allows the developers to place different components ...

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20: Icon Widget in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The Icon widget in Flutter displays a graphical icon bundled with IconData. The Icon widget is not interactive, so we don't have any click callbacks. In this tutorial, we will implement the Icon widget in Flutter and learn to style it. The following ...

21: The Gevent Pool: 5 Migration Lessons I've Learned

Hashnode - python (python)

If you run Celery tasks to perform API requests or other input/output operations and you want to increase throughput, then this is for you. Greenlets Gevent is a Python library that provides lightweight, cooperative concurrency via greenlets. Greenle...

22: Valeo attaque Nvidia devant la justice américaine pour vol de secrets industriels

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Lors d'une visioconférence, un ingénieur de Nvidia a partagé son écran sur lequel apparaît du code informatique appartenant à Valeo, son ancien employeur.

23: IconButton Widget in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

An IconButton widget is simply an Icon widget with a clicking callback feature. We get the same functionality as that of ElevatedButton but instead of Text or any other widget, we use Icons. In this tutorial, we are going to learn and implement the I...

24: Zoom Image in Flutter - InteractiveViewer Widget

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The image sharing apps, shopping apps, etc. have image zoom functionality required to see the image in detail. Today, we will learn to implement the same with the help of a widget, InteractiveViewer. This widget allows us to implement our application...

25: Protection des données liées à la santé mentale : du chemin reste encore à faire

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les start-up éditant des applications dédiées à la santé mentale traitent de nombreuses données personnelles. Elles doivent donc respecter un certain nombre de règles, dont le Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD). Ce qui n'est pas toujours chose aisée, nous a raconté Geoffrey Kretz, le co-fondateur et CEO de l'application Kwit et secrétaire et membre du board du col [...]

26: Slider and RangeSlider Widget in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

A Slider widget in Flutter is a material design slider that allows users to select a value from a range of values. It is a horizontal bar that can be dragged to select a specific value or range of values. Sliders are commonly used to adjust settings ...

27: Que faut-il manger à votre âge ' La science donne enfin la réponse

Le Big Data (dataviz)

À chaque étape de la vie, il est essentiel de manger à votre âge pour soutenir votre santé et votre … Cet article Que faut-il manger à votre âge ' La science donne enfin la réponse a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

28: Hero Widget in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The Hero widget in Flutter is used to create a shared transition between two pages (or screens) in an app. It allows an element on one page to transition smoothly to a corresponding element on another page, creating a seamless visual effect. The Hero...

29: Get User Location in Flutter: geolocator package

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The User Location may be required in many cases where you don't want to get the wrong/incorrect address or any other cases. The Flutter geolocation plugin which provides easy access to platform-specific location services makes the task easier. We wil...

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30: Diving into the Flutter AboutDialog Widget: A Comprehensive Guide

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The Flutter AboutDialog widget is a pop-up dialog that displays information about an application. It provides a brief overview of the app and its features, along with details such as the app version, developer information, and any relevant licensing ...

31: Valeo poursuit Nvidia pour vol de code source d'un logiciel

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Voilà une histoire qui pourrait bel et bien brouiller le français Valeo avec Nvidia. Le premier vient de déposer plainte contre le (...)

32: Card Widget in Flutter

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

A Card in Flutter is a material design concept that acts as a container for holding items such as text, images, and actions. It is a flexible and customizable widget that can be used to create a variety of designs and styles. The Flutter framework pr...

33: Comment utiliser la nouvelle fonction vocale de ChatGPT ' Guide rapide

Le Big Data (dataviz)

OpenAI a récemment déployé la fonction vocale sur l’application ChatGPT, accessible à la fois aux utilisateurs gratuits et payants. Vous … Cet article Comment utiliser la nouvelle fonction vocale de ChatGPT ' Guide rapide a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

34: Flutter AboutListTile Widget Tutorial

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

The Flutter AboutListTile widget is a Material Design widget that provides a stylized way of presenting information about an application. It is typically used in an application's "about" screen, where developers can provide information such as the ap...

35: Battery Details in Flutter: battery_plus package

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

We are going to explore the package battery_plus by fluttercommunity which allows developers to access the state of the battery of the device. This package is compatible with all the platforms and can provide real-time data. So let's start building t...

36: Maher El Fekih prend les rênes de Colt France

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Changement à la tête de la filiale française de Colt Technology Services. Gervais van Hille cède sa place à Maher El (...)

37: Googlebot crawl rate tool in Search Console is going away

Search engine land (Référencement)

The tool is going away on January 8, 2024 because Google says it is no longer useful. The post Googlebot crawl rate tool in Search Console is going away appeared first on Search Engine Land.

38: Conditionals, Loops and Functions....

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

ConditionalsConditional statements or conditions are like decision Makers, conditions help us make decisions to certain situations, examples are: if statement, if-else statements and SWITCH statements.If StatementsIt's like saying, "Hey Josh, if some...

39: Understanding JavaScript Basics: Conditionals, Loops, and Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript, as a versatile and powerful language, provides several essential concepts for writing efficient and organized code. Let's explore and understand the three crucial aspects: conditionals, loops, and functions. Conditionals Conditionals in...

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42: Dog Makeover Game | HTML, CSS & JavaScript Project

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)'si=b7WNSwawruaImfFe Dog Makeover Game" is an engaging web project that combines HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create an interactive and entertaining game. In this project, users can virtually give makeovers to dogs by ut...

43: Creating Dynamic Web Pages with JavaScript and DOM Manipulation

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Understanding JavaScript and DOM: JavaScript is a versatile programming language that runs in the browser, enabling developers to add interactivity and responsiveness to web pages. DOM, on the other hand, serves as the interface between JavaScript an...

44: [BLACK FRIDAY] ' Saisissez le Thrustmaster T300 RS GT à -5% (Réalité Virtuelle)

Cet article [BLACK FRIDAY] ' Saisissez le Thrustmaster T300 RS GT à -5% a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

45: Dynamic Inventories in Ansible: Navigating the Ever-Changing Infrastructure Landscape ''

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction to Dynamic Inventories In the dynamic landscape of IT, static inventories can become obsolete quickly. Ansible addresses this challenge with Dynamic Inventories, enabling you to adapt to changes in your infrastructure seamlessly. In this...

46: Microsoft lance un bug bounty pour Defender

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les bug bounty sont monnaie courante chez les fournisseurs IT et Microsoft ne fait pas exception à la règle. La firme de Redmond en propose (...)

47: Mlxtend: Plot Decision Regions of Your ML Classifiers

Math Data Simplified (data)

A decision region plot can help understand how a machine learning classifier assigns a class to a sample. You can use the plot_decision_regions function from the mlxtend library to create such a plot for classifiers like Logistic Regression, Random Forest, RBF kernel SVM, and Ensemble classifier. The post Mlxtend: Plot Decision Regions of Your ML Classifiers appeared first on Data Science Simplifi [...]

48: Mlxtend: Plot Decision Regions of Your ML Classifiers

Math Data Simplified (data)

A decision region plot can help understand how a machine learning classifier assigns a class to a sample. You can use the plot_decision_regions function from the mlxtend library to create such a plot for classifiers like Logistic Regression, Random Forest, RBF kernel SVM, and Ensemble classifier. The post Mlxtend: Plot Decision Regions of Your ML Classifiers appeared first on Data Science Simplifi [...]

49: Python Data Types and Data Structures for DevOps'

Hashnode - python (python)

Today, let's dive into Python data types and data structures that are essential for DevOps. ' Data Types Data types are the classifications of data items. In Python, everything is an object. Built-in data types include: Numeric (Integer, Complex, F...

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50: Transitioning from single product management to portfolio management

Log Rocket blog (Web 2)

Managing a diverse range of products is an effective way to showcase strategic planning, forward-looking thinking, and a commitment to meeting the evolving demands of customers. The post Transitioning from single product management to portfolio management appeared first on LogRocket Blog.

51: Bruxelles va donner son feu vert au rachat d'iRobot par Amazon pour 1,4 milliard de dollars

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le géant du commerce en ligne prévoit de dépenser un peu plus de 1,4 milliard de dollars pour mettre la main sur le fabricant des aspirateurs robots Roomba.

52: Bruxelles ne valide pas encore le rachat d'iRobot par Amazon pour 1,4 milliard de dollars

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Le géant du commerce en ligne prévoit de dépenser un peu plus de 1,4 milliard de dollars pour mettre la main sur le fabricant des aspirateurs robots Roomba. La Commission européenne lui demande des garanties.

53: Les bonnes pratiques de la Cnil sur le partage de données via API

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

« Les API sont de plus en plus utilisées pour transmettre des données et, sous réserve de prendre certaines précautions, (...)

54: Mastering Call, Apply, and Bind in JavaScript: A Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

In our previous blog post, we discussed the unique nature of 'this' in JavaScript and unveiled its magical power, as well as how it operates differently from other programming languages. If you're interested in learning more about 'this' in the simpl...

55: [BLACK FRIDAY] ' Casque VR tout en un PICO 4 : promo exclusive de -13% (Réalité Virtuelle)

Cet article [BLACK FRIDAY] ' Casque VR tout en un PICO 4 : promo exclusive de -13% a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

56: Q* : c'est quoi, cette nouvelle IA surhumaine qui terrifie OpenAI '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Le Projet Q* est une intelligence artificielle extrêmement avancée, secrètement développée par OpenAI. C'est à cause de ce projet potentiellement … Cet article Q* : c’est quoi, cette nouvelle IA surhumaine qui terrifie OpenAI ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

57: 10 Easy Ways to Make Money as a Web Designer

Webdesigner depot (Design)

When you're a web designer, the logical way to make money is designing websites; you can apply for a job at an agency, work in-house at a large company, or become a freelance designer selling on sites like Upwork or Fiverr.

58: L'ENS de Lyon lance le programme académique AILyS dédié à l'IA

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Constituer un centre de recherche académique autour de l'intelligence artificielle et de ses applications en regroupant les activités (...)

59: Choosing the Right Technology for Startups: Python or Bootstrap'

Hashnode - python (python)

In the dynamic world of startups, making the right technology choice can be a game-changer. As a Python development agency well-versed in the landscape of modern web and software development, we understand the critical role of technology in shaping t...

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60: Les meilleurs calendriers de l'Avent Pokémon (Réalité Virtuelle)

Ces calendriers de l'Avent sont une source de joie pour les passionnés, les entraîneurs et […] Cet article Les meilleurs calendriers de l'Avent Pokémon a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

61: Tout savoir sur l'assurance cyber sécurité

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Sachant qu'une assurance responsabilité civile couvre uniquement les dommages matériels et corporels, l'entreprise a besoin d'une assurance cyber sécurité pour … Cet article Tout savoir sur l'assurance cyber sécurité a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

62: Black Friday ' Le manche de simulation de vol T.Flight Hotas One à -30% (Réalité Virtuelle)

Cet article Black Friday – Le manche de simulation de vol T.Flight Hotas One à -30% a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

63: Proggy : all programming languages

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Welcome to Proggy! A vibrant community of coders where we share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and help each other grow. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, Proggy is your home for all things programming. Join us and let's ...

64: HappyPal lève 7 millions d'euros pour sa plateforme CSE d'avantages salariés

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française HappyPal lève 7 millions d'euros pour booster le déploiement de sa plateforme d'avantages salariés. Alors que son portefeuille clients est déjà assez impressionnant, elle vise 1 million d'utilisateurs en France d'ici trois ans.

65: Inflection AI a fini d'entrainer son LLM Inflection-2

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Inflection AI ne perd pas de temps. Après avoir levé cet été 1,3 Md$ et séduit de nombreux investisseurs (Microsoft, (...)

66: An Essential Guide to Membership Management Systems for Organizations

Noupe (conception)

Many businesses around us operate on the membership management business model. Spas, gyms, fitness centers, eLearning platforms, and community management organizations all need to manage their customers as members. When it comes to community members, organizations need membership management systems.  In this article, we will help you understand why membership management software is important for& [...]

67: Collective 793

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Ark UI * A faster web in 2024 * HTML Web Components

68: Best Ways to Have Secure Banking and Prevent Fraud

Noupe (conception)

Online banking is convenient and offers many advantages over traditional methods. You can get paid through direct deposit, deposit checks from your mobile phone, and even pay with your credit card through your phone's virtual wallet. However, it’s important to stay vigilant about keeping your bank accounts secure. Fraudulent activities can happen to any of... The post Best Ways t [...]

69: Enregistrement de la marque Samsung Glasses : Mais que mijote Samsung ' (Réalité Virtuelle)

Samsung enregistre la marque « Samsung Glasses », qui englobe une vaste gamme y compris des casques […] Cet article Enregistrement de la marque Samsung Glasses : Mais que mijote Samsung ' a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

70 / 153

70: A Beginner's Guide: How to Install Python and Understanding Data Types

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python' Python is an Open source, general-purpose, high-level, and object-oriented programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum Python consists of vast libraries and various frameworks like Django, Tensorflow, Flask, Pandas, Ke...

71: 7 reasons to use Angular for your web applications in 2024

Hashnode - python (python)

Everyone today wants to be on the Internet and have fun with the part of the income it generates through its digital presence. With each passing day, additional websites are installed online, increasing the number of websites already active on the we...

72: Nintendo Switch 2 : GPU sans IA, pas de 4K' Déjà obsolète à la sortie '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Il serait surprenant de voir Nintendo proposer une Switch 2 obsolète. C'est pourtant ce qui pourrait arriver à en croire … Cet article Nintendo Switch 2 : GPU sans IA, pas de 4K… Déjà obsolète à la sortie ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

73: DevOps: Automating .Jar release with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

Intro DevOps (Development and Operations) is a set of automated software practices that combine software development (Dev), testing and IT operations (Ops) to shorten the software development life cycle while delivering features, fixes, and updates ...

74: Avec son nouveau modèle, Inflection AI assure dépasser Google et Meta

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up américaine promet un gain de performance par rapport à au précédent modèle. Elle promet de l'ajouter rapidement à son robot conversationnel Pi, concurrent de ChatGPT.

75: Indy lève 40 M' pour son app de gestion dédiée aux indépendants

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Les travailleurs indépendants ont eux aussi besoin de plateformes pour gérer leur quotidien. Partant de ce constat, Indy a développé (...)

76: An Article On Conditional, Loops (for, Do), Functions Declaration, Fucntion Scope, Nesting Functions And Function Hoisting

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

AN ARTICLE ON CONDITIONAL, LOOPS (FOR, DO), FUNCTIONS DECLARATION, FUCNTION SCOPE, NESTING FUNCTIONS AND FUNCTION HOISTING Conditional: Are used to execute different actions based on different conditions. The most common conditional statement is the ...

77: Toasts notification with a pop

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Let's take this article about toaster and this article about custom elements and merge them together to create a new article about toast notification as custom elements. I recently published pop-notify a custom element that is framework agnostic, ful...

78: UI Interactions & Animations Roundup 38

Codrops (Internet / Design)

Explore the latest highlights from the dynamic world of UI animations and interactive designs on Dribbble, crafted by skillful designers.

79: Decoding this Keyword in JavaScript: A Simplified Guide

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' THIS has always been confusing for all the developers in the history of Javascript, and I believe no one is untouched by its mighty confusion. I was also once very confused and always tried to avoid this keyword as much as possible and needless to...

80 / 153

80: Python vs. Java Performance: Unveiling the Duel of Titans

Hashnode - python (python)

In the vast landscape of programming languages, two giants stand tall: Python and Java. Developers worldwide often find themselves at the crossroads, debating which language suits their needs best. One significant factor that fuels this debate is per...

81: VisualShaderNodeStep in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this comprehensive tutorial on the VisualShaderNodeStep class in Godot 4. For those of you exploring the incredible world of game development, understanding shader nodes is a key stepping ... Read more

82: VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Navigating the colorful and evolving landscape of game development can sometimes feel like traversing a vast, unknown terrain. Among the many tools that Godot 4 offers, the VisualShaderNodeSmoothStep shines as ... Read more

83: VisualShaderNodeSDFToScreenUV in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When it comes to game development, especially with Godot Engine, understanding the tools and nodes at your disposal can significantly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of your workflow. Today, we're ... Read more

84: VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the world of Godot Engine’s latest feature, the powerful VisualShaderNodeSDFRaymarch in Godot 4. In this tutorial, we’ll take an in-depth look at this new class, explore its functionalities, ... Read more

85: VisualShaderNodeScreenUVToSDF in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Diving into game development gives an exhilarating opportunity to craft immersive worlds and mechanics that captivate players. One of the essential tools to achieve such engagement is creating visuals that ... Read more

86: Why is Python Considered a High-Level Programming Language'

Hashnode - python (python)

Have you ever wondered why Python is often hailed as a high-level programming language' In this article, we'll delve into the reasons that make Python stand out in the coding realm. No complex jargon here'just a simple exploration of Python's prowess...

87: VisualShaderNodeSample3D in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Venturing into the realms of game development and visual programming can be an exhilarating experience. With tools such as the Godot Engine, creating immersive 3D worlds and the mechanics that ... Read more

88: La Grosse Conf présente 3 nouveaux speakers

Octo (Internet)

Après, la keynote, il est temps de découvrir 3 nouveaux talks de La Grosse Conf ! Le programme se dévoile petit à petit et cette semaine c'est le MLOps et l'IA générative qui sont mis à l'honneur. Découvrez dès à présent les 3 nouveaux speakers et leurs talks.

89: VisualShaderNodeResizableBase in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of visual shaders within the Godot engine! Today, we’re exploring the highly versatile class “VisualShaderNodeResizableBase”, a critical piece of the shader puzzle ... Read more

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90: VisualShaderNodeRemap in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Aspiring game developers and visual enthusiasts, welcome to an exciting journey through the realms of shader programming in Godot 4. Shaders are an essential tool in your game development kit, ... Read more

91: Les abonnements payants sur VRChat offrent de multiples avantages ! Découvrez-les ! (Réalité Virtuelle)

VRChat franchit une étape majeure dans ce qu'il appelle la « Creator Economy ». En effet, il […] Cet article Les abonnements payants sur VRChat offrent de multiples avantages ! Découvrez-les ! a été publié sur REALITE-VIRTUELLE.COM.

92: VisualShaderNodeRandomRange in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our exploration of the VisualShaderNodeRandomRange class in Godot 4, an incredibly versatile yet underappreciated feature within the Godot engine. If you’ve ever wanted to add a touch of ... Read more

93: Javascript SEO: How to optimize a Javascript website to be SEO friendly.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

JavaScript SEO refers to the practice of optimizing websites that heavily rely on JavaScript for search engine indexing and ranking. Traditional search engine crawlers like Googlebot and Bing were primarily designed to index and analyze HTML content....

94: VisualShaderNodeProximityFade in Godot ' Complete Guide

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the fascinating world of visual effects in game development! Today, we’re diving into a specific feature of Godot 4, the VisualShaderNodeProximityFade, and exploring how it can enhance the ... Read more

95: Voici comment améliorer l'air de votre logement, selon la science

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Respirer un air sain est essentiel pour notre bien-être. Cet article se concentre sur les méthodes éprouvées par la science … Cet article Voici comment améliorer l’air de votre logement, selon la science a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

96: [Vidéo] Conversation avec Emmanuelle Garnaud-Gamache, directrice générale de l'IRT B-Com

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Emmanuelle Garnaud-Gamache, directrice générale de B-Com, l'un des instituts de recherche technologique les plus couronnés de succès de l'Hexagone, est l'invitée de "Conversation avec", un format d'entretien vidéo réalisé en partenariat avec Digiworld Institute. Elle fait le bilan des 10 ans de l'IRT, revient sur les solutions 5G qu'il a développé, et évoque ses travaux en matière d'in [...]

97: Cybersécurité : la Bretagne lance ce projet pour faire la guerre aux hackers

Le Big Data (dataviz)

Les cyberattaques ont littéralement explosé ces dernières années dans le paysage numérique actuel en constante évolution. Comme tout le monde, … Cet article Cybersécurité : la Bretagne lance ce projet pour faire la guerre aux hackers a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

98: "Notre travail, c'est d'aider les start-up de la cybersécurité à définir une proposition de valeur vraiment différenciante"

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Directrice du Cyber Booster, Aurélie Clerc accompagne les start-up de la cybersécurité dans leur développement. Interrogée par L'Usine Digitale, l'ancienne directrice innovation de la Française des jeux fait un point sur l'incubateur et les tendances autour de l'investissement dans les jeunes pousses de la cybersécurité.

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100: Passkeys : tout savoir sur ce système d'authentification qui veut remplacer les mots de passe

Blog du Moderateur ()

La clés d'accès semblent parties pour remplacer durablement les mots de passe. Voici de quoi il s'agit.

101: Python and Cybersecurity: Strengthening Digital Defense

Hashnode - python (python)

Python's versatility and Club Evexia's innovative approach converge to create a formidable defense against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. As organizations continue to prioritize cybersecurity, embracing the power of Python, alongside c...

102: Comment débloquer QuillBot et profiter de l'IA qui paraphrase tout '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

QuillBot, l'outil de reformulation alimenté par l’IA, aide les étudiants et les professionnels à réécrire, éditer et améliorer le ton … Cet article Comment débloquer QuillBot et profiter de l’IA qui paraphrase tout ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

103: Mastering Web Scraping with JavaScript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction Web scraping, an invaluable technique in today's data-driven world, empowers developers and businesses to extract information from websites for analysis, research, or automation purposes. This practice involves fetching and parsing websi...

104: Avec Spectrum-X, Nvidia arme l'accélérateur réseau Ethernet pour l'IA

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Lancée récemment par Nvidia, la dernière génération d'accélérateur réseau Ethernet, Spectrum-X, (...)

105: JavaScript Basics: Understanding Conditionals, Loops, and Functions.

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

On my learning journey in Backend web development, today's article will be on my knowledge about some of the fundamentals of JavaScript. Join me as we step into the world of coding and understand the basic concepts. What are conditionals' Like we as ...

106: JavaScript Fundamentals: Conditionals, Loops and Functions

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Introduction JavaScript is a dynamic programming language that is widely used in web applications and web development, but it also has a lot of other use cases such as in game development, mobile applications, etc. The language allows one to implemen...

107: Choisir entre balance et pretty pour text-wrap

Alsacreations (CSS / Accessibilité)

La propriété CSS text-wrap issue de CSS Text Module Level 4 permet de contrôler la façon dont le texte est enveloppé et réparti dans un conteneur. Elle possède deux nouvelles valeurs : pretty et balance, en plus des valeurs plus traditionnelles et historiques wrap (qui est le défaut : un retour à la ligne) et nowrap (pas de retour à la ligne, ça déborde). Il s'agit de remplacer des a [...]

108: Un certificat de compétence dans le zero trust lancé par la Cloud Security Alliance

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le certificat et les supports de formation dévoilés récemment par la Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) proposent aux (...)

109: Toddlers and stochastic parrots

Flowing data (dataviz)

For The New Yorker, Angie Wang draws parallels between toddler learning behavior and…Tags: AI, children, illustration, New Yorker

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110: Le renouvellement tacite et opaque du SaaS passé à la loupe

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le modèle SaaS, s'il promet la simplicité d'un accès immédiat aux mises à jour logicielles, la rapidité de déploiement, (...)

111: La CEPC émet un avis sur les pratiques de renouvellement tacite dans le SaaS

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Le modèle SaaS, s'il promet la simplicité d'un accès immédiat aux mises à jour logicielles, la rapidité de déploiement, (...)

112: Qu'est-ce que la predictive delivery et comment elle peut aider votre entreprise '

Le Big Data (dataviz)

La predictive delivery n’est pas simplement une évolution des méthodes de livraison. Il s'agit d'une véritable rénovation qui redéfinit la … Cet article Qu'est-ce que la predictive delivery et comment elle peut aider votre entreprise ' a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

113: A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023

Smashing magazine (Web 2 / CSS)

We're living in somewhat of a CSS renaissance with new features, techniques, experiments, and ideas coming at us to an extent we haven't seen since 'CSS3'. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when your profession seems to be advancing at breakneck speed, but Geoff Graham considers the ways 'modern' CSS in 2023 has actually made CSS 'easier' to write.

114: Python Libraries for DevOps

Hashnode - python (python)

'Introduction to Python Libraries & its importance A library is a collection of code that makes everyday tasks more efficient. Python libraries offer pre-written code for reuse, saving time and effort. They enhance productivity by providing high-lev...

115: IA générative : une adoption fulgurante malgré quelques obstacles

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

Selon un rapport de l'éditeur et fournisseur de formation O'Reilly, l'IA générative, cette technologie d'intelligence artificielle (...)

116: Grand Théma CIO : les enjeux des entreprises sur le cloud de confiance

Le monde informatique (Internet / Informatique)

 Que comprendre concrètement du cloud de confiance ' Difficile encore aujourd'hui, pour une organisation de savoir si elle est réellement (...)

117: Difference between let var and const

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Understanding the nuances between var, let, and const in JavaScript is crucial for writing efficient, maintainable code. These keywords dictate how variables behave in terms of scope, reassignment, and hoisting, making them fundamental concepts in mo...

118: "Python Prowess: A Beginner's Odyssey into the World of Programming Magic!"

Hashnode - python (python)

Welcome to the enchanting world of Python! If you're a programming novice, you're in for a treat. Python, often revered as the beginner's best friend in the coding universe, is a versatile and powerful language that opens the door to endless possibil...

119: Python: A Versatile Language Powering the World of Programming

Hashnode - python (python)

Python, often hailed as the Swiss Army knife of programming languages, has emerged as a versatile and powerful tool in the world of software development. Known for its simplicity, readability, and a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, Python ...

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120: React Lists and Keys

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

' Surprise notice, folks! Today is my birthday, and what better way to celebrate than by sharing some React wisdom with you! ' So, put on your coding party hats, and let's dive into this special tutorial. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy sh...

121: Comment créer votre propre custom GPT '

Abondance (Référencement)

Dans un monde où l'IA façonne de plus en plus notre quotidien, créer un GPT personnalisé devient un atout stratégique pour les entreprises et les individus. Jessica Lau, chez Zapier, revient sur les étapes pour construire et personnaliser votre propre custom GPT à partir du générateur d'OpenAI.  Introduction au GPT personnalisé L'intelligence artificielle, et en […] L'article "Com [...]

122: Acheter des followers Instagram : Tout ce que vous devez savoir !

Le Big Data (dataviz)

L’achat de followers Instagram est une pratique de plus en plus répandue qui suscite autant de curiosité que de débats. … Cet article Acheter des followers Instagram : Tout ce que vous devez savoir ! a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

123: Node.js: The Fun World of Event-Driven Programming Explained'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hello friends! ' Today, we are going on an exciting adventure to discover the magical land of Node.js and its wonderful way of doing things called "Event-Driven Programming." Are you ready' Let's go! Once Upon a Time in the Computer Kingdom... In th...

124: Maths in Javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Maths in JavaScript are nothing but a namespace that contains several methods to use functions and properties. The properties and methods of math functions are static. While they serve the same purpose for all engines, they might perform slightly dif...

125: Exploring the Differences Between Python and Shell Scripting

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction: In the world of scripting and automation, two popular languages stand out: Python and Shell scripting. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the differences between them is crucial for choosing the right tool for the ...

126: CSS in Modern Web Development: Navigating the Landscape with a Focus on CSS-in-JS

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are crucial in creating the visual characteristics of a website in the ever-changing world of web development. The strategy to dealing with CSS has changed significantly as technology progresses and development practices ...

127: Flutter vs. Other Frameworks: Choosing the Right Tech Stack for Your Web Project

Hashnode - Flutter (Flutter)

For online or mobile development projects to be successful, the correct flutter framework technological stack must be chosen. The term "technology stack" is used to describe the set of components utilized to create a software product. The project's s...

128: Enhancing Unity Editor Auto-Completion in Visual Studio

Hashnode - Unity (unity)

Introduction: Unity developers often rely on a smooth workflow between the Unity Editor and their preferred external script editor, such as Visual Studio. One common issue faced is the lack of auto-completion suggestions when editing scripts within t...

129: Indy, Newheat, Amo' Les levées de fonds de la French Tech cette semaine

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Les start-up de la French Tech ont levé plus de 145 millions d'euros cette semaine, d'après le décompte hebdomadaire d'eCap Partner pour L'Usine Digitale.

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130: Journey Through PyClubs October Mentorship: A Reflection

Hashnode - python (python)

Introduction In today's dynamic landscape of technology education, mentorships emerge not just as guiding lights but as robust frameworks that offer aspirants a genuine window into the world of tech professionals. Such programs become even more inval...

131: Offre spéciale CyberGhost VPN pour le Black Friday : 83 % de réduction, soit 2.03 '/mois & 4 mois offerts

Le Big Data (dataviz)

CyberGhost VPN se positionne comme le choix évident pour ceux qui recherchent une sécurité numérique inégalée. Avec son expérience étendue, … Cet article Offre spéciale CyberGhost VPN pour le Black Friday : 83 % de réduction, soit 2.03 '/mois & 4 mois offerts a été publié sur LEBIGDATA.FR.

132: Réalité mixte : Meta lance sa nouvelle offre Quest for Business à destination des entreprises

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

Si Meta a toujours privilégié le marché grand public pour ses casques de réalité virtuelle et augmentée, il ne boude pas le monde de l'entreprise pour autant. Il vient de lancer une nouvelle itération de son offre pour les professionnels.

133: What Is a Function Call

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to this programming voyage where we demystify one of the most fundamental aspects of coding: Function Calls. Imagine yourself as a maestro conducting an orchestra, with every musical note ... Read more

134: What Are Local Variables

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to our tutorial on local variables, a fundamental concept that stands at the very core of programming. Whether you’re just starting out your journey in computer science or you’re ... Read more

135: What Are Global Variables

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Understanding the nuances of global variables is an essential cornerstone in the world of coding. Whether you’re embarking on your first coding endeavor or you’re a seasoned programmer brushing up ... Read more

136: What Is a High-Level Language vs. a Low-Level Language

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the world of programming languages, where every character, statement, and function brings ideas to life through the power of coding. As an aspiring programmer or a seasoned developer, ... Read more

137: What Is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Dive into the world of coding with the quintessential tool of every developer’s toolkit: the Integrated Development Environment or IDE. Whether you’re aspiring to create the next hit game or ... Read more

138: What Is a Text Editor in Programming

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Whether you are just starting your programming journey or you’re a seasoned coder, one thing remains universally essential – the text editor. It’s the arena where ideas become code, and ... Read more

139: What Is Source Code Management

Game dev academy (Jeux)

In the fast-paced world of software development, managing the changes to code effectively is crucial. Whether you're embarking on your first programming venture or you've been coding for years, understanding ... Read more

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140: What Is a Build Process in Programming

Game dev academy (Jeux)

When delving into the world of programming, it’s imperative to not only understand how to write code but also to grasp the concept of a build process which takes your ... Read more

141: Obat lève 12 millions d'euros pour son logiciel de gestion dédié aux artisans du BTP

L'usine-digitale (Informatique)

La start-up française Obat, qui commercialise un logiciel de gestion pour les TPE du bâtiment, vient de lever 12 millions d'euros. Une somme qui devrait lui permettre d'accélérer la mise en service de sa roadmap produit et de développer sa notoriété pour gagner des clients et des partenaires. 50 recrutements sont prévus à cet effet.

142: What Is a Build Process in Programming

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to the world of programming, where the art of building software combines both creativity and engineering! Today, we’re diving into a crucial aspect that bridges the gap between writing ... Read more

143: What Is a Development Environment

Game dev academy (Jeux)

Welcome to a journey that may just change the way you interact with technology: the exciting world of programming! Whether you’re fascinated by the magic of making games, intrigued by ... Read more

144: String Concatenation AND Template Strings

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Hi, today we will start by exploring string concatenation. We'll begin with the basics and then delve into the reasons behind the emergence of template strings in ES6, despite the existence of traditional string concatenation. So, let's start this ep...

145: Mastering React with CDN: Is JSX Really Necessary'

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Do you know that you can leverage the power of a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to use React without even installing the Create React App on your local machine' Yes, you heard it right! In the world of web development, efficiency and simplicity are k...

146: Day 13: Getting Started with Python for DevOps Engineer's

Hashnode - python (python)

What is Python: Python is a high-level general-purpose programming language. It employs a multi-paradigm approach, which means it supports procedural, object-oriented, and some functional programming constructs. Guido van Rossum created it as a succe...

147: create polyfill of promise.any() in javascript

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

so first understand the meaning of promise.any() what it does according to mdn docs The Promise.any() static method takes an iterable of promises as input and returns a single Promise. This returned promise fulfills when any of the input's promises ...

148: Manage newline breaks in CSV files with Python

Hashnode - python (python)

When importing and exporting CSV files, a common challenge is handling newline characters within cells. Let's explore simple solutions to help manage such scenarios effectively with Python. ' Understanding the issue CSV files use specific characters...

149: Block Inline Styles and Scripts in Playwright Scripts

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

Speed is a key consideration in web automation and testing. While network requests often play a key role in performance, inline resources can have an equally detrimental impact. And they're often overlooked. After all, inline stylesheets and scripts ...

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150: L'IA va-t-elle dépasser l'intelligence humaine ' ()

APPEL aux DONS : IL VA ETRE TRES DIFFICILE D'ATTEINDRE NOTRE OBJECTIF... En cette fin d'année 2023, nous nous retrouvons dans une situation singulière. Toutes les organisations bienfaitrices (Restos du C'ur, Secours Catholique, Secours Populaire et des centaines d'autres associations aidant les gens en difficulté) se retrouvent actuellement en difficulté car tous les aliments et tous les vête [...]

151: Custom ESLint rules 1/5: introduction

Hashnode - javascript (Javascript)

You have your amazing project and you are working with an awesome team of people from all over the world. Everything's going great! Until one day you get an MR/PR from a colleague, you open it and... const yummyPizza = eatPizzaWithPineapple() "Oh no...

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Richard Carlier

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